PUBLIC NOTICE Proposed Order on Application for Site Certificate for the Madras Solar Energy Facility -

Page created by Jesus Howard
             Proposed Order on Application for Site Certificate
                   for the Madras Solar Energy Facility
Date Notice and Proposed Order Issued:                                  DPO. On April 22, 2021, Council appointed Hearing
May 10, 2021                                                            Officer, Joe Allen, conducted an in-person DPO public
                                                                        hearing with additional remote participation
Deadline to Request Party or Limited Party Status:                      opportunities via webinar and teleconference. Council
June 10, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST)                 reviewed the DPO and comments received at its April
                                                                        23, 2021 Council meeting. Comments and issues
Proposal: Application for Site Certificate (ASC) from                   raised on the record of the DPO, within Council
Madras PV1, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of                           jurisdiction, have been evaluated in the Proposed
Ecoplexus Inc. (applicant) for a proposed 63 megawatt                   Order, presented in underline/strikethrough format,
alternating current (MWac) photovoltaic solar energy                    as applicable.
facility on approximately 284 acres.
                                                                        Contested Case Process: Following issuance of the
Proposed Facility Location: Jefferson County,                           Proposed Order, Council must conduct a contested
approximately 5.5 miles west of the City of Madras.                     case proceeding on the ASC. Only those individuals or
                                                                        organizations that commented on the record of the
Purpose of Notice: This notice is provided in                           DPO public hearing, either in person at the April 22,
accordance with OAR 345-015-0230 to inform the                          2021 public hearing, or in writing between March 23
public that the Oregon Department of Energy                             through April 22, 2021 may request to participate in
(Department), staff to the Energy Facility Siting                       the contested case as a party or limited party under
Council (EFSC or Council), issued a Proposed Order on                   OAR 345-015-0016. The requirements for requesting
the ASC for the Madras Solar Energy Facility on May                     to participate in the contested case are further
10, 2021, and to notify individuals or organizations                    described in Attachment 1 of this notice.
that commented on the record of the Draft Proposed
Order (DPO) public hearing of their right to request to                 To raise an issue in the contested case, the issue must
participate in the contested case proceeding, as                        be within the jurisdiction of the Council and the
further detailed in Attachment 1 of this notice.                        person must have raised the issue on the record of the
                                                                        public hearing on the DPO, either verbally or in
Proposed Order Recommendations: The Proposed                            writing, with sufficient specificity for the Council,
Order includes changes from the DPO in                                  Department, and the applicant to respond to the
underline/strikethrough format, in response to                          issue. If an action recommended in the Proposed
comments raised on the record of the DPO, and                           Order, including any recommended conditions of
recommends that Council approve the ASC and grant                       approval, differs materially from the action
a site certificate, subject to recommended conditions.                  recommended in the DPO, the person may raise new
Revisions to recommended site certificate conditions                    issues within the jurisdiction of the Council that are
and findings of fact, as presented in the Proposed                      related to such differences.
Order, are further detailed in Attachment 1 of this
notice.                                                                 Contested Case Proceeding: Unless rescheduled by
                                                                        the Hearing Officer, the contested case proceeding
Procedural History: On November 9, 2020, the                            will begin with the filing of sworn, written direct
Department received a complete ASC from the                             testimony on September 6, 2021 (date of the
applicant seeking Council approval to construct and                     contested case hearing under ORS 469.370(4) and
operate the proposed facility. The Department issued                    OAR 345-015-0230(3)(e)). The remainder of the
a DPO on the ASC on March 23, 2021 and accepted                         contested case schedule will be determined by the
public comments from March 23 through April 22,                         Hearing Officer.
2021, ending at the close of the public hearing on the

   Public Notice: Proposed Order and Opportunity to Request a Contested Case, Madras Solar Energy Facility | May 2021 Page | 1
EFSC Decision Process: Following the contested case                       Oregon Department of Energy’s webpage
   proceeding, the Council will issue a final order either                   More details on the proposed Madras Solar Energy
   granting or denying issuance of a site certificate for                    Facility, including the ASC, DPO and the Proposed
   the proposed facility. The Siting Division Public Guide                   Order, are available online at:
   contains information on the EFSC process. To view this          
   information on the Department’s website, please use                       safety/facilities/Pages/MSE.aspx
   the following link:
                                                                             Updates by Email/Mail: Sign-up for email updates on
   Receipt of this Notice: Please note that you may be                       the proposed Madras Solar Energy Facility or other
   receiving this notice for multiple reasons:                               energy facilities under Council jurisdiction. The
       1. You own property within or adjacent to                             Department’s email update system is automated and
           (within 500 feet) the property boundary on                        allows interested members of the public to manage
           which the proposed facility would be located.                     subscriptions to information received about
           You will automatically receive all future                         Department projects and events. For more
           Council notices for this proposed facility.                       information, please visit:
       2. You have requested to receive paper notices                        EFSC.
           on the Madras Solar Energy Facility. If you
           wish to be removed from this mailing list,                        To receive notices by U.S. Mail, please contact
           please contact Chase McVeigh-Walker.                              Dawnita Bruce at 503-378-3895, toll-free in Oregon at
       3. You commented in person or in writing on the                       800-221-8035, or email to
           record of the DPO public hearing conducted               and request to be
           under OAR 345-015-0220, discussed in this                         added to the hardcopy notice list.
       4. You have previously signed up via                                  In Hardcopy: Hard copies of the ASC, DPO, and
           GovDelivery/ClickDimensions to receive email                      Proposed Order are available for public inspection at
           notices related to the Madras Solar Energy                        the following location at no cost. Please contact the
           Facility or all EFSC project-related notices. You                 Department to arrange viewing of hard copies of the
           will automatically receive all future email                       ASC, DPO, and Proposed Order. Hard copies will be
           notices per your request, unless you                              provided at reasonable cost upon request to the
           unsubscribe via ClickDimensions or by                             Department.
           contacting the Department.                                                 Oregon Department of Energy
                                                                                      550 Capitol Street NE
   Additional Information: Please contact Chase                                       Salem, OR 97301
   McVeigh-Walker, the Department representative, if                                  Phone: 503-934-1582
   you have questions or would like to schedule an                                    Email:
   appointment to review materials.
                                                                             Accessibility information: The Oregon Department of
   The public can also receive more information about                        Energy is committed to accommodating people with
   the proposed facility and updates on the review                           disabilities. If you require any special physical or
   process by using the following options:                                   language accommodations, or need information in an
                                                                             alternate format, please contact Dawnita Bruce at
                                                                             503-378-3895, toll-free in Oregon at 800-221-8035, or
                                                                             email to

Public Notice: Proposed Order and Opportunity to Request a Contested Case, Madras Solar Energy Facility | May 2021 Page | 2

Contested Case Proceeding on Proposed Order on Application for Site Certificate (ASC): The Energy Facility
Siting Council (Council) must conduct a Contested Case proceeding on the Application for Site Certificate (ASC) in
accordance with the applicable provisions of ORS chapter 183, the Model Rules of Procedure for Contested
Cases in OAR 137-003-0001 through 137-003-0092 and the Council’s rules in OAR 345-015-0012 through 345-
015-0085. The contested case proceeding applies to the Oregon Department of Energy’s (Department) Proposed
Order on an ASC, a document containing Department recommendations to Council on the ability of a proposed
facility and applicant to satisfy applicable requirements. A Proposed Order on an ASC also includes the
Department’s evaluation of issues of law or fact raised on the record of the Draft Proposed Order (DPO) public
hearing, where the DPO represents a previous version of the Department’s recommendations to Council.
Persons that commented on the record of the DPO public hearing are eligible to request limited party status in a
contested case proceeding to contest issues of law or fact the individual raised on the record of the DPO public
hearing, yet believe have not been sufficiently addressed in the Department’s Proposed Order on an ASC.

On May 10, 2021, the Department issued the Proposed Order on the Application for Site Certificate for the
Madras Solar Energy Facility (Proposed Order), as required by ORS 469.370(4) and OAR 345-015-0230(2). The
Proposed Order recommends that the Council grant the site certificate for the proposed facility subject to
compliance with recommended conditions. The Proposed Order is available for download on the Department’s
website ( Hard copies of the ASC,
DPO, and Proposed Order are available for public inspection at Department’s office at 550 Capitol Street NE in
Salem, Oregon. Hard copies will be provided at reasonable cost upon request to the Department. Revisions
incorporated into the Proposed Order from the DPO are presented in red-line format, to allow easy
identification of changes.

Summary of Material Changes in Proposed Order to Recommended Site Certificate Conditions: In response to
issues raised with sufficient specificity on the record of the DPO public hearing, within Council jurisdiction, the
following recommended site certificate conditions were materially revised in the Proposed Order: Public
Services Condition 2; Structural Standard Conditions 2 and 6.

Persons Eligible to Request Party Status or Limited Party Status: Only Individuals and organizations that
commented in person at the April 22, 2021 DPO public hearing or commented in writing on the DPO by
submitting a written comment between the issuance of the DPO on March 23, 2021 and the close of the public
hearings on April 22, 2021 may request to participate as a party or limited party in a contested case proceeding
on an application for a site certificate. Party status or limited party status in the contested case proceeding may
be requested as provided in ORS 469.370(5) and OAR 345-015-0016, described below.

Notice of Proposed Order and Contested Case – Attachment 1                                           Page 3
May 10, 2021
To raise an issue in a contested case proceeding, the issue must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and the
person must have raised the issue in person or in writing on the record of the public hearings with sufficient
specificity, unless the Department did not follow the requirements of ORS 469.370(2) or (3) or unless the action
recommended in the Proposed Order, including any recommended conditions of approval, differs materially
from the action recommended in the Draft Proposed Order, in which case the person may raise only new issues
within the jurisdiction of the Council that are related to such differences.

If a person did not raise an issue verbally or in writing prior to the close of the record of the public hearings with
sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, the Hearing Officer
shall not consider the issue in the contested case proceeding. To have raised an issue with sufficient specificity,
the person must have presented facts verbally or in writing prior to the close of the record of the public hearings
that support the person's position on the issue.

Contents of a Petition for Party or Limited Party Status: A petition for party or limited party status must comply
with OAR 345-015-0016, and must include:

1. Names and addresses of the petitioner and of any organization the petitioner represents;

2. Name and address of the petitioner's attorney, if any;

3. A statement of whether the request is for participation as a party or a limited party, and, if as a limited
   party, the precise area or areas in which participation is sought;

4. If the petitioner seeks to protect a personal interest in the outcome of the agency's proceeding, a detailed
   statement of the petitioner's interest, economic or otherwise, and how such interest may be affected by the
   results of the proceeding;

5. If the petitioner seeks to represent a public interest in the results of the proceeding, a detailed statement of
   such public interest, the manner in which such public interest will be affected by the results of the
   proceeding, and the petitioner's qualifications to represent such public interest;

6. A statement of the reasons why existing parties to the proceeding cannot adequately represent the interest
   identified above;

7. A short and plain statement of the issue or issues that the person desires to raise in the contested case
   proceeding; and,

8. A reference to the person’s comments at the public hearing showing that the person raised the issue or
   issues at the public hearing.

A template petition is provided as an attachment to this notice, which can be used for submission of a
petition in accordance with the submittal requirements outlined in this notice.

Notice of Proposed Order Contested Case – Attachment 1                                                 Page 4
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Submittal Requirements - Petition to Request for Party or Limited Party Status: Persons eligible to request
party or limited party status in the contested case proceeding must submit a written petition to the Hearing
Officer which must be received no later than June 10, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. PST. Petitions may be submitted in
writing via U.S. mail, email or fax before the 5:00 p.m. (PDT) deadline to the following address:

Joe Allen, Senior Administrative Law Judge
c/o Oregon Department of Energy Siting Division, Attn: Chase McVeigh-Walker
550 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97301
Fax: 503-373-7806
Email: (*Please note two underscores (“_”) in email address)

Additionally, please submit an electronic copy of the petition to the Department’s Siting Analyst at:


If the Hearing Officer does not receive the petition by 5:00 pm (PST) on June 10, 2021, the requesting person(s)
will have waived any right to participate in the contested case. The petition must contain all of the information
described in this notice.

Date of Prehearing Conference: Pursuant to OAR 345-015-0230(3)(a)(D), this notice must include the date of the
prehearing conference. Following the Hearing Officer’s Notice of Petitions and Opportunity for Petitioners to
Respond (to petitions received), a prehearing conference will be conducted by the Council-appointed Hearing
Officer from the Office of Administrative Hearings, Joe Allen, by telephone at 10:00 a.m. PST on July 12, 2021,
unless otherwise rescheduled by the Hearing Officer.

Persons requesting party status must:
• Appear at the prehearing conference, as an individual, through legal counsel or persons authorized to
    represent them in the contested case hearing;
• Confirm the issues they would like to address in the contested case; and,
• Raise any issues regarding the contested case process, or such issues will be waived as provided in OAR 345-

Following the prehearing conference, the Hearing Officer will issue an Order on Party or Limited Status and
Issues, followed by a Case Management Order to all those granted party status. The Hearing Officer’s Order on
Party or Limited Status and Issues is final unless the requestor submits an appeal to the Council within seven
days after the date of service. The Case Management Order will establish the schedule for the contested case

Contested Case Proceeding: Unless rescheduled by the Hearing Officer through a prehearing notice or order,
the contested case proceeding will begin with the filing of sworn, written direct testimony on September 6, 2021
(date of the contested case hearing under ORS 469.370(4) and OAR 345-015-0230(3)(e)). The remainder of the
contested case proceeding schedule will be determined by the Hearing Officer and will likely include submission
of written rebuttal testimony and in-person cross-examination before the Hearing Officer.

Default: In accordance with ORS 469.370(6), if no one requests party status, the Proposed Order shall be
forwarded to the Council and the contested case hearing shall be concluded. If a person submits a request for
party status and fails to appear at the prehearing conference, the Council may issue a final order adverse to that
person upon making the determinations required by ORS 469.503.

Notice of Proposed Order Contested Case – Attachment 1                                              Page 5
May 10, 2021
Petition Template
        1. This template was developed by the Oregon Department of Energy (Department) and is provided as a courtesy for persons seeking to participate in the
           contested case proceeding. Petitioners are not required to use the template, but use is recommended to ensure petitions contain required petition
           information and can be efficiently reviewed by Department staff and Hearing Officer.
        2. Please contact the Department representative, Chase McVeigh-Walker, to request a Word version of the template.
                  Description                  Explanation of Information                                           Petitioner Information
            Petitioner Name: Provide petitioner first and last name.

                                 Provide physical mailing address and e-mail address,
          Petitioner Address:
                                 if available.

         Petitioner Attorney: Provide name and address of attorney, if any.

                              Provide name of any person(s) authorized by you to
                  Authorized represent your issue(s) or confirm your intent to act
              Representative: as an authorized representative for the organization
                              you intend to represent.

                Name of Any Confirm and provide the name of any organization(s)
      Organization Petitioner you represent in this proceeding, in addition to
                 Represents: yourself.

                                Confirm whether you are seeking to participate as a
      Party Status Requested party or limited party and if as a limited party the
             (Limited or Full): precise area or areas in which you seek to

Notice of Proposed Order and Contested Case – Attachment 1                                                                              Page 6
May 10, 2021
Petition Template
        1. This template was developed by the Oregon Department of Energy (Department) and is provided as a courtesy for persons seeking to participate in the
           contested case proceeding. Petitioners are not required to use the template, but use is recommended to ensure petitions contain required petition
           information and can be efficiently reviewed by Department staff and Hearing Officer.
        2. Please contact the Department representative, Chase McVeigh-Walker, to request a Word version of the template.
                  Description                  Explanation of Information                                           Petitioner Information

                                  Provide a detailed statement of your personal
                                  interest (economic or otherwise).
     If seeking to represent a
            personal interest:
                                  Explain how your personal interest may be affected
                                  by the results of the proceeding.
                                  Provide reasons why existing parties to the
                                  proceeding cannot adequately represent the
                                  personal interest you have identified.

                                  Provide a detailed statement of the public interest
                                  you intend to represent.

                                  Explain how such public interest would be impacted
                                  by the outcome of the proceeding.
     If seeking to represent a
               public interest:
                                  Provide a reference to your qualifications to
                                  represent such public interest(s).

                                  Provide reasons why existing parties to the
                                  proceeding cannot adequately represent the public
                                  interest(s) you have identified.

Notice of Proposed Order Contested Case – Attachment 1                                                                                  Page 7
May 10, 2021
Petition Template
        1. This template was developed by the Oregon Department of Energy (Department) and is provided as a courtesy for persons seeking to participate in the
           contested case proceeding. Petitioners are not required to use the template, but use is recommended to ensure petitions contain required petition
           information and can be efficiently reviewed by Department staff and Hearing Officer.
        2. Please contact the Department representative, Chase McVeigh-Walker, to request a Word version of the template.
                   Description               Explanation of Information                                       Petitioner Information
    Issue Information
    Instructions: Provide information for Items (1) – (2) below for each issue requested for review in the proceeding.
    Issue 1

                                 Provide short and plain statement of each issue you
                                 wish to raise in the contested case, including facts or
                                 legal analysis presented in the Proposed Order or
                                 ASC believed to be at issue and provide a reference
                                 to applicable rules or statutes believed applicable to
                                 the issue.

    Issue Statement:             Examples:
                                 Issue #1. The evaluation of XX does not comply with
                                 XX because (identify and provide explanation of
                                 facts or legal analysis believed to be at issue); OR
                                 Issue #1. I contend the applicant does not meet [cite
                                 specific Council standard or applicable law] because
                                 [provide brief explanation of why you believe
                                 applicant does not meet the cited standard or law]).

                                 For each issue identified in your Issue Statement(s),
    Provide date of DPO
                                 provide date and manner (verbal or written) in
    comments where issue
                                 which you raised the issue(s) on the record of the
    was previously cited:
                                 Draft Proposed Order.

Notice of Proposed Order Contested Case – Attachment 1                                                                                  Page 8
May 10, 2021
Petition Template
        1. This template was developed by the Oregon Department of Energy (Department) and is provided as a courtesy for persons seeking to participate in the
           contested case proceeding. Petitioners are not required to use the template, but use is recommended to ensure petitions contain required petition
           information and can be efficiently reviewed by Department staff and Hearing Officer.
        2. Please contact the Department representative, Chase McVeigh-Walker, to request a Word version of the template.
                  Description                  Explanation of Information                                           Petitioner Information
    Issue 2
    Instructions: If more than 1 issue, continue to provide responses to (1) and (2) for each additional issue requested for review in the proceeding.
                                 Provide short and plain statement of each issue you
                                 wish to raise in the contested case, including facts or
                                 legal analysis presented in the Proposed Order or
                                 ASC believed to be at issue and provide a reference
                                 to applicable rules or statutes believed applicable to
                                 the issue.

    Issue Statement:             Examples:
                                 Issue #1. The evaluation of XX does not comply with
                                 XX because (identify and provide explanation of
                                 facts or legal analysis believed to be at issue); OR
                                 Issue #1. I contend the applicant does not meet [cite
                                 specific Council standard or applicable law] because
                                 [provide brief explanation of why you believe
                                 applicant does not meet the cited standard or law]).
                                 For each issue identified in your Issue Statement(s),
    Provide date of DPO
                                 provide date and manner (verbal or written) in
    comments where issue
                                 which you raised the issue(s) on the record of the
    was previously cited:
                                 Draft Proposed Order.

Notice of Proposed Order Contested Case – Attachment 1                                                                                  Page 9
May 10, 2021
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