React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury

Page created by Ernest Palmer
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
Chemistry Handbook


   SCIENCE | Te Rāngai Pūtaiao
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
While every effort has been taken to ensure the information in this
 Chemistry Handbook is accurate and up to date, the contents are
 periodically subject to change and review. The University of Canterbury
 makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in
 this publication. For formal course regulations and prescriptions, please
 see or the University Calendar.
 Published August 2020


1 Welcome to the Chemistry                                9 Environmental Chemistry             16 400–Level Courses
  Programme                                                  Pathway                            17 Course Advice and Entry
2 Careers in Chemistry Profiles                           10 Double Major in Chemistry and         Requirements
3 An Undergraduate Degree in                                 Environmental Science Pathway      18 Facilities and Frequently Asked
  Chemistry                                               11 Personalised Programme of Study       Questions
4 100–Level Courses                                       12 Medicinal Chemistry Major          19 BSc Degree Structure
5 200–Level Courses                                       13 Biochemistry Major                 20 Plan Your Own Degree
6 300–Level Courses                                       14 Direct Entry to 2nd Professional
7 Chemical Biology and Biological                            Year BE(Hons) in Chemical and
  Chemistry Pathway                                          Process Engineering after a BSc
8 Materials Science and                                   15 Research and Postgraduate
  Nanotechnology Pathway                                     Studies
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
Welcome to the Chemistry Programme

Chemistry is essential for life;
                                                        Undergraduate Course Advice                         Postgraduate Course Advice
without Chemistry, we would
                                                                             The Director of                                      The Director of
not exist. Chemical processes                                                Undergraduate Studies,                               Postgraduate Studies,
regulate things as diverse as                                                Professor Alison Downard,                            Assoc Professor Sarah
respiration, mental ability, and                                             and Professor Richard                                Masters, is available to
digestion. Chemistry has allowed                                             Hartshorn, are available                             advise you on all aspects
                                                                             to advise you on the                                 of postgraduate study at
us to develop new ways to increase                                           chemistry courses that                               Honours, Masters and
food productivity and feed an                                                are best suited to your                              PhD levels. Please do not
ever-increasing world population.                                            degree. Please don’t                                 hesitate to contact her if
                                                        hesitate to contact one of them if you have         you have any queries about course options at
Chemistry is also pivotal for the
                                                        any questions about course options in               postgraduate level as many combinations,
development of new medicines and                        chemistry.                                          including interdisciplinary, are available.
advanced materials, which play a                        Professor Alison Downard                            Assoc Professor Sarah Masters
central role in our daily lives.                        Director of Undergraduate Studies                   Director of Postgraduate Studies
                                                        Phone: 03 369 4228                                  Phone: 03 369 4229
Chemistry is one of the oldest fundamental              Email: chemistry.undergraduate.studies@             Email: chemistry.postgraduate.studies@
sciences, and has continuously evolved over                             
the last two thousand years. In medieval
times, chemistry was a mystical subject,                Professor Richard Hartshorn                         From 2021, please contact Dr Dan Foley
often associated with deadly poisons, fire and          Phone: 03 369 4324                                  Phone: 03 369 0479
explosions. Chemistry also held the promise             Email:
of unimaginable wealth and immortality; for
many centuries, the search for the philosopher’s
                                                      The School of Physical and Chemical Sciences          led teaching where our academics bring their
stone, able to turn base metal into gold and to
                                                      Chemistry is a centre for world-leading science       research ideas and innovation into the classroom.
provide immortality, was the most desired goal
                                                      and is located in the Rutherford Regional Science     Nothing quite beats being taught by the people
in alchemy.
                                                      and Innovation Centre (RRSIC – or ER). The            who discovered some of the things they are
Chemistry underpins every aspect of our daily         RRSIC provides state of the art teaching and          teaching! We pride ourselves on being excellent
lives, from the processes taking place within our     research facilities par none. We have brand new       teachers, and this has been recognised through
bodies to what we eat and drink to how we dress,      instrumentation suites available for teaching and     the numerous teaching awards, medals and
travel, work and relax. Chemistry is the science      research.                                             prizes that have been earned by our staff.
of molecules, and being able to understand
                                                      The School houses some of the world’s top             Our students have gone to work in the
processes at the molecular level is essential in
                                                      chemists and, through its worldwide networks;         pharmaceutical industry, in high-tech industries,
today’s world.
                                                      it influences the development of the chemical         in clinical and environmental laboratories, and in
Thus, it is not surprising that chemistry overlaps    sciences globally. The research interests of our      the food industry. The critical thinking skills that
with a wide range of disciplines from Physics and     faculty are very broad, and range from medicinal      our students acquire during their degree has also
Engineering, to Biology and Medicine, as well         chemistry to design new compounds and                 opened other career paths. Indeed, some of our
as Environmental Sciences, and Geology and            therapies to treat diseases, to the creation of new   past students have gone to get jobs in banking
Earth Sciences. As a chemist, you will develop        materials and efficient catalysts, to the design of   and finance or in advisory roles for industry and
the skills and knowledge to devise and make           huge molecular structures that are able to trap, or   governmental departments and organisations.
new drugs to treat disease; to design new and         ‘sense’ metals. Researchers in the School are also    Your UC Chemistry degree will give you the tools
exciting materials that are stronger, more flexible   working on new ways to clean the environment          and the skills to pursue any number of exciting
and previously unknown; to create particles so        and to ensure the quality of the food we produce      career pathways. You will have the potential to
small – nanoparticles – that behave in ways that      and consume.                                          make a significant difference to our changing
mediaeval Alchemists would have wondered at.
                                                      Every year the School also hosts some of the          society. There are a number of options if you
As a chemist, you will also be able to understand
                                                      world’s most eminent scientists, with the             want to study Chemistry either as a major
how the cells in our bodies work at the molecular
                                                      specific aim of increasing the interactions with      subject or as a minor, for example medicinal
                                                      our researchers and undergraduate students.           chemistry. There is also a biochemistry option,
A degree in chemistry will also help you              Indeed, one of our visitors, Professor Bob Grubb      which is focused on the chemistry of large
understand, and address some of the most              was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry whilst       biomolecules.
challenging sustainability issues that we are         he was visiting the School. Professor Grubb           I look forward to meeting you during your degree.
facing in the planet, such as how to remove           subsequently visited us again to continue his
plastics and pollutants from the environment          interactions with both students and researchers.      Professor Rudi Marquez, Head of School
and how to generate and store energy efficiently                                                            Phone: + 64 3 369 0162
                                                      The School is very proud of its record in both        Email:
and affordably.
                                                      teaching and research. We believe in research

                                                                                                                             Chemistry Student Handbook 2021 1
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
Careers in Chemistry Profiles

                                                     Throughout my PhD I was given numerous               people from a vast range of backgrounds from
                                                     opportunities to travel and present my research      engineering to marketing to business. My job
                                                     internationally. In 2014 I won the UC “three-        gives me the opportunity to travel and work with
                                                     minute thesis” competition, and subsequently         people across the world. The fast-paced nature
                                                     competed at the trans-Tasman competition in          of research means there are always new and
                                                     Perth, Australia. I also completed a 3-month         exciting challenges, and the commercial sector
                                                     research visit to the University of Manchester in    provides opportunities for my research to be
                                                     the UK, and presented at conferences in Belgium,     rapidly incorporated into intellectual property
                                                     the UK, and Japan.                                   and commercially available products.
                                                     After graduating in 2017, I started my first post-   Dr Anna Farquhar
                                                     doctoral job at the University of Alberta in
                                                                                                          PhD in Chemistry
                                                     Canada. Here I continued to develop my love of
                                                     electrochemistry and work in renewable energy        Senior Scientist, Gas Sensing
                                                     storage, developing a surface modification           Aeroqual Ltd.
                                                     technique that significantly enhanced the energy
                                                     storage capacity of commercially available carbon
After completing my BSc and MSc in Chemistry at      materials.
the University of Auckland I moved to UC for my      My PhD and post-doctoral work provided an
PhD. My research project involved using graphene     excellent platform for me to transition into
to design novel energy storage devices. Graphene     research and development in the commercial
is an exciting, recently discovered material         sector, and in 2019 I started working as a senior
consisting of a single sheet of carbon atoms that    scientist specialising in gas sensing at Aeroqual
is predicted to be important in a wide range of      Ltd in Auckland. Working in the commercial
applications. During my PhD I was able to build      sector allows me to utilise the chemistry
skills in graphene synthesis, characterisation and   skills I have developed over the past 7 years
modification, and developed a real passion for       to provide robust and convenient methods to
electrochemistry.                                    monitor the health of our planet. I work with

                                                     me time to find out what I really wanted to          how the new regulations affected them
                                                     do, further study or something else? While           and also develop resources such as training
                                                     in Wellington I saw the job at Chemsafety            courses for approved handlers of chemicals. I
                                                     advertised and applied. I started work at            went on to develop and provide much of the
                                                     Chemsafety in Christchurch in 2004.                  training material and many of the courses that
                                                     My job as a Chemical Consultant for Chemsafety       Chemsafety offer for hazardous substances. I
                                                     was initially providing air monitoring work on       am now a Hazardous Substances Test Certifier
                                                     clients site’s collecting samples which were then    for both Approved Handlers and Locations
                                                     analysed either by us in our laboratory or sent to   and I manage the HSNO consultant team at
                                                     other labs for analysis. I enjoyed the challenge     Chemsafety.
                                                     of working with clients to determine what may        I always loved chemistry and my study at
                                                     be causing problems in their work place and          Canterbury has provided a solid foundation
                                                     developing monitoring strategies to quantify it.     to build my career on. More than ten years on
                                                     As part of the team at Chemsafety there were         and I still enjoy making site visits, building
                                                     always new challenges and new industries and         relationships with clients and using my
                                                     sites to visit!                                      knowledge to help them manage their chemicals,
                                                     My background in chemistry was invaluable            there are always new things to learn in this job!
                                                     when it came to understanding the hazardous
When I finished my BSc(Hons) in Chemistry at         nature of many of the products in use in             Elizabeth Harwood (nee Jenkins)
Canterbury in 2002 I didn’t really know what I       workplaces, analyzing and developing solutions.      BSc(Hons) in Chemistry
wanted to do with my degree. I found a position      With the introduction of the Hazardous               Senior Chemical Consultant and HSNO Test
working as a research assistant at Industrial        Substances and New Organisims Act (HSNO)             Certifier at Chemsafety Ltd
Research in Wellington for what was to be a          occurring soon after I started at Chemsafety I
six month contract. I thought this would give        had the chance to assist clients to understand

2 Chemistry Student Handbook 2021
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
An Undergraduate Degree in Chemistry

                                                                                                            BSc followed by entry to 2nd
                                                                                                            Professional Year Chemical
                                                                                                            and Process Engineering
                                                                                                            A BSc with a chemistry, medicinal chemistry or
                                                                                                            biochemistry major, that also includes specified
                                                                                                            mathematics courses, may be followed by direct
                                                                                                            entry to 2nd professional year Chemical and
                                                                                                            Process Engineering. This enables students to
                                                                                                            graduate with a BSc and a BE(Hons) after five
                                                                                                            years (a BE(Hons) alone normally requires four
                                                                                                            years of study). The requirements of this pathway
                                                                                                            are outlined later in this handbook.
                                                                                                            Chemistry as a Complement to
                                                                                                            Other Studies
                                                                                                            The central role of chemistry in science means
                                                                                                            that many people choose to take chemistry
                                                                                                            courses because they are an important support to
BSc in Chemistry                                      Pathways                                              their other studies such as biochemistry, biology,
                                                      At 300–level students typically take courses          earth sciences, engineering, environmental
Summary                                                                                                     science, geology, health sciences or physics.
                                                      that focus on one of three pathways: chemical
Compulsory courses for a BSc with a chemistry                                                               The chemistry programme includes a variety
                                                      biology and biological chemistry, materials
major are:                                                                                                  of courses to cater for all types of professional
                                                      science and nanotechnololgy, or environmental
• 100-level: CHEM 111 and CHEM 112                    chemistry. These pathways are described later         development and the CHEM 281 laboratory course
  (equiv. BCHM 112)                                   in this handbook. It is also possible to design       is particularly relevant to students majoring in
• 200-level: CHEM 211, CHEM 212 (equiv. BCHM212),     your personalised 300-level programme. The            environmental studies, because of its coverage
  CHEM 251, CHEM 242 (equiv. BCHM 206),               lecture courses of the different pathways are         of analytical techniques. Chemistry is an
  CHEM 281 or BCHM 281                                complemented by laboratory courses, CHEM              important component of studies in: agriculture;
• CHEM 246 and 255 are recommended                    381 and 382, which provide practical training for     biochemistry; biology; biotechnology;
• 300-level: At least 60 points must be selected      chemists as well as for scientists in other fields    consumer and applied sciences; engineering;
  from CHEM333–382 courses, including at least        who may benefit from obtaining these skills.          environmental science; forensic science; forestry;
  one of CHEM 381 and CHEM 382                                                                              horticulture; human nutrition; law; materials
                                                      Direct entry to 200-level Chemistry courses           science; medicine; nanotechnology; optometry;
To proceed to an Honours degree or MSc                                                                      pharmacy; nuclear chemistry; veterinary science
                                                      or to an Honours Chemistry Degree
in chemistry:                                                                                               and many others.
As above except that at least 60 points from          Students with a very strong background in
                                                      chemistry may be eligible for direct entry            Degrees or majors at UC that include, require or
CHEM 333–342, plus at least one of CHEM 381 and
                                                      into the 200–level courses. This option allows        recommend 100–level courses in chemistry are
CHEM 382, are required.
                                                      students to complete a stronger or broader three-     highlighted in the table.
Note: Students who wish to take a lecture course or   year BSc or to complete a BSc Honours degree in
lab course for which they do not appear to meet the   three years rather than the usual four years. If       Degree /Major           CHEM Course
prerequisites will be considered on a case-by-case    you are interested in this pathway, please contact                               111     112      114
basis. They are advised to contact the Director of    the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Undergraduate Studies.                                                                                       Biology
We encourage you to aim high and include              BSc in Biochemistry or                                 Biochemistry
more than the minimum number of chemistry             Medicinal Chemistry
courses, particularly at 300-level. By enhancing                                                             Engineering
your degree you will improve your employment          These majors include many chemistry courses.
                                                      The structure of these majors are outlined later in    Medicinal Chemistry
                                                      this handbook.                                         Product Design

                                                                                                                            Chemistry Student Handbook 2021 3
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
100–Level Courses

CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 (equiv. BCHM 112) are
the key courses for students who have passed
at least 14 credits of NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (or
equivalent levels in other qualifications).
Students without that background in Chemistry
will have to complete an introductory course,
CHEM 114, before attempting either CHEM 111
or CHEM 112 (or BCHM 112). Alternatively a B or
better in BRDG 023 will give you direct entry to
CHEM 111 and CHEM 112. By passing both CHEM
111 and CHEM 112 you will keep open your options
to advance in Chemistry, and these courses
will also satisfy the Chemistry prerequisites for
200–level study in Biochemistry and Medicinal
Chemistry. For Biochemistry, the combination
of CHEM 114 and CHEM 112 (or BCHM 112) is also
a suitable alternative for those with a weaker
preparation in Chemistry (fewer than 14 credits
of NCEA Level 3 Chemistry, or equivalent) but we     CHEM 114 Foundations of Chemistry                        introductory course, CHEM 114 before attempting
recommend that students consider also taking         Semester 1 15 points                                     CHEM 111.
CHEM 111 (which is available in both Semester 1      CHEM 114 is given in the first half of the year. It is   A note on points: Each point in a University of
and Semester 2). Each course consists of lectures    a preparatory course for the biological sciences,        Canterbury degree nominally entails 10 hrs of
and practical laboratory-based sessions.             forestry and others with an interest in chemistry.       learning, which includes lectures, laboratories,
                                                     It provides an accessible entry point for students       tutorials, assessments and unsupervised learning
CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Processes           with a minimal preparation in chemistry.
Semester 1 or 2 15 points
                                                                                                              (homework and study). Eg: you can expect 15
                                                     The course provides a background in the                  points at 100–level to involve 36 hrs of lectures,
CHEM 111 provides a background in the                fundamentals of atoms, molecules and chemical            24–30 hrs of labs and tutorials and about 85 hrs of
fundamentals of atoms, molecules and                 reactions. Examples are drawn from naturally             unsupervised learning. At higher levels, the amount
chemical reactions. CHEM 111 is designed for         occurring and synthetic compounds.                       of unsupervised learning is expected to increase as
students majoring in chemistry or pursuing an
                                                     Note: if you have never studied chemistry before,        the student becomes more self-sufficient. A full-
engineering or product design degree. This course
                                                     it is strongly recommended that you take BRDG            time student should be doing about 120 ± 15 points
deals with the energy changes associated with
                                                     023 before enrolling in CHEM 114.                        per year.
reactions (thermodynamics and equilibria), and
the rate at which reactions take place (kinetics).
These chemical principles are used to provide an     Direct Entry to 200–level
understanding of the chemistry of gases (e.g. the    Chemistry courses
chemistry of the atmosphere) and of solutions        If you have achieved very highly in NCEA Level 3
(e.g. aqueous chemistry).                            Chemistry and Scholarship Chemistry
                                                     examinations or equivalent qualifications,
CHEM 112 Structure and Reactivity                    you should come and discuss your options,
Semester 2 15 points
                                                     as you may be able to gain direct entry into
Equivalent: BCHM 112                                 our 200–level courses (contact the Director of
CHEM 112 is taught in the second half of the         Undergraduate Studies).
year. Here the focus is on organic and inorganic
chemistry: the structure of molecules; the way       Engineering Intermediate
in which compounds can be interconverted; and        Students
the molecular details of how chemical reactions
take place. Examples are drawn from naturally        Many programmes in the College of Engineering
occurring and synthetic organic compounds, as        will require students to take CHEM 111 as part of          Student Mentoring
well as the chemistry of transition metals.          the Engineering Intermediate Year. This course
                                                     is offered in both Semester 1 (two streams) and            Dr Jan Wikaira is a senior lecturer in
                                                     Semester 2 (one stream). Students intending to             Chemistry. Jan is a mentor for students in
                                                     take CHEM 112 as well (e.g. to be better prepared          first year Chemistry (semester 1 only) and is
                                                     for Chemical and Process Engineering) should               able to provide access to tutors for students
                                                     preferably take CHEM 111 in Semester 1.                    who may require additional teaching. Jan is
                                                                                                                the recipient of a University Teaching Award
                                                     If you have fewer than 14 credits of NCEA Level            in recognition of outstanding teaching
                                                     3 Chemistry (or equivalent levels in other                 achievements.
                                                     qualifications), you will have to complete the

4 Chemistry Student Handbook 2021
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
200–Level Courses

These courses provide introductions to the            CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry
advanced treatment of the main branches               Semester 2 15 points
of chemistry.                                         Prerequisite: CHEM 212 or BCHM 212
For a chemistry major, CHEM 211, CHEM 212             Equivalent: BCHM 206
(equiv. BCHM 212) CHEM 242 (equiv. BCHM206),          Three lectures per week; six hours of tutorials
CHEM 251 and either CHEM 281 or BCHM 281 are          during the semester.
compulsory. These courses will also be valuable
to a wide variety of students with an interest in     Content: This is a required course for all
chemistry. A laboratory-based course, CHEM 281        chemistry majors and provides an introduction
or BCHM 281 could also provide useful practical       to reaction mechanisms, synthesis, and
skills for students undertaking other majors.         biosynthesis of organic compounds.

                                                      CHEM 251 Foundations of Materials Science
What you need to get in                               and Nanotechnology
Either CHEM 111 or CHEM 112 (equiv. BCHM 112) is      Semester 2 15 Points
the prerequisites for the Semester 1 courses, as      Prerequisites: CHEM 211 or (CHEM 111 and
detailed below.                                       PHYS 102)
Students with outstanding Year 13                     Up to four sessions per week: a combination of
secondary school results may be admitted              lectures, workshops and tutorials.
directly into 200–level Chemistry courses                                                                    CHEM 281 Practical Chemistry
                                                      Content: This course is required for all chemistry     Semester 1 15 points
subject to the approval of the Director of
                                                      majors. The topics covered are: introduction           Prerequisites: CHEM 111 or CHEM 112
Undergraduate Studies.
                                                      to quantum mechanics; molecular symmetry;              (equiv. BCHM 112).
NOTE: Students who wish to take a lecture course or   transition metal chemistry and ligand field
lab course for which they do not appear to meet the   theory; electronic structure and properties of         Eight hours laboratory per week.
prerequisites will be considered on a case by-case    metal complexes and materials                          Content: This laboratory course is required
basis. They are advised to contact the Director of                                                           to major in chemistry and preferably it is
Undergraduate Studies.                                CHEM 255 Contemporary Chemistry:                       taken in conjunction with other 200–level
                                                      Technology; Environment and Health                     chemistry courses. The topics covered in this
CHEM 211 Molecules                                    Semester 2 15 Points                                   course are: preparative organic and inorganic
Semester 1 15 points
                                                      Prerequisites: 30 points from CHEM 111, CHEM 112,      chemistry; purification of chemicals including
Prerequisite: CHEM 111                                                                                       chromatography; practical spectroscopy and
                                                      CHEM 211 and CHEM 212.
Three sessions of lectures and/or tutorials                                                                  basic analytical methodology; data analysis,
                                                      Up to four sessions per week: a combination of
per week.                                                                                                    errors and Excel competence. Kinetic and
                                                      lectures, workshops, tutorials and group sessions.
Content: This is a core chemistry course and                                                                 thermodynamic measurements on solutions.
                                                      Content: This course is recommended for
covers material that is essential for all chemistry
majors. It provides students with a solid
                                                      chemistry majors and particularly for students         BCHM 281 Practical Biochemistry
                                                      interested in environmental science. The course        Semester 2 15 Points
foundation in
                                                      provides an introduction to contemporary               Prerequisites: CHEM 111 or CHEM 112 (equiv. BCHM
i) atoms, molecules and covalent bonding,
                                                      chemical technology with a particular focus on         112)
ii) periodicity and trends in the elements.and
                                                      issues related to the environment and human
iii) principles of chemical characterisation.                                                                Eight hours laboratory per week
CHEM 212 Chemical Reactivity                                                                                 Content: This course is laboratory based and
Semester 1 15 points                                  CHEM246 Introduction to                                includes the following topics: preparative
                                                      Medicinal Chemistry                                    chemistry; purification of biochemicals and
Equivalent: BCHM 212
Prerequisite: CHEM 112 or ENCH241                     Semester Two 15 pts                                    chemicals including chromatography; practical
                                                      Prerequisites: CHEM212 (equiv. BCHM212)                spectroscopy and basic analytical methodology;
Three lectures per week; six hours of tutorials                                                              kinetic and thermodynamic measurements
during the semester.                                  Content: This course is an introduction to the
                                                      basic concepts of medicinal chemistry. The course      on solutions; data analysis, errors and Excel
Content: This is a core chemistry course and                                                                 competence. Safety and library elements will be
                                                      will consider how many drugs/pharmaceuticals
provides an introduction to structures and                                                                   integrated into the course.
                                                      work, correlating their structure with that of their
properties of organic and biological molecules,
                                                      biological targets. The course will also introduce
application of kinetics and thermodynamics
                                                      pharmacokinetics, and consider how medicinal
to organic and biochemical reactions, and
                                                      chemists can optimise the molecular properties
substitution and elimination chemistry.
                                                      of a drug molecule to produce compounds that
                                                      display enhanced biological effects in living

                                                                                                                               Chemistry Student Handbook 2021 5
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
300–Level Courses
The courses offered at third year are focussed         Prerequisites: CHEM 251 or CHEM 241                   CHEM 343 Materials Science and Nanotechnology
along pathways that provide preparation for a          Restrictions CHEM 321                                 Semester 1 15 points
variety of careers in chemistry. The pathways,                                                               Description: This course applies the fundamental
are described in the following pages. You may          CHEM 336 Supramolecular Chemistry and
                                                                                                             physical and chemical principles learnt previously
also design a personalised course of study at          Molecular Engineering
                                                                                                             to predict and explain the properties of materials
300-level.                                             Semester 1 15 points                                  at the nano-scale. Topics include nanotechnology,
There are three types of 300–level courses in          Description: This course covers important             materials fabrication and characterization,
Chemistry. Lecture and tutorial-based papers           concepts in supramolecular chemistry molecular        polymers, and molecular design.
(CHEM 333–342) laboratory-based courses (CHEM          engineering, including the synthesis of organic       Prerequisites: CHEM 251 or CHEM 243
381 and 382), and CHEM 329, an undergraduate           building blocks and assembly of complex
research course designed for strong students. To       molecular architectures and functional molecules.     CHEM 381 Advanced Synthetic Techniques
complete a degree majoring in chemistry, at least      Concepts include the role of non-covalent bonding     Semester 1 15 points
60 points must be selected from CHEM 333–382.          in supramolecular chemistry and structure-            Description: Synthetic organic and inorganic
The 60 points must include at least one of CHEM        function relationships in molecular properties.       chemistry incorporating library skills, and modern
381 and 382.                                           Prerequisites: CHEM 211 and CHEM 212                  structural elucidation techniques such as 2D-NMR
                                                       Recommended Preparation: CHEM 242 (BCHM               and X-ray crystallography.
What you need to get in                                206) and CHEM 251                                     Prerequisites: (CHEM 281 or BCHM 281) and CHEM
The chemistry prerequisites for these third year                                                             212.
                                                       CHEM 337 Organic Synthesis
courses are drawn from CHEM 200 level courses.                                                               Recommended Preparation: Additional 30 points
                                                       Semester 2 15 points                                  from CHEM 211, CHEM 242 and CHEM 251.
CHEM 329 Introductory Research in the                  Description: This course covers important
Chemical Sciences                                      concepts in organic synthesis, including modern       CHEM 382 Instrumental Methods
Semester 1 or 2 or Summer Semester 1 or 2, 15 points   synthetic reagents and transformations; reactive      Semester 2 15 points
                                                       intermediates in synthesis; stereoselective           Description: Applications of modern instrumental
Description: This course involves a research
                                                       synthesis.                                            techniques to problems in fundamental and
project in the Chemical Sciences under the
                                                       Prerequisites: CHEM 242 or BCHM 206                   analytical chemistry. This laboratory course
supervision of a staff member from the School
                                                       Restrictions: CHEM 322                                includes a series of set experiments and project
of Physical and Chemical Sciences. This course
may not be used to satisfy the requirements                                                                  work. Emphasis is on data analysis, communication
                                                       CHEM 340 Environmental Chemistry and
for a Chemistry major, nor the requirements for                                                              skills and self-directed investigations.
entry to postgraduate study in Chemistry. It is                                                              Prerequisites: (CHEM 281 or BCHM 281) and (CHEM
                                                       Semester 1 15 points                                  211 or CHEM 251 or (CHEM 111 and CHEM 255)).
only recommended for students with a strong
academic record.                                       Description: Environmental chemistry and              Recommended Preparation: Additional 30 points
Pre-requisites: 45 points from CHEM 211, CHEM          toxicology covers the study of chemistry in the       from CHEM 211 – CHEM 255.
212 (BCHM 212), CHEM 281 (BCHM 281), CHEM 251,         biosphere and the impact of humankind on
CHEM 242 (BCHM 206), CHEM 255. Entry subject           them. The course will cover: the properties of        CHEM 338 (equiv. BCHM 338)
to a supervisor approved by the Head of School,        atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic systems;         Chemical Biology
being available                                        environmental pollutants, and the analytical          Semester 1 15 points
                                                       methods used to monitor them; mechanisms of           Description: This course covers important
CHEM 333 Chemical Physics                              toxicity of environmental pollutants and their        concepts in chemical biology: the application
and Spectroscopy                                       impact on the environment; assessment of              of chemical techniques, tools, analyses,
Semester 2 15 points                                   environmental risks.                                  and synthetic chemicals, to the study and
                                                       Prerequisites: 30 points from CHEM 281;               manipulation of the molecular processes taking
Description: This course develops concepts
                                                       BCHM 281; CHEM 211; CHEM 255; WATR 201                place within cells.
and models needed to realistically describe
                                                       Restrictions: CHEM 324                                Pre-requisites: CHEM 212 or BCHM 212
and characterize useful properties of molecules
and materials. Topics include dynamic                                                                        Recommended Preparation: BCHM 202 (BIOL 231)
                                                       CHEM342 Aromatic, Heterocyclic, and
electrochemistry, kinetics and thermodynamics,                                                               and/or CHEM 242 (BCHM 206)
                                                       Pharmaceutical Chemistry
statistical mechanics and spectroscopy,
                                                       Semester 1 15 pts                                     CHEM 339 (equiv. BCHM 339)
photochemistry and lasers.
Prerequisites: CHEM 251 or CHEM 243                    Description: This course is about the structure and   Bioinorganic and Bioorganic Chemistry
                                                       reactivity of aromatic and heterocyclic molecules,    Semester 2 15 points
CHEM 335 Organometallic Chemistry                      and how this reactivity is used in the synthesis of   Description: Bioinorganic chemistry is the study
and Catalysis                                          important and interesting compounds, particularly     of the ways that nature uses the properties of
Semester 2 15 points                                   modern pharmaceuticals / drugs. The topics            metal ions to control and catalyse biological pro-
                                                       covered by this course are: aromatic chemistry,       cesses. The bioorganic chemistry portion of the
Description: This course covers important
                                                       heterocyclic chemistry and pharmaceutical             course will focus on the role that small molecular
concepts in organometallic chemistry and
                                                       chemistry                                             weight organic compounds can play in dissecting,
catalysis, including organometallic reactivity,
                                                       Prerequisites: CHEM242 (equiv. BCHM206)               probing and manipulating biological systems. We
homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis,
                                                       Restrictions: CHEM322; CHEM362                        will use examples from human and animal health
nanostructured materials, and industrial aspects
of catalysis.                                                                                                (i.e. cancer, infection) to illustrate these processes..
                                                                                                             Prerequisites: CHEM 212 or BCHM 212
                                                                                                             Recommended Preparation: CHEM 242 (BCHM 206)
6 Chemistry Student Handbook 2021
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
Chemical Biology and Biological
Chemistry Pathway
Chemical Biology and Biological                        Year 2
Chemistry are the study of the                         Required
chemical principles underlying                         CHEM 211   Molecules
biological processes, and                              CHEM 212   Chemical Reactivity (equiv BCHM 212)
                                                       CHEM 242   Organic Chemistry (equiv BCHM 206)
the application of chemical                            CHEM 251   Foundations of Materials Science and
techniques and tools to the study                                 Nanotechnology

and manipulation of the molecular                      And either:
                                                       CHEM 281 Practical Chemistry
processes taking place within                          OR
cells. This combination of courses                     BCHM 281 Practical Biochemistry
provides a solid background                            Recommended
for careers in pharmaceutical                          CHEM 246 Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
research, drug development,                            CHEM 255 Contemporary Chemistry: Technology,
                                                                Environment, and Health
health, forensic science,                              BCHM 253 Cell Biology
biotechnology and proteomics.                          BCHM 222 Biochemistry
It is also an important avenue to                      BCHM 202 Foundations in Molecular Biology

postgraduate study and research.
                                                                (equiv BIOL 231)
                                                       BIOL 213 Microbiology and Genetics
                                                                                                         ‘My job in Scienze is
                                                                                                         introducing new
Year 1                                                 Year 3                                            technologies to a wide
CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Process               CHEM 338 (equiv. BCHM 338) Chemical Biology
                                                                                                         range of people from
CHEM 112 Structure and Reactivity in Chemistry         CHEM 339 (equiv. BCHM 339) Bioinorganic and
                                                                Bioorganic Chemistry
                                                                                                         academic researchers to
                                                                                                         food manufacturers.
         (equiv. BCHM 112)
                                                       CHEM 381 Advanced Synthetic Techniques
May be required
CHEM 114 Foundations of Chemistry (this is an
                                                       At least 15 points from other CHEM 300-level
                                                                courses, not including CHEM 329          Chemistry is a stepping
         alternative entry point for students with a
         weaker background in chemistry)               Recommended                                       stone for me to help people
                                                       CHEM 342 Aromatic, Heterocyclic, and
                                                                Pharmaceutical Chemistry
                                                                                                         work out their processes
BIOL 111   Cellular Biology and Biochemistry           CHEM 337 Organic Synthesis                        better by implementing
                                                                                                         techniques into their
BIOL 113   Diversity of Life                           CHEM 340 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
BIOL 116   Human Biology                               BCHM 305 Protein Science
MATH 101   Methods of Mathematics                      BCHM 306 Biochemical Pathology
                                                       BCHM 381 Biochemical Techniques
                                                                                                         workflow - developing an
                                                       BIOL 333 Molecular Genetics                       in-house testing method
                                                                                                         for a berry farmer is fun!’
                                                       BIOL 313 Advanced Molecular and Industrial

                                                                                                         Ingrid Leung
                                                                                                         BSc in Chemistry

                                                                                                                       Chemistry Student Handbook 2021 7
React Chemistry Handbook 2021 - University of Canterbury
Materials Science and
Nanotechnology Pathway

Materials science and                                Year 1                                                 Complementary Physics courses
                                                                                                            PHYS 203 Relativistic and Quantum Physics
nanotechnology develop                               Required                                               PHYS 206 Electromagnetism and Materials
knowledge and understanding of                       CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Process
material structure and properties.                   CHEM 112 Structure and Reactivity in Chemistry         Complementary Geology courses
                                                              (equiv. BCHM 112)                             GEOL 242 Rocks, Minerals and Ores
Understanding the behaviour of                                                                              GEOL 244 Structural Geology and Global Geophysics
atoms, molecules and nanoscale                       May be required
                                                     CHEM 114 Foundations of Chemistry (this is an          Complementary Biology and
objects paves the way to                                      alternative entry point for students with a   Biochemistry Courses
rational design and synthesis of                              weaker background in chemistry)               BIOL 231   Foundations in Molecular Biology
functional materials with desired                    Recommended
                                                                                                                       (equiv. BCHM 202)
                                                                                                            BIOL 253   Cell Biology I (equiv. BCHM 253)
compositions and structures                          MATH 101 Methods of Mathematics                        BIOL 213   Microbiology and Genetics
needed for specific applications.                    MATH 102 Mathematics 1A

This underpins discovery and                         MATH 103 Mathematics 1B                                Year 3
development of new materials                         Complementary Physics courses                          Required
                                                     PHYS 101 Engineering Physics A: Mechanics, Waves,
needed by high-tech industries.                               Electromagnetism and Thermal Physics
                                                                                                            CHEM 333   Materials and Interactions
                                                                                                            CHEM 343   Advances in Chemical Technology
Materials science and nanotechnology are             PHYS 102 Engineering Physics B: Electromagnetism,      CHEM 382   Instrumental Methods
                                                              Modern Physics and ‘How Things Work’
strongly interdisciplinary and offer opportunities                                                          At least   15 points from other CHEM 300-level
                                                     PHYS 111 Introductory Physics for Physical Science                courses, not including CHEM 329.
to work with physicists, biologists, geologists               and Engineering (if required)
and engineers.
Depending on your interests, your Chemistry          Complementary Geology courses
                                                                                                            CHEM 335 Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
courses can be complemented by courses               GEOL 111   Planet Earth: An Introduction to Geology
                                                                                                            CHEM 336 Supramolecular Chemistry and Molecular
in Physics (giving a strong background in            GEOL 115   The Dynamic Earth System                             Engineering
the origins of the physical properties of                                                                   CHEM 381 Advanced Synthetic Techniques
                                                     Complementary Biology and
materials and behaviour at the nanoscale), in
                                                     Biochemistry Courses
Geology (expanding your knowledge of the
                                                     BIOL 111   Cellular Biology and Biochemistry           Complementary Physics courses
properties of geological materials (rocks etc))
or Biology (providing a background relevant to                                                              PHYS 313   Advanced Electromagnetism and Materials
bionanotechnology and biomaterials).
                                                     Year 2
                                                                                                            Complementary Geology courses
                                                                                                            GEOL 338 Engineering and Mining Geology
                                                     CHEM 211 Molecules
                                                     CHEM 212 Chemical Reactivity                           Complementary Biology and
                                                     CHEM 251 Foundations of Materials Science and          Biochemistry Courses
                                                              Nanotechnology                                BCHM 381 Biochemical Techniques
                                                     CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry (equiv BCHM 206)            BIOL 313 Advanced Molecular and Industrial
                                                     CHEM 281 Practical Chemistry                                    Microbiology
                                                     OR                                                     BIOL 331 Biochemistry 3 (equiv. BCHM 301)
                                                     BCHM 281 Practical Biochemistry                        BIOL 333 Molecular Genetics
                                                                                                            BIOL 351 Cell Biology 2
                                                     Recommended                                            BIOL 352 Plant Development and Biotechnology
                                                     CHEM 255 Contemporary Chemistry: Technology,
                                                              Environment, and Health

8 Chemistry Student Handbook 2021
Environmental Chemistry Pathway

Environmental chemists                                  Year 2
undertake research and provide                          Required
advice on how chemicals move                            CHEM 211 Molecules
through the environment and                             CHEM 212 Chemical Reactivity (equiv BCHM 212)
                                                        CHEM 251 Foundations of Materials Science and
their effects on human health                                    Nanotechnology
and the environment. Graduates                          CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry (equiv BCHM 206)
find careers in environmental                           And either:
consulting, environmental                               CHEM 281 Practical Chemistry (preferred)

testing, education and policy                           OR
                                                        BCHM 281 Practical Biochemistry
development. There are a range
of opportunities in postgraduate                        Recommended
                                                        CHEM 255 Contemporary Chemistry: Technology,
study and research.                                              Environment, and Health
                                                        BIOL 209 Introduction to Biological Data Analysis
If you are interested in Chemistry and
                                                        ENVR 201 Environmental Science and Practice
environmental chemistry/science, there are two
                                                        GEOG 206 Resource and Environmental Management
pathways you can follow: i) a BSc with a major
                                                                                                            ‘I work at Westland
                                                        STAT 201 Applied Statistics
in Chemistry that emphasises environmental
                                                        WATR 201 Freshwater Resources
chemistry (described below) and ii)a BSc with a
double major in Chemistry (any pathway can be
                                                        Year 3                                              Milk Products in
                                                                                                            Rolleston and my job is
chosen) and Environmental Science. This double
major is described on the next page.                    Required

Year 1
                                                        CHEM 340 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
                                                        CHEM 382 Instrumental Methods
                                                                                                            to ensure the quality of
                                                        At least 30 points from other CHEM 300-level        the UHT milk products
                                                                                                            by testing the physical,
                                                                 courses, not including CHEM329.
CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Process
                                                                                                            chemical and
CHEM 112 Structure and Reactivity in Chemistry
         (equiv. BCHM 112)                              ENVR 301 Environmental Science: Cities and Coasts

May be required
                                                        WATR 301 Water Resource Management
                                                        BCHM 335 Biochemical and Environmental Toxicology   microbiological
                                                                                                            properties before we
CHEM 114 Foundations of Chemistry (alternative
         entry point for students with a weaker

                                                                                                            export them around
         background in chemistry)

                                                                                                            the world.’
Recommended courses from other
science subjects
ENVR 101   Introduction to Environmental Science
BIOL 111   Cellular Biology and Biochemistry
           (equiv BCHM111)                                                                                  Lincoln Sayers
BIOL 112   Ecology, Evolution and Conservation                                                              Completed a BSc in Chemistry
GEOG 106   Global Environmental Change
GEOG 109   Physical geography. Earth, Ocean,
GEOL 115   The Dynamic earth System
GEOL 113   Environmental Geohazards
ANTA 101   Antarctica; The cold climate
ANTA 102   Antarctica: Life in the cold
PHYS 111   Introductory Physics for Physical Sciences
           and Engineering
MATH 101   Methods of Mathematics and/or MATH 102
           Mathematics 1A
STAT 101   Statistics 1

                                                                                                                         Chemistry Student Handbook 2021 9
Double Major in Chemistry and
Environmental Science Pathway

Environmental scientists study                       ii) a BSc with a double major in Chemistry (any         Year 2
                                                         pathway can be chosen) and Environmental
how the earth works, how people                          Science. This double major is described here,       Required
are affecting the environment                            with more information at:                           CHEM 211 Molecules
and how to solve environmental             
                                                                                                             CHEM 212 Chemical Reactivity (equiv BCHM 212)
                                                                                                             CHEM 251 Foundations of Materials Science and
problems. Environmental                              departments/environmental-science/                               Nanotechnology
scientists with skills in chemistry                                                                          CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry (equiv BCHM 206)
                                                     Year 1                                                  CHEM 281 Practical Chemistry (preferred); OR BCHM 281
are highly sought after. Example                                                                                      Practical Biochemistry
careers include helping businesses                                                                           ENVR 201 Environmental Science and Practice
                                                     CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Process
to be more sustainable, working                      CHEM 112 Structure and Reactivity in Chemistry
                                                                                                             BIOL 209 Introduction to Biological Data Analysis
                                                                                                             GEOG 206 Resource and Environmental Management
with engineering firms to reduce                              (equiv. BCHM 112)
                                                     ENVR 101 Introduction to Environmental Science
impacts of major projects and                        GEOG 106 Global Environmental Change
                                                                                                             Note:      CHEM 255 (Contemporary Chemistry:
advising government agencies on                      STAT 101 Statistics 1 or MATH 102 or equivalent
                                                                                                                        Technology, Environment, and Health) can
                                                                                                                        be taken instead of CHEM 242 with approval
environmental risks.                                 May be required
                                                                                                                        from the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

If you are interested in Chemistry and               CHEM 114 Foundations of Chemistry (alternative          Year 3
environmental chemistry/science, there are two                entry point for students with a weaker
pathways you can follow:                                      background in chemistry)                       Required
                                                     MATH 101 Methods of Mathematics                         60 points from CHEM333–382 level courses, including
i) a BSc with a major in Chemistry that
                                                                                                                       at least one of CHEM 381 or CHEM 382
   emphasises environmental chemistry                Recommended
                                                                                                             ENVR 301 Environmental Science: Cities and Coasts
   (described on the previous page) and              PHYS 111   Introductory Physics for Physical Sciences
                                                                                                             GEOG 309 Research Methods in Geography
                                                                and Engineering
                                                                                                             CHEM 340 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology

                                          as a Water Quality Officer at           Another interesting project I          in and progress my career, I am
                                          Environment Canterbury along            have worked on was modelling           making the most of the range of
                                          the way.                                contaminant loads for a proposed       opportunities being given to me. I
                                          I am now working as an                  subdivision north of Auckland          am currently working in a project
                                          Environmental Scientist at a            where stormwater running               office for a major infrastructure
                                          consultancy company called Beca.        into the ocean was a concern.          project where life is even more
                                          At the time I was hired I was told      The results of the model were          inter-disciplinary than in the usual
                                          by my employer that the team was        used to inform evidence given          environmental team.
                                          looking to recruit graduates with a     by specialists in court during         Though I’m no longer working
                                          pure science background such as         the Auckland Council Proposed          in a lab, the skills I have learnt
                                          chemistry, and thus grow a team         Auckland Unitary Plan hearings,        throughout my BSc and MSc
                                          with sound technical knowledge          where the density and layout of        have been totally beneficial to
                                          and a fundamental understanding         the subdivision would ultimately       my career so far and I would
                                          of the science required to solve        be decided.                            recommend applying for any job
                                          environmental problems.                 I’ve had the opportunity to work       you think you might be passionate
                                          I’ve really enjoyed being able to       on a variety of other jobs in the      about. Studying chemistry sets
   Environmental Chemistry was            work with clients to help create        short while I’ve been at Beca          you up with problem solving and
   a field of study I grew to be          good outcomes for their projects.       including contaminated land            critical thinking skills which are
   passionate about in my final year      At the moment I am involved with        investigations and environmental       very much sought after.
   of completing a BSc in Chemistry.      improving the process of a small        monitoring on the Waitemata
   With good prospects in the                                                     Harbour where I’ve found myself        Gemma Wadworth
                                          wastewater treatment plant at a
   job market for Environmental           YMCA summer camp to decrease            cruising along-side Team New           MSc in Environmental Science
   Scientists it was then a relatively    the concentration of nitrate            Zealand. The job seems to be           Environmental Scientist
   easy decision to continue on to        being discharged to the river. This     ever changing and while I will         at Beca
   complete an MSc in Environmental       is crucial for resource consent         soon want to choose a particular
   Science, while gaining a couple        compliance and for the camp to          area of environmental science
   of summers worth of experience         remain operational.                     to grow my technical knowledge

10 Chemistry Student Handbook 2021
Personalised Programme of Study

If your Chemistry interests do                       Year 2
not neatly fit into any of the                       Required
focussed pathways: no problem!                       CHEM 211 Molecules
To complete a Chemistry major                        CHEM 212 Chemical Reactivity (equiv BCHM 212)
                                                     CHEM 251 Foundations of Materials Science and
you must include the compulsory                               Nanotechnology
courses at 100 and 200 level,                        CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry (equiv BCHM 206)
                                                     CHEM 281 Practical Chemistry (preferred);
and then you can choose any
60 points (or more) from CHEM                        BCHM 281 Practical Biochemistry
333–382 courses, including at least
one of CHEM 381 or CHEM 382
                                                     CHEM 255 Contemporary Chemistry: Technology,
                                                              Environment, and Health
Year 1
                                                     Year 3
CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Process             Required
CHEM 112 Structure and Reactivity in Chemistry and   At least   60 points from CHEM 333–382 courses,

                                                                                                        ‘The thorough training in
         Biochemistry (equiv. BCHM 112)                         including at least one of CHEM 381 or
                                                                CHEM 382.
May be required                                                                                         research and data analysis
CHEM 114 Foundations of Chemistry (alternative
         entry point for students with a weaker                                                         equipped me with skills with
                                                                                                        my job in Accenture as a
         background in chemistry)

MATH 101 Methods of Mathematics or STAT 101
                                                                                                        Technology Consulting
         Statistics 1 or MATH 102 Mathematics 1A                                                        Analyst. The results that
                                                                                                        come from something
                                                                                                        unexpected in research and
                                                                                                        the “unknown” aspects of
                                                                                                        chemistry have taught me
                                                                                                        not to be fearful. These and
                                                                                                        other transferrable skills
                                                                                                        gives me the confidence to
                                                                                                        be able to tackle any project.’

                                                                                                        Emma Gin
                                                                                                        BSc(Hons) in Chemistry

                                                                                                                     Chemistry Student Handbook 2021 11
Medicinal Chemistry Major

Want a career with real impact?                    The major in Medicinal Chemistry will                    Majoring in Medicinal Chemistry will give you the
                                                   provide you with an introduction to modern               skills to pursue careers in
Study Medicinal Chemistry and                      pharmaceutical science and will give you the             • Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry.
learn how to design and develop                    tools to understanding the design, chemical
                                                                                                            • Drug discovery and design, sales.
medicines that could improve and                   synthesis and development of pharmaceutical
                                                                                                            • Patent law.
                                                   agents or bio-active molecules and drugs. As
save lives all over the world.                     such, the major in Medicinal Chemistry involves          • Environmental toxicology.
                                                   synthetic organic chemistry, pharmacology,               • Food industry.
Medicinal Chemistry is the branch of chemistry
that underpins drug discovery and development.     biological chemistry and some aspects of                 • Experimental research and medicine.
These are the core activities of the Global        biochemistry, toxicology and regulation.                 • Further study in honours, masters and PhD
Pharmaceutical Industry, which has had             The overall focus of the programme is on                   programmes.
enormous positive socio-economic benefits          understanding drug action, linking structure to          • Management.
for society over the past 70 years, and in many    function, and how drugs interact in an organism.
                                                                                                            Note: Students will be able to complete the
countries is the major employer of Graduates       As part of the Medicinal Chemistry major you will
                                                                                                            300-level requirements for a Medicinal Chemistry
with a BSc (or higher degrees) in Chemistry. Its   also acquire skills in critical thinking, analytical
                                                                                                            major from 2022 onwards. If you will be
global revenue in 2017 was estimated at            skills, logic, innovation and creativity, team
                                                                                                            completing your BSc in 2021, you must meet the
US$1.14 trillion.                                  building and how to collaborate with different
                                                                                                            requirements for a Chemistry or Biochemistry major
                                                   disciplines. You will also gain an understanding
                                                                                                            but may include the medicinal chemistry courses
                                                   of intellectual property and ethics, and learn how
                                                                                                            CHEM 246 and CHEM 342.
                                                   to correlate science with societal needs.

           Semester 1                                                               Semester 2

           CHEM 111#            BIOL 111/          BIOL 113           MATH 101      SCIE 101#             CHEM 112 /        BIOL 116#         OPEN
           Chemical             BCHM 111#          Diversity          Methods       Science Society       BCHM 112#         Human             Free elective
      1    Principles and       Cellular Biology   of Life            of Math       and Me                Structure and     Biology
           Processes            and Biochem                                                               Reactivity in
           CHEM 212/            CHEM 211           BCHM 202 or        CHEM 281#     CHEM 242/             CHEM 246#         TWO COURSES OUT OF THE
           BCHM 212#            Molecules          BCHM 253                         BCHM 206#             Introduction      FOLLOWING FOUR COURSES
     2     Chemical                                Molecular          Practical     Organic               to Medicinal      CHEM 251
           Reactivity                              Biology or         Chemistry     Chemistry             Chemistry         CHEM 255
                                                   Cell Biology                                                             BCHM 222
           CHEM 342#            CHEM 346*#         CHEM 338/          CHEM 381#     CHEM 337              CHEM 347*#        CHEM 339/         ONE OF
           Aromatic,            Contemporary       BCHM 338           Advanced                            Drug              BCHM 339          THESE THREE
    Year                                                                                                                    Bioorganic/       COURSES
     3     Heterocyclic and     Medicinal          Chemical           Synthetic     Organic               Discovery and
           Pharm Chemistry      Chemistry          Biology            Techniques                          Development       Bioinorganic      CHEM382
                                                                                                                            Chemistry         BCHM306
Available from 2022

Required course, all other listed courses are strongly recommended.

12 Chemistry Student Handbook 2021
Biochemistry Major

Biochemistry is a “central science”                   Career paths                                            Year 2
spanning from chemistry to                            A Biochemistry major can prepare you for                Required
                                                      diverse careers including work in: hospitals and
molecular biology.                                    medical fields; in the food and drink industry; in
                                                                                                              BCHM 222   Biochemistry B
                                                                                                              BCHM 202   Molecular Genetics (equiv BIOL 231)
Biochemistry is important if you are                  agriculture; biotechnology; teaching. There are         BCHM 212   Chemical Reactivity (equiv CHEM 212)
interested in:                                        many opportunities for postgraduate study and           BCHM 253   Cell Biology 1 (equiv BIOL 253)
• The molecules of life                               research in biochemistry.
                                                                                                              And either:
• Molecular biology                                                                                           BCHM 281 Practical Biochemistry; OR
• Biotechnology
                                                      Year 1                                                  CHEM 281 Practical Chemistry
• Agricultural chemistry                              Required
• Forensic science                                    BIOL 111  Cellular Biology and Biochemistry
                                                                                                              CHEM 211   Molecules
• Environmental science.                              BCHM 112* Structure and Reactivity (equiv. CHEM 112)
                                                                                                              BCHM 206   Organic Chemistry (equiv CHEM 242)
Biochemistry uses the techniques of chemistry,        Strongly Recommended                                    CHEM 246   Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
physics and molecular biology to probe the            CHEM 111* Chemical Principles and Processes             CHEM 255   Contemporary chemistry: technology,
mysteries of biology. At UC, biochemistry courses                                                                        environment and health
                                                      BIOL 112 Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
are taught in collaboration between the School of                                                             BIOL 213   Microbiology and Genetics
                                                      BIOL 113 Diversity of Life
Physical and Chemical Sciences and the School of                                                              BIOL 271   Evolution
                                                       Students who have not passed at least 14 credits of
Biological Sciences.                                  NCEA Level 3 Chemistry or equivalent, must take CHEM
Within the broad field of biochemistry, research      114 before enrolling in CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 or BCHM   Year 3
interests at UC focus on the following key areas:                                                             Required
• Studies of the integration of reactions in cells;                                                           BCHM 305   Protein Science
   how cells make and use energy; proteins; DNA                                                               BCHM 338   (equiv. CHEM 338) Chemical Biology
   & RNA; and cell control mechanisms;                                                                        BCHM 306   Biochemical Pathology
• Studies of molecular biology; gene expression                                                               BCHM 339   (equiv. CHEM 339) Bioinorganic and
   and control; hormones and physiological                                                                               Bioorganic Chemistry
   phenomena;                                                                                                 Recommended
• The nature of enzyme-catalysed reactions;                                                                   BCHM 381 Biochemical Techniques
• Ultrastructure: studies of the coordination                                                                 BIOL 333 Molecular Genetics
   between the structure and function of cells,                                                               BIOL 313 Advanced Molecular and Industrial
   their organelles and their proteins;                                                                                Microbiology
• Biopolymers: studies of the structure of                                                                    CHEM 337 Organic Synthesis
   proteins, DNA & RNA, cell walls, etc.;                                                                     CHEM 342 Aromatic, Heterocyclic, and Pharmaceutical
• Enzyme inhibition and drug design;                                                                                   Chemistry
                                                                                                              CHEM 381 Advanced Synthetic Techniques
• Drug discovery.
                                                                                                              Required for postgraduate study
                                                                                                              BCHM 305 Protein Science
                                                                                                              BCHM 338 (equiv. CHEM 338) Chemical Biology
                                                                                                              BCHM 306 Biochemical Pathology
                                                                                                              BCHM 339 (equiv. CHEM 339) Bioinorganic and
                                                                                                                       Bioorganic Chemistry
                                                                                                              BCHM 381 Biochemical Techniques

                                                                                                                               Chemistry Student Handbook 2021 13
Direct Entry to 2nd Professional Year
BE(Hons) in Chemical and Process
Engineering after a BSc
BSc with a Chemistry,                  Starting with BE(Hons) CAPE Intermediate: plan for BSc with CHEM major, followed by direct entry to
                                       2nd professional year BE(Hons)
Medicinal Chemistry,
or Biochemistry major                      1
                                                                                                                                          CAPE               CHEM112           *Elective
followed by direct entry                       intermediate      intermediate      intermediate      intermediate      intermediate       intermediate

to 2nd Professional Year                                                                                               CHEM281 or
                                                                                                                                          MATH201 or         MATH201 or
BE(Hons) in Chemical and                   2   CHEM211           CHEM212           CHEM251           CHEM242                              MATH202 or         MATH202           Elective
                                                                                                                                          MATH270            or MATH270
Process Engineering                                                                                                    MATH201 or         300 level          300 level
                                                                                                     CHEM381 or
                                           3   CHEM 333-342      CHEM 333-342      CHEM 333-342                        MATH202 or         CHEM, MATH,        CHEM,             *Elective
This pathway enables students to                                                                     CHEM382
                                                                                                                       MATH270            PHYS               MATH, PHYS
graduate with a BSc after 3 years,     *
                                        Elective: PHYS101 and PHYS102 recommended to support materials chemistry pathway; BCHM111 (BIOL111) required for a biochemistry major and is
and after a further 2 years they can   recommended for the bioprocessing minor in Chemical and Process Engineering.
graduate with a BE(Hons) CAPE (5
years in total for both degrees).      Starting with BE(Hons) CAPE Intermediate: plan for BSc with BCHM major, followed by direct entry to
It gives CAPE graduates a better       2nd professional year BE(Hons)
and deeper foundation in the
science behind their Engineering               BE(Hons)          BE(Hons)          BE(Hons)          BE(Hons)          BE(Hons)           BE(Hons)
                                                                                                                                                             CHEM112                   BCHM111
                                           1   CAPE              CAPE              CAPE              CAPE              CAPE               CAPE
qualification, and science graduates           intermediate      intermediate      intermediate      intermediate      intermediate       intermediate
                                                                                                                                                             (BCHM112)                 (BIOL111)
a more practical framework to
complement their discipline-based                                                                                                         MATH201 or         MATH201 or
                                                                                                                       CHEM281 or
                                           2   BCHM202           BCHM222           BCHM212           BCHM253                              MATH202 or         MATH202 or                Elective
knowledge.                                                                                                             BCHM281
                                                                                                                                          MATH270            MATH270
To enter 2nd Professional year CAPE,
                                                                                                                       MATH201 or         300 level          300 level
BSc graduates typically need at                                                                                                                              CHEM, MATH,
                                           3   BCHM305           BCHM306           BCHM338           BCHM339           MATH202 or         BCHM, MATH,                                  Elective
least a B average and must have                                                                                        MATH270            CHEM               BIOL
appropriate mathematics courses.
All students require the approval of   Plan for BSc with CHEM major, followed by direct entry to 2nd professional year BE(Hons)
the Dean of Engineering to enter the
BE(Hons) programme.                        1   CHEM111
                                                                                   MATH102           MATH103
                                                                                                                      EMTH171 or      *
                                                                                                                                       Elective          *
                                                                                                                                                          Elective                 Elective
                                                                 (BCHM112)                                            MATH170
The tables outline BSc structures
optimized for this pathway.                                                                                           CHEM281 or
                                                                                                                                      MATH201 or         MATH201 or
                                           2   CHEM211           CHEM212           CHEM251           CHEM242                          MATH202 or         MATH202 or                Elective

Note:                                                                                                                 BCHM281
                                                                                                                                      MATH270            MATH270
• All degrees must meet the general                                                                                   MATH201 or      300 level
  requirements for a BSc;                                                                            CHEM381 or                                          300 level CHEM,
                                           3   CHEM 333-342      CHEM 333-342      CHEM 333-342                       MATH202 or      CHEM, MATH,                                  Elective
                                                                                                     CHEM382                                             MATH, PHYS
                                                                                                                      MATH270         PHYS
• SCIE101 must be one of the
  electives in your BSc;               *
                                        Elective: PHYS101 and PHYS102 recommended to support materials chemistry pathway; BCHM111 (BIOL111) required for a biochemistry major and is
                                       recommended for the bioprocessing minor in Chemical and Process Engineering.
• It is expected that MATH courses
  are taken in all of years 1-3,       Plan for BSc with BCHM major, followed by direct entry to 2nd professional year BE(Hons)
  however only 200 level MATH
  courses are required;                                                                                                             BCHM111
                                                                CHEM112                                             EMTH171 or      (BIOL111)
                                           1   CHEM111                           MATH102          MATH103                                              *Elective           Elective

• MATH101 may be required for entry                             (BCHM112)                                           MATH170
  to MATH102;
                                                                                                                                    MATH201 or         MATH201 or
• CHEM114 may be required for              2   BCHM202          BCHM222          BCHM212          BCHM253
                                                                                                                    CHEM281 or
                                                                                                                                    MATH202 or         MATH202 or          Elective

  entry to CHEM111 and CHEM112                                                                                      BCHM281
                                                                                                                                    MATH270            MATH270
  (equiv. BCHM112);
                                                                                                                    MATH201 or      300 level
                                                                                                                                                       300 level
• In all cases students will be            3   BCHM305          BCHM306          BCHM338          BCHM339           MATH202 or      BCHM, MATH,                            Elective
                                                                                                                                                       CHEM, MATH
  required to take ENCH199 during                                                                                   MATH270         CHEM
  their BE(Hons) 2nd Professional      Elective: BIOL112 and BIOL113 recommended for BCHM major; PHYS102 generally useful.


14 Chemistry Student Handbook 2021
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