Page created by Bonnie Hines
March 2021   Volume Twelve, Number Three   $10.00

    Red sky in the morning...
                                           Bubba Living March 2021   1
It’s March and Our Salute to The Irish
                            The London Attorney
                            and the Irish Cop
                            From Phil.

                                A lawyer runs a stop sign in   me the ticket. If not, you let me
                            Dublin and gets pulled over by     go and don’t give me the tick-
                            an Irish cop. He thinks that he    et.”
                            is smarter than the cop because
                                                                  Irish cop says, “Sounds fair.
                            he is a from London and is
                                                               Exit your vehicle, sir.”
                            certain that he has a better ed-
                            ucation than any Irish cop. He      The lawyer exits his vehi-
                            decides to prove this to himselfcle. The Irish cop takes out his
                            and have some fun at the Irish  baton and starts beating the
                            cop’s expense.                  living crap out of the lawyer
                                                            and says, “Daeye want me to
                               Irish cop says, “License and
                                                            stop, or just slow down?”
                            registration, please.”
                               The lawyer asks, “What
                               Irish cop says, “Ye didnae
                            come to a complete stop at the
                            stop sign.”
                               The lawyer says, “I slowed
                            down, and no one was com-
                               Irish cop says, “Ye still
                            didnae come to a complete
                            stop. License and registration,
                              The London lawyer says,
                            “What’s the difference?”
                               Irish cop says, “The differ-
                            ence is, ye havte come to com-
                            plete stop, that’s the law. Li-
                            cense and registration, please!”
                               The lawyer says, “If you
                            can show me the legal differ-
                            ence between slow down and
                            stop, I’ll give you my license
                            and registration and you give
2 Bubba Living March 2021
March 2021		Volume Twelve Number Three

On Our Cover:
   This is another piece of art work from the North Door Studio which reminded us of the old
saying, “Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning; Red sky at night, sailor’s delight” We
are going to see some rough political weather this year, so button down the hatches folks!
   —Bless our contributors and supporters —Team Bubba

    Bubba Living is no longer sent out in printed form, but you can download the current copy as a PDF at the
website, at no cost. If you would like us to email current copies as they are published,
please send us your email address to or for Bubba’s therapy, a donation via the U.S. Postal
Service is really appreciated. The mailing address is P.O. Box 73084, Bellevue, Kentucky 41073

The London Attorney and the Irish Cop................................2
                                                                                                Celebrating Redheads
Celebrating Redheads...............................................................3
Fun Phrases from Ireland..........................................................4
Want To Go To Heaven?............................................................5
Meanwhile in Dublin.................................................................5
In My Defense, Judge................................................................5
A Critical Sense of Smell...........................................................6
Fragrance & Sex Appeal............................................................6
Sheep take over parking lot of closed McDonald’s...............7
The Piano Man............................................................................7
Signs Juxtaposition....................................................................8
Perhaps The Very Best of Times...............................................9
For The Love of Ice Cream......................................................10
Around Bubbatown.................................................................11
Colonel John F. Ohmer, Master of Camouflage...................12
Weather Forecasting Not Fixed Science................................14
The BIG SNOW of TEXAS 2021.............................................15
Bubba’s Engineering School Projects....................................16
Irish Signs of All Kinds............................................................18
Senior Corner: Remember All the Cool Stuff?.....................20
Has Coca-Cola Gone Woke?...................................................22
A Visit With Beautiful Red Heads, .......................................24
When Will The Curve Be Flat?...............................................26
Scaring The Kids!.....................................................................28
Around Bubbaville...................................................................28
A Look At Current Events......................................................30

© Copyright 2021 MicroPress, Inc. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                           Bubba Living March 2021   3
Fun Phrases from Ireland

    Notions—Anyone who shows overly zealous                    Slagging­— At first, it may seem like we are
self-regard, boastfullness or pride is said to have        constantly insulting one another. In fact, slagging
‘notions’. In extreme cases, you may even be accused       is a mark of how close a friendship you have with
of exhibiting ‘serious notions’. For example: “Would       someone. If someone starts joking about your ac-
you listen to her, she’s got serious notions”. VERY        cent or, perhaps, about your home country, don’t
IMPORTANT - Anyone who displays ‘notions’ is               take it as an insult. It’s a sign they like you! Feel
opening themselves up to the possibility of being          free to join in and return the slagging.
    The Jacks­—You may know it as the restrooms or
toilets. In Ireland they are called “the jacks”. If you
arrive in a pub you might ask the barman “Where’s
your jacks?” & they’ll point you in the right direc-

                                                               “Stall the ball”—“Stall the ball for a minute”
                                                           is a playful way of asking someone to slow down;
                                                           either literally, or just in conversation. If you’re
                                                           on tour, it’s acceptable to shout out to your guide,
                                                           “Can you stall the ball please - I want to get a few
                                                           photos here”

    Craic­—One of the more well known Irish words
of phrase. Put simply, craic means fun. But craic is
slightly more versatile. It can mean good times, good
company and conversation, or even be a form of
   Examples: “It was great craic last night”, or
“What’s the craic?” You might see the phrase ‘Craic
agus ceoil’ advertising a pub. This means ‘Live music
and good fun’ in Irish.
Source of Words and Pix­—https://vagabondtoursofireland.
                                                              Irish Traffic Jam
4 Bubba Living March 2021
Want To Go To Heaven? In My Defense, Judge
    Father Murphy walked into a pub in Donegal,            In court, the defendant, Eversweet Compa-
and said to the first man he meets, “Do you want to    ny’s, hot-shot solicitor was questioning Pad-
go to heaven?”                                         dy.’Didn’t you say to the police at the scene of the
   The man said, “I do Father.”                        accident, ‘I’m fine?’ asked the solicitor.
   The priest said, “Then leave this pub right             Paddy responded: ‘Well, I’ll tell you what hap-
now!” and he approached a second man.                  pened. I’d just loaded my fav’rit cow, Bessie, into
   “Do you want to got to heaven?”                     da... ‘
   “Certainly, Father,” was the man’s reply.               ‘I didn’t ask for any details’, the solicitor in-
    “Then leave this den of Satan,” said the priest,   terrupted. ‘Just answer the question. Did you not
as he walked up to O’Toole.                            say, at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine!’?’
   Your Tuesday morning humor page is up. Enjoy!           Paddy said, ‘Well, I’d just got Bessie into da
   “Do you want to go to heaven?”                      trailer and I was drivin’ down da road.... ‘
   “No, I don’t Father,” O’Toole replied.                  The solicitor interrupted again and said,’Your
   The priest looked him right in the eye, and said,
                                                       Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at
“You mean to tell me that when you die you don’t       the scene of the accident, this man told the police
want to go to heaven?”                                 on the scene that he was fine. Now several weeks
                                                       after the accident, he is trying to sue my client.
    O’Toole smiled, “Oh, when I die, yes, Father. I
thought you were getting a group together to go
                                                       I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply
right now.”                                            answer the question. ‘
                                                           By this time, the Judge was fairly interested
                                                       in Paddy’s answer and said to the solicitor: ‘I’d
Meanwhile in Dublin...                                 like to hear what he has to say about his favourite
                                                       cow, Bessie’.
                                                           Paddy thanked the Judge and proceeded.
                                                       ‘Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie,
                                                       my fav’rit cow, into de trailer and was drivin’ her
                                                       down de road when this huge Eversweet truck
                                                       and trailer came tundering tru a stop sign and
                                                       hit me trailer right in da side. I was trown into
                                                       one ditch and Bessie was trown into da udder. By
                                                       Jaysus I was hurt, very bad like, and didn’t want
                                                       to move.
                                                          However, I could hear old Bessie moanin’ and
                                                       groanin’. I knew she was in terrible pain just by
                                                       her groans. Shortly after da accident, a policeman
                                                       on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie
                                                       moanin’ and groanin’ too, so he went over to her.
                                                            After he looked at her, and saw her condition,
                                                       he took out his gun and shot her between the
                                                       eyes. Den da policeman came across de road, gun
                                                       still in hand, looked at me, and said, ‘How are
                                                       you feelin’?’ ‘Now, wot da fock would you say?’

                                                           From Chuck in Tennessee

                                                                                     Bubba Living March 2021   5
A Critical Sense                                          Fragrance &
of Smell                                                  Sex Appeal
                                                              Fragrance & Sex Appeal | How Do Women Re-
                                                          act To A Man’s Scent? | Smell & Mate Selection
                                                            Ask any woman for her most desirable trait in a
                                                             She might say a kind heart, a charming smile or
                                                          even good looks.
                                                             Dig a little deeper and you’ll hear women ad-
                                                          mitting that a man’s scent makes them weak in their
                                                              Smell – or a man’s scent – has been proven
                                                          through experiments to be the #1 factor for women
                                                          when it comes to selecting a potential partner.
                                                              What causes instant attraction between a man
                                                          and a woman? According to a group of researchers
                                                          in Europe – A man sees but a woman smells.
From Hugh.                                                    The research study they published in the Per-
                                                          sonality and Individual Differences journal showed
   I went for a walk with my new girlfriend and           that men are visual while women rate olfactory
we saw dogs mating.                                       (fancy Latin for smell) cues as more important in
   She said: “How does the male know when the             mate choice.
female is ready for sex?”                                    Taking the results a step further – the study
   I replied: “He can smell she is ready. That’s how      proved that women valued olfactory cues signifi-
nature works.”                                            cantly more than men even in non-sexual contexts.
   We then walked past a sheep field and the ram
was mating the ewe.
   Again my girlfriend asked: “How does the ram
know when the ewe is ready for sex?”
   I replied: “It’s nature. He can smell she is ready.”
   We then went past a cow-field and the bull was
mating with the cow. My girlfriend said: “This is
odd. They are really going at it. Surely the bull can’t
smell when she is ready?”
   I said: “Oh, yes; it’s nature. All animals can
smell when the female is ready for sex.”
   Anyway, after the walk, I dropped her home
and kissed her goodbye.
   She said: “Take care and get yourself checked
out for Covid-19.”
   Surprised, “Why do you say that?” I asked her.
    She replied: “You seem to have lost your sense
of smell.”                                               

6 Bubba Living March 2021
Sheep take over parking lot of closed McDonald’s
    April 22 (UPI) -- A flock of sheep descended on a McDonald’s restaurant
closed due to the coronavirus pandemic in Wales.
   Andrew Thomas said he was leaving the Aldi store in Ebbw Vale on Satur-
day when he noticed the nearby McDonald’s parking lot was full of sheep.
   “Even the sheep in Ebbw Vale, Wales, are having McDonald’s with-
drawals,” Thomas wrote in a Facebook post about the unusual scene.
   Thomas said the fast-food restaurant had been closed due to COVID-19.
   “I saw the sheep and took a pic to put on Facebook as a joke after ev-
eryone has been posting [about] cravings and withdrawals for McDonald’s
food,” Thomas told CNN. “It’s normal south Wales valley life to see sheep
wandering down the streets of Ebbw Vale. Or even horses or cows.”                   Andrew Thomas

The Piano Man
                                        A man moved to another state where he didn’t know anyone. In the move,
                                    his old piano was jarred, and of course it needed to be tuned when the man
                                        So he asked around, and was told that Earl Opporknockity was the best
                                    piano tuner in the area. The man called Earl and hired him to tune his piano.
                                    Earl had a keen ear and a deft touch, and did a wonderful job tuning the old
                                    piano. The man was able to play beautiful music once again, and was very
                                    pleased. After a year or so the old piano started producing sour notes again. So
                                    the man called Earl, and asked him to come work his magic on the old piano
                                        To the man’s surprise, Earl refused, saying “Sorry, I can’t accept the job.”
                                        “Why not?” the man wanted to know. “I’ll pay you twice as much as last
                                    time if you’ll just come tune my piano.”
                                        “Haven’t you heard?” Earl asked, “Opporknockity only tunes once.”

                                                                                           Bubba Living March 2021     7
Signs Juxtaposition

8 Bubba Living March 2021
Perhaps The Very Best of Times
   To All The Kids Who Survived the 1930s, 1940s,           No video movies Or DVDs, No surround-sound
and 1950s                                                or CDs, No cell phones, No personal computers,
   First, we survived being born to mothers who          No Internet and No chat rooms. WE HAD FRIENDS
may have smoked and/or drank - While they                And we went Outside and found them!
were pregnant.                                               We fell out of trees, got cut, Broke bones and
   They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna     Lost teeth, And there were No lawsuits From those
from a can, and didn’t get tested for diabetes.          accidents.
    Then, after that trauma, we were put to sleep           We would get Spankings with wooden spoons,
on our tummies in baby cribs Covered with bright         switches, ping-pong paddles, or just a bare hand,
colored lead-based paints.                               And no one would call child services to report
    We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles,
locks on doors or cabinets, and, when we rode our          We ate worms, And mud pies Made from dirt,
bikes, we had baseball caps, not helmets, on our         And The worms did Not live in us forever.
heads.                                                   We were given
    As infants and children, we would ride in cars
                                                            BB guns for our 10th birthdays, 22 rifles for our
with no car seats, no booster seats, no seat belts, no
                                                         12th, rode horses, made up games with sticks and
air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes.
                                                         tennis balls, and although we were told it would
   Riding in the back of a pick- up truck on a warm      happen - we did not put out very many eyes.
day was always a special treat.
                                                             We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s house and
   We drank water from the garden hose and not           knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked
from a bottle.                                           in and talked to them.
   We shared one soft drink with four friends, from     Little League had tryouts And not everyone
one bottle, and no one actually died from this.      made the team. Those who didn’t had to learn to
   We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and ba- deal with Disappointment. Imagine that!!
con. We drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar.       The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke
   And we weren’t overweight.                            the law was unheard of ... They actually sided with
   WHY?                                                  the law!
  Because we were always outside playing...that’s           These generations have produced some of the
why!                                                     best risk-takers, problem solvers, and inventors ever.
    We would leave home in the morning and play             The past 60 to 85 years have seen an explosion of
all day, as long as we were back when the street-        innovation and new ideas.
lights came on.                                              We had freedom, failure, success and responsi-
   No one was able to reach us all day and, we           bility, and we learned how to deal with it all.
were OKAY.                                               While you are at it, forward this to your kids so
    We would spend hours building our go-carts out they will know how brave and lucky their parents
of scraps and then ride them down the hill, only to  were. Kind of makes you want to run through the
find out that we forgot about brakes. After running  house with scissors, doesn’t it ?
into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the
                                                     The quote of the month by Jay Leno:
                                                         “With hurricanes, tornadoes, fires out of control,
We did not                                           mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing
    Have Play Stations, Nintendo and X-boxes.        up the country from one end to another, and with
There were No video games, No 150 channels on        the threat of Coronavirus, terrorist attacks, are
cable,                                               we sure this is a good time to take God out of the
                                                     Pledge of Allegiance?”
From Jerry in Ohio

                                                                                       Bubba Living March 2021   9
For The Love                         “Did I do it wrong, Grandpa? Is
                                     God mad at me?”                      Lexophiles
of Ice Cream                             After I assured him that he
                                     had done a terrific job and that
                                                                              Some people would call
                                                                          these puns...   Lexophile de-
                                     God was certainly not mad at         scribes those that have a love
                                     him, an elderly gentleman ap-        for words, such as “you can tune
                                     proached the table. He winked at     a piano, but you can’t tuna fish”,
                                     my grandson and said, “I happen      or “To write with a broken pencil
                                     to know that God thought that        is pointless.”
                                     was a great prayer.”
                                                                              An annual competition is
                                        “Really?” my grandson asked.
                                                                          held by the New York Times to
                                          “Cross my heart,” the man       see who can create the best
                                     replied. Then, in a theatrical       original Lexophilia .
                                     whisper, he added (indicating the
                                     woman whose remark had start-            No matter how much you
                                     ed this whole thing), “Too bad she   push the envelope, it’ll still be
                                     never asks God for ice cream. A      stationery.
                                     little ice cream is sometimes good       If you don’t pay your exorcist
                                     for the soul.”                       you can get repossessed.
                                        Naturally, I bought my grand-         I’m reading a book about an-
                                    children ice cream at the end of      ti-gravity. I just can’t put it down.
                                    the meal. My grandson stared              I didn’t like my beard at first
    I simply LOVE a story with a at his ice cream for a moment,
HAPPY ENDING!                                                             Then it grew on me.
                                    and then he did something I will
    A friend told me about his      remember the rest of my life. He          Did you hear about the
trip out with his grandson. This is picked up his sundae and, with-       crossed-eyed teacher who lost
what he said.                       out a word, walked over and           her job because she couldn’t
    “Last week, I took my grand- placed it in front of the woman.         control her pupils?
children to a restaurant. My                                                  When you get a bladder
8-year-old grandson asked if he                                           infection, urine trouble.
could say grace.”
                                                                              When chemists die, they
    As we bowed our heads he                                              barium.
said, “God is good, God is great.
                                                                              I stayed up all night to see
Thank you for the food and I
                                                                          where the sun went, and then it
would thank you even more if
Grandpa gets us ice cream for                                             dawned on me.
dessert. And liberty, peace & jus-                                            I changed my iPod’s name to
tice for all. Amen!”                                                      Titanic. It’s syncing now.
    Along with the laughter and                                               England has no kidney bank,
nodding of heads from the oth-          With a big smile he looked        but it does have a Liverpool.
er customers nearby, I heard a       her in the eye and told her,             Haunted French pancakes
woman at the next table remark,      “Here, ma’am, this is for you, you   give me the crepes.
“That’s what’s wrong with this       grouchy old bitch. You must be
country. Kids today don’t even       a Democrat; shove it up your ass         This girl today said she
know how to pray. Asking God         and cool off!”                       recognized me from the Vege-
for ice cream! Why -- I never!” …                                         tarians Club, but I’d swear I’ve
                                         Kinda brings a tear to your
                                                                          never met herbivore.
   Hearing this, my grandson         eye, doesn’t it? He will make a
burst into tears and asked me,       fine Marine one day.                     I know a guy who’s addicted
                                                                          to drinking brake fluid, but he
From [
                                                                          says he can stop any time.
10 Bubba Living March 2021
A thief who stole a calen-
dar got twelve months.When           Around Bubbatown
the smog lifts in Los Angeles
   I got some batteries that
were given out free of charge.

     A dentist and a manicurist
married. They fought tooth and
     A will is a dead giveaway.
     With her marriage, she got a
new name and a dress.
     Police were summoned to a
daycare center where a three-
year-old was resisting a rest.
     Did you hear about the fellow
whose entire left side was cut
off? He’s all right now.
     A bicycle can’t stand alone;
it’s just two tired.
     The guy who fell onto an
upholstery machine last week is
now fully recovered.
     He had a photographic mem-
ory but it was never fully devel-
     When she saw her first
strands of gray hair she thought
she’d dye.
     Acupuncture is a jab well
done. That’s the point of it.*
     Those who get too big for
their pants will be totally ex-
posed in the end.
From Nick in Georgia
                                                        Bubba Living March 2021   11
Colonel John F. Ohmer, Master of Camouflage
    During World War II, in an
effort to disguise the facility
and ward off enemy fire, offi-
cials at Burbank’s Lockheed
Air Terminal (now known as
Bob Hope Airport ) took the un-
usual but highly effective step
of covering the entire airport
with strategically placed cam-
ouflage netting. Up from the air,
in the eyes of the enemy, the
entire area looked like a rural
   In February 1942, a Jap-
anese submarine was spotted
just outside San Francisco
Bay. When another Japanese
submarine surfaced off Santa
Barbara, a few nights later,
and fired a few shells at an oil
storage facility the War Depart-
ment ordered Lt Gen John L De Before
Witt, head of Western Defense
Command, to protect vital
installations along the Pacific
    The job of disguising Cali-
                                            Colonel John F. Ohmer
fornia fell upon Colonel John
F Ohmer, a pioneer in camou-
flage, deception and misdirec-
tion techniques. During the
Battle of Britain in 1940, Col-
onel Ohmer’s carefully made
and positioned camouflage
caused the Luftwaffe to waste
thousands of tons of bombs on
empty fields.
    With help of scenic design-
ers, painters, art directors,
landscape artists, animators,
carpenters, lighting experts
and prop men from movie stu-
dios in Hollywood, Metro-Gold-
wyn-Mayer, Disney Studios,
20th Century Fox, Paramount,
Universal Pictures and others,
Colonel Ohmer began the task
of disguising March Field and
its neighborhood.
12 Bubba Living March 2021
Ohmer concealed key factories and
assembly plants that may be targets, in-
cluding Douglas Aircraft. In a short period
of time the entire area of the factory was
camouflaged. The Lockheed-Vega aircraft
plant in Burbank was fully hidden beneath
a complete suburb replete with rubber au-
tomobiles and peaceful rural neighborhood
scenes painted on canvas. Small farm com-
plete with animals, a barn, a silo and other
buildings were erected. Pastoral settings
used frames of lumber and large spreads of
   Hundreds of fake trees and shrubs were
positioned to give the entire area a 3-dimen-
sional appearance. The trees and shrubs
were created from chicken wire treated
with adhesive, then covered with chicken
feathers for leaves, then painted various
shades of green (with spots of brown, even).
Air ducts were disguised as fire hydrants.
   In other sections, scattered decoy air-
craft made of canvas scraps, ration boxes,
and burlap on chicken wire as well as flat-
tened tin cans dominated the landscape.
None of these aircraft looked real up close
but looked great from a distance. Fake run-
ways were made by burning grassy strips.
   Maintaining the illusion of a neighbour-
hood required signs of life and activity.
Workers emerged to relocate automobiles,
and took walks on hidden catwalks. Some
took washing down from fake clotheslines
only to replace it later at scheduled times.
Parked automobiles were moved to indicate
drivers were using their cars daily and re-
turning home from work.
   Ohmer’s “suburb” brought requests for
other camouflage projects. In Seattle, Boe-
ing Aircraft covered nearly 26 acres. It
became covered by a complete town with
municipal buildings, a park, schools and
    The disguise of California ceased to be
critical when the US Navy dealt a smash-
ing defeat to a Japanese carrier task force
at Midway Island. The threat of a serious
attack against the West Coast diminished,
then vanished.

                                                                                         Bubba Living March 2021   13
Weather Forecasting Not Fixed Science
                                                              Todd Crawford, chief meteorologist with The
                                                          Weather Company, said, “Lingering La Niña con-
                                                          ditions are typically associated with hotter spring
                                                          and summer outcomes. We think that spring and
                                                          early summer will be unusually warm and dry
                                                          across the western and central U.S.”
                                                              Armed with all these maps and data, the
                                                          Weather Channel blew its February With only
                                                          a shadow and a German legend to go by, the
                                                          groundhog got it right.
                                                             But don’t sad. Things are looking up. The
                                                          Weather Channel predicted on January 21 a much
By Don Surber              warmer March.
    One month ago, the Weather Channel predict-
ed, “February could be warmer than average in the              Hi, I am a retired newspaper-
Southern Plains and parts of the East.”                   man. I wrote 3 books on Trump
                                                          and the media. I live in Poca, WV,
    12 days later, Punxsutawney Phil predicted 6          with my wife of 43 years, Lou Ann.
more weeks of winter.                                     I grew up in Cleveland. Recently
    Now I have done a lot of foolish things in life. My   promoted to grandfather.
mistakes are many. Regrets, frankly I have quite a             Report all errors to DonSurb-
few. But I have never, ever been owned by a ground-
    The Weather Channel on the other hand, well, its
forecast speaks for itself.
    On January 21, it said, “February 2021 may be
warmer than average across much of the United
States from the South to the Northeast, according to
the latest outlook from The Weather Company, an
IBM Business.”
    It said, “February’s forecast shows far-above-av-
erage temperatures are possible across most of the
Northeast, as well as the Southern Plains. Above-av-
erage temperatures are also expected in parts of the
Midwest, Southeast and Southwest.”
    The channel’s map showed most of Texas, Okla-
homa, and New Mexico in deep red as things would          In 1968, weathermen could predict
get hot, hot, hot.                                        the weather 3 days in advance with
    Its forecast said, “Winter, so far, has been a rel-   an accuracy around 80%.
ative nonevent in parts of the northern U.S. “A
persistently strong Pacific jet stream has spread         Now more than 50 years later,
warmer-than-average air into much of Canada and           with better computers, computer
the northern states from the Northwest to the Plains,     modeling, weather satellites, and
Great Lakes and New England.                              a better understanding of weather,
    “Some cities from Seattle to Caribou, Maine, have     weathermen can predict the weather
had a record-warm start to winter.”
                                                          3 days in advance with an accuracy
    Break out the suntan lotion. Who needs Cancun
                                                          of about 80%!
when it is bikini weather in Dallas and Houston?
14 Bubba Living March 2021
The BIG SNOW of TEXAS 2021

                             Bubba Living March 2021   15
Bubba’s Engineering School Projects

Mixer                        Noodle Wipers

                             Shopping Cart Grill

Bicycle Push Mower

Toilet On The GO             Plastic Bottle Life Vest

16 Bubba Living March 2021
Auxillary Headlights

Lawn Mower Snow Plow

                                         Grill for One

Bed Jack Stand

Egg Crate Visor        From SD in Ohio   Bottle of Rocks Doorbell
                                                                    Bubba Living March 2021   17
Irish Signs of All Kinds

What Flood?

18 Bubba Living March 2021
Bubba Living March 2021   19
Senior Corner: Remember All the Cool Stuff?

20 Bubba Living March 2021
From Chuck in Tennessee

           Bubba Living March 2021   21
Has Coca-Cola Gone Woke?

22 Bubba Living March 2021
Bubba Living March 2021   23
A Visit With Beautiful Red Heads,
Many of Whom Are Irish

24 Bubba Living March 2021
Red Head Car Wash

Tina Louise

                    Bubba Living March 2021   25
When Will The Curve Be Flat?

26 Bubba Living March 2021
Thanks to several readers

                            Bubba Living March 2021   27
Around Bubbaville

   The Kids!
   A blond gets home early from
shopping and hears strange
noises coming from the bed-
   She rushes upstairs to find      Connie refers to her 1967 Oldsmobile Chassis Service Manual whenever an issue
her husband naked on the bed,       arises with her Cutlass Supreme.
sweating and panting.
   “What’s up?” she asks.           At nearly 300,000 miles, this 1967 Cutlass Supreme
    “I’m having a heart attack,” convertible is still driven daily by its original owner
cries the husband.
                                   By Thomas A. DeMauro on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 9:00 am
    The blonde rushes down-
stairs to grab the phone, but           Imagine the level of commitment required to retain the only new
just as she’s dialing, her four-    car you’ve ever purchased as your primary transportation for the
year-old son comes up and says, rest of your life. Connie Milburn of Maple Ridge, British Columbia,
“Mommy! Mommy! Aunty Shir- Canada, is doing just that with her 1967 Cutlass Supreme convertible,
ley is hiding in your closet, and   which she named “Black Beauty.”
she’s got no clothes on!”               She tells Hemmings, “I’m just an average product from the small
    The blonde slams the phone      provincial farming community of Edson, Alberta. While growing up
down and storms upstairs into       on the farm with my parents [Ruby and Orlando Thompson] and my
the bedroom, right past her hus- brother [Orley], I learned how to do many things at a young age. Dad
band, and rips open the closet      taught us how to drive a tractor as soon as our feet could reach the
door.                               pedals. He reasoned that since we didn’t have a telephone, if any-
                                    thing happened to him or Mom, my brother or I would have to go get
    Sure enough, there is her sis-
ter, totally naked and cowering
on the closet floor.                    By 1962, Connie was in her early 20s and a flight attendant for
                                    Trans Canada airlines, the predecessor to Air Canada. She decided to
    “You rotten bastard”, she       take a three-month sabbatical in Europe and recalls, “My parents were
screams, “My husband’s having driving me to the airport when we passed Edmonton Motors and I
a heart attack, and you’re run-     saw a 1962 F-85 convertible in the showroom. I said, ‘Dad, I just saw a
ning around naked scaring the       car I love’ and he replied, ‘Are we taking you to the airport or the car
damn kids!!”                        dealer?’ I said, ‘The airport,’ but I still couldn’t get that Oldsmobile
   From Tom in Ohio                 out of mind. I told myself I’d own one by the time I was 30.”

28 Bubba Living March 2021
Bubba Living March 2021   29
A Look At Current Events

30 Bubba Living March 2021
Plans for New Potato Head Toy

                        Bubba Living March 2021   31
32 Bubba Living March 2021
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