Provision for Sanitization and Fumigation Services for Energy Fiji Limited - Tender Number: MR 145/2021

Page created by Kimberly Gibson
Provision for Sanitization and Fumigation Services for Energy Fiji Limited - Tender Number: MR 145/2021
Provision for Sanitization and Fumigation
     Services for Energy Fiji Limited

       Tender Number: MR 145/2021

Energy Fiji Limited (EFL) seeks suitably experienced companies to provide to provide
sanitisation and fumigation related services to its various buildings and other key assets
due to the current pandemic situation that is prevalent in almost every country and Fiji
is no exception.

On 12th of January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel
coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City,
Hubei Province, China, who had initially come to the attention of the WHO on 31st,
December 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic in Fiji is part of the ongoing worldwide
pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first case of the disease in Fiji was reported
on 19th March, 2020 in Lautoka.


1. Areas to be covered – All EFL’s identified facilities including vehicles in Central,
   Western and Northern division.

2. Access to facilities - Unless otherwise restricted by the Department, Contractor's
   employees will have access to all locations. Contractor employees shall be subject to
   the EFL’s site's security procedures.

3. Price Adjustments - Additional EFL sites and facilities may be added or deleted at any
   time throughout the life of contract agreement. The contractor shall be required to
   provide the service to any additional sites and facilities subject to all conditions
   identified. The contract sum shall be adjusted to be adjusted to reflect the changes in
   the number of sites and facilities serviced as service level varies.

4. Additional Services – From time to time Contractor may be asked to perform extra
   services not specified within the scope of the work. The Contractor shall submit the
   quotes for all the additional work that is required to be carried out. These additional
   works will be paid separately by EFL. All the additional work shall be carried out within
   one (1) working day of receipt of the request.

5. Treatment Frequency – on as and when required basis. The servicing may be
   requested at any point in time including after hours, weekends and public

6. Identification - All technicians shall wear proper identification cards when entering EFL
   premises and if any technicians are without any proper identification will not be
   allowed into the premises.

7. Equipment and Chemicals - The Contractor shall supply all chemicals and equipment
   needed to provide the service. These may include relevant chemicals, ladders to reach
   all service areas. At no time shall the contractor use EFL equipment or tools.

8. Uniform & Protective Clothing – All contractor personnel working in or around the
   building shall wear distinctive uniform clothing. All contractor personnel must have
   proper identification card while on the site. The contractor shall provide the protective
   items required for the performance of the work. Protective equipment, clothing,
   devices shall conform to the requirements of Fiji Occupational Health and Safety Laws
   and MoHMS.

9. Fees – The fees shall be invoiced within 5 days of following month on a monthly basis
   and shall be payable within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice.

10.EFL Contact Person – The EFL contact person shall be the Manager Properties and
   Property Officer Western.

11.Insurance Requirements – A certificate of insurance is required to be submitted to the
   EFL verifying that the contractor maintains the respective insurance cover in the
   minimum amount required by EFL.

12.Term of Contract – the term of contract is for three (3) years effective from the date
   of signing of the contract.

13.Environment & Safety Issues – The contractor is to observe all safety precautions
   throughout the performance of the term. All work shall be strict accordance with all
   applicable all government and local health and safety requirements. The contract shall
   assume full responsibility and liability for compliance with applicable regulations
   pertaining safety of personnel during the execution of the work.

14.Tobacco/Alcohol/Drug Free Environment – EFL maintains tobacco, alcohol, drug free
   environment. Any personnel of the contractor found violating the policy will be
   requested to remove the product and themselves from the sites.

15.All work will be carried out, as a minimum in accordance with manufacturers or
   suppliers published instructions. In any event, the EFL will act on its own discretion on
   what is to be done.

16.EFL requests the technical information on each type of product that will be used on the
   EFL facilities.

17.Contractor shall have in its employ, or under its control, sufficient qualified and
   competent personnel to perform work promptly and in accordance with a schedule or
   work program, as approved by EFL.

18.All the staffs of the selected Contractor will undergo Contractors Site Induction
   conducted by EFL and any new staff will report to the Properties Section.

19.Clarifications – any clarifications that is needed to be sought as part of this tender must
   be emailed to: Manager Properties - Shifaan Ali via email at

20.Compulsory Virtual Meeting – all other details regarding the tender would be discussed
   during the zoom meeting on 09/08/21 at 11.00am. All interested bidders must confirm
   their availability for the meeting on the above email by 10.30am on 09/08/21. Zoom
   meeting link would be only sent to the bidders that register their interest by or before
   10.30am on 09/08/21.

21.Price Schedules

The chemicals that will be used cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the
context of COVID-19 must be in compliance with World Health Organizations (WHO)
guidelines. The guideline can be accessed through the following link:

The following table format must be used as part of the pricing template. Other
formats will not be accepted.

TABLE: 1 Provision for Building Sanitization Price Schedule

Building Summary & Locations:
        Central Division                                    Price for Sanitization– VIP/FJD

   1    Head Office Building, Suva and Guardhouse

   2    Kinoya Depot Network Building

3    Kinoya Depot Stores (Warehouse)

4    Kinoya Depot ICT Workshop and Guardhouse

5    Cunningham Substation

6    Knolly Street Substation

7    Sawani Substation

8    Nausori Substation

9    Nausori Customer Care Office

10   Rokobili Power Station and Guardhouse

11   Levuka Power Station

     Western Division

12   Namoli House, Customer Services - Lautoka City

13   Navutu Depot Administration Building and

14   Navutu Depot Training Centre

15   Navutu Depot Stores (Warehouse)

16   Navutu Generation Workshop

17   Navutu Depot Transmission & Construction

18   Navutu O&M and TST Workshop

19   Navutu Depot SCADA and ICT workshop

20   Navutu Depot Substation & Metering Workshop

21   National Control Centre (NCC), Vuda, Lautoka

22   Sigatoka Depot (Network and Generation Office)

23   Sigatoka Customer Care

24   Butoni Substation, Sigatoka

25   Nabou Substation, Sigatoka

26   Nadi Customer Care

27   Nadi Power Station

28   Waqandra Substation

29   Voivoi Substation

30   Lautoka Substation

31   Pineapple Corner Substation, Lautoka

32   Ba Customer Care

33   Rarawai Substation

34   Tavua Depot Network Building

35   Tavua Depot Substation Building

36   Rakiraki Customer Care

37   Rakiraki Customer Care

38   Nadarivatu Power Station Only

39   Wailoa Power Station

40   Monasavu Depot Office Only

     Northern Division

41   Labasa Customer Care Building

42   Labasa Network Building

43   Cawaira Power Station

44   Waiyevo Power Station

45   Somosomo Power Station

46   Savusavu Power Station

47   Savusavu Customer Care

Table 2: Price Schedule for Vehicle Sanitizing Services

     Location       Sedan, Jimny’s, SUV,     2 to 3 Ton Single/Double Crane Truck- Cost of
                     4 x 4 D/C – Cost of     Cab or Similar vehicles. sanitizing per vehicle –
                        sanitizing per         Cost of sanitizing per         VIP/FJD
                      vehicle – VIP/FJD          vehicle – VIP/FJD
 Kinoya Depot
 and Head Office
 Sigatoka Depot

 Nadi Power
 Navutu Depot
 and NCC (Vuda),
 Sigatoka Depot

 Labasa Office

 Savusavu Power

Table 3 – Price Schedule for Other Items

Gallon of hand sanitisers will be bought on as and when required basis by EFL.

        Division                Item Description             Price per gallon/bottle with
                                                              delivery charges – VIP-FJD
  Central(all locations     5L Gallon Hand Sanitiser
  as per above table)
 Western (all locations     5L Gallon Hand Sanitiser
  as per above table)
 Northern (all locations    5L Gallon Hand Sanitiser
  as per above table)
  Central(all locations      500ml bottle surface
  as per above table)        disinfectant chemical
 Western (all locations      500ml bottle surface
  as per above table)        disinfectant chemical
 Northern (all locations     500ml bottle surface
  as per above table)        disinfectant chemical

22.     Other Mandatory Requirements:

All bidders are required to submit the following information as part of the technical
submission. All questions must be answered and relevant details submitted.

                                 Details                              Checklist
                                                                      submitted –

      1. Name and MSDS of the chemicals that would be used
         for sanitising offices surfaces, open areas, vehicles,
      2. Are the chemicals approved for use by WHO and
         Ministry of Health and Medical Services in Fiji?
      3. Are your chemicals registered in Fiji under the
         provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1996
         and the Health and Safety at Work (Control of
         Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2006.
      4. Does your company provide sanitisation certificates?

      5. Methodology on how the sanitization process will be
         carried out for different areas or environments
         including vehicles (eg, manual wiping, fogging, etc).
         Attach pictures where applicable.
      6. Number of office branches and their locations

      7. Number of vehicles at the respective locations

      8. Number of trained technicians working at each
      9. Number of vaccinated technicians?

      10. Are you willing to provide vaccination details for the
          technicians if requested by EFL? Yes or No
      11. Names of Organisation’s that you provided or are
          currently providing sanitisation and fumigation
          services to.

12. Will you be able to provide your service at any point
    in time within the 24 hour period? Yes or No
13. Any other relevant information


         The Bidders must ensure that the details and documentation mention below must
                            be submitted as part of their tender Bid

Tender Number _________________

Tender Name _________________________________________________________________

1. Full Company / Business Name:

     (Attach copy of Registration Certificate)

2. Director/Owner(s):___________________________________________________________

3. Postal Address:_____________________________________________________________

4. Phone Contact:_____________________________________________________________

5. Fax Number:_______________________________________________________________

6. Email address:_____________________________________________________________

7. Office Location:_____________________________________________________________

8. TIN Number:

     (Attach copy of the VAT/TIN Registration Certificate - Local Bidders Only (Mandatory)

9.   FNPF Employer Registration Number: _________(For Local Bidders only) ( Mandatory)

10. Provide a copy of Valid FNPF Compliance Certificate ( Mandatory- Local Bidders only)

11. Provide a copy of Valid FRCS (Tax) Compliance Certificate ( Mandatory Local Bidders only)

12. Provide a copy of Valid FNU Compliance Certificate ( Mandatory Local Bidders only)

13. Contact Person:

     I declare that all the above information is correct.


     Position: _______________

Sign & Date: ____________

Information required for this Tender Check List (Please Tick & Enter the page number of
the Submission)

    Company Profile (Including Director(s) Owner(s)                Page NO._______

    Certificate of Business Registration                            Page NO._______

   Business License                                                 Page NO._______

   TIN Number                                                       Page NO._______

   Vat Registration                                                 Page NO._______

   FNPF Registration Number                                         Page NO._______

   Evidence of Insurance Cover                                      Page NO._______

   HSE Certification & Policies                                     Page NO._______

   Previous Work Experience/Customer Reference                      Page NO._______

   Knowledge & Expertise of Staff                                   Page NO._______

   (Key Employee Profile. Curriculum Vitae….etc)

   Cost Proposal                                                    Page NO._______

   Description & Quality of Product/Service                         Page NO._______

   Price Validity of Product/Service                                Page NO._______

   Warranty/Guarantee of Product/Service                            Page NO._______

   Other Information Regarding this Tender                          Page NO._______

       To be filled and accompanied with the Tender Proposal Documents

Submission of Tenders
Bidders are requested to upload electronic copies via Tender Link by registering
their interest at:

This is due to COVID 19 restrictions on movements. Therefore, EFL will not
accept any hard copy submission to be dropped in the tender box at EFL Head
Office in Suva.

This tender closes at 4:00pm, on Wednesday 11th August, 2021.

For further information or clarification please contact our Supply Chain Office on
phone (+679) 3224360 or (+679) 9992400 or email us on

The bidders must ensure that their bid is inclusive of all Taxes payable under Fiji
Income Tax Act.

The lowest bid will not necessarily be accepted as the successful bid.

The Tender Bids particularly the “Price” must be typed and not hand written.

Tender Submission via email or fax will not be accepted.

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