Regulatory Notice -

Page created by Janet Chambers
Regulatory Notice
23 Apr 2021

MAA/RN/2021/05 – MAA Regulation Division Programme of Work – Financial Year 21/22

1. To ensure that the Regulated Community (RC) is informed of the MAA Regulation Division’s planned
activity for Financial Year (FY) 21/22.
2. This Regulatory Notice (RN) aims to provide an outline of the key work strands featured in the MAA
Regulation Division’s Programme of Work (PoW) for FY 21/22 to enable early engagement, elicit support
from Key Stakeholders and inform planning across the Defence Air Environment (DAE). It is not an
exhaustive list and can be subject to change during the year depending on emerging issues.
3. Defence Safety Authority (DSA) Direction. During FY 20/21 the Regulation Division worked
collaboratively with the DSA to conduct a baseline review of the MAA Regulatory Publications (MRP) to
provide assurance to Director MAA that the scope and provenance of the MRP remained appropriate.
The review of Aviation Legislation was completed and work on Environmental Legislation has
commenced. In the coming year the Regulation Division will conduct the following activity:
          a.    A review of Dis-applications, Exemptions and Derogations (DED) against Environmental
          Legislation relevant to aviation with a view to developing Environmental Protection (EP) regulation.
          Having recognized the potential gap between EP Legislation and current regulation the MAA will
          ensure that national standards are met across the MRP through the recently established MAA’s EP
          b.    Implement Phase 2 of the DEDs Review. The Regulation Division will consider where current
          regulation does not meet the national standard required by the Secretary of State (SoS) in relation
          to Safety Legislation and amend existing or draft new Regulatory Articles (RA) to meet that
          national standard where necessary.
          c.     Ensure that the Director General DSA’s drive to simplify safety is reflected in the
          development and review of RAs and to ensure gender neutral language is present throughout. This
          is currently subject to MAA/RN/2020/101.
          d.   Ensure that the Regulation Division and MAA keeps pace with emerging technologies and
          maintains a flexible, but robust approach, to developing new regulation.
4. Regulatory Review. Across the MRP, ongoing reviews (scheduled and post-implementation) will be
completed to ensure the effectiveness, coherency and consistency of the MRP. Regulatory review will
enable the incorporation of amendments arising from Requests for Change (RFCs), Assurance
observations, Alternative Acceptable Means of Compliance (AAMC), and to close Waivers and
5. Impact of UK-European Union (EU) Trade Deal. Following the end of the Transition Period and the
signing of the UK-EU trade deal, announced on 24 December 2020, the Regulation Division PoW
includes work to investigate the requirement for MRP amendment:
          a.   This work may require re-prioritization of other aspects of the PoW and some aspects might
          be delayed to ensure the MRP aligns with the equivalent UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

    Refer to MAA/RN/2020/10 – Removal of Gender Specific Terminology within the MAA Regulatory Publications.

regulation and policy. In advance of any MRP amendments, and as detailed in MAA/RN/2021/012,
       the AAMC process detailed in the MAA033 should be utilized by the RC.
       b.    The MAA remains actively engaged with the CAA regarding the potential impact on UK
       Legislation and will amend the PoW as required.
6.    Emerging Technologies. The MAA will continue to monitor developing and emerging
technologies both in the military and civil aviation environments to enable the adaptation of regulation. A
Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) has been formed to evaluate what, if any, amendments need to be made
to the MRP to accommodate and guide the RC’s use of emerging Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS)
technologies such as swarming behaviours and small armed RPAS. The intention is to incorporate
recommended changes to the MRP during the FY 21/22 PoW. Investigation activities will also be
undertaken by the Regulations Division into Programmable Elements, previously known as Cyber.
7. MAA Multi-Disciplinary Teams. The Regulation Division will support the RPAS and RA 1200 MDTs
that have been established, provide regulation advice and guidance and MDT leadership. These MDTs
allow the MAA to provide regulatory direction and guidance for innovation that may not currently sit
within a regulated area and to develop new regulation where appropriate.
8. Enabling Interoperability. Building on the interoperability work undertaken with our Five Eyes and
NATO allies by the MAA’s International Engagement and Recognition team, the Regulations Division will
review the appropriate regulations to further enable interoperability opportunities for the RC.

9.   The general nature of the RA 1000 Series regulations results in a targeted approach being taken to
address specific issues within specific regulation. The following RA 1000 Series activity is planned:
       a.     Airborne Equipment (AE) and Airborne Forces Equipment (AFE). The AE and AFE
       regulation, RA 1150 - Airborne Equipment and Airborne Forces, will be revised to provide greater
       clarity on the requirements of parachuting and despatch from Air Systems whilst in flight.
       b.    Flight Data Management (FDM). The FDM regulation requirements will continue to be
       staffed, updated and evolving requirements clarified, with RA 1208 being published during
       FY 21/22 following further stakeholder engagement.
       c.     Flight Safety, Occurrence Reporting, Post-Crash Management (PCM). The RA 1400
       Series will be reviewed to ensure the accuracy of the boundaries between the RAs and to ensure
       that the required Air Safety Training courses remain valid. The PCM regulations will be reviewed
       with the assistance of the Defence Accident Investigation Branch (DAIB) and Joint Aircraft
       Recovery and Transportation Squadron (JARTS). There are interim changes to the PCM
       regulations that are currently subject to MAA/RN/2020/084.
       d.   Performance Based Navigation (PBN) and Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
       (RVSM). The RAs covering PBN (RA 1380) and RVSM (RA 1390) will be reviewed to align with
       changes in civil aviation regulations.
       e.    Release to Service (RTS). The RTS-related regulations will be reviewed with the aim of
       simplifying and clarifying requirements for the RC.
       f.    Roles and Responsibilities. Updates of key Air Safety Roles and Responsibilities
       regulations will be undertaken to ensure clarity and remove any potential ambiguity.
10.    Periodic Review. The following Periodic Reviews will also be conducted during FY 21/22:
       Post Implementation Review.
       a.      RA 1010 - Head of Establishment - Aviation Responsibilities.
       b.      RA 1011 - Military Continuing Airworthiness Manager Responsibilities.

  Refer to MAA/RN/2021/01 – Compliance with the Military Aviation Authority Regulatory Publications following the end of the Transition Period
of leaving the European Union.
  Refer to MAA03: MAA Regulatory Processes.
  Refer to MAA/RN/2020/08 – Aircraft Post Crash Management – Interim Update.

c.    RA 1012 - Director General (Air) - Air Safety Responsibilities.
     d.     RA 1019 - Sponsor of Military Registered Civilian-Owned and Civilian Operated Air Systems
     - Air Safety Responsibilities.
     e.    RA 1022 - Senior Operator - Air Safety Responsibilities.
     f.    RA 1023 - Chief Air Engineers - Air Safety Responsibilities.
     g.  RA 1026 - Aerodrome Operator and Aerodrome Supervisor (Recreational Flying) Roles and
     Responsibilities including Aerodrome and Helicopter Landing Site Assurance Requirements
     h.   RA 1027 - Air Traffic Management Equipment Organizations – Responsibilities of Contracted
     i.    RA 1028 - Contractor Flying Approved Organization Scheme – Responsibilities.
     j.    RA 1030 - Defence Aeronautical Information Management.
     k.    RA 1160 - The Defence Air Environment Operating Framework.
     l.    RA 1161 - Military Registration of Air Systems Operating within the Defence Air Environment.
     m. RA 1162 - Air Safety Governance Arrangements for Civilian Operated (Development) and
     (In-Service) Air Systems.
     n.    RA 1163 - Air Safety Governance Arrangements for Special Case Flying Air Systems.
     o.    RA 1164 - Transfer of UK Military Registered Air Systems.
     p.    RA 1165 - Civil Aviation Authority Oversight of Military Registered Air Systems.
     q.    RA 1166 - UK Civil-Registered Aircraft Utilized by the Ministry of Defence.
     r.    RA 1240 - Chartering of Civilian Air Systems for Military purposes.
     s.    RA 1305 - Military Permit to Fly (In-Service), (Special Case Flying) and (Single Task).
     t.    RA 1310 - Air System Document Set.
     u.    RA 1345 - The Compendium of Airborne Equipment Release Certificates.
     v.    RA 1350 - Air Launched Weapon Release.
     w.    RA 1370 - Release to Service Configuration Control and Audit Trail.
     x.    RA 1910 - Quality Assurance of Aviation Fuel from non-UK MOD Sources.
     z.    RA 1920 - Aviation Arrangements in Surface Ships - Equipment Standards.
     Triennial Reviews.
     za.   RA 1140 - Air System Technical Data Exploitation.
     zb.   RA 1223 - Airworthiness Information Management.

11. The Regulation Division FLY Team has returned to full strength following a period of gapped posts
and plans to maximize workforce capacity to review extant RAs to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose,
whilst also prioritizing RFCs. Specific RA changes identified include:
     a.    Safety Equipment, Survival Drills and Training. RA 2130 was identified as requiring an
     earlier review prior to its Post Implementation Review (PIR). The review and re-issue aim to clarify
     terminology, particularly regarding equipment, resolve inconsistencies in periodicities of drills
     across platforms and embody the requirement for platform specific fire training in-line with civil
     aviation legislation.
     b.    Flight Procedures. RA 2309 is due PIR during FY 21/22, but it has already been identified
     that changes are required to better govern fuel transfer in flight. The PoW aims to specifically
     address air-to-air refuelling and fuel jettison to support safe delivery of capability and provide
     regulation that is consistent with civil aviation legislation.
c.    Preventative Maintenance and Continuous Charge. RA 2210 requires review to ensure
       consistency with the rest of the MRP.
       d.    Responsibilities and Supervision. RAs 2301, 2302 and 2305 will be reviewed to ensure
       the consistent use of MRP terminology and that responsibilities and supervisory regulation are
       appropriately governed.
       e.    Test and Evaluation. RA 2370 will be updated to address questions highlighted by the RC
       regarding the value of manned Aircraft Test & Evaluation (T&E) qualifications for RPAS T&E. A
       review of the Suitably Qualified Experience Person (SQEP) requirements for the discrete activities
       that make up the T&E process will enable this update. Further information is detailed in
12.    Periodic Review. The following Periodic Reviews will be conducted during FY 21/22:
       Post Implementation Review.
       a.      RA 2306 - Authorization of Flights.
       b.      RA 2320 - Role Specific Remotely Piloted Air Systems.
       c.      RA 2355 - Static Line and Freefall Parachuting.
       d.      RA 2357 - Troop Insertion and Extraction Systems.
       e.    RA 2375 – Qualification, Approval and Use of Flight Simulator Training Devices. This is
       currently subject to MAA/RN/2020/136.
       Triennial Reviews.
       f.      RA 2201 - Carriage of Maintenance Documents in UK Military Aircraft.
       g.      RA 2310 - Role Specific Fixed Wing.
       h.      RA 2315 - Role Specific Rotary Wing.
       i.      RA 2327 - Air Combat and Evasion Training.
       j.      RA 2350 - Air System Emergencies.
       k.      RA 2360 - Portable Electronic Devices.
       l.      RA 2401 - Documents and Records.

13. FY 21/22 continues to deliver fundamental changes within the ATM environment worldwide, driven
by the integration of Part-Air Traffic Service (ATS) in Europe, RPAS Airspace Integration in the UK and
the incorporation of Remote Air Traffic Control Towers (RATCT). There will be some personnel
movement within the ATM Branch over the next year and so the ATM PoW will see a front loading of RA
work in the first two quarters. The full extent of the MRP changes required is being considered; however,
as a minimum, the following RA 1000 / 3000 Series activity is planned:
       a.    Airspace. Due to Part-ATS, the DAE will be affected by changes to airspace structures and
       Communications, Navigation and Surveillance common requirements. Whilst airspace issues are
       routine Defence Airspace and Air Traffic Management (DAATM) business, Regulations Division
       ATM branch are increasingly collaborating with DAATM and the CAA on various Airspace Change
       Proposals and airspace integration challenges. This may require new regulation, with early focus
       on RPAS Airspace Integration.
       b.    Aerodrome Information Security. With intent to utilize RATCT across the RAF Main
       Operating Bases in the next 15 years and the rollout of Programme MARSHALL, digital information
       security will be key to maintaining operational output and new regulation will be required to support
       these developments. This regulation will recognize that RATCT are forecast to be operational in

 Refer to MAA/RN/2020/18 – Implementation Plan and Supporting Material for Test and Evaluation Regulatory Article 2370 Issue 5.
 Refer to MAA/RN/2020/13 – MAA Regulatory Publications Additional Supporting Material for Regulatory Article (RA) 2375 – Qualification,
Approval and Use of Flight Simulator Training Devices Issue 4.

the Middle and Far East during this FY and will add another dimension to the risk picture of future
          deployed operations. The CAA have also recognized the issue and the intention is for new
          regulation to be produced in tandem with them. Changes to the RA 3200 series are expected.
          c.     ATM Equipment Trials and T&E. Several programmes over the last year have given cause
          for concern regarding the introduction into service of land based, airborne and shipborne ATM
          equipment. Of particular concern is the use of equipment, fitted for a primary function other than
          ATM, to provide an Air Traffic Service and its route through the Release into Service Process prior
          to use. RA 3134, ATM Equipment Release into Service Process (RiSP), is currently under review
          and there is associated work being undertaken by the Cert and Air Ops branches within the MAA
          that is linked and could result in RA 2370 - Test and Evaluation including ATM Equipment. A
          review of the relevant RAs will be conducted to ensure adequate signposting exists between them
          and that they are suitable to ensure compliance.
          d.    Medical. Continuing the work from FY 20/21, RA 3203 will require constant updating to
          match the changing post-pandemic environment, including controlling requirements post-vaccine.
          The MAA will work together with the Centre of Aviation Medicine and National Air Traffic Services
          to ensure RA 3203 is updated in line with national standards.
          e.   Aeronautical Information (AI). In Nov 20, Regulations Division ATM branch published a
          new regulation, RA 1030 - Defence Aeronautical Information Management to align with the new
          JSP 4957. It is expected that this coming year will see changes to how AI is collected and
          promulgated across Defence and the MAA must regulate this area appropriately and diligently.
          f.    ATM Qualifications. RA 3202 requires a complete review in order to better define what is
          meant by ‘SQEP’ in terms of ATM. The MAA will continue to engage with Front Line Commands
          (FLC) during the re-write to ensure that changes do not impact or exclude certain types of activity
          that exist in the wider world of ATM, be they; airborne, on land or afloat. Licences and Licencing for
          Controllers is currently being discussed and the MAA must play a full part in such decisions and
          regulate accordingly. Consideration will be given to providing a new, bespoke, Ground to Air Radio
          Operator regulation that distinguishes between Air Traffic Service Provision and non-Air Traffic
          Service Provision.
          g.    Instrument Approaches. The DAE is currently experiencing a high demand for
          Performance Based Navigation (PBN) and other Global Navigation Satellite System approach
          procedures at aerodromes in the UK and overseas. The creation, publishing and assurance of
          such procedures requires standardization and training; regulation must be produced to regulate
          this activity. Allied to this, once a procedure is published, all Aircraft (civil and military registered)
          and aircrew qualified to fly such procedures must be permitted to do so and this creates a
          challenge for the MOD to both ensure and assure that those procedures provide a safe operating
          environment. This will likely see changes to the RA 329X Series of regulations.
14. Periodic Review. The following Periodic Reviews will be conducted during FY 21/22 by the ATM
          Post Implementation Review.
          a.      RA 3295 – Required Navigation Performance Approach - Controller Responsibilities.
          b.      Additionally, the RAs in Paras; 10a, 10g and 10j will be reviewed by the ATM Branch.
          Triennial Reviews.
          f.   RA 3049 - Defence Contractor Flying Organization responsibilities for UK Military Air System
          Operating Locations.
          g.      RA 3100 - Air Traffic Management Equipment Approved Organization Scheme.
          h.  RA 3102 - Air Traffic Management Equipment Approved Organization Scheme Accountable
          i.      RA 3201 - Military Air Traffic Management.
          j.      RA 3203 - Controller Medical Requirements.

    Refer to Military Aeronautical Information JSP 495 Pt 1 and Pt 2.

k.    RA 3204 - Air Traffic Management Records.
     l.    RA 3205 - Radar Analysis Cell.
     m.    RA 3207 - Controller Fatigue Management.
     n.    RA 3221 - Enhanced Air Traffic Service Units.
     o.    RA 3222 - Autonomous Radar Units.
     q.    RA 3228 - Separation Standards.
     r.    RA 3231 - Terrain Safe Level and Terrain Clearance.
     s.    RA 3232 - Provision of Vectors to Air Systems Conducting Radar to Visual Recoveries or
     Short Pattern Circuit Below Unit Terrain Safe Level.
     t.    RA 3233 - Conduct of Radar Handovers.
     u.    RA 3239 - Air Systems Conducting Transits to/from Ships and Aerodromes.
     v.    RA 3240 - Contingency Operations for Simultaneous Failure of Surveillance radars and / or
     Air Traffic Management Communication Systems.
     w.    RA 3261 - Aerodrome Service.
     x.    RA 3270 - Aerodrome Wildlife Control.
     z.    RA 3274 - Low Visibility Procedures.
     za.   RA 3275 - Runway Visual Range.
     zb.   RA 3293 - Surveillance Radar Approach.
     zc.   RA 3302 - Altimeter Settings.

15. The Regulations Division Continuing Airworthiness / Design Airworthiness (CAwDAw) branch
activity this year will focus on evolving regulation that reflects good practise from across the DAE and
integrates RFCs and AAMCs, Waivers and Exemptions received from the RC in regards to extant
regulation. With the arrival of new personnel and development of their knowledge and experience, Q1/2
of the FY will be light on RA development with most RAs being reviewed and published in Q3/4. The
following areas will gain particular focus:
     a.   MRP Part M. The following MRP Part M work-strands will be conducted within the FY 21/22
           (1) Implementation of Part M authorization regulation in concert with the release of
           authorizations developed by FLCs.
           (2) Continued review of RA 1023 - Chief Air Engineers - Air Safety Responsibilities,
           refining CAw responsibilities and the development of Accountable Manger (Maintenance)
           (3) Post Implementation Review of the wider RA 4900 Series as a result of the triennial
           review and subsequent up-issue in late 2019.
           (4) Refinement of RA 4966 - Military Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization
           Instructions – MRP Part M Sub Part C.
           (5) Review of the regulatory impact of restructuring of EASA Annex I (Part M) to EU
           1321/2014 to reflect introduction of Part CAMO (Annex V(c)), Part ML (Annex V(b)), and Part
           CAO (Annex V(d)).
     b.   RA 4800 Series Triennial Review Part 2. A lack of regulation Division personnel resource
     towards the end of the FY 20/21 meant that whilst most planned triennial reviews of the RA 4800
     Series were published in Nov 20, nine of the 4800 Series RAs will require review and will be
     updated in the FY 21/22 PoW:

(1) This includes RA 4809, which will be given high priority. It will be amended to reflect
            RFCs that have been received and the impact of the UK-EU Trade Deal. Based on the RFCs
            received, a review will be undertaken that ensures all alternative forms listed in RA 4809 -
            Acceptance of Components (MRP 145.A.42) and those previously submitted as AAMC,
            satisfy both the information needs and the regulatory oversight requirements for equivalence
            to the MOD Form 731 Equipment Conditioning Label.
      c.    RA 4000 / 5000 Series - Investigation of Need to Inform MAA. A review of the RA 4000 /
      5000 Series of regulation will be conducted into the requirement for specified posts (Operating
      Duty Holder, CAEs and DE&S Op Centre Directors) to inform the MAA when they have authorized
      SQEP non-compliances. This investigation will also cover the internal MAA processes used to
      record and audit these notifications.

16. Following a significant review and update of the MRP 5000 Series during FY 20/21, a period of
stability within this series of regulation will be allowed before the RAs are subject to PIR during FY 21/22
(see Para 18b).
17.   The following documents and manuals will be reviewed and updated during FY 21/22:
      a.    MAA Overarching Documents. MAA01, MAA02 and MAA03 will be subjected to annual
      b.    Updates to Manual of Airworthiness Maintenance - Documentation (MAM-D). The MOD
      Form 700 series and other Forms held within the MAM-D will continue to be revised and published
      by the Regulations Division to reflect Regulatory or Air System specific changes (subject to Form
      Sponsor approval). Republishing and restocking of existing MAM-D Forms will also be undertaken
      as requested by the RC.
      c.    Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) Manuals. The Regulations Division will undertake
      a review of the JAP(D)100C-20 and JAP(D)100C-22 with the intent of publishing new editions in
      May 21 and Jul 21 respectively.
18. CAwDAw Branch Periodic Review. The following Periodic Reviews will be conducted during
FY 21/22 by the CAwDAw Branch:
      Post Implementation Review.
      a.    RA 5103 - Certificate of Design.
      b.    RA 5212 - Weight and Moment Determination.
      c.   RA 5219 - Instrumentation and Flight Data Recorder Requirements for Flight Trials of Air
      d.    RA 5220 - Special Flying Instructions and Restrictions on Flying.
      e.    RA 5301 - Air System Configuration Management
      f.    RA 5305 - In-Service Design Changes
      g.    RA 5320 - Air System Maintenance Schedule - Design and Validation.
      h.    RA 5405 - Special Instructions (Technical).
      i.    RA 5406 - Aircrew Publications.
      j.    RA 5602 - Propulsion Systems Part Lifing, Critical and Common Pool Parts.
      k.    RA 5723 - Ageing Air System Audit.
      l.    RA 5724 - Life Extension Programme.
      m.    RA 5725 - Out of Service Date Extension Programme.
      n.    RA 5726 - Integrity Management.

o.    RA 5805 - Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins (MRP Part 21 Subpart A)
     p.    RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B).
     q.    RA 5815 - Instructions for Sustaining Type Airworthiness.
     r.    RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP Part 21 Subpart D).
     s.    RA 5825 - Fault Reporting and Investigation.
     t.    RA 5835 - Production Organizations (MRP Part 21 Subpart G).
     u.    RA 5850 - Military Design Approved Organizations (MRP Part 21 Subpart J).
     v.    RA 5855 - Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart K).
     w.    RA 5865 - Repairs (MRP Part 21 Subpart M).
     x.    RA 5875 - (European) Technical Standard Order (MRP Part 21 Subpart O).
     y.    RA 5880 - Military Permit to Fly (Development) (MRP Part 21 Subpart P).
     z.    RA 5885 - Identification of Products, Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart Q).
     Triennial Review.
     za.   RA 4800 - General Requirements (MRP Part 145).
     zb.   RA 4804 - Terms of Approval (MRP 145.A.20) - Approved Maintenance Organizations only.
     zc.   RA 4806 - Personnel Requirements (MRP 145.A.30).
     zd.   RA 4809 - Acceptance of Components (MRP 145.A.42).
     ze.   RA 4814 - Occurrence Reporting (MRP 145.A.60).
     zf.   RA 4815 - Maintenance Procedures and Safety and Quality Policy (MRP 145.A.65).
     zg. RA 4816 - Maintenance Organization Exposition (MRP 145.A.70) - Approved Maintenance
     Organizations only.
     zh.   RA 4821 - Findings (MRP 145.A.95) - Approved Maintenance Organizations only.
     zi.   RA 4963 - Modifications and Repairs - MRP Part M Sub Part C.

19. Any observations or requests for further guidance on the content of this RN should be submitted by
email to, this will be forwarded to the relevant Head of Branch to
staff accordingly.
MAA Head of Regulation & Certification

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