Page created by Franklin Sullivan

                   PUSS IN

                                   Museo Alto Garda
                                   La Rocca
                                   Piazza C. Battisti, 3/A
                                   38066 Riva del Garda (TN)
                                   tel. +39 (0)464 573869

                                   Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio
                                   di Trento e Rovereto
                                   Via Calepina, 1
                                   38122 Trento
                                   tel. +39 (0)461 232050

                                   Provincia Autonoma di Trento
                                   Dipartimento Cultura
                                   Via Romagnosi, 9
                                   38122 Trento
                                   tel. +39 (0)461 496565

                                   Comune di Riva del Garda
                                   Assessorato alla Cultura
                                   Piazza III Novembre, 5
                                   38066 Riva del Garda (TN)
                                   tel. +39 (0)464 573888

                                   Spazio Arte Duina
                                   Via Marsala, 17
                                   25122 Brescia
                                   tel. +39 331 9105733

                                   B.I.M. del Sarca
                                   Viale Dante, 46
                                   38079 Tione di Trento (TN)
                                   tel. e fax +39 0465 321210

                                   Riva del Garda - Fierecongressi SpA
                                   Parco Lido
                                   38066 Riva del Garda (TN)
                                   tel. +39 0464 570139

                       IN COLLABORATION WITH

                                   Orecchio Acerbo Editore
                                   Viale Aurelio Saffi, 54
                                   00152 Roma
                                   tel. +39 06 5811861
Con un divertente programma dedicato ogni anno a una storia diversa, Notte di Fiaba è il principale e
tradizionale appuntamento dell’estate di Riva del Garda. Musica, danze, giochi, attori e giocolieri animano le
strade e i vicoli della città nella magica cornice creata da allegre scenografie e dal lago di Garda. Anche se è
una manifestazione dedicata ai bambini, Notte di Fiaba affascina da sempre anche gli adulti. 85.000 visitatori,
160 ore di animazione e 2.500 kg di fuochi d’artificio sono solo alcuni dei numeri di uno degli eventi più importanti
del Garda Trentino, che si tramanda di generazione in generazione dal 1950 e appartiene alla comunità intera,
ai suoi ospiti e a chi, solo di passaggio, si ferma per godersi il gran finale dello spettacolo pirotecnico che si
riflette nelle calme acque del lago. Quest’anno, Notte di Fiaba ci fa conoscere lo scaltro Gatto con gli Stivali,
che aiuta il suo padrone a non morire di fame in povertà.
Art. 1 Cultural Initiative
Notte di Fiaba 5th International illustration Contest is a cultural initiative promoted by Comitato Ma-
nifestazioni Rivane. Conceived and organized in collaboration with prominent representatives of the
world of children’s literature and illustration, the contest will give birth to an illustration exhibition – ho-
sted at MAG (Museo Alto Garda) in Riva del Garda beginning on August the 26th, 2020 – the related
catalogue, and a picture book illustrated by the contest winner and published by Orecchio Acerbo.
The Quality Jury will select the 3 best illustrators, the special mentions and a further rose of illustrators
that will take part in the illustration exhibition and be published in the related catalogue. The contest
winners, the illustrators that will receive the special mentions, the picture book and the catalogue
will be officially presented during the exhibition vernissage that will take place in Riva del Garda on
August the 26th, 2020.

Art. 2 How to participate
Illustrators of any nationality, country of origin or residence and of any age can take part in the com-
petition (for under-eighteens, express written authorization must be provided by one or both parents
or the person who has parental authority). By June the 11th, 2020, at midnight, the contestants must
submit the following FILES via WETRANSFER to concorsonottedifiaba@gmail.com, remembering to
indicate as message reference “SURNAME_NAME_entry materials PUSS IN BOOTS” (e.g. ROSSI_MA-
RIO_entry materials PUSS IN BOOTS).

A. A PDF file (max 10 MB) of the picture book complete STORYBOARD based on the attached text.
   The STORYBOARD has to include the drafted illustrations related to all pages of the book. No text is
   needed, but an accurate storyboard is highly recommended. The picture book will be 21x30 cm
   and will include 24 inside pages. An example of the book structure is here available http://online.
   The file must be named by indicating the illustrator’s surname and name plus the word storyboard:

B. 2 FINISHED ILLUSTRATIONS, taken from the abovementioned storyboard and realized in an illustra-
   tion technique whatsoever. Both illustrations must be sent in 2 file formats:
   1. For the catalogue, TIFF format (300 dpi|CMYK) is needed. A double and single page illustra-
      tions will be submitted. They must be realized respecting the horizontal (double page) A3 for-
      mat (29,7x42 cm), and the vertical (single page) A4 format (29,7x21 cm). Both TIFF files must
      be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_TITLE_TIFF” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_ PUSS_IN_BOOTS_TIFF
   2. For Quality Jury’s evaluation and online use JPEG format (300 dpi|RGB|2MB max) is also nee-
      ded. Both JPEG files must show the COPYRIGHT symbol followed by the illustrator’s name and
      surname (e.g. ©MarioRossi) on one of the illustration margins. Both JPEG Files must be named

C. A short CURRICULUM VITAE (WORD format|Max 250 words|1MB at max) written in first person.
   Illustrators should also indicate their inspiring artist, favourite quote , and the contact details that
   they want to be published in the catalogue such as: 1. Email address, 2. Web site, 3. Blog, 4. Face-
   book page, 5. Online portfolio, etc. The file must be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_CUR-

D. An illustrator’s CLOSE-UP PHOTO (TIFF format|300 dpi|black&white|5x5 cm|1MB at max). The file
   must be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_PHOTO” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_PHOTO).

E. The ENTRY FORM (PDF format|1MB at max) duly filled-in and signed by illustrator. The file must be

If the abovementioned files won’t be duly submitted by the stated date of June the 11th, 2020, or
will be incomplete or not corresponding to the required formats, the contestant will be automatically
excluded from the contest. The Quality Jury’s decisions concerning both the contest and the illustra-
tion exhibition will be notified by June the 21st, 2020 on the Facebook page “Notte di Fiaba Illustration
Contest.” The publisher will then contact the contest winner to start working immediately on the pi-
cture book. The illustrator will deliver the final illustrations in digital format by the date established by
the publisher.

Art. 3 The contest theme
This year’s theme is “Puss in boots”.

Art. 4 Selected illustrations delivery and return
The original version of the illustrations selected by the Quality Jury – including those of the contest
winner – must be delivered by July the 15th, 2020 to the following address.

COMITATO MANIFESTAZIONI RIVANE | Via della Liberazione n. 7 | Casella Postale 54 c/o PT |38066

The originals size must be A3 (horizontal) or A4 (vertical) + 1 CM of BLEED on each side (needed to
frame the illustrations). Illustrators will SIGN the backside of each original illustration and will also in-
dicate their 1) name and surname, 2) the illustration title, and the 3) art technique in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Should the illustrations be digitally realized, the illustrators will send high definition prints in the above
mentioned A3 or A4 formats. If they won’t send them, they will be disqualified.
The illustrations will be insured and presented in the exhibition that will be held at MAG in Riva del
Garda as of August the 26th, 2020 and in other travelling exhibitions for the following two years. They
will also be advertised on the exhibition catalog and on other promotional material related to the
cultural initiative and on other web marketing tools of Notte di Fiaba.
The 3 best illustrations selected by the Quality Jury won’t be returned because they will become part
of “Notte di Fiaba Permanent Collection”. They will be used to promote children’s illustration during
other events that Riva del Garda will dedicate to children over the years to come. All the other illu-
strations will be returned to the rightful authors only after the exhibiting period but no later than the
end of May 2022.
Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane will return the works by courier at illustrator’s expense. Alternatively,
the illustrators, at their own expense, will personally collect their works or send an expressly authorized
person. The illustrations freely donated by artists to Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane to become part
of “Notte di Fiaba Permanent Collection” won’t be returned, but will be used to promote children’s
illustration during other events that Riva del Garda will dedicate to children over the years to come.
In no way and for no reason Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane will be responsible for any possible da-
mage occurred to the artworks sent by courier or caused by any other problem resulting from the
delivery or return of the artworks.

Art. 5 Quality Jury
The illustrations will be assessed at the discretion of the members of a jury composed of highly quali-
fied experts in the field of art and children’s illustration, literature and publishing.

• Francesca Tancini è Presidente della Giuria (Art historian and PhD specialized in the children’s pi-
  cture book, she is the coordinator of the European research project PiCoBoo on the role of color
  in children books illustration, she has worked and curated illustration exhibitions at Harvard, Yale,
  Princeton and Oxford)
• Fausta Orecchio e Simone Tonucci (The publishers – Orecchio Acerbo, elected by BCBF as Best
  European Children’s Books Publisher )
• Claudia Palmarucci (Award-winning illustrator)
• Eleonora Cumer (Award-winning illustrator and visual artist)
• Franco Pivetti (Internationally renowned visual artist, musician and arts consultant)

Art. 6 Prizes and compensation
• The first prize winner will receive a cash prize of 2,000 € and will realize the illustrations of the picture
  book that will be published by ORECCHIO ACERBO and officially presented during the the ope-
  ning cerimony of the illustration exhibition on August the 26th, 2020. For the right of reproduction
  and publication of the illustrations, the Publisher will pay the contest winner the 5% on the book
  retail price for each copy that will be sold, excluding VAT. The amount of 2,000 € that will be paid
to the contest winner by Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane as first prize of Notte di Fiaba Illustration
  Contest has to be considered as the advanced payment of the above-mentioned 5% and possi-
  ble further compensation resulting from other uses.
• The second prize winner will receive a cash prize of 500 €.
• The third prize winner will have the opportunity to attend for free an advanced illustration work-
  shop at SPAZIO ARTE DUINA (www.spazioarteduina.it) by the end of Academic Year 2020-2021.
• The special prize “Livio Sossi for emerging talents” will also be awarded. The winner will have the
  opportunity to attend for free an advanced illustration workshop at SPAZIO ARTE DUINA (www.
  spazioarteduina.it) by the end of Academic Year 2020-2021.

Art. 7 Responsibility and rights
By taking part in the contest, the illustrators grant the non-exclusive right to reproduce and publish
their illustrations, which will consequently be reproduced, circulated and publicized – with the sole
obligation of making reference to the artist’s name – using digital tools (websites, social networks, TV
programs, web page headers, etc.), in any kind of promotional material relating to the cultural initia-
tive (leaflets, flyers, folders, invites, notices, posters, shopper, etc.), in the exhibition catalogue, as well
as on postcards, calendars, posters, bookmarks, greeting cards and colouring books on sale in the
bookshop at the MAG and in the sales booths set up during Notte di Fiaba event. It should be noted
that the abovementioned list merely serves to provide examples and is not exhaustive regarding the
use that may be made of the said artworks. The use of the abovementioned illustrations does not
grant the illustrators of any right to any kind of payment. The illustrations sent for the exhibition must
be original and signed on the backside. The candidates must be able to guarantee about their ar-
tworks originality thus expressly discharging and releasing the organizational body from any liability
or responsibility for any claims made for compensation coming at any title from third parties, and
declare under their own exclusive civil or penal responsibility that the submitted illustrations in no way
represent a breach of the relevant legal provisions in force. The illustrations may be created using any
chosen media on the condition that it is produced in accordance with the required format specified
during the course provided for in art. 2.
The participation in the contest implies that the competitors have fully accepted all the conditions
and clauses contained in these regulations.

Art. 8 Information and authorization for the use of personal data
The personal data will be processed According to Articles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679.
The purposes, the legal basis of which is the required consent from the data subject, are in order to
manage the publication of personal data such as name, surname, occupation, activities, images,
video or audio recordings on social media, websites, in printed publications or any other kinds of
dissemination. It is mandatory to provide such data and the term for storing the data is that strictly
necessary to perform the purposes of the processing indicated in the previous paragraph, and in any
case to meet the legal obligations deriving from the activities themselves. The data will be stored into
suitably protected storage devices, according to Article 32 of the aforementioned EU Regulation.
The data will be processed by authorised internal staff and might be disclosed to third parties (e.g.
Museums where the illustration exhibition will take place) for activities supplementary to the purpose
described above and for insurance purposes. According to Articles 4 and 24 of the EU Regulation
2016/679, the Data Controller will be the legal representative pro-tempore of Comitato Manifestazio-
ni Rivane, with registered offfice in Viale Liberazione, 7 – 38066 – Riva del Garda (TN) – Italy.
According to Articles 37, 38 and 39 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, the Data Protection Officer will
be the legal representative pro-tempore of Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane. By writing to the email
address info@nottedifiaba.it, the data can be verified, supplemented, updated, and corrected,
and other rights can be exercised according to Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, and 20 of the EU Regulation

Art. 9 Election of the competent court
Any dispute arising in connection with this Regulation, which cannot be resolved amicably, shall fall
under the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Trento.

Art. 10 Information request
For further information concerning the present contest rules and regulations, please write to concor-
sonottedifiaba@gmail.com or call the phone number +39-(0)464-755.639.
7th International Illustration Contest Notte di Fiaba (Puss in boots)
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Surname: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
(if the participant is underage, please add the parent/guardian’s name and surname)

Valid identity document type and number:: ___________________________________________________
Date of birth: ____________________________ Nationality: _______________________________________________________
Residence and address where to return the illustrations: Street ________________________________________________
N. ________ Post code________________ City ______________________________________Province: ___________________
Coountry:___________________Mobile phone:_____________________________Email:______________________________
Web site: ___________________________________________Blog: __________________________________________________
Online portfolio: ______________________________________Facebook: ___________________________________________
I declare that I am the author and owner of the original works with the following titles
1. __________________________________________________                    2. ___________________________________________________
realized with the following technique ___________________________________________ and submitted/delivered to

RETURN OR DONATION OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS (please, choose only one of the following options)

   If I am selected, I will attach € 20 to the illustrations that I will send you for the exhibition to cover the cost of

   If I am selected, I will personally pick up my illustrations by the end of May 2022, or I will delegate someone I

   If I am selected, I will donate my illustrations so that they will become part of the “Notte di Fiaba Permanent
   Collection” and will be used to promote children’s illustration during the events dedicated to children over the
   coming years.

   If I am selected, I will donate my illustrations so they will be auctioned to collect money to help the recovery
   after the Covid19 crisis.


Date ________________ Sign legibly, in full ____________________________________________________________________
					                                                (and of a parent/guardian, if the participant is underage)

  Privacy information and consent request for the processing of personal data according to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679.

We hereby inform you that the personal data that you will be providing us with will be processed according to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regu-
lation 2016/679. The purposes, the legal basis of which is the required consent from the illustrator, are in order to manage the publication of
personal data such as name, surname, occupation, activities, images, video or audio recordings on social media, websites, in printed publi-
cations or any other kinds of dissemination. It is mandatory to provide such data and the term for storing the data is that strictly necessary to
perform the purposes of the processing indicated in the previous paragraph, and in any case to meet the legal obligations deriving from the
activities related to the illustration competition. The data will be stored into suitably protected storage devices according to Article 32 of the
aforementioned EU Regulation. The data will be processed by authorised internal staff and might be disclosed to third parties (e.g. Museums
where the illustration exhibition will take place) for activities supplementary to the purpose described above and for insurance purposes.
According to Articles 4 and 24 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, the Data Controller will be the legal representative pro-tempore of Comitato
Manifestazioni Rivane, with registered offfice in Viale Liberazione, 7 – 38066 – Riva del Garda (TN) – Italy. According to Articles 37, 38 and 39
of the EU Regulation 2016/679, the Data Protection Officer will be the legal representative pro-tempore of Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane.
By writing to the email address info@nottedifiaba.it, the data can be verified, supplemented, updated, and corrected, and other rights can
be exercised according to Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, and 20 of the EU Regulation 2016/679.

                                                      CONSENT OF THE ILLUSTRATOR
              (Please, be informed, that you can participate in the illustration contest only if you agree on your data processing.)

              I, the undersigned, state I have duly read this competition regulation and the privacy information included therein.

    I agree                   I do not agree    Date ___________________ Sign legibly, in full ___________________________________

Who is more wretched than me?
We were three brothers, so poor that we had only one pair of pants each and only one pair of
shoes in three.
We ate only one meal a day and it was always and only onion soup.
Then, one day, the worst happened; our father died.


Written by Mariapaola Pesce
Illustrations by …
Orecchio Ocerbo for Notte di Fiaba (logos)


The family shop went to my elder brother.
My middle brother inherited a hay cart.
Being the youngest brother, I only received a cat.
You won’t believe it, but, at a certain point, the cat started talking.
- Dear master, you do not know how lucky you have been. Get me a pair of boots and a hat, and
I’ll make you a rich man! - the cat said
- Rich? Will I be able to have a pea soup? - I asked him.
- One? You’ll have ten, one hundred, one thousand pea soups!
So, I got him the boots and the hat he asked for.


The next day the cat wore boots and hat and went out.
I thought he was going to get me a pea soup.
In the evening, when he returned, he had a big smile on his snout, but his paws were empty.
- Darn cat, can you explain me why do smile?


- I worked all day for you, my lord, and is this the way you thank me? - the cat answered.
- I made you become a Marquis! - the cat continued, smoothing his mustache.
While speaking, he turned around me, and his eyes shone as if he was really looking at a gentle-
man with a rich cloak.
- I don’t know what you’re up to, but I don’t want trouble. - I clarified.

PAGES 10/11

- Please, give me one more chance. Said the cat. “If you don’t sleep in the King’s Palace by to-
morrow evening, I’ll go away, and you won’t never hear from me again. But promise me that you’ll
play along with my plan, whatever might happen. What do you have to lose?
Exactly, what did I have to lose? So, I decided to listen to him one more time. Afterwards, I would
have got rid of him in any case.

PAGES 12/13

The following day, early in the morning, we left towards the lake.
Once there, the cat stopped.
- Dive into the lake without asking questions, Master. When you hear me meowing three times, call
for help! – said the cat.
- But it’s cold, and I can’t swim ... - I objected - besides, I’m hungry, and ...
- Stay in the shallow water, tonight we will have dinner at the King’s palace, or you won’t hear from
me anymore! - He answered me.
Then, he disappeared in a flash.

PAGES 14/15

An hour later I was freezing from cold when, suddenly, I heard the signal: three loud, deafening,
noisy meowing. It was up to me!
- Help, help, please, help me! I’m drowning! - I screamed
- Can someone help my master, the Marquis of Carabas? He can’t swim, please! - cried the cat.
Precisely in that very moment, I slipped on a muddy stone and risked drowning for real.

PAGES 16/17

Luckily, two men came out of the woods and run to my rescue. They were the King’s servants.
I was half-naked and half-dead, so they took me to the royal palace in a carriage.
While passing by, the peasants greeted us with joyful shouts “Long live the Marquis of Carabas!”
I didn’t know what that shady feline had done, but he had managed to convince people that I
was the lord of those lands.
Suddenly, everything seemed to get fine. I was going to have my pea soup by that evening.

PAGES 18/19

A banquet to honor me and the cat was held that evening at the King’s palace.
An unknown number of courses paraded on the table, including lobster... bad idea!
Then there were music and jesters, wine and ice cream, and dancing… and the party seemed to
never come to an end! The king’s daughter, who was ugly, sloppy and graceless, wanted to dance
with me all night long.
The ILLUSTRATION must show the cat confabulating aside with the king.

PAGES 20/21

The following morning, after a sleepless night, I had to face another catastrophe.
- Get ready, master, your luck is about to change! - the cat hissed in my ear.
Could have I eaten my pea soup, eventually? But trumpet blasts, instead! The king and his dau-
ghter, the princess who had stamped on my feet all through the night, came towards me.
- Dear Marquis of Carabas, noble friend and brother! I give you my daughter’s hand!
A week later, we got married. I found myself at the altar and I only managed to stammer a yes at
the very wrong time.

PAGES 22/23

Since then, that darn cat gets fat eating lasagna both at lunch and dinner.
I sleep in a soft bed, okay, I have plenty of food, that’s fine, and sooner or later I’ll even be king, but
...I found out I don’t digest lobster.
Besides, I must sleep with an ugly princess!
But, on top of that…


I haven’t had my pea soup yet!
So, can you tell me now who is more wretched than me?

                                                 THE END
Via della Liberazione, 7
C.P. 54 c/o PT
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