A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium

Page created by Frank Figueroa
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium

public art proposal by artist stephen broadbent
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
PUBLIC ART                              “to make a sensory impression that enriches
                                        mental association and memory”

 “To establish a cultural context, make connections and then craft metaphors
 that the community confirm are part of the experience of the place”
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
1. Background
                                                                                             The aspirations for the commission are to:
                                                                                             Create an inspirational, high quality, site-specific public artwork,
                                                                                             integrated within a high quality public realm.

                                                                                             Develop a coherent design theme, which establishes visual links with
                                                                                             other elements of the regeneration scheme (public spaces and public
                                                                                             buildings), enhancing pedestrian routes through the site.
                                                                                             Ensure that the design concept is developed in collaboration with
                                                                                             the project team and that it is based on a genuine and meaningful
                                                                                             engagement with project stakeholders.
                We are pleased to be appointed by Manchester City Council to create          Guarantee an inclusive design process, which reveals and celebrates
                a site-specific public artwork for a development site that was formerly      local character.
                Maine Road Stadium, the ground of Manchester City Football Club,
                1923-2004.                                                                   Deliver a community engagement process which helps to identify and
                                                                                             build a ‘Sense of Place’, leading the creation of a favourite meeting
                The site borders the wards of Moss Side and Rusholme in Central              place and community hub.
                Manchester. Since the club’s relocation to the City of Manchester
                Stadium in 2004 the Maine Road site has become subject to a major            Develop from a design concept, which is sophisticated, poetic and
                housing regeneration programme.                                              intriguing, focused around a central artwork, which reveals itself in
                The Maine Road development is being delivered by a partnership that
                includes Lowry Homes, local residents, Manchester City Council and           Generate an artwork, which is thought provoking and captures
                other stakeholders and is managed by a project board, overseen by the        people’s imagination to inspire positive interaction and dialogue.
                Maine Road Steering Group.
                                                                                             Create an enduring icon, something loved locally and with regional
                The Maine Road Public Art Working Group has been leading on the              and national significance.
                development of an arts programme with the local community, exploring
                creative ways to celebrate local history, talent and diversity. The Centre
                Spot commission has been a key element of their programme                    Principle themes for design concepts will be:
                The detailed design is being undertaken in conjunction with Manchester          • The history and special significance of the site.
                City Council, Lowry Homes, Mosscare Housing Association and Leech               • The use of the site as a potential performance space and public
                Rhodes Walker Architects.                                                         meeting space.
                                                                                                • Pedestrian routes and axis points through the development.
                The design brief called for a site-specific design concept, which               • Potential for interactive artwork and thought provoking content.
                includes a central artwork and associated design features, which                • Potential creation of an Urban Myth.
                could be integrated throughout the wider public realm, including hard
                landscaping and street furniture.
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
2. Theme
There are many stories or themes that could and should be told or         The social commentator, Alexander     more than 500. Scuttling reached a     engage the working youths in more
celebrated within the Maine Road community, but the story I chose to      Devine, attributed the gang culture   peak in 1890–91, and it was said       peaceful activities, the spread of
focus on is the very reason the Centre Spot has been retained, and that   to: lack of parental control, lack    that by 1890 more youths were held     street football and the advent of the
is the football story.                                                    of discipline in schools, “base       in Strangeways Prison for scuttling    cinema.
                                                                          literature” and the monotony of       than for any other offence.            One initiative to provide an
The community finds themselves the custodians of a place of national      life in Manchester’s slums. Some      By the turn of the century the gangs   alternative to gang warfare resulted
and international significance, a place where for 80 years so much was    of the clashes between rival gangs    had all but died out due to the        in the formation of St. Marks (West
invested; Emotion, Passion, Hopes & Dreams, Memories, Emotion &           involved large numbers; t people he   clearing of some of the worst slums,   Gorton) FC, which later became
Remembrance.                                                              Gorton Reporter described one such    the setting up of Working Lads’        Manchester City FC.
                                                                          instance in May 1879 as involving     Clubs (such as Salford Lads Club) to
The football story draws in a wide cultural context, including the
motivation for the club being established by a Rectors daughter Anna
Connell in 1880. The club being formed with the aim of binding
the local community and to combat a form of gang warfare called
‘scuttling’ that existed during the 1870s

                                                                              “when you get into the ground and you see those sky blue shirts
                                                                              against the backdrop of the manicured grass, it still stirs your soul.”
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
3. Design Approach
Simply the retaining of the centre spot in its exact location holds
considerable conceptual strength, presenting an immediate resonance,
particularly for those with a connection with the club.

The housing and public realm spaces have been sympathetically ar-
ranged around the retained centre circle, but the residential scale and
feel needs to be considered in terms of the design. It was felt that a low
impact design would be more appropriate.

The design approach is to simply elevate the 12m diameter circle of
grass by 550mm and shift it revealing an arc of blue ceramic. The grass
is contained by a substantial granite edge revealing inlayed text, col-
lected through a community process.

The feel of opening up or revealing something hidden, references
visually a history, strengthened by the simple abstract pattern of blue
ceramic, set flush to the paving.

The granite edge, which serves as a continuous seat also conceals LED
recessed lighting strips.

The seat also presents an opportunity for the visitor to sit and listen,
through their own PDA device, to a web-based ʻSoundscapeʼ via a Wi-
Fi connection.

The football reference is very subtle, with the inlayed text, which could
be a lyric or poem drawing upon the wider cultural influences around
football in Manchester.

The ultimate success of any public art will be its ability to endure
beyond those that participated in its making. It is also about creating
a place that can be actively used by the community particularly the

The artwork needs also to be robust and honest in its philosophy,
speaking of universal themes expressed in the spirit of the locality, and
particularly robust in the way it is made.
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
‘Quality landscape design, with well-crafted
urban elements, and integrated artworks
that make a genuine connection to place and
people, will add tangibly to the quality of
life, wellbeing and the environment around
the Centre Spot ’
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
4. Materiality
This urban setting requires a
robust pallet of materials, and
the theme and context needs
to be seen as high quality,
which we hope will influence
the quality of the surrounding

                                  A. Granite                                                                   B. Turf
                                  We have selected granite due to its durability, it’s ability to include      The turf is fundamental to the design, and it’s visual quality and feel
                                  typography, along with its relative low maintenance. We are proposing        needs to reflect the quality of a football pitch. High quality turf will
                                  that the typography is water-jet cut and set flush into a contrasting        be laid within the granite wall and advice will be sought regarding
                                  coloured granite.                                                            the make-up of the soil and drainage. A maintenance regime will
                                                                                                               be established to ensure it retains its quality. There is an ambition to
                                  Substantial granite blocks, cut to the radius of the Centre Spot, will be    illuminate the circle of turf at, night simulating the floodlit effect of the
                                  fixed into a concrete foundation and grouted together                        football pitch.

                                  The process of water-jet cutting granite is robust; 20mm thick contrasting
                                  granite will be fixed into the main body of granite, the whole surface
                                  will then be polished smooth. There will be no opportunities to ‘pick
                                  out’ the text.
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
C. Ceramic                                                              D. Feature Lighting
                                                                                                                                The low voltage LED light points, 500watts for the
The final material is glazed ceramic, which will be retained within     Lighting will add considerably to the quality of        whole feature, will be tamper-proof, set within a
an arc of granite setts, flush to the floor.                            the artwork and it’s setting, to have the Centre        rebate in the granite, and will have a very low
                                                                        Spot feature grass illuminated by contemporary          annual energy consumption, it is likely the timing
The ceramic will add colour and a blue glaze will be fired within the   floodlights, which will conjure in people’s minds the   of these lights will synchronise with the surrounding
abstract texture of each of the tiles, creating a mosaic pattern and    drama of that first glimpse of the illuminated Maine    street lighting.
texture across the whole of the revealed blue moon shape.               Road pitch.
                                                                                                                                Both lighting designs will bear a cost to the project.
The ceramic is approximately 15mm thick and is fitted onto a bed of     We envisage attaching one 150watt floodlight onto       There is a yearly electrical usage charge, which
grout. We would highly recommend that the ceramic company lay           the two lighting columns adjacent to the Centre         whilst fairly minimal, will need to be borne by
the ceramic on site.                                                    Spot. The timing of the illumination will need to be    someone. We would envisage a cost of less than
                                                                        agreed with the households surrounding the Centre       £200 per year to run depending on the price per
                                                                        Spot, a separate timer-clock can be installed within    kwh from the supplier.
                                                                        the column.

                                                                        The recessed LED lighting fitted to the underside
                                                                        of the granite, will illuminate the floorscape
                                                                        surrounding the Centre Spot including the crescent
                                                                        of blue ceramic.
A MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL MAINE ROAD PUBLIC ART PROGRAMME COMMISSION - To celebrate the former centre spot of the maine road stadium
5. Community Engagement

a. Searching for a Text             Process Options
The granite edge will contain       I. Target a Writer, Poet or Lyricist
a water-jet cut inlayed text,
a poem, a memory, a voice,          This involves a little more sensitivity, as many more established
enabling the community to           practitioners would not respond to a general call for an expression
articulate their relationship to    of Interest. It would involve writing a confidential shortlist, agreed
the Maine Road area and its         by the stakeholders, and approaching the individuals one at a time.
history.                            Names that come to mind are Noel Gallagher, Carol Ann Duffy (poet
                                    laureate) or Lemn Sissay, who has completed text based - public art in
There are a number of ways          Manchester. This would be similar to Roger McGough’s inlayed poem
to engage with a writer, poet,      in Liverpool’s Williamson Square.
songwriter or storyteller and for
them to actively collaborate with
the community to collect stories,   II. Launch an Expression of Interest
imagine possibilities and express
hopes and fears.                    This could be launched in partnership with the Manchester Literature
                                    festival, the brief distributed through their web-site and data-base. It
Gearing the community               would target Manchester based writers and poets, and can include a
engagement process towards          requirement for community engagement. A model for this approach can
established local youth groups      be seen at http://manchesterliterature.blogspot.com
aged 16+ would not only help
with ensuring ownership of the
‘Centre Spot’ within this group,    III. Launch an Open Web-based Competition
but hopefully from working with
professional wordsmith’s pass on    This would require setting up a Centre Spot web-site, and advertising
key literacy skills.                through the media, football blog sites and possibly schools and
                                    colleges, for poems and supporting stories and anecdotes related
We would propose the following      to the history of the site. These could all be published online and a
processes, but would welcome        process established to vote for the favourite, which would be translated
input and advice from the Maine     into stone. We could establish the website and launch the event, and it
Road Public Art Steering Group.     could possibly link with national poetry week in October.

                                    The search for the text for the Centre Spot could just be the starting
                                    point of a process of gathering narratives, which could be published
                                    on a Centre Spot / Maine Road web-site, or integrated in other granite
                                    elements in the adjacent streetscape.
b. Soundscape Project                                                 c. Centre Spot – Web Site
   It is hard now to imagine the                                         The Maine Place development already has a strong sense of
   level of noise created by the                                         community, which has been encouraged through the numerous arts
   passion of the crowd, as the                                          projects that have taken place.
   streets that were once filled
   with sound have now fallen                                            There is an aspiration to create a community website, that serves as a
   silent. The ‘Soundscape’ project                                      hub for all community information and cultural activity. This web-hub
   presents an opportunity to                                            could also serve the wider arts activities, including the Centre Spot
   collect these sounds, and to                                          project.
   create a web archive of them.
                                                                         The Centre Spot Web-Hub would -
   These ‘sounds’ could be                                                  • Draw together all the stakeholders in the community, schools,
   collected by creating links with                                           housing, places of worship, local businesses etc.
   local radio and TV stations,                                             • Act as a single access point for community information
   Manchester City Football Club                                            • An active community notice board
                                                                            • Support cultural activity
   and local football fan clubs.
                                                                         One of the spokes of the web-hub could be Centre Spot Archive, which
   There are also many personal stories that can be collected            would:
   through this process, stories of fathers and sons, stories              • Organise the soundscape project
   from local residents, stories from staff and volunteers of the          • Publish the collection of poems or lyrics for the centre spot
   stadium.                                                                   inscription and record peoples memories.

   These sounds and audio stories, possibly supported with               Requirements
   photographs, can then be archived onto a Centre Spot /
   Maine Road website, and listened to on a personal PDA                   • A remote WI-FI hub can be housed and powered within a feeder
   device while sitting on the centre spot granite edge, via a               pillar, near the Centre Spot lighting column.
   free Wi-Fi connection.                                                  • Phone lines are not necessary for the hub.
                                                                           • A website will need to be designed to accomodate a multi-media
                                                                             archive, and also allows people to upload their reminiscences,
“Born 1968 - named after Mr Summerbee Dad started taking me to               images etc, this could be linked to other existing sites.
                                                                           • It would need to be hosted, managed, moderated and maintained
Maine Road late 70s, Book was manager, Bell was in the team                  by a committed local group ie; Schools, Maine Place Estates
                                                                             Management Team or Manchester City’s community web-site.
My old man never stopped talking about that team                           • A fund would need to be set up to pay for the monthly WI-FI
                                                                             connection fee and to manage the website, and domain name.
Thanks dad for teaching me. Now my turn to tell the stories to my son”
7. Maine Place - Associated Design Features
The design brief called for a site-specific design concept, which
included a central artwork and associated design features, which            Bollards                              Railings                              Seating
could be integrated throughout the wider public realm, including hard       These would be granite block          There is a need for protective        The plaza and boulevard areas
landscaping and street furniture.                                           forms, either with an angled top      barriers and railings at certain      would benefit from seating,
                                                                            face, or a flat top that can act      areas of the development,             though this needs to be agreed
There is an opportunity to integrate the centre spot concept into hard      as an informal seat, the inlayed      particularly at the pedestrian        following consultation with
landscape areas around the artwork feature; possibly in pedestrian          element could run through the         entrance of the Divine Mercy          residents and the school.
routes radiating out from the Centre Spot at a 90 degree angle in two       bollard and even extend at an         primary school.
or three directions; in pedestrian routes connecting through to Thornton    acute angle along the pavement,                                             The same approach of using
Road, Carlton Ave and possibly Yew Tree Road.                               like a shadow cast over the           The posts and ironwork of the         granite up-stands supporting
                                                                            bollard.                              railings could also have a quality    timber seats, or full granite seats
The other key site being the pedestrian boulevard running between                                                 that reflects the main feature, the   could be used to create high
new housing and connecting to Bluemoon Way and the Divine Mercy                                                   posts could be formed in granite      quality seats.
School.                                                                     Gateway Totems                        and the ironwork formed in a
                                                                            The main pedestrian routes into       decorative way that mirrors the       There are existing details in
The elements need to be simple and robust, and a simple extension of        the Maine Road Development            text and inlays within the other      the Boulevard that could be
the concept and materiality, using text, illustration or symbols inlayed    could be marked with a granite        features.                             replaced with inlayed granite
into granite.                                                               totem, these could have an                                                  blocks, which could serve also
                                                                            inlayed element set within            We have experience in creating        as seating element.
The theme of the text can be developed through the proposed Centre          them, or have a granite design        decorative railings some of
Spot website and relate to a wide range of cultural influences in the       directly carved in the stone. The     which are illustrated in this
community.                                                                  height of the totem could be          document.
                                                                            extended with timber, similar
These elements have not been fully designed or exact locations              to the work we completed in
identified, but it in principle, the design feel would be familial to the   Cathedral Gardens Manchester.         Floor Inlays
main feature, using robust granite blocks with inlays taking the form       They could also accommodate           There is an opportunity to
of text, symbol or objects. The inlays could be water-jet cut granite or    lighting, either floor up-lighters,   inlay images or text flush into
bronze, glass or ceramic. The design detail would take into account the     or inlayed in the upper section       the paving, we would inlay
need for a robust solution.                                                 of the totem casting light down       a granite paving unit that
                                                                            its length.                           accommodates the design, these
The associated features include:-                                                                                 could be circular in form and
                                                                                                                  added through core-drilling the
                                                                                                                  existing pavement.

                                                                                                                  The floor-inlays could be
                                                                                                                  arranged around, or connected
                                                                                                                  to the other vertical elements,
                                                                                                                  or serve as a way-finding device
                                                                                                                  through the public realm spaces
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