PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School

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PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School
Bishop Fox’s
 High Standards & High Expectations

PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School

    “The Headteacher provides a
    sense of continuity and cohesion
    for staff and students whilst
    simultaneously preparing to
    move the school on to the next
    stage of it’s development”
                          Ofsted 2017
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School
Welcome to our school

A message from Ms Kerry Tonkin,
The Headteacher

It is my very great pleasure to
welcome you to Bishop Fox’s School.
At Bishop Fox’s School our ethos of high standards and high          Our academic results have seen tremendous improvement in
expectations underpins everything that we do. We work hard           recent years and place us in the top ten performing secondary
to create a caring and challenging learning environment in           schools in Somerset and the top 20% of schools nationally. It is
which each individual can strive, enjoy and achieve. As the          our responsibility to enable our students to have every
Headteacher I hold a strong belief in the power of education         opportunity to achieve their full potential and be at the
to change children’s lives and the right of every child to receive   forefront in shaping the world of tomorrow.
an excellent education.
                                                                     We welcome into our school community the parents of
We are dedicated to building opportunities for our students          students who want to learn, experience and grow into
to achieve the highest academic standards, ensuring that they        informed, high achieving, well-rounded and delightful young
are known as individuals and that their unique personality,          people. A strong partnership between parents and the school
talents and interests are nurtured and developed to the full.        is vital in enabling children to achieve success.

Bishop Fox’s School is a place for students to make new friends      Please contact the school if you would like to pay us a visit and
and to enjoy many shared experiences together. We embrace            discover more about what we have to offer.
the notion that young people should enjoy and achieve in their
time at school. Whilst examination results are critical to           Kerry Tonkin
children’s future lives, so is a safe and happy environment within   Headteacher
which they can enjoy the opportunities and experiences
beyond the classroom that nurtures them to become
independent learners and responsible adults.
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School

    “The school’s work to
    improve the quality of
    teaching, learning and
    assessment is having a
    positive impact”
                Ofsted 2017
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School
Why choose Bishop Fox’s?
DEPUTY HEADTEACHER                                      The opportunities are absolutely fantastic.You       PARENT
Bishop Fox’s is an attractive and welcoming             can go to Disneyland Paris, ski in Colorado,         Why choose Fox’s? - As a parent of two
school. We work hard and enjoy the many                 visit a West End musical in London or have the       students at Bishop Fox’s, I believe the school
successes of our students. We are committed             opportunity to go on many other amazing              offers a caring and supportive environment,
to developing the talents and interests of all          trips. You can join lots of different clubs in PE,   where children feel happy and confident to
our young people.                                       dance, media, drama, music and loads more.           learn. All children are offered numerous
                                                                                                             opportunities to develop a variety of skills
Our students tell us that they enjoy school             KEY STAGE 4 STUDENT                                  allowing them to become independent
and they appreciate the care and attention              Like every Year 6 student, I had many                learners. The school encourages the children
they are given. Students respond to the many            apprehensions about coming to secondary              to set themselves high standards in all that they
challenges and opportunities we present. The            school, however we were all helped by                do, whilst guiding them to achieve their full
history of the school encourages us to aspire           teachers, support staff, buddies and prefects        potential.
to the highest possible standards and we are            who made us feel really welcome and we soon
confident in our ability to deliver these. Bishop       settled in. It was exciting to find our way          As a parent there are many opportunities to
Fox’s is a thriving, constantly evolving school.        around a new school and do lots of subjects          meet with staff at the school through Academic
Challenge, opportunity, achievement and                 with many different teachers, it helped me           Tutoring, regular reports, parent’s evenings and
enjoyment are the key words I would use to              make lots of new friends right from the start.       though attending various school events
sum up what helps to make Bishop Fox’s an                                                                    throughout the calendar. We are encouraged
excellent school.                                       Bishop Fox’s is a really friendly school which       to communicate with our children’s form tutor
                                                        truly cares for and values the students within       or Head of Year if we have any questions or
TEACHER                                                 it. Students with different talents are catered      concerns, it feels like a true home-school
Bishop Fox’s gives young people the                     for with a wide variety of clubs and teams to        partnership.
opportunities to achieve in and enjoy a                 join. All achievements are recognised and
tremendous range of academic, sporting and              students are given many opportunities to get
musical activities, both in school and in all of        involved throughout the five years.
the extra-curricular activities offered. We
actively encourage all students to achieve their        SCHOOL GOVERNOR
full potential in all activities, as both individuals   The mission statement for the school states
and team members, in preparation for their              Bishop Fox’s is committed to providing high
future studies and careers.                             standards and high expectations. This is well
                                                        demonstrated by the level of commitment to
This is a great place to work and we all really         nurture and challenge all members of the
strive to make a difference to children’s lives.        school community. The students take a pride
                                                        in their school and are very supportive of each
KEY STAGE 3 STUDENT                                     other.
There are many reasons why I chose Bishop
Fox’s as my secondary school. There are                 The school is well situated with excellent
exciting and interesting lessons with really            facilities. Lessons are both stimulating as well
supportive members of staff who help us learn           as challenging, and the staff at the school make
and inspire us to achieve our very best.                every effort for students to achieve their very
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School

    “Most students are working and
    achieving well and are on course to
    meet the appropriately demanding
    targets the school has set”
                             Ofsted 2017
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School

“Bishop Fox’s is a good school”
                 OFSTED 2017

Following an Ofsted inspection in
February 2017, Bishop Fox’s has
been judged to have maintained a
good quality of education in the
The report reads positively including:                 “We know that Bishop Fox’s is a good school, and in
                                                       many ways better than good, and I am pleased that
“Students successes are celebrated, they enjoy their   the Ofsted inspection team found sufficient evidence
lessons and they make good progress”.                  to agree with this judgement.

“Most students are working and achieving well and      We have worked tirelessly to improve outcomes for
are on course to meet the appropriately demanding      our students over many years and also to offer a
targets the school has set”.                           broad range of experiences within and beyond the
                                                       classroom. The culture of high standards and high
“The most able students are challenged                 expectations underpins everything that we do.
appropriately and make the progress they should”.
                                                       As the Headteacher I was encouraged by the
It was reported that Kerry Tonkin, the new             tremendous support that the school has within our
Headteacher from January 2017, has provided a          local community – comments received from staff,
sense of continuity and cohesion for staff and         governors, parents and students were wholly
students while simultaneously preparing to move the    positive. It was heartening to hear in the feedback
school on to the next stage of its development.        from the lead inspector that he thought that we had
                                                       all of the ingredients to be outstanding in the future”.
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School
8   “Students behave
    well around the
    school and in
           Ofsted 2017
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School
Our values and vision
                              SCHOOL’S MISSION STATEMENT
                                “High Standards and High Expectations”

                                                     SCHOOL AIMS
             “Creating a caring and challenging learning environment in
                   which each individual can strive, enjoy and achieve.”

Our school is driven     SCHOOL VALUES                        SCHOOL’S FIVE YEAR GOALS

by an agreed set of
                         Within our school and local          As a school we are mindful of the
                         community we believe that:           need to ensure that school

core values which
                                                              improvement impacts on teaching,
                         • The needs of students are
                                                              learning and student achievement.

are shared by all
                                                              Our five year goals are to:
                         • Every individual is special
                                                              • Deliver outstanding value added
members of our           • Success is built upon high self-     performance at both key stages

community. Similarly,
                                                              • Offer a broad range of extra-
                         • All achievement is valued            curricular provision in the seven
we have a clear          • There should be unconditional
                                                                fields of human experience which

mission statement
                                                                allows each individual to find their
                           positive regard for all
                         • Only one’s best is good enough
and an agreed set of     • We are committed to nurture
                                                              • Help students to become
                                                                independent learners
five year goals which      and challenge all members of our
                                                              • Help deliver high self-esteem for

provide the clear
                           school community
                                                                each individual
                         • Respect is a right and a
                                                              • Challenge all members of the
direction for what         responsibility
                                                                community to work outside their
                         • Equality of opportunity is a
we are trying to
                                                                comfort zone
                           fundamental right
                                                              • Engender a values system based on
achieve for all of our   • The climate for learning should      a concern for others

                           be wholly positive
                                                              • Support progression into
                         • Learning is a lifelong process       education and training
PROSPECTUS - Bishop Fox's High Standards & High Expectations - Bishop Fox's School

     “A real strength of the
     school is the positive
     ethos and the calm and
     purposeful manner in
     which the students
     approach school life”
                  Ofsted 2013
The Curriculum
ENGLISH / LITERACY                            MATHS / NUMERACY
English is the foundation for success for     Our aim is to develop an impressive           evidence, the true scientific approach
all subjects. The course offers students a    knowledge and understanding of                which often leads to the unexpected!
broad and challenging study of texts          Mathematics in young people.
through the ages. In KS3 students delve                                                     “The important thing in Science is not so
into Animal Farm, Of Mice and Men and         Students are organised into sets early in     much to obtain new facts as to discover
WW1 letters. Students will also secure        Year 7 and targets are set, against which     new ways of thinking about them”
their knowledge of grammar and                individual progress is closely monitored.     (William Henry Bragg, Nobel Prize in
punctuation accuracy.                         An increasing amount of work is available     Physics)
                                              to students through the school internet
In KS4 the focus turns to the set texts for   with a range of materials, challenges and     A broad Science education at Key Stage 3
their AQA exams. Students study An            self-assessment tests available.              with impressive outcomes is a useful
Inspector Calls, Macbeth, A Christmas                                                       preparation for greater choice and
Carol and we explore an anthology of          SCIENCE                                       specialism at Key Stage 4.
poems. In total the students sit four         Science is a subject which allows students
exams: two for language and two for           to discover, wonder and make clear            At Key Stage 4 students study GCSE
literature. Exam skills are embedded          connections with the world around them.       Science.Within the GCSE course students
through the schemes of learning so            We aim to provide opportunities for           either follow the three separate science
students feel prepared and confident          students to develop their natural             courses of Biology, Chemistry, Physics
sitting their external exams.                 curiosity and explore Science with an         (known as ‘Triple Science’) or follow
                                              enquiry based approach. Learning in           Combined Science (known as ‘Double
                                              Science allows students to test their ideas   Science’). Outcomes have been equally
                                              and support them with data and                successful in recent years, especially for
                                                                                            Triple Science with 55% of students
                                                                                            achieving A/A* grades in 2016.

     “The supportive nature of
     the school has resulted in
     students attendance rates
     being above the national
                     Ofsted 2017
The Curriculum
HUMANITIES:                                  MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES
GEOGRAPHY / HISTORY / RELIGIOUS              Modern Foreign Languages at Bishop           media sectors. The three year course
EDUCATION                                    Fox’s involve French and Spanish which       consists of two core units, one of which is
At both Key Stages, students study           are offered at both Key Stages.              an exam and two optional specialist units.
History, Geography and R.E. as separate
subjects.                                    Teaching and Learning is active, fun and     BUSINESS
                                             engaging. It is characterised by students    As a school specialising in Business &
Increasingly, we adopt an enquiry based      being expected to take responsibility for    Enterprise, we are committed to
approach to learning and compliment          their own learning and that of others.       preparing our students for the world of
class-based work with field trips, both      Regular visits to Europe are part of the     work.
locally and abroad.                          provision in languages as well as “events”
                                             such as the French Café.                     We offer courses at Key Stage 4 in
Students are expected to gain knowledge                                                   Business Studies and a wealth of other
and understanding in order to form           COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY                         enterprise related opportunities.We offer
opinions and actively engage in the issues   Discreet Computer Science/IT lessons         both GCSE and BTEC options and also
of today. These include global warming,      are taught in Key Stage 3 and students       BTEC Health & Social Care.
political structures and systems, and        choose from a range of options available
religion as a source of community            in Computer Science/IT at Key Stage 4.       All students engage in “Curriculum
cohesion and conflict.                                                                    Immersion Days” each term where the
                                             The IT provision in school is outstanding    timetable is suspended and “Business
A range of field trips are offered to        with over 250 Windows PCs and laptops,       Challenge” becomes the order of the day.
students which currently include Dawlish     and 50 Apple Macs all available for          Students work alongside local business
Warren, Lyme Regis, Holford River, Big       student use.                                 people and are encouraged to take risks,
Pit, Buckfast Abbey and Bristol.                                                          be enterprising, work collaboratively and
                                             All   classrooms    have    interactive      pursue competitive goals. We also offer a
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY                        whiteboard technology and standards of       range of enterprise schemes such as
“Tremendous facilities and great choice”     attainment at both Key Stages are            ‘Dragons Den’ and ‘Tenner Tycoon’.
characterises provision in Design and        impressive and well above national
Technology. This area of the curriculum      averages.
is particularly well served with its own
suite of computers, CAD/CAM                  MEDIA
technology and widespread specialist and     The BTEC First Award in Creative Digital
refurbished accommodation.                   Media Production qualification is designed
                                             to inspire and enthuse learners to
Students experience the full range of        consider a career in the creative digital
technology options at both Key Stages        industries. It provides learners with the
including Resistant Materials, Graphics,     opportunity      to    gain    a    broad
Textiles Technology as well as Food and      understanding and knowledge and to
Nutrition.                                   develop skills across the creative digital

     “The school is working hard to
     ensure that disadvantaged
     students maximise their potential”
                              Ofsted 2017
Performing Arts

We offer a huge variety
of performing arts
opportunities to all of
our students, from taking
centre stage to working
behind the scenes.
Our productions range from musical
extravaganzas and annual dance shows to
stage adaptions of productions such as
Matilda, DNA and The Curious Incident
of the Dog in the Night-time.

Students are involved in every aspect of
putting productions together, including
light and sound management, make up
and costume, set design, acting, singing,
dancing or playing an instrument.

Performing arts is a subject that is
accessible to all students and helps to
build confidence, work collaboratively, be
creative, imaginative and inspirational
young leaders.

We have great spaces for our students to
develop the creativity including a theatre
seating over 120 people, a drama studio,
a dance hall and fully equipped music

At Key Stage 3 students are taught Art,
Music, Dance and Drama as separate
subjects and all four of these subjects are
highly successful options in Key Stage 4.

     “The extra curricular
     provision offered by the
     school is outstanding in
     terms of both the range
     of activities offered and
     the quality”
         (Parent of Year 9 student)

Provision is extensive for those
who simply wish to participate
and those at the “elite” end of
The full range of sports is taught at Key Stage 3 and 4. This
includes football, rugby, basketball, hockey and netball,
supplemented by cricket, tennis and athletics in the summer

Teams represent the school in all these major sports in
competition with other local schools and across the South
West Region.

At Key Stage 4 we offer qualifications in GCSE PE as well as
BTEC, where results are outstanding.

Half and full colours are awarded in recognition of excellence
in this field.

Sports Day is an important annual event in the school calendar.
It provides an exciting opportunity for students to compete
for their tutor groups and aim to beat some longstanding
athletic track and field records. Participation rates are high and
students are encouraged to cheer on their team members in
the afternoon.

     “Students have
     good reading skills
     and read widely”
               Ofsted 2013
Extra curricular provision

Learning beyond the classroom is an essential ingredient of any
successful school. Our attitude is that in providing a wide range
of extra-curricular provision we hope to unearth the interest and
passion of every one of our students.
We offer a bi-annual summer activities
programme in which all students
participate. Choice of activities including
visits to Spain for a watersports holiday,
a trip to Disneyland in Paris, a cultural trip
to Manchester, visits to West End shows
and galleries as well as art and sporting
opportunities based in and around

During the year, the school timetable is
suspended for “Curriculum Immersion
Days” where students engage in
entrepreneurial, risk taking, experimental
activities working alongside staff and local

Each day a programme of lunchtime and
after school activities are available. At the
present time, these include the provision
of clubs in all the major sports, music,
dance, drama, chess and philosophy to
name but a few.

     “The most able students are
     challenged appropriately and
     make the progress they
                       Ofsted 2017
Teaching & Learning

At Bishop Fox’s School, “high expectations and high standards” of
teaching, learning, behaviour and respect for each other lies at the
heart of much of what we do.We believe that ensuring the highest
expectations and standards of teaching is the best way to enthuse
our students and help them achieve their full potential.
Therefore our approach to teaching and
learning is that it must be tailored to the
individual as much as possible through a
balance of academic challenge, support
for the individual and a stimulating
curriculum. We aim to create both an
exciting learning environment, where
each individual can strive, enjoy and
achieve, and also a challenging learning
environment which supports excellent
progress for all students. One where our
teachers strive to create independent,
articulate thinkers and learners who have
the confidence to achieve their ambitions.

At Bishop Fox’s School, we also recognise
that learning is everybody’s responsibility,
and believe that parents can make a huge
difference to their child’s learning by
showing an interest, asking questions,
offering positive praise, and irrespective
of their own confidence in the subject
matter, focusing on the effort and
strategies used by their child in their
learning. We encourage you to take an
active interest in how your child plans and
works out how to go about tasks, solve
problems and carry out their plans to the
desired outcome or conclusion.

     “The school is continuing
     to develop a culture of
     High Standards & High
                    Ofsted 2017
Bishop Fox’s & the Community

Bishop Fox’s believe it is important to be in the heart of the
community and as such is an outward looking School looking for
opportunities to work with and for the local community.
PRIMARY SCHOOLS                          WORK EXPERIENCE                          LOCAL UNIVERSITIES
Bishop Fox’s has strong links with the   Bishop Fox’s is one of only a few        We have strong links and arrange visits
local primary schools – we run a         schools that offer Work Experience       to a range of local universities. We
range of different curriculum            to all students in Year 10. Students     also run the Brilliant Club where
opportunities for our local schools      work in a range of local settings and    students in Year 9 work with PHD
which include:                           enjoy the opportunity to experience      students to produce a university-
                                         what the world beyond Year 11 will       standard report and have the
· Business and Enterprise challenge      look like.                               opportunity to visit Russell Group
  day for Year 5                                                                  universities.
                                         LOCAL COLLEGES
· Science day for more able Year         Bishop Fox’s has close links with all    LOCAL BUSINESS
  5 students                             the local colleges. We run careers       We have a strong Business and
· Sports festivals throughout the year   days at both Bridgwater and Taunton      Enterprise focus and work in
                                         College and Richard Huish College. A     partnership with the a range of local
· Drama and Dance workshops              wide range of talks, presentations and   business to enhance the education of
                                         workshops run throughout the             our students. The school is a member
· Language days
                                         school year. Year 9 students can also    of the Chamber of Commerce and
                                         spend a week in summer school at         run a range of joint events with them.
The aim is to make the transition from
                                         Bridgwater and Taunton College.They
primary to secondary as smooth as
                                         also run motor vehicle and hair and      POST 16
possible and to offer our specialist
                                         beauty vocational course’s for Year 10   We have a proud tradition of ensuring
curriculum and facilities to our local
                                         and 11 students.                         all our students make positive
primary students.
                                                                                  transitions from Bishop Fox’s. Over
                                                                                  90% choose to attend Richard Huish
                                                                                  College, or Bridgwater and Taunton
                                                                                  College choosing a range of academic
                                                                                  and vocational options. The remaining
                                                                                  students choose apprenticeships or go
                                                                                  direct in to the world of work.
24   “The school has a clear focus on supporting students
     who are vulnerable or anxious, thus allowing them
     to play a full part in the richness of life at school”
                                               Ofsted 2017
The Most Able

As a school, we believe
that excellent provision
for the most able
students benefits all
students. Therefore, we
will identify the most able
students so that they
themselves and their
teachers understand the
extent to which they can
Identification comes through analysis of
KS2 results, CATS scores and faculty
registers which themselves have criteria
in terms of knowledge, understanding and
skill levels.

We seek to create a climate of
independence where students think, seek
out responsibility and challenge
themselves and each other.

We provide opportunities inside and
outside of the curriculum and we
monitor students’ progress whilst
evaluating our own interventions and
their effectiveness.

     “Safeguarding is effective, secure and forms
     a strong part of the school’s culture”
                                       Ofsted 2017
Additional needs

Some students will inevitably require       enjoy their time at school, make good          DISABILITY ACCESS
additional support in order for them to     progress and realise their potential.          Our school is committed to meeting the
make good progress.                                                                        needs of all our students. This is reflected
                                            Close partnership with parents is critical     in our disability, equality and accessibility
We offer excellent support provision        in this respect and we build positive,         policies which detail current provision
through our Flexible Learning Centre        effective, and lasting support partnerships    and future planned improvements. The
which is highly regarded in the county.     with many of our families.                     school is well served to meet the needs
                                                                                           of students within the broad spectrum of
Students’ needs are assessed. One-to-       Details of the school’s special needs          disability.
one or small group provision is available   policy, the school’s local offer and the SEN
and we have dedicated teams of staff        Annual Report to Governors are all
whose responsibility is to support, guide   available via the school’s website.
and nurture individuals so that they can

     “You continue to develop
     an environment in which
     students enjoy coming to
                    Ofsted 2017
Every child in school has the right to enjoy and achieve. Besides
a young person’s health and happiness, education comes a very
close third.
Under no circumstances will our school tolerate bullying of any kind. Students are encouraged to “tell” and
the school undertakes to resolve any concerns.

At all times our determination is to “protect” our students from the unpleasantness of others whilst seeking
to change the behaviour of those responsible. This commitment on the part of the school is “non-negotiable”.
The school has a clear and robust Anti-bullying Policy which is available in school.

     “Teachers ask thought-provoking
                           Ofsted 2013
Tracking progress and
                     rewarding achievement

Our school approach is
to “catch students
doing well and reward
them for their efforts”

For all our students we value the
contribution they make in terms of effort,
progress, application and achievement.

All students are set challenging targets based
on prior attainment data. Students are
monitored against these targets to ensure
that they achieve and realise their full

Regular reports are sent home which
indicate “points scores” in relation to
progress.    Students scoring well are
rewarded on a termly basis and parents are
informed of their child’s progress.

We seek to reward all that we value; regular
attendance, punctuality, effort, participation,
responsibility, progress and achievement.

Our monitoring and tracking system have
been judged “exemplary” and “outstanding”
by the Schools External Improvement
Sporting Facilities
Bishop Fox’s School, Bishop Fox Drive, Taunton, Somerset. TA1 3HQ Telephone: 01823 289211
Telephone: 01823 289211 Office Email: Attendance Email:
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