Relantionship Of Employment Policy Related to Rotation and Mutation with Communication in The Public Legal Board of Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan Towards ...

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Journal of Positive School Psychology                                                
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 973–983

 Relantionship Of Employment Policy Related to Rotation and Mutation
        with Communication in The Public Legal Board of Bpjs
    Ketenagakerjaan Towards Readiness for Digital Transformation

 Muhammad Aditya Warman1, Muhammad Joko Affandi1, Anggraini Sukmawati1, Mohammad
               Syasul Maarif1, Nabilah Edyta2, Reinanda Isfania Hanifah2
              Faculty Of Business Bogor Agricultural Institute1, Faculty Of Psychology Pancasila University2

This study examinedempirically ascertain the relationship of the RM placement policy applied to the
communication pattern provided to the BPJS Employment public legal entity, as well as to provide
solution considerations in implementing the RM placement policy with appropriate communication in
order to be ready for digital transformation. This research is correlational with an empirical normative
approach, namely examining RM policies and communication at the BPJS Employment public legal
entity. This type of research is library research and field research. Data were taken using structured
interview techniques and surveys to 4,523 workers at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Primary data is only used to
complete secondary data. The results show that the RM placement policy is related to existing
communication patterns. Thus, it is very important for stakeholders to develop clear and accurate KPIs,
then communicate them with employees so that the RM placement policy can be clearly implemented,
obtain appropriate talent, and avoid collusion and nepotism. In addition, clear company policies and
communications will greatly assist the realization of digital transformation in the BPJS Employment
public legal entity.

Keywords: digital transformation; public legal entities; rotation and mutation policy, communication
                                                                   2020, with 4.54 billion people (59%)
                                                                   using the internet and 3.80 billion people
   1. INTRODUCTION                                                 (49%) actively using social media
                                                                   (Kemp, 2018; Kemp, 2019; Kemp,
               The rapid development of                            2020). Furthermore, Das et al. (2016)
      information technology has brought the                       said that the digital revolution also
      world into the digital era. Digital                          occurred in Indonesia, although the
      revolution is driven by four technology                      adoption of digital potential was a bit
      namely, the presence of the service                          slow when compared to other countries.
      cloud, sensor technology, analytical                         In 2018 as many as 132.7 million people
      skills on Big Data, as well as the Internet                  (50 %) used the internet and as many as
      of Things are growing several years and                      130.0 million people (49%) actively
      continues to have a significant impact on                    used social media. Then in 2019, 150.0
      the global economy (Das et al., 2016 ).                      million people (56%) used the internet
      Globally, the digital revolution can be                      and 150.0 million people (56%) actively
      seen in the last three years, namely                         used social media. The increase will
      2018, 2019 and 2020. In 2018 as many                         continue to occur in 2020, where as
      as 4,021 billion people (53%) used the                       many as 175.4 million people (64%) use
      internet and 3,196 billion people (42%)                      the internet and as many as 160.0
      actively used social media. Then in                          million people (59%) actively use social
      2019, as many as 4,388 billion people                        media (Kemp, 2018; Kemp, 2019;
      (57%) used the internet and 3,484 billion                    Kemp, 2020).
      people (45%) actively used social media.                              The increasing use of the
      The increase will continue to occur in                       internet and social media has certainly

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Muhammad Aditya Warman et. al.                                                          974

        had an impact on various fields of life       vary in importance, depending on the
        such as economics, politics, social and       business context and needs of a
        culture, defense and security. However,       particular      organization.     Digital
        the economy getting more attention            technology needs to be central to how
        because it relates directly to the people's   businesses operate, and organizations
        livelihood, especially in the business        need to effectively rethink and reinvent
        sector. The business sector is                business models to remain competitive
        experiencing very basic business process      (Carcary, Doherty & Conway, 2016).
        changes in the development of the                      Furthermore, Westerman et al.,
        digital era (McKinsey & Company,              (2011)      identified     that    digital
        2018). Hammer and Champy (2009)               transformation includes three main
        stated that there are three pressures or      areas, namely customer experience,
        factors that cause business changes,          operational processes and business
        namely         customers      (customers),    models. Experience p elanggan consists
        competition (competition) and change          of three sub-segments, namely customer
        (change). The first pressure comes from       understanding, top line growth and
        customers, where customers today like         customer touchpoints . In this section,
        the ease of access to information on the      the most obvious transformation is a
        goods and services they want. The             new way to interact with customers in
        second pressure comes from competition        the digital realm with the use of pages
        between companies, where increasingly         and mobile, thus allowing the company
        sharp business competition makes              to understand customers better and
        companies have to do new and                  deliver co-creation (Gray et al., 2015 ).
        innovative things in the face of changes      Lin, Hsia and Wu (2009), said that the
        in information technology. Furthermore,       digital makes the company better in
        the third pressure comes from change.         identify customers effectively on a large
        These three pressures encourage               scale, as well as to develop and improve
        business changes from traditional             the     customer     experience    better.
        systems to digital-based systems.             Organizations can also use digital
        Company must make changes to digita           technology to improve operational
        system, as competitors continually            processes which are divided into three
        adjust the new technology, and the            segments, namely the digitization
        technology has empowered consumers            process, employee empowerment and
        to be more demanding and set the higher       performance management. In this
        standard of satisfaction than usual, such     section, the company bought the system
        as better service and faster whenever and     digital for the purpose of aligning IT
        wherever and with any device                  with the business, and then process them
        (Fitzgerald et al ., 2014).                   in a digital format. It is very enables
                 This change is better known as       organizations to monitor and manage
        digital       transformation.       Digital   performance in order to more accurately
        transformation is adopting technology to      with the help of Key Performance
        increase productivity, value creation and     Indicators (KPI). All important company
        social welfare ( Ebert & Duarte, 2018) .      information can be more easily shared
        Digital transformation also will do a lot     across the organization to increase
        of innovations that transform the             transparency and assist in decision
        company into a more effective and             making . The third area of
        efficient in carrying out the business of     transformation is the business model ,
        his (Westerman, Bonnet & McAfee,              namely the use of digital in the form of
        2014). Sucessful digital transformation       adding value, adding products or
        requires organizations to clicking eloped     services with digital components.
        a wide range of capabilities that will

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975                                                         Journal of Positive School Psychology

                  An organizations can implement     (2008) say that employees have a major
        digital transformation to begin initiation   role in every company activity, because
        ranging from customer experience, then       employees become planners, actors, and
        think about how to optimize operational      determinants of the realization of the
        processes, and enhance the business          company's system goals. Company goals
        model of his. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is        will be easier to achieve if employees
        no exception. Previously, PT. ASKES          are placed in positions that match their
        and PT. JAMSOSTEK is a private legal         competencies and abilities. Placing HR
        entity in the form of a Persero which is     is the process of matching or comparing
        now a Social Security Administering          qualifications possessed with job
        Agency (BPJS), this is stipulated in         requirements and at the same time
        Pasal 5 Undang-Undang Nomor 40               giving job assignments to prospective
        Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Jaminan            employees to be carried out (Ardana ,
        Sosial Nasional (UU SJSN). Then in the       Mujiati & Utama , 2012). According to
        year 2011, formed Undang-Undang              Hasibuan (2007) , placement must be
        Nomor 24 Tahun 2011 tentang BPJS.            based on the job description and job
        The contents of UU BPJS discuss about        specifications that have been determined
        two BPJS , namely BPJS Kesehatan and         and are guided by the principle of " The
        BPJS Ketenagakerjaan which are public        right man on the right place and the right
        legal entities. Where the change in the      man behind the job ".
        form of a private legal entity to a public            Company that have and put
        legal entity does not follow the rules in    employees with talent corresponding
        private law. The UU BPJS stipulates that     needs, of course, will make the company
        the two company are dissolved without        more competitive (Endratno, 2013). This
        being followed by liquidation, but           is called talent management. Groves
        followed by the transfer of assets and       (2007) said that talent management is
        liabilities to each BPJS. Where it should    generally related to training on
        be , the dissolution of the Company is       development strategies, identification of
        carried out by liquidation. The              talent gaps, succession planning, as well
        implication is that there are differences    as recruiting, selecting, educating,
        in the powers of BPJS Persero and BPJS       motivating and nurturing talented
        public legal entities.                       employees through various initiatives.
                  The difference in power that       Talent management will not succeed if
        occurs can cause various problems for        there is no selection system, one of
        the public legal entity itself. However,     which is a system for identifying
        this problem indicates a development in      performance results (Endratno, 2013).
        the company's line of business.              Performance results are determined by
        Developments in the company's line of        performance standards that have been
        business are also expected to be             set by each company, through Key
        followed by developments in employee         Performance Indicators (KPI). KPI
        performance, adequate facilities and         assesses the quality and quantity of
        infrastructure , and reliable resource       employee work, through the level of
        management. Human resources have an          efficiency and effectiveness at work,
        important meaning because employees          knowledge related to work, tasks
        play an active and dominant role in          performed, timeliness, and other
        every activity of the organization.          indicators that will have an impact on
                  Employees are important assets     employee interpersonal to improve
        for the company, because human               performance at work (Nisa, Astuti &
        resources (HR) are an integral part of the   Prasetya, 2016).
        organization (Situmorang, 2009; Priyati               Based on the results of the FGD
        & Fakhruddin, 2014). Martin and Lekan        , most of the employees felt that the

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Muhammad Aditya Warman et. al.                                                              976

        communication applied to the BPJS                 must be several factors that must be
        Ketenagakerjaan public legal entity was           considered by the company in the work
        not optimal and appropriate. This results         placement. One of them is the
        in less than optimal employee                     achievement, academic, and educational
        performance . Additionally, other result          factors.
        indicates that a work placement that                       Thus, a strategy is needed that
        apply to public legal entity BPJS                 can be carried out by the BPJS
        Ketenagakerjaan is still considered less          Employment public legal entity to
        appropriate. Some employees are not               prepare policies or regulations that can
        placed in positions that match their              anticipate or minimize inequality that
        background of abilities, and most of              may occur. The required strategy can be
        them have not been rotated or                     seen through three aspects, namely the
        transferred for a long time (more than 5          social/people aspect, the process
        years). Though the placement of                   (regulation, business model, business
        employees becomes important in which              process and governance), and the
        when an employee is placed pad a                  technology used. Based on the
        position corresponding to kem am pared            explanation in above, researcher
        with the background they have, then the           suspecst if RM placement policies can
        employee will produce their maximum               be communicated appropriately then be
        performance.                                      one contributing factor to the successful
                 One of the important factors in          performance      of     employees      and
        the establishment of activities in the            companies, as well as the determinants
        company is good and appropriate                   of a company/organization is ready to go
        communication. Where humans can                   digital transformation. Therefore, this
        relate to each other in everyday life, in         study aims to empirically ascertain the
        society or wherever humans are. There             relationship of the RM placement policy
        is no human who will not be involved in           applied to the communication pattern
        communication (Muhammad, 2005).                   provided to the BPJS Employment
        Moreover, employee’s placement are                public legal entity, as well as to provide
        expected to contribute adequate for the           solution considerations in implementing
        organization , in addition to an effort to        the RM placement policy with
        develop the competence of human                   appropriate communication in order to
        resources within the organization. Work           be ready for digital transformation.
        placement is one of the important factors
        that should not be ignored in achieving
        the goals of the agency or institution.        2. METHOD
        Today , most of organization conduct                      This research method is
        the       procurement         (recruitment)       descriptive with an empirical normative
        employees through a system of                     approach, namely examining RMP
        proximity (nepotism) and also through a           policies at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
        system of bribes (collusion). That is, the        public legal entity. This type of research
        company does not pay attention to                 is library research and field research.
        correct the background of the level of            The data was collected by the
        education, experience , physical and              Organizational               Performance
        mental health, as well as the age of the          Management Policy Committee and
        prospective employees themselves. If              Human Resources (KPKOS HR
        the institution places employees in               Committee) using structured interview
        places that are not their expertise, the          and survey techniques, to 4,523 workers
        employee's performance is not optimal             (about 70% of the population) at BPJS
        so that the goals of the institution are not      Ketenagakerjaan throughout Indonesia.
        effective and efficient. In fact, there           Data collection was carried out from 18

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977                                                                  Journal of Positive School Psychology

        May – 29 May 2020 using seven                             married marital status, as well as
        Surveymonkey accounts.                                    last education status S1 dominate.
                                                                  More national recruitment, with the
                                                                  longest working period of 0-5
      3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION                                    years. Officer is the most
                                                                  dominating      rank,    with   the
        3.1 Respondents Overview                                  placement of working units in the
                                                                  largest branches. West Java will be
                 Based on Table 1. it is known                    the placement of the most areas.
             that in this study, the majority of                  The other types of career training
             respondents were male, with mostly                   are the most frequently used.
             is millennial. Respondents with

Table 1.
Results Overview
                      Total Percentage                                           Total Percentage
                            (%)                                                        (%)
Gender                                             Working Unit
 Male                          60                   Branch                                71
 Female               4.523    40                   Pioneer Branch         4.523          18
Age                                                 Headquarter                           7
Baby Boomers                   0                    Region                                4
 X Generation                  21                  Working Area
 Y Generation                  72                   West Java                             16
                                                    Special Capital Region
Z Generation                   7                                                          12
                                                   of Jakarta
Martial Status                                      East Java                             11
                                                    Central Java & Special
 Maried                        67                                                         10
                                                   Region of Yogyakarta
 Not married yet               32                   Sulawesi & Maluku                     8
 Other                         1                    Kalimantan                            7
Last Education                                      West Sumatra Riau                     7
 Associate Degree
                               8                    Headquarter                           7
 Associate Degree
                               0                    Sumbagut                              7
 Bachelor Degree
                               80                   Sumbagsel                             5
 Master    Degree
                               10                   Banten                                5
 Doctoral Degree
                               0                    Banuspa                               5
 Other                         2                   Career Training
Recruitment                                         BLDP                                  25
 National                      85                   ILDP                                  8
 Outsourcing                   8                    ALDP                                  3
 Region/Branch                 6                    Other                                 64
Pro Hire                       1
Years of Service
 0-5 years                     88

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 6-15 years                    10
 16-25 years                   1
>25 years                      1
 Staff                         21
 Officer                       40
 Sr. Officer                   18
 Ass. Manager                  4
 Jr. Manager                   5
 Manager                       10
 Sr. Manager                   2
 AVP                           1
 VP                            0
 SVP                           0

3.2. Survey Result                                     years . The term of the mutation is four years or
         Based on Table 2. found that the survey                Sometimes there is communication
results complement FGD results . Where is the          between the authorities and employees before
lack of certainty over RM's policy. For five           the RM is held. No one has ever had a complete
years, TK 1944-1964 1980-1994 1995-2012                and objective evaluation on which to base the
with unmarried status as well as S3 S1 D4 D3           RMP plan. Only men with D4 educational status
education status as well as recruitment at the         and others with regional/branch recruitment who
national never participated in the RM program.         get good performance evaluation results (above
While TK 1965-1979 with married and other              average) will always get an increase in class/
status as well as postgraduate education status as     grade, the rest sometimes get an increase in
well as recruitment in regions/branches have           class/ grade even though they get the evaluation
participated in the RM program 1-2 times in five       result good performance (above average).
Table 2.
Survey Result

                                                        Martial       Last
No Question                   Gender        Age                                         Recruitment
                                                        Status        Education
     According to your                                  Not    sure
                                                                    Not sure for
     observations, how is                               for
                                                                    S3, S2, S1, D4
     the certainty of the                               unmarried
1                           Not sure        Not sure                & D3           Not sure
     Rotation           and                             & married
     Mutation policy at
     BP Jamsostek                                       Definitely    Definitely for
                                                        for others    others
                                    Never    for
     In the last 5 years,           TK 1944-
                                                                                Never      for
     how many times                 1964,   TK          Never for Never for S3,
                                                                                national & pro
     have            you            1980-1994           unmarried S1, D4 & D3
2    participated in the Never      & TK 1995-
     rotation        and            2012
     mutation program               1-2   times         1-2 times                       1-2 times for
                                                                    1-2 times for
     within BP Jamsostek            for     TK          for married                     outsourcing &
                                                                    S2 & others
                                    1965-1979           & others                        region/branch
3    What is the average 4 years or 4 years or          4 years or 4 years or           4 years or more

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979                                                                Journal of Positive School Psychology

      time for mutation more             more        more           more
      from one place to

      According to your
                                                     for            Sometimes for
      observations,     was
                                                     unmarried      S2, S1 & D3
      there             any
                                                     & married
4     between            the Sometimes   Sometimes                                    Sometimes
      authorities and you
      or the employee in                                            Never for D4
      question prior to the                          Never      for & others
      rotation and transfer                          others
                                                                    Rare for S3

      Have you ever got a
      complete        and
      objective evaluation
      result as the basis
5                          Never         Never       Never          Never             Never
      for            your
      Promotion plan

                                                                    Always D4 & Always      for
      Will     every BP Always for                                  others      region.branch
      Jamsostek employee male
6                                   Sometimes        Sometimes
      who get a good
      increase                                                      Sometimes for
                         Sometimes                                  S3, S2, S1 & Sometimes
                         for felame                                 D3

                              Years of               Working                          Career
No Question                            Rank                         Working Are
                              service                Unit                             Training

      According to your
      observations, how is
      the certainty of the
1                            Not sure    Not sure    Not sure       Not sure          Not sure
      Rotation           and
      Mutation policy at
      BP Jamsostek

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Muhammad Aditya Warman et. al.                                                              980

                                        Never    for
                                        Staff,         Never for
                                        Officer, Sr.   branch & Never        for
                                        Officer,       pioneer  Banten,
                                        Ass.           branches Banuspa, DKI
                                        Manager, Jr.   offices  Jakarta, Jateng
     In the last 5 years,               Manager,                dan DIY, Jawa
     how many times                     Manager,                Barat,    Jawa
     have            you                Sr.                     Timur,
2    participated in the Never          Manager,                Kalimantan,      Never
     rotation        and                AVP & VP                Sulawesi
     mutation program                                           Maluku,
     within BP Jamsostek                            1-2 times Sumbagut &
                                                    for    head Sumabar Riau
                                                    office   &
                                        1-2   times region
                                        for SVP
                                                                1-2 times for
                                                                Sumbagsel &

     What is the average
     time for mutation 4 years or 4 years or 4 years or 4 years                or
3                                                                                   4 years or more
     from one place to more       more       more       more

                                                                    Sometimes for
                                                       Sometimes Banuspa, DKI
                                                       for     head Jakarta, Jateng
     According to your
                                                       office,      dan DIY, Jawa
     observations,     was
                                                       region & Barat,
     there             any
                                                       branch       Kalimantan,
4    between            the Sometimes   Sometimes                                   Sometimes
     authorities and you
     or the employee in
     question prior to the                             Never for a
                                                                    Sumbar Riau
     rotation and transfer                             pioneer
                                                                    & Lainnya
                                                                    Never for East
     Have you ever got a
     complete        and
     objective evaluation
     result as the basis
5                         Never         Never          Never       Never            Never
     for            your
     Promotion plan

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981                                                                       Journal of Positive School Psychology

                                                                                             Always        for
                                             Always for                                      intermediate
                                             Sr. Officer                                     leadership
                            Always for                      Always for                       career training
                            >25 years    Sometimes          head office
                                                            & region                         Sometimes for
         Will     every BP               for      Staf,
                                                                                             career training,
         Jamsostek employee              Officer,
6                                                                         -                  advanced
         who get a good                  Ass.
         increase                        Manager, Jr.
                            Sometimes Manager,                                               programs       ,
                            for      0-5 Sr.                Sometimes                        basic
                            years, 6-15 Manager,            for branch                       leadership
                            years & 16- AVP, VP &           offices &                        development
                            25 years                        pioneer                          programs and
                                         SVP                branches                         others

    3.3. Correlation Results                                technique used to determine the correlation
                                                            between research variables is the Pearson
          Correlation test was conducted to see if          correlation. The interpretation of the
    there was a relationship between the RM                 correlation value.
    placement variable and communication. The

Table 3.
RM Placement and Communication Correlation Test Results

                                    Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed)
                                    0,05                0,187

In Table 3. the value of sig.
Muhammad Aditya Warman et. al.                                                              982

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