Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District

Page created by Peggy Armstrong
Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
Programs & Events
Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
Rehabilitation and Integrative Care

Do you have a pet dealing with lameness, an
athletic dog who isn’t performing as well as
usual, or a senior pet dealing with arthritic pain?

VSC Rehabilitation and Integrative Care offers progressive and innovative
medicine for diagnosing and treating changes in your pet’s ability to move
or perform, acute or chronic pain management and/or quality of life. We can
facilitate and even improve recovery from surgery, especially orthopedic or
neurologic surgery, and sometimes offer an alternative to surgery.

Appropriate treatment options for dogs and cats will be discussed following
a comprehensive exam. Some of our available treatment options include:

    • Underwater Treadmill
    • Therapeutic LASER
    • Acupuncture, including LASER-Acupuncture or
    • Electro-Acupuncture where appropriate
    • Therapeutic Ultrasound
    • Acoustic Compression Therapy (ACT)
    • Therapeutic exercise programs
    • Conditioning exercise programs (e.g., Athletic Club)

If you would like to learn more, visit or call 847.459.7535,
extension 2252.

 24 Hour Emergency and Critical Care with Specialty Services by Referral

VSC Athletic Center                                                             VSC Buffalo Grove
1495 Busch Parkway                                                              1515 Busch Parkway
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089                                                         Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
847.459.7535                                                                    847.459.7535                                                
                                                             Scan me

 Unsurpassed healthcare for animals in a kind and comforting environment |
Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
       Dear Buffalo Grove Resid                                                                                                                       the Raupp
                                                                                                                   $240,000 grant that
                               ident:                                                                                                   eiv ed     thro  ugh the
        Dear Buffalo Grove Res                                                                                     Museu    m       rec
                                                                                                                                Public Museu         m
                                                 r  at    the    Buf  falo   Gr   ove      Park District; Illinois                             fun de   d  through
                                            me                                                                     Grants Program,
        It’s been a fantastic sum                              tha  t  mo  mentum into fall. As                                                              Illinois
                                         to con     tinu   e                                                                            zke  r's Reb   uild
        and, we are excited                                                                                 still Governor Prit
                               les sen  s,  the      CO      VID  -19 modifications we                                          r    sta te cap   ital   pro  gram.
         the pandemic
                                                               ted    pe  op le   still  nee    d  to wear multiyea                                    inc lud  e a
                                                 accina                                                                        ing projects
         have in place are that unv                                 and    any   one       in a program Upcom                                            the   Alc ott
                                                  fac    iliti es,                                                         electrical pa       nel   at
          a face covering inside our                              12     mu  st  also wear a face new                                                        ess  ible
                                          ldre   n   und     er                                                                        new     AD  A    acc
          area that includes chi                                                        t anyone who Cente
                                                                                                                             r, a
                                             rse, we still require tha                                                        ency gate and sidewalk
          covering. And, of cou                                   do  es    not    ent   er   any      of    our    em  erg
                                                                                                                                                            iler  and
                                               weath        er                                                                                           bo
          feels sick or under the                                                                                   the Golf Dome, a new                                       Center, some new
                                                                                                                         ldin  g    aut om  atio n system at the Fitness
           faciliti   es.                                                                                           bui                                                  w Stream Pool, and new
                                                                                                                 s   pa  ths  at   the   Spray ‘N Play and Willo                              Willow
                                             nging you 3 months wo
                                                                                          rth of offe      ring                                                   at Woodland Park and
            As planned, we are bri                                                              and     win    ter   AD   A   accessible bench pads
                                             uled fall season. The
            for the regularly sched                                  y be    ava    ilable online, with Stre
                                                                                                                           am Park.
                              de s wil l  con  tinu    e   to   onl
            progra      m gui                                                                  h our spring                                                                      rful fall, and enjoy
                                                 gram guides resuming wit                                                                       your family have a wonde
             the mailing of printed pro                                                          is tha     t  the   I  hop   e   you     and
                                                                                                                                                                    e here in Buffalo Grove
                                                  change to be aware of                                                         autiful parks that we hav
             book in Januar y. One                                                             ok,    as   it has     the  be
                                                   l not be in the winter bo
              summer camp section wil                                                                releasing
                                                  we      will be doing instead is
              been in the past. What                                         as    inc  lud   ing    the   camp
                                                late fall, as well
              a camp guide online in                                                            des.
                                                   and summer program gui
               information in the spring
                                                                                             Friends of the
                                                    annual fall events, the
                In addition to our usual                                     a   cou   ple     of fun events Ryan Risinger
                                                     o scheduled
                Parks Foundation has als                                         ven    ture    Challenge is
                                                  Buffalo Gr          ove    Ad                                         Executive Director
                 for the community. The                                 t  wil l be     fun    for   the whole
                 an Amazing Race® styl
                                                   e eve       nt  tha                                                                Grove Park District
                                                     in     the    Par   k  eve   nt   is    an adults only Buffalo
                  family; and, the Flights                                                      se events go
                                                 event. Proceeds from the
                  wine and beer tasting                                                             ps provide
                                                      ks Foundation, which hel
                   to the Friends of the Par                                                       l   and their
                                                           duty militar y personne
                   fee assistance for active                                            our     Dis  tric t.
                                                      ilies in need within
                    dependents, and for fam
                                                                   this summer
                                         have been working on
              Some of the projects we                            ry Park, and
                                      nis courts at Canterbu
              include renovating ten                       Na   ture Classroom
                                      rdens as part of the
              building educational ga                   sho uld  be  completed
                                       ty Park, which
               at Mike Rylko Communi                                 result of a
                                        al gardens project is the
               this fall. The education

Board of Comissioners
The Buffalo Grove Park District Park Board of Commissioners are five elected officials, each serving four-year terms. The Board is primarily a policy-
making body that reflects the needs and interests of all taxpayers. Your personal participation is an integral part of this decision-making process.
The Park Board meets the second and fourth Monday each month 6 pm (currently online only). Please feel welcome to attend.

Scott Jacobson                          Tracy Bragg                                Stephen Cummins                             Adriane Johnson                             Dr. Larry Reiner
President                               Vice President                             Treasurer                                   Commissioner                                Commissioner
Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District

                         Tuesday, August 3                 Flights        Saturday, September 25
                                                             in the
                         5:30 - 7:30 pm                                   3 - 6 pm
                         Willow Stream Park                               Willow Stream Park
                         See page 16                                      See page 22

                         Saturday, August 21                              Friday, October 15
                         10 am - 1 pm                                     5 - 7:30 pm
                         Mike Rylko Community Park                        Community Arts Center
                         See page 17                                      See page 23

                         Saturday, September 4                            Tuesday, October 19
                         9:30 am - 2:30 pm                                Wednesday, October 20
                         Willow Stream Park and                           6:15 - 7:15 pm
                         Rick Drazner Park                                Raupp Museum
                         See page 18                                      See page 24

                                                                          Saturday, October 23
                         Saturday, September 4
                                                                          10:45 - 11:45 am
                         10:45 am
                                                                          Willow Stream Park
                         Willow Stream Park
                                                                          See page 25
                         See page 19

                         Sunday, September 19                             Saturday, October 23
GREEN FAIR               8 am - 12:30 pm
                         Mike Rylko Community Park
                                                     Arts & Crafts Fair   10 am - 3 pm
                                                                          Community Arts Center
                         See page 20                                      See page 26

                         Friday, September 24                             Thursday, November 11
  Huck Finn              5 - 7 pm                        Veterans Day     12:15 - 2:30 pm
Fishing Derby            Green Lake Park
                         See page 21
                                                          Celebration     Community Arts Center
                                                                          See page 27

Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
Facilities & Program Registration
    Alcott Center                     Golf Dome                      Alcott Center Front Desk & Registration Hours
    530 Bernard Drive                 801 McHenry Road               Monday - Friday       8:30 am - 5 pm
    847.850.2100                      847.353.7575                   Saturday & Sunday     Closed
    TTY: Dial 7-1-1 or 800.526.0844
    Fax: 847.459.5741                 Raupp Museum                   Online, drop off and fax registration are available 24 hours a day.
                                                                     The drop off box is located in the Alcott Center parking lot.
    Email:           901 Dunham Lane                Register by fax at 847.459.5741.
    Community Arts Center             Fax: 847.459.3148              Drop off and faxed registration forms received after office hours will be
                                                                     processed the next business day. Please call 847.850.2100 with any
    225 McHenry Road                                                 questions.
    847.850.2175                      Rick Drazner Park
    Fax: 847.850.2140                 401 Aptakisic Road             Alcott Center Holiday Hours
                                      847.478.8721                   September    5        Labor Day Weekend                 Closed
    Emmerich Park                                                    September    6        Labor Day                         Closed
    150 Raupp Boulevard               Spray ‘N Play                  November     25       Thanksgiving                      Closed
    847.850.2195                      951 McHenry Road               November     26       Thanksgiving Weekend              Closed
                                      847.353.7566                   November     27       Thanksgiving Weekend              Closed
    Fitness Center                                                   November     28       Thanksgiving Weekend              Closed

    601 W. Deerfield Parkway          Willow Stream Pool
    847.353.7500                      600 N. Farrington Drive
    Fax: 847.353.7530                 847.850.2138

    Table of Contents
    Adult Programs                                  59          Happy Tails Dog Park                                    12
    Adult Sports                                    66          Hyman & Miriam Reiner Galleries                         65
    Annual Report                                   13          Northwest Special Recreation Association                11
    Aquatics                                        46          Parks & Facilities                                      77
    Birthday Parties                                34          Park Location Map                                       78
    Club 50                                         63          Performing Arts                                         51
    Community Events                                16          Preschool                                               35
    Dance                                           55          Raupp Museum                                            48
    Environmental Action Team                       39          Registration Form                                       8
    Fitness & Wellness                              69          Registration Information                                7
    Fitness Center                                  73          Room Rentals                                            10
    Friends of the Parks Foundation                 11          Scout Programs                                          50
    General Information                             9           Staff Directory                                         6
    Golf Dome                                       67          Youth & Family Programs                                 37
                                                                Youth Sports & Fitness                                  40

Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
Fall 2021 | Buffalo Grove Park District | 847.850.2100 |

Staff Directory
Administration                                                                                              Fitness Center           601 West Deerfield Parkway - 847.353.7500

Ryan Risinger, CPRE                 Executive Director                         847.850.2122                 Joe Zimmermann, CPRP         General Manager                 847.353.7582
Erika Strojinc, CPRP, CPO           Director of Recreation and Facilities 847.850.2133                      Jenay Gordon                 Group Exercise Manager          847.353.7577
Tim Howe, CPRP, CPSI, CPO Director of Parks and Planning                       847.850.2163                 Debra Saper                  Fitness Floor Manager           847.353.7512
John Short, CPA, CPRE               Director of Business Services              847.850.2114                 Carol Lucido                 Customer Relations Manager      847.353.7520
                                    and Human Resources
                                                                                                            Dalete Morris                Accounts Manager                847.353.7508
Mike Terson, CPRP                   Superintendent of Communications           847.850.2116
                                    and Marketing
Danielle Hoefle, CPRP, CPSI, Risk Manager                                      847.850.2115
                                                                                                            Parks & Facilities         150 Raupp Boulevard - 847.850.2195
CPO                                                                                                         Michael Maloney,             Superintendent of Development   847.850.2109
Chuck Burgess, CPRP, CPO            Superintendent of Recreation               847.850.2125                 LEED AP BD+C, CPO

Chris Eckert, CPRP                  Superintendent of Recreation               847.850.2123                 Tim Beckmann, CPRP, CPSI     Superintendent of Facilities    847.850.2107
                                                                                                            CPO, CEAS                    and Planning
Greg Ney, CPRP                      Superintendent of Recreation               847.850.2127
                                                                                                            Randy Smith, CPRP, CPSI, CPO Superintendent of Parks         847.850.2166
                                                                                                            Randy Croissant              Fleet Manager                   847.850.2164
Business, Registration & Marketing
                                                                                                            Steve Houde                  Parks Foreman                   847.850.2188
Scott Spitz, PHR                    Human Resources Manager                    847.850.2143
                                                                                                            Rosendo Soto                 Parks Foreman                   847.850.2188
Robin Racusen                       Accounts and Front Office Manager 847.850.2103
                                                                                                            Clint Poynor, CPO            Facilities Foreman
Jennifer Johns                      Marketing Specialist                       847.850.2124
                                                                                                            Dave Anderson, CPO           Facilities Technician           847.353.7557
Wendy Friedman                      Partnerships and Communications            847.850.2144
                                                                                                            Jerry Kolodziej, CPO         Facilities Technician
                                                                                                            Andrew McDowell, CPO         Facilities Engineer
Debbie Mills                        Registration Specialist                    847.850.2101
                                                                                                            Kyle Moody, CPO              Facilities Engineer
Beth Wanland                        Executive Assistant                        847.850.2104
                                                                                                            Felix Yarovsky, CPO          Facilities Engineer             847.353.7556
                                                                                                            Matt Raupp                   Athletic Fields Crew Chief
                                                                                                            Mark Bajno, CSFM             Athletic Fields Specialist
Diana Clayson, CPRP                 Recreation Manager                         847.850.2111
                                                                                                            Mike Pfeiffer, ISA           Arborist
Aly Stanczak, CPRP                  Recreation Manager                         847.850.2105
                                                                                                            Dan Anderson, CPRP, CPSI     Crew Chief
T.J. Wilkes, CPRP                   Recreation Manager                         847.850.2199
                                                                                                            Tom Hoffman                  Crew Chief
Megan Baird, CPRP                   Recreation Supervisor                      847.850.2119
                                                                                                            Jose Soto                    Crew Chief
Amanda Busch                        Recreation Supervisor                      847.850.2134
                                                                                                            Nick Cozzi, CPSI             Parks Specialist
Lindsay Grandt                      Recreation Supervisor                      847.850.2132
                                                                                                            Joe Jagiello                 Parks Specialist
Jessi Hersman                       Recreation Supervisor                      847.850.2152
Jimmy Mix                           Recreation Supervisor                      847.850.2108
Allison Oberst                      Recreation Supervisor                      847.850.2146
Jenn Foreman, CPRP, AFO             Aquatics Facilities Supervisor             847.850.2110
Brian O'Malley, CPRP                Facility Supervisor                        847.353.7529
Debbie Fandrei                      Museum Curator                             847.850.2135
Liz Sass                            Program Specialist                         847.850.2136
Jose Lanza                          Head Custodian                             847.850.2120
Ramon Diaz                          Alcott Custodian                           847.850.2120
Yony Matute                         Community Arts Center Custodian            847.850.2141

                                                                                                                   Buffalo Grove Park District
                                                                                                                       Mission Statement
AFO - Aquatic Facility Operator                        CPRP - Certified Parks and Recreation Professional
CEAS - Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist       CPSI - Certified Playground Safety Inspector
CPA - Certified Public Accountant                      CSFM - Certified Sports Field Manager
CPO - Certified Pool Operator
CPRE - Certified Parks and Recreation Executive
                                                       ISA - International Society of Arboriculture
                                                       PHR - Professional in Human Resources
                                                                                                                        Enriching life and community
                                                                                                                           through premier parks,
                                                                                                                          programs and facilities.
                                                                                                                                     Adopted January 2013.

Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
Registration Information
                                                             Second Choice Programs                                  Receipts
                                                             Selecting a second choice increases the likelihood      A confirmation of registration will be sent to
         General Program                                     of getting into a program. Please pay the total
                                                             of the highest fees. If your payment is less than
                                                                                                                     you electronically if an email address has been
                                                                                                                     provided. If not, a receipt will be mailed to the
         Registration Dates                                  the necessary total, your registration cannot be
                                                             processed. If the program you want is full, we will
                                                                                                                     address on the registration form. The Buffalo Grove
                                                                                                                     Park District will reissue past receipts when a Receipt
                                                             place you in your second choice program. If both        Request Form is completed. There is a $5 fee per
         Resident Registration                               programs are full, you will be placed on a waiting      request. Receipt Request Forms are available on
         Begins: August 2 at 8:30 am                         list for your first choice program and your fee will    our website or at the Alcott Center. Once the fee
                                                             be refunded.                                            is paid and the form is completed, please allow 5
                                                                                                                     days for processing.
         Nonresident Registration                            Refunds
         Begins: August 9 at 8:30 am                          • Full refunds will be issued for any                  Program Changes & Cancellations
                                                             		 program cancelled by the Park District.                • Programs are sometimes cancelled or
         All registrations received prior to the                                                                     		 altered due to low registration, changes
                                                              •   Participants may request refunds for
         above dates and times will be                                                                               		 in staff or facility availability.
                                                             		   programs up to 5 business days
         processed at random.                                		   before the program’s first meeting. In              •   If your receipt indicates a program has
                                                             		   athletic programs and leagues, the                 		   been cancelled or altered, please
         Please note: All programs that are                  		   program is considered to begin with its            		   contact the Park District right away at
         available for online registration are               		   first practice.                                    		   847.850.2100. We may be able
         first-come, first-served and will fill                                                                      		   to transfer your registration to another
                                                              •   Refunds received with less than 5
         up quickly.                                         		   business days notice will only be issued           		   program of your choice.
                                                             		   for a medical problem, when                         • You are entitled to a full refund for a
                                                             		   accompanied by a doctor’s note.                    		 program that has been cancelled by the
                                                                                                                     		 Park District.
    Proof Of Residency                                        • Refunds for trips and contractual work-
                                                             		 shops will only be issued if the spot can
    You must provide proof of residency the first time
                                                             		 be filled from the waiting list.                     Park District Advantages
    you register in order to receive Buffalo Grove Park
    District resident rates. Once you are in our system,      • Once a program has ended, a refund                   If you live within the boundaries of the Buffalo
    you will not need to prove residency again unless        		 will not be issued.                                  Grove Park District, you are entitled to:
    your address changes. The only acceptable forms                                                                     • Registration for limited programs before
                                                              •   A $5 administration fee will be charged
    of proof include a valid driver’s license or state                                                               		 they are opened to nonresidents.
                                                             		   against refunds, including medical
    identification card, or a current electric, gas, water   		   problems, to cover clerical and                     • Pre-registration for certain continuing programs.
    or garbage bill.                                         		   administrative costs. There are no                  • Resident rates for all programs.
                                                             		   administrative fees charged when a
    Registration Information                                 		   program is cancelled by the Park District.         The boundaries of the Buffalo Grove Park District
                                                                                                                     and the Village of Buffalo Grove are not exactly
    The Park District’s registration process was              •   Fees paid by credit cards will be                  the same. Some neighborhoods at the edges
    developed to permit fair access to Park District         		   refunded through charge account credits.           of Wheeling and Arlington Heights are in the
    programs and services for all of our residents.          		   All other payment types will be refunded           Buffalo Grove Park District boundary.          Other
     •   Complete your registration form(s),                 		   by check.                                          neighborhoods within the Village of Buffalo Grove
    		   including second choice programs and                 •   If you register online and would like to 		        are outside the Park District. If you are not certain
    		   signature. Unsigned forms or incorrect              		   withdraw, please complete a Registration           whether you qualify as a resident, please check
    		   payments will delay the registration process.       		   Change Form and email it to rracusen@              your property tax bill, or contact our registration
     • Make sure that all program codes                 , or fax it to 847.459.5741.            office at 847.850.2100.
    		 indicate the classes you want. If the                  • Refund processing takes 2 weeks.
    		 code is incorrect, it may delay your 		                                                                       Nonresident Fair Share Fees
    		 registration.                                                                                                 Buffalo Grove Park District residents make significant
                                                             Senior Discount
                                                                                                                     contributions to the operation of the agency through
                                                             Residents aged 62 and over are entitled to a 20%
    Waiting Lists                                                                                                    their property taxes. This contribution is beyond the
                                                             discount on recreation opportunities through the
    Wait lists are automatically created when we                                                                     fees they pay for programs and services. The Fair
                                                             Park District, except contractual programs and trips.
    have more registrations for a program than we                                                                    Share fee policy was adopted by the Park District’s
                                                             Programs marked with this symbol           indicates
    have space. Your receipt will indicate if you are                                                                Board of Commissioners to equalize this financial
                                                             that the program is eligible for the 20% discounted
    registered for a program or on the waiting list. We                                                              burden. Fair Share fees will be 25% more than the
                                                             fee. This only applies to programs listed in the
    will process refunds once we are certain that we                                                                 resident fee, up to a maximum of $100.
                                                             Adult Classes, Adult Sports, and Fitness and
    cannot find an opening for you.                          Wellness sections. All eligible programs in the
                                                             Adult Programs and Club 50 sections already have
                                                             the discount applied.

Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
Fall 2021 | Buffalo Grove Park District | 847.850.2100 |

Registration Form
Part 1 » Family Information - Please Print Clearly

Head of Household Last Name:                                                              Address:                                                             City:

Zip:                                                                                      Phone:                                                               Alternate Phone:

Guardian(s):                                                                              Email:

Part 2 » Fill in 1st and 2nd choice programs for each participant, paying the higher of the 2 fees when including 2nd choice programs.

  Participant’s Name                                        Gender          Birthdate            Program                                     Code Number                                 Age                  Fee
                                                                                                1st Choice

                                                                                                2nd Choice

                                                                                                1st Choice

                                                                                                2nd Choice

                                                                                                1st Choice

                                                                                                2nd Choice

                                                                                                1st Choice

                                                                                                2nd Choice

 Please describe any allergies or other accommodations needed for your enjoyment of this program:                                              Credit Balances of $10 or less                Total Fees = $
                                                                                                                                               will be applied to your account.

Part 3 » Signature

   Waiver and Release of All Claims - Must be signed or registration cannot be processed.
   Please read this form carefully and be aware that in registering yourself or your minor child/ward for participation in Buffalo Grove Park District programs, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries
   you or your child/ward might sustain arising out of said programs.
   I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in the program(s), including transportation services, for which I have registered and I agree to assume the full risk of any
   such injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, which I or my child/ward may sustain as a result of participating in any activities connected or associated with any such program(s), including transportation
   services. I waive and relinquish all claims I or my child/ward may have against the Park District and its officers, agents, servants and employees as a result of participation in any of these program(s), including
   transportation services. I hereby fully release and discharge the Park District and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damage or loss which I or my child/ward may
   have or which may accrue to me or my child/ward on account of my participation or the participation of my child/ward in any of these program(s), including transportation services. I further agree to indemnify
   and hold harmless and defend the Park District and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages and losses sustained by me or by my child/ward, and arising
   out, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of any of the program(s), including transportation services. Photo Disclaimer: Registrants and participants of programs and special events permits the
   Park District to take photos and videos of themselves and their child/ward for publication in the program brochure, website, social media and additional uses as the Park District deems necessary unless the registrant
   or participant expressively files with the Park District a written objection as to photos or videos of themselves and/or their child/ward.

   I have read and fully understand the program details and waiver and release of all claims.

   Signature of Participant (or of parent If participant is under 18)                   Printed Name                               				                                               Date

Part 4 » Fill in credit card information                                                                     Part 5 » Return your form to the Park District
 This section must be filled out if you are using Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover.
                                                                                                                  Mail in, Drop off or Fax it in!
 Charge My:        Visa       Mastercard         AMEX          Discover

 Card holder name (print)                                                                                                          Buffalo Grove Park District
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fax Us!
                                                                                                                                   530 Bernard Drive
 Card Number                                                                                                                                                                                     847.459.5741
                                                                                                                                   Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
 Expiration Date                                           CVV

 Amount of Payment $                                                                                         Please Note: All information listed will appear on your account. If parents reside at different addresses and
                                                                                                             you would like information sent to both addresses, please provide us with the second address. Once complete,
 Authorized Signature                                                                                        return forms to the Alcott Center. Due to internet security precautions, payment is accepted via fax, mail, drop
                                                                                                             box, or in-person. Credit card information should not be sent via email.

Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
General Information
    Americans With Disabilities Act                                                         Changes/Errors Disclaimer
    The Buffalo Grove Park District will comply with the Americans with Disabilities        Due to the large amount of information available in the Buffalo Grove Park District
    Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination in the provision of programs, services        program guide, errors before or after publication may occur. We apologize for
    or activities to individuals with disabilities. We invite any resident with any         any errors in this publication, and we will advise you of any changes as quickly
    special need to contact our staff, or our special recreation staff upon registration,   as possible. We will also attempt to keep information on our website, bgparks.
    so that a smooth inclusion may occur. In addition to the programs listed within         org as current as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding when
    our program guide, our district also provides specialized services for people           these situations occur.
    with disabilities through the Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA).
    Feel free to contact NWSRA at 847.392.2848 for more information.                        Park District Tours
                                                                                            Whether you are new to the area or are a longtime resident that has not been
    If you have questions regarding the Park District’s ADA policy, or believe that
                                                                                            able to keep up with all of the development over the past few years, the Buffalo
    you have been unfairly discriminated against in the provision of services or
                                                                                            Grove Park District is offering tours of the Park District. It is a great way to learn
    activities at the Buffalo Grove Park District, please contact Tim Beckmann, our
                                                                                            about the more than 50 parks and facilities within the district, as well as an
    ADA compliance officer, at 847.850.2107. A procedure is available to you
                                                                                            opportunity to ask any questions you might have regarding any of the hundreds of
    for the prompt resolution of your complaint.
                                                                                            programs and events offered throughout the year. If you are interested in taking a
                                                                                            tour, please contact Chris Eckert at 847.850.2123 to schedule one.
    Please attach a description of any accommodations needed to your registration form.
    This procedure will help ensure your enjoyment of our programs and events.
                                                                                            Photo Disclaimer
    Illinois Relay Center                                                                   Registrants and participants of programs and special events permit the Buffalo
                                                                                            Grove Park District to take photos and videos of themselves and their children
    The Buffalo Grove Park District encourages people who have hearing or speech
                                                                                            for publication in the program guide, website and additional uses as the Park
    impairments to use the Illinois Relay Center if they wish to call the Park District.
                                                                                            District deems necessary unless the registrant or participant expressively files with
    The service is available at no cost to those using a TDD or TTY.
                                                                                            the Park District a written objection as to photos or videos of themselves and/
                                                                                            or their children.
    If you use a TDD or TTY and want to call the Park District, or someone who uses
    a standard telephone, the Communications Assistant (CA) will voice your typed
    words to the person using a standard telephone and type the standard phone              Facilities
    users words to you.                                                                     All facilities participants are expected to follow the rules of the facilities. Specialty
                                                                                            areas of the facilities (example: Fitness Center and the pools) have posted signs
                                                                                            stating special rules specific to that area. Disregard or abuse of facility rules may
    To use this service:
                                                                                            result in removal by staff or police from the facility for a designated length of time
    1. Dial 7-1-1 or 800.526.0844.                                                          or permanently.
    2. When the Communications Assistant answers, type the telephone
       number of the person you want to call.                                               Warning Of Risk
    3. When the person answers, proceed as you would with a regular                         Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the
       TTY call. Direct your conversation to the person you are calling,                    physical, mental and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful
       not to the Communications Assistant.                                                 and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment,
                                                                                            there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/
    4. Type “GA” when you are ready for the other person to respond.                        program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen.
       When you are finished with your conversation, end the call by                        Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain
       typing “GA or SK (stop keying),” giving the person you are                           risks, dangers and injuries due to inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill
       calling an opportunity to continue or end the call.                                  level or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises
                                                                                            defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction
                                                                                            or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor
                                                                                            recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that
                                                                                            it is impossible for the Buffalo Grove Park District to guarantee absolute safety.

                                                        Volunteer Opportunities
                                                        Discover endless volunteer opportunities at the Buffalo Grove Park District.
                                                        Who can volunteer at the Park District? Anyone! Opportunities are available
                                                        for people of all ages and interests. With so many programs and projects
                                                        to choose from, there’s bound to be something you or your group will find
                                                        interesting and rewarding.
                                                        Become a face in the park and volunteer today! For more information, visit

Programs & Events - Buffalo Grove Park District
Fall 2021 | Buffalo Grove Park District | 847.850.2100 |

Accident Insurance                                                                     Pickleball & Tennis Courts
The Park District does not carry medical or accident insurance for program             The Buffalo Grove Park District has 12 pickleball and 26 tennis courts, including
participants. Participants should review their personal insurance before               lighted tennis courts at Emmerich, Kilmer, Willow Stream and Woodland
registering for Park District programs to be certain of adequate coverage.             Parks, and lighted pickleball courts at Mike Rylko Community Park. Due to
                                                                                       inconsistencies in seasonal weather conditions, tennis courts, nets and lights
                                                                                       remain open and operational all year long.
Behavior Policy
Part of the Mission of the Buffalo Grove Park District is to provide safe and          Light Operation:
wholesome programs, parks and facilities for our residents and guests. The
                                                                                       • Turn lights on by pressing the button near the entrance gate. Once turned
Behavior Policy has been established to help fulfill this mission. We ask all staff,
                                                                                         on, the lights will remain illuminated for approximately 60 minutes.
volunteers, participants and spectators to help us in our effort to provide the best
possible environment to enjoy our recreation activities. The Behavior Policy is        • After 50 minutes a strobe light will flash.
available for viewing at the Alcott Center or on our website at           • Once the light flashes, press the button again for an additional 60 minutes.
Questions about this policy and the disciplinary procedure should be directed
to the Director of Recreation and Facilities, or to the Superintendent of Recreation   • Once lights turn off it will take approximately 15 - 20 minutes to re-light.
at 847.850.2100.                                                                       • All courts are playable until 10:30 pm.
                                                                                       • Please report any vandalism or switch problems by calling Tim Howe at
Smoking                                                                                  847.850.2163.
Smoking is not allowed on Park District property. This includes electronic
cigarettes (e-cigs or e-cigarettes), personal vaporizers (PV) or electronic nicotine   Observers
delivery systems (ENDS) or any other device that simulates tobacco smoking by
                                                                                       Observers of programs are also expected to behave appropriately. Parents,
producing an aerosol that resembles smoke. This includes all parks, facilities,
                                                                                       friends, and any other observer is held to the same standards of behavior as
buildings, athletic fields, spectator/viewing areas and parking lots. Thank you
                                                                                       participants. If inappropriate behavior of a program observer is reported or
for your cooperation.
                                                                                       observed by a staff person, the observer will be asked to leave by staff or police
                                                                                       if necessary.
After Hours Hotline
Need information? Try these telephone information lines, available                     Tree Memorial Program
24 hours a day:                                                                        If you would like to commemorate a date, person, event or organization, you
  • 847.235.6857 - Athletic Field Conditions and Program                               may arrange to have a tree of your choice planted in your favorite park. The
		 Cancellations due to inclement weather.                                             Park District recognizes tree memorial donations with plaques at the Alcott
                                                                                       Center. The Park District will consult families or individuals on the tree species
  • To report acts of vandalism and/or hazardous park conditions, please
                                                                                       and potential location. The Park District will complete all installations. All
		 call Tim Howe at 847.850.2163.
                                                                                       donations are tax-deductible. A brochure on the Living Tree Memorial program
                                                                                       is available at the Alcott Center.
Park Hours
Unless otherwise posted, all lighted parks close at 11 pm and non-lighted parks        Gift Certificates
close at 10 pm. All parks open at 6 am.
                                                                                       Give the gift of fun! The Buffalo Grove Park District offers gift certificates in any
                                                                                       dollar amount. Park District gift certificates can be used towards any program,
                                                                                       such as classes, camp, preschool and Clubhouse, or towards season passes
                                                                                       at the pool or Golf and Sports Center. To purchase a gift certificate, call Robin
                                                                                       Racusen at 847.850.2103.

                                                              Room Rentals
             Whether it’s a family birthday party, work meeting, or any other special event, the Buffalo
             Grove Park District has rooms to rent for all occasions. The Alcott Center can be rented
             based on availability, and we can accommodate groups and parties of up to 100
             people. The Community Arts Center can accommodate groups and parties up to 220
             people. Applications are available on our website at, or stop by either
             facility for more information. Please note: Those numbers reflect occupancy during
             normal operations; however, during the pandemic, occupancy numbers are much lower.

The Friends of the Parks Foundation is the 501c3 charitable arm of the Buffalo Grove Park District.

     •      Our mission is to support the programs, services and facilities of the Buffalo Grove Park District.
     •      We raise funds through Foundation hosted programs which include the Buffalo Grove Adventure Challenge, Flights in the Park,
            Senior Expo, Dining Through the Decades, and Trivia Night.
     •      We support many Park District family events and programs, including National Night Out, Cinderella’s Royal Ball, Camping
            Under the Stars, the Kite Fly, Movies Under the Stars and programs for senior citizens.
     •      We provide fee assistance for active duty military personnel and their dependents, and for families in need within our District.
     •      We welcome corporate and individual donations, which are tax-deductible.
     •      We serve the residents of the Buffalo Grove Park District.

     We are the Friends of the Parks Foundation. Learn more about us at

                                                                                Learn More about NWSRA
                                                                                For more information on NWSRA programs and to register
                                                                                online, visit Brochures about NWSRA programs are
                                                                                available at the Administration Center or from NWSRA at Park
                                                                                Central, 3000 W. Central Road, Rolling Meadows. Contact
                                                                                NWSRA at 847.392.2848 (voice); 847.392.2855 (TTY); or
                                                                                847.392.2870 (FAX).
         Providing outstanding opportunities through recreation for
                                                                                Leaders Needed
         children and adults with disabilities.
                                                                                NWSRA is looking for energetic individuals looking to enrich the
         Buffalo Grove Park District is a member of a 17 park district          lives of NWSRA participants. If you are interested in working
         cooperative which forms the Northwest Special Recreation               with NWSRA programs, please call 847.392.2848 or visit
         Association (NWSRA). The NWSRA team of full-time therapeutic 
         recreation professionals and trained part-time staff offer quality
         year-round recreation for individuals of all ages with disabilities.

         NWSRA activities provide opportunities for children and adults
         with disabilities to have fun, make friends, be included, learn
         new things, go new places and celebrate their lives. After
         school, evening and weekend programs feature sports, games,
         arts and crafts, fitness, cooking, drama and more. Camps, trips
         and special events are planned throughout the year.

         Inclusion Assistance
         NWSRA provides assistance to individuals who wish to
         participate in their local park district programs. Indicate on
         the registration form if any accommodations are needed to
         successfully participate in the program. The Park District staff
         will contact NWSRA for assistance.

Fall 2021 | Buffalo Grove Park District | 847.850.2100 |

Active Duty Military Policy
The Buffalo Grove Park District Board of Commissioners admires the sacrifice             supplement this Park District commitment. Combined with the Park District, these
of military personnel and their dependents, and wants to provide the support             groups help make sure that most programs and services are available to active
they need. The Board feels that these families should be able to enjoy the many          duty military personnel and their dependents. This policy is for active duty military
parks, programs, memberships and facilities in our community. Therefore a                personnel, including reservists called to duty.
comprehensive program is available to military personnel and their dependents
residing within the Buffalo Grove Park District.                                         Please call 847.850.2100 for more information or to receive a scholarship
                                                                                         application packet. All requests will remain confidential.
Joining the Park District are the Friends of the Parks Foundation and the Rusty Reiner
Veterans Memorial Fund. These two groups have provided financial support to

Rusty Reiner Veterans Memorial Fund
A fund has been established in memory of Vietnam Veteran Russell “Rusty” Reiner,         If you are interested in participating in this program, as either a scholarship
a long-time Buffalo Grove resident. His daughter, former wife, parents, brother          recipient, or as a contributor to the program, please contact Ryan Risinger,
and many cousins still live in Buffalo Grove. The Reiner family partners with the        Executive Director, at 847.850.2122.
Park District to provide a scholarship/fee assistance program for Active Duty
Military personnel and their families.                                                   The Buffalo Grove Park District thanks the Reiner family for their generosity in
                                                                                         supporting financial relief to resident military families.

                                                                                                         Annual Fees • May 1 - April 30

                                                                                                         RESIDENT                          NONRESIDENT
                                                                                                         $20 - First Dog                   $30 - First Dog
                                                                                                         $10 - 2nd Dog                     $15 - 2nd Dog
                                                                                                         $10 - 3rd Dog                     $15 - 3rd Dog

                                                                                                         There is a limit of 3 dogs.

Hours: Sunrise to Sunset | Open all year, but not maintained in winter.
The Happy Tails Dog Park is exclusive to pass holders; and, there is a limit of 3 dogs.
Dog park permits and daily passes ($6 per day) are available for purchase at the
Alcott Center for both residents and nonresidents. The form can be downloaded
ahead of time at Annual passes are valid May 1 through April 30 of
the following year. All dog park permits and daily passes are processed at the Alcott
Center during front desk office hours (passes will not be mailed). Owners must provide
proof of current rabies vaccination upon purchase.

Free parking is available at the south end of the train station.

                                                              835 Commerce Court
                                                              Buffalo Grove, IL 60089                     Sponsored by
                                                              Located at the south end of
                                                              the parking lot at the Sidney
                                                              Mathias Metra Train Station
2020 - 2021

     Finance                                                                                           Fitness Center

     During the 2020-21 fiscal year, the Buffalo Grove Park District operated on a                     The Buffalo Grove Fitness Center saw a lot of ups and downs this past year. It
     total budget of $23,301,306. We had 58 fulltime employees, and over 350                           started with reopening our facility in July with many COVID-19 safety measures in
     part time throughout the year, making us one of the largest employers of youth in                 place, and ended with a new normal at the facility. We successfully introduced
     the community. Unlike other government taxing bodies, the Park District generates                 virtual group exercise classes, built an outdoor group exercise area, reconfigured
     most of its revenue from program fees, as well as other revenue generating                        our layout in the cardio and weight room areas, put a new reservation system in
     sources, such as corporate sponsorship, rental fees, and state and federal grants.                place, and created a member services area where the cafe used to be.
     Only 40% of our total budget came from property taxes. When it comes to what
     you get for your dollar, the Park District is able to provide thousands of programs,              Instead of an annual membership appreciation week, we started to have monthly
     dozens of events, multiple indoor and outdoor facilities, and maintain 51 parks,                  membership appreciation days. During these appreciation days, we treat
     for under six cents of every dollar residents spend on their property taxes. Below                members to little treats like Kind bars, fruit and coffee.
     is the breakdown of property tax distribution in both Cook and Lake Counties.
                                                                                                       Our student passes continue to grow in popularity. They were the leading pass
     Cook County Buffalo Grove 2019*                                                                   sold during the pandemic; and, we were proud to be a place that our community’s
                                                                                                       students could come to workout and socialize (from a safe distance).

                                                                                                       We added some new equipment to our facility, including 2 new weightlifting
                                                                                                       platforms, a new Assault bike, and an Assault treadmill.

                                                                                                       This past year we minimized expense, while adapting constantly to make sure our
                                                                                                       staff and members were as safe as possible when they came to workout, and still
     *2020 data was not released yet at time of publication.   Combined School Districts - 70.16%      have the experience they’ve come to expect from the Fitness Center.
     **Lake County residents pay water reclaimation fees on    Village of Buffalo Grove - 10.7%
     their water bill.                                         Buffalo Grove Park District - 5.5%
                                                               County & Forest Preserve - 5.11%
                                                               Indian Trails Public Library - 4.2%     Community Arts Center
                                                               Water Reclaimation District - 3.66%**
                                                               All others combined - 0.66%
                                                                                                       Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the Community Arts Center continued
     Lake County Buffalo Grove 2020                                                                    to offer a variety of diverse and unique programming opportunities over the past
                                                                                                       year. The staff, composed of 6 full time, and a limited number of part time teach-
                                                                                                       ing artists and designers, worked creatively throughout the year to keep the arts
     Lake County Buffalo Grove 2017                                                                    alive in Buffalo Grove.

                                                                                                       At the onset of the pandemic, the dance, theater and music programs took a
                                                                                                       dramatically different direction. Overnight, we had to navigate a new arts land-
                                                                                                       scape, where the only available platform was virtual. Within days, we were
                                                               Combined School Districts - 72.53%
                                                                                                       implementing programs, events and opportunities for the community to experience
                                                               Village of Buffalo Grove - 9.7%
                                                               County & Forest Preserve - 8.37%        the arts at home. The offerings included dance classes, theatre classes, virtu-
                                                               Buffalo Grove Park District - 5.13%     al script readings, performances, social media activities, special events, camp,
                                                               Vernon Area Public Library - 3.26%      counselor-in-training, mindfulness check-ins, cast reunions, trivia, and master class-
                                                               All others combined - 1%
                                                                                                       es led by artists from across the nation. Collectively, these programs received the
     Facility & Park Development                                                                       highest number of virtual registrations for the District with over 800 individuals
     Alcott Center
     A new vestibule was built at the far northeast entrance of the building.                          As gathering restrictions eased in the summer of 2020, in-person programs started
                                                                                                       up again at the Community Arts Center, in addition to the thriving virtual program
     Golf Dome                                                                                         schedule. Participation numbers and ticket sales were obviously greatly reduced
     New epoxy flooring was installed inside the Golf Dome, and new ADA accessible                     over the past year, but we were pleased to be able to keep the community en-
     pavement work was done around the facility.                                                       gaged with unique and high-quality arts programming.

     Veterans Park                                                                                     2019-20 Shows					Ticket Sales
     A new playground was installed.                                                                   It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play 			                         182

     Community Arts Center                                                                             Bad Auditions: On Camera 				                                        66
     The back vestibule was renovated, and the public restrooms were remodeled.                        Fire & Ice Players present The Laramie Project 		                    63
                                                                                                       Dear Edwina: Online Edition 				                                     155
                                                                                                       10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse 		                          159
                                                                                                       Total Tickets Sold					625

Fall 2021 | Buffalo Grove Park District | 847.850.2100 |

Raupp Museum
                                                                                           We embraced the social distancing of the summer, and hosted 8 weeks of
We are happy to report that in spite of the pandemic, the museum was able to               summer concerts at Willow Stream Park, with the use of 14’ social distance circles
continue serving the residents of Buffalo Grove, providing educational programs,           painted in the grass fields. The circles allowed community members to have their
exhibits, Scout programs, and collections tours through the use of digital resources.      own space, and spread out throughout the park, while still being able to enjoy
                                                                                           the sweet sounds of the summer concert series. The circles were also used for the
By the start of the 2020 school year, all 10 of the museum’s educational programs          Movies Under the Stars event; and, we were able to host 2 movies out at Willow
had been converted to a digital format, so that they could be used in online and           Stream Park safely for families to enjoy with their kids. These events provided
hybrid classes. Over 1,040 students and teachers took advantage of this possibility.       outlets for families to leave their house, and enjoy a night out in a safe and fun
                                                                                           way at a time when there weren't a lot of recreational opportunities in the world.
Not only did the museum provide programs during the pandemic, but we also
provided a chance to view exhibits. The Raupp Museum introduced its online                 The Park District also hosted our first drive-in movie, featuring Frozen 2 in the
exhibit platform in June of 2020, allowing visitors to still learn and enjoy history,      parking lot of the Spray ‘N Play. There were 70 families in attendance, all
even when they could not come to the building. Since that time, the museum has             spaced out throughout the parking lot to view the movie from the comfort of their
introduced 11 exhibits, which have drawn over 750 online visitors.                         car.

Finally, the museum also introduced behind-the-scenes collections tours during             In October, we held our first drive-thru Halloween event outside at the Community
2020. These 6 videos were filmed at the museum, and then shared on the Park                Arts Center. There were 140 families in attendance, which included 270
District’s YouTube channel, allowing over 210 viewers to get a chance to see a part        kids. The outside of the Community Arts Center was decorated with Halloween
of the museum that is usually off limits to guests.                                        decorations, characters in costume, and themed scenes. This event was a fun
                                                                                           time for all those who participated.

Golf Dome                                                                                  In March, the Park District organized an at home egg hunt that was brought to 45
                                                                                           residents homes throughout Buffalo Grove. Families who registered for the event
The Golf Dome had another successful season, offering 33 indoor driving range              got to hunt for plastic filled eggs in their front yard that were delivered and hidden
stations, a 9-hole putting green and PGA instructor lead group lessons and private         by Park District staff members. This new twist on an egg hunt was fun-filled for all
lessons. We purchased 33 new hitting mats, rubber tees and ground targets,                 family members and Park District staff alike.
installed and new furniture on the first and second floors, completed touch ups on
the stairs leading to the second floor golf stations, and refinished the flooring on the   When local school districts shifted to remote learning due to the pandemic, the
first floor. To ensure safety during the pandemic, we installed 2 iWave air purifying      Buffalo Grove Park District partnered with school districts 21, 96 and 102 to
devices, operated using a reservation system to limit occupancy to 50 customers,           provide an in-person program for children to conduct their remote learning. Pod
displayed signage throughout the facility regarding COVID-19 precautions and               Squad provided working families an opportunity to enroll their children in a safe,
policies, installed a Plexiglas barrier at front desk, installed a mixing station for      supervised, and quiet environment, where they could log into their classes. Pod
the sanitizing backpack sprayer, and mounted extra hand sanitizer dispensers               Squad hosted up to 111 students each day throughout the school year.
and disinfectant wipe dispensers. Procedural changes included a maximum of 1
person per hitting station, payment being completed prior to hitting to limit gathering
at the front desk, customers scanning their own passes, and exiting the building
at the end of each reservation time. In addition to our own group lessons, we
hosted programs offered by The First Tee of Greater Chicago, Revelation Golf,
and NWSRA. The Golf Dome collaborated with Twin Orchard Country Club to
sell items through our Pro Shop; customers enjoyed purchasing top of the line golf
apparel at reduced prices.

Programs & Events

The Park District Preschool provided care and early education to 42 children in the
winter session, and 67 children in the spring with the Preschool Junior program.
Five preschool teachers and 6 full time staff assisted in implementing the program.
All while wearing their face coverings, the children were able to learn from a
variety of activities and instruction, including math and science skills, language
arts, fine and large motor skills, as well as guidance in their social and emotional
growth. The Kid Rock program was able to hold virtual and in-person classes;
and, the Hands On Art program had about 20 in-person classes throughout the
year, providing entertainment, socialization and fun learning to all participants.

The aquatics department was able to successfully open Spray ‘N Play for a
shortened summer 2020 season, while following all COVID-19 guidelines.
A total of 7,079 guests attended the facility from July 8 through August 30.
Hurricanes Swim Team members were welcomed back to the Buffalo Grove High
School Natatorium for swim clinics, which slowly progressed to being able to host          Staff
an in-house swim meet in March.
                                                                                           New Full Time Staff
During the pandemic, the Park District provided virtual programming for seniors            We added 1 new full time staff member last year - Fitness Center General
and adults through Zoom and GoTo Meeting. Virtual programs included Bingo,                 Manager, Joe Zimmermann; and, we had a few people get promoted. Erika
trivia, current events, and the SAGES program, as well as a variety of programs            Strojinc was promoted to Director of Recreation and Facilities; Mike Terson was
in partnership with the Vernon Area Public Library, Indian Trails Public Library, and      promoted to superintenndent of communications and marketing; Dave Anderson
Catholic Charities of Lake County.                                                         was promoted to facilities technician; and, Andrew McDowell was promoted to
                                                                                           facilities engineer.

Awards & Certifications                                                                 Volunteers

     For the 23rd consecutive year, Director of Business Services and Human Resources        Soccer Coaches      Flag Football Coaches
     John Short accepted the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial          David Beck          Noam Alon
     Reporting by the Government Finance Officers of the United States and Canada.                               Trevor Gaskill
                                                                                             Paul Broz
     In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, the governmental agency
                                                                                             Brian Costin        Steve Krull
     must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual
     financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting           Bradley Egel        Chris Meyer
     principles and applicable legal requirements.                                           Jordana Fox         Kyle Olson
                                                                                             Jay Greenhill       Tom Sibo
     The performing arts programs at the Community Arts Center were honored by the                               Dave Yang
                                                                                             Robert Grinberg
     Illinois Association of Park Districts in September of 2020 as the recipient of the
                                                                                             David Guyer
     Best of the Best Award for Arts in the Parks programming.                                                   Girls Softball Coach
                                                                                             Jim Hardy
                                                                                                                 Neil O’Malley
     The Studio 83 Dance Company was thrilled to return to the stage for 3 competitions      Becky Kinnee
     this season. One of the highlights of their season was receiving the Association        Brian Lett
     of Dance Competitions and Conventions (ADCC) Studio of Excellence award                 Rraim Murtishi
     during their very first competition of the season. This award went to the studio that
                                                                                             Tiffany Neuhausel
     best exemplifies the mission and purpose of the ADCC. This includes uniting to
     promote quality, integrity and opportunity, and working together and striving for       Robert Paresi
     excellence within the dance competition and convention industry.                        Staci Rabin
                                                                                             Josh Stanley
     Finally, one of our staff members, parks specialist, Nick Cozzi achieved his            Charlie Rataj
     CPSI certification (Certified Playground Safety Inspector); and, superintendent
                                                                                             Jennifer Rataj
     of communications and marketing, Mike Terson, received the Illinois Parks and
     Recreation Association Communications and Marketing Section's Distinguished
     Member Award.


     We are always looking for ways to generate alternative sources of revenue so
     that we may provide exceptional programs and events at as little or no cost to our
     residents. Things were a little tougher due to the pandemic; however, this past
     year we were still able to generate $48,400 in sponsorship revenue thanks to the
     efforts of our partnerships and communications specialist, Wendy Friedman, and
     superintendent of communications and marketing, Mike Terson. We looked for
     creative ways to engage our sponsors during the pandemic, including our digital
     program guides and involvement in virtual classes and social media mentions.
     We had a total of 49 corporate sponsors this past year - a decrease of only 2
     from last year.

          Find out when Park District programs get canceled.
       You can also view online, or get alerts sent to your phone.
              For more information, visit

Fall 2021 | Buffalo Grove Park District | 847.850.2100 |

                                                                                Tuesday, August 3
            Buffalo Grove Park District presents

                                                                                Willow Stream Park - 651 Old Checker Road

                                                                                5:30 - 7:30 pm
                                                                                    Business Expo
                                                                                    Buffalo Grove Fire and Police
                                                                                    Department Greetings
                                                                                    Free giveaways
                                                                                    Food available for purchase from
                                                                                    Dorfler’s Meat Market

                                                                                6 - 8 pm
                                                                                Live music with Second Hand Soul
                       FOOD DRIVE
Bring a nonperishable food item to National Night Out. All items
collected will be distributed through local food pantries supported
          by the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council.

 Sponsored by

                                          ADVENTURE CHALLENGE

Have you ever watched the Emmy Award winning TV show The Amazing Race™ and thought to yourself I would definitely win if I were on that show?
Wait no longer, as we are bringing this fun challenge to Buffalo Grove! Participants will compete in mental and physical challenges during the race,
and try to finish the course before the competition. We have 2 divisions - competitive and recreation. The competitive division is approximately 5 miles
and geared towards teams that plan on running to locations, and want to have fun, but also want to win. The recreation division is approximately 3
miles, and geared towards teams that plan on walking to locations, and just want to have fun. Teams must consist of 4 players. Register and enjoy
a day filled with fun, team building and competition between your friends and neighbors. A portion of all registrations will benefit The Friends of the
Parks Foundation’s fee assistance program. For more information, contact Brian O’Malley at 847.353.7529 or

Code                Level               Day         Date           Time                   R/NR Fee Per Person
121026-01           Recreation          Sat         Aug 21         10 am - 1 pm           $20/$25
121026-02           Competitive         Sat         Aug 21         10 am - 1 pm           $20/$25
Location: Mike Rylko Community Park

Sponsored by

The Buffalo Grove Park District will host their annual Doubles Disc Golf
Tournament, sponsored by the Friends of the Park Foundation. Teams will
consist of 2 players, scoring in a best-shot format. Teams will be playing
2 rounds of 18 holes, one round at Willow Stream Park, and one round
at Rick Drazner Park (formerly Twin Creeks Park), and there will be a 36-
team limit. Play will be by PDGA rules and PDGA approved golf discs are
required. This is an all ages tournament and will be played rain or shine. If
there is thunder and/or lightning the day of the tournament, the Park District
will determine a new tournament date. Lunch will be served between rounds
at Rick Drazner Park and immediately following the tournament will be an
awards ceremony at Willow Stream Park. Please note: Check-in will be at
Willow Stream Park. For more information, please contact Megan Baird at
847.850.2119 or
Age: 12 years and up
Code            Day      Date                Time                       Fee
221007-03       Sat      September 4         9:30 am - 2:30 pm          $20
Location: Willow Stream Park & Rick Drazner

Sponsored by:

                                                                     Steven H. Antman
                                                                Independent Insurance Broker
                                                                        Since 1985
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Sunday, September 19 • 8 am - 12:30 pm
Mike Rylko Community Park
Next to the Farmers Market - near the softball fields

This free event for the whole family will provide information and activities to help residents learn
about the small steps they can take at home, work and in the community to improve our environment
and make Buffalo Grove a greener and healthier place to live.

Some of the items being collected for recycling and repurposing include bicycles and bicycle
parts, small electronics, eyeglasses, hearing aids, keys, used athletic shoes, and used crayons.
Please note: No batteries or lightbulbs.

         New this year, please save your plastic bread tags to be recycled. The funds raised from
         that program will help provide wheelchairs for those in need.

For a complete list of exhibits, activities and collection items, visit And, check back
often, as our list of items being collected will be growing.

           Sponsored by
Huck Finn
             Fishing Derby

     Come out and catch that prize-winning fish at the Buffalo Grove Park District's
     annual Fishing Derby. Every participant will receive a gift bag at the event and
     awards will be given for the longest fish, the most fish caught, the most unique
     catch and the most colorful fish. This event is for children only. In case of inclement
     weather, call the weather hotline at 847.235.6857. For more information,
     please contact Megan Baird at 847.850.2119 or
     Age: 1 - 14 years
     Code             Day          Date                  Time                   R/NR Fee
     261015-01        Fri          Sep 24                5 - 7 pm               $5/$7

     Location: Green Lake Park

                                                                             in the


           cee                                                                                                                         i n g.
                             A Friends of the Parks Foundation Fundraising Event                                                      m
                 he                                                                                                              gr am
                      lp fa                                                                                                   pro
                           milie                                                           District
                                   s in n                                             Park
                                          ee d a n
                                                  d militar y families participate in

Saturday, September 25 (rain date Sunday, September 26)
3 - 6 pm
Willow Stream Park                 It's adult’s day out! Enjoy an afternoon in the park drinking, eating,
                                   dancing, and raising money for a good cause. Join us for a beer
651 Old Checker Road               and wine tasting event, paired with snacks from local businesses
                                   in Buffalo Grove. Each registered adult will be served 4 beer or
                                                                                 wine paired tastings to their seating area during the event. Register
•   Live Music by Six On Friday                                                  individually, or a group of 6 - 10 people, bring your own chairs,
                                                                                 and make it an afternoon affair. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the tunes,
•   4 beer or wine tastings paired with local snacks
                                                                                 while the flights come to you. The registration deadline is Friday,
•   Register individually or in a group                                          September 17, tasting selections cannot be changed after the
•   Tastings served to designated seating areas                                  deadline. Once everyone from your group has registered, please
                                                                                 list all participants in the group on the Group Seating Confirmation
•   50/50 Raffle                                                                 Form found on the event webpage and email it to allison@bgparks.
                                                                                 org. Please note: Pre-registration is required, as limited tickets will
                                                                                 be available. For more information, please contact Allison Oberst
Sponsored by                                                                     at 847.850.2146 or

                                                                                 Code		            Flight		           Fee Per Person
                                                                                 221027-01         Beer Flight        $40
                                                                                 221027-02         Wine Flight        $45

                                                     Steve Antman
                                              Independent Insurance Broker
                                                      Since 1985

                                                                                                  Presented by                                        22
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