Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland

Page created by Ted Wheeler
Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland
Roadmapping A Viable
                                    Community-Led Housing
                                    Sector For Ireland
                                    PROJECT LAUNCH                                      WHAT IS COMMUNITY-LED HOUSING
                                                                                        AND WHAT IS ITS RELEVANCE FOR
                                    Thursday 13th May 2021,
                                    12-13:30pm                                          Across Ireland, community groups are exploring
                                                                                        ways to collectively create their own homes together.

                                                                                        There is an approach to housing creation -
                                    THE PROJECT - “ROADMAPPING A                        Community-Led Housing - evolving across
                                    VIABLE COMMUNITY-LED HOUSING                        Europe and the wider world, which empowers
“Community-Led Housing is an        SECTOR FOR IRELAND”                                 communities to develop solutions addressing
                                    Community-Led Housing (CLH) is a ground-            their particular housing needs. CLH provides
example of bottom-up, active        up approach, which enables groups of people         a framework for cooperation in the creation

citizenship as its best, with the   to pool their assets and collective resources to
                                    create homes and communities which meet their
                                                                                        and revitalisation of new and existing
potential to put the humanistic     particular needs, whatever they may be, in a
                                    sustainable manner.                                 The unique feature of CLH is the empowerment
perspective of housing provision                                                        of future residents to meaningfully participate

centre stage, with communities
                                    Supported by The Housing Agency, The Land           in both the design and long-term management
                                    Development Agency, Ó Cualann Cohousing             of their homes. Although no two CLH projects
and citizens at the heart of        Alliance and the Goethe Institut Irland, SOA
                                    Research CLG have coordinated a 12-month
                                                                                        are the same, they all share a common goal
                                                                                        of meeting specific local housing needs via
neighbourhood development,          multi-stakeholder research project to roadmap a     collaboration, empowerment and mutual support.
                                    CLH infrastructure for Ireland.
embracing the idea of homes                                                             CLH is premised on the conviction that a house
as a social good.”                  The resulting publication, ‘Roadmapping a Viable
                                    Community-Led Housing Sector for Ireland,’
                                                                                        is not just a building, or an asset, or a ‘unit’, it is a
                                                                                        home: a place to live. As such, CLH approaches
                                    comprises a series of handbooks on the subject      take a holistic view of housing and strive to ensure
PRESIDENT MICHAEL D. HIGGINS        of CLH, offering guidance in the areas of Policy,   the social, environmental and economic well-
                                    Finance, Land and ‘Getting Your Group Ready’.       being of inhabitants.
Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland
Irish CLH Groups
Inspired by the growing international
Community-Led Housing movement, as well as
traditional meitheal and cooperative approaches                                     THE IRISH REGENERATIVE
                                                                                     LAND TRUST, Nationwide                                                     ARTHOUSE, Dublin
to community building in Ireland, people are
                                                                          IRLT aim to address the climate crisis through                                        A cooperative of artists
coming together to take initiative in solving their                    community action, by placing land into ecological                                        and community workers
local housing needs.                                                                  trust and democratic stewardship                                          whose aim is to provide
                                                                                                                                                                affordable housing and
                                                                                                                                                                community arts projects
These needs require a multi-faceted approach,
one that acknowledges that quality housing
must address multiple factors, including long-
term affordability. Social cohesion, innovative
environmental design, self-help and skills
training, empowerment of marginalised groups                      HOPE & HOMES, Galway
and addressing loneliness are just some of             Tackling the problems of homelessness and
the concerns that these groups are striving to          unemployment by constructing affordable
                                                                                                                                                                COMMON GROUND
                                                         housing in Galway City, and by providing
address on their own terms.                                                                                                                                     COHOUSING, Bray
                                                                         support to its community
                                                                                                                                                                Establishing the first Mutual
                                                                                                                                                                Home Ownership Society in
                                                                                                                                                                Ireland, to provide secure,
                                                                CLOUGHJORDAN                                                                                    affordable, and flexible
                                                                   COHOUSING                                                                                    housing for 27 households.

“What we’re aiming for here is                          Developing a ‘Climate-Smart
                                                        Pocket Neighbourhood’ as a
                                                                                                                                                                Designing housing that is
                                                                                                                                                                sustainable in every way

neighbourhoods. It has partly                         model of cooperatively-owned
                                                         cohousing in Cloughjordan

to do with architecture, partly                                           Ecovillage

to do with geography, but it
also has very much to do with
human participation. Society is                                                                                                                           INCLUSIVE
opening up to people living as                                                                                                                            Callan
active citizens in a participative                           HOUSING LIMERICK
                                                                                                                           CORK CITY
                                                                                                                                                          Addressing the integration of
                                                                                                                                                          people with support needs and

society, and how are we going
                                                           Aim to be part of creating a                                    COHOUSING                      low incomes in neighbourhoods
                                                        collaborative housing solution                                                                    that actively support neighbourly
                                                                                                                           Aim to provide agency for
to embody that? How are we
                                                      for Limerick, with the belief that                                                                  relationships
                                                      a community-led approach can                                         their members in building
                                                          address many more societal                                       their own future, delivering
going to build that?”                                    problems than housing alone                                       perpetually affordable homes
                                                                                                                           and offering an example to
                                                                                                                           others as how to do this
                          Patrick Lydon
Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland
Aims Of This Research Project                                                                                   The Publications
The goal of the project is the establishment of a Community-Led Housing sector in Ireland that
supplements and augments existing routes to creating social an affordable housing in Ireland.
                                                                                                                       PROJECT OVERVIEW
                                                                                                                       This handbook provides a broad
                                                                                                                       overview of the project aims and findings.
    The project aims to develop recognition             Recommendations are founded on                                 It is addressed to all who are interested in
                                                                                                                       developing the Community-Led Housing
    of CLH as an approach that empowers low             comprehensive research of supportive policy for                sector in Ireland.
    and middle income families to mobilise and          Community-Led Housing in the European Union
    develop housing that meets their present and        and the UK. Clear recommendations are made for
    future needs. It aims to develop a sector that      policy development in line with international best
    understands housing as a social good.               practice and competition law.                                  POLICY HANDBOOK
                                                                                                                       This handbook summarises the policy
                                                                                                                       context which supports CLH in countries
    The publication is intended to inform policy        A priority of the work has been to outline a basis             such as the UK, Germany, Belgium,
    decisions which can facilitate a broad variety of   for policy that will enable future civic partnerships          France and Switzerland. It recommends
                                                                                                                       policy initiatives which can support the
    approaches to CLH. The handbooks identify           between state and local authorities, communities               sector in Ireland, and is addressed most
    current financial and legal roadblocks and          and other stakeholders that make the best                      specifically towards Irish policymakers.
    suggest measures to address these. They             use of state land for the long-term benefit of
    further explore existing policy instruments and     communities.
                                                                                                                       FINANCE HANDBOOK
    mechanisms that could be utilised to enable the                                                                    This handbook examines available
    delivery of projects.                               The handbooks serve as guidance and information                financial approaches for CLH in Ireland
                                                        to policymakers, Irish CLH groups, related                     and recommends measures to ensure
                                                                                                                       a viable sector. It is addressed most
                                                        stakeholders, and the wider public generally.                  specifically towards Irish policymakers and
                                                                                                                       financial institutions.

                                                                                                                       LAND HANDBOOK
                                                                       ROADMAPPING                                     This handbook describes sustainable
                                                                                                                       approaches to land management which
                                                                       Each handbook contains a roadmap
                                                                                                                       facilitate the creation of homes that are
                                                                       or a series of roadmaps that set                affordable in perpetuity. It is addressed
                                                                       out in a simple infographic how a               most specifically towards Irish local
                                                                                                                       authorities, land management agencies
                                                                       Community-Led Housing project                   and other landowners.
                                                                       might be developed in Ireland.

                                                                                                                       GETTING YOUR GROUP READY
                                                                       The Overview handbook contains
                                                                       three ‘Master’ roadmap diagrams,                This handbook provides an Early-Stage
                                                                       and each of the other handbooks                 Guide to developing a CLH project,
                                                                                                                       including practical guidance on key
                                                                       contain detailed roadmaps specific              steps of the process. It is addressed
                                                                       to their subject matter.                        most specifically towards Irish
                                                                                                                       Community-Led Housing groups.
Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland
Community-Led Housing in Ireland

        Community-Led Housing can deliver                  CLH addresses long-term affordability
        neighbourhoods as well as homes,                   in ways that other approaches cannot,
        while offering genuine agency to                   and can provide homes for those who
        residents in the co-creation process.              are currently locked out of the Irish
                                                           housing system.
        CLH prioritises community integration
        and social cohesion, addressing                    CLH can be a powerful tool in
        loneliness and isolation.                          addressing town centre renewal across
                                                           Ireland. As evidenced internationally it is
        CLH projects typically provide an ideal            an ideal vehicle to address dereliction
        scale to explore innovation in the                 and vacancy.
        design of environmentally sustainable
        housing and neighbourhoods.

A variety of European countries provide significant support for Community-Led housing approaches.
There is strong evidence for the benefits of CLH in strengthening communities and delivering
genuinely affordable homes, and much to be learned from existing infrastructures in the UK and EU.

                                                                                                         Next Steps / Call To Action
COMMUNITY-LED HOUSING IN THE IRISH CONTEXT                                                               Irish groups are developing their projects despite significant
The following description for Community-Led Housing in the Irish context has been                        challenges in Ireland for cooperative and community-led approaches
proposed by the various stakeholders participating in this project. It is intended to support a          to housing. The recommendations set out in this report are intended
common understanding of the essential and defining aspects of Community-Led Housing.                     to support and accelerate community-led approaches to
                                                                                                         neighbourhood development in Ireland.
Community-Led Housing is a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable
approach to housing, with the following features:                                                        We invite consideration by Government and policymakers of the
                                                                                                         contents and recommendations set out in this publication.
1. Meaningful community engagement                  2. The local community group or
   and consent throughout the process. The             organisation owns, manages or stewards            SOA Research would welcome the opportunity to meet with the
   community does not necessarily have to              the homes in a manner of their choosing.          Government to introduce this research and discuss the possible
   initiate and manage the development
                                                                                                         steps towards implementation of its recommendations.
   process, or build the homes themselves,          3. Benefits to the local area and/or
   though many do.                                     specified community are clearly defined.
Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland Roadmapping A Viable Community-Led Housing Sector For Ireland
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