Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification

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Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification
Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification

                       Yang Yang1 , Jimei Yang2 , Junjie Yan1 ,
                     Shengcai Liao1 , Dong Yi1 , and Stan Z. Li1,
   Center for Biometrics and Security Research & National Laboratory of Pattern
       Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
                          University of California, Merced

         Abstract. Color naming, which relates colors with color names, can
         help people with a semantic analysis of images in many computer vision
         applications. In this paper, we propose a novel salient color names based
         color descriptor (SCNCD) to describe colors. SCNCD utilizes salient
         color names to guarantee that a higher probability will be assigned to
         the color name which is nearer to the color. Based on SCNCD, color
         distributions over color names in different color spaces are then ob-
         tained and fused to generate a feature representation. Moreover, the
         effect of background information is employed and analyzed for person
         re-identification. With a simple metric learning method, the proposed
         approach outperforms the state-of-the-art performance (without user’s
         feedback optimization) on two challenging datasets (VIPeR and PRID
         450S). More importantly, the proposed feature can be obtained very fast
         if we compute SCNCD of each color in advance.

         Keywords: Salient color names, color descriptor, feature representa-
         tion, person re-identification.

1       Introduction

Person re-identification is an important topic in visual surveillance. Its goal is
to recognize an individual over disjoint camera views. It is a very challenging
task because the appearance of an individual can be of significant difference in
different viewpoints, illumination, poses, etc. Partial occlusions, low resolution
and background interference add to the intractability of person re-identification.
   To address these challenges in person re-identification, many researchers have
proposed different strategies which can be summarized as two stages: (1) feature
representation (e.g. [1,4,18,15,13,31,12,7]), which is our main concern in this
paper and (2) person matching (e.g. [30,19,28,6,11,5,32,14]).
   Color and texture are the most commonly used appearance based features
for person re-identification. Texture descriptors such as Maximally Stable Color
Regions (MSCR) [1], Local Binary Patterns (LBP) [6,11,5] and 21 texture filters
(8 Gablor filters and 13 Schmid fiters) [15] have been successfully applied to

    Corresponding Author.

D. Fleet et al. (Eds.): ECCV 2014, Part I, LNCS 8689, pp. 536–551, 2014.

c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
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address the problem of person re-identification. But color information, in com-
parison with texture information, seems to be a more important cue due to
the fact that in most cases, only low-resolution images can be obtained. Tradi-
tional color information such as color histogram, a simple yet effective feature
representation, is most widely used in [1,4,18,15,13,31,12,19,6,11,5,32]. With the
consideration of the influence of illumination variations, we calculate color his-
tograms in different color spaces separately and fuse them to make the final
feature more robust to illumination changes. However, the performance of fea-
ture representation by means of color histograms is sill not satisfactory. Since
color names show good robustness to photometric variance [26], an alternative
approach is to apply color names to describe colors [12,27,10,26].
   In this paper, we propose a novel salient color names based color descrip-
tor (SCNCD) for person re-identification. An example of SCNCD is illustrated
in Fig. 1. Different from [27] which is based on Google images, we employ 16
colors1 from 16-color palette in RGB color space as color names in SCNCD,
including fuchsia, blue, aqua, lime, yellow, red, purple, navy, teal, green, olive,
maroon, black, gray, silver and white. Inspired by the idea of saliency [8] which
is also reflected in other classic coding strategies (e.g. locality-constrained lin-
ear coding (LLC) [24], salient coding (SC) [8], local manifold-constrained coding
(LMC) [29] and localized soft-assignment coding (LSC) [16]) in image classifica-
tion, we assign the color’s salient color names with nonzero values. Salient color
names indicate that one color only have a certain probability of being assigned
to several nearest color names, and that the closer one owns a higher proba-
bility. For the purpose of making the SCNCD relatively less sensitive to small
RGB value changes caused by variations of incident illumination, we employ in-
dex to make colors owning the same index have the same color descriptor. The
role of index is similar to that of bins to color histogram or that of clusters to
bag-of-words model.
   To achieve the feature representation, we choose a part-based model [23] which
divides each image into six horizontal stripes of equal size, shown in Fig. 2(a) and
(c). On the basis of SCNCD, we can obtain the color distribution over the color
names (named as color names distribution in this paper) in each part. Examples
are shown in Fig. 2(b) and (d). Then, color names distributions of all parts are
fused to form an image-level feature. In addition, due to the fact that the back-
ground can provide scene context for classification [21], the effect of background
information is employed and analyzed for person re-identification. In the stage
of person matching, we adopt a fast and effective approach - Keep It Simple and
Straightforward MEtric (KISSME) [11,20]. Experimental results show that our
proposed method greatly outperforms the state-of-the-art performance on two
challenging datasets (VIPeR and PRID 450S).
Contributions. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as fol-
lows. (1) A novel salient color names based color descriptor is proposed for person
re-identification. Experimental results demonstrate that SCNCD has shown better

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Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification
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Fig. 1. An example of salient color names based color descriptor. The value corre-
sponding to a color name denotes the probability of the set of colors, the indexes of
which are the same, being assigned to this color name. It is noted that only several
color names have nonzero values.

         (a)               (b)                     (c)               (d)

Fig. 2. An example of the color names distribution of a person image from VIPeR
dataset. (a) Divide an image into six parts; (b) Color names distribution of each part
of the image based on the SCNCD; (c) Divide the foreground (object of interest) into
six parts; The mask used is automatically extracted by using the approach in [9]; (d)
Color names distribution of each part of the foreground based on the SCNCD.

performance than the previous color descriptor. (2) Background information is ex-
ploited to enrich the feature representation for person re-identification. With it, we
can obtain an image-foreground feature representation which is of good robustness
against background interference and partial occlusion. (3) Since there is no single
color model or descriptor which has the characteristic of robustness against all the
types of illumination changes [2,22], features based on color names distributions
and color histograms are fused to compensate each other which are computed in
four different color spaces including original RGB, rgb, l1 l2 l3 [2] and HSV.

2     Related Work

To tackle the problem of person re-identification, many researchers have pro-
posed different approaches the focus of which can be roughly divided into fea-
ture representation and person matching.
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Feature Representation. For the sake of describing a person’s appearance,
many of the existing approaches try to learn a stable as well as very distinctive
feature representation. To address the problem of viewpoint changes, Gray et
al. [4] propose an ensemble of localized features (ELF) to obtain a better repre-
sentation. Farenzena et al. [1] extract three types of features to model the com-
plementary aspects of human appearance, including weighted color histograms,
maximally stable color regions (MSCR) and recurrent high-structured patches
(RHSP). The algorithm reported in [1] achieves certain robustness against very
low resolution, occlusions and pose, viewpoint and illumination changes. The
drawback of this feature representation is that it is very time-consuming to ex-
tract these three types of features.
   Features based on different color spaces and textures are all employed to
represent the images, but what features are more important? In [15], Liu et
al. present a novel unsupervised method to weigh the importance of different
features. Experimental results show that the importance of features including
different color spaces and textures is different under different circumstances and
that instead of treating all features equally, endowing informative feature with
a larger weight when different features are fused can lead to better results. The
problem of person re-identification is revisited by means of color distribution
in [13]. Kviatkovsky et al. [13] propose a novel illumination-invariant feature
representation based on logchromaticity (log) color space and demonstrate that
color as a single cue has a relatively good performance in identifying persons
under greatly varying imaging conditions. In consideration of many existing ap-
proaches neglecting valuable salient information in matching persons, Zhao et
al. [31] put forward an unsupervised framework to extract discriminative features
for person re-identification and then patch matching is employed with adjacency
constraint. The salience in [31] is specially designed to match persons and is
robust to different pose, viewpoint variations and articulation. However, tradi-
tional color information may not be the optimal way of describing color. Thus,
Kuo et al. [12] employ semantic color names, which are learned in [27] to de-
scribe color and achieve improvements over the state-of-art methods on VIPeR
Person Matching. Another line of research pays more attention to how to
match persons efficiently. For instance, Zheng et al. [32] formulate person re-
identification as a distance learning problem regardless of the choice of rep-
resentation. A novel probabilistic relative distance comparison (PRDC) model
is proposed which aims to maximise the probability of similar pairs having a
smaller distance than that of dissimilar pairs. To solve the problem caused by
different camera angles, Hirzer et al. [5] learn a Mahalanobis metric learning by
employing similar pairs from different cameras. Then a linear projection is ob-
tained that keeps similar pairs together whilst pushes impostors. In [6], a relaxed
pairwise metric learning is presented to learn a discriminative Mahalanobis for
matching persons from different cameras. It should be noted that a simple yet
effective strategy named KISSME is introduced in [11] to learn a distance metric
from equivalence constraints from a statistical inference perspective.
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   Recently, Zhao et al. [30] exploit salience matching, which is tightly integrated
with patch matching in a unified structural RankSVM learning framework, to
match persons over disjoint camera views. In [19], the local fisher discriminant
analysis (LFDA) is applied to learn a distance metric for person re-identification
problem. After dimensionality reduction, the obtained features can be classified
by the nearest neighbor method. Different from the afore-mentioned matching
approaches which refer to the target individual as a reference template, Xu et
al. [28] represent an person image as a compositional part-based template, which
introduces flexibility to the matching formulation of person re-identification.

3     Proposed Method

In this section, we first introduce salient color names to describe colors. Color
names distribution of a person image is then obtained based on the SCNCD.
In addition, background information is employed to form different feature rep-
resentations that are then fused to obtain the final feature representation. At
the end of this section, we will briefly review a simple metric learning method -

3.1   Salient Color Names Based Color Descriptor

Color distribution [15,13,6,11,5,2,22] has been widely used to describe a person
image in person re-identification. However, it is a challenging task to describe
colors because many factors can lead to variations in RGB values, such as varia-
tions in illumination and viewpoints. To increase photometric invariance, differ-
ent color models and descriptors have been presented and evaluated in [2,22]. But
no single color model or descriptor has the characteristic of robustness against
all the types of illumination changes. Worse still, photometric invariance is of-
ten increased at the cost of lowering discriminative ability. To make up the
deficiency of RGB values, color names are employed as an alternative way of
describing colors in [12,27,26,17]. Experimental results in [17] demonstrate that
color description based on color names has a good robustness against photomet-
ric variance. Thus, the objective of this subsection is to present a novel approach
of describing colors.
   To describe colors based on color names, an appropriate mapping from RGB
values of a image to color names is required. In this paper, we choose a probability
distribution over the color names as a mapping method. Motivated by the idea
of saliency, we put forward a novel concept of salient color names. To be specific,
for each color to be named, salient color names indicate that this color only
has a certain probability of being assigned to several nearest color names, and
that the closer the color name is to the color, the higher probability the color
has of being assigned to this color name. Fig. 1 gives an example of the salient
color names representation of a color. Similar to color histogram or bag-of-words
model which assigns a color (or a feature) to bins or ’words’ respectively instead
of all elements, we introduce index for our SCNCD. Through this way, we can
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assign multiple similar colors to the same index with the same color description.
In the following, we explain in detail how to compute color description of these
similar colors.
   Throughout the paper, each channel in all color space is normalized to the
range [0, 1]. The initial RGB color space is discretized into M indexes. In our
case M is 32×32 × 32 = 32768 of equally spaced grid points in the RGB cube.
Therefore, there are 8 × 8 × 8 = 512 colors for each index. We define d =
{w1 , ..., w512 } as a set of colors the indexes of which are the same. The remaining
question is how to calculate the salient color names representation of d.
   Assume Z = [z 1 , z 2 , ..., z 16 ] denotes a set of 16 color names defined in the
introduction, then the probability of assigning d to a color name z is

                                   p(z|d) =            p(z|wn )p(w n |d),                    (1)

with p(z|w n ) =
      ⎨      exp −z−wn 2 / K−1 1
                                      z l =z z l −wn 

                                                                     , if z ∈ KN N (wn )
           p=1 exp −z p −w n  / K−1       z s =zp z s −w n 
                                                                 2                           (2)
                                                                  0    , otherwise

                                                 exp −αwn − µ2
                              p(w n |d) = 512                               .               (3)
                                                 l=1   exp (−αwl − µ2 )

where K means the number of nearest neighbors, µ refers to the mean of w n
(n = 1, ..., 512). In Eq. (2), z p , z l and z s (p, l, s = 1, ..., K) belong to K nearest
color names of w n . To reflect the saliency of the salient color names for d, we first
use the KNN algorithm to find K nearest color names of wn in Euclidean space.
Then, the difference between the one of K nearest color names to the other K - 1
color names is utilized to embody the saliency as in [8]. To calculate the saliency
degree, we employ a better function Φ(t) = exp(−t) instead of [8] which uses
Φ(t) = 1−t. After normalization, the probability distribution of wn over 16 color
names is defined as Eq. (2). To further obtain the final probability of d being
assigned to color names, Eq. (3) is employed to weigh the contribution of wn to
the d. It can be seen in Eq. (3) that the nearer of wn to µ, the more it contributes
to d. With Eq. (1), we can describe each set of colors based on their salient color
names. We refer to this type of color description as SCNCD in this paper. The
biggest difference between salient coding and our SCNCD lies that SCNCD is
a description of the probability distribution over its salient color names while
salient coding has no relationship with probability distribution. Besides, based on
SCNCD, multiple similar colors have the same color description, which increases
its illumination invariance. In section 4, we will compare our SCNCD with salient
coding which we take as a mapping method from RGB to color names in this
542     Y. Yang et al.

   Because all colors in the same set (or have the same index) possess the same
salient color names, the salient color names representation of d is also that of
the color belonging to the set d. Moreover, it is easy to prove that the   sum of
the distribution of d over all color names z m , m = 1, ..., 16 is 1, i.e. 16m=1 p
(z m |d) = 1.
   SCNCD has the following advantages:
   1. Each color in RGB color space is represented by the probability distribu-
tion over its salient color names. Furthermore, to get the salient color names
representation, we not only compare the difference among salient color names,
but also compare the probability of a color being assigned to each salient color
name with that of a color being assigned to overall salient color names. In this
way, a relatively reasonable probability distribution can be achieved.
   2. It can achieve a certain amount of illumination invariance. Because small
RGB value changes caused by illumination will have the same color description
if only their indexes are the same.
   3. It does not rely on complex optimization and is easy to implement. More
importantly, it is very fast because all salient color names representation can be
computed offline. Then, we just need to compute each color’s index and assign
it with its corresponding set’s salient color names representation.

3.2   Feature Representation

Once we have achieved the distribution of each color over color names, we can
employ them to describe all colors. To capture the color information of an image,
we compute color names distribution of an image with the aid of SCNCD. In the
following, we first explain in details how to calculate the color names distribution
and then show different feature representations.
Color Names Distribution. Because the human body is not rigid, a part-
based model [23] is selected instead of taking a person image as a whole. Similar
to [15], we partition an image into six horizontal stripes of equal size, as is shown
in Fig. 2(a) and (c).
   We can find that six parts including the head, upper and lower torso, upper
and lower legs and the feet are roughly captured. Let H = [h1 , ..., h6 ]T be the
color names distribution of a person image, then the m-th, m = 1, ..., 16 element
of the distribution of i-th part hi = [hi1 , ..., hi16 ] is defined as
                                       p(z m |xik )
                         him = 16 k=1
                                    N                  ,                        (4)
                                m=1    k=1 p(z m |xik )

where xik , k = 1, ..., N , means the k -th color (or pixel) in part i, and N denotes
the total number of colors in part i. An example of the color names distribution
in each part of a person image is shown in Fig. 2(b) and (d). The bin of color
name m denotes the probability of all colors in the corresponding part being
assigned to color name m. Similar color names distribution can be obtained
except the parts of head and feet between the image and foreground.
Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification   543

Foreground and Background Based Feature Representation. In image
classification, it is demonstrated in [21] that background can provide scene con-
text and improve classification accuracy. However, due to the fact that the back-
ground in person re-identification is not constant and may even include dis-
turbing factors, background feature representation combined directly with the
foreground feature representation will reduce the classification accuracy. To ad-
dress this problem, we introduce image-foreground feature representation, which
can be seen as that the foreground information is employed as the main infor-
mation while the background information is treated as the secondary one. It
alleviates the negative influence of noisy background.
   We first introduce image-only and foreground feature representations. (1)
Image-only. Inspired by the weighted color histograms [1], we endow each pixel
xik with a different weight ωik :

                                          (yik − μ)2
                            ωik = exp(−              ),                       (5)
                                              2σ 2
where μ = L/2 and σ = L/4. In Eq. (5), yik denotes the column of xik in the
image matrix whose column equals to the image width L. Then, him defined as
Eq. 4 is transformed into
                                     ωik p(z m |xik )
                       him = 16 k=1
                                  N                      ,                   (6)
                              m=1    k=1 ωik p(z m |xik )

where ωik means the weight of the color xik . (2) Foreground. To obtain the
foreground representation, we need a mask to extract the object of interest. In
this paper, we use the mask which is automatically obtained by the method [9]
with the parameter settings used in [1]. It is a commonly used mask (or a re-
vised mask) in person re-identification [1,18,23,20]. Color names distribution can
be obtained according to Eq. (6) for foreground feature representation. Then,
image-only and foreground feature representations are concatenated to form the
image-foreground feature representation.
Fusion of Different Features. Since there is no single color model or descrip-
tor which has the characteristic of robustness against all types of illumination
changes [2,22], features based on four different color models including original
RGB, normalized rgb, l1 l2 l3 [2] and HSV are selected and fused to compensate
each other. Because the range of pixel values of them in each channel are from
0 to 1, we can take them as a type of transformation of RGB values.

                                   (θ) = T (θo ),                             (7)

where θo (or θ) denotes the original RGB value (or the transformed RGB value)
while T means a transformation approach. For example, the transformation for
normalized rgb is

            T (a, b, c) = (a/(a + b + c), b/(a + b + c), c/(a + b + c)).      (8)
544      Y. Yang et al.

   In addition, color histogram is also fused with color names distribution to
improve the accuracy. Then, the final image-foreground feature representation
is obtained by concatenating all image-foreground feature representations which
are based on color names distribution and color histograms over the four different
color models.

3.3     Person Matching

Mahalanobis distance learning has attracted considerable attention in computer
vision. Given a pair of samples xi and xj (xi , xj ∈ Rd ), the Mahalanobis dis-
tance between them is

                          d2M (xi , xj ) = (xi − xj )T M (xi − xj ).            (9)

where M  0 is a positive semidefinite matrix. From a statistical inference point
of view, KISSME defines the Mahalanobis distance matrix M by

                                       M = ΣS−1 − ΣD
                                                      .                        (10)

                          ΣS =                     (xi − xj )(xi − xj )T ,     (11)
                                       xi ,xj ∈S
                      ΣD =                         (xi − xj )(xi − xj )T .     (12)
                                       xi ,xj ∈D

denote the covariance matrices for similar pairs S and dissimilar pairs D respec-
tively. Then, M can be learned easily from the training samples. More details
can be found in KISSME [11,20].

4     Experiments

In this section, we evaluate our method on two publicly available datasets (VIPeR
dataset [3] and PRID 450S dataset [20]). VIPeR dataset is commonly employed
for single-shot re-identification while PRID 450S dataset is a recently published
dataset and is more realistic than VIPeR dataset. Each person has one image
pair in both datasets. Therefore, the single-shot evaluation strategy [1] (described
specifically in the following experimental settings) can be used. All the results
are shown in form of Cumulated Matching Characteristic (CMC) curve [25].

4.1     Settings

In our experiment, we randomly choose half image pairs for training and the
remaining half image pairs are used for test. In the stage of test, images from
one camera are treated as probe and those from the other camera as gallery.
Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification     545

Then, we switched the probe and gallery. The average of the results is regarded
as one-trial CMC result. Similar to [19,11], we repeat 100 trials of evaluation
and report the average result to achieve a more stable results in the following.
When we calculate the SCNCD, the number of nearest neighbor of intermediate
variable wn in Eq. (2) is set to 5. α is set to 1 in Eq. (3). As in [11,20], the
principal component analysis (PCA) is employed to reduce the computational
efforts before KISSME is applied. When we compute the color histogram, the
number of bins of each channel is set to 32 for all color models. In the following,
we name image-only, foreground and image-f oreground feature representations
as Img, Forg and ImgF respectively.

                    (a)                                    (b)

       Fig. 3. Some examples from the datasets: (a)VIPeR and (b) PRID 450S

4.2    VIPeR Dataset

This is a challenging dataset2 for viewpoint invariant pedestrian recognition
(VIPeR), suffering from arbitrary viewpoints, pose changes and illumination
variations between two camera views. It contains 632 image pairs, which cor-
respond to 632 persons and are captured by two cameras in outdoor academic
environment. Images from Camera A are mostly captured from 0 degree to 90
degree and that from Camera B mostly from 90 degree to 180 degree. In exper-
iments, we normalize all images to 128×48 pixels. Some examples from VIPeR
are shown in Fig. 3(a).
Comparison with the State-of-the-art Methods. We compare our meth-
ods (SCN CDall (ImgF ) and Final(ImgF )) with the state-of-the-art methods on
VIPeR dataset. SCN CDall (ImgF ) refers to ImgF s of SCNCD over four color
models while Final(ImgF ) means all the ImgF s of color names distributions and
color histograms over four color spaces are concatenated. The compared meth-
ods are following the same evaluation protocol as ours. The dimensions of the
features are reduced to 70 by PCA.
   Table 1 shows that both SCN CDall (ImgF ) and Final(ImgF ) outperform oth-
ers. We can also find that when we fuse the SCN CDall (ImgF ) with different
    Available at:
546      Y. Yang et al.

      Table 1. Comparison with the state-of-the-art methods on VIPeR dataset

             Rank           1     5     10     15   20     25     30   50
           PRDC[32]       15.7   38.4   53.9   -    70.1    -     -      -
       Fusing+PRDC[15]    16.1   37.7   51.0   -    66.0    -     -      -
           RPLM[6]         27     -      69    -     83     -     -     95
            EIML[5]        22     -      63    -     78     -     -     93
          KISSME[11]      19.6    -     62.2   -      -    80.7   -    91.8
         KISSME∗ [20]     27.0    -     70.0   -    83.0    -     -     95
        eSDC-ocsvm[31]    26.7   50.7   62.4   -    76.4    -     -      -
         RankBoost[12]    23.9   45.6   56.2   -    68.7    -     -      -
             LF[19]       24.2    -     67.1   -      -    85.1   -    94.1
          Salience[30]    30.2   52.3     -    -      -     -     -      -
      SCNCDall (ImgF ) 33.7      62.7   74.8 81.3 85.0     87.7 89.6 93.8
        Final(ImgF )   37.8      68.5   81.2 87.0 90.4     92.7 94.2 97.0

color histograms, the obtained Final(ImgF ) leads to a 4.1% improvement com-
pared to SCN CDall (ImgF ) at rank 1. In addition, by comparing our approaches
with approaches used in [11] and [20], our feature representation shows more ef-

4.3    PRID 450S Dataset

PRID 450S dataset3 is a new and more realistic dataset. It contains 450 single-
shot image pairs captured over two spatially disjoint camera views. Fig 3(b)
shows some examples from PRID 450S dataset. It is also a challenging person
re-identification dataset due to different viewpoint changes, background inter-
ference, partial occlusion and viewpoint changes. In experiments, each image is
normalized to 168×80 pixels.
Comparison with the State-of-the-art Methods. Because the PRID 450S
is a new dataset, few methods have been tested on it. We only compare our
approach with the best results reported in [20] which uses the existing methods.
We use SCN CDall (ImgF ) and Final(ImgF ). The dimensions of the features are
reduced to 70 by PCA.
   It is shown in Table 2 that our proposed methods outperform KISSME [11]
and EIML [5] both of which employ the precise masks (generated manually).
Specifically, the results of SCN CDall (ImgF ) and Final(ImgF ) are at least 6.0%
higher than the best result EIML[5] at rank 1. On the PRID 450S dataset, the
improvement from SCN CDall (ImgF ) to Final(ImgF ) is not as great as that in
VIPeR dataset. This is because there are background noise and partial occlusion
in PRID 450S dataset, which influences the performance of the color histograms.
    Available at:
Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification                      547

Table 2. Comparison with the state-of-the-art methods on PRID 450S dataset.
KISSME∗ and EIML employ precise masks (generated manually). Our proposed meth-
ods employ the masks (generated automatically).

                Rank            1     5      10          15    20    25       30     50
            KISSME [20]        33.0   -      71.0        -    79.0   -        -     90.0
              EIML[5]           35    -       68         -     77    -        -      90
          SCNCDall (ImgF ) 41.5 66.6 75.9 81.1 84.4 86.7 88.4 92.4
            Final(ImgF )   41.6 68.9 79.4 84.9 87.8 90.0 91.8 95.4

4.4    Analysis of SCNCD

The performance of the proposed SCNCD is analyzed in the following:
Comparison with Other Color Descriptions. We compare our proposed SC-
NCD with several existing color descriptions on both VIPeR dataset and PRID
450S dataset, including color histogram, discriminative descriptor (DD) [10], the
color names (CN) [27], semantic color names (SCN) [17] and salient coding repre-
sentation (SCR) [8].

Table 3. Comparison with different color descriptions on VIPeR dataset. All six color
descriptions are calculated in RGB color space. Img is employed for them.

         Rank            1     5       10           15         20        25         30      50
       Hist(RGB)      6.5     22.8    34.8        43.4        50.5   55.9          60.3    72.6
        SCN[17]       11.9    32.3    45.9        55.0        61.8   67.1          71.4    83.7
        SCR[8]        12.5    32.9    45.9        54.3        60.4   65.0          68.9    79.1
        DD[10]        17.6    40.3    52.4        60.2        66.0   70.3          73.6    82.7
        CN[27]        19.6    44.2    58.1        66.3        72.3   76.9          80.4    88.8
      SCNCD(Ours)    20.7     47.2    60.6      68.8          75.1   79.1          82.4    90.4

   For DD, we choose the best setting, namely 25 clusters. To obtain SCR, we
employ salient coding [8] to map the color to color names and treat the mapping
coefficients the color’s description. To evaluate the performance of those six color
descriptions fairly, we compute all of them based on Img in RGB color space
while KISSME is employed as a matching method. The dimension is reduced
to 34 (the same as in [11,20] ) using PCA. It can be seen from Tables 3 and 4
that our proposed SCNCD outperforms all of other color descriptions on both
datasets at all ranks.
Img v.s. Forg v.s. ImgF. Three types of feature representations are shown
in section 3.2, including Img, Forg and ImgF. We compare the performances
of them on VIPeR and PRID 450S datasets. RGB color model is selected for
548      Y. Yang et al.

Table 4. Comparison with different color descriptions on PRID 450S dataset. All six
color descriptions are calculated in RGB color space. Img is employed for them.

         Rank              1      5      10     15     20     25     30     50
       Hist(RGB)          4.9    17.6   28.7   36.7   43.6   49.2   54.0   68.0
        SCN[17]           6.6    20.7   31.6   39.3   46.0   51.6   56.2   70.0
        SCR[8]            9.6    26.2   37.0   44.4   49.8   54.8   59.1   70.4
        DD[10]            17.6   40.3   52.4   60.2   66.0   70.3   73.6   82.7
        CN[27]            20.4   42.6   53.3   60.3   65.3   68.9   71.8   79.3
      SCNCD(Ours)         26.9   52.9   64.2   70.4   74.9   78.0   80.4   87.3

SCNCD. The dimension of Img (or Forg) is reduced to 34 by PCA while the
dimension of ImgF 50.
   In Fig. 4(a) and (b), ImgF shows better performance than traditional Img
and Forg on the VIPeR and PRID 450S datasets. In addition, we can see from
Fig. 4(a) that Forg yields similar results as Img on VIPeR dataset while Fig. 4(b)
shows that Forg significantly outperforms Img on PRID 450S dataset. This phe-
nomenon demonstrates that there is much more background noise in PRID 450S
than in VIPeR. This is why the improvement in PRID 450S is not as great as
in VIPeR when the background information is added in ImF.

                    (a)                                      (b)

Fig. 4. Performances of different feature representations on: (a)VIPeR and (b) PRID
450S based on SCNCD in RGB color space.

SCNCD with Color Models. We employ four color models for SCNCD when
we calculate the color names distribution of a person in section 3.2. Since these
color modes are used to address the problems of illumination changes in [2,22],
we choose VIPeR dataset to test our approach which suffers from illumination
variations between two cameras. Features based on different color models in-
cluding original RGB, normalized rgb, l1 l2 l3 and HSV as well as feature obtained
Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification   549

           Fig. 5. Different color models are compared based on SCNCD

by fusing them are compared. ImgF is selected as the feature representation.
The dimensions of features based on different color models are reduced to 50 by
PCA while the dimension of the fusing feature 70. Fig. 5 shows the experimental
results. It can be seen that among the four color models, SCNCD based on RGB
achieves the best results. Thus, SCNCD shows a certain amount of illumination
changes. Moreover, when we fuse these features computed under different color
models, the recognition accuracy is improved significantly. It benefits from that
these color models are invariant to different types of illumination [2].

5   Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a novel method to describe a color by its salient color
names. It is very fast because each color can be represented by its corresponding
index’s color names representation which is precomputed. Then, color names
distributions are computed over different color models and fused to address the
illumination problem. Background information is added in the image-foreground
feature representation. To improve the recognition accuracy, other color distri-
bution methods based on different color histograms are also fused with color
names distribution. Finally, we formulate the person re-identification problem
as a color distribution matching problem. Experiments demonstrate that our
proposed SCNCD possesses a certain robustness with background interference
and partial occlusion and that the final image-foreground feature representation
significantly improves the recognition accuracy of person re-identification.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Chinese National Natural
Science Foundation Projects #61105023, #61103156, #61105037, #61203267,
#61375037, National Science and Technology Support Program Project
#2013BAK02B01, Chinese Academy of Sciences Project No. KGZD-EW-102-
2, and AuthenMetric R&D Funds.
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