SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland

Page created by Jorge Patel
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
Lidl Northern Ireland

SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland



       This booklet summarises our sustainability report for Lidl Northern Ireland (financial year 1st March 2018 - 28th February 2019)
       highlighting our strategic goals, activities and projects that have significant economic, social and environmental impact.
       Full report available on

       Corporate Social Responsibility in Lidl means:

         Acting                 Striving            Leading by              Making a              Supporting
       responsibly            for positive           example            positive impact          and engaging
                             environmental                              in communities           with all of our
                              stewardship                                                        stakeholders

                                               OUR “A BETTER TOMORROW” SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY
                                           HARNESSES OUR MISSION, ENSURES FUTURE VALUE CREATION
                                                      AND DRIVES OUR RESPONSIBILITIES TO SOCIETY.
                                                   J.P. Scally, Managing Director Lidl Ireland and Northern Ireland
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland

Our Vision                                                       page
Our vision is to make life better by providing quality food at
market-leading value, ensuring customer satisfaction is at the   03
heart of everything we do.

Our Values
Everything we do is underpinned by our values:

         Respect Responsibility Recognition Trust


SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland


       AT A GLANCE
                                                   Entered the
                                                                    38 stores
                                                 Northern Ireland
                                                    market in

                                                  1999              in Northern Ireland         Nutts Corner, Co. Antrim

                                                                         50 local suppliers
                                                                                  in Northern Ireland
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland

Employing           881             people in
                                    Northern Ireland
                                                                       43% 57%


                     90% 10%
                    own-brand        branded
of our permanently listed products

market share                                 invested in capital and
in Northern Ireland                         expansion programme in
                                                Northern Ireland

                                                                                 New Stores
                                                                                 Distribution Centres
                                                                                 Head Office
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
       A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland



                                                 We are fully committed to ensuring that our buying power is driving positive change

        60           organic own-brand           for producers, communities and the environment as a whole, both in Ireland and
                     food products in            further afield.

                     our everyday range

                                                                                of our fruit
        40           Fairtrade own-brand
                     food products in our
                     everyday range
                                                                                and vegetables
                                                 are certified to quality assurance programmes

                                                 100   %                       100   %
                                                 palm oil                      bananas certified
                                                 certified                      to Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance
                                                                                and/or Organic
                                                 to RSPO palm oil
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland

                          Did You Know?
                          We published our Health and Nutrition Policy and
                          will reduce the added sugar content by 20% and                                                                   page

                          reduce the salt content of own-brand products by                                                                 07
                          the end of 2020.

80   %                                       95   %
of our                                       tea certified
wild caught
chilled and
                                             to Fairtrade,
                                             Alliance, UTZ
                                                                                 100    %                       Launched
                                                                                                                our Supplier
frozen fish                                  and/or Organic                      cocoa certified                Development
                                                                                 to Fairtrade, Rainforest       Programme in
certified                                                                        Alliance, UTZ and/or Organic   Northern Ireland
to MSC standard

                                         100     % fresh beef and lamb                                          60   %
                                         certified            to the Farm Quality Assurance Scheme,
                                                                                                                coffee certified
                                             the Red Tractor or the Bord Bia                                    to Fairtrade, Rainforest
                                                                                                                Alliance, UTZ and/or
                                             Quality Assurance Scheme
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
       A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland


                                                  £1.8 million investment in solar energy
                                                  across the island of Ireland

       Carbon footprint
       Working proactively with suppliers and industry partners, we are reducing our environmental impact
       through continuously improving our resource efficiency. From how we transport goods, invest in
       energy efficiency and renewables to reducing waste and plastic packaging, all working together to
       decrease our climate impact.
       Highlights include:

                                                                                                            70% reduction                   *

        Switched to 100%                    LED Lighting     E-chargers roll-out    Solar Photovoltaic       in carbon footprint
        green electricity                   project saved     announced for all    Panels (PV) added to       already achieved.
                                           6,454,635 kWh         new stores        store specifications      *
                                                                                                                 market-based methodology
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland

   zero waste
    to landfill                                                                                                             page


                                                                                                    Now with our
                                Waste                                                               in-store recycling
                                Our organic waste is
        waste                   anaerobically digested                                              bins we can help the

                                creating energy.                                                    customer save on
                                We donate over 15,000 meals                                         their waste bill and
                                from surplus food to local charities every month.                   reduce our collective
                                                                                                    environmental impact.

     Removed microbeads from all cosmetics and household products
     Removed unrecyclable black plastic from many categories

Made strong commitments:

    20% plastic                       50% of own brand            of our own brand
packaging reduction                packaging will be made         packaging will be
     by 2022                       with recycled materials       widely recyclable by
                                           by 2025                       2025
SUSTAINABILITY@LIDL - Lidl Northern Ireland
       A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland



                                                 It is important to us that our diverse and talented team members are proud of what
                                                 we achieve together in Lidl.
                                                 Our #WeAreLidl people strategy brings to life our philosophy that our colleagues are
                                                 part of part of one team - as they support us, we support them. Work Safe. Live Well.
                                                 is our holistic nationwide wellbeing programme, focused on three core concepts:

                                                 Be Well      Be Fit      Be Mindful

                                                                                              We are committed to our people:

                                                                                                   Leading Pension Scheme

                                                                                                   Leading Healthcare Scheme

                                                                                                   Free Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

                                                                                                   Sabbatical Leave and Paid Volunteer Day

                                                                                                   Maternity and Paternity Top-Up

                                                                                                   Minimum 20 days annual leave
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland



 Matched the new                          Launched our fully funded   Management training     30 internships to
Living Wage rate for                       degree programme for        in Mental Health     disadvantaged young
   all employees                                colleagues                awareness         people in partnership
                                                                                             with Prince’s Trust
       A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland



                                                    We are working hard towards achieving a
                                                    successful, sustainable future, not just for
                                                    our business but for all the communities
                                                    we serve.

                                                    We raised
       We raised over                               £300,000
                                                    in 2018 alone
                                                    supporting resources
             in 2018                                such as Childline and
                                                    Speak Out, Stay Safe
                                                    schools programme.
  A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland



              1.4 million meals
donated to hundreds of local
charities through our all-Ireland
partnership with FoodCloud.

Bespoke volunteer
programme, Lidl
Helping Hands, available                    Autism Aware Quiet Evenings
to all colleagues                           reduced lighting, no music or announcements,
nationwide.                                 lower till scan sounds, priority queuing,
                                            additional assistance every Tuesday evening
                                            from 6-8pm.
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland


                                                                                           SDG 1
                                                                                           No Poverty
                                                                            Lidl is a pioneer of Fairtrade
                                                                            certification which is designed to
                                                                            empower people so they can lift
                                                                            themselves out of poverty.
                                                                            In our own team, we are a
        The UN SDGs are the world’s collective call to action to address    champion of the Living Wage.
        some of the most pressing global issues. We’ve selected nine SDGs   We also contribute to worthy

        where we can deliver the most meaningful impact across our          causes across Northern Ireland
                                                                            through our donation fund.
        A Better Tomorrow sustainability strategy.

                                                                                           SDG 10

                                                                            We address social sustainability
                                                                            through education possibilities
                                                                            for our employees, ensuring
                                                                            human rights standards are met
                                                                            throughout our supply chain
                                                                            and maintaining a whistleblower
                                                                            hotline to report information
A Better Tomorrow Lidl Northern Ireland

United Nations

                                                                                                                                    SDG 8                15
                                                        SDG 3                                 SDG 7                                 Decent Work
               SDG 2                                    Good Health                           Affordable and                        and Economic
               Zero Hunger                              and Well-being                        Clean Energy                          Growth
In partnership with FoodCloud,            Our market leading prices make       We are certified to ISO 50001         Committed to raising the
we are supporting charities               healthy food more accessible.        Energy Management System              economic capabilities of our
to run their essential services           We consistently promote healthy      across all our operations helping     food suppliers by offering a fair
by donating our surplus food.             meals for our customers and          us to continually improve energy      wage through certifications
More than half of all our                 have committed to reducing salt      performance along with sourcing       such as Fairtrade.
donations made are fresh fruit            and sugar content in our product     100% green electricity and
and vegetables, supporting the            range. Through our charity partner   adding solar panels to all suitable
better health and nutrition for           NSPCC we are working to improve      new stores.
the local charities connected             the health and well-being of
to our stores across Northern             children across Northern Ireland.

               SDG 12
               Responsible                              SDG 13
               Consumption                              Climate                               SDG 14                                SDG 15
               & Production                             Action                                Life below Water                      Life on Land
We are committed to working               We have reduced our Scope 1          To maintain long-term fish stocks,    The goal asks businesses to
with our suppliers in reducing            & 2 carbon footprint by 70% in       we have developed comprehensive       go beyond mere compliance
packaging and ensuring zero               recent years (market- based).        buying policies to support the        of responsible sourcing.
waste to landfill in our efforts          We prioritised understanding         principles of sustainable fishing     One example of this is Lidl’s
towards the circular economy.             our carbon footprint across          and farming methods. We’re            approach to pesticides, which
                                          our value chain in 2018. The         committed to making sure that, no     ensures that our suppliers’ fruit
                                          results of this work will help       matter how our fish and seafood is    and vegetable residue levels
                                          us build resilience into our         sourced, whether farmed or caught     may not contain more than
                                          supply chain and across our          wild, it comes from the most          one third of the maximum level
                                          business.                            sustainable and well-managed          permitted by law.
                                                                               fisheries and farms.
If you have any feedback, please contact us by email:
To find out more about our A Better Tomorrow Sustainability Strategy
please visit:

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