Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag

Page created by Johnny Edwards
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag

Media Kit 2021

                       Foto: Wolfgang Jargstorff –
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Media Profile

agrarheute                             agrarheute Magazin                                          agrarheute Energie
Agriculture in a nutshell              For every type of production                                The key medium for energy crop farmers
                                       Reports, tests, analyses, knowledge for:                    Focus Points:
agrarheute reports on
                                       1 Fascination agriculture in all ist forms                 1 Biogas
1 Technology and animal husbandry      1 Best practice examples                                    1 Technology trends
1 Crop production                      1 Test reports based on heavy-duty use                      1 Solar energy
1 Politics and society                 1 Operations management/controlling                         1 Wood use
                                       1 Markets and trends                                        1 Energy crops
agrarheute analyses                    1 Agricultural management                                   1 Wind energy
1 Markets                              1 Optimal operations management                             1 Bio fuels
1 Trends                               1 Agricultural software                                     1 Business ideas
                                       1 Technology highlights/technology trends                   1 Management
1 Market niches                        1 Animal husbandry                                          1 Legal questions
agrarheute conveys                     1 Tips and trends for crop production                       1 Practical examples
1 Practical knowledge                  1 Plant protection products
                                       1 Cultivation methods
Qualified – entertaining – versatile   1 Staff management                                          Target group:
                                       1 Tax advice/agricultural policy                            Active and potential energy farmers.
                                       1 Variety selection
                                       In a wide format with striking images, emotional and
                                                                          Target group:
                                                                          Farmers with medium
                                                                          to large farms, their
                                                                          families and employees

                                                Page: 8 – 12                                                            Page: 23 – 26
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Media Profiles Specials

agrarheute Rind                                          agrarheute Schwein                                     agrarheute Traktoren
                      The key medium for beef cattle                          The key medium for                                    Complete market overview of all
                      and dairy farms                                         pig farms                                             tractors distributed tot he German
                      Topics:                                                  Topics:                                              market
                      1 Production                                             1 Production                                         Topics:
                      1 Animal health                                          1 Animal health                                      1 Performance data
                      1 Management                                             1 Management                                         1 Equipment versions
                      1 Market information                                     1 Market information
                                                                               1 Case examples                                      Clear and comparable in
                      1 Case examples
                                                                               1 Practical tips                                     70 pages of table.
                      1 Practical tips
Target group:                                            Target group:                                          Target group:
Growing beef cattle and dairy farmer in the              Growing pigs holder farms in the                       Farmers with medium to large farms,
German-speaking regions                                  German-speaking regions                                their families and employees
Page: 13 – 17                                            Page: 18 – 22                                          Page: 27 – 28

agrarheute Sortenführer                                  agrarheute Lohnunternehmer                             agrajo Magazin
                      The essential, highly-respected                          For farms with high machine                        The special magazine for career
                      reference                                                usage times and short replace-                     choices, career planning and further
                                                                               ment times.                                        training in the agricultural sector.
                      1 Regional market overviews                             Topics:                                             1 Interactive and multimedial
                         and qualitiy standards                                1 New Trends
                                                                               1 Cost control using modern                        On time fort he start oft he winter
                      1 Crops:
                                                                                   software                                        semester every year.
                         Cereals, oilseed rape, maize,
                                                                               1 Technical equipment
                         sugar beets, soy, catch crops                                                                             Target group:
                                                                               1 New threshing methods
                                                                               1 Insurance policies                                Vocational college students, ­students,
The Sortenführer is relevant for all crops and sowing                                                                              graduates, trainees, specialist and
                                                                               1 Reports
dates throughout the whole year.                                                                                                   management staff, as well as those
                                                                               1 Best practice examples
                                                                               1 Communal services                                 looking for work in the agricultural
Target group:
                                                         Target group:                                                             sector.
Arable and grassland Farmers
                                                         Around 4,000 professional contractors plus approx.                        Page: 27 – 28
Page: 27 – 28                                            6,000 large and growing agricultural businesses
                                                         Page: 27 – 28
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Facts | Payment terms

Facts                                             agrarheute Rind                                   Payment terms
agrarheute Magazin                                Year: 5 / 2021                                    2 % discount within 14 days following invoice date or
Year: 5 / 2021                                    Frequency of publication: monthly                 30 days net. 2 % discount will automatically be deducted
Frequency of publication: monthly                 Circulation area: Germany, Austria, Switzerland   for direct debit.
Circulation area: Germany, Austria, Switzerland   Distributed circulation: 20,293                   Postal charges are not subject to discount.
Distributed circulation: 52,981                   Subscription rate: incl. agrarheute Magazin       The publisher is entitled to set a credit limit.
Sold circulation: 40,243                          Germany / Austria 120.65 €*
                                                                                                    Payment options
(IVW 2/2020)                                      ISSN: 2568-1125
                                                                                                    DZ Bank AG München
Subscription rate: Germany / Austria 104.90 €*                                                      IBAN DE50 7016 0000 0000 1525 73
                                                  agrarheute Schwein                                BIC GENODEFF701
ISSN: 2568-1087
                                                  Year: 5 / 2021                                    Postbank München
agrarheute Energie                                Frequency of publication: monthly                 IBAN DE60 7001 0080 0646 5658 04
Year: 5/2021                                      Circulation area: Germany, Austria, Switzerland   BIC PBNKDEFF
Frequency of publication: 4 / year                Distributed circulation: 13,797
                                                                                                    Terms and conditions of business
Circulation area: Germany, Austria, Switzerland   Subscription rate: incl. agrarheute Magazin       The terms and conditions of payment and business that
                                                  Germany / Austria 120.65 €*                       may be obtained from the publisher or inspected on
Distributed circulation: 11,500
                                                  ISSN: 2568-1117                          are applicable to the processing of
Subscription rate: incl. agrarheute Magazin
Germany / Austria 73.50 €*                                                                          orders.
ISSN: 2568-1133                                                                                     Because of tax regulations, when placing an order
                                                                                                    ­please state your tax number and/or Value Added Tax
                                                                                                     ID number.
                                                                                                    Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH
                                                                                                    Lothstr. 29, 80797 München, Germany
                                                                                                    Postfach 40 05 80, 80705 München, Germany
                                                                                                    Phone +49(0)89-12705-1, Fax -335

* Prices are subject to change                                                                                                                                 4
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Ad Formats

Editorial section

1/1 page      (976 mm)                                                        3/4 page vertical           3/4 page horizontal                                 2/3 page vertical    2/3 page horizontal

P:     194 × 244 mm                                                            P:     144 × 244 mm         P:     194 × 183 mm                                P:     127 × 244 mm   P:   194 × 162 mm
B:     220 × 280 mm                                                            B:     157 × 280 mm         B:     220 × 201 mm                                B:     140 × 280 mm   B:   220 × 180 mm

1/2 page vertical           1/2 page horizontal                                1/3 page vertical           1/3 page horizontal                                 1/4 page vertical    1/4 page horizontal

P:      94 × 244 mm         P:     194 × 122 mm                                P:       60 × 244 mm        P:      194 × 81 mm                                P:      44 × 244 mm   P:     194 × 61 mm
B:     107 × 280 mm         B:     220 × 140 mm                                B:       73 × 280 mm        B:       220 × 99 mm                               B:      57 × 280 mm   B:     220 × 79 mm

P: Print space, B: Bleed: 3 mm bleed margin on all sides; retain at least 5 mm distance from text/pictures to the binding margin. ■ All formats of width × height.                                    5
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Ad Formats

Advertising section

1/4 page vertical             1/4 page horizontal          1/4 page     2 columns                                              1/8 page vertical            1/8 page horizontal             1/8 page  2 columns

P:      44 × 244 mm           P:       194 × 61 mm         P:       94 × 122 mm                                                 P:       44 × 122 mm         P:         194 × 30 mm          P:      94 × 61 mm

Preferred positioning
                                                                                                                                Corner section
Cover pages                        2 × 1/2 Panorama advertisement                            Juniorpage                         advertisement                        Tile next to contents

P:     194 × 244 mm                           P:      414 × 122 mm                           P:      127 × 180 mm               P:    127 × 100 mm                            P:       60 × 70 mm
B:     220× 280 mm                            B:      440 × 140 mm                           B:      140 × 198 mm

P: Print space, B: Bleed: 3 mm bleed margin on all sides; retain at least 5 mm distance from text/pictures to the binding margin. ■ All formats of width × height.                                             6
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
agrarheute Magazin

                               Agriculture in a nutshell

                               Reports, tests, analyses, knowledge for:

                               1 Fascination agriculture in all ist forms
                               1 Best practice examples
                               1 Test reports based on heavy-duty use
                               1 Operations management/controlling
                               1 Markets and trends
                               1 Agricultural management
                               1 Optimal operations management
                               1 Agricultural software
                               1 Technology highlights/technology trends
                               1 Animal husbandry
                               1 Tips and trends for crop production
                               1 Plant protection products
                               1 Cultivation methods
                               1 Staff management
                               1 Tax advice/agricultural policy
                               1 Variety selection
                                                                              agrarheute –
                                                                             Agriculture in a

                               Now also available as digital edition!
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Rates agrarheute Magazin

           Editorial section                                                                                                                        Discounts in the event of acception within a
                                                                                   Editorial section ad (Format 60 mm × max. 100 mm)
                                                                                                                                                    contract year
           1/1 page 4-c                                 8,680.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                          22.23 €
                                                                                                                                                     Frequency           Volume
           3/4 page 4-c                                 6,510.–€                  Advertisement by the millimetre                                                                          Discount       Bonus

                                                                                                                                                     discount            discount
           2/3 page 4-c                                 5,787.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                           8.89 €               3 ads                950 mm                5%
           Juniorpage                                   4,557.–€                  Job offer*, application for a post, obituary,                      6 ads              1,900 mm               10 %
                                                                                   real estate
           1/2 page 4-c                                 4,340.–€                                                                                     9 ads              4,750 mm               15 %
                                                                                   bw per mm 1 column                            3.61 €
           1/3 page 4-c                                 3,472.–€                                                                                    12 ads              7,600 mm               20 %
                                                                                   4-c per mm 1 column                           5.78 €
           1/4 page 4-c                                 2,604.–€                                                                                                       9,500 mm                20 %         1%
           Tile next to contents                                                  Job offers* plus 90.– € / 8 weeks publication on
                                                                                                                                                                        11,400 mm               20 %         2%
           60 mm × 70 mm (width × height)               1,556.10€                                                                                                     13,300 mm                20 %         3%
           Corner section ad                                                      Corner section ad in the 3-column part
                                                                                                                                                                       15,200 mm                20 %         4%
                                                                                  Up to 200 mm the minimum format price is valid
           Minimum format 100 mm                        3,289.–€                                                                                                       17,100 mm               20 %         5%
           Advertisement next to Editorial                                        Minimum format for panorama advertisement
                                                                                  2 × 1/4 page horizontal                                           Inserts, glued-in booklets and classified advertisements are
           1/3 page vertical 4-c                        3,993.–€                                                                                   ­billed without discount. Bonus from net sales at the end.
                                                                                  Chiffre toll inland and overseas
           Panorama ad
                                                                                  (including postage and tax)                             12.– €
           2 × 1/2 page 4-c                             8,680.–€
                                                                                  Magazine size                                                         Johann Entner
           Cover pages                                                                                                                                  Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH)
                                                                                  220 mm × 280 mm (width × height)
           Cover page 2/4: 1/1 page 4-c                 9,982.–€                                                                                       Media Consultant
                                                                                  Print space
           Cover page 3: 1/1 page 4-c                   9,548.–€                                                                                       Phone +49(0)89 12705-265
                                                                                  194 mm × 244 mm (width × height)
                                                                                  Column width
           Advertising section                                                    Advertising section (4 column)                         44 mm
           1/4 page 4-c                                 2,170.–€                 Running text        (3 column)                         60 mm         Stefanie Niedermeier
                                                                                  Running test        (4 column)                         44 mm         Media Consultant
           1/8 page 4-c                                 1,085.–€
                                                                                                                                                        Phone +49(0)89 12705-437

          Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                                                      8
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Special advertisement agrarheute Magazin

          Inserts                                                              Bound-in booklets                                         Online target group package
           Weight                               Rates per 1,000*                Size                  Weight                Rates uses the most up-to-date technology to
                                                                                                                                         classify the readers in the online environment according
           up to 25 g                           225.–€                         2 pages               up to 30 g            10,416.– €   to interests and target groups.

           ea. additional 5 g                    22.50 €                        4 pages               up to 30 g            15,624.– €   This allows us to identify the relevant readers for you and
                                                                                6 pages               up to 40 g            20,832.– €   to deliver the advertising exactly in your target group.
          * Postal distribution fees are included in the price. Changes
             within the scope oft he Postvertriebsgebührenverordnung            8 pages               up to 50 g            26,908.– €
             reserved.                                                                                                                    Banner-* and Newsletter                        Rates (net)
                                                                                                                                          15,000 Ad Impressions                              570.– €
          Technical information                                                Technical information
          1 I nserts must not be larger than the format                       1B
                                                                                 ound-in booklets are to be delivered folded             30,000 Ad Impressions                             1,140.– €
            215 mm × 275 mm (width x height) and                                and uncut.                                                45,000 Ad Impressions                             1,710.– €
            must not have a zigzag fold.                                       1 F ormat (folded and uncut): 228 mm width 290 mm         Newsletter-ad
          1 T he long side of the insert must always                             height ( head trim 5 mm, tail trim 5 mm,                ■ Image-text-ad (recommended)                 per 590.– €
             be closed.                                                           outside trim 5 mm, milled edge 3 mm)                    ■ Display ad 728 × 90

            ith special formats, folds oder paper weights,                    1 Circulation upon request                                * Bannerformats: 300 ×250, 728 × 90 or 120 × 600, JPEG, GIF
           it is always necessary to consult the publisher                     1U
                                                                                 nder certain technical production circumstances           or HTLM5, max. 35 kB
           with authentic samples before production.                            we reserve the right to postpone.
          1 I nserts must not contain any advertisements                      1G
                                                                                 lued insert on the bound-in booklet:
             by other firms.                                                                                                             If you combine your print and online campaign, you will
                                                                                Upon request with sample.                                receive a free advertisement in the newsletter as a
                                                                                                                                         non-monetary bonus.

          Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                   on request. 9
Media Kit 2021 - dlv Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
Dates | Topics agrarheute Magazin

           Issue          Dates                Topics                                                                     Trade fairs

                          P:     28.12.2020 Crop Production: Start of the plant protection season

                                                                                                                          Internationale Grüne Woche, Berlin

                      1   A:     25.11.2020 Technics: These are the major trends in agricultural engineering
                                                                                                                          15. – 24.01.2021
                          C:     02.12.2020 Management & Market: Market overview of automatic vending machines

                                             Crop Production: Variety selection spring corps; Special plant protection:
                        P:       29.01.2021 Grain diseases and rapeseed pests

                                                                                                                          EuroTier, Hannover 09. – 12.02.2021
                      2 A:       29.12.2020
                                             Technics: Machines and innovations: SIMA and EuroTier                        Biofach, Nürnberg 17. – 20.02.2021
                        C:       08.01.2021
                                             Management & Market: Crop insurance: Overview and news

                        P:       26.02.2021 Crop Production: Advisor on grasslands, pastures and grazing

                      3 A:        27.01.2021 Technics: Mechanical wee control
                        C:       03.02.2021 Country & Country life: Agricultural machinery course for women

                        P:       26.03.2021 Crop Production: Weed control: Maize, potatoes, beets

                      4 A:       24.02.2021 Technics: Irrigation; Technology for grassland
                        C:       03.03.2021 Management & Market: AG-Chat: Digitally active farmers

                        P:       30.04.2021 Crop Production: Fungus control with potatoes and beets

                      5 A:       29.03.2021 Technics: Fit into the harvest season
                        C:       08.04.2021 Management & Market: Farm’s own dairy

                        P:       28.05.2021 Technics: Logistics in operation

                      6 A:       26.04.2021
                        C:       05.05.2021 Country & Country life: Child tractor seats under test

          P: Publication date ■ A: Advertising deadline ■ C: Copy deadline ■ We reserve the right to modify topics.                                             10
Dates | Topics agrarheute Magazin

           Issue           Dates               Topics                                                                              Trade fairs

                           P:     25.06.2021 Crop Production: Variety selection winter oilseed rape; Catch crops


                       7   A:     25.05.2021 Technics: Machines and trends for stubble cultivation
                           C:     02.06.2021 Management & Market: Grain harvest 2021

                         P:       30.07.2021 Crop Production: Weed control and tillage in autumn

                       8 A:       30.06.2021 Technics: About technology for autumn farming operations
                         C:       07.07.2021 Management & Market: Annual milk price comparison

                         P:       27.08.2021 Crop Production: Winter cereals: Variety selection and herbicides
                       9 A:       28.07.2021 Technics: About the corn harvest
                         C:       04.08.2021 Politics & Society: Image of the farmer trough the ages

                          P:      24.09.2021 Crop Production: Country cultivar trials: Wheat, rye, triticale

                       10 A:      25.08.2021 Technics: Technology and trends for farm and forest
                          C:      01.09.2021 Management & Market: Farm management tools: Experiences, benefits, disappointments

                          P:      29.10.2021 Crop Production: Strategies and methods for better soil structure
                       11 A:      29.09.2021
                          C:      06.10.2021 Management & Market: Machine financing

                                    26.11.2021 Crop Production: Plant protection agents for the 2022 season; Grain storage

                       12 A:       26.10.2021 Technics: Precision Farming trends for the new season
                          C:       04.11.2021 Country & Country life: Big Christmas raffle

          P: Publication date ■ A: Advertising deadline ■ C: Copy deadline ■ We reserve the right to modify topics.                              11
agrarheute Rind

                         agrarheute Rind
                         The key medium for growing cattle-raising farms
                         1 Production
                         1 Animal Health
                         1 Management

                         1 Market information
                         1 Case studies
                         1 Tips for use in practice
                         Target group:
                         Cattle and dairy farms in German-speaking countries

                         Now also available as digital edition!

Rates agrarheute Rind

        Editorial section                                                                                                                        Discounts in the event of acception within a
                                                                                Editorial section ad (Format 60 mm × max. 100 mm)
                                                                                                                                                 contract year
        1/1 page 4-c                                 4,070.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                          10.43€
                                                                                                                                                  Frequency           Volume
        3/4 page 4-c                                 3,052.50€                 Advertisement by the millimetre                                                                          Discount       Bonus
                                                                                                                                                  discount            discount
        2/3 page 4-c                                 2,713.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                           4.17€               3 ads                950 mm                5%
        Juniorpage                                   2,137.–€                  Job offer*, application for a post, obituary,

                                                                                                                                                   6 ads              1,900 mm               10 %
                                                                                real estate
        1/2 page 4-c                                 2,035.–€                                                                                     9 ads              4,750 mm               15 %
                                                                                bw per mm 1 column                            1.70€
        1/3 page 4-c                                 1,628.–€                                                                                    12 ads              7,600 mm               20 %
                                                                                4-c per mm 1 column                           2.71€
        1/4 v                                        1,221.–€                                                                                                       9,500 mm                20 %         1%
        Tile next to contents                                                  Job offers* plus 90.– € / 8 weeks publication on
                                                                                                                                                                     11,400 mm               20 %         2%
        60 mm × 70 mm (width × height)                 730.– €                                                                                                     13,300 mm                20 %         3%
        Corner section ad                                                      Corner section ad in the 3-column part                                               15,200 mm                20 %         4%
                                                                               Up to 200 mm the minimum format price is valid
        Minimum format 100 mm                        1,543.–€                                                                                                       17,100 mm               20 %         5%
        Advertisement next to contents                                         Minimum format for panorama advertisement
                                                                               2 × 1/4 page horizontal                                           Inserts, glued-in booklets and classified advertisements are
        1/2 page vertical 4-c                        2,340.–€                                                                                   ­billed without discount. Bonus from net sales at the end.
        Advertisement next to Editorial                                        Chiffre toll inland and overseas
                                                                               (including postage and tax)                             12.– €
        1/3 page vertical 4-c                        1,872.–€
        Panorama advertisement                                                 Magazine size                                                         Anke Mekota
                                                                               220 mm × 280 mm (width × height)                                      Media Consultant
        2 × 1/2 page 4-c                             4,070.–€
                                                                               Print space                                                           Phone +49(0)89 12705-306
        Cover pages
                                                                               194 mm × 244 mm (width × height)                            
        Cover page 2/4: 1/1 page 4-c                 4,680.50€
                                                                               Column width
        Cover page 3: 1/1 page 4-c                   4,477.–€                 Advertising section (4 column)                         44 mm
                                                                               Running text        (3 column)                         60 mm         Gundula Ailinger
        Advertising section                                                    Running test        (4 column)                         44 mm         Media Consultant
        1/4 page 4-c                                 1,017.50€                                                                                      Phone +49(0)89 12705-346
        1/8 page 4-c                                  509.–€

       Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                                                      13
Special advertisement agrarheute Rind

       Inserts                                                              Bound-in booklets                                              Online target group package
        Weight                               Rates per 1,000*                Size                  Weight                    Rates uses the most up-to-date technology to
                                                                                                                                           classify the readers in the online environment according
        up to 25 g                            225.–€                        4 pages               up to 30 g                7,326.– €    to interests and target groups.
        ea. additional 5 g                     22.50 €                       8 pages               up to 50 g                12,61 7.–€   This allows us to identify the relevant readers for you and
                                                                                                                                           to deliver the advertising exactly in your target group.
       * Postal distribution fees are included in the price. Changes

          within the scope oft he Postvertriebsgebührenverordnung
          reserved.                                                                                                                         Banner-* and Newsletter                        Rates (net)
                                                                                                                                            15,000 Ad Impressions                              570.– €
       Technical information                                                Technical information
       1 I nserts must not be larger than the format                         ound-in booklets are to be delivered folded
                                                                            1B                                                              30,000 Ad Impressions                             1,140.– €
         215 mm × 275 mm (width x height) and                                and uncut.                                                     45,000 Ad Impressions                             1,710.– €
         must not have a zigzag fold.                                       1 F ormat: 223,5 × 290 mm (width x height, closed and          Newsletter-ad
       1 T he long side of the insert must always                             uncut format) plus 8 mm binding flap on page 3/4,            ■ Image-text-ad (recommended)                 per 590.– €
          be closed.                                                           headtrim 5 mm, tail trim 5 mm, outside trim 3,5 mm           ■ Display ad 728 × 90

         ith special formats, folds oder paper weights,                    1 Circulation upon request                                    * Bannerformats: 300 ×250, 728 × 90 or 120 × 600, JPEG, GIF
        it is always necessary to consult the publisher                       nder certain technical production circumstances
                                                                            1U                                                                or HTLM5, max. 35 kB
        with authentic samples before production.                            we reserve the right to postpone.
       1 I nserts must not contain any advertisements                        lued insert on the bound-in booklet:
          by other firms.                                                                                                                  If you combine your print and online campaign, you will
                                                                             Upon request with sample.                                     receive a free advertisement in the newsletter as a
                                                                                                                                           non-monetary bonus.

       Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                        on request. 14
Dates | Topics agrarheute Rind

        Issue           Dates                Topics                                                                Trade fairs

                        P:     28.12.2020

                    1   A:     25.11.2020 Metabolism                                                              Internationale Grüne Woche, Berlin 15. – 24.01.2021
                        C:     02.12.2020

                        P:     29.01.2021

                                                                                                                   EuroTier, Hannover 09. – 12.02.2021
                    2   A:     29.12.2020 Eurotier: Farming in the food chain
                        C:     08.01.2021                                                                         Biofach, Nürnberg 17. – 20.02.2021

                        P:     26.02.2021

                    3   A:     27.01.2021 Basic fodder / grass silage
                        C:     03.02.2021

                        P:     26.03.2021

                    4   A:     24.02.2021 Stable construction
                        C:     03.03.2021

                        P:     30.04.2021

                    5   A:     29.03.2021 Udder health
                        C:     08.04.2021

                        P:     28.05.2021

                    6   A:     26.04.2021 Fertility
                        C:     05.05.2021

       P: Publication date ■ A: Advertising deadline ■ C: Copy deadline ■ We reserve the right to modify topics.
Dates | Topics agrarheute Rind

        Issue             Dates              Topics                                                                Trade fairs

                          P:     25.06.2021

                     7    A:     25.05.2021 Milking technology
                          C:     02.06.2021

                          P:     30.07.2021

                     8    A:     30.06.2021 Maize silage
                          C:     07.07.2021

                          v:     27.08.2021
                     9    A:     28.07.2021 Calf husbandry
                          C:     04.08.2021

                        P:       24.09.2021

                     10 A:       25.08.2021 Dry cows
                        C:       01.09.2021

                          P:     29.10.2021
                     11   A:     29.09.2021 Heifer husbandry
                          C:     06.10.2021

                          P:     26.11.2021
                     12   A:     26.10.2021 Hoof health
                          C:     04.11.2021

       P: Publication date ■ A: Advertising deadline ■ C: Copy deadline ■ We reserve the right to modify topics.
agrarheute Schwein

                               agrarheute Schwein
                               The key medium for growing pig farmers
                               1 Production
                               1 Animal Health
                               1 Management
                               1 Market information

                               1 Case studies
                               1 Tips for use in practice
                               Target group:
                               Pig farms in German-speaking countries

                               Now also available as digital edition!

Rates agrarheute Schwein

           Editorial section                                                                                                                        Discounts in the event of acception within a
                                                                                   Editorial section ad (Format 60 mm × max. 100 mm)
                                                                                                                                                    contract year
           1/1 page 4-c                                 4,070.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                          10.43€
                                                                                                                                                     Frequency           Volume
           3/4 page 4-c                                 3,052.50€                 Advertisement by the millimetre                                                                          Discount       Bonus
                                                                                                                                                     discount            discount
           2/3 page 4-c                                 2,713.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                           4.17€               3 ads                950 mm                5%
           Juniorpage                                   2,137.–€                  Job offer*, application for a post, obituary,                      6 ads              1,900 mm               10 %
                                                                                   real estate

           1/2 page 4-c                                 2,035.–€                                                                                     9 ads              4,750 mm               15 %
                                                                                   bw per mm 1 column                            1.70€
           1/3 page 4-c                                 1,628.–€                                                                                    12 ads              7,600 mm               20 %
                                                                                   4-c per mm 1 column                           2.71€
           1/4 v                                        1,221.–€                                                                                                       9,500 mm                20 %         1%
           Tile next to contents                                                  Job offers* plus 90.– € / 8 weeks publication on
                                                                                                                                                                        11,400 mm               20 %         2%
           60 mm × 70 mm (width × height)                 730.– €                                                                                                     13,300 mm                20 %         3%
           Corner section ad                                                      Corner section ad in the 3-column part                                               15,200 mm                20 %         4%
                                                                                  Up to 200 mm the minimum format price is valid
           Minimum format 100 mm                        1,543.–€                                                                                                       17,100 mm               20 %         5%
           Advertisement next to contents                                         Minimum format for panorama advertisement
                                                                                  2 × 1/4 page horizontal                                           Inserts, glued-in booklets and classified advertisements are
           1/2 page vertical 4-c                        2,340.–€                                                                                   ­billed without discount. Bonus from net sales at the end.
           Advertisement next to Editorial                                        Chiffre toll inland and overseas
                                                                                  (including postage and tax)                             12.– €
           1/3 page vertical 4-c                        1,872.–€
           Panorama advertisement                                                 Magazine size                                                         Anke Mekota
                                                                                  220 mm × 280 mm (width × height)                                      Media Consultant
           2 × 1/2 page 4-c                             4,070.–€
                                                                                  Print space                                                           Phone +49(0)89 12705-306
           Cover pages
                                                                                  194 mm × 244 mm (width × height)                            
           Cover page 2/4: 1/1 page 4-c                 4,680.50€
                                                                                  Column width
           Cover page 3: 1/1 page 4-c                   4,477.–€                 Advertising section (4 column)                         44 mm
                                                                                  Running text        (3 column)                         60 mm         Gundula Ailinger
           Advertising section                                                    Running test        (4 column)                         44 mm         Media Consultant
           1/4 page 4-c                                 1,017.50€                                                                                      Phone +49(0)89 12705-346
           1/8 page 4-c                                  509.–€

          Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                                                      18
Special advertisement agrarheute Schwein

          Inserts                                                              Bound-in booklets                                              Online target group package
           Weight                               Rates per 1,000*                Size                  Weight                    Rates uses the most up-to-date technology to
                                                                                                                                              classify the readers in the online environment according
           up to 25 g                            225.–€                        4 pages               up to 30 g                7,326.– €    to interests and target groups.
           ea. additional 5 g                     22.50 €                       8 pages               up to 50 g                12,61 7.–€   This allows us to identify the relevant readers for you and
                                                                                                                                              to deliver the advertising exactly in your target group.
          * Postal distribution fees are included in the price. Changes
             within the scope oft he Postvertriebsgebührenverordnung

             reserved.                                                                                                                         Banner-* and Newsletter                        Rates (net)
                                                                                                                                               15,000 Ad Impressions                              570.– €
          Technical information                                                Technical information
          1 I nserts must not be larger than the format                         ound-in booklets are to be delivered folded
                                                                               1B                                                              30,000 Ad Impressions                             1,140.– €
            215 mm × 275 mm (width x height) and                                and uncut.                                                     45,000 Ad Impressions                             1,710.– €
            must not have a zigzag fold.                                       1 F ormat: 223,5 × 290 mm (width x height, closed and          Newsletter-ad
          1 T he long side of the insert must always                             uncut format) plus 8 mm binding flap on page 3/4,            ■ Image-text-ad (recommended)                 per 590.– €
             be closed.                                                           headtrim 5 mm, tail trim 5 mm, outside trim 3,5 mm           ■ Display ad 728 × 90

            ith special formats, folds oder paper weights,                    1 Circulation upon request                                    * Bannerformats: 300 ×250, 728 × 90 or 120 × 600, JPEG, GIF
           it is always necessary to consult the publisher                       nder certain technical production circumstances
                                                                               1U                                                                or HTLM5, max. 35 kB
           with authentic samples before production.                            we reserve the right to postpone.
          1 I nserts must not contain any advertisements                        lued insert on the bound-in booklet:
             by other firms.                                                                                                                  If you combine your print and online campaign, you will
                                                                                Upon request with sample.                                     receive a free advertisement in the newsletter as a
                                                                                                                                              non-monetary bonus.

          Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                        on request. 19
Dates | Topics agrarheute Schwein

           Issue           Dates                Topics                                                                Trade fairs

                           P:     28.12.2020

                       1   A:     25.11.2020 Breeding                                                                Internationale Grüne Woche, Berlin 15. – 24.01.2021
                           C:     02.12.2020

                           P:     29.01.2021

                                                                                                                      EuroTier, Hannover 09. – 12.02.2021
                       2   A:     29.12.2020 Feed equipment
                           C:     08.01.2021                                                                         Biofach, Nürnberg 17. – 20.02.2021

                           P:     26.02.2021

                       3   A:     27.01.2021 Animal health
                           C:     03.02.2021

                           P:     26.03.2021

                       4   A:     24.02.2021 Hygiene
                           C:     03.03.2021

                           P:     30.04.2021

                       5   A:     29.03.2021 Fertility management
                           C:     08.04.2021

                           P:     28.05.2021

                       6   A:     26.04.2021 Animal welfare
                           C:     05.05.2021

          P: Publication date ■ A: Advertising deadline ■ C: Copy deadline ■ We reserve the right to modify topics.
Dates | Topics agrarheute Schwein

           Issue             Dates               Topics                                                               Trade fairs

                             P:     25.06.2021

                        7    A:     25.05.2021 Technology for animal husbandry
                             C:     02.06.2021

                             P:     30.07.2021

                        8    A:     30.06.2021 Stable construction
                             C:     07.07.2021

                             P:     27.08.2021
                        9    A:     28.07.2021 Animal health
                             C:     04.08.2021

                           P:       24.09.2021

                        10 A:       25.08.2021 Feed management
                           C:       01.09.2021

                             P:     29.10.2021
                        11   A:     29.09.2021 Feed equipment
                             C:     06.10.2021

                             P:     26.11.2021
                        12   A:     26.10.2021 Piglet husbandry
                             C:     04.11.2021

          P: Publication date ■ A: Advertising deadline ■ C: Copy deadline ■ We reserve the right to modify topics.
agrarheute Energie

                               agrarheute Energie
                               The key medium for energy farmers
                               1 Biogas
                               1 Solar energy
                               1 Timber use
                               1 Energy crops
                               1 Wind energy
                               1 Bio fuels

                               1 Business ideas
                               1 Technology trends
                               1 Management
                               1 Legal issues
                               1 Practical examples
                               Target group:
                               Active and potential energy farmers

                               Now also available as digital edition!

Rates agrarheute Energie

           Editorial section                                                       Editorial section ad (Format 60 mm × max. 100 mm)                Discounts in the event of acception within a
                                                                                                                                                    contract year
           1/1 page 4-c                                 1,840.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                          4.73€
           3/4 page 4-c                                 1,380.–€                  Advertisement by the millimetre                                                      Volume discount             Discount
           2/3 page 4-c                                 1,227.–€                  4-c per mm 1 column                          1.89€              2 ads                       950 mm                 5%
           Juniorpage                                    966.–€                   Job offer*, application for a post, obituary,                    3 ads                     1,900 mm                10 %
                                                                                   real estate
           1/2 page 4-c                                  920.–€                                                                                    4 ads                    2,850 mm                 15 %
                                                                                   bw per mm 1 column                           0.77€
           1/3 page 4-c                                  736.–€

                                                                                                                                                         –                   3,800 mm                 20 %
                                                                                   4-c per mm 1 column                          1.23€
           1/4 page 4-c                                  552.–€
                                                                                                                                                    Inserts, glued-in booklets and classified advertisements are
           Tile next to contents                                                  Job offers* plus 90.– € / 8 weeks publication on       ­billed without discount. Bonus from net sales at the end.
           60 mm × 70 mm (width × height)                331.–€
           Corner section ad                                                      Corner section ad in the 3-column part
           Minimum format 100 mm                         699.–€                  Up to 200 mm the minimum format price is valid

           Advertisement next to contents                                         Minimum format for panorama advertisement
                                                                                  2 × 1/4 page horizontal
           1/2 page vertical 4-c                        1,058.–€
           Advertisement next to Editorial                                        Chiffre toll inland and overseas
                                                                                  (including postage and tax)                             12.– €
           1/3 page vertical 4-c                         846.–€
           Panorama advertisement                                                 Magazine size
                                                                                  220 mm × 280 mm (width × height)
           2 × 1/2 page 4-c                             1,840.–€
           Cover pages                                                            Print space
                                                                                  194 mm × 244 mm (width × height)
           Cover page 2/4: 1/1 page 4-c                2,1 1 6.–€
                                                                                  Column width
           Cover page 3: 1/1 page 4-c                  2,024.–€
                                                                                  Advertising section (4 column)                         44 mm         Johann Entner
                                                                                  Running text        (3 column)                         60 mm
                                                                                                                                                        Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH)
           Advertising section                                                    Running test        (4 column)                         44 mm
                                                                                                                                                        Media Consultant
           1/4 page 4-c                                  460.–€                                                                                        Phone +49(0)89 12705-265
           1/8 page 4-c                                  230.–€                                                                              

          Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                                                      23
Special advertisement agrarheute Energie

          Inserts                                                              Bound-in booklets                                            Online target group package
           Weight                               Rates per 1,000*                Size                  Weight                    Rates uses the most up-to-date technology to
                                                                                                                                            classify the readers in the online environment according
           up to 25 g                            225.–€                        4 pages               up to 30 g                3.312,– €   to interests and target groups.
           ea. additional 5 g                     22.50 €                       8 pages               up to 50 g                5.704,– €   This allows us to identify the relevant readers for you and
                                                                                                                                            to deliver the advertising exactly in your target group.
          * Postal distribution fees are included in the price. Changes
             within the scope oft he Postvertriebsgebührenverordnung
             reserved.                                                                                                                       Banner-* and Newsletter                        Rates (net)
                                                                                                                                             15,000 Ad Impressions                              570.– €

          Technical information                                                Technical information
          1 I nserts must not be larger than the format                       1B
                                                                                 ound-in booklets are to be delivered folded                30,000 Ad Impressions                             1,140.– €
            215 mm × 275 mm (width x height) and                                and uncut.                                                   45,000 Ad Impressions                             1,710.– €
            must not have a zigzag fold.                                       1 F ormat: 223,5 × 290 mm (width x height, closed and        Newsletter-ad
          1 T he long side of the insert must always                             uncut format) plus 8 mm binding flap on page 3/4,          ■ Image-text-ad (recommended)                 per 590.– €
             be closed.                                                           headtrim 5 mm, tail trim 5 mm, outside trim 3,5 mm         ■ Display ad 728 × 90

            ith special formats, folds oder paper weights,                    1 Circulation upon request                                  * Bannerformats: 300 ×250, 728 × 90 or 120 × 600, JPEG, GIF
           it is always necessary to consult the publisher                     1U
                                                                                 nder certain technical production circumstances              or HTLM5, max. 35 kB
           with authentic samples before production.                            we reserve the right to postpone.
          1 I nserts must not contain any advertisements                      1G
                                                                                 lued insert on the bound-in booklet:
             by other firms.                                                                                                                If you combine your print and online campaign, you will
                                                                                Upon request with sample.                                   receive a free advertisement in the newsletter as a
                                                                                                                                            non-monetary bonus.

          Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                      on request. 24
Dates | Topics agrarheute Energie

           Issue           Dates                  Topics                                                              Trade fairs

                           P:      29.01.2021 Biogas: Innovations at the EnergyDecentral

                                                                                                                      Energy Decentral, Hannover
                       1   A:      15.12.2020
                                                                                                                      09. – 12.02.2021
                           C:      08.01.2021 PV System: Optimum module cleaning

                           P:     30.04.2021 Biogas: Fermenter Cleaning
                                                                                                                      Intersolar, München

                       2   A:     22.03.2021
                                                                                                                      21. – 23.07.2021
                           C:     08.04.2021 Wind turbine: Developments in the wind industry

                           P:      30.07.2021 Biogas: A comparison of agitation technology

                       3   A:      22.06.2021
                           C:      07.07.2021 PV system: Developments in energy storage

                           P:      29.10.2021 Biogas: Gas storage management
                                                                                                                      BIOGAS Convention & Trade Fair,
                       4   A:      21.09.2021
                                                                                                                      Nürnberg 07. – 09.12.2021
                           C:      06.10.2021 Biogas: Innovations at the Biogas Convention

          P: Publication date ■ A: Advertising deadline ■ C: Copy deadline ■ We reserve the right to modify topics.
agrarheute Special issues

agrarheute Sortenführer                                               agrarheute Traktoren               agrarheute Lohnunternehmer
                                   agrajo Magazin
Circulation: 52,981                                                   Circulation: 55,000                Circulation: 10,500
Publication date: 28.05.2021       Circulation: 52,981                Publication date: 11.11.2021       Publication date: 11.11.2021
Advertising deadline: 15.04.2021   Publication date: 24.09.2021       Advertising deadline: 20.10.2021   Advertising deadline: 18.10.2021
Copy deadline: 22.04.2021          Advertising deadline: 11.08.2021   Copy deadline: 27.10.2021          Copy deadline: 25.10.2021
ISSN: 2568-1184                    Copy deadline: 18.08.2021          ISSN: 2568-115X                    ISSN: 2568-1141

                       1 year advertising effect in your target group with only 1 ad!

Rates agrarheute Special issues

 Editorial section                                              Sortenführer                        agrajo Magazin     Traktorenheft   Lohnunternehmer
 1/1 page 4-c                                                       8,680.– €                            3,200.– €       8,680.– €         3,330.– €
 3/4 page 4-c                                                       6,510.– €                            2,400.– €        6,510.– €        2,497.50 €
 2/3 page 4-c                                                       5,787.– €                             2,133.– €       5,787.– €        2,220.– €
 Junior-Page                                                        4,557.– €                             1,680.– €       4,557.– €         1,748.– €
 1/2 page 4-c                                                       4,340.– €                            1,600.– €       4,340.– €         1,665.– €
 1/3 page 4-c                                                       3,472.– €                             1,280.– €       3,472.– €        1,332.– €
 1/4 page 4-c                                                       2,604.– €                              960.– €       2,604.– €          999.– €
 mm 4-c                                                                22.23 €                                8.20 €        22.23 €            8.53 €
 Panorama advertisement
 2 × 1/2 page 4-c                                                   8,680.– €                            3,200.– €       8,680.– €         3,330.– €
 Cover pages
 Cover page 2/4: 1/1 page 4-c                                       9,982.– €                            3,680.– €       9,982.– €         3,830.– €
 Cover page 3: 1/1 page 4-c                                         9,548.– €                            3,520.– €       9,548.– €         3,663.– €
 Corner section ad
 Minimum format 100 mm                                              2,289.– €                              1,214.– €      3,289.– €        1,262.– €
 Advertisement next to contents
 1/2 page vertical 4-c                                              4,991.– €                             1,840.– €       4,991.– €         1,915.– €
 Advertisement next to editorial
 1/3 page vertical 4-c                                              3,993.– €                             1,472.– €       3,993.– €        1,532.– €

 1/4 page 4-c                                                        2,170.– €                             800.– €        2,170.– €         832.50 €
 1/8 page 4-c                                                       1,085.– €                               400.– €       1,085.– €          416.– €
 mm 4-c                                                                  8.89 €                               3.28 €         8.89 €            3.41 €
Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                      27
Special advertisement agrarheute

       Special advertisement                    agrarheute Magazin                          agrarheute Rind                         agrarheute Schwein   agrarheute Energie

 Tip-on advertisement per 1,000
                                                             110.– €                                  110.– €                                110.– €              110.– €


                                                         14,409.– €                                6,756.– €                               6,756.– €           3,054.– €

              Gate fold
                                                         32,984.– €                               15,466.– €                              15,466.– €           6,992.– €


                                                         29,512.– €                               13,838.– €                              13,838.– €           6,256.– €

        Tile next to contents

                                                         1,556.50 €                                  730.– €                                730.– €               331.– €

           Split banderole
                                                                                                                      auf Anfrage

Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply. ■ Pricelist 4 valid from issue 1/2021.                                                           28
Technical Data

Printing process                                               Colour advertisement production
Cover: Sheetfed offset                                         Euroscale printing: Colour shades are achieved through           Hermann Messmer
Inside part: webfed offset                                     combination printing. Deviations in the range of toleration      Ad Management
                                                               correspond with the current status of offset printing            Phone +49(0)89 12705-250
Processing                                                     technology. Special colours are only possible on the             Fax +49(0)89 12705-841250
Adhesive binding: agrarheute Magazin                           cover pages!
Wire stitching: agrarheute Rind / Schwein / Energie                                                                   
                                                               Shades that cannot be created from the Euroscale
Data transmission                                              (HKS special colours) are possible on request –
                                                               separate costing!                                                Sabine Billes
                                                                                                                                Ad Management
File formats                                                   Samples for inserts, bound-in booklets,                          Phone +49(0)89 12705-353
Print-optimised PDF (Standard X1a)                             glued-in inserts
                                                                                                                                Fax +49(0)89 12705-841353
Other file formats or open files available on                  Before accepting an order, the publisher requires five
                                                               authentic samples by the deadline for advertisements in
request only.
                                                               the relevant issue:
Coolur images always in CMYK mode (4c)
Resolution at least 300 dpi (600 dpi for ads in bw)             Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH                         Electronic Data transmission
                                                                Anzeigen agrarheute Magazin                        
Print profile                                                   Lothstr. 29, 80797 München, Germany                                                                                                        Transfer of the data only with accurate statements
                                                                The authenticity of fulfilment of an order cannot be
                                                                                                                             of the customer’s name, property, issue no. and content
Proof                                                           ­f inally decided upon until the samples have been
                                                                                                                             of the print material transfer.
A colour-true proof is essential and must be sent to the       ­submitted.
publishers' or printers' before the print run. Without this,                                                                 Delivery address for inserts, bound-in booklets,
we cannot guarantee the quality of printing and accuracy                                                                     glued-in inserts
of the advertisement's motif. Where no proof has been                                                                        “agrarheute” to:
provided, we cannot accept complaints.                                                                                       Mayr Miesbach GmbH
                                                                                                                             Mr. Mayr
                                                                                                                             Am Windfeld 15, 83714 Miesbach, Germany
                                                                                                                             Delivery Date
                                                                                                                             Inserts, bound-in booklets and glued-in inserts must
                                                                                                                             be delivered by 14 days before the publication of the
                                                                                                                             Volume of the issue required upon request, plus 3 %

Digital Issue – Advertising Formats and Rates

Medium Rectangle

Right in the middle instead of being somewhere else
Whether eye-catching island ad or exciting theme integration: the Medium Rectangle is always
­fascinating. The presence attracts attention and ensures successful brand communication as well as
 lasting advertising impact.                                                                          Medium Rectangle
                                                                                                      (300 × 250)
1 Medium Rectangle 300x250 pixel
1 Animated GIF, JPEG or HTML5 as ready-made content container (only with integrated click tag)
1 Single advertising material not larger than 150 KB                                                                     Medium Rectangle
                                                                                                                         (300 × 250)
1 Link to the website/product to be delivered
1 Max. animation duration 30 sec.
1 Max. 3 loops
Price 950.– € / month


Attention-grabbing and user-friendly
The HTML 5 Inpage Player enables the integration of moving images for this special format.
Your video message is delivered with the best possible quality. This enables them to reach the
user on any kind of device, regardless of their situation. In the mobile environment, the video
and sound starts via click-2-play.                                                                    Video-Ad
Specifications                                                                                        (300 × 250)

1 File formats .mp4, .mov, .wmv, .mpg
1 Delivery of an embedding code or physical video delivery possible
1 Max. 3 minutes running time                                                                                            Video-Ad
                                                                                                                         (300 × 250)
Price 950.– € / month

Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply.                                                                30
Digitial Issue - Advertising Formats and Rates

Full Page Layer

Space for maximum design freedom
The Full Page Layer convinces, especially on mobile devices, by one thing above all: its size!
It exclusively takes up the entire visible area and thus ensures attention for your advertising
­message, which will impress and be remembered!.
1 Full Page Portrait (2x3): 300x450 up to 450x675 Pixel                                              Full Page
1 Full Page Landscape (3x2): 450x300 up to 675x450 Pixel                                              Layer      Full Page
1 With the Full Page Banner, both animated and non-animated banners can be played                                Layer
1 Delivery as HTML5 banner or redirects (max. 500 kb)
1 Max. animation duration 30 sec.
1 Max. 3 loops
1 Sound on user interaction
Price 950.– € / month

Out Of Page

Enthusiasm through creativity
If you want something really special, then Out Of Page is just the right advertising format for
You! The creation is adapted to your very personal and individual wishes. Whether machines
move from right to left, pop up product images or screen contents slowly build up: The maximum
attention of the observer is guaranteed! Please feel free to contact us. Together with you we will
develop your creative advertising message.
Price on request.

Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH terms and conditions of business apply.                                                 31
Online – Display Ads

 Standard formats                             ROS-CPM Targeting-CPM


 also possible as Ad Bundle                   (all readers) (target groups)                                                                        Halfpage Ad
                                                                                                                                                   (300 × 600)

 1 Leaderboard (728 × 90 px)                                                   ☑ (☑)               –               Billboard
                                                                                                                   (900 × 250)
 2 Skyscraper (120 × 600 px)                                                   ☑          –        –
                                                 24.– €           40.– €
 3 Medium Rectangle (300 × 250 px)                                             ☑         ☑        ☑                                            6

 4 Mobile Ad (300 × 100 px)                                                     –         –       ☑
 Large-size Image Banner
 5 Halfpage Ad (300 × 600 px)                                                                                                                                      5
                                                                               ☑ (☑)               –

 6 Billboard (900 × 250 px)                      33.– €           55.– €       ☑ (☑)               –                                                                           Skyscraper
                                                                                                                                                                               (120 × 600)
     Hockey Stick (728 × 90 + 160 × 600 px)                                    ☑          –        –
 Online video offerings                                                                                                          (728 × 90)
     Video-Ad (468 × 263 px)                     45.– €           60.– €       ☑ (☑)               –

(☑) = depending on the device resolution
Other special formats available on request.

                                                                                                          Mobile Ad
                                                                                                          (320 × 100)     4
 Scale of discount
 Gross amount                               > 2,000.– €                        5%
                                             > 7,500.– €                      10 %
                                           > 15,000.– €                       15 %                                                                                                           2
                                           > 25,000.– €                       20 %
                                           > 50,000.– €                       25 %
                                           > 75,000.– €                       30 %                                                                   Medium
                                                                                                                                                     (300 × 250)
                                                                                                          Medium Rectangle
                                                                                                          (300 × 250)    3

Online Rates are valid for campaigns with start from 01.01.2021                                                                                                                       32
Content & Facebook Advertising

Advertorial                                                                                    Social Media
The advertorial is especially suitable if complex informa-        Example Advertorial-Teaser is also on Social Media channels an
tions should be available, which cannot be presented on                                        established name where agricultural content and target
a banner.                                                                                      groups are the focus on your advertising activities.
You can place the advertorial on the start page or in one                                       We share your information with more than 100,000
of the categories.                                                                              fans on Facebook and more than 55,000 Instagram
 Advertorial                                        Rates
                                                                  Example Advertorial-Text
 2 weeks runtime                                 1,590.– €                                      Options                                           Rates
 4 weeks runtime                                 2,590.– €
                                                                                                Sponsored post
 Promotion (optional)                                                                           1 Image gallery (up to 15 images)
 as “Branded Content” on facebook                   590.– €*                                    1 Video (max. 3 minutes)                         1,190.– €
 As image-text advert in the                                                                    1 Events, links to the website, product
                                                    590.– €                                        presentations etc.

Teaser: Format 3:2 (2,000 × 1,333 Pixel)
Image broad top: Format 5:2 (2,000 × 800 Pixel)
Text (incl. spaces)
Title: max. 60 characters
Teaser-Text: max. 130 characters
Advertorial Text (Recommendation):
1,500 – 2,000 characters
1 – 2 Links
Images in text:
up to 3 images, format 3:2 (2,000 × 1,333 Pixel)                                               * Rates only in combination with an advertorial
                                                                                               ** Date: 26.06.2020
Online Rates are valid for campaigns with start from 01.01.2021                                                                                           33
Online – Newsletter Advertising

Editorial newsletter                                                                                             Newsletter with your individual content
Standard-Newsletter                   per day 590.– €            Advertising opportunities in the newsletters   Special newsletter                            3,490.– €
The subscribers of the agrarheute-newsletter receive                                                             The special newsletter is an attention-getting form
the latest news once a day via email.                             Leaderboard                                    of advertising, where we send your information in the
With an opening rate of more than 32 % the newsletter             Format: 728 × 90 pixel                         look-and-feel of the agrarheute-newsletter.
enjoys huge popularity and represents an interesting              File: static JPG or GIF
advertising opportunity.                                          File size: max 35 kB
Topic newsletter               890.– € per distribution
The editors of agrarheute write relevant articles to a
key topic. Every topic newsletter has only 3 positions for
                                                                  Image-text advert
                                   Topics*                        Text (incl. spaces):
                              Topic newsletter                    Title: max 60 characters
 January            Slurry / Preliminary report EuroTier          Teaster text max. 250 characters
 February                      Plant protection                   Linking
 March                            Grasslands                      Image width 1,868 × 1,400 pixel resolution
 April               Smart farming / Plant protection
 May                            Variety guide
 June                          Plant protection
 July                 Stubble processing / Rapeseed
 August               Variety selection winter crops
 September                       Maize silage
 October                     About the livestock
 November                            N.N.
 December                 Variety selection maize

* We reserve the right to modify topics and dates.
Online Rates are valid for campaigns with start from 01.01.2021                                                                                                       34
agrarheute SPEZIAL - Video Packages “Fairs”

The exclusive video format at fairs*

Target-oriented addressing of your target group:
1 Short and concise, max. 3-minute interview video
1 Expert supervisor and interviewers
1 Experienced video team: Filming, editing and sound recording
1 Link to your company
1 High quality end product

We distribute your video to affiliated target groups
                                                                                             Your Video
Wide-ranging distribution of your message through our channels:
1 P ublication of the video in our agricultural network: – –
1 20,000 Video-AdImpressions                                                                              Social Media
1 Social Media – Unlimited online
  our Bonus: Free use of the video for your own purposes
 (e. g. on your website, Facebook page, etc.)

Reserve your production date!

* Productions within the framework of the fairs EuroTier, DLG Feldtage and
   Agritechnica. Dates outside the events only after consultation and with amended prices.
   Please ask us for a production in your company or on a farm of your choice.                                                      35

 Founded on 8 March 2019, the Facebook group agrarfrauen of agrarheute offers
 entrepreneurial women in agriculture a platform for exchange, networking and
­mutual support.                                                                          More than
The Facebook group is complemented by regular network meetings and the                   2,222* acitve
­formation of regional groups.                                                          members in the
Use the power of the agrarfrauen and present your products and solutions here
or become an active part of the group with your company.                                    group!

                                                                                Sandra Holleber
                                                                                Head of Sales Agrar-Digital
                                                                                Phone +49(0)89 12705-378

* Date: 04.08.2020                                                                                            36
Please contact us

Head of Advertising                                     Media Consultant Online
Verena Nolten                                           Nicole Danöhl
Phone +49(0)89 12705-257,          Phone 49(0)89 12705-338,
                                                        Evelyn Zimdars
                                                        Tel. 49(0)89 12705-245, evelyn
Key Accounting
Sandra Holleber
Phone +49(0)89 12705-378,        Ad Management Print
Thorsten Krull                                          Hermann Messmer
Phone +49(0)89 12705-271,         Phone +49(0)89 12705-250,
                                                        Sabine Billes
Hans-Joachim Hecht
                                                        Phone +49(0)89 12705-353,
Phone +49(0)4524 7030888,

                                                        Ad Management Online
Media Consultant Print
                                                        Leonhard Mayr
Johann Entner                                           Phone +49(0)89 12705-319,
Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH)
Phone +49(0)89 12705-265,
Stefanie Niedermeier
Phone +49(0)89 12705-437,
Animal Area
Anke Mekota
Phone +49(0)89 12705-306,
Gundula Ailinger
Phone +49(0)89 12705-346,

                                                                                                           210651 ANK
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