2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online

Page created by Wesley Oliver
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
Media Rates

   The magazine of the creative scene
   Design. Code. Business.
   ↗ www.page-online.de

   PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
02                                                                  Profile

                                                                    PAGE – The magazine for the creative scene
                                                                    Design. Code. Business.
                                                                    PAGE is the professional magazine for creative media design, publishing and
                                                                    trends. Month by month PAGE provides leading figures in the creative industry
                                                                    with what they need to know developments in classic and digital media. PAGE
                                                                    acts both as a source of inspiration and a guide to investment. The readers of PAGE
                                              Gabriele Günder
                                              Publisher and
                                                                    are young, tech savvy professionals with senior decision-making power who are
                                                                    constantly looking for new ideas, inspiration and solutions for their work.
                                                                    PAGE is not just a magazine. It is also a forum for designers and techies. The early
                                              PAGE //
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                              Ebner Media Group     adopters and trendsetters in the design, communication and digital industry
                                              GmbH & Co. KG
                                              Borselstrasse 28      share their ideas and their know-how via PAGE Print, PAGE Online and the PAGE
                                              22765 Hamburg
                                              Germany               Newsletter as well as through the PAGE social media networks. Integration is the
                                              Phone                 order of the day. No other German language design and publishing magazine
                                              +49 (0)40 85183-400
                                              Fax                   comes close to matching the reach of PAGE.
                                              +49 (0)40 85183-449
                                              www.page-online.de      page-online.de   PAGE Newsletter   PAGE Shop   eDossiers   AppStore          pagemag
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
03                                                                           Multi-Channel-Family

                                              Reach October 2020
                                                                            PAGE is the German-language design and
                                              Print subscribers1
                                              7,941 (IVW 03/2020)
                                                                            publishing magazine with the greatest reach
                                              Sold copies2
                                              12,711 (IVW 03/2020)
                                              341,885 (IVW 09/2020)
                                              Page impressions/month
                                              565,422 (IVW 09/2020)
                                              Newsletter subscribers
                                              PAGE eDossier downloads
                                              Facebook fans
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                              66,383                                                                     Multi-Channel-Family
                                              Twitter follower
                                              Xing follower
                                              Pinterest follower
                                              Instagram follower
                                                                        1Including 211 ePaper, 2Including 3,834 ePaper
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
04                                                                       Customer Statements

                                                                                                                                                      »PAGE is innovative, varied, in
                                                                      »As a web host that specializes in agencies
                                                                                                                                                      step with the times and always
                                                                        it is not only important for us to under-
                                                                                                                                                     hits the nail on the head. PAGE
                                                                          stand our customers but also to stay
                                                                                                                                                   gives us a handle on and a close up
                                                                            constantly up-to-date. For years, there-
                                                                                                                                                view of all aspects of the world of
                                                                             fore, PAGE has been more than just the
                                                                                                                                          design. Fedrigoni’s presence in PAGE is the
                                                                             ideal advertising partner for us. It is
                                                                                                                                      ideal way to inspire our customers and to get
                                                                            both an inspiration and a tool for cons-
                                                                                                                                      them excited about our range.«
                                                                            tantly improving our performance.«
                                                                                                                                      Yvonne Galas, Marketing FEDRIGONI Deutschland
                                                                        Nadja Krakow, Media Designer | Marketing
                                                                       at Mittwald

                                                                                                                                                          »Thank you for your
                                                                                                                                                          Lead Generation. I
                                                                                                                                                          must confess we’ve
                                                 »PAGE is                               Innovative, relevant, trendsetting - PAGE
                                                                                                                                                        been all very excited
                                              both digital                              reaches the creative community through its
                                                                                                                                                  with the results. This was only
                                                  and also                              inspiring contributions and gives it a constant
                                                                                                                                                  possible due to the professi-
                                                                                        source of inspiration. PAGE has been an
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                              the title that                                                                                      onalism of everyone involved
                                                                                        integral part of our media planning, for years.
                                                  generates                                                                                       of your team. Please feel free
                                                                                                It represents the ideal medium for us,
                                                 the strongest                                                                                    to pass along my compliments
                                                                                                     as an online print shop, to reach
                                               response for our                                                                                   and a great thank you to
                                                                                                       our existing and future clients in
                                              printed inserts. If                                                                                 everyone at PAGE. Now... It’s
                                                                                                         the creative industries. Print
                                                                                                                                                  up to us! To make these con-
                                              you want to reach                                           or digital - PAGE manages to
                                                                                                                                                  tacts into business.«
                                              German creatives                                            inspire across all channels.
                                                                                                                                                  Catarina Mendes, Marketing
                                               PAGE is a must.«                                         Antje Bischler Mendes, marke-
                                                                                                                                                  Coordinator, Extensis Europe
                                                  Olaf Hartmann –                                      ting manager D/A/CH region
                                                 Managing Director,                                  (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) at
                                                        Touchmore                                  Onlineprinters.
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
05                                            Native Advertising

                                              Native Advertising – Content is King!
                                              Today, anyone who wants to catch the customer’s attention needs a mix of
                                              editorial content and advertising or brand messages, in a nutshell: Native Advertising!

                                              How does Native Advertising work?                           ● Leads to longer time spent on the site and higher
                                              Native Advertising is storytelling. Your advertising or        involvement with your brand as well as your message
                                              brand message is published in our platforms’ editorial         and creates long-term effects
                                              environment by means of an editorial plot (story). Or       ● The only way to reach your target group across all
                                              your company (offer) is an integrated element of an edi-       relevant communication channels (print, online, social
                                              torial topic, without directly engaging in direct product      media) and avoiding ad blockers in the process
                                              advertising. Native Advertising sustainably supports you    ● Helps to reach your company’s and products’ whole
                                              in building and extending your company’s and your pro-         target group by creating a larger audience for your topic
                                                                                                          ● Allows for customised communication to the target
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                              ducts’ leading position in your relevant target groups.
                                                                                                             group, which is relevant for you, due to clear persona
                                              What does Native Advertising achieve at PAGE?                  definition and positioning of PAGE
                                              ● Your content receives high attention and involvement     ● Supports your company in establishing itself as an opi-
                                                 from our community due to the high credibility and          nion leader for your target group on the relevant topics
                                                 reach of our media brand                                 ● Improves the visibility of your brand in search engines
                                              ● Publication of your content within the look & feel of       and social media channels using SEO optimised
                                                 our editorial environment. We are happy to handle           multimedia storytelling (editorial, images, graphics,
                                                 the content creation for you                                video)
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
06                                                                          Process for a Native Advertising Campaign

                                                                                                                                   BRIEFING ▸
                                              Content is king and we
                                              are the topic champions

                                                                                                                                                          Together with
                                              We are the content specia-                                                                                  the client:
                                                                                                  • KPI analysis                                         • Campaign goals
                                              lists for our target group                          • Evaluations & learnings                              • Topic analysis
                                              and know exactly which                              • Feedback round                                       • Topic analysis /

                                                                                                                                                             Selection of topic(s)
                                              topics our community is

                                                                                                                                                          • Market and target
                                                                                                                                                             group analysis
                                              interested in. Simply leave

                                                                                 O RT

                                              the storytelling of your                                                                  Online

                                              message to us. We will

                                              make sure that your topics                                                Print                           Social
                                              reach our community ef-


                                                                                                                                                                            • Communication
                                              We will take over the cam-                                                Events                          Webinar                conception
                                                                                   • Mutichannel publishing
                                                                                                                                                                            • Content goals
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                              paign conception, the                • Campaign management
                                                                                                                                                                            • Campaign schedule
                                                                                   • Campaign controlling
                                              content creation, the mul-                                                               News-                                • Feedback round
                                              tichannel publishing, the
                                              campaign management
                                              and the reporting. A one-
                                              stop full service – from
                                                                                                                                 • Platform-specific
                                              your target group’s content                  ◂P
                                                                                                                                    content creation
                                                                                                                                 • SEO optimisation
                                              specialists.                                                                       • Design
                                                                                                     LI                          • Image & video                                  T
                                                                                                          SH                        editing                                     EN
                                                                                                               IN                • Feedback round                      N   T
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
07                                                                            Reader data

                                              Professional roles              PAGE reaches the creative
                                              3D designers, art buyers, art   industry’s decision makers
                                              directors, image editors,
                                              book designers, corporate       Graphic designers, media designers, communication designers and developers in all the key concept,
                                              designers, editorial            design and production roles in both service providers and customers. They may be working independently as
                                              designers, entrepreneurs,       freelancers or be employed in agencies or businesses. They may be trainees or students or providing services
                                              photographers, game             to the design, advertising and media industries.
                                              designers, print, web &

                                              app designers, business

                                                                                                                                          22%                             52%
                                              founders, human resour-
                                              ces, illustrators, industrial
                                              designers, infographic crea-
                                                                                                                                          have been reading
                                              tors, interaction designers
                                                                                                                                          PAGE for a year                 read three quarters of an issue
                                              (online, mobile, offline),

                                                                                                                          67%                                      85%
                                              interface designers, creati-
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                                                              of PAGE’s readers and users are
                                              ve directors, layout artists,
                                                                              highly satisfied and would recommend
                                              marketing managers, moti-       PAGE to their colleagues
                                              on designers, post

                                              production editors, print
                                              buyers, product designers,                                                  read between
                                              programmers, project                                                        6 and 12 issues a year                    of readers keep their copies of PAGE
                                              managers, artwork artists/
                                              DTP operators, start-ups,
                                              strategy consultants,
                                              copywriters, type designer/
                                                                              spend up to 100 minutes reading an issue                          28%                have been reading PAGE for
                                                                                                                                                                   over 10 years

                                              typographer, UX designers       *Source: PAGE, SENSORPRO User survey 10/17 (total participants: 889)
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
08                                                                         Reader data

                                              What the community           The PAGE community offers a unique interdisciplinary mix of
                                              thinks                       influential trendsetters in the creative industry and the future design
                                                                           stars and innovators of tomorrow.
                                              “Very interesting and

                                               up-to-date magazine                  Age
                                               that delivers answers                2%      Up to 19 years old
                                               to any question. I really
                                                                                   26 %                  20 to 29 years old
                                               like the dossiers that
                                               you can buy online.”                27 %                  30 to 39 years old
                                                                                   23 %                40 to 49 years old
                                              “You’re doing a great                16 %             50 to 59 years old
                                               job.”                                                                                                          Designers, creators, developers*
                                                                                    5%        60+

                                              “It’s great to have you.

                                               As somebody coming
                                               into the profession I
                                               had to prove myself                                                                                          Account executive and consultants*
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                               right away in a seni-
                                               or position and I had                                                                                Position in company
                                               PAGE as my creative         of readers are men*                                              37 %                          Senior level

                                                                                                                                            34 %                       Independent

                                                                                                                                            16 %             Young professional, junior level

                                                                                                                                             11 %          Trainee, junior, intern

                                                                                                    Owners/CEOs                              2%       Director

                                                                           *Source: PAGE, SENSORPRO User survey 10/17 (total participants: 889)
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
09                                                                       Reader data

                                              What the community         Almost half of all PAGE readers and users are in companies with fewer than 5 employees,
                                              thinks                     which means they are often involved in making important decisions and investments.

                                                                         73% 42%
                                              “Absolutely my favourite
                                               magazine. I find every
                                               article interesting and
                                               that’s not something I
                                               can say about any other
                                               magazine. Thanks for
                                               the good work.
                                                                                                                                                           work in companies with fewer than

                                                                         of PAGE readers participate in bu-                                                5 employees (21% work in companies
                                              “Thanks for your work,
                                                                         ying decisions*                                                                   with more than 100 employees)*
                                               your knowledge, for the
                                               networking and your
                                                                                                                                                are joint decision makers*

                                               support for the indu-            Areas of investment*
                                                                         71 % Print, paper, substrates
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                              “PAGE has been by my       64 % Buying photos, footage
                                               side since my training
                                               and unlike many marke-    62 % Hardware, software

                                               ting magazines I’ve       61 % Marketing, advertising material                                                   are sole decision makers*
                                               never found it irrele-
                                                                         56 % Training, seminars
                                               vant. The magazine
                                               helps to keep me on the   55 % Office and agency equipment                                                       PAGE Print and PAGE online
                                               ball and your contents    28 % Human resources
                                                                                                                                                                reach different communities.
                                               provide great input                                                                                              50% of the Online users never
                                                                         11 %            Other                                                                  or rarely read PAGE Print.*
                                               for creative processes.
                                               Thanks for this.”
                                                                         *Source: PAGE, SENSORPRO User survey 10/17 (total participants: 889)
2021 Print The magazine of the creative scene Design. Code. Business. www.page-online.de - PAGE online
10                                                                           Circulation, themes and sections

                                                                             PAGE sections/themes

                                              “I like PAGE and PAGE likes    Signals. Inspiration for creatives.      Themes. Trends in and the               News. Images, paper and
                                               me. Weʼve been having a lot   Award winning work, visionary            background to corporate design,         technology. Exciting developments
                                               of fun together for years!”   concepts, interdisciplinary              user experiences and campaigns.         together with readers’ tips for
                                                                             projects, lively discussions.                                                    designers and developers.
                                               Johannes Erler,
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                                                             Projects. Sneak peeks.                   Tool. Tools, methods, tutorials.        Industry. What gets freelancers,
                                                                             Professionals from agencies              The creative process is becoming        agencies and entrepreneurs going.
                                                                             and companies lift the curtain           more complex and demands                Business advice, job profiles and
                                                                             on their own work.                       technical and design expertise.         salaries, insights.

                                              “Thereʼs nothing in            Circulation analysis                                                        PAGE+ Premium           PAGE+ Digital
                                               Germany today that could      Quarter 03/2020                                                             12.90 Euro/month        9.90 Euro/month
                                               replace PAGE as a design                                                                                  129.00 Euro/year        99.00 Euro/year
                                                                             Print run:       11,050 copies (IVW 03/2020)
                                                                             Circulation:     12,894 copies (IVW 03/2020, including ePaper = 4,045)
                                               Erik Spiekermann,             Sales:           12,711 copies (IVW 03/2020, including ePaper = 4,045)      Publication frequency
                                               edenspiekermann               Subscribers:     07,941 copies (IVW 03/2020, including ePaper = 211)        monthly
11                                                                             Dates & topics & keywords 2021

                                                                               Issue     Date of       Ad order     Copy         Delivery of    Shows and events                    Dates 2021*
                                             Keywords and                                publication   deadline     deadline     inserts etc.
                                             themes in PAGE
                                                                               01.2021   04.12.2020    06.11.2020   11.11.2020   18.11.2020     viscom, Dusseldorf                  12.01. – 14.01.
                                             3D-printer, agency software,
                                             animation, AR, training,          02.2021   08.01.2021    04.12.2020   09.12.2020   16.12.2020     imm cologne, Cologne                18.01. – 24.01.
                                             awards, banners, picture          03.2021   05.02.2021    08.01.2021   13.01.2021   20.01.2021     TOCA ME, Munich                     6th March
                                             agencies, cods, content           04.2021   05.03.2021    05.02.2021   10.02.2021   17.02.2021     MCBW, Munich                        06.03. – 14.03.
                                             marketing, digital design,                                                                         Internet World Expo, Munich         09.03. – 10.03.
                                             digital imaging, digital                                                                           South by Southwest, (Digital)       16.03. – 20.03.
                                             video, digital printing, colour
                                                                               05.2021   09.04.2021    12.03.2021   17.03.2021   24.03.2021     PICTAday, Hamburg                   14th April
                                             and colour management,
                                                                                                                                                Forward Festival, Vienna            15.04. – 16.04.
                                             employer branding, footage,
                                                                                                                                                Paperworld, Frankfurt               17.04. – 20.04.
                                             photography, gadgets, game                                                                         See#15, Wiesbaden                   24th April
                                             design, integrated campaigns,
                                                                               06.2021   07.05.2021    09.04.2021   14.04.2021   21.04.2021     ADC Festival, Hamburg               03.05. – 07.05.
                                             interactive design, iPad,
                                                                                                                                                fmx, Stuttgart                      04.05. – 07.05.
                                             iPhone, mobile Internet,
                                                                                                                                                OMR, Hamburg                        04.05. – 05.05.
                                             monitors, multi-function
                                                                                                                                                OFFF, Barcelona                     06.05. – 08.05.
                                             devices, native advertising,
                                                                                                                                                Beyond Tellerrand, Dusseldorf       10.05. – 12.05.
                                             netbooks, online services,
PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                                                               07.2021   04.06.2021    07.05.2021   12.05.2021   19.05.2021
                                             online advertising, paper,
                                             post-production, presentation     08.2021   02.07.2021    04.06.2021   09.06.2021   16.06.2021     Forward Festival, Hamburg           01.07. – 02.07.
                                             technology, print, project        09.2021   06.08.2021    09.07.2021   14.07.2021   21.07.2021     Gamescom, Cologne,                  25.08. – 29.08
                                             management, proofing                                                                               hybrids format
                                             printers, RIA, type, shop
                                                                               10.2021   03.09.2021    06.08.2021   11.08.2021   18.08.2021     dmexco, Cologne                     22.09. – 23.09.
                                             design, smart phones, Social
                                                                               11.2021   01.10.2021    03.09.2021   08.09.2021   15.09.2021     Book Fair, Frankfurt                20.10. – 24.10.
                                             media, story boarding,
                                             typography, UX design,            12.2021   05.11.2021    08.10.2021   13.10.2021   20.10.2021     Comic Con Germany, Stuttgart        27.11. – 28.11.
                                             finishing, VR, web TV, web        01.2022   03.12.2021    05.11.2021   10.11.2021   17.11.2021
                                             design, web-to-print, and         02.2022   07.01.2022    03.12.2021   08.12.2021   15.12.2021     imm cologne, Cologne                January 2022
                                             much, much more.
                                                                                                                                                                        *Conditional. As of Oktober 2020
12                                                                      Prices 2021

                                              Editorial Section         Position ads                                                      Advertorial/Native Ad/
                                                                         Format               Width x hight in mm		             Prices    Sponsored Content
                                                                                       Type are                 with bleed		    4c        You supply the text and image and we
                                                                         1 x 2/1       390 x 272		                 420 x 297    € 9,960   place your content in our layout and
                                                                                                                                          produce an advertorial that has the look
                                                                         1 x 1/1       185 x 272		                 210 x 297    € 5,880   & feel of PAGE. Advertorials are identified
                                                                         1 x 2/3       185 x 175     horizontal    210 x 188    € 4,720   with the word »Sponsored Content«.
                                                                                       120 x 272     vertical      132 x 297              Price on request
                                                                         1 x 1/2       185 x 130     horizontal    210 x 143    € 3,620
                                                                                        90 x 272     vertical      102 x 297
                                                                         1 x 1/3       185 x 85      horizontal    210 x 98     € 2,940
                                                                                        56 x 272     vertical       68 x 297
                                                                         1 x 1/4       185 x 62      horizontal    210 x 75     € 2,420
                                                                                        44 x 272     vertical       56 x 297
                                                                                        90 x 130     2 columns     102 x 143
                                                                         2nd Cover			                              210 x 297    € 7,060
                                                                         4th Cover			                              210 x 297    € 7,460
                                                                         Opening       2nd Cover+		                420 x 297   € 11,760
                                                                         Spread        3rd Page
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                                                         Frequency discounts       Quantity discounts
                                                                         from 03 ads      3%       from 3 pages    5%
                                                                         from 06 ads      6%       from 6 pages 10 %
                                                                         from 09 ads      9%       from 9 pages 15 %
                                                                         from 12 ads     12 %      from 12 pages 20 %
                                              Job Market
                                                                        Special placement surcharge:
                                              Job market information,   10 % for preferred positioning in the magazine
                                              refer to page 16          (no discounts apply)                                              All prices subject to VAT
13                                                                            Technical data and ad formats

                                              Printing/binding process
                                              Web offset,                                       2/1 page across gutter                                   1/3 page horiz.   W 185 x H 085
                                              perfect bound / hotmelt                           Type area         W 390 x H 272                          Bleed*            W 210 x H 098
                                              Paper                                             Bleed*            W 420 x H 297
                                              80g UPM Ultra SH                                                                                           1/3 page vert.    W 056 x H 272
                                              Magazine format                                                                                            Bleed*            W 068 x H 297
                                              210 mm x 297 mm high
                                              Digital copy                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                              PDF: PDF/X-3
                                               Colour: CMYK                                     1/1 page                                                 1/4 page horiz.   W 185 x H 062
                                               Profile: ISO Coated v2 300%                      Type area         W 185 x H 272                          Bleed*            W 210 x H 075
                                               Pictures: 300 dpi                                Bleed*            W 210 x H 297
                                                                                                                                                         1/4 page 2 col.   W 090 x H 130
                                               Bleed: 4 mm
                                                                                                                                                         Bleed*            W 102 x H 143
                                              Copy delivery
                                                                                                2/3 page horiz.   W 185 x H 175                          1/4 page horiz.   W 044 x H 272
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                                                                                Bleed*            W 210 x H 188                          Bleed*            W 056 x H 297
                                              http://ftp.alphabeta.de/login                     2/3 page vert.    W 120 x H 272
                                              Access:                                           Bleed*            W 132 x H 297
                                              User: page-anzeigen
                                              Password: 569bkf                xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                              Loose and bound inserts to:
                                              ADV SCHODER                                       1/2 page horiz.   W 185 x H 130    Important: for PAGE job market other
                                              PAGE No. XX/XX                                    Bleed*            W 210 x H 143    formats are valid!
                                              Aindlinger Str. 17-19
                                              86167 Augsburg, Germany                           1/2 page vert.    W 090 x H 272
                                                                                                Bleed*            W 102 x H 297   * Bleed: Trim area on the outer edges: 4 mm
14                                                                          Ad Specials: loose, bound and glued inserts

                                              Loose inserts                 Up to 25 grams weight 		                                         € 3,680 full run
                                                                            Per additional 5 gram 	 	                                        € 100 additional charge
                                              max. W 200 x H 287 mm

                                                                            Minimum order: total subscription
                                                                            Position unspecified. Loose inserts are to be stacked loose on Euro pallets and packaged
                                                                            securely for transportation.

                                              Bound inserts                 Length                         Paperweight		           		                                       Price for full run
                                                                            2 to 4 pages                   100 g to 150 g paper					                                        € 3,680
                                              max. W 210 x H 297mm
                                                                            8 pages                         60 g to 180 g paper  				                                       € 4,480
                                              5 mm head trim
                                                                            12 pages                        60 g to 180 g paper  				                                       € 5,180
                                              5 mm foot trim
                                                                            16 pages                        60 g to 180 g paper					                                        € 5,780
                                              4 mm outside trim
                                              3 mm spine trim               Minimum order: total subscription
                                                                            Positioning unspecified. Bound inserts have to be delivered like our specifications.
                                                                            Otherwise, all additional manual preperation will be charged to the customer.

                                              Glued inserts                 To glue cards, samples, mailings and others                     Price on request
                                              Only possible in connection   The price depends from the weight, form and format of each sample.
                                              with 1/1 page                 It has to be calculated seperately.
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                              Multi-page catalogs           Multi-page catalogs
                                                                            For technical reasons, no consideration can be given to placement requests                      Format        Color 4c
                                                                            for multi-page catalogues. No discount and no agency commission on postage                       8/1          € 23,480
                                                                            and additional technical costs.                                                                 16/1          € 37,760

                                                                            Delivery terms/Samples
                                                                            Loose, bound and glued inserts are to be delivered in such a way that no additional manual preparation is required.
                                                                            All inserts are to be delivered stacked loosely on euros pallets (ONLY) and protected from moisture and dirt.
                                                                            A banding of supplements with paper or plastic strips or rubber band is not permitted. The resulting additional costs
                                                                            will be invoiced separately. A binding sample of the loose, bound and glued insert, and if necessary a layout with size
                                                                            and weight specifications, must be submitted to the publisher prior to acceptance of the order.
                                                                            Delivery quantities and delivery addresses can be found in the respective order confirmation.             All prices subject to VAT
15                                            Ad Specials

                                              Half cover inc. back cover                Gatefolder

                                                                                                                       Special forms of advertising
                                                                                                                       require advance planning and
                                                                                                                       individual coordination of every
                                                                                                                       technical question. A firm booking
                                                                                                                       should be made as early as possible.
                                                                                                                       Prices on request.
                                                     Backfolder               Gatefolder and backfolder

                                                 Maxi cover page             Bookmark                Bookmark            Wrap               Lose cover
 PAGE rate card No. 35, valid from 1.1.2021

                                                  Gatefold cover           Belly band                 Belly band with double page          Adhesive notes
16                                                                             Job Market – Print & Online

                                              Recruitment advertising                                            Print Job Market formats and prices
                                              in the leading publishing
                                              and design magazine              Advertisements in the             Format     Width x height in mm                        Prices
                                                                               printed magazine will also                   without bleed                               b/w          2c          3c          4c

                                              Publishers such as Pro-          automatically appear online for    1/1			            180 x 246            		             3,990 € 4,240 € 4,490 € 4,740 €
                                              SiebenSat1, Bertelsmann,
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