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Archives of the Balkan Medical Union                                                      vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 518-522
Copyright © 2020 Balkan Medical Union                                                                September 2020

                                                                                           CASE REPORT

Elend V. SERGEEVA1, Svetlana S. BOBKOVA2
  Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2, „I.M. Sechenov“ First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow,
Russian Federation
  Municipal Hospital „S.S. Yudin“ of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russian Federation
                                                              Received 31 May 2020, Accepted 27 July 2020

ABSTRACT                                                   RÉSUMÉ

Introduction. Rhabdomyolysis (RM) is a clinical and        Rhabdomyolyse accompagnant la septicémie staphy-
laboratory syndrome resulting from skeletal muscle         lococcique
damage, with the release of a big number of intracel-
lular substances of myocytes into the systemic circu-      Introduction. La rhabdomyolyse est un syndrome cli-
lation and endotoxemia. The entry of the muscle de-        nique et de laboratoire résultant de lésions musculaires
struction products into the systemic circulation leads     squelettiques avec libération d’un grand nombre de
to the development of systemic manifestations, serious     substances intracellulaires de myocytes dans la circula-
disorders in homeostasis, multiple organ failure syn-      tion systémique et endo-toxémie. L’entrée des produits
drome, including acute renal failure, often threatening    de destruction musculaire dans la circulation systé-
the patient’s life.                                        mique entraîne le développement de manifestations
Case report. A rare case of RM in a patient with           systémiques, de troubles graves de l’homéostasie, du
staphylococcal sepsis (SS) and development of multiple     syndrome de défaillance multiviscérale, y compris une
organ failure is described. The diagnosis of RM was        insuffisance rénale aiguë, menaçant souvent la vie du
confirmed by the results of pathological and anatomi-      patient.
cal studies. Possible causes of RM in staphylococcal       Rapport de cas. Un cas rare de rhabdomyolyse chez
sepsis are discussed here.                                 un patient souffrant de septicémie staphylococcique et
Conclusions. Only a few cases of RM upon SS were           de développement d’une défaillance d’organes multi-
found in the literature. The development of RM in          ples est décrit. La présence de la rhabdomyolyse est
combination with the systemic inflammatory reaction        confirmée par les résultats d’études pathologiques et
syndrome in SS exacerbates the course of the disease       anatomiques. Les causes possibles de la rhabdomyolyse
and worsens its prognosis. Therefore, the timely diag-     dans la septicémie staphylococcique sont discutées ici.
nosis of RM and appropriate treatment are extremely        Conclusions. Seuls quelques cas de rhabdomyolyse à
important. The mechanism of RM development upon            fond de septicémie staphylococcique ont été trouvés

      Address for correspondence:       Maria A. KARNAUSHKINA
                                        Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2, „I.M. Sechenov“ First Moscow State
                                        Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
                                        Address: Trubezkaja street no. 8, Moscow, Russia
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union

SS is complex. After staphylococcus was isolated from       dans la littérature, et au deuxième millénaire, seules
the affected muscles in a patient with SS, one of the       trois observations ont été publiées. Le développement
first descriptions of RM upon SS suggested the role of      de la rhabdomyolyse en combinaison avec le syndrome
direct invasion of the infectious agent into the muscles,   de réaction inflammatoire systémique dans les septicé-
followed by the development of „pyomyositis.“ Another       mies staphylococcique exacerbe le cours de la maladie
mechanism for RM occurrence of PM may be the pres-          et aggrave son pronostic, et donc le diagnostic rapide
ence of toxin upon the staphylococcal toxic shock syn-      de la rhabdomyolyse et le traitement approprié sont
drome in patients with SS.                                  extrêmement importants. Le mécanisme de dévelop-
                                                            pement de la rhabdomyolyse sur septicémie staphy-
Keywords: rhabdomyolysis, staphylococcal sepsis, in-        lococcique est complexe. Après que le staphylocoque
fectious endocarditis, acute renal failure.                 ait été isolé à partir de muscles affectés chez un patient
                                                            atteint de septicémie staphylococcique, l’une des pre-
List of abbreviations:                                      mières descriptions de la rhabdomyolyse sur septicé-
RM – rhabdomyolysis                                         mie staphylococcique a suggéré le rôle d’une invasion
SS – staphylococcal sepsis                                  directe de l’agent infectieux dans les muscles, suivie
ARN – acute renal failure                                   du développement d’une «pyomyosite». Un autre mé-
IE – infectious endocarditis                                canisme pour l’apparition de la rhabdomyolyse peut
CPK – creatine phosphokinase                                être la présence de toxines sur le syndrome de choc
ALT – alanine aminotransferase                              toxique staphylococcique chez les patients atteints de
AST – aspartate aminotransferase                            septicémie staphylococcique.

                                                            Mots-clés: rhabdomyolyse, septicémie staphylococ-
                                                            cique, endocardite infectieuse, insuffisance rénale ai-

INTRODUCTION                                                with septic shock, ARN development and resulting
                                                            in death 5. The following case of RM upon SS (the
      Rhabdomyolysis (RM) is a clinical and labora-         presence of staphylococcus in the blood and urine)
tory syndrome resulting from skeletal muscle dam-           without signs of shock and ARN, with a positive
age, with the release of a large number of intracellular    treatment outcome, was described two years later in a
substances of myocytes into the systemic circulation        20-year-old patient with infectious endocarditis (IE)6,
(myoglobin, lysosomal and mitochondrial enzymes,            and two years later two more cases of RM upon SS
histamine, serotonin, oligo- and polypeptides, etc.)        were reported7,8. Recent publications of the last cen-
and endotoxemia. The entry of the muscle destruc-           tury cover two cases of RM upon SS: in one patient
tion products into the systemic circulation leads to        with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome9, and in
the development of systemic manifestations, serious         another – with staphylococcal pneumonia10. It is note-
disorders in homeostasis, multiple organ failure syn-       worthy that in almost 30 years after the first descrip-
drome, including acute renal failure (ARN), often           tions of RS upon SS, there were no publications on
threatening the patient’s life.                             this topic, and only in the second millennium did
      The various causes of RM (traumatic injuries,         individual information reappear. Thus, a report was
metabolic disorders, epilepsy, excessive muscle stress,     published on the development of RM in a 12-year-old
drugs, etc.) specifically include various infections1,2.    child with staphylococcal IE, manifested by myalgia,
A search in the Medline system for the publication of       fever, and secretion of dark urine11. In adults, two
RM cases with infections over 30 years (1966-1996)          cases of RM upon IE caused by methicillin-sensitive
returned information on viral and bacterial infec-          staphylococcus have been described. One patient
tions as the cause of RM in 59 and 60 cases, respec-        previously operated for a congenital malformation
tively3.                                                    developed IE complicated by severe RM with high
      RM is relatively rare against a background of         CPK indices (up to 49068 IU), successfully treated
staphylococcal infections, particularly, staphylococ-       with antibiotics followed by surgical intervention12.
cal sepsis (SS). The first reports of RM upon SS in         In another patient with IE, RM was diagnosed in
children and adults appeared in the 1980s. The pedi-        combination with purpura, purulent pericarditis and
atric literature described a case of RM upon SS in          intracerebral hematoma. Despite intensive therapy
a 15-year-old boy4. The earliest description of RM          (antibiotics, drainage of the pericardial cavity and
upon SS in adults is related to a 70-year-old patient       cerebral hematoma), a fatal outcome occurred13.

                                                                                        September 2020       /   519
Rhabdomyolysis accompanying the staphylococcal sepsis – DVORETSKY et al

   In this article, we present a patient with severe       flutter, arrested by cordarone. The values of urea
RM that developed against the background of SS.            (45.3 mmol/L), creatinine (332 μmol/L), CPK (4809
                                                           U/L), and lactate dehydrogenase (729 U/L) were
CASE   PRESENTATION                                        increasing. The microbiological examination of the
                                                           blood and urine revealed Staphylococcus aureus sen-
      A 46-year-old man was admitted to the neuro-         sitive to methicillin. Antibacterial therapy (oxacillin,
logical department of the State Clinical Hospital          linezolid) was prescribed. Despite intensive therapy,
„S.S. Yudin“ (Moscow, Russian Federation) on June          the condition deteriorated ,progressively and the pa-
28, 2019, with complaints of pain in the lower spine,      tient died on July 11, 2019.
and weakness in the legs. The medical history includ-            The positive diagnosis was: Sepsis from undiag-
ed type 2 diabetes mellitus, for which he received         nosed origin. Systemic inflammatory reaction syn-
insulin preparations of short and prolonged action,        drome. Rhabdomyolysis. Multiple organ failure. Poly
nephrectomy for urolithiasis, polytrauma (fracture of      segmental pneumonia. Diabetes mellitus type 2.
ribs, craniocerebral trauma, fractures in the vertebra,          The pathological diagnosis after necropsy was:
contusion of the liver and spleen) at the age of 20        Sepsis. Septic shock: shocked kidneys, liquid blood
years.                                                     in the cavities of the heart and large vessels. Bilateral
      The condition at admission is satisfactory. The      focal-confluent pneumonia in 6-9 segments. Multiple
consciousness is clear. Forced position on the back.       organ failure syndrome: parenchymal dystrophy of
Vesicular breathing, without wheezing, breath rate         the liver, myocardium, kidneys. Myocardial infarc-
16/min. The heart sounds are rhythmic, heart rate          tion in the posterior wall of the left ventricle, with
80/min, blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. The abdo-             dimensions of 2.5x3.0 cm about one day old. Focal
men is soft and painless on palpation. The liver and       necrosis of the ileum. Acute erosion of the stomach
spleen are not enlarged. No acute neurological and         and duodenum. Pulmonary edema. Cerebral edema.
surgical pathology, or foci of infection were found.       Attention was drawn to the change in the appearance
We noted the changes of laboratory tests in dynam-         of striated muscles, especially the femoral and iliac
ics. Peripheral blood showed leukocytosis (32-35 x         muscles, which were mottled, with uneven blood sup-
109/L) with a sharp shift to the left (17-37% of stab      ply and flabby (“boiled meat“ appearance) (Fig. 1 a,b).
neutrophils) to the appearance of young forms in the
blood (myelocytes, metamyelocytes). Hemoglobin             DISCUSSION
and platelet counts were within the normal range.
Biochemical blood tests revealed an increase in the              The presence of a systemic inflammatory reac-
level of C-reactive protein (CRP) (302-440 mg/L),          tion syndrome (marked leukocytosis with a shift to
procalcitonin (5.3-17.02 ng/mL), AST and ALT ac-           myelocytes, a high-level of CRP), the results of the
tivity (118 IU/L and 101 IU/L, respectively), cre-         microbiological study (Staphylococcus aureus in the
atine phosphokinase (2200-2700 IU/L), urea (16-23          blood and urine), and a high-level of procalcitonin in-
mmol/L), creatinine (153-234 mmol/L), potassium            dicated the development of SS, although the primary
(5.2-5.5 mmol/L), glucose (20 mmol/L). During his          site of infection could not be defined. Peculiarities of
stay in the neurological department, the patient’s con-    SS progression in the form of myalgia syndrome in
dition deteriorated, with sharp pain in the muscles of     combination with elevated CPK, ALT, AST, the pres-
the limbs, pain on palpation of the muscles, disorders     ence of myoglobin in the blood, brown urine, and ul-
of the central nervous system (lethargy, confusion),       trasound data on soft tissues indicated the diagnosis
a decrease in the blood pressure to 90/70 mm Hg.           of RM, as a rare complication of SS. This clinical and
Myoglobin (14350 ng/mL) was detected in the blood.         laboratory syndrome raised the suspicion of polymy-
Brown urine secretion was marked. The patient was          ositis, which had to be differentiated from RM in
transferred to the intensive care unit on July 01, 2019,   various pathological processes. Similar difficulties
where intubation of the trachea, and catheterization       in the differential diagnosis were reported in one of
of the internal jugular vein were performed, followed      the RM case descriptions upon SS in a patient with
by artificial ventilation, hemodiafiltration, and no-      IE, successfully treated with antibiotics, followed by
radrenaline infusion.                                      the disappearance of RM signs14. Muscle lesion was
      Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the medial         confirmed by autopsy and subsequent histological
surface of the upper third of the thigh revealed an        examination.
increase in echogenicity, without clear delineations,            Only a few cases of RM upon SS were found
with single an-echogenic inclusions (edema?, infil-        in the literature, and in the second millennium,
trate?). No fluid accumulation detected in soft tis-       only three observations were published12-14. The de-
sues. Electrocardiogram showed episodes of atrial          velopment of RM in combination with the systemic

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Archives of the Balkan Medical Union

 A.                                                           B.
                 Fig. 1 a,b. Iliac muscles of the mottled flabby appearance with uneven blood supply.

inflammatory reaction syndrome in SS exacerbates            development of RM upon SS (statins, alcohol con-
the course of the disease and worsens its prognosis.        sumption, etc)18. In our patient, one additional factor
Therefore, the timely diagnosis of RM and appropri-         may be considered the presence of diabetes mellitus.
ate treatment are extremely important.
      The mechanism of RM development upon SS is            CONCLUSIONS
complex. After staphylococcus was isolated from the
affected muscles in a patient with SS, one of the first          One of the RM complications is renal damage,
descriptions of RM upon SS suggested the role of            with the development of ARF19. The incidence of
direct invasion of the infectious agent into the mus-       ARF reaches 40% among all cases of RM20. RM is the
cles, followed by the development of „pyomyositis.“         cause of 15% of ARF cases21. The main pathogenetic
Another mechanism may be the presence of toxins             mechanism of renal damage upon RM is the appear-
upon the staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome in pa-         ance of myoglobin, having a nephrotoxic effect, in
tients with SS15.                                           the blood. Furthermore, the fluid redistribution into
      Among other toxic mechanisms not related to           the muscles results in hypovolemia, leading to renal
the toxic shock syndrome, are the staphylococcal en-        hypoperfusion. Attempts to predict the risk of devel-
terotoxins associated with the development of RM            oping ARF in patients with RM based on the values
in a patient with SS, who was found to have the             of CPK, creatinine, potassium, calcium, and the con-
genes encoding staphylococcal enterotoxins C, G             tent of myoglobin in urine were inconclusive20. An
and I. One of the mechanisms of myocyte damage              additional factor for the development of ARF in our
upon infections may be the release of interleukin-1         patient could be the nephrectomy in the past.
from cells, which is, moreover, a pyrogen during fe-             The treatment of SS patients complicated by RM
ver development16. The role of the increased content        includes, along with adequate antibacterial therapy,
of intracellular calcium entering the cells under the       the correction of hypovolemia, electrolyte imbalance
action of prostaglandins and leading to cell destruc-       (acidosis, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia), and the
tion activated by neutral proteases is not excluded17.      hemostatic system, alkalization of urine in order to
Various additional risk factors may contribute to the       prevent the nephrotoxic effect of myoglobin, as well

                                                                                          September 2020   /   521
Rhabdomyolysis accompanying the staphylococcal sepsis – DVORETSKY et al

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