Residue-Free Computing - Logan Arkema* and Micah Sherr - Privacy Enhancing Technologies ...

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Residue-Free Computing - Logan Arkema* and Micah Sherr - Privacy Enhancing Technologies ...
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2021 (4):389–405

Logan Arkema* and Micah Sherr

Residue-Free Computing
Abstract: Computer applications often leave traces or             rather to provide additional features and functionali-
residues that enable forensic examiners to gain a de-             ties. For example, modern operating systems maintain
tailed understanding of the actions a user performed              access times to quickly locate the most recently modi-
on a computer. Such digital breadcrumbs are left by               fied files; these access times help an examiner determine
a large variety of applications, potentially (and indeed          how the computer was used. Log-based filesystems are
likely) unbeknownst to their users. This paper presents           designed to facilitate fast data recovery, but also leave
the concept of residue-free computing in which a user             remnants of erased files and more generally allow exam-
can operate any existing application installed on their           iners to reconstruct the filesystem at various points in
computer in a mode that prevents trace data from be-              time.
ing recorded to disk, thus frustrating the forensic pro-               More generally, the traces left by operating systems
cess and enabling more privacy-preserving computing.              and applications leads to a status quo in which it is
In essence, residue-free computing provides an “incog-            exceedingly difficult to use a computer without leav-
nito mode” for any application. We introduce our im-              ing a readily available record of one’s actions. Coun-
plementation of residue-free computing, ResidueFree,              termeasures that enable greater privacy protections are
and motivate ResidueFree by inventorying the poten-               piecemeal, and are usually constrained to a particular
tially sensitive and privacy-invasive residue left by popu-       application—a notable example is the “incognito” or
lar applications. We demonstrate that ResidueFree al-             “privacy” mode of modern web browsers that are de-
lows users to operate these applications without leaving          signed to remove local traces of web activity left by the
trace data, while incurring modest performance over-              browser. More general solutions do exist [10, 12], but
heads.                                                            they require modifications to the Linux kernel and fail
                                                                  to capture some types of application residue. (We ex-
Keywords: privacy; forensics; anti-forensics
                                                                  plore the related literature in more detail in the next
DOI 10.2478/popets-2021-0076                                      section.)
Received 2021-02-28; revised 2021-06-15; accepted 2021-06-16.          This paper introduces residue-free computing, a
                                                                  privacy-preserving (or anti-forensics) mode of operation
                                                                  for modern operating systems without requiring kernel
1 Introduction                                                    modifications. In residue-free computing, the user uses
                                                                  their normal operating system and has access to their
Many of the actions that users perform on their com-              existing files. The user may optionally choose to start
puters leave digital traces. In a computer forensics in-          any installed program in residue-free mode, which en-
vestigation, these traces form digital breadcrumbs that           ables the program to run on top of a union filesystem.
allow a forensic examiner to gain a fairly detailed un-           The application has read access to all existing data on
derstanding of what the user did with their computer—             any installed filesystem, but file modifications (includ-
which applications and files were accessed, the times             ing deletions) are made to a volatile filesystem stored in
and potentially the duration of their accesses, and more          memory (i.e., RAM). Upon exiting the application, the
generally, the actions performed by the user.                     filesystem modifications are permanently erased. Con-
    Computer forensics is aided by modern operating               ceptually, residue-free computing provides an incognito
systems that tend to leave an enormous volume of these            mode for any installed application.
breadcrumbs. Operating systems leave traces not nec-                   Residue-free computing assumes an atypical threat
essarily to ease the job of a forensic examiner, but              model. It assumes a cooperative user who wants to pre-
                                                                  serve their privacy, and an application and operating
                                                                  system that do not actively attempt to prevent the ap-
                                                                  plication from executing in residue-free mode. That is,
*Corresponding Author: Logan Arkema: Georgetown
                                                                  residue-free computing is designed to work on appli-
University, Email:
Micah Sherr: Georgetown University, Email:                        cations and operating systems as they currently exist.                                        We assume as our adversary a forensic examiner who is
Residue-Free Computing        390

able to take filesystem snapshots of the filesystem before   Motivating examples.           To motivate the use of
and after the execution of an application in residue-free    residue-free computing, we consider two example sce-
mode. We describe our adversary in more detail below,        narios.
but in brief, we do not protect against a network ad-        Privacy from invasive cohabitants: A computer user
versary who learns which applications are being used         shares a residence with an individual (for example, an
by examining network traces, nor do we protect against       abusive partner) who attempts to monitor the user’s
malware running on the user’s device that attempts to        computer usage. This adversary may be technically so-
record actions. Our goal is to prevent our snapshot ad-      phisticated, but is not necessarily a trained forensic ex-
versary from learning which applications were used and       aminer. The user is also not especially technically so-
which files were accessed.                                   phisticated, but is aware that ResidueFree is installed
     To be most useful, residue-free computing should        on their computer.
not require any program modifications and should be               The user uses Skype. Although the user may not
compatible with all software already installed on the        be aware that Skype stores comprehensive log files that
computer, including its operating system. Increased          contain chat transcript and Skype call metadata (in-
privacy should not come at a significant performance         cluding participants and call durations), the user for-
penalty; running an application in residue-free mode         tunately opted to use ResidueFree to operate Skype.
should incur limited overheads. Finally, residue-free        Since Skype was used in residue-free mode, the cohab-
computing should be user-friendly, allowing a user to        itating adversary can neither identify that Skype was
easily opt to use residue-free computing mode (or not)       used nor learn with whom the user communicated.
for any application.                                         Privacy from a knowledgeable forensic investigator:
     There already exist techniques that achieve some of     An investigative journalist enters a border crossing
the goals of residue-free computing. For example, the        when their computer is seized and imaged. The bor-
user can simply run an application in a virtual ma-          der crossing agent examines the journalist’s computer
chine and use checkpointing to roll back filesystem and      to learn what they are investigating. Fortunately, the
memory changes after the application exits. Or, the user     journalist used ResidueFree to run the VLC media
could use a live CD operating system such as The Am-         player, so the log of the videos that they viewed (in-
nesic Incognito Live System (Tails) [2] that is tailored     cluding some interviews streamed from the web) are not
to frustrate forensic investigations by preventing traces    available to the agent, as they otherwise would have had
from being recorded to non-volatile storage. However,        ResidueFree not been activated.
these solutions incur high usability costs as they require
                                                             Contributions. In summary, this paper makes the
the user to significantly modify their behavior (to the
                                                             following contributions:
point of using an entirely different operating system) in
                                                             – The design of residue-free computing: a mode of op-
order to gain some privacy protections.
                                                                  eration that provides an “incognito mode” for any
     We present the design and implementation of
ResidueFree, an instantiation of residue-free comput-
                                                             – ResidueFree, an open-source implementation of
ing that allows users to operate their existing applica-
                                                                  residue-free computing. ResidueFree is available
tions (on their existing operating systems) in residue-
                                                                  as free open-source software and is available at
free mode. We perform an in-depth forensic investi-
gation in which we examine every persistent file cre-
                                                             – A study of the residue (i.e., forensic traces) left
ated or modified during a run in residue-free mode,
                                                                  by popular applications, and an examination of
and find that ResidueFree leaks only minimal infor-
                                                                  how ResidueFree prevents the collection of these
mation: namely, that ResidueFree was used. The ap-
plication being used and the affected files (both read
and modified) are invisible to the forensic examiner.
We show through extensive benchmark-based evalu-
ation that ResidueFree incurs moderate-to-limited            2 Related Work
overhead. Finally, we provide a simple and intuitive in-
terface for ResidueFree for the Gnome desktop: users         The literature on privacy-enhancing methods of com-
run an application in residue-free mode by right-clicking    puting is rich and diverse. In this section, we describe
the application icon and selecting “Run in Residue-          how residue-free computing fits in the context of this
Free.”                                                       existing literature.
Residue-Free Computing        391

    Most related to residue-free computing are               from traditional files stored on the main filesystem to
PrivExec [22] and TpriVexeC [10] which have the              containerized filesystems, which themselves are stored
shared goal of providing an incognito-like privacy mode      on the main filesystem. In short, containers provide at
for any application. Although residue-free computing,        best a level of indirection, but do not significantly ob-
PrivExec, and TpriVexeC all use a union filesys-             fuscate filesystem changes. A knowledgeable forensic ex-
tem, they differ in several important respects: unlike       aminer could easily examine containerized filesystems.
PrivExec and TpriVexeC, ResidueFree does not                 (We address the additional difficulty of securely deleting
require kernel modifications and works out-of-the-box        these containerized filesystems below.)
with popular Linux distributions. We achieve this by              Live CDs achieve many of the same privacy goals as
leveraging existing efforts in Linux containerization. Ad-   residue-free computing, which we describe in more de-
ditionally, residue-free computing offers additional pri-    tail in §3. However, both live CDs and VMs incur large
vacy guarantees over both PrivExec and TpriVexeC:            usability costs, as they require the user to maintain at
residue-free computing obfuscates which applications         least two computing environments: one for ordinary use,
were run and it conceals which files were read by the        and one for more private computing. Live CDs and VMs
application running in privacy-mode; both are exposed        prevent the user from making a quick impromptu deci-
by PrivExec and TpriVexeC. Like PrivExec and                 sion to run an existing application (along with its exist-
TpriVexeC, we also provide a performance evaluation          ing configuration) in a more privacy-preserving mode,
of our approach and explore its overheads; however,          since configuring the live CD or the VM requires a non-
unlike the prior work, we also conduct a forensics in-       trivial amount of work. In contrast, residue-free comput-
vestigation using filesystem snapshots to empirically        ing enables the user to run any application in a privacy-
demonstrate the efficacy of our technique. Finally,          preserving mode on demand, at the user’s whim. This
ResidueFree offers a forensics mode that allows a user       allows the user to run any installed application as al-
to explore the residues left by different applications.      ready configured, without leaving a digital trace for a
                                                             potential future forensics investigation.
Techniques that use a separate privacy-
preserving       environment.         As detailed in         Private web browsing modes. Residue-free com-
Garfinkel’s survey of anti-forensic techniques, there        puting is partially inspired by the private web browsing
are many techniques a user could employ to disrupt a         modes of modern web browsers. These modes prevent
potential future forensic investigation [14]. Residue-free   websites from accessing cookies stored in non-private
computing belongs to a class of techniques that attempt      mode, and it erases browsing history, search history,
to “minimize the footprint[s] [14]” available to computer    and cookies upon exit. However, private browsing modes
forensic tools. In Garfinkel’s survey, he considered two     have historically not removed all forensic traces [27, 28].
footprint minimization techniques: the use of live CDs—      Prior work has also shown that many users are un-
or operating systems that boot from a removable device       aware of private browsing modes, and many of those
(e.g., a CD)—and virtual machines (VMs). In partic-          who are aware do not understand the actual privacy
ular, Tails [2] is a live CD operating system designed       protections offered by these modes [13]. In particular,
to provide strong privacy protections by avoiding any        Habib et al. show that many users of private browsing
writes to non-volatile storage and routing all network       modes overestimate their protections from targeted ad-
communication anonymously via Tor [9]. Similarly, us-        vertisements and user tracking [16].
ing a virtual machine allows a user to potentially destroy       Residue-free computing can be viewed as a form
traces by reverting to an earlier snapshot. This latter      of private or incognito mode for any application. Ar-
approach however entails significant risk, since it relies   chitecturally, however, it is very dissimilar to browser-
on the secure erasure of the unsaved machine state; in       based privacy modes. As discussed in more detail in §5,
practice, it is unclear that such information is actually    residue-free computing uses redirect-on-write filesys-
unrecoverable.                                               tems and volatile filesystems stored on RAM-disks to
     Similarly, so-called lightweight VMs such as con-       ensure that all file modifications are transient and re-
tainers (with Docker being a noteworthy example) can         moved after the application exits. Private web brows-
provide strong application isolation and ensure that         ing modes require specific functionality in the applica-
filesystem modifications are not directly applied to the     tion (i.e., the web browser) to track file modifications
system’s underlying filesystem. However, these contain-      and ensure that they are removed after the browser
ers do not eliminate traces; they merely shift the trace     exits its privacy mode. We argue that residue-free
Residue-Free Computing           392

computing offers stronger guarantees than application-         niques for securely removing data [26]. Much of the liter-
specific solutions since the former operates at the oper-      ature on secure deletion focuses on mobile devices (cf. [3]
ating system/filesystem level, ensuring that any and all       and [11]) and their NAND-based flash file systems.
filesystem modifications made by a program running in               Our implementation (see §6) sidesteps the difficul-
residue-free mode are transient. In contrast, application-     ties of erasing data on flash-based storage media and
specific solutions require careful attention by the pro-       versioning filesystems by storing all file modifications
grammer to identify and revert all modifications.              on volatile memory.
Steganographic file systems. The goals of residue-             Redirect-on-write filesystems. Residue-free com-
free computing are also similar to those of stegano-           puting makes extensive use of redirect-on-write filesys-
graphic filesystems (also called plausibly deniable stor-      tems. A redirect-on-write filesystem makes a virtual
age systems) [4]. Steganographic filesystems typically         copy of an underlying base filesystem. Read operations
have multiple layers of files, with a given layer be-          are usually directed to the underlying base filesystems,
ing exposed by providing its corresponding key while           while writes are made to a modified copy stored in a
all other layers remain hidden. Conceptually, stegano-         separate storage area. Subsequent reads to modified files
graphic filesystems provide a mechanism where a co-            are then directed to this separated storage area. Popular
erced individual—for example, a detainee at a border           implementations of redirect-on-write filesystems include
crossing—could provide a key that reveals benign con-          UnionFS [25], aufs [18], and overlay2 [6].
tent while obscuring the existence of the more sensitive           Designed primarily to support efficient snapshotting
covert data. There are several deployed steganographic         (also called checkpointing) rather than anti-forensics,
filesystems, with notable examples including StegFS [20]       redirect-on-write filesystems are by themselves insuffi-
and (the now defunct) TrueCrypt [1]. However, these            cient for achieving the goals of residue-free computing.
systems do not hide the fact that the steganographic           The storage area that records filesystem modifications
filesystem is installed. Czeskis et al. show that an op-       constitutes a (fairly comprehensive) digital trace of ap-
erating system’s regular functionality may betray the          plication and data use.
existence of the hidden volume, and demonstrate such
attacks against TrueCrypt [8]. Chen et al. extend the no-
tion of plausible deniability to include invisibility, which
also conceals evidence of the steganographic file sys-
                                                               3 Threat Model and Goals
tem [7].
                                                               Our system model includes the user, who is the opera-
     In theory, steganographic filesystems enable users
                                                               tor of the machine; the operating system; the application
to conceal the digital breadcrumbs left by their applica-
                                                               to be run in residue-free mode; the filesystem that con-
tions by obscuring the existence of the entire filesystem
                                                               tains the operating system and the application1 ; and
on which the application resides. In practice, however,
                                                               the adversary, who conducts a forensic investigation.
steganographic filesystems require maintaining multiple
computing environments—one for an overt “cover” OS,            Goals. The primary goals of residue-free computing
and a separate environment for covert application usage.       are to prevent the adversary from (1) identifying which
This entails a significant and persistent effort by the        application was used in residue-free mode and (2) identi-
user. Residue-free computing attempts to lighten this          fying any files that were modified (including file creation
workload by enabling on-demand privacy-preserving op-          and deletion) or accessed by an application operating in
eration of existing applications. We do not require the        residue-free mode. For ease of exposition, we consider a
user to maintain multiple copies of data or applications,      single use of residue-free mode in this paper, but our
and only require that the user proactively starts an ap-       goals naturally extend to sequential or concurrent use
plication in residue-free mode when they want enhanced         of residue-free computing: for example, the adversary
privacy protections.                                           should not be able to tell which applications were run
                                                               in residue-free mode during their investigation.
Secure deletion.      Residue-free computing requires
that any filesystem modifications are undone after a
program running in residue-free mode terminates. On
modern log-based and versioning filesystems, this can be
                                                               1 In practice, the user’s computer can have multiple filesystems.
(perhaps) surprisingly difficult [23]. Reardon et al. pro-     For ease of exposition, we consider the filesystem to be one log-
vide a comprehensive survey of the challenges and tech-        ical volume in this paper.
Residue-Free Computing        393

     An important secondary goal of residue-free com-             in residue-free mode exits) and optionally the first
puting is ease-of-use. Although this is far more difficult        filesystem snapshot (taken before the program spawned
to quantify, residue-free computing should not require            in residue-free mode begins execution) reveals nei-
significant work or expertise on the part of the user.            ther which application was run in residue-free mode
Residue-free computing should be compatible with the              nor which files were accessed (read, modified, created,
user’s existing operating system and applications, and            deleted, etc.) by that application.
all of the user’s data (i.e., all data stored on their filesys-        We emphasize that residue-free’s security proper-
tem) should be available to an application operating in           ties are met after the program running in residue-free
residue-free mode. The behavior of an application run-            mode terminates; during that program’s operation, we
ning in residue-free mode should be identical to that ap-         do not attempt to hide that it is running or what files
plication running outside of residue-free mode, except-           it accesses.
ing for the existence of trace data not being available                The adversary is permitted to learn that the com-
after the program exits. Starting a program in residue-           puter supports residue-free mode (e.g., that Residue-
free mode should be intuitive and not require a high              Free is installed) and the time that the user launched
level of technical expertise.                                     residue-free mode; which specific application(s) were
     Finally, operating in residue-free mode should not           run remains hidden.
incur significant overhead. The performance of a pro-
gram operating in residue-free mode should be on par
with its operation outside of residue-free mode.
                                                                  4 Motivation: Case Studies of
Threat model and adversary capabilities. We
consider an adversary who has access to snapshots
                                                                    Popular Application Residues
of the filesystem before and after an application runs
                                                                  To motivate the need for residue-free computing, we first
in residue-free mode. The adversary has knowledge of
                                                                  investigate the frequency and degree to which popu-
residue-free computing, and can apply any forensic tools
                                                                  lar applications leave residues. We also examine these
or analyses to the snapshots. We assume the adversary
                                                                  residues to attempt to gauge the level of privacy loss
has, at minimum, knowledge of publicly documented
                                                                  or information leaked to forensic examiners. Conceptu-
forensic artifacts in the operating system, such as those
                                                                  ally, this provides a baseline of how much an examiner
presented by Nishida [21].
                                                                  can learn without the protections offered by residue-free
    The adversary is not permitted to eavesdrop on the
computer’s network communication or monitor the com-
                                                                       We selected applications across a wide range of cat-
puter while an application is running in residue-free
                                                                  egories, based on their ranking in Ubuntu’s Software
mode. In general, “live” or real-time forensics is consid-
                                                                  application. We focused our selections on popular ap-
ered out-of-scope for residue-free computing. The goal
                                                                  plications, where popularity was based primarily on our
of residue-free computing is to remove the residue left
                                                                  own experiences with these applications and the ease
by applications on the filesystem in order to subvert a
                                                                  at which we could find independent information that
forensic investigation. It does not protect against ad-
                                                                  hinted at the application’s popularity (e.g., blogs and
versaries who use other means (e.g., network eavesdrop-
                                                                  YouTube videos made by users). While we attempted
ping) to ascertain a user’s computer usage.
                                                                  to identify quantitative application metrics for Ubuntu
    We assume that the operating system (including the
                                                                  desktop applications, we could not identify a definitive
implementation of the filesystem) and any applications
                                                                  metric similar to an Apple App Store or Google Play
do not attempt to detect and thwart residue-free com-
                                                                  download metric. The applications, which are listed in
puting. While applications should be agnostic to (and
                                                                  Table 1 in the Appendix, were installed either using
even ignorant of) residue-free computing, we do not at-
                                                                  the default packages from Ubuntu Software on Ubuntu
tempt to conceal its existence from an application that
                                                                  18.04 (if available) or the version available on the appli-
actively tries to detect it. Similarly, residue-free com-
                                                                  cation’s web site (if not).
puting does not protect against spyware or other forms
                                                                       To perform our investigation, we used the forensic
of malware that may be running on the user’s computer.
                                                                  mode of ResidueFree, which we describe more fully in
Security properties. Residue-free computing meets                 §6. In brief, we used a redirect-on-write filesystem to
the above two goals: a forensic examination of the                isolate all files that the application modified while in
second snapshot (taken after the program operating                use. We also provided unique inputs, which we call ca-
Residue-Free Computing        394

nary strings (e.g., “gorgonzola penguins”) to the appli-           Most of this data is stored without the user’s knowl-
cations to determine whether the applications’ residues       edge or explicit consent, which is not to say that
captured these inputs. Their presence in an application’s     these applications are categorically flawed. Much of the
residue suggests that a forensic examiner would have          residue applications leave is used to provide additional
detailed information about the user’s inputs to that ap-      features or performance benefits to users, and these ap-
plication.                                                    plications do not consider an attacker with future ac-
     We manually inspected the application residues to        cess to the user’s machine in their threat models. How-
search for both our canary strings as well as other ob-       ever, a user seeking to manually remove the details from
vious information about the user’s session (e.g., times-      their session would be hard-pressed to do so for every
tamps, chat logs, names of transferred files, log entries,    application. Most of the residue we found is stored in
etc.).                                                        hidden directories (i.e., directories whose names begin
     We emphasize that our manual analyses do not al-         with ‘.’), in files multiple directory levels deep, and/or
low us to exhaustively determine the information con-         in files without descriptive names. Rather than task a
tained within an application’s residue. The presence of       user with finding every file that may contain information
canary strings tells us definitively that the user’s inputs   from their session, we provide a solution that automati-
are captured, but the absence could indicate that the         cally discards all changes to the filesystem made during
information is somehow otherwise recorded (e.g., in an        their session.
encoded form). As a result, the residues we identify are
a subset of all the potential residues that could be un-
covered by a trained forensic examiner (especially one
well-versed in a particular application), and should be
                                                              5 Architecture
taken as conservative estimates of the trace data left by
                                                              Residue-free computing is composed of three main com-
popular applications.
                                                              ponents: a completely volatile RAM disk, a union
     Our findings are summarized in Table 1 in the Ap-
                                                              filesystem [25], and an isolated execution environment.
pendix. We found that these common user applications
                                                              These components must not write to the user’s on-
left a significant amount of residue on the filesystem
                                                              disk filesystem nor modify any filesystem metadata and
that, if left on disk for an attacker to read, could re-
                                                              should sufficiently interact with the user’s system to
veal significant data on how the user used the applica-
                                                              provide a nearly indistinguishable user experience from
tion. For example, Spotify leaves all songs the applica-
                                                              running the application outside of residue-free mode.
tion displayed to the user and the user’s social media
                                                              This latter interaction requires special care, since the
information on the filesystem; Skype records detailed
                                                              application’s functionality may require it to communi-
information from the user’s audio, video and instant
                                                              cate with other processes, but such interprocess commu-
message conversations, including message contents, re-
                                                              nication (IPC) should not result in leaked information
cipient usernames, and timestamps; Discord stores the
                                                              about the application running in residue-free mode. As
channels a user participated in; and VLC tracks and
                                                              a result, system processes may need to be modified dur-
updates timestamps on recently played media files.
                                                              ing residue-free computing to eliminate sensitive logging
     Privacy-focused applications, such as Signal, Tele-
                                                              and protect against information the operating system
gram, Brave Web Browser, Tor Web Browser, and
                                                              may otherwise leave on the user’s disk.
other web browsers operating in “private” or “incog-
                                                                   The execution environment and RAM disk will both
nito” mode do not record detailed data on the user’s
                                                              contain information from the user’s residue-free session
activity, but they sufficiently modify the filesystem to
                                                              that must be kept private, while the union filesystem
clearly denote that the user ran the applications and
                                                              is a logical component that facilitates file access with-
when the user ran them. Unfortunately, designing these
                                                              out moving data to a new physical device. At the same
private browsing modes is difficult since developers need
                                                              time, residue-free must have access to the physical com-
to track (and subsequently, eliminate) any state nat-
                                                              puter hardware necessary to run user programs without
urally kept by the browser. Subtle errors can lead to
                                                              having the system log sensitive information. Figure 1
tracking. For example, Solomos et al. recently showed
                                                              visualizes this architecture.
that malicious websites could bypass incognito mode on
                                                                   We define a completely volatile RAM disk as a
all major browsers using favicons [27]. ResidueFree
                                                              filesystem physically hosted on RAM that can reliably
avoids such tracking by eliminating all persistent data.
                                                              have all of its contents made irrecoverable. To securely
Residue-Free Computing         395

                 Isolated Execution Environment
                                                                                        processes, to provide a functional user experience with
                All File Calls
                                                                                        as few performance costs as possible. In addition, sys-
                                                                     System Resources

                        Union Filesystem               User System                      tem processes may be modified to provide additional
                   Read-Write              Read-Only                  I/O   Network     privacy guarantees without limiting their functionality.
                                                                     CPU     RAM            In summary, a user should not notice that they are
                            RAM Disk
                                                                            System      using residue-free computing while the underlying oper-
 Residue-Free                                                                Procs
                                                                                        ations do not modify the user’s filesystem.
         Logical Operations                                                             6 Implementation
         Private Residue-Free Session
         System processes with logging disabled
         Computer Hardware                                                              We implement the residue-free computing architecture
                                                                                        using an encrypted RAM disk, the unionfs copy-on-
Fig. 1. The architecture of residue-free computing.                                     write filesystem, and a Docker container. We carefully
                                                                                        configure these components to enable access to the
erase the contents of RAM disk, an implementation                                       user’s system resources and additionally modify select
could either overwrite every bit of the disk or encrypt                                 system processes. Our proof-of-concept implementation,
the contents of disk in real time with an irrecoverable                                 which we refer to as ResidueFree, implements the ba-
key (we discuss the associated overhead costs of this im-                               sic requirements of residue-free computing while pro-
plementation choice in §7.3). Any data written to the                                   viding additional features to the user that go beyond
RAM disk should be made unrecoverable quickly after                                     architectural requirements. While this implementation
a residue-free computing session ends and must be com-                                  incurs moderate overhead and performance costs, par-
pletely erased after the user’s system powers off or enters                             ticularly on file operations, it overwhelmingly meets the
sleep mode.                                                                             architecture’s privacy goals.
     The union filesystem takes the volatile RAM disk                                        ResidueFree is released as free open-source soft-
and merges it with the user’s filesystem to create a logi-                              ware and is available to download at https://larkema.
cally unified filesystem interface while accessing two dif-                   
ferent physical devices. The union filesystem must have                                      ResidueFree operates on Linux, and has been
read-write access to the RAM disk and read-only ac-                                     tested with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with kernel As
cess to the user’s filesystem. Conceptually, this allows                                noted in §3, ResidueFree is designed for standard sys-
the application running in residue-free mode to appear                                  tem configurations and cannot provide privacy guaran-
to have full (i.e., read-write) access to the user’s regular                            tees when system administrators install enhanced log-
filesystem. Every write a process using the union filesys-                              ging capabilities that are specifically designed to cap-
tem makes must be written to the RAM disk and these                                     ture and record all computer activity (e.g., kernel-level
writes must be readable to processes that use the union                                 provenance tracking [5, 24]). We emphasize that the
filesystem (so long as the RAM disk is still intact). The                               “stock” versions of popular distributions (e.g., Ubuntu,
union filesystem can read from the user’s filesystem for                                RedHat/Fedora, Debian, Mint, etc.) should be largely
data that has not been created or changed in the iso-                                   compatible with ResidueFree, but may require small
lated execution environment, and these reads must not                                   changes to how ResidueFree modifies system pro-
modify any file data or filesystem metadata on the user’s                               cesses. 2 Finally, ResidueFree requires administrative
regular filesystem. The union filesystem does not store                                 privileges (e.g., sudo) to switch into residue-free mode;
any data; it merely mediates access between the two                                     the application itself runs with the user’s regular (non-
storage devices.                                                                        administrative) privileges.
     Finally, the isolated execution environment must                                        We implement the volatile RAM disk by encrypting
run on top of the union filesystem and should pro-                                      files as they are written to RAM. We mount a temporary
vide a nearly indistinguishable user experience from the                                filesystem (tmpfs), then mount an encrypted filesystem
user’s system. The environment must ensure that all                                     (ecryptfs [17]) on top of it. ResidueFree initializes
calls to the filesystem are made to the union filesystem
and should be sufficiently isolated to minimize interac-
tion with user processes running outside of residue-free
                                                                                        2 For example, our implementation targets logs written by the
mode. However, this isolation must be balanced with
                                                                                        Gnome desktop environment, so implementations targeted at
sufficient access to system resources, including system                                 KDE distributions would have to account for KDE-specific logs.
Residue-Free Computing           396

and mounts the encrypted file system with a random            tions to access abstract unix sockets set up by system
key, and adds the key and its cryptographic hash to           processes.3 These steps allow processes running inside
the keyring. ResidueFree enables access to the files in       ResidueFree to have transparent access to daemons,
the tmpfs filesystem only while the ecryptfs filesystem       GUI components, and other critical system resources.
remains mounted. The tmpfs filesystem is initially set             While these steps prevent applications running in-
to one gigabyte, but the size can be configured by the        side ResidueFree from writing data to disk, operating
user. In edge-cases where the tmpfs filesystem is larger      system features outside of ResidueFree may still write
than available RAM, data in the tmpfs filesystem may          sensitive data to disk, especially given that Residue-
be written to swap space. Though this is not ideal, the       Free intentionally provides access to system processes.
encryption provided by the ecryptfs filesystem prevents       To address this challenge, ResidueFree modifies the
any meaningful residue from being retrieved by an ad-         main filesystem’s mount options, mlocate, the system
versary.                                                      journal daemon, the syslog daemon, the system ap-
     We construct the union filesystem using the unionfs      port service, the user’s pulse audio daemon, the user’s
package [25]. Unfortunately, Docker currently does not        keyring, and the user’s Gnome shell. Before starting
allow root (i.e., /) filesystem mounts, which is necessary    the Docker container, ResidueFree remounts the main
to ensure that the application running in residue-free        filesystem with the noatime (no access time) option
mode functions as it would if it were not in residue-free     to ensure that execute and access operations are not
mode. We sidestep this constraint by separately mount-        tracked inside ResidueFree. ResidueFree updates
ing the computer’s top-level directories. The union           mlocate’s configuration file to not update file names un-
mounts have the copy-on-write option set (among other         der a ResidueFree mount point, restarts the system
options) so that files modified in the Docker session are     journal daemon with all journal logs written to none
copied in their entirety to the RAM disk. Once a mod-         (instead of the default disk), and stops the syslog and
ified or newly created file is on the RAM disk, future        apport services from running. ResidueFree also stops
read operations read from RAM rather than the old ver-        the user’s pulse audio and keyring daemons and then
sion on the user’s filesystem. After mounting, Residue-       starts them again inside the ResidueFree container.4
Free sets the permissions of the directories in the union     Finally, ResidueFree sets the current Gnome shell to
filesystems to match the permissions in the user’s filesys-   stop recording application use and sets the file where
tem.                                                          Gnome stores application use to read-only.
     A particularly challenging aspect of ResidueFree              After ResidueFree exits, the ecryptfs is imme-
is to provide an isolated execution environment while         diately unmounted. At this point, none of the data
simultaneously allowing the application running in            in ResidueFree’s write-cache is logically recoverable,
residue-free mode to interact with the necessary sys-         as the key for its encrypted contents is not stored
tem processes/daemons to ensure the program oper-             in any process and ecryptfs clears the keyring when
ates correctly. Rather than construct our own isolated        the corresponding filesystem is unmounted. The tem-
execution environment, we use Docker, which provides          porary filesystem unmount follows, and all directories
strong isolation and has a mature codebase. We mount          that ResidueFree creates as well as the RAM disk’s
the /dev filesystem inside the Docker container and           (encrypted) contents are removed. ResidueFree then
run the container as privileged to allow the applica-
tion to interface with the system’s devices. However,
simply mounting the union filesystems and /dev into a
Docker container still does not provide sufficient access
to the user’s system resources for a functional user expe-
rience. To ensure sufficient access, we bind-mount criti-
cal unix sockets from the host filesystem into the union      3 The most important of these is the user’s session dbus. Certain
filesystems and keep ResidueFree in the same network          applications will only interact with the abstract socket connec-
namespace as the host. All sockets in /tmp/.X11-unix/,        tion to the user’s dbus and refuse connections to the filesystem
/tmp/.ICE-unix/, and the /run/user// directo-            socket connection.
                                                              4 Pulse audio, by default, tracks the names of applications that
ries, as well as the /run/lock and /run/dbus sockets,
                                                              produce sound in a file. Applications can store user information,
are bind-mounted into their respective union filesystem       such as their login state, in the keyring. When these applications
directories. In addition, running ResidueFree in the          restart inside ResidueFree, these file changes are written to the
same network namespace as the host allows applica-            RAM disk.
Residue-Free Computing        397

restores the seven system modifications to their original         Forensic mode.        To increase ResidueFree’s use-
state.5                                                           fulness, our implementation also includes a “forensic”
     To address unexpected exits and ensure the proper            mode in which, instead of writing all modified files to
removal of any residue, ResidueFree handles inter-                RAM, the user can opt to write all modified files to their
rupt and termination signals by executing this cleanup            filesystem. Conceptually, forensic mode allows the user
process. ResidueFree also launches a detached back-               to determine exactly what residue is left after running
ground process that will execute this cleanup process             an application. This mode operates identical to normal
if ResidueFree exits and cannot do so itself (i.e., af-           ResidueFree, except that it does not mount a tmpfs
ter receiving a kill signal). In a scenario where the en-         nor ecryptfs filesystem. Instead, ResidueFree’s foren-
tire computer unexpectedly shuts down, the encrypted              sic mode mounts the read-write portion of the unionfs
filesystem and RAM disk unmount - leaving the residue             filesystems in a folder of their choosing. When forensic
unrecoverable.                                                    mode exits, the write-cache is unmounted and all its
     As we describe in more detail in §7.1, our evaluation        files and directories have their owner set to the user.
of the user’s filesystem contents reveal that no residue          To reduce the risk of any potentially malicious files
exists from the application run in residue-free mode, nor         added during the ResidueFree session, ResidueFree
is there any evidence that the particular application was         removes the execute permissions from executable files.
run in residue-free mode (or at all).                             The residue described in Table 1 was collected using
                                                                  forensic mode.
Docker-based isolated execution environment.
We use a Docker container to construct our iso-                   Persistent Files. Conceivably, a user may want to
lated execution environment because of Docker’s well-             store select files from their ResidueFree session, such
documented, well-maintained features that allow us to             as a word processing document or a PDF file down-
incorporate our filesystem modifications without re-              loaded via web browser. To enable these use cases,
implementing Linux’s isolation capabilities. Docker’s             ResidueFree creates a specific folder in the user’s home
popularity makes user-customization and additional                directory for files the user does not want deleted. When
open-source contributions to ResidueFree much sim-                ResidueFree exits, these files are transferred to the
pler while allowing us to make modular backend filesys-           user’s desktop. To prevent the inadvertent deletion of
tem changes. While we could likely cut performance                desired files, ResidueFree displays a brief message
costs by only using the containerization features nec-            when launched reminding the user that all files not
essary for ResidueFree, these extensive modifications             stored in the persistent folder will be deleted at the end
are outside the scope of our proof-of-concept implemen-           of their ResidueFree session.
                                                                  Optimizations         and      additional      features.
    Notably, our ResidueFree container is far outside
                                                                  ResidueFree includes a number of options during
of Docker’s typical use case. While Docker is typically
                                                                  installation and at run-time for the user to tailor their
used to run lightweight, single applications securely sep-
                                                                  use of ResidueFree. When running ResidueFree
arated from the host operating system, our “container”
                                                                  for the first time, users have the option to enable the
provides access to every file on the host file system, and
                                                                  Docker daemon to startup with system boot. If enabled,
does not provide traditional Docker security assurances.
                                                                  it will reduce the costs of launching ResidueFree the
A remote attacker who gains access via a process run-
                                                                  first time after system boot, but will stand out on many
ning inside ResidueFree will not only have full read-
                                                                  client machines and may not be ideal for users wishing
access to the entire filesystem, but the numerous system
                                                                  to raise as little attention as possible to the fact that
resources and privileged configurations granted to the
                                                                  ResidueFree is on the system (we discuss associated
Docker container make container-escaping trivial.
                                                                  performance costs in §7.3).
                                                                       A core design goal of ResidueFree is to make the
                                                                  interface as intuitive, unobtrusive, and user-friendly as
                                                                  possible. The user can opt to add a right-click option
                                                                  for every desktop application to run in ResidueFree
5 The Gnome shell updates application use every five min-         mode, as shown in Figure 2.
utes, so ResidueFree launches a background process that only
                                                                       Once installed, users can run ResidueFree in ei-
restores Gnome application use recording five minutes after
ResidueFree exits. All other system configurations are restored   ther privacy (the default) or forensic mode. In privacy
on ResidueFree’s exit.                                            mode, users can specify the size of the RAM disk. In
Residue-Free Computing      398

                                                                 7 Evaluation
                                                                 We conducted both forensic and performance analyses
                                                                 to evaluate our proof-of-concept implementation. For
                                                                 our forensic evaluation, we compared the filesystems
                                                                 of two different virtual machines across three different
                                                                 states: before running ResidueFree, immediately after
                                                                 running a series of applications within ResidueFree,
                                                                 and ten minutes after ResidueFree exits. For our per-
                                                                 formance analyses, we used the Iozone7 and Phoronix8
                                                                 performance benchmark suites and timed tasks in com-
Fig. 2. Application right-click menu with an option to run the
                                                                 mon user applications to analyze the filesystem and gen-
application in residue-free mode.
                                                                 eral system performance of ResidueFree. Finally, we
                                                                 timed ResidueFree’s startup and shutdown overhead
forensic mode, the user can specify the output direc-            times.
tory’s location and whether to compress the output file.              We ran our performance analyses on an Ubuntu
                                                                 18.04 machine running directly on a Toshiba Satellite
Operating system portability. Our initial imple-
                                                                 E45W-C4200X with a two-core 2.10 GHz Intel i3-5015U
mentation of ResidueFree operates on Linux. Because
                                                                 processor, 6 GB of RAM, and a 500 GB HDD. Which
it uses Docker to help enforce sandboxing and Docker it-
                                                                 is to say, we ran our performance tests on a (metaphor-
self uses a Linux kernel to drive its containers, Residue-
                                                                 ical) potato to demonstrate its functionality for users
Free cannot straightforwardly be modified for other op-
                                                                 with access to limited hardware resources.
erating systems. (Although Docker can run on OSX, the
kernel used inside containers is still Linux, which would
not permit local OSX applications to be run.) How-
ever, much of the containerization enabled by Docker
                                                                 7.1 Forensic Evaluation
can be duplicated on OSX, and we have made sig-
                                                                 The primary goal of ResidueFree is to eliminate any
nificant progress in doing so towards a future OSX-
                                                                 filesystem changes a user or process makes while us-
compatible release of ResidueFree. ecryptfs is also
                                                                 ing ResidueFree. Our implementation should leave no
Linux-dependent, but ResidueFree is agnostic to the
                                                                 residue on the filesystem, and ideally nowhere on disk,
cryptographic filesystem that protects the ramdisk, and
                                                                 that could be useful in a forensic examination. Our
could easily be adapted to support a FUSE-based so-
                                                                 forensic analysis shows ResidueFree leaves no informa-
lution (e.g., EncFS6 ). We are planning to fully support
                                                                 tion about what processes the user ran inside Residue-
OSX in a future releases of ResidueFree, which we
                                                                 Free and what file(s) or filesystem data those processes
hope will lead to more widespread adoption.
                                                                 may have accessed. While an examiner can determine
     Like OSX, Windows has support for FUSE filesys-
                                                                 that ResidueFree is installed on the computer and the
tems. FUSE-based copy-on-write filesystems exist, and
                                                                 times a user ran ResidueFree, no further information
coupled with FUSE-based encrypted filesystems, many
                                                                 is left in the filesystem.
of the logical components of ResidueFree are currently
                                                                      For our analysis, we compared the filesystems of two
available for Windows. However, Windows presents
                                                                 virtual machines (VMs) across three states. First, we
unique challenges such as the common use of shared key-
                                                                 created an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine (VM), down-
stores (e.g., the Windows registry) as well as the use of
                                                                 loaded a series of applications and installed Residue-
isolation features that significantly differ from those of
                                                                 Free, and then cloned the VM to ensure the two VMs
Linux and OSX. Consequently, enabling Windows sup-
                                                                 would be as close to identical as possible. While one
port remains a more distant future goal.
                                                                 VM, which we refer to as the “baseline VM,” remained
                                                                 active in the background, we used the other VM, or
                                                                 “ResidueFree VM”, to launch ResidueFree and in-

6                                8
Residue-Free Computing        399

teract with several applications inside ResidueFree.             ating system and the Gnome Desktop Environment.10
After exiting ResidueFree, we immediately froze both             For application downloads and use, he points to sys-
VMs and made copies of their virtual disks. We then              tem log files, application installation files, journal files,
restored the ResidueFree VM, let it run for an addi-             Gnome’s file for tracking application use, Gnome’s file
tional ten minutes, and then froze the VM and copied             for tracking recently opened files, and a handful of addi-
its virtual hard disk again.9 We then mounted read-only          tional miscellaneous files in the user’s cache or that are
copies of these filesystems in a separate machine, gen-          application-specific. ResidueFree ensures that none of
erated hashes of each file in all three states (including        the described forensic artifacts are written to disk.
the virtual disks’ swap files), and manually inspected                In addition, ResidueFree did not preserve any files
the contents of any files whose hashes differed between          from Firefox or Chromium, including favicons where
the baseline VM and either of the ResidueFree VM’s               the supercookie attempts to persist between sessions.
filesystem snapshots.                                            As Solomos et al. [27] note, these favicon-based super-
     Within the ResidueFree VM, we first connected               cookies persisted past all major browsers’ “private” or
to ProtonVPN using an OpenVPN configuration file.                “incognito” modes. While these incognito modes are
We then opened LibreOffice Writer to create and save             generally effective, they are vulnerable to novel persis-
a short document, ran Firefox to generate a favicon-             tent storage techniques like this one. By ensuring that
based “supercookie” from, and            all file modifications never touch the user’s disk, no
played an entire Youtube video. While Firefox was run-           matter an application’s settings, ResidueFree protects
ning, we intentionally caused Chromium to crash. We              against such user-tracking attacks.
then opened Chromium successfully and downloaded a
PDF, ended ProtonVPN, and opened Nautilus to select
the PDF and read it using Evince. Next, we opened                7.2 Filesystem Costs
Telegram and sent a message, then downloaded a sim-
ple .txt file from another computer on the local network         Since ResidueFree effectively intercepts file operations
using Filezilla, and finally used apt to install a new ap-       to prevent application residues, we performed a detailed
plication (gnome-gmail). We then exited ResidueFree              evaluation of ResidueFree’s file I/O overheads. That
and immediately froze the VM.                                    is, we sought to answer the question, what is the per-
     Thirty-nine files differed between the baseline VM          formance penalty of using ResidueFree? We used the
and the ResidueFree VM both immediately after                    Iozone Filesystem Benchmark suite to evaluate 13 differ-
ResidueFree ran and after ten minutes idling. We                 ent filesystem operations on a baseline standard mode
manually analyzed each file to determine that no sen-            without ResidueFree, on ResidueFree without the
sitive information from the ResidueFree session was              ecryptfs mount on top of the RAM filesystem, and on
part of these differences. We determined the differ-             the fully-fledged (with ecryptfs) ResidueFree. We ran
ences were caused by either routine filesystem activity          the suite 30 times for each category, and took an average
(e.g., timestamps differing by a few seconds or different        across block sizes and file sizes for each file operation in
unique identifiers for system resources) or indications          each run. Figure 3 shows the average of those 30 av-
that ResidueFree ran (e.g., Docker and Containerd                erages for each file operation, with error bars denoting
logs noting ResidueFree’s container invocation or log            the standard distribution. For the ResidueFree tests,
files that tracked the ResidueFree launch command).              we ran the Iozone Benchmark 30 times in a row in the
In the latter case, none of the files indicated which ap-        same ResidueFree session.
plication was run in residue-free mode.                               On average, ResidueFree file operations run at
     Notably, ResidueFree removes common residue                 30.1% the speed of standard mode file operations: 636.9
identified by trained forensic examiners. Nishida [21]           vs. 2113.8 MB/s. Without ecryptfs, ResidueFree runs
describes locations in the Ubuntu operating system for           40.6% as fast as standard mode, averaging 858.9 MB/s.
reliably identifying forensic artifacts left by the oper-        ResidueFree runs 74.1% as fast as ResidueFree with
                                                                 encryption disabled; the difference between them al-
                                                                 most entirely comes from write operations (when the en-

9 We took the ResidueFree VM’s state twice to ensure
that system processes with delayed writes, namely Gnome’s
application-use tracking described in §6, did not generate any   10 While Nishida [21] evaluates Ubuntu 20.04 and we evaluate
residue.                                                         Ubuntu 18.04, almost all forensic artifacts remain the same.
Residue-Free Computing    400

                         3000         Baseline
  Megabytes per Second

                                      Residue Free w/o Encryption
                                                                                                                                                                  0.56        ResidueFree
                         2500         Residue Free


                                                                                                                                          Gigabytes per Second

                         1500                                                                                                                                     0.52






























                                                                      File Operation

Fig. 3. Filesystem operation speeds from Iozone Benchmark tests.                                                                                                          Network Loopback Benchmark

                                                                                                                           Fig. 4. Transfer speed for 10 GB of data over the loopback inter-
cryption layer actually operates on the files). Residue-
                                                                                                                           face from the Phoronix network-loopback benchmark.
Free runs at 22.3% the speed of ResidueFree with-
out encryption on write operations (120 vs. 537 MB/s),                                                                                                            295.0
but 95.1% as fast on read operations (1000 vs. 1134.8
                                                                                                                                                                  292.5                     ResidueFree

                                                                                                                                      RSA Signatures per Second
MB/s). Finally, we note that the performance costs
shown in Figure 3 are not weighted by the frequency
of the individual file operations.                                                                                                                                287.5


7.3 Additional Performance                                                                                                                                        280.0
    Considerations                                                                                                                                                277.5

                                                                                                                                                                              OpenSSL Benchmark
Impacts on network, CPU, and RAM speed. In
addition to the filesystem costs, we evaluated Residue-
                                                                                                                           Fig. 5. RSA signing speeds from the Phoronix OpenSSL bench-
Free’s impacts on other key system performance mea-                                                                        mark.
sures. We used the Phoronix Test Suite to evaluate net-
work device, processing, and RAM speeds, with and
without ResidueFree.                                                                                                       host, these results are expected. We show these results
     We ran all Phoronix Benchmarks 10 times consec-                                                                       in Figure 4.
utively in both standard mode and in ResidueFree.                                                                               To measure processing performance, we used
We ran all 10 ResidueFree runs in the same Residue-                                                                        Phoronix’s OpenSSL12 and API-Test13 benchmarks.
Free session. Unlike our other tests, the Phoronix runs                                                                    The OpenSSL benchmark measures how fast the system
did not fall into a uniform distribution. In particular,                                                                   calculates RSA signatures, while the API benchmark
tests running in ResidueFree were more prone to vari-                                                                      measures how many frames per second the system can
ance. However, the results show ResidueFree performs                                                                       render using various graphics API operations.
approximately the same as standard mode in these non-                                                                           On average, ResidueFree performs 4096-bit RSA
filesystem benchmarks.                                                                                                     signatures at 99.8% the rate of standard mode, calcu-
     To measure performance on network devices, we                                                                         lating 289.9 vs. 290.4 signatures per second. We show
used Phoronix’s network-loopback benchmark11 to mea-                                                                       these results in Figure 5.
sure data transfer speeds over the loopback interface.                                                                          We ran all 22 of the API benchmark’s per-API tests,
Transfer speeds for both ResidueFree and standard                                                                          though only 20 of them successfully ran on our system
mode are practically equivalent, with ResidueFree                                                                          (both inside and outside of ResidueFree). We ran the
averaging 11 MB/s faster than standard mode. Since                                                                         tests at a 1024x768 resolution. ResidueFree performs
ResidueFree shares a network namespace with the                                                                            graphics API operations at 98.5% the rate of standard

11                                                                  13
You can also read