Rural adaptation to climate change - 94ACIAR TECHNICAL REPORTS - Australian Centre for ...

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Rural adaptation to climate change - 94ACIAR TECHNICAL REPORTS - Australian Centre for ...
Rural adaptation to
climate change

Rural adaptation to climate change - 94ACIAR TECHNICAL REPORTS - Australian Centre for ...
Rural adaptation to climate change - 94ACIAR TECHNICAL REPORTS - Australian Centre for ...
Rural adaptation to
climate change
Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang, Khoi Dang Kim, Herb Plunkett, Ying Xu
and Christopher Findlay

Rural adaptation to climate change - 94ACIAR TECHNICAL REPORTS - Australian Centre for ...
The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) was established in June 1982 by an Act of the
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    This series of publications contains technical information resulting from ACIAR-supported programs,
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Huang, J, Wang, J, Dang, KK, Plunkett, H, Xu, Y & Findlay, C 2020, Rural adaptation to climate change, ACIAR Technical
Reports Series, No. 94, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, pp. 32.

ACIAR Technical Reports No. 94 (TR094)

ISSN 0816-7923 (print)
ISSN 1447-0918 (pdf)
ISBN 978-1-922345-39-4 (print)
ISBN 978-1-922345-23-3 (pdf)

Technical editing by SuperScript Writing and Editing

Design by Redtail Graphic Design

Cover: Farmer in a ‘safe vegetables’ farm in Vietnam. Photo: Khan Long
Millions of farmers in East and South-East Asia are responding to climate change, whether
they know it or not. They risk poverty by not responding proactively. Adaptation to a
changing climate will come about through practices and policies at household, farm, market
and government levels.

The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) is mandated under
the ACIAR Act (1982) to work with partners across the Indo-Pacific region to generate the
knowledge and technologies that underpin improvements in agricultural productivity,
sustainability and food systems resilience. We do this by funding, brokering and managing
research partnerships for the benefit of partner countries and Australia.

This technical report presents the findings of an ACIAR project that examined the effects
and potential benefits of responses to climate change in rice markets in China and Vietnam.
The project provided a social sciences dimension to the study of climate change. Its primary
objectives were to identify those farmers most at risk from climate change and then to
identify policy responses to assist their adaptation and adjustment.

The research found that some farmers were responding to climate change mostly by
adopting changes in farm management practices. However, adoption is dependent on
the relative advantage to be realised from innovation. The research also found that the
incentive for farmers to act was influenced by the policy environment, the institutional
environment and investment by governments. Because planned and institutional measures
are in the hands of various levels of government, the research reinforced the importance
of coordination to develop a cohesive package of measures for farmers to address climate
change at the farm level.

Understanding farmers’ adaptation strategies and decision-making processes is important
for designing future policy interventions to ameliorate and prevent the adverse effects of
extreme weather events on farming systems. I look forward to the contribution that this
research will make to understanding the interaction of farmers and government when
responding and adapting to climate change.

Importantly, this work also contributes to a strategic objective of ACIAR, of building
knowledge to support managing natural resources and producing food more sustainably,
adapting to climate variability and mitigating climate change.

Andrew Campbell
Chief Executive Officer, ACIAR


Foreword............................................................................................................................................................................................... i

Acknowledgments................................................................................................................................................................... iv

Authors................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv

Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Structural change in China and Vietnam............................................................................................................ 2

Effects and potential benefits of adaptations............................................................................................... 4
       Channels of effects.............................................................................................................................................................................4
       National, regional and sectoral studies...............................................................................................................................4
       ACIAR farm-level studies................................................................................................................................................................6

Chapter 1 Forms of adaptation.................................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 2 Farmers’ information and perceptions.................................................................................. 11

Chapter 3 Other drivers of adaptation..............................................................................................................13
       Household characteristics......................................................................................................................................................... 13
       Land tenure........................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
       Water allocation regimens......................................................................................................................................................... 14
       Labour markets.................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
       Social capital......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 4 Market signals................................................................................................................................................ 16

Chapter 5 Infrastructure................................................................................................................................................. 17

Adaptation and policy options....................................................................................................................................18


Appendix: sampling methodology.........................................................................................................................20

References...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
       Sources from ‘Assessing farmer responses to climate change — adjustment policy
       options’ (ACIAR project ADP/2011/039).............................................................................................................................21
       Other sources......................................................................................................................................................................................24

This technical report is a summary of other reports prepared from research conducted
in the ACIAR project, ‘Assessing farmer responses to climate change—adjustment policy
options’ (ADP/2011/039).

Jikun Huang
China Center for Agricultural Policy, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences,
Peking University

Jinxia Wang
China Center for Agricultural Policy, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences,
Peking University

Khoi Dang Kim
Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development

Herb Plunkett
Independent Public Policy Professional

Ying Xu
Research Fellow, Centre for Global Food and Resources, The University of Adelaide

Christopher Findlay
Emeritus Professor, The University of Adelaide

Climate change is a new source of pressure      weather events. No two such events are
for adaptation in farming systems (Cooper       likely to be the same. Understanding
et al. 2008; Thornton & Herrero 2015; Huang     farmers’ adaptation strategies and decision-
& Sim 2017). In particular, the number of       making processes is therefore important in
extreme events such as droughts, floods         designing policy interventions to ameliorate
and severe storms (Easterling et al. 2000) is   and prevent the adverse effects of extreme
increasing (Adger et al. 2003). Consequently,   weather events on farming.
welfare effects are likely to be significant
                                                In considering existing and new policy
(Howden et al. 2007). Farmers in developing
                                                measures that might improve rural
countries are likely to be more vulnerable
                                                adaptation to climate change, it is also
(Adger et al. 2003). There are different
                                                useful to consider the perceptions farmers
channels for adaptation to these events, at
                                                have about the effects of climate change,
the levels of markets and of households.
                                                the conditions governing their access
Trade can ameliorate the effects of extreme     to land and water, and the supporting
weather events on local markets, through        infrastructure available to them, both
access to farm produce from less affected       physical and social.
regions. Extreme weather events elsewhere
                                                Our research project was undertaken with
may create new market opportunities for
                                                support from the Australian Centre for
local producers. Opening markets to trade is
                                                International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).
therefore an important means of adapting
                                                We focused on the economies of China and
to climate change, so that inter-regional
                                                Vietnam, and we review our results here
adjustments in production and consumption
                                                along with those of related literature. In the
buffer the severity of the effects of climate
                                                next section we outline changes over recent
change (Reilly & Hohmann 1993).
                                                years in the structure of the agricultural
At the farm household level, adaptation is a    sectors in China and Vietnam. Following
key strategy that can alleviate the severity    that is a review of the recorded effects and
of climate change effects on agriculture and    potential benefits of adaptations to climate
food production (Alam, Alam & Mushtaq           change, as revealed by the research results
2017). The risks associated with extreme        from the project to date. We give specific
weather events are highly uncertain,            attention in the subsequent sections to:
and the adaptations farmers make to             • forms of adaptation
accommodate them are significantly
                                                • farmers’ information and perceptions
different from the day-to-day adaptations
of existing farming practices traditionally     • other drivers of adaptation, such as
made in response to seasonal fluctuations         household characteristics, land tenure,
in climate (Adger et al. 2003). Traditional       water allocation, labour markets and
adaptations are based on methods that             social capital
have proven successful in the past. Those       • market signals
adaptations are continually being tested        • infrastructure.
and refined. However, there is no store
                                                We then discuss adaptation and
of knowledge and learned experience
                                                policy options.
for coping with infrequent and extreme

Structural change in China and Vietnam
China and Vietnam are countries in              The land area in both economies is small
transition, where the agricultural economies    relative to the populations, and the area
have been growing with significant              of cultivated land has been falling as
transformation (International Fund for          urbanisation occurs. Arable land is now
Agricultural Development [IFAD] 2016).          0.09 ha/person in China and 0.11 ha/person
Agricultural gross domestic product growth      in Vietnam. IFAD has highlighted the big
rates in China and Vietnam were 4.2%            increase in land equipped for irrigation
and 3.4%, respectively, over the period         in China (from 38% to 55% since 1990),
2000–2015. Productivity in agriculture          but that the proportion of land equipped
has increased at a rate of 4% per year          for irrigation in Vietnam has remained at
in China and 3% per year in Vietnam.            around 45% (IFAD 2016, Table 2.3). Average
Drivers of growth included the use of           farm size is less than 1 ha in both China and
irrigation and farm chemicals, investments      Vietnam, which is the smallest in Asia. The
in infrastructure, policy reforms and           average farm size increased in China by 37%
technological changes. Agricultural             from 2003 to 2013 (Huang & Ding 2016).
production has also gradually shifted from
                                                Food consumption has been growing and
grains to higher-value-added products such
                                                changing. Despite the strong productivity
as horticulture, livestock and fisheries in
                                                growth discussed above, imports of food
response to changes in consumption. The
                                                have been increasing in both economies,
ongoing changes are an important part of
                                                and labour and land inputs to agriculture
the context of designing policy to respond
                                                have been declining. The cost of labour
to the risks associated with climate change.
                                                has been increasing and the production of
Another important change in rural areas         some foods has declined as farm resources
is the growth of off-farm employment. In        have been used to expand the production
China, 70% of the rural population now          of other foods. This process has been
has some form of off-farm employment            happening more rapidly in China, which
(National Bureau of Statistics of China 2015,   became a net food importer in 2004, mainly
quoted by IFAD 2016). In Vietnam, the share     because of imports of oilseeds. While other
of rural household income attributed to         commodities are traded, on balance, it has
agriculture fell from 43% in 2002 to 32% in     remained nearly self-sufficient in them. Until
2012. Over the same period, the proportion      2011, however, Vietnam remained a net
of the population living in urban areas         food exporter.
increased dramatically, from 20% in 1980 in
China to 54% in 2013, and from 15% to 33%
in Vietnam.

The change in trade patterns has led to                       In China, there has been a focus on the
concerns about Vietnam’s food supply self-                    supply of staple goods, despite their falling
sufficiency. The Vietnamese government                        share of consumption. Since 1996, the
issued a resolution mandating a minimum                       target has been for 95% self-sufficiency
land area of 3.8 million ha devoted to rice                   in grain. The main policy instruments
production and that at least one rice crop                    for this purpose have been the payment
per year be grown on that land (Resolution                    of subsidies to farmers and a price
63/2009/NQ-CP on food security). The                          intervention program (Huang & Yang
World Bank (2016, p. 17) notes that, as a                     2017). Domestic prices have exceeded
result of this policy, ‘farmers have faced                    international prices, and the gap between
difficulties introducing rotation crops which                 them increased from 2009 to 2014 (Huang
otherwise might be more profitable, help to                   & Yang 2017, Table 2). These subsidies are
maintain soil fertility, and interrupt cycles                 growing rapidly (doubling in the five years
of pest and disease’. Giesecke et al. (2013)                  to 2012, for example) and overall, China
concluded that the rice land designation                      has been shifting from taxing agriculture to
policy reduced the social welfare and                         subsidising it. There have also been efforts
nutrition security of Vietnamese people.                      to separate support for farmer income
Rules on the land areas to be held for rice                   from pricing policy. Huang and Yang (2017)
production are particularly significant in                    outline several efforts to curb the extent
limiting the adjustment options available to                  of the subsidies. However, with the growth
farmers to adapt to climate change (Nguyen                    of the consumption of meats requiring
et al. 2020). However, since 2015, because                    feed grains to produce, the goal of self-
of Decree 35/2015/ND-CP on rice land use                      sufficiency in grains has been impossible
and management, some transfers out of                         to attain1.
rice production have been allowed, up to a
                                                              Huang and Yang (2017) explain that, since
limit in some provinces, but only as long as
                                                              2004, the policy has distinguished between
the transfers are registered with the local
                                                              food and feed grain, with the goal of self-
People’s Committee and associated fees
                                                              sufficiency in the former, but with a more
are paid. The World Bank observed that the
                                                              open market expected for feed grain. The
decree in 2015 providing this flexibility was
                                                              soybean and rapeseed markets are already
‘likely just the beginning of a major reform
                                                              open, but price intervention continues to
to come with respect to the governance of
                                                              apply to maize. Huang and Yang (2017)
agricultural land-use.’ (2016, p. 17).
                                                              also report on other efforts to increase
                                                              productivity, including land consolidation
                                                              (requiring land rights reform) and
                                                              investment in research and development.

1   In the short term, meat self-sufficiency has also been challenged by the outbreak of African swine fever, which is
    reducing demand for imported grain. See
    commodities/sep-2019/african-swine-fever and

Effects and potential benefits of adaptations
In this section, we review the effects of        • Climate variability, especially the
climate change and the potential to benefit        increased frequency of extreme events
from adaptation. The key result is that the        such as droughts and floods, can result in
scope for adaptation to offset the impact of       unpredictable damage to crops.
climate change is significant.
                                                 Lobell and Burke (2008) explain that the
                                                 agricultural effects of climate change
Channels of effects                              are uncertain because of the varying
                                                 relative importance of temperature and
The literature relating to the effects of        precipitation, therefore the net impact of
climate change on agriculture has grown          climate change on crop production can be
significantly in the past several decades.       mixed. This is confirmed in most studies
Early studies generally assessed such            concerning climate change effects in China
effects with simulation techniques that          (e.g. Smit & Cai 1996; You et al. 2009; Zhai,
were built on theories from the physical and     Lin & Byambadorj 2009; Yin et al. 2016).
social sciences (e.g. Adams et al. 1990; Kane,
Reilly & Tobey 1992). A substantial body of
research, as reviewed in Adams et al. (1990),    National, regional and
has addressed possible physical effects of       sectoral studies
climate change on agriculture, focusing on
crop and livestock yield changes and the         Multiple climate impact assessments have
associated economic consequences.                been performed using data from China,
                                                 usually at either national or regional levels.
Among all agricultural subsectors, most          Tang et al. (2000) applied alternative general
literature focuses on crop production and        circulation models to evaluate the potential
the possible effects of climate change.          impacts of global climate change on China’s
Hulme (1996) identifies four ways that           agriculture. Liu et al. (2004) used county-
climate could physically affect crops:           level data on agricultural net revenue to
• Temperature and precipitation                  assess the economic impacts of climate
  changes will alter the distribution of         change, and found that the overall effect
  agroecological zones. The resulting            could be positive. Wang, Huang and Rozelle
  changes of multiple environmental              (2010) refer to scenarios in which rice yields
  factors that lie within each would further     in China fall by between 9% and 13% by
  affect crop production.                        the 2020s (without consideration of a CO2
• Higher carbon dioxide levels can               fertilisation effect).
  positively affect crop production through      Tao et al. (2003) specifically broke down the
  increased water-use efficiency and rates       climate–agriculture linkage from a water-
  of photosynthesis (although the extra          use perspective. They found that the water
  food that is grown in this environment         demands of south and north China face
  may be less nutritious [Zhu et al. 2018]).     opposite changes—demand would decrease
• Water run-off is affected by climate           in the south but increase in the north, and
  conditions and this directly affects           would consequently result in differing crop
  crop yields.                                   yield impacts. Zhai, Lin and Byambadorj

Productivity in agriculture has increased at a rate of 4% per year in China. Drivers of growth included the use of
irrigation and farm chemicals, investments in infrastructure, policy reforms and technological changes. Photo: ACIAR

(2009) estimated the effect of climate                      Other researchers have focused on the
change on China’s agriculture with a general                climate change effects on one or several
equilibrium model, and concluded that the                   specific types of crops. These include You et
overall impact would be moderate at the                     al. (2009) who studied wheat productivity
macroeconomic level.                                        in China, Yao et al. (2007) and Xiong et al.
                                                            (2009) who studied rice yields, and Xiong et
From a regional perspective, Chavas et al.
                                                            al. (2010) who studied cereals. The use of
(2009) investigated the long-term climate
                                                            key crop production inputs such as water
change effects on agricultural productivity
                                                            has also been investigated in conjunction
in eastern China. With simulation
                                                            with crop yield impact assessments,
techniques, they concluded that maize and
                                                            for example, Wu et al. (2010) and Xiong
winter wheat would benefit significantly
                                                            et al. (2010). As Hulme (1996) predicted,
in the North China Plain, while potato
                                                            the mechanisms linking climate change
yields might suffer in southwest China. Yin
                                                            and agriculture are numerous and can
et al. (2016) assessed the climate change
                                                            result in mixed findings, as is evident in
impacts on cropping systems in northeast
                                                            these studies.
China, and concluded that there could be
production benefits from the expansion                      Wang, Huang and Yan (2013) used a
of the crop-growing season, but that the                    comprehensive water-simulation model
effects of pests, diseases and weeds could                  to analyse the effects on agriculture in
also become more severe.                                    10 river basins of China in three different
                                                            climate scenarios. They report that in some

scenarios, water shortages in the north           decision-making in response to climate
(in particular in the Liahe and Haibe river       change events (see Appendix).
basins) would become more acute, but that
                                                  An example of this work was the
in other basins in the south, water balances
                                                  consideration of the impact of climate
would improve. They found that, despite the
                                                  change on net crop revenue in north and
greater influence on water balances in the
                                                  south China by Wang, Huang, Zhang and Li
north, the effects on total crop production
                                                  (2014). They used data from 753 national
would be moderate if farmers were able
                                                  meteorological stations and socioeconomic
to relocate water among crops and adjust
                                                  data from 8,405 farms across 28 provinces
irrigated and rain-fed land use.
                                                  in China. They concluded that, on average, a
There is less literature on the impact of         rise in temperature would reduce farm crop
climate change in Vietnam than in China.          revenue in both north and south China.
Rutten et al. (2014) have examined scenarios      Increasing temperatures, while beneficial
of the impact of climate change on land use       to irrigated farms, would have adverse
in Vietnam. They found that 47% of paddy          effects on rain-fed farms. With climate
land area is at risk of flooding, and the areas   change, farms in the north were considered
that are more flood-prone are concentrated        to be more vulnerable to temperature
in the Mekong River Delta. The World Bank         and precipitation variations than those in
(2010) review of the effects of climate           the south.
change on agriculture in Vietnam included
                                                  Huang, Wang and Wang (2015) used data
effects through changes in temperature,
                                                  from a survey of 1,653 rice farmers to
changes in rainfall and rising sea levels. They
                                                  examine the impact of climate change on
include hydroclimatic risks such as river
                                                  farm practices that had been adopted to
flooding, storms, salinity intrusion and sea
                                                  cope with extreme weather events, and
inundation (all of which are important in the
                                                  their consequences. They found that floods
Mekong River Delta), as well as flash floods
                                                  and droughts significantly reduced yields
and droughts (which are less important). In
                                                  and increased the risk of reduction of
the scenarios the World Bank considered, it
                                                  rice yields. They also found that farmers
estimated that rice yields could fall by 6.3%
                                                  who had adapted their farming practices
to 12% in the Mekong River Delta (without
                                                  had significantly reduced those risks and
consideration of a CO2 fertilisation effect)
                                                  increased yields. They concluded that there
by 2050. Another study considered the
                                                  was scope for scaling up cost-effective
possible effects of climate change on forest
                                                  adaptive farm practices and provision of
species (Booth et al. 1999).
                                                  public services related to natural disasters.
                                                  Similarly, in examining the impacts of
ACIAR farm-level studies                          climate change on mean (average) yields
                                                  of indica and japonica rice and the variance
A key objective of the ACIAR project              (variability) of them, Wang, Zhang and
reviewed here was to supplement and               Huang (2016) analysed 30 years of data.
complement the existing literature on the         They found that both the trend of climate
effects of climate change on agriculture in       change and change in its variability
China and Vietnam from a macroeconomic            significantly influenced the yields and
perspective, with an understanding of their       variability of yield of both rice types.
microeconomic effects. This has involved
using surveys of individual and farm-level

Huang et al. (2018), using a panel of                        Using panel data of rice farmers in Vietnam,
household survey data from a large sample                    Dang et al. (2020) examined the short-
in rural China, estimated the potential                      run impacts of farmers’ adaptations
benefits of long-run adaptation. They found                  on rice yield. They found that adopting
that, for various model settings and climate                 adaptive measures could reduce yield
change scenarios, long-run adaptations                       loss due to disasters. They also found
should mitigate one-third to one-half of                     that farmers having direct access to early-
the damages of climate warming on crop                       warning information about climate and
profits by the end of the 21st century. A                    technical support were more likely to apply
similar result was found using the same                      adaptation measures.
method in the USA and Vietnam, where
                                                             In the following sections, the different forms
long-run adaptations were estimated to
                                                             of adaptation used by farmers and drivers
mitigate one-third and one-half of the
                                                             of their use are reviewed. The focus is on
damages, respectively.
                                                             decision-making at the household level.

A survey of 340 households in Vietnam found that farmers with access to government services were more likely to
adjust farm practices to offset weather hazards, and farmers participating in agricultural production training were
more likely to apply offsetting measures. Photo: ACIAR

1      Forms of adaptation
           In the face of climate extremes,
           numerous adaptation strategies in
                                                      Other frequently observed responses
                                                      were to irrigate more frequently,
           different agroecological conditions        change crop varieties and to buy crop
           have been adopted by farmers.              insurance. Of interest, however, was
           These include, but are not limited to,     the low use of engineering measures.
           irrigation technology advancement          In the small proportion of farm
           (Wu, Jin & Zhao 2010; Xiong et al.         households who used engineering
           2010), variety choice (Tao & Zhang         measures, the most popular measure
           2010), cultivation-timing changes, soil-   related to water management—
           tillage practices, crop protection (Yin    investing in wells, building new
           et al. 2016), and input changes (You et    dams, purchasing pumps, investing
           al. 2009), including, for example, the     in surface pipes and sprinklers,
           use of plastic film for soil cover (Yin    and maintaining channels. Chen,
           et al. 2016).                              Wang and Huang (2014) observed
                                                      that when ‘policy support’ was
           Forms of adaptation may be
                                                      available, farmers were more likely
           conveniently divided on the basis
                                                      to adopt both engineering and non-
           of the level of the decision-maker
                                                      engineering measures. Policy support
           involved. The categories shown
                                                      included early-warning technology
           in Table 1.1 are farm household,
                                                      and technical, financial and physical
           rural community and government
                                                      supports. However, few farmers (5%)
           measures. Measures may be further
                                                      received this type of support. Farmers
           categorised into those related to
                                                      with indicators of higher levels of
           engineering, and non-engineering.
                                                      social connections were also found
           Examples of engineering measures
                                                      to be more likely to adopt both types
           are investments in irrigation. Non-
                                                      of responses.
           engineering categories include new
           methods of farm management.                Climate change is widely recognised
                                                      but the role of government support in
           Chen, Wang and Huang (2014)
                                                      adaptation is much less understood.
           present results for six provinces in
                                                      Xu and Findlay (2019) modelled the
           China relating to farmers’ choice
                                                      adaptation decision as a three-stage
           of adaptation methods to the
                                                      process, with the stages dependent
           experience of drought. The farmers
                                                      on whether:
           predominantly used only non-
           engineering drought-adaptation             1. the farmer needs adaptation
           measures (76%); 14% of households          2. there are constraints that prevent
           used no measures; only 10% used               adaptation
           both types of measures; and none           3. such constraints are able to be
           used only engineering measures.               removed through government
           The most popular non-engineering              support.
           measures were changing inputs
           to production or adjusting crop            They found that government support
           planting and/or harvesting times.          was associated with an increase

Table 1.1   Types of adaptations
Level of decision-
maker                Category 1    Category 2     Activity

Farm household       Engineering   Investment     Well, pump, greenhouse, water cellar and

                                   Maintenance    Well, pump, greenhouse, water cellar and

                     Non-          Water-saving   Border irrigation, furrow irrigation, level
                     engineering   technology     field, surface pipe, sprinkler, drip, plastic
                                                  film, less tillage, residual retention,
                                                  intermittent irrigation, drought-resistant
                                                  crop varieties

                                   Farm           Change: variety, sowing and harvest date,
                                   management     reseeding, fixing and cleaning, irrigation
                                                  time and volume, other inputs

                                   Risk           Adjust planting structure, agricultural
                                   management     insurance

                                   Off-farm       Employment, migration, investment etc.

Rural community Engineering        Investment     Reservoir, irrigation–drainage system, dam,
                                                  pond, well, pump and underground pipe

                                   Maintenance    Reservoir, irrigation–drainage system, dam,
                                                  pond, well, pump and underground pipe

                     Non-          Risk           Disaster-resistant activity, agricultural
                     engineering   management     insurance

                                   Capacity       Disaster-prevention training, water-user
                                   improvement    association, other farmers’ association

Government           Engineering   Investment     Reservoir, irrigation–drainage system, dam

                                   Maintenance    Reservoir, dam

                     Non-          Risk           Provide: disaster-warning service, disaster-
                     engineering   management     response knowledge, funding support,
                                                  technical support, emergency-warning
                                                  system, emergency-response plan, rules
                                                  and regulations for disaster, amended water
                                                  price policy

                                   Capacity       Disaster-prevention training

                                                                                    CHAPTER 1 | 9
of 24.4% in the probability of adaptation                              found that more adaptations to traditional
measures being adopted. This positive                                  practices were made in the more serious
change is much larger than the estimates                               disaster years and that government support
in other recent literature and suggests that                           influenced those adaptations (along
government support is much more effective                              with other household characteristics).
among farmers with adaptation constraints                              Dang et al. (2016b) found that the more
that they can address. Therefore, there is                             serious the disaster was, the more likely
value in correctly identifying each subgroup                           the adaptations of farmers and local
to optimise expected policy impacts.                                   governments were to reinforce one another
                                                                       (based on data for 2011, 2015 and 2016 from
In Vietnam, the adoption of engineering
                                                                       a sample of 390 rice-producing households
measures has been more widespread (see
                                                                       in the same provinces). However, they
Figure 1.1), and has mainly consisted of
                                                                       also found that policy changes tended to
modifications to irrigation systems. The
                                                                       lag behind the quicker shifts in climate
non-engineering measures used most by
                                                                       conditions and farmer adaptations.
Vietnamese farmers included changing
sowing and harvesting dates, rice varieties                            Our main focus from this point on in this
and crops. These adaptation measures                                   report is therefore on the adoption of non-
were adopted in disaster years to cope                                 engineering measures and the drivers of
with disasters and in normal years as a                                the decision to adapt. Our discussion begins
precautionary measure.                                                 with farmers’ use of information about
                                                                       climate change and their perceptions of it.
Dang et al. (2016a) studied farmers’
responses to drought and to salinity
intrusion in the Mekong Delta during
the 2010–2016 period. Using data from a
panel sample of 340 farm households in
the Ben Tra and Tra Vinh provinces, they
  Proportion of farm plots (%)

                                 45                                                  Engineering adaptations
                                 40                                                  Non-engineering adaptations
                                 35                                                  Any adaptations
                                 30                                                  Engineering and non-engineering
                                      No disaster   Small disaster Severe disaster
                                         2015            2011             2016
                                                Type of disaster and year

  Figure 1.1 Adaptation measures, Vietnam, by disaster experience
  Source: Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (2016)

2   Farmers’ information and perceptions
    The literature from many parts of
    the world has consistently shown
                                                 that the severity of droughts had
                                                 increased in the previous 10 years.
    that farmers’ perceptions affect their       Early warnings of drought had also
    choice of adaptation strategies (Juana,      altered their perceptions and affected
    Kahaka & Okurut 2013; Asante et al.          their adaptation choices. Farmers
    2017; Ayanlade, Radeny & Morton              perceiving an increased severity of
    2017). A recent study in China has           drought were found to be more likely
    also confirmed that perceptions are          to adapt by adopting water-saving
    a key factor affecting farmers’ actual       technologies. In looking specifically at
    adaptation behaviour (e.g. Sjögersten        the influence of social networks and
    et al. 2013). This follows from the          farm assets on farmer perceptions
    reasoning that human actions are             of climate change, Hou, Huang and
    based on perceptions formed from             Wang (2017) found that only 18% of
    the quality and relevance of available       farmers accurately perceived the
    information, and the ability to access       actual increases in annual mean
    and assess that information. That            temperatures over the past 10 years.
    ability is facilitated by social networks,   However, they found that social
    education and experience. In                 networks improved perceptions,
    particular, information about climate        and those with larger land holdings
    and early warnings about drought and         had more accurate perceptions of
    floods are important in promoting            climate change.
    better adaptive responses by farmers.
                                                 The China-based research on access
    Similarly, information about the
                                                 to information stresses the value
    availability of post-event services,
                                                 of early-warning systems. This is
    assistance and support are important
                                                 because, overall:
    in alleviating hardship.
                                                 • Farmers are about 20% more likely
    Empirically, overall perceptions have          to perceive an increasing drought
    been shown to be affected by factors           severity when early-warning
    such as the farmers’ age, education,           information is provided.
    and access to information (Debela et
                                                 • About 8% more farmers are
    al. 2015). Moreover, risk perceptions
                                                   expected to adopt the use of
    have been shown to be affected by
                                                   surface pipes in particular to
    adaptive capacity at the farm level
                                                   respond to drought if early-
    and sensitivity to climate change (Safi,
                                                   warning drought information
    Smith & Liu 2012).
                                                   is provided.
    In their study of early-warning
                                                 Weather information has the features
    information, and of farmer
                                                 of a public service, so its provision
    perceptions and adaptations to
                                                 is unlikely to be adequately funded
    drought in China, Hou, Huang and
                                                 privately and there is a case for
    Wang (2015) used household survey
                                                 state funding. Dang & Nguyen (2016)
    data from nine provinces and found
                                                 found that the provision of formal
    that over half the farmers perceived

                                                                          CHAPTER 2 | 11
A study of information provision and policy supports in three provinces in Vietnam found significant improvement in
the adaptive responses, because of early-warning information. Photo: ACIAR

information with government support                        village and farm surveys in five provinces,
played an important role in improving                      Wang et al. (2015) found that wheat farmers
farmers’ perceptions of local climate                      adapted better to droughts when provided
variability. As these authors pointed out,                 with early-warning information and
any consideration of a policy to raise                     policy support. The adaptations included
awareness of climate change should                         adjusting seeding and harvesting dates and
consider its ability to be applied widely.                 enhancing irrigation intensity. Similarly,
Using household survey data from rice                      in their study of the effect of information
farmers in the Ben Tra and Tra Vinh                        provision and policy supports on 2,157
provinces of the Mekong River Delta,                       plots of 695 households drawn from 66
Nguyen, Dang & Vu (2016) found that                        villages in three provinces in Vietnam,
individual farmer perceptions of increases                 Dang and Nguyen (2016) found a significant
in drought and salinity intrusion during                   improvement in adaptive responses,
the 2010–2016 period had influenced their                  because of early-warning information. In
adaptation behaviours. They also found that                addition, the government support included
the provision of early warnings of drought                 financial, technical and in-kind measures.
had altered those perceptions.

The North China Plain is an ecologically
vulnerable region frequently hit by drought.
In a study of farmer responses to drought
in that region, using data from large-scale

3   Other drivers of adaptation

    Household                                   smaller farms may benefit from
                                                more attention.
                                                Results vary, however, with respect
    Household characteristics have long         to the importance of various
    been considered possible factors            household characteristics. For
    affecting adaptation to climate             example, Thennakoon et al. (2020)
    change. Commonly identified features        did not find statistically significant
    include education level, sex, age and       evidence that age, education or
    wealth status (e.g. Deressa et al. 2009),   wealth affected the use of adaptation
    and the influences of these factors         in the form of changes in a variety of
    may be further manifested through           management practices.
    perception formation (Juana, Kahaka
                                                Wang, Huang, Wang and Findlay
    & Okurut 2013; Asante et al. 2017;
                                                (2018) reviewed the determinants
    Ayanlade, Radeny & Morton 2017).
                                                of changes in irrigation practices in
    Huang et al. (2014) focused on              response to extreme drought events.
    farmers’ use of crop diversification to     They found that a response was more
    adapt to the extreme weather events         likely when the household head was
    of flood and drought. They used data        male. Their explanation was that
    from a large-scale household survey         changes in irrigation practices require
    in nine provinces of China, and found       more coordination among households
    that crop diversification was used to       and that heads are mostly male.
    adapt, and significantly so if they had     The effects of age and, interestingly,
    experienced the event in the previous       education were negative in these
    year. They also found that use of           results, but the effect of land holding
    crop diversification varied by the          per head and a location in a plains
    age and sex of the farmer. Younger          area was positive.
    farmers were more likely to plant
                                                Capital intensity and farm size
    more types of crops. Female farmers
                                                matter, according to the research
    were more likely to diversify than
                                                results. Huang, Wang, Huang and
    males. Interestingly, farmers with less
                                                Findlay (2018) examined the adaptive
    education were more likely to manage
                                                capacity of farmers, and identified
    risk in this way—the authors noted
                                                factors influencing the ability to derive
    that these farmers may have had
                                                benefits from adapting to changed
    difficulty in responding using other
                                                climate in the long run. They found
    measures. Farmers with larger farms
                                                that household-level capital intensity
    were also found to be more likely
                                                (production capital per hectare) had
    to diversify. The authors concluded
                                                a significant positive effect on the
    that the value of capacity-building to
                                                adaptive capacity of farmers. They
    support adjustment varies between
                                                also found that beyond a certain
    types of farmers, and they suggested
                                                level, increases in farm size led
    that older farmers and those with
                                                to increases in adaptive capacity.

                                                                         CHAPTER 3 | 13
Age had a significant negative effect in        is used. Such longer-term investments are
adaptive capacity.                              facilitated by land tenure arrangements that
                                                assure farmers who make such investments
These results reinforce the value of focusing
                                                that they will be able to reap their longer-
on indicators of risk categories for farmers,
                                                term benefits. Many of the successful
such as:
                                                adaptations to climate-change-related
• smaller farm size                             events depend on there being such longer-
• older age                                     term investments.
• location other than a plains area             In this project, we also found that better-
• lesser wealth.                                defined property rights had an impact on
                                                the use of management practices as well.
In Vietnam, Vu et al. (2016), found that
                                                Thennakoon et al. (2020) found that in the
cultivated land size was a positive factor in
                                                Guangdong province of China, rice farmers
adaptation, but that this could be offset by
                                                with contracted land were more likely to
fragmentation of land holdings. Larger and
                                                implement successful adaptation measures
more consolidated holdings helped farmers
                                                to extreme weather events than farmers
adapt. Other positive factors included ease
                                                who rented land from the collective or from
of access to main roads, higher quality of
                                                other farmers.
cultivated soil, and irrigated land share at
the village level. The authors referred to
these features as matters of agricultural       Water allocation regimens
infrastructure. However, they found
no effect of age or education level on          Well-defined rights for water use encourage
adaptation. They speculated that farmers        longer-term investment in conservation and
with higher education might be more likely      efficient use of water. Rights to the available
to be involved in off-farm work, which would    supplies of water and the ability to trade
reduce the incentive to adapt on the farm.      those rights are important for encouraging
                                                water flow to the most profitable uses. This
                                                is especially so at times when, or in areas
Land tenure                                     where, water is scarce, and there are many
                                                uses for the available supplies.
Land tenure has widely been considered
a factor affecting agricultural technology      Urbanisation in China has an effect
adoption, including climate change              on agricultural use of water and crop
adaptation procedures (Soule, Tegene            production. Yan, Wang and Huang (2015)
& Wiebe 2000; Place & Otsuka 2002;              estimated that a 1% increase in urbanisation
Gebremedhin & Swinton 2003; Deininger           would result in a 0.47% decline in the share
& Jin 2006; Abdulai, Owusu & Goetz 2011;        of water used for agriculture. The decrease
Oostendorp & Zaal 2012). The nature of          in use of water for irrigation of crops such
farmer rights to land and water has an          as rice and wheat is associated with declines
important influence on farmer adaptation        in yields and production, and an increase in
to climate change through their influence       reliance on rain-fed production. Adaptation
on farming practices. More sustainable and      measures they highlighted to minimise such
profitable practices depend on longer-term      declines included institutional and policy
investments to maintain and improve the         innovations, such as clarifying water rights
quality of soil and the manner in which it      and pricing mechanisms, to encourage use

of water-saving techniques and technologies       An important area for discussion is the
for both agricultural and urban uses              influence of policies and social capital on
of water.                                         farmers’ decisions to adopt adaptation
                                                  measures against drought. Using a large-
                                                  scale household and village survey in six
Labour markets                                    provinces across China, Chen, Wang and
                                                  Huang (2014) found that a higher level of
Off-farm labour markets provide a means
                                                  social capital in a household was associated
of adaptation for farmers to climate change.
                                                  with better adaptation capacity against
In response to the negative productivity
                                                  drought. They also found that the ability to
shocks to agricultural output that climate
                                                  adapt was influenced by characteristics of
change results in, farmers can mitigate
                                                  households and local communities. Dang
the damage to their overall welfare by
                                                  (2016) found similar results relating to the
seeking off-farm employment. However, the
                                                  influence of farm household characteristics,
mitigating effect of such labour reallocation
                                                  local infrastructure and government
depends on the property rights of farmland
                                                  supports on adaptation capacity in Vietnam.
and the availability of off-farm work.
                                                  These results were from a study of the
This was illustrated in a study by Huang,
                                                  adaptation behaviour of Vietnamese rice
Huang, Wang and Findlay (2016), who
                                                  farmers based on a large-scale survey of
found that farmers with off-farm working
                                                  623 rice farmers affected by climate change
opportunities who did not have property
                                                  in the Mekong River Delta and South–
rights to farmland benefited most from the
                                                  Central Coast regions.
adaptation of labour reallocation.

Social capital
Social capital means the norms and
networks that enable people to act
collectively. Specifically, family, friends and
associates represent an important collective
asset which helps people deal with poverty
and vulnerability, resolve disputes and take
advantage of new opportunities (Woolcock
& Narayan 2000).

                                                                               CHAPTER 3 | 15
4         Market signals
           A major factor in influencing farmer
           behaviour is the prices of agricultural
                                                      The study by Huang, Xie, Ali and Yang
                                                      (2017) examined these effects. They
           products. When the effect of climate       applied the empirically estimated
           change is to reduce supply, prices         price elasticities of major crops
           typically rise, inducing an increase in    in both the normal and extreme
           output in the new supply conditions.       weather event years from this project.
           However, farmer response to price          They then simulated the impacts
           changes may also vary in the context       of extreme weather events using
           of climate change. It is typically found   an integrated model of CAPSiM (a
           that farmers’ responses are not strong     partial ‘captive simulation’ equilibrium
           in the short-run because, as might be      model in agriculture for China)
           expected, periods of extreme weather       and a general equilibrium model
           limit their capacity to respond            (global trade analysis program).
           (Yang & Huang 2016; Huang & Yang           The results showed that, without
           2016; Do & Dang 2016). In addition,        considering the lower supply
           elasticities of farmer responses will      elasticities of many commodities in
           be underestimated by models which          the crop sector when encountering
           do not allow for the longer-run lagged     extreme weather events, the
           adjustment in supply.                      impacts of climate variations on
                                                      production, consumption and trade
           A further consideration with respect
                                                      are underestimated. The impacts
           to the price signals is the extent of
                                                      also varied with the degree of trade
           market integration. A weather event
                                                      liberalisation assumed. A more
           which shocks supply may have the
                                                      open economy in the agricultural
           initial effect of raising prices, but
                                                      sector was shown to reduce
           when local markets are integrated
                                                      the effects of extreme weather
           with the rest of the country or the rest
                                                      events on consumption and price
           of the world, the price impact will be
                                                      through imports.
           reduced when goods are imported
           from other regions. The impact on
           consumers in that case is reduced,
           but a greater impact is borne by local
           producers. Incentives to increase
           local production are also reduced.
           This reduced-incentive effect is less
           significant when the weather events
           are more widespread.

5   Infrastructure
    Community infrastructure supporting
    agriculture includes roads and
                                              Where suitable water resources are
                                              available, farm-specific infrastructure,
    waterways that facilitate the transport   such as irrigation systems, can be
    of farm produce to markets; local         developed or enhanced to further
    community centres; schools and            facilitate the expansion of intensive
    shops; and information about weather      water-dependent farming, such as
    and market prices. The nature and         rice paddies in drought-prone regions.
    quality of such physical and social       For example, Wang, Huang, Wang and
    infrastructure have important             Findlay (2018) used a field survey to
    influences on farmers and on farming      study the adaptive responses of rice
    practices, especially during extreme      farmers in their use of water, and
    weather events.                           found that in villages with irrigation
                                              infrastructure there was a significant
    Household and community assets
                                              increase in yields and reduction to
    affect farmer adaptations to drought
                                              the downside risks in rice production.
    in China. Wang, Huang and Wang
                                              Similarly, Wang, Yang, Huang and
    (2014), using data from a household
                                              Adhikari (2018) report from a field
    survey in three provinces, found
                                              survey of five provinces in the North
    that both asset types affect adaptive
                                              China Plain that, when faced with a
    behaviour. Household social capital
                                              severe drought, farmers changed
    and wealth, community networks
                                              their management practices to
    and access to government anti-
                                              mitigate its effects by increasing
    drought services facilitated farmer
                                              irrigation frequency and by increasing
    adoption of adaptation measures
                                              the efficiency of irrigation by using
    that resulted in higher crop yields.
                                              surface pipes. Again, they reported
    They also found there could be a
                                              a significant increase in yields and
    degree of substitution between
                                              a reduction in the downside risks in
    irrigation infrastructure and other
                                              production with irrigation.
    adaptation measures.

    In Vietnam, Dang et al. (2020) used
    data from a survey of 340 households
    undertaken in 2011, 2015 and 2016
    to examine farmer adaptation to
    drought. They found that farmers
    having access to government services
    were more likely to adjust farm
    practices to offset weather hazards,
    and that farmers participating in
    agricultural production training
    were more likely to apply offsetting
    measures. The adaptations made had
    significantly increased rice yields and
    reduced yield variability.

                                                                      CHAPTER 5 | 17
Adaptation and policy options
Options for adaptation are either those           infrastructure which farmers share, and
which are autonomous and can be                   this varies by catchment. Similarly, the
undertaken by farmers individually, or those      ability to make investments will depend
which are planned and require collective          on the availability of credit, the financial
action and undertaken by local communities        viability of the particular measure and the
and governments. The latter include               credit-worthiness of the borrower. Also,
investments in infrastructure or other            in the results reported above, the security
forms of social support. As noted earlier,        of property rights was found to affect
adaptations can also be categorised into          not only longer-term investment in land
those which involve elements of engineering       improvement and on-farm irrigation works,
and the various other non-engineering types       but also even the willingness of farmers to
of adaptations, such as those listed in Table     adopt improved management measures.
1.1 under risk management and capacity
                                                  The planning and institutional measures
improvement. Also, as illustrated in Table
                                                  affect the impact of measures adopted.
1.1, most engineering adaptations are likely
                                                  Specifically, there are synergies between
to require action by local communities or
                                                  planned adaptation activities at the
governments. Many of the non-engineering
                                                  community level, which can, through better
adaptations are in the hands of farmers and
                                                  incentives, stimulate adaptive responses.
involve changes in farm management.
                                                  For example, good information systems will
A focus of the project was on decision-           support more efficient choices by farmers.
making by farmers, and the belief                 Likewise, water pricing provides incentives
that farmers are more likely to make              for farmers to make more efficient use of
decisions which can have a high                   water, and also provides a benchmark for
impact on climate adaptation when                 evaluating investments in local capture and
those decisions are complemented by               storage of water. Removal of restrictions
planned government measures. The                  on labour mobility allows farmers to make
importance of complementarities can be            efficient choices with respect to remaining in
overlooked if undue emphasis is placed on         on-farm work or seeking work off the farm,
individual measures.                              or relocating to urban areas permanently.

Ease of implementation also matters. For          A challenge is that these packages of
each type of adaptation, implementation           planned and institutional measures are in
can be relatively easy or difficult. Similarly,   the hands of various levels of government,
the impact of implementation can be               so an important implication of this work
relatively low or high. Policy priority should    is the degree of coordination required
be given to identifying and implementing          to implement them (Nguyen et al. 2020).
adaptation measures that are easy to              Another challenge is that governments often
implement and have a high impact.                 have incentives to adopt particular types of
                                                  measures. Visible initiatives such as large-
The ease of implementation will generally
                                                  scale engineering measures (e.g. sea walls)
depend on local conditions. For example,
                                                  may be more visible to their constituencies,
the ease of implementation of various
                                                  despite a lack of return on investment,
water-related measures will depend on
                                                  compared to others which are less visible in
the extent and quality of the irrigation
                                                  those terms (e.g. water markets).

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