PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College

Page created by Jill Maxwell
PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College
PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College
                                                                                                               About Assiniboine.....................................................2
                                                                                                                    Mission and Vision Statement............................ 2
                                                                                                                    Our Commitment to
                                                                                                                    Indigenous Peoples................................................ 2
                                                                                                                    Important Notice and Disclaimer....................... 2
                                                                                                               Important Dates.........................................................3
                                                                                                                    2021 .......................................................................... 3
                                                                                                                    2022 ..........................................................................4
                                                                                                                                                                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              International Students..........................................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sponsored Students..............................................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Federal and Provincial Government
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Student Aid Program ...........................................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Scholarships and Bursaries ................................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tuition/T2202 Tax Receipts...............................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Cheques..............13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Late Fees..................................................................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Construction Electrician.....................................32
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Culinary Arts..........................................................33
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Digital Art and Design........................................ 34
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Early Childhood Education.................................35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Education Assistant.............................................36
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Heavy Equipment Technician............................37
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Horticultural Production.....................................38
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hotel and Restaurant Management................39

                                               Community isn’t just a part                                     Admission and Registration Information................5
                                                                                                                    Choose a Program.................................................. 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Outstanding Debts................................................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Miscellaneous Fees and Charges......................13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Industrial Metals Fabrication............................ 40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Land and Water Management.......................... 41
                                               of our name; it’s who we are.                                        Program Info Sessions .......................................... 5
                                                                                                                    Spend a Day ........................................................... 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Parking..................................................................... 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Refunds................................................................... 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Legal Administration........................................... 42
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Media and Communications............................ 43
                                                                                                                    Check the Admission Requirements................. 5                                       Fee Schedule.......................................................... 14              Medical Administration..................................... 44
                                                                                                                    English Language Proficiency.............................. 5                         Student Information................................................ 15                      Network Administration Technology............. 45
                                               That means we’re here for you and ready to help. Whether you         Apply and Submit the Application Fee.............6                                        Assiniboine Alumni Association.......................15                                Office Management............................................ 46
                                               want to know about careers, programs, financial aid, awards,         Manitoba-Minnesota                                                                   		 Mission..........................................................15                      Office Skills.............................................................47
                                               or courses that are available right now, there is no question        Co-Operative Agreement.....................................6                         		 Vision.............................................................15                    Piping Trades........................................................ 48
                                               too big or too small.                                                Saskatchewan and                                                                     		 Membership.................................................15                            Power Engineering............................................... 49
                                                                                                                    Ontario Equivalents................................................ 7                		 Privileges.......................................................15                      Practical Nursing................................................. 50
                                               Reach out and connect with Assiniboine’s friendly staff:             Admissions Process............................................... 7                  		          Are You Alumni?.........................................15                      Prairie Horticulture...............................................52
                                               » Book an appointment at 204.725.8750 or                             Incomplete Applications....................................... 7                          A Message From the                                                                     Public Safety...........................................................53
                                                  1.800.862.6307 ext 8750                                           Assessment of Special Circumstances............. 7                                        Assiniboine Students’ Association...................15                                 Social Service Worker......................................... 54
                                                                                                                    Competitive Entry Programs................................ 7                         		          ACCSA UPass..............................................15                     Truck and Transport Mechanic.........................55
                                               » Send us an email at                        Acceptance/Conditional Acceptance............... 7                                   		          Student Health and Dental Plan..............15                                  Web and Interactive Development..................56
                                               » Register for an online info session at                             Wait Lists.................................................................. 7            Athletics.................................................................. 16         Welder.....................................................................57
                                                                               Students with Disabilities..................................... 7                         Campus Bookstore............................................... 16                     Adult Learning.......................................................58
                                                                                                                    Part-time Students.................................................8                      Child Care and Daycare...................................... 16                   		         Mature Student High School..................58
                                               Assiniboine is with you every step of the way.                       Registration..............................................................8               CJ-106 FM Campus Radio.................................. 16                       		         MSHS - Integrated Comprehensive
                                               Visit to begin the conversation.             New Student Orientation.....................................8                             IT Services.............................................................. 16      		         Health Care Aide...................................... 60
                                                                                                                    Student Files with                                                                        Financial Aid and Assistance............................. 16                      		         MSHS - Integrated
                                                                                                                    Registration Restrictions.......................................8                    		          Manitoba Student Aid Program..............17                               		         Education Assistant.................................. 61
                                                                                                                    Residency Requirement........................................8                       		          Bank Loans....................................................17           Advanced Diploma Programs ................................62
                                                                                                                    Credits for Previous Education............................8                          		          Other Sources of Funding.........................17                             Accounting.............................................................62
                                                                                                                    Prior Learning Assessment                                                            		          Scholarships and Bursaries......................17                              Agriculture..............................................................63
                                                                                                                    and Recognition (PLAR).......................................8                       		          Job Postings..................................................17                Early Childhood Program Management......... 64
                                                                                                                    Co-operative Education .......................................8                           Housing....................................................................17          Finance....................................................................65
                                                                                                                    Work Practicum......................................................9                     Identification Cards...............................................17                  Geographic Information Systems.................... 66
                                                                                                               Academic Information.............................................10                            Indigenous Affairs.................................................17                  Human Resource Management........................67
                                                                                                                    Academic Responsibilities................................. 10                             Library Services..................................................... 18               Indigenous Financial Management................. 68

                                                                                                                    Grading System..................................................... 10               		          Facilities and Collection........................... 18                         Marketing.............................................................. 69

                                                                                                                    Grade Point Average............................................ 10                   		          On the Web................................................. 18                  Public Safety.......................................................... 70
                                                                                                                    Academic Progress.............................................. 10                   		          Contact Information.................................. 18                        Sustainable Food Systems...................................71

                                                                                                                    In Good Standing.................................................. 10                     Locations and Maps............................................. 18                Apprenticeship Training..........................................72
                                                                                                                    Academic Probation............................................ 10                         MyACC.................................................................... 18           What is Apprenticeship Training?....................72

                                                                                                                    Academic Restriction........................................... 11                        Student Intranet.................................................... 18                The Apprenticeship Application/
                                                                                                                    Academic Suspension.......................................... 11                          Student Success Advisors.................................. 18                          Agreement Process..............................................72
                                                                                                                    Appeals.................................................................... 11       		          Services for                                                                    Who Pays for Technical Training?....................72
                                                                                                                    Adding and Dropping Courses........................... 11                            		          Prospective Students................................ 18                         Academic Requirements....................................72
                                                                                                                    Graduation............................................................... 11         		          Services for Current Students................. 18                               What is Certification?.........................................72
                                                                                                                    Lieutenant Governor’s Award.............................12                                The Learning Curve.............................................. 19                    College Credential................................................72
                                                                                                                    Governor General’s Academic Medal..............12                                         The Test Centre..................................................... 19                Apprenticeship Training Offered
                                                                                                                    Transcripts...............................................................12              Accessibility/Disability Services...................... 19                             at Assiniboine........................................................72
                                                                                                               Financial Information............................................... 12                   		          Wheelchair Accessibility......................... 19                            Contact Information.............................................72

Curious about college? Explore your options!
                                                                                                                    Application Fee......................................................12              Certificate and Diploma Programs ....................... 20                            Distance Education..................................................73
                                                                                                                    Tuition Deposit.......................................................12                  Agribusiness......................................................... 20          Continuing Studies at Assiniboine.........................73
                                                                                                                    Circumstances for Refunds.................................12                              Agricultural Equipment Technician...................21                            Contract Training/Community Programs.............74
Our free information sessions give you an overview about the program
                                                                                                                    Fees .........................................................................12
                                                                                                                          Course Fees .................................................12
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Applied Counselling Skills..................................22
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Automotive Technician.......................................23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Customized Training................................................74
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Assiniboine International........................................74
you’re interested in. Chat with faculty, ask questions and get to know Assiniboine!                            		         Tuition Fees .................................................12                    Bookkeeping...........................................................24          Course Descriptions................................................75
                                                                                                               		         Student Services Fees................................12                             Business Administration.....................................25                    Contact Information.............................................. 122
Register today!

                                                                                                                          Students’ Association Fees .....................12
                                                                                                                          Student Health and Dental Fees ............12
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Carpentry and Woodworking............................27
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Civil Technician.....................................................28
To sign up or for more information, including topics and upcoming                                              		         Assessment Fee..........................................12                          Civil Technology ...................................................29
dates and times, visit                                                                 Expenses Related to Practicums
                                                                                                                    or Co-Operative Work Placements...................12
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Engineering Technology..................................... 30
                                                                                                                    Payment of Fees.....................................................12                    Comprehensive Health Care Aide.....................31
                                                                                                               Advanced Diplomas – page 62 Course Descriptions – page 75                                                                                                                                                                                                         1
PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College
ABOUT ASSINIBOINE                                                                                                                               IMPORTANT DATES 2021-22
              Assiniboine Community College first opened its doors more than 55 years       OUR COMMITMENT TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES
                                                                                                                                                                                                     JULY 2021                                AUGUST 2021                     SEPTEMBER 2021
              ago in February 1961 as the Brandon Vocational Training Centre. Shops         Assiniboine Community College recognizes the unique history of
                                                                                                                                                                                               S M T W T F       S                  S    M      T W T        F  S       S   M T W T F        S
              and classrooms were located in several buildings throughout the city. The     Indigenous peoples and is committed to having an active part in

                                                                                                                                                                                              					1           2 3                  1     2     3 4 5        6 7      		     		1        2 3 4
              centre was soon renamed the Manitoba Vocational Training Centre, and in       reconciliation. Assiniboine has an important role in helping to reduce the

                                                                                                                                                                                              4 5 6      7 8 9 10                  8      9    10 11 12     13 14       5    6 7    8 9 10 11
              1966 students moved into a new building at 1430 Victoria Avenue East. In      educational attainment and employment gaps that currently exist between                           11 12 13 14 15 16 17                 15    16    17 18 19     20 21      12   13 14 15 16 17 18
              December 1969, the centre became Assiniboine Community College when           Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Increasing pathways and reducing                           18 19 20 21 22 23 24                 22    23    24 25 26     27 28      19   20 21 22 23 24 25

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                IMPORTANT DATES
              Manitoba’s three technical vocational schools were made community colleges.   barriers for Indigenous learners contributes to the success and prosperity                        25 26 27 28 29 30 31                 29    30    31                     26    27 28 29 30

                                                                                            of individuals and families while also addressing labour market demand
              For staff and students alike, Assiniboine offers unparalleled learning        and Manitoba’s economic growth. With the support of provincial and
              environments and responds well to the demands and requirements of             federal government, additional education opportunities extend beyond
              the Manitoba labour market. Instructors follow the philosophy of ‘learn       our campuses to training sites both on- and off-reserve.                                               OCTOBER 2021                             NOVEMBER 2021                  DECEMBER 2021
              by doing’, combining theory with hands-on learning inside classrooms,                                                                                                            S M T W T F       S                   S   M T W T F        S            S M T W T F       S
              labs, kitchens, shops, fields and the sustainable greenhouse. Assiniboine     Assiniboine Community College campuses are located on the traditional                             						1            2                 		     1   2  3 4 5 6              				1         2 3 4
              is an accredited college with the Government of Manitoba.                     territories of Treaty No. 1 and Treaty No. 2, and the shared traditional                           3 4 5    6 7 8 9                      7   8 9 10 11 12 13               5 6 7    8 9 10 11
                                                                                            lands of Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Anishinabek/Ojibwe peoples,                             10 11 12 13 14 15 16                  14   15 16 17 18 19 20            12 13 14 15 16 17 18
              With campuses in Brandon, Dauphin and Winnipeg, Assiniboine provides          and the homeland of the Métis nation. We welcome students who seek                                17 18 19 20 21 22 23                  21   22 23 24 25 26 27            19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                                                                                                                                                                                              24 25 26 27 28 29 30                 28    29 30                        26 27 28 29 30 31
              comprehensive education opportunities throughout Manitoba. The college        knowledge here.
              also partners with many communities and organizations across the province
              to deliver customized and community-based education and training.             See our full statement here:

              Whether you want to study full-time, part-time or by distance education,      IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER                                                                                                                   2021
              Assiniboine offers apprenticeship programs, certificates, diplomas,           Given the potential impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic, please
              advanced diplomas, mature student high school, continuing studies and         note the following:                                                          July to August Registration period for new and returning students           September 8* Day classes commence at Adult Collegiate
              contract training. The college’s educational delivery is offered through
              a variety of approaches, including face-to-face, distance and online,         • The information in the college’s 2021-22 program calendar, posted on       July 1         Canada Day (administrative offices closed)                   October        Graduation ceremonies; visit
              blended learning and integrated programs.                                       the college’s website, is considered the final and accurate authority                                                                                        for applicable programs
                                                                                              on all academic matters.                                                   July 5*        Classes commence for summer term                                            and dates
              In September of 2007, Assiniboine began the first phase of its move           • The contents of this calendar reflect the intentions of the college
              to the former Brandon Mental Health Centre site on the north hill in            at the time of posting, with respect to the matters it contains. The       July 23        Deadline for receipt of documented proof                     October 11     Thanksgiving Day (administrative offices closed)
              Brandon, as Culinary Arts and Hotel and Restaurant Management                   college expressly reserves the right to deviate from what appears                         of program prerequisites
              programs moved into state-of-the-art facilities in the Manitoba Institute       in the calendar, including both content and scheduling, in whole or                                                                                    November 11    Remembrance Day (administrative offices closed)
              of Culinary Arts (MICA). The college continued its relocation in 2008,          in part, and including, without limiting the generality of this            August 2       Terry Fox Day (administrative offices closed)
              with the construction of the $45 million Len Evans Centre for Trades and        disclaimer, the right to revise the content of, and to cancel, defer,                                                                                  December 24* Last day of fall term classes
              Technology. That facility opened to students and staff in September 2010.       reschedule or suspend, in whole or in part, the scheduling of              August 30 to September 1*
              A sustainable greenhouse, which serves as a hub for applied education           particular periods of instruction, courses, or programs, and to alter,                    New student orientation -                                                   Christmas break begins (administrative offices closed
              and research, opened in spring 2013.                                            accelerate or defer fees and charges, and to do any or all of the                         See for details                                 at noon)
                                                                                              above either in order to serve what the college considers to be
              In 2014, Assiniboine embarked on an exciting journey to develop a               the best interests of the academic or student community or of the          September 6    Labour Day (administrative offices closed)                   December 25    Christmas Day (college is closed; no access)
              campus master plan. After many months of consultation, workshops and            college itself, or because of any circumstance or occurrence,
              open houses with the community, the finished plan was presented to the          whether occurring by or through the willful act or negligence of           September 7* Classes commence for fall term; new applications               December 26    Boxing Day
              college’s Board of Governors in early 2015. It was unanimously adopted.         the college, or otherwise and whether or not beyond the reasonable                      accepted for 2022-23 academic year
              The campus master plan sets the stage and direction for our college’s           or other control of the college, and as a result of circumstances
              future growth over the next several decades.                                    or occurrences including financial resources, natural catastrophe or                      Evening classes commence at Adult Collegiate
                                                                                              disaster, the health, safety and well-being of the employees or
              The plan conceptually outlines the physical structure of the future             students of the college, labour disagreements or disputes, slow-
              campus’ built form, open space, and circulation network—all with the            downs, work-stoppages, and strikes. The college does not accept,
              aim of providing opportunities to bring out the strengths and values            and expressly disclaims, any or all responsibility or liability to any
              that define our college as a place that provides an unparalleled student        person, persons or group, for any loss, injury, damages or adverse
              experience and engages students, staff, faculty and our community.              effect, either direct or indirect, consequential or otherwise, arising
                                                                                              out of any one or more of such deviations. The college disclaims
              Visit for more information on the college’s            liability to any person who may suffer loss as a result of reliance
              continued development at the North Hill campus and its master plan.             upon any information contained in this calendar.
                                                                                            • Each and every of the subsequent provisions contained in this
              INSTITUTIONAL MISSION AND VISION                                                calendar, and the relationship, both legal and otherwise, between the
              MISSION                                                                         college and its students, is expressly subject to and governed by the
              Transforming lives and strengthening Manitoba through applied                   above provisions.
              education and research.                                                       • The Registrar’s Office will assist students with any questions or
                                                                                              problems that might arise concerning the interpretation of academic
              VISION                                                                          regulations. It is, however, the responsibility of students to see that
              Exceptional learning experiences.                                               their academic programs meet the college’s regulations in all respects.    * Dates are subject to change; check for the most up-to-date information.

              2                                                                                    Advanced Diplomas – page 62 Course Descriptions – page 75             Advanced Diplomas – page 62 Course Descriptions – page 75                                                                                          3
PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College
                                            JANUARY 2022                         FEBRUARY 2022                       MARCH 2022
                                       S M T W T F       S                   S M T W T F        S            S M      T W T          F  S
                                                                                                                                                                    Refer to Policy A17 - Application and Admission to College Programs at            Test Name: IELTS
                                      				            		1                   			 1      2 3 4 5              			        1  2 3       4 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Acceptable Score: 6.5 on AC, no subscore lower than 6.0
                                       2 3 4     5 6 7 8                     6 7 8     9 10 11 12            6 7      8  9 10       11 12
                                       9 10 11 12 13 14 15                  13 14 15 16 17 18 19            13 14     15 16 17      18 19                                                                                                             Info:
                                      16 17 18 19 20 21 22                  20 21 22 23 24 25 26            20 21    22 23 24       25 26                           CHOOSE A PROGRAM
                                      23 24 25 26 27 28 29                  27 28                           27 28    29 30 31                                       Explore the list of programs offered at Assiniboine at                            Test Name: TOEFL
                                      30 31                                                                                                                or noted in this program calendar. If you                Acceptable Score: 79 IBT, no skill score lower than 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ADMISSION & REGISTRATION
                                                                                                                                                                    need help choosing a program, contact or                  Info:

                                                                                                                                                                    204.725.8750 or toll free in Canada 800.862.6307 ext. 8750 and speak

                                            APRIL 2022                              MAY 2022                      JUNE 2022                                         to one of our student recruitment specialists.                                    Test Name: CanTEST
                                       S M T W T F       S                    S M T W T F       S            S M T W T F       S                                                                                                                      Acceptable Score: 4.5 in reading and listening and 4.0 in
                                      						1            2                    1  2 3   4 5 6 7              				1         2 3 4                                     All prospective students are encouraged to visit the college and learn as         writing and speaking
                                       3 4 5    6 7 8 9                      8 9 10 11 12 13 14              5 6 7    8 9 10 11                                     much as possible about their program and career choice.                           Info:
                                      10 11 12 13 14 15 16                   15 16 17 18 19 20 21           12 13 14 15 16 17 18
                                      17 18 19 20 21 22 23                   22 23 24 25 26 27 28           19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                    PROGRAM INFO SESSIONS                                                             Test Name: MET
                                      24 25 26 27 28 29 30                   29 30 31                       26 27 28 29 30                                          Program info sessions are held throughout the year and are free to attend.        Acceptable Score: 54
                                                                                                                                                                    We strongly recommend prospective students attend these sessions to               Info:
                                                                                                                                                                    learn about the types of jobs graduates go into, meet faculty, tour facilities,
                                                                                                                                                                    and get a feel for the program to see if it is the right fit for them and their   Test Name: CAEL
                                                                                   2022                                                                             career goals. Visit for dates and locations.          Acceptable Score: 60
                  January 1      New Year’s Day (college is closed; no access)            April 15        Good Friday (administrative offices closed)               SPEND A DAY
                                                                                                                                                                    The Spend a Day program offers prospective students a chance to attend            Test Name: PTE Academic
                  January 4*     College reopens after Christmas break                    April 18        Easter Monday (administrative offices closed)             classes for a day with a current student to get a first-hand look at what         Acceptable Score: 58
                                                                                                                                                                    it is like to be a college student and a realistic view of the program they       Info:
                                 New student orientation; classes commence for 		         April 29*       Last day of winter term classes                           are considering. Interested individuals or groups should sign up at
                                 Apprenticeship programs                                                                                                   or contact or                 Note: The Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Test (CLBPT), held
                                                                                          May 6*          Grade submission deadline for classes that end April 29   204.725.8750 or toll free in Canada 800.862.6307 ext. 6050 to make                at Westman Immigrant Services in Brandon or WELARC in Winnipeg, is
                  January 5*     Classes commence for winter term                                                                                                   arrangements for a Spend a Day visit.                                             not a test of English language proficiency for college admission. It is a test
                                                                                          May 9*          Classes commence for spring term                                                                                                            of English language only for placement in English classes. Applications
                  February 21    Louis Riel Day (administrative offices closed)                                                                                     CHECK THE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                                  with only a CLBPT result are incomplete.
                                                                                          May 23          Victoria Day (administrative offices closed)              Refer to
                  February 28 to March 4*                                                                                                                                                                                                             Program Name: Assiniboine English as a Second Language classes
                                 Spring break                                             May 30*         Final day to pay spring fees without financial penalty    Each program has specific admission requirements noted on each                    (for permanent residents only)
                                                                                                                                                                    program page, as well as an English language proficiency requirement.             Acceptable Score: Progress report with CLB 7-8 range, depending on
                  March 7*       First day of 3 credit courses that end April 29          June*           Graduation ceremonies; visit                                                                                                                college program choice
                                                                                                 for dates                      Applications should be submitted as far in advance of the desired                 Info: or
                  March 28 to April 1*                                                                                                                              registration date as possible. However, processing of applications will           204.725.8744 or toll free 866.726.1117
                                Spring break - Adult Collegiate                           June 30*        Last day of spring term classes                           not begin until a date 12 months in advance of the program start date.
                                                                                                                                                                    Applications are acknowledged within two weeks of receipt.                        Program Name: Assiniboine English for Academic Purposes program
                  April 1*       Recommended deadline for applications for all                                                                                                                                                                        (for international students only)
                                 programs beginning September 5, 2022                                                                                               ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY                                                      Acceptable Score: Equivalent to IELTS Academic 6.5 with no area less than 6.0
                                                                                                                                                                    Refer to                                                     Info: or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      204.725.8700 or toll free 800-862-6307 ext. 6127
                                                                                                                                                                    English is the language of instruction and official college communication
                                                                                                                                                                    at Assiniboine. Each program sets its own English language proficiency            Program Name: AEPUCE program (available in Winnipeg)
                                                                                                                                                                    requirements. Please check individual program requirements, as these              Acceptable Score: Completion with minimum 65%
                                                                                                                                                                    may differ from the minimum language requirement for admission. All               Info: 204.945.6151 ext. 6303 (Red River College) or
                                                                                                                                                                    applicants must meet or exceed the level of English language skills as            (University of Manitoba) for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                    outlined in the program’s admissions requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Program Name: English School of Canada, UCTP
                                                                                                                                                                    Applicants must demonstrate ability in English that will meet the                 (University/College Transfer Program)
                                                                                                                                                                    demands of classroom instruction, discussions and written assignments.            Acceptable Score: 75% minimum
                                                                                                                                                                    If English is not the applicant’s first/primary language and they are not
                                                                                                                                                                    from an English test-exempt country, they must provide supporting                 Program Name: Heartland International English School, Advanced 3
                                                                                                                                                                    documentation to show that they meet one of the conditions below.                 Acceptable Score: 80% minimum
                                                                                                                                                                    Applicants will not be admitted until this requirement has been met.              Info:

                                                                                                                                                                    Test options for most college programs:                                           Program Name: ILSC Education Group University Pathway Program Level 2
                  * Dates are subject to change; check for the most up-to-date information.                                          The following is a list of the tests and programs to demonstrate English          Acceptable Score: B minimum
                                                                                                                                                                    language proficiency that are acceptable at Assiniboine:                          Info:

                  4                                                                               Advanced Diplomas – page 62 Course Descriptions – page 75         Advanced Diplomas – page 62 Course Descriptions – page 75                                                                                                     5
PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College
Program Name: William Academy English Foundation Course Level 3               correspondence to the current addresses on record.                          of the individual institutions. In addition, the residency component           the non-refundable tuition deposit will hold the applicant’s space in the
                           Acceptable Score: 75% minimum                                                                                                                             of tuition fee assessment is waived for residents of one jurisdiction          program. Deadlines for payment of non-refundable tuition deposits are
                           Info:                                                       • Applicants are responsible for the completeness and accuracy              attending educational institutions in the other.                               noted in acceptance letters. If the tuition deposit is not paid, the applicant
                                                                                                           of their application                                                                                                                                     will lose their seat. In this case, an applicant must re-apply. Sponsorship
                           Waiver options:                                                               • Applicants must supply legal documentation when requesting                Refer to for more information.                            letters will not be accepted as payment of tuition deposits.
                           In some instances, students may request a waiver of the English language        a name change
                           requirement. An application for a waiver may be made to the Registrar’s       • Any applicant submitting falsified or forged documents will be            SASKATCHEWAN AND                                                               Applicants who have been accepted, paid their non-refundable tuition
                           Office. Not all programs will accept a waiver, see program page for             referred to the appropriate authorities, up to and including              ONTARIO EQUIVALENTS                                                            deposit and then choose not to register, will forfeit their entire tuition deposit.
                           more information. Waivers may not be permitted if transcripts indicate          prosecution under the Criminal Code of Canada                             For a full listing of Saskatchewan and Ontario admission requirement
                           modified programs. See Policy A17 - Application and Admission to College                                                                                  equivalents, visit                      Applicants who have been conditionally accepted must submit their

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ADMISSION & REGISTRATION
                           Programs for more information. Applicants must provide supporting             A separate application form and $95 non-refundable application fee                                                                                         final official transcript by mid-July (Saskatchewan applicants have until
                           documentation to show they meet one of the conditions below:                  ($200 non-refundable for international applicants) are required with each   ADMISSIONS PROCESS                                                             August 1). If the transcript is not received, the application will not be

                                                                                                         program application and all high school and post-secondary transcripts      Refer to Policy A17 - Application and Admission to College Programs at         considered. If admission requirements are not met and the transcript
                           Three years of full-time education in English at a secondary (high school)    (sponsorship letters will not be accepted as payment of the application                                                      submitted, the non-refundable tuition deposit is forfeited.
                           or post-secondary (university or college) level in Canada;                    fee). All documentation submitted becomes the property of the college.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Assiniboine acknowledges receipt of all applications. Applicants to programs   Tuition balance is due by the date specified on the Assiniboine website;
                           OR                                                                            Applications to certificate and diploma programs must include the           with competitive selection requirements will be sent further information       visit for more details.
                                                                                                         completed application form, the non-refundable application fee, and:        regarding these requirements and/or dates of orientation sessions.
                           Graduation from a Manitoba high school with at least one Senior 4 Core                                                                                                                                                                   WAIT LISTS
                           English with a minimum grade of 70%;                                          If the applicant is in high school at the time of application:              INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS                                                        For wait listed programs, applicants are generally accepted on a first
                                                                                                                                                                                     Applicants will not be considered for acceptance, or wait listed, until the    qualified basis on the date completed applications are received (other
                           OR                                                                            • An official transcript of all high school marks achieved                  application has been fully completed, all documentation requested has          conditions may apply). When a sufficient number of applicants have
                                                                                                         • A list of courses currently enrolled in, authorized by the school         been submitted and all requirements have been met.                             been accepted so that a program has reached capacity, program wait lists
                           Graduation from a Canadian high school with at least one Grade 12 English     • Final high school marks, to be received by the college no                                                                                                will be established. Applicants will remain on a program wait list until
                           with a minimum grade of 70%;                                                    later than July 15 (or the first business day after)                      ASSESSMENT OF SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES                                            the next available seat in the next program intake, unless the applicant
                                                                                                                                                                                     If an applicant does not meet general admission requirements, they may         informs the college that they wish to withdraw their application.
                           OR                                                                            If the applicant is not in high school at the time of application:          apply for an assessment of special circumstances through the registrar.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Applicants in this category include those with modified academic credits       Accepted applicants must pay their non-refundable tuition deposit by
                           Graduation from a Canadian curriculum high school outside of Canada           • An official transcript of all high school marks achieved                  in their secondary studies or home study.                                      the deadline specified on their letter of acceptance, otherwise that seat
                           with at least one Grade 12 English with a minimum grade of 70%;               • An official transcript from all post-secondary institutions attended                                                                                     will be offered to another applicant from the wait list.
                                                                                                                                                                                     An assessment of special circumstances could include a review of all
                           OR                                                                            If the applicant is applying to a competitive entry program:                transcripts and documents, an interview and/or testing. There is an            Applicants who are refused admission to the college, for whatever
                                                                                                                                                                                     additional fee for testing.                                                    reason, may contact the registrar to request a review of the
                           Successful completion of three years of full-time study from a country        • An official transcript of all high school marks achieved                                                                                                 decision. Refer to Policy A01 - Academic and Disciplinary Appeals at
                           on the test-exempt list, including Grade 11 and 12 English (not ESL). Visit   • An official transcript from all post-secondary institutions attended      An assessment of special circumstances may determine an applicant does for more information.
                  for a list of test exempt countries.                      • All documentation requested in the program admission                      not meet entrance requirements and therefore cannot be admitted. The
                                                                                                           requirements (see specific program admissions requirements on             application will not be considered. A student success advisor may advise       STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES
                           Assiniboine Community College reserves the right to request additional          individual program pages and competitive entry programs                   whether upgrading or other training would prepare for future application.      Refer to Policy A03 - Academic Accommodations at
                           documentation, which may include the submission of a standardized test of       information on the next page)                                                                                                                  
                           English and/or an official comprehensive report from a recognized Canadian                                                                                Note: All applications with transcripts containing any high school
                           international credential evaluation service.                                  If the applicant is an international student:                               courses with an M (modified), E (English as an additional language) or I       Assiniboine is committed to supporting students with disabilities and
                                                                                                                                                                                     (individualized) designation do not meet college eligibility for admission     medical conditions. Accommodations are available for students who
                           If you have any questions about English language proficiency, contact         • Refer to the international student section in this guide or visit         and may only proceed through an assessment of special circumstances.           have provided acceptable written documentation of their functional
                           204.725.8723 or toll free in Canada 800.862.6307 ext. 6639 and ask to  for more information.                                                                                                      limitations. Accommodation decisions are made according to approved
                           speak to the student success advisor for the program you are applying to.                                                                                 Some students who are accepted as a result of an assessment may also           college policy.
                                                                                                         Application forms (those not completed online) can be mailed to the         be able to complete their Grade 12 after they are enrolled in college.
                           APPLY AND SUBMIT THE APPLICATION FEE                                          Registrar’s Office at the following address:                                This is possible because some college courses have been designated             Some accommodations may necessitate funding from other agencies.
                           Refer to Policy A17 - Application and Admission to College Programs at                                                                                    as dual credit courses (both high school and college credit). Refer to
                                                                        Assiniboine Community College                                    for more information.                                Some programs may require testing before an admission decision is
                                                                                                           Victoria Avenue East campus                                                                                                                              made. If you may require accommodations, please contact a student
                           Apply online for the programs listed in this calendar. Visit                    Registrar’s Office                                                        For information on adult upgrading or college preparation programs             success advisor well in advance of the assessment to make arrangements.
                  If you are applying as an international               1430 Victoria Avenue East, Brandon MB R7A 2A9                             available through Assiniboine, see page 57 of this calendar.
                           student, refer to the international student section (page 8).                                                                                                                                                                            Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their student success advisor
                                                                                                           Telephone: 204.725.8701                                                   COMPETITIVE ENTRY PROGRAMS                                                     prior to applying to a program to discuss program requirements and
                           Application forms are also available at the Victoria Avenue East and            Toll free in Canada: 800.862.6307 ext. 6742                               Some programs may require applicants to meet additional requirements           possible accommodations.
                           North Hill campuses in Brandon, the Parkland campus in Dauphin, the             Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday                    for the purposes of applicant selection. Refer to specific program admission
                           Russell Training Centre, the Winnipeg campus, and the Adult Collegiate                                                                                    requirements for more details regarding competitive entry requirements.        Accommodations and funding applications may take several weeks or
                           in Brandon.                                                                   MANITOBA-MINNESOTA                                                                                                                                         even months to arrange.
                                                                                                         CO-OPERATIVE AGREEMENT                                                      ACCEPTANCE/CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE
                           Early application is recommended as most programs can accommodate             In 1989, the Province of Manitoba and the State of Minnesota initiated      When program spaces become available, Assiniboine will issue                   Each academic area has a student success advisor. To connect with the
                           only a limited number of students. Assiniboine begins processing              the Manitoba-Minnesota Agreement on Educational Co-operation.               acceptance/conditional acceptance letters to applicants who have               advisor for your program, visit
                           applications 12 months in advance of the program start date. It is            The agreement provides that Manitoba and Minnesota residents are            met, or will meet, all admission requirements. Acceptance/conditional
                           the applicant’s responsibility to inform the college of any changes           entitled to admission into post-secondary institutions notwithstanding      acceptance letters will confirm an applicant’s admission, subject to
                           to the information on the application form. Assiniboine will direct           residence requirements but based on prevailing practices and procedures     payment of the required non-refundable tuition deposit. Payment of

                           6                                                                                     Advanced Diplomas – page 62 Course Descriptions – page 75           Advanced Diplomas – page 62 Course Descriptions – page 75                                                                                                       7
PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College
PART-TIME STUDENTS                                                              RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT                                                              WORK PRACTICUM                                                                     Education in Canada: For the application, we require original, official
                           A part-time student is one who is enrolled in less than 60% of a normal         The college residency requirement qualifies a student for graduation               Refer to Policy A16 - Work Practicums at                 hard copies of ALL secondary, post-secondary or language education in
                           program of studies. Part-time options vary by program.                          only when a full one-quarter of a college program has been completed                                                                                                  Canada. Assiniboine will keep these documents.
                                                                                                           during the normal course of studies in accordance with the academic                A work practicum is a formal placement of a college student with any
                           The following programs are available part-time after consultation with          standards that may apply. Therefore, prior learning credit, credit for             individual, agency, organization, government department, business or               Assiniboine Community College reserves the right to request additional
                           the program chairperson:                                                        previous education, or any combination of such credit, will be granted             company (referred to as the practicum partner) where the college does              documentation, which may include the submission of a standardized
                                                                                                           for a total of no more than three-quarters of a college program. Credit will       not require that the student receive remuneration from the practicum               test of English and/or an official comprehensive report from a recognized
                           •   Accounting                                                                  be granted for no more than one-quarter of a college program through               partner. The work practicum involves students in relevant work. The                Canadian internationally accredited evaluation service.
                           •   Finance                                                                     credit gained from prior learning assessment. Credit will be granted for           length of the work practicum may vary, but will normally be from one
                           •   Human Resource Management                                                   no more than one-half of a college program through credit gained for               to 12 weeks in length.                                                             Once applications have been evaluated and records validated, applicants

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ADMISSION & REGISTRATION
                           •   Indigenous Financial Management                                             previous education gained at institutions other than Assiniboine.                                                                                                     will be notified in writing whether or not they meet the admission
                           •   Marketing                                                                                                                                                      Students will be charged tuition, student services fees and Students’              requirements. If there is a seat available, the applicant will be accepted.

                           •   Business Administration                                                     In cases where an articulation agreement is in place, students may be              Association fees during their work practicum placement(s).
                           •   Civil Technician                                                            excused from the residency requirement upon approval of the registrar.                                                                                                Applicants who are accepted will be sent an acceptance letter along
                           •   Communications Engineering Technology                                                                                                                          A valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle is strongly recommended           with an official document with details of their program to use with the
                           •   Network Administration Technology                                           CREDITS FOR PREVIOUS EDUCATION                                                     given the potential need to travel for work practicum.                             study permit application. Subject to payment of the required non-refundable
                                                                                                           Refer to Policy A07 - Credit for Previous Education at                                                                                      tuition deposit. Payment of the non-refundable tuition deposit will hold the
                           REGISTRATION                                                                                                                                                       INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                                                             applicant’s space in the program. Deadlines for payment of non-refundable
                           Refer to Policy A20 - Registering, Adding and Dropping Courses at               Assiniboine recognizes students may have taken courses at other                    Assiniboine welcomes international students into designated programs.              tuition deposits are noted in acceptance letters. If the tuition deposit is not
                                                                        accredited educational institutions that are the same, or similar to,              The list of programs open to international students is on our website at           paid, the applicant will lose their seat. In this case, an applicant must re-apply.
                                                                                                           courses offered at Assiniboine, and that credit should be granted for these
                           Acceptance/conditional acceptance into a program grants permission              courses. This also includes courses taken through Continuing Studies at                                                                                               Admitted students must provide the following documentation to
                           for an applicant to register at the college.                                    Assiniboine. Information is provided in the information sent out to new            ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                                             Assiniboine International before the start of their classes:
                                                                                                           students approximately six to eight weeks prior to their program start date.       The basic admission requirement for college eligibility is the equivalent
                           Approximately six to eight weeks prior to the program start date,                                                                                                  of a Manitoba high school diploma. Additional admission requirements are set       • original, official documents
                           accepted/conditionally accepted students are registered into their specific     PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT                                                          at the program level, such as specific subject requirements at a Grade 12 level.   • a valid study permit
                           programs and sent links to program information, book lists, and lists of        AND RECOGNITION (PLAR)                                                             See each program’s page for details. More information about country-specific
                           needed supplies, as well as a schedule of fees and payment deadlines.           Refer to Policy A06 - Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition at                 requirements is available on our website,           Assiniboine Community College reserves the right to set a deadline
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for confirmation of a study permit. Applicants are advised to check
                           Students who do not pay their fees by the specified deadlines may lose their                                                                                       English is the language of instruction and official college communication          average application processing times on the Immigration, Refugees and
                           seat unless prior notification has been received by the Registrar’s Office.     Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) provides the                      at Assiniboine. Each program sets its own English language proficiency             Citizenship Canada website to determine whether they have enough time
                                                                                                           opportunity for individuals to obtain credit for college level learning            requirements. Please check individual program requirements, as these               to apply for and receive confirmation of the approval of a study permit.
                           Visit to find out more about government            that has been gained outside a formal institutional setting. During the            may differ from the minimum language requirement for admission. All
                           student aid, Assiniboine scholarships and bursaries, as well as other funding   process, an individual’s prior learning gained from education, work, life          applicants must meet or exceed the level of English language skills as             FEES AND EXPENSES
                           opportunities. Contact the associate registrar at       experiences and personal study is assessed against the expected learning           outlined in the program’s admissions requirements.                                 International fees will vary by program and are different from those
                                                                                                           outcomes in college courses. If the learning demonstrated is equivalent                                                                                               for domestic students. For more detailed information about fees, visit
                           NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION                                                         to that normally acquired through a formal course in the chosen area of            Applicants must demonstrate ability in English that will meet the        
                           Program specific orientation information will be provided in your               college study, then credit is granted. Going through the prior learning            demands of classroom instruction, discussions and written assignments.
                           registration. Visit for more information.           assessment process at Assiniboine can eliminate duplication of learning                                                                                               For international payments, Assiniboine Community College has
                                                                                                           and can shorten the time and cost of gaining a college education.                  If English is not the student’s first/primary language and they are not            partnered with PayMyTuition for application, deposit and tuition
                           STUDENT FILES WITH                                                                                                                                                 from an English test-exempt country, they must provide supporting                  payments. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments from
                           REGISTRATION RESTRICTIONS                                                       There are many forms of assessment methods available for assessing a               documentation to show they meet one of the acceptable conditions.                  any bank, in any country, in any currency, at better than bank exchange
                           Refer to Policy A14 - Students with Registration Restrictions at                learner’s prior knowledge and skills. Different areas of the college select        Students will not be admitted until this requirement has been met.                 rates. Visit to learn more.
                                                                        the type of assessment tools they will use to assess prior learning.
                                                                                                                                                                                              APPLICATION PROCESS                                                                Students are expected to be able to pay their full program costs (tuition,
                           In cases where a student’s file has registration restrictions, the              Many courses and programs are available for PLAR. A full listing of                Apply online for the programs listed in this calendar. Visit                       books and supplies) and maintain a reasonable standard of living while
                           Registrar’s Office cannot process any transactions for that student until       Assiniboine’s courses, with course descriptions, begins on page 73 of                                                              studying at the college.
                           the restriction has been removed. A student file may have a registration        this calendar. Courses available for PLAR are identified with the symbol P.
                           restriction for several reasons, including the following:                                                                                                          Applications for admission will be evaluated once the college has                  International students are required to register and pay for the college’s
                                                                                                           CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION                                                             received all of the following:                                                     health insurance plan.
                           •   Outstanding funds owed to the college                                       Refer to Policy A12 - Co-operative Education at
                           •   Cheques submitted with non-sufficient funds                                                                                                                    • Completed international application form
                           •   Outstanding library material                                                Some programs offered at Assiniboine involve co-operative work placements.         • An official transcript/grade report from high school/secondary, in
                           •   Academic suspension                                                         These are periods of paid employment alternated with in-school study that            original language and translated into English
                           •   Disciplinary suspension                                                     provide students with the opportunity to apply the theory they have learned        • An official transcript/grade report from all post-secondary
                                                                                                           in the classroom to real life situations. Students also have the opportunity         institutions attended, in original language and translated into English
                           Applicants may contact the registrar to request a review of their               to develop and clarify their career plans, to work with people of all ages and     • Official proof of English language proficiency
                           situation. Refer to Policy A01 - Academic and Disciplinary Appeals at           abilities and, most importantly, the chance to earn a salary while studying.       • Copy of passport photo page
                  for more information.                                                                                                                     • Copy of study permit (if already in Canada)
                                                                                                           Students will be charged tuition, student services fees, and Students’             • Application fee ($200 CDN funds)
                                                                                                           Association fees, during their co-operative education placement(s).
                                                                                                                                                                                              Education outside Canada: We accept scanned or photocopied
                                                                                                           A valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle is strongly recommended           documents for the application. A condition of final acceptance will be that
                                                                                                           given the potential need to travel for co-operative education.                     you provide the original, official hard copies before program start date.

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PROGRAM CALENDAR 2021-2022 - Assiniboine Community College
ACADEMIC RESTRICTION                                                           ADDING AND DROPPING COURSES
                                                          ACADEMIC INFORMATION                                                                                                   GPA of less than 1.0; or, for a student already on academic probation, a       Refer to Policy A20 - Registering, Adding and Dropping Courses at
                                                                                                                                                                                 GPA of less than 2.0. Registration and progression restrictions in effect.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Students may receive permission to re-register with the completion of
              ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES                                                           GRADE POINT AVERAGE                                                            a learning success plan.                                                       Students may register for a course up to and including course start date.
              Refer to Policy A08-1 - Assiniboine Policy on Academic Responsibilities at          Weighted grade point average (WGPA) is an average of grade points that                                                                                        Students who wish to register in a course after the first day of that course
                                                               takes into consideration the relative importance of each course grade in       Students assessed in this category will be notified by the Registrar’s         must receive written permission from the dean, director or chairperson
                                                                                                  relation to other courses. The number of credits assigned to each course       Office that they have registration restrictions at the college and require     of the school offering the course.
              This policy establishes academic roles and responsibilities for student             is the numerical value for importance/value of a course. The WGPA is           permission to continue. Permission may be gained with the completion of
              success. Assiniboine is committed to helping students achieve their                 calculated by the following method: (a) multiply grade point by credits        a learning success plan by applying to the program chairperson/director.       Courses dropped before the course start date will be deleted from a
              educational goals and experience success through providing a learning-              for each course and divide this number by the total credits taken in the       Students with academic restrictions must achieve a GPA of 2.0 or greater       student’s record and will not appear on a student’s transcript.
              centred environment, in which learning is a co-operative venture between            term; (b) add the values for each course as determined above.                  in order to avoid academic suspension.
              students and the institution.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Up to and including the midway point of the course (e.g. for a course of
                                                                                                  Note: When a student receives more than one grade for a course in a            ACADEMIC SUSPENSION                                                            eight weeks duration, the midway point occurs at close of business four
              Students have important academic responsibilities, as well as personal              term, all grades will be used to calculate the student’s WGPA. The WGPA        Students on academic restriction who are unable to recover their GPA           weeks into the course), a student may drop a course without academic


              conduct responsibilities outlined in Policy A02 - Student Conduct, Behaviour        is a calculation using all of a student’s marks in a term.                     will be suspended. Admission and registration restrictions are in effect for   penalty. If a student elects to drop a course, a VW, indicating voluntary
              and Discipline. Student academic responsibility occurs when students take                                                                                          eight calendar months from the date of notification. Note: An academic         withdrawal, will be recorded on the student’s transcript. Courses
              an active role in their learning, make choices and take actions which lead          Cumulative weighted grade point average (CWGPA) differs from WGPA              suspension can also result from violations of other academic policies.         dropped after the midway point will be assigned a non-passing grade.
              toward achieving educational goals, and are accountable for their own               in that it takes all courses taken to date into consideration, rather than                                                                                    Failure to attend class (or complete assignments in the case of distance-
              academic success.                                                                   courses in one term only. The CWGPA is calculated by the following             Students with academic restrictions who are unable to recover their            delivered courses) does not constitute an official drop. Students who
                                                                                                  method: (a) multiply grade point by credits for each course and divide         GPA with their learning success plan will be suspended from the college.       do not complete and submit an official course drop form prior to the
              GRADING SYSTEM                                                                      this number by the total credits taken to date (rather than the term); (b)     Mandatory admission and registration restrictions are in effect for eight      midway point of the course will be awarded a non-passing grade in each
              Refer to Policy A08-4 - Assiniboine Policy on Grades at   add the values for each course as determined above.                            calendar months from the date of notification. During this suspension          applicable course.
                                                                                                                                                                                 period, suspended students may be eligible to attend Continuing Studies
              The grading system applies to all courses offered for credit. The level of          Note: When a student receives more than one grade for a course, the            and Adult Learning programs. Suspended students must formally reapply          GRADUATION
              a student’s achievement in each course of a program will be denoted by              best grade achieved will be used to calculate the student’s CWGPA. The         and meet the criteria for admission for reinstatement in a program. If         Refer to Policy A08-6 - Assiniboine Policy on Graduation at
              a letter grade as follows, except where noted:                                      CWGPA is a calculation using a student’s marks for their entire academic       readmitted, students will be placed on academic probation with the   
                                                                                                  record, using best grade(s) achieved only.                                     applicable terms.
              Letter           Grade Point               Percentage              Description                                                                                                                                                                    Assiniboine Community College shall confer approved credentials to
                                                                                                  The following grades are not used in calculating grade point averages:         Notes:                                                                         qualifying students at graduation ceremonies following successful
              A+                   4.5                   (90 – 100)             Exceptional       VW, AW, MW, INC, P, NP, AU, CR, CMP, NC, ***.                                                                                                                 completion of all institutional and program requirements.
              A                    4.0                    (80 – 89)                Excellent                                                                                     • Some programs may have a higher minimum GPA for
              B+                   3.5                    (76 – 79)              Very Good        ACADEMIC PROGRESS                                                                progression purposes.                                                        To fulfill program graduation requirements and earn an approved
              B                    3.0                    (70 – 75)                    Good       Refer to Policy A08-5 - Academic Standing and Progression at                   • Some programs may have other progression restrictions,                       credential, students must meet each of the following:
              C+                   2.5                    (66 – 69)             Satisfactory                                                        such as successful completion of key courses. These restrictions
              C                    2.0                    (60 – 65)               Adequate                                                                                         will be published in the calendar.                                           a. Successfully complete all program and course requirements of an
              D                    1.0                    (50 – 59)                Marginal       Official academic standing is assessed and recorded on student                 • Unfinished courses or delayed completion of courses may have                    approved program of study.
              F                    0.0                     (0 – 49)                   Failure     transcripts in academic standing statements at the end of each term.             an effect on GPA calculations and official academic standing                 b. Achieve a minimum grade of D per course as indicated in the
                                                                                                  These indicate:                                                                  in a given term.                                                                calendar in compliance with academic policies. For courses where a
              VW:  Voluntary withdrawal                                                                                                                                          • Expulsion, unlike suspension, is deemed to be permanent.                        minimum course grade higher than D is required to fulfill graduation
              AW:  Authorized withdrawal                                                          a. student progression toward completion of program requirements; and            Expulsion is typically reserved for very serious cases that                     requirements for a specific program, these requirements will be
                   (as per Policy A20 - Registering, Adding and Dropping Courses)                 b. student status and achievement in that program at a given period of time.     may also involve criminal prosecution. Criminal prosecution                     specified in the calendar.
              MW: Mandatory withdrawal                                                                                                                                             is reserved for criminal acts, such as fraud, forgery, theft                 c. Achieve a minimum graduation grade point average (GGPA) of 2.00.
                   Student required to withdraw by college                                        Assessment of academic standing applies to all registered Assiniboine            and impersonation.                                                           d. Fulfill all program and institution regulations as indicated in the
              INC: Incomplete                                                                     students, except:                                                                                                                                                calendar and in compliance with academic policies.
                   Student did not complete requirements for course by course end date                                                                                           APPEALS                                                                        e. Successfully complete all program and course requirements within
              P:   Pass                                                                           • Part-time students: students taking less than 12 credits in a term;          Refer to Policy A01 - Academic and Disciplinary Appeals at                        program time limits. The college requires program completion
              F:   Failure                                                                        • Academic level: students in continuing education programs or                                                                within five years. Exceptions may be granted in cases of
              NP:  No pass                                                                          courses, and students in adult learning programs, as defined by                                                                                                extenuating circumstances.
              AU: Course taken for audit                                                            academic level.                                                              A student has the right to appeal academic and disciplinary decisions          f. Be in good academic standing.
              CR:  Credit                                                                                                                                                        and rulings that they believe are unfair, unreasonable, or arbitrary. This     g. Meet the academic residency requirement for their program. The
                   Recorded for credits transferred from another recognized institution           IN GOOD STANDING                                                               includes disciplinary decisions and consequences, grades, academic                normal requirement is that students complete at least 50% of
              CMP: Complete                                                                       A student must achieve a GPA of 2.0 or greater. No registration or             suspension and other decisions that impact a student’s continuation in            program credits through Assiniboine Community College.
                   For use in Continuing Studies only                                             progression restrictions.                                                      their program of studies.
              NC:  Not Complete                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The process for graduation and details of graduation ceremonies
                   Student did not complete course. For use in Continuing Studies only.           ACADEMIC PROBATION                                                                                                                                            will be published on the Registrar’s Office website. Visit
              ***: Mark not yet recorded                                                          GPA of less than 2.0 but greater than 1.0. No immediate registration or                                                                              Communication with students and graduates
                                                                                                  progression restrictions for one term.                                                                                                                        will be through official college email.
              The relationship between number and letter grades are consistent across
              the college. In cases where marking systems are dictated by provincial              Students assessed in this category will be notified by the Registrar’s
              or federal agencies or organizations, those grading systems will apply,             Office that they are at risk of failure and will be placed on academic
              subject to dean’s approval, and will be published in course outlines.               probation. Students are provided information about college resources
                                                                                                  and encouraged to voluntarily develop a learning success plan.

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