QCAM MONTHLY Abe's legacy and the Yen - September 2020

QCAM MONTHLY Abe's legacy and the Yen - September 2020
September 2020

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                       Abe’s legacy and the Yen
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QCAM MONTHLY Abe's legacy and the Yen - September 2020
QCAM Insight
   Abe’s legacy and the Yen

   Bernhard Eschweiler, PhD, Senior Economist
   QCAM Currency Asset Management AG

   Shinzo Abe leaves a mixed legacy. He broke the de-       BoJ holds roughly half of the government debt and
   flationary spiral, but failed to complete Japan’s re-    keeps long-term government bond yields at zero. The
   flation and made debt-monetization an accepted pol-      fact that this has not resulted in run-away inflation
   icy tool. The JPY gradually appreciated in recent        shows that Abenomics has failed to overcome Japan’s
   years and we believe will slowly strengthen further      structural rigidities and re-invigorate the economy. So-
   because the rest of the developed world is becom-        ciety and economy remain introverted, the savings
   ing more like Japan yet the JPY remains a net-sav-       rate has even increased and the current account sur-
   ings and safe-haven currency.                            plus is stubbornly high.

  The decision of Shinzo Abe to step down as Japanese       The JPY was part of Abenomics
  PM was not a complete surprise and had little effect      The equity market has welcomed Abenomics. After
  on financial markets. Abe undoubtedly made history        more than two decades of decline and stagnation the
  but his legacy is mixed. Most importantly, Abe stopped    Nikkei rallied nearly 150% since 2012. The JPY, how-
  the deflationary spiral. After two decades of stagna-     ever, was initially crushed by Abenomics with USDJPY
  tion and decline, nominal GDP increased steadily since    surging from around 80 in 2012 to 125 in 2015. This
  2012, albeit at a moderate pace of 1.6% per year. In-     was undoubtedly a deliberate side effect of the ag-
  flation is low by international standards but no longer   gressive monetary policy push. Since then, the JPY has
  persistently negative and property prices started to      gradually regained lost ground, thanks largely to the
  rise again.                                               rise of the current account surplus.
     The biggest beneficiary of Abenomics is the corpo-         Like its North-Asian neighbors, Japan managed to
  rate sector, with profit margins roughly doubling be-     control the medical impact of the Corona pandemic
  tween 2012 and 2019. Female labor force participa-        fairly well. However, the economic impact was severe,
  tion rose significantly and unemployment fell from        given Japan’s high export orientation. Going forward,
  4.5% in 2012 to 2.5% in 2019, before climbing back        the Japanese economy is likely to follow the rest of
  to 3% in the wake of the Corona crisis. Abe managed       the world in the recovery, but will probably not out-
  to reduce the fiscal deficit from 8.6% of GDP in 2012     perform. The JPY has underperformed as risk senti-
  to 3.3% of GDP in 2019 but failed to stop the debt        ment recovered, but it has proven its safe-haven qual-
  build-up with the debt-to-GDP ratio hitting 238% at       ities, gaining 2.5% versus the USD year-to-date.
  the end of 2019.
      Most controversial is Abe’s push to subordinate       JPY to strengthen gradually further
  monetary policy to the fiscal policy agenda. Today, the   Who will succeed Shinzo Abe as PM is still unclear.

1 | QCAM Monthly
QCAM MONTHLY Abe's legacy and the Yen - September 2020
However, we do not expect a major policy shift and    The external surplus factor
we also think the JPY will slowly strengthen further. What has prevented Japan’s aggressive policy mix from
In our view, three forces support the JPY. First, the ending in runaway inflation is the high domestic sav-
monetary-fiscal policy mix of other major currencies  ings rate and current account surplus. This is curse
is approaching Japanese standards. Second, Japan is   and blessing at the same time but good news for the
likely to remain a large external surplus economy. Third,
                                                      JPY, especially versus currencies with large current ac-
the JPY’s safe-haven status is likely to remain in de-count deficits, like the USD. The current account sur-
mand.                                                 plus declined a bit in the first quarter, but is already
                                                      recovering. Yet, net foreign direct investment outflows,
Japanese policy approach is spreading                 which typically offset a large part of the current ac-
The Japanese government has responded aggressive- count surplus, have plunged and may not return to
ly to the crisis with the budget deficit expected to pre-crisis levels quickly.
surge by 11% of GDP this year while the BoJ boosted
its balance sheet 15% year-to-date. However, this is JPY remains a safe-haven
no longer exceptional. The US and the Euro-area bud- Finally, while the worst of the Corona crisis lies hope-
get deficits are expected to surge by 17% and 11% of fully behind, the next few years will probably remain
GDP respectively, while the Fed has almost doubled marked by increased uncertainty, especially geopolit-
the size of its balance sheet and the ECB boosted its ical tensions and trade conflicts. This plays to the JPY’s
balance sheet by more than a third. Moreover, inter- proven strength as a safe-haven currency and is fur-
est rates are converging around zero everywhere, ther increased by its reduced appeal as a funding cur-
which reduces the JPY’s appeal as a funding currency, rency for carry trades.
especially for carry trades.

Japan current account und foreign direct investment

% of GDP

   -3                         Current account balance                 Net FDI outflows

     Jan 10      Jan 11      Jan 12      Jan 13     Jan 14   Jan 15       Jan 16     Jan 17   Jan 18   Jan 19    Jan 20

Source: Bank of Japan and QCAM Currency Asset Management

                                                                                                            QCAM Monthly | 2
Economy & Interest Rates
   Global economic activity continued to recover in                                an uncertainty. Overall, the pace of the recovery is
   August and forecast revisions have broadly changed                              set to slow from here. China continues to lead the
   to the upside. The recovery is now moving from the                              recovery followed by Europe and the USA, while
   re-opening rebound to a second more cyclical                                    South America and South Asia are lagging behind.
   phase, which is still marked by significant corpo-                              Meanwhile, the fiscal costs of the pandemic keep
   rate balance sheet and labor market distortions,                                rising.
   while the course of the Corona pandemic remains

                              Real GDP growth1 Unemployment rate1       Inflation rate1   Current account2          Fiscal balance2       Public debt 2

                               2019      2020      2019     2020      2019       2020     2019       2020       2019         2020     2019       2020

    Global                       2.9      -4.5      n.a.       n.a.     3.6        2.5      n.a.      n.a.          n.a.       n.a.     n.a.       n.a.
    Developed                    1.7      -6.0      4.8        9.0      1.4        0.7      n.a.      n.a.          n.a.       n.a.     n.a.       n.a.
    USA                          2.3      -5.0      3.7        9.5      1.8        1.0     -2.3       -2.5          -6.3     -24.0    108.7     140.0
    Canada                       1.7      -7.0      5.7        9.0      1.9        1.0     -2.0       -3.0          -0.3     -13.0     88.6     110.0
    Euro-area                    1.3      -7.0      7.6        9.0      1.2        0.5      3.0        3.0          -0.6     -12.0     84.1     105.0
    Sweden                       1.2      -5.0      6.8        8.0      1.7        0.5      3.9        3.5          0.4      -10.0     34.8       45.0
    Switzerland                  0.9      -4.0      2.3        3.5      0.4       -0.5     12.2      10.0           0.9       -8.0     39.3       47.0
    UK                           1.4      -9.0      3.8        6.5      1.8        1.0     -3.8       -4.0          -2.1     -13.0     85.4     104.0
    Japan                        0.7      -6.0      2.4        3.0      0.5       -0.2      3.6        3.0          -3.3     -15.0    238.0     270.0
    Australia                    1.8      -3.5      5.2        7.5      1.6        1.0      0.6        1.0          -3.9      -9.0     45.0       58.0
    Emerging                     3.7      -1.0      n.a.      n.a.      5.0        3.5      n.a.      n.a.          n.a.       n.a.     n.a.       n.a.
    China                        6.1      2.0       3.6        4.0      2.9        2.0      1.0       1.5           -6.3     -12.0     52.0       64.0
    India                        4.2      -9.0      n.a.      n.a.      4.5        5.0     -1.1       0.0           -7.9     -12.0     72.2       85.0
    Russia                       1.3      -4.0      4.6        6.5      4.5        3.5      4.1       1.0           1.9       -6.0     13.9       19.0
    Brazil                       1.1      -7.0     11.9       15.0      3.7        3.0     -2.7       -1.0          -6.0     -16.0     89.5     105.0

   Source: OECD, IMF World Economic Outlook and QCAM estimates 1) In percent 2) In percent of GDP

   OECD business and consumer confidence

                                        Business confidence           Consumer confidence


     Index Ø = 100




                       2000                       2005                        2010                           2015                        2020

   Source: OECD and QCAM, the last observations are QCAM estimates based on other surveys

3 | QCAM Monthly
Interest Rates

Interest Rate Level Overview

                                 Short Term Interest Rate (3month OIS)                       Long Term Interest Rate (10year Swap)

              Current     1M ago      3M ago     12M ago     Ø 3 years      Current     1M ago    3M ago     12M ago    Ø 3 years

USD            0.07%        0.07%       0.05%      1.84%        1.58%          0.66%     0.52%     0.68%       1.38%        2.14%
EUR            -0.47%      -0.47%      -0.47%      -0.51%       -0.40%         -0.20%   -0.23%     -0.09%     -0.27%        0.48%
JPY            -0.04%      -0.04%      -0.07%      -0.11%       -0.06%         0.06%     0.01%     0.05%      -0.08%        0.15%
GBP            0.05%        0.05%       0.06%      0.68%        0.53%          0.39%     0.30%     0.43%       0.56%        1.14%
CHF            -0.73%      -0.73%      -0.73%      -0.94%       -0.75%         -0.37%   -0.44%     -0.38%     -0.66%       -0.03%
AUD            0.12%        0.15%       0.14%      0.83%        1.08%          0.81%     0.75%     0.90%       1.11%        2.06%
CAD            0.24%        0.24%       0.24%      1.68%        1.33%          1.02%     0.93%     1.01%       1.57%        2.10%
SEK            -0.04%      -0.04%      -0.03%      -0.23%       -0.30%         0.33%     0.31%     0.39%       0.17%        0.84%
RUB            4.12%        4.13%       4.83%      6.98%        6.82%          6.12%     5.89%     6.01%       7.83%        7.81%
BRL            1.63%        1.51%       1.87%      4.77%        4.87%          7.52%     6.78%     7.51%       7.73%        9.24%
CNY            2.47%        2.30%       1.81%      2.70%        2.70%          3.03%     2.85%     2.36%       3.12%        3.28%
TRY           12.25%        8.92%       7.87%     17.22%       17.10%       11.29%      11.74%    10.45%      14.77%      14.46%
INR            3.76%        3.74%       3.80%      5.31%        5.68%          4.94%     4.61%     4.52%       4.95%        6.06%

3-month Libor






                 EUR          USD          GBP          CHF           JPY

   2000         2002        2004        2006        2008         2010           2012     2014       2016        2018       2020

Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management, as of September 2nd, 2020

                                                                                                                    QCAM Monthly | 4
FX Markets
    FX Performance vs. PPP

   The USD slide stalled in the first half of August and                  Speculative positions suggest that the USD is over-
   then regained some momentum after the US Fed                           sold, but low interest rate spreads are raising hedg-
   inflation target announcement. Risk-sensitive cur-                     ing activity versus the USD. FX volatilities have re-
   rencies like the GBP gained the most, but even the                     mained muted. PPP estimates have not changed
   JPY held up well. The improving risk sentiment was                     much but the overvaluation of the USD against
   generally positive for Emerging Markets although                       most currencies has narrowed.
   trouble cases like the TRY have not regained ground.


                                                                           Performance1                  Purchasing Power Parity2
                       Rate             YTD            1M           12M            5 years    PPP     Neutral Range    Deviation3

    EURUSD              1.185         5.51%         0.48%         7.96%            5.46%      1.29       1.15 - 1.43       -8%
    USDJPY            106.170        -2.22%         0.31%         0.03%       -11.63%        95.62      84.8 - 106.5      11%
    GBPUSD              1.333         0.49%         1.75%        10.36%       -12.95%         1.58       1.41 - 1.76      -16%
    EURCHF              1.080        -0.49%         0.31%        -0.56%            -0.82%     1.10       1.04 - 1.16       -2%
    USDCHF              0.912        -5.66%        -0.16%        -7.89%            -5.94%     0.88       0.78 - 0.98        4%
    GBPCHF              1.215        -5.21%         1.59%         1.65%       -18.14%         1.27       1.15 - 1.38       -4%
    CHFJPY            116.460         3.64%         0.48%         8.61%            -6.04%    92.46      81.6 - 103.4      26%
    AUDUSD              0.733         4.31%         2.53%         9.08%            4.25%      0.78       0.68 - 0.87       -6%
    USDCAD              1.307         0.67%        -2.61%        -1.91%            -1.54%     1.21       1.12 - 1.30        8%
    USDSEK              8.723        -6.70%        -0.58%       -11.18%            3.63%       7.9       6.98 - 8.82      10%
    EURSEK             10.335        -1.55%        -0.10%        -4.10%            9.28%      8.67       8.13 - 9.21      19%
    USDRUB             75.409        21.55%         1.51%        12.93%        12.41%        51.54       43.5 - 59.6      46%
    USDBRL              5.368        33.55%         3.17%        28.72%        43.27%          3.2       2.64 - 3.77      68%
    USDCNY              6.830        -1.89%        -2.28%        -5.06%            5.88%      6.52       6.33 - 6.72        5%
    USDTRY              7.385        24.12%         5.71%        26.98%       150.83%         4.45       3.52 - 5.37      66%
    USDINR             73.265         2.86%        -2.21%         1.76%        10.73%          8.07
                                                                                             68.49       63.5 - 73.5        7%-1

   1 Performance over the respective period of time, in percent

   2 Purchasing power parity (PPP) is estimated based on the relative development of inflation rates in two currency markets;
     the neutral range is determined by ± 1 standard deviation of the historical variation around the PPP value.
   3 Deviation of the current spot rate from PPP, in percent.

    Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management, as of September 2nd, 2020

5 | QCAM Monthly
Purchasing Power Parity

EURUSD                      EUR/USD                                  USDJPY                   USD/JPY


 1.0                                                                 150

 0.8                                                                 100

           1990    1995    2000    2005    2010    2015    2020                1990   1995   2000   2005   2010   2015    2020

EURCHF                     EUR/CHF                                   USDCHF                   USD/CHF

1.8                                                                   2.5


          1990    1995    2000    2005    2010    2015    2020                 1990   1995   2000   2005   2010   2015   2020

GBPUSD                     GBP/USD                                   EURSEK                    EUR/SEK

2.0                                                                    11

1.8                                                                    10

1.6                                                                     9

1.4                                                                     8

1.2                                                                     7

          1990    1995    2000    2005    2010    2015    2020                 1990   1995   2000   2005   2010   2015   2020

AUDUSD                     AUD/USD                                   USDCAD                   USD/CAD
1.1                                                                   1.6
1.0                                                                   1.5

0.9                                                                   1.4

0.8                                                                   1.3

          1990    1995    2000    2005    2010    2015    2020                 1990   1995   2000   2005   2010   2015   2020

                                                                                       PPP          Spot          Neutral Range

Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management, as of September 2nd, 2020

                                                                                                                  QCAM Monthly | 6
FX Spot vs Forwards

   FX Forwards Level and Premium

                          Current                                       Forward Level                                     Premium p.a.
                           Rate                   1M              3M                12M             1M             3M            12M

    EURUSD                     1.185           1.1856          1.1872             1.1947          0.82%         0.78%           0.82%
    USDJPY                106.170            106.1255       106.0519        105.5510             -0.49%         -0.44%         -0.57%
    GBPUSD                     1.333           1.3331          1.3334             1.3352          0.25%         0.19%           0.18%
    EURCHF                     1.080           1.0799          1.0794             1.0773         -0.27%         -0.26%         -0.26%
    USDCHF                     0.912           0.9108          0.9093             0.9018         -1.09%         -1.04%         -1.06%
    GBPCHF                     1.215           1.2142          1.2125             1.2041         -0.85%         -0.86%         -0.89%
    CHFJPY                116.460            116.5207       116.6377        117.0553              0.61%         0.60%           0.50%
    AUDUSD                     0.733           0.7328          0.7329             0.7329          0.10%         0.09%           0.03%
    USDCAD                     1.307           1.3064          1.3063             1.3062         -0.08%         -0.07%         -0.02%
    USDSEK                     8.723           8.7199          8.7145             8.6885         -0.45%         -0.40%         -0.39%
    EURSEK                 10.335             10.3386         10.3454         10.3801             0.37%         0.39%           0.42%
    USDRUB                 75.409             75.6539         76.1028         78.3799             3.66%         3.64%           3.89%
    USDBRL                     5.368           5.3733          5.3854             5.4361          1.23%         1.31%           1.24%
    USDCNY                     6.830           6.8436          6.8698             6.9958          2.11%         2.33%           2.38%
    USDTRY                     7.385           7.4610          7.6430             8.6447         11.53%     13.80%            16.82%
    USDINR                 73.265             74.0001         74.0047         74.0280            11.65%         3.99%           1.02%

   Historical Spot Performance and Current Forward Premium vs. the US Dollar









                       1 year historical spot performance           1 year current forward premium
              EUR        JPY           GBP    CHF       AUD      CAD        SEK            RUB    BRL     CNY       TRY       INR

   Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management, as of September 2nd, 2020

7 | QCAM Monthly
FX Volatility

Historical vs. Implied Volatility

                                             Current                                   Historical Volatility 1                                     Implied Volatility 2
                                              Rate      Current             1M           12M       Ø 5 years       Current         1M              12M      Ø 5 years

 EURUSD                                         1.185    6.47%           6.41%         4.96%          7.12%         7.90%       7.68%             6.34%         7.67%
 USDJPY                                       106.170    6.31%           6.47%         6.83%          8.21%         8.28%       7.40%             7.78%         8.61%
 GBPUSD                                         1.333    8.05%           8.58%         6.21%          9.24%         9.33%       8.90%            14.05%         9.51%
 EURCHF                                         1.080    4.75%           4.84%         4.07%          4.45%         5.40%       4.90%             5.60%         5.65%
 USDCHF                                         0.912    6.98%           6.33%         7.07%          6.99%         7.66%       7.25%             6.69%         7.45%
 GBPCHF                                         1.215    7.69%           8.64%         7.39%          8.96%         8.00%       7.98%            14.00%         9.21%
 CHFJPY                                       116.460    6.32%           6.28%         4.37%          7.18%         7.38%       7.15%             6.23%         8.07%
 AUDUSD                                         0.733    8.89%         11.13%          6.57%          9.19%        10.75%      10.25%             7.78%         9.42%
 USDCAD                                         1.307    5.86%           7.95%         5.11%          7.21%         7.03%       6.43%             5.70%         7.40%
 USDSEK                                         8.723    8.17%           9.29%         6.88%          8.75%         9.90%       9.88%             8.28%         9.17%
 EURSEK                                        10.335    4.77%           5.44%         5.30%          5.79%         5.90%       5.80%             5.65%         6.38%
 USDRUB                                        75.409   12.71%         12.32%          9.16%         14.00%        15.12%      13.85%            10.55%       14.15%
 USDBRL                                         5.368   19.40%         22.82%         11.85%         15.08%        20.63%      19.30%            13.38%       15.77%
 USDCNY                                         6.830    3.51%           3.80%         6.05%          4.59%         6.50%       5.58%             6.17%         5.50%
 USDTRY                                         7.385    8.95%           7.69%        11.59%         14.68%        19.21%      14.94%            17.11%       15.71%
USDINR                                         73.265    5.10%           5.27%         6.36%          5.63%         7.18%       6.18%             6.62%         6.49%

1                                                            2
                Realised 3-month volatility (annualised)          Market implied 3-month volatility (annualised)

QCAM Volatility Indicator3


historical volatility in percent





                                     2004                    2008                                2012                            2016

               The QCAM volatility indicator measures general volatility in global FX markets; the indicator is based on historical volatility
             of the main exchange rates, which are weighted by trading volume.

Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management, as of September 2nd, 2020

                                                                                                                                                       QCAM Monthly | 8
FX Analytics
    QCAM has developed an analytical framework to                                   the technical analysis of daily exchange rates (trend
    take scalable exchange rate positions. The QCAM                                 following and mean reversion). We also consider
    exchange rate strategy for each currency pair has                               speculative futures positions and the deviation of
    three principle components:                                                     exchange rates from purchasing power parity.
     • Macro                                                                           The summary table below and the following pag-
     • Sentiment                                                                    es show the QCAM strategy framework and the
     • Technical                                                                    positioning for the major currency pairs actively
                                                                                    covered by QCAM. The tables divide each of the
      The positioning signals from each component                                   three strategies into subcomponents with an indi-
   are aggregated into an overall positioning score for                             cation of the current impact. The charts show the
   each currency pair. This score is used for the dy-                               respective exchange rate with past QCAM posi-
   namic exposure management.                                                       tions and their scale.
      The Macro component consists typically of eco-
   nomic growth, balance of payments, fiscal and mon-                           Current positioning
   etary policy and in some cases commodity funda-                              The EURUSD position remains the strongest call
   mentals.                                                                     with all three strategies long EUR. Strategy posi-
      The Sentiment component is a rule-based frame-                            tions in other currency pairs are more mixed and
   work built on economic sentiment surveys and com-                            leave positions mostly closer to neutral with a short
   plemented with risk sentiment estimates.                                     USD bias. The USD is generally oversold, which
      The Technical component consists primarily of                             could trigger corrections in the short-term.


                          Macro                  Sentiment              Technical       Comment
    EURUSD                   +                         +                   +            The long EUR position continues to rest on all three
                                                                                        strategy components
    USDJPY                   –                         0                   –            Macro and Technical remain long JPY
                                                                                        and Sentiment is expected to follow
    EURCHF                   0                         +                   +
                                                                                        Sentiment and Technical are both negative CHF
                                                                                        versus EUR and USD. Our Macro view is neutral
    USDCHF                   –                         +                   +            EURCHF and consequently long CHF vs USD

    GBPUSD                   0                         +                   +            Sentiment and Technical remain long GBP
                                                                                        but we prefer a neutral Macro position
    EURSEK                   +                         –                   –            The Macro interest rate model went short SEK but
                                                                                        we prefer an overall neutral stance
    USDCAD                   +                         0                   –            The Macro oil price model is long USD but overall
                                                                                        we prefer a neutral position

   ¹ The signs relate to the first currency of the exchange rate pair

    Source: QCAM Currency Asset Management

9 | QCAM Monthly

The EUR got another boost from the Fed inflation                        but we believe that the loss of stronger economic
target announcement but more broadly started to                         growth and higher interest rates plus a faster wid-
loose momentum amid mounting long EUR posi-                             ening fiscal deficit will remain USD negative.
tions. There is the risk of a near-term correction,

               FX Factors                           EUR Impact    Comment
Macro          Current Account Balances                 +         Euro-area surplus has declined but remains positive vs. US
               Fiscal Balances                          +         US deficit has widened faster than Euro-area deficit
               Interest Rate Differentials              0         USD-EUR rate differential to remain small
               Oil prices                               0         Oil prices seen in range after recent recovery
Sentiment      Economic Sentiment                       +         Euro-area surveys have rebounded more strongly from
                                                                  initially weaker levels, but momentum is fading
               Risk Sentiment                           +         The US election is the main uncertainty but Euro-area debt
                                                                  sustainability is not assured either
Technical      Price Action                             +         Price developments are EUR positive
               Spec Positions                           –         Large USD oversold positions create correction risks
               PPP Valuation                            +         EUR undervaluation has declined by half

EURUSD and QCAM Strategic Positioning





        2012                        2014                         2016                       2018                         2020

         Short EUR          Long EUR         Neutral        Signal Strength

Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management

                                                                                                                   QCAM Monthly | 10

   We favor the JPY from a Macro perspective on strong               rona cases creates some uncertainty, but the levels are
   BoP fundamentals and the decline in carry flows. This             low in comparison to other major economies and we
   view is supported by the Technical side and we expect             expect that the outbreak will be contained (see also
   that the Sentiment side will follow as well as on the             main story).
   back of improving economic surveys. The rise in Co-

                    FX Factors                          JPY Impact Comment
    Macro           Current Account Balances                +     Surplus lower on declining trade but already recovering
                    FDI Flows                               +     Net outflows have plunged and are unlikely to rebound
                                                                  quickly to offset the current account surplus
                    Interest Rate Differentials             0     The drop in interest rate differentials and higher uncertainty
                                                                  have decimated the carry trade
    Sentiment       Economic Sentiment                      0     Latest surveys show less pessimism in Japan
                    Risk Sentiment                          +     Uncertainty continues to undermine carry appetite
    Technical       Price Action                            –     Price action remains long JPY
                    Spec Positions                          0     Only small net long JPY positions
                    PPP Valuation                           +     USDundervaluation
                                                                  JPY overvaluation   unlikely
                                                                                    unlikely     to correct
                                                                                             to reverse      quickly

   USDJPY and QCAM Strategic Positioning






             2012                        2014                    2016                       2018                        2020

              Short USD            Long USD       Neutral       Signal Strength

    Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management

11 | QCAM Monthly

The CHF lost some ground versus the EUR as risk sen-               mostly to the sideline. On balance we expect EURCHF
timent improved and Euro-area concerns faded. The                  to remain in a range between 1.07 and 1.09.
SNB was selling CHF in early August but then moved

               FX Factors                        CHF Impact Comment
Macro          Current Account Balances                +      Surplus likely to remain stable
               Capital Flows (Safe Haven)              0      Inflows easing on reduced Euro concerns
               Interest Rate Differentials             0      No significant change expected
               SNB Policy Intervention                 –      SNB intervention to slow CHF appreciation, if we get close to
                                                              1.05 again
Sentiment      Economic Momentum                       0      Swiss recovery moves in line with Euro-area
               Risk Factors                            0      Euro-related concerns have receded
Technical      Price Action                            +      The move above 1.08 supports the EUR again
               Spec Positions                          0      Close to neutral
               PPP Valuation                           –      CHF unlikely to correct overvalued position significantly soon

EURCHF and QCAM Strategic Positioning




                       2016                   2017                 2018                   2019                 2020

         Short EUR            Long EUR       Neutral       Signal Strength

Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management

                                                                                                                 QCAM Monthly | 12

   The CHF has reached its long-term fair value around                 nals, that also favors the CHF versus the USD. Un-
   0.90. The direction of USDCHF depends currently                     like the EUR, however, the CHF is not significantly
   mostly on EURUSD. Given the still strong EUR sig-                   overbought and, thus, faces less correction risk.

                  FX Factors                             CHF Impact Comment
    Macro           Current Account Balances                 +     Surplus likely to remain stable
                    Capital Flows (Safe Haven)               0     No impact as long as markets remain in risk-on mode
                    Interest Rate Differentials              +     Substantially reduced differential detracts bond market
                                                                   flows and increases USD hedging
                    SNB Policy Intervention                  0     SNB not expected to intervene vs. USD
    Sentiment       Economic Momentum                        0     Swiss economy moving in line with global recovery
                    Risk Factors                             0     CHF holding up well vs. USD despite risk-on environment
    Technical       Price Action                             –     Technicals have shifted to long USD
                    Spec Positions                           +
                                                                   Modestly long CHF positions likely to stay in range

                    PPP Valuation                            0     CHF at fair value

   USDCHF and QCAM Strategic Positioning







                           2016                   2017                 2018                  2019                 2020

             Short USD             Long USD        Neutral        Signal Strength

   Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management

13 | QCAM Monthly

The GBP continued to benefit from the USD slide                     tent current account deficit, the possibility that
and risk-on sentiment even though its fundamen-                     policy rates move negative, a surging fiscal deficit
tals are not better. The reopening of the Corona                    and the risk that a free-trade deal with the EU may
lockdown and better business surveys were prob-                     fail leave the GBP vulnerable. The GBP should un-
ably the main GBP supporters. However, a persis-                    derperform in any return to risk aversion.

                FX Factors                          GBP Impact Comment
Macro           Current Account Balances                0      US and UK twin deficits both seen deteriorating
                Interest Rate Differentials             0      USD and GBP interest rates are about equal
                Oil Price                               0      The lift from the recent oil price recovery has stalled
 Sentiment      Economic Sentiment                      +      Although surveys have improved further, the UK economy
                                                               is at risk to underperform also due to final BREXIT outcome
                Risk Sentiment                          –      Remaining risk that a free-trade deal with the EU could fail
 Technical      Price Action                            +      Technicals have shifted from neutral to positive
                Spec Positions                          0      Net positions are close to flat
                PPP Valuation                           +      Unlikely to mean revert soon, PPP trend may deteriorate as

GBPUSD and QCAM Strategic Positioning







        2012                        2014                     2016                       2018                        2020

         Short GBP           Long GBP         Neutral       Signal Strength

Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management

                                                                                                                  QCAM Monthly | 14

   The SEK rally has stalled and the Macro interest                      On the other side, Sentiment and Technical have
   rate model went short SEK. However, the Riksbank                      turned positive SEK, leaving an overall mixed (neu-
   is not expected to return to negative interest rates.                 tral) position.

                    FX Factors                         SEK Impact     Comment
    Macro           Current Account Balances                  0       Positive, but similar to Euro-Zone
                    Interest Rate Differentials               –       The Macro interest model has shifted short SEK but a return
                                                                      to negative interest rates seems unlikely
    Sentiment       Economic Momentum                         +       Surveys have switched in support of the SEK
                    Risk Factors                              0       Risk perceptions concerning Sweden's different Corona
                                                                      strategy have faded
    Technical       Price Action                              –       Technicals have switched back to long SEK
                    PPP Valuation                             +       SEK undervaluation unlikely to reverse quickly

   EURSEK and QCAM Strategic Positioning







       2010                   2012                     2014                    2016                 2018                 2020

              Short EUR          Long EUR         Neutral         Signal Strength

   Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management

15 | QCAM Monthly

After stalling in July, the CAD has caught up with the                   USD on fading oil price momentum. Otherwise, we
USD decline in August and changed the Technical po-                      see no outstanding fundamental factors to take a po-
sition. The Macro oil-price model has shifted to long                    sition either way.

               FX Factors                           CAD Impact      Comment
Macro          Current Account Balances                  0          Canada's current account deficit moves similar to the US
                                                                    current account deficit
               Oil Prices                                0          Oil price recovery expected to flatten
               Interest Rate Differentials               0          USD and CAD interest rates likely to stay close together
               USD DXY Trend                             +          The CAD benefitted from USD weakeness but correction
Sentiment      Economic Sentiment                        0          The improvement in business confidence in Canada has
                                                                    caught up with the US
               Risk Sentiment                            0          No specific Canadian risks, global risk factors dominating
Technical      Price Action                              –          Long-term trend still pointing to CAD weakness
               Spec Positions                            0          Short CAD position has shifted to neutral
               PPP Valuation                             +          CAD undervaluation unlikely to correct quickly

USDCAD and QCAM Strategic Positioning






        2012                        2014                          2016                       2018                       2020

         Short USD          Long USD          Neutral            Signal Strength

Source: Bloomberg, QCAM Currency Asset Management

                                                                                                                     QCAM Monthly | 16
QCAM Products and Services
   Our edge derives from a focus on professional currency management, the absolute transparency and the careful ex-
   amination of risk. It is our mission to offer our clients innovative transparent solutions, in a thoughtful and risk-con-
   trolled environment, and to surpass investment goals.

                                     Currency Overlay

                                     Risks under control – opportunities in sight: QCAM Currency Overlay offers cus-
                                     tomised solutions for individual needs and investment goals. Our Passive Over-
                                     lay focuses on risk management, reduction of transaction costs and the custom-
                                     er specific management of resulting cash flows.
                                     Our Dynamic Overlay aims to generate returns based on QCAM´s proprietary
                                     FX Analytics, embedded in a strict risk budgeting framework.

   FX Best Execution

   With larger foreign currency transactions, even a small difference in pricing leads
   to a major impact on costs and revenues. While it is unattainable for most play-
   ers to keep the full overview of the deals available in the market, independence
   and transparency are essential. We carry out a Transaction Cost Analysis for our
   clients to evaluate potential cost savings. Also, QCAM assists its clients in the
   design of an optimal mulitbank-setup and conducts clients FX transactions trans-
   parently, independently and in the client’s best interests.

                                     Optimized Liquidity Management

                                     QCAM’s Optimized Liquidity Management Strategy «OLM» enhances yield via
                                     the use of the FX interbank swap-market. Also, we take advantage from excel-
                                     lent conditions which we receive from our large pool of partner banks and high-
                                     ly rated debtors for money market and currency transactions QCAM’s OLM strat-
                                     egy has outperformed its peers for many years on a constant basis.

17 | QCAM Monthly
QCAM Profile
About us
QCAM Currency Asset Management AG is an independent financial servic-
es provider with a specific focus on currency and liquidity management.            Zug, Switzerland
QCAM brings together a team of internationally experienced Currency and
Asset Management specialists, who are managing assets of institutional cli-        Founded
ents of approx. USD 5 billion.
   Our core competences are Currency Overlay Services, FX Transaction
Execution according to „Best Execution“ principles, Currency/CTA invest-
ments as well as Liquidity Management.
   Long-standing customers of QCAM are pension funds, family offices, in-          FINMA since 2007
vestment funds, companies, NGOs and HNWIs.                                         SEC   since 2014

Independent and Transparent

    Interests directly aligned with those of our clients

    Client focused solutions, tailored to each individuals requirements

    Independent selection of suitable external services providers

    No principal-agent conflicts

    Transparent fee model – no hidden costs

    Transparent reporting

QCAM MONTHLY Editorial Team
           Bernhard Eschweiler, PhD                 Niko Haziiosifidis                    Felix Dietrich, PhD
           Senior Economist                         Currency Overlay                      Quantitative Research
           bernhard.eschweiler@q-cam.com            niko.haziiosifidis@q-cam.com          felix.dietrich@q-cam.com

           Thomas Suter                             Antoinette Weiss                      Sabrina von Dach
           CEO                                      Business Management                   Business Management
           thomas.suter@q-cam.com                   antoinette.weiss@q-cam.com            sabrina.vondach@q-cam.com

                                                                                                      QCAM Monthly | 18
Legal Disclaimer
This report has been prepared and published by QCAM Currency
Asset Management AG. The analysis contained herein is based on
numerous assumptions. Different assumptions could result in ma-
terially different results. Although all information and opinions ex-
pressed in this document were obtained from sources believed to
be reliable and in good faith, no representation or warranty, ex-
press or implied, is made as to its accuracy or completeness. All
information and opinions indicated are subject to change without
notice. This document may not be reproduced or circulated with-
out the prior authorization of QCAM Currency Asset Management
AG. QCAM Currency Asset Management AG will not be liable for
any claims or lawsuits from any third parties arising from the use
or distribution of this document. This report is for distribution only
under such circumstances as may be permitted by applicable law.

Content, concept, and layout:
QCAM Currency Asset Management AG, Zug
Editorial deadline: September 7th, 2020
Market data: September 2nd, 2020

                      QCAM Currency Asset Management AG
                      Guthirtstrasse 4
                      6300 Zug

                      T +41 55 417 00 50
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