Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation

Page created by Gilbert Higgins
Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Santa Susana Substation
Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Santa Susana Substation    4011 Cochran St. Simi Valley CA,93063 – Ventura County

                          16kV Rack

Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Impacted Area: 16 kV Rack

             Squirrel   Squirrel   Bird


Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Bird Type
                                             24’ to 28’

                                                          11’ to 15’

           Rock Pigeon:                     Rock Pigeon:               Rock Pigeons directly outside substation on
Size ‐ beak to tail: 11 to 15 inches   Wingspan: 24 to 28 inch                 distribution pole and wires
    Weight: 8.4 – 13.4 ounces.

Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Bird Damage Illustration

                                            12’ from
                                            bottom of clip
                                            to the top of
                                            the blade

                           12’ from
                           bottom of clip
                           to the top of
                           the blade

Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Bird Damage Illustration

Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Animal Incidents & Average Customer Base

    Note: Data as of 8/26/2017

•       Momentary outage of 30 seconds per incident.

Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Problem Overview

• A majority of the outages which have occurred at Santa Susana
  Substation have been bird caused. A reason for the bird caused
  outage could be attributed to walnut trees (bird feed) located next
  to the substation. The birds pick up the nuts and perch on the
  energized rack which can cause phase-to-phase or phase-to-
  ground faults (outage).
• Santa Susana Substation was initially identified for permanent
  critter mitigated in 2018.
• Due to the recent uptrend in bird caused outages, SCE has
  implemented short-term solution and expedited the permanent
  mitigation plan to 2017.

Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Temporary Critter Mitigation

• The critter mitigation is a process where electrical components
  are insulated with plastic covers to prevent animals (birds or
  squirrels) from contacting energized parts and causing outages.
  • SCE has installed temporary critter mitigation in the 16 kV rack where most animal
     contacts occurred.

  • Two bird propellers were installed above problem areas.

• Completed 8/31/2017

Santa Susana Substation Simi Valley City Council Presentation
Temporary Disconnect Covers

Temporary Disconnect Covers

Bird Propellers
 • Currently two bird propellers installed.
 • Total of eight will be installed in future.

Permanent Critter Mitigation

• The critter mitigation components to be installed are insulated
  covers, Whirly-Birds (rotating insulated propellers), sonic bird
  deterrent (makes a sound of a hawk) and critter fencing.
• SCE is committed to a 12/15/2017 completion date.
   • Engineering is expediting material
     • Covers expected to arrive the end October
     • Fence expected to arrive by mid-November

Permanent Critter Mitigation
  • Example of what bird guard covers and critter guard fencing will look like when
    installation is complete at Santa Susana Substation.
Bird Guard Covers

  •                                                        Bird Guard Covers

                    Critter Guard Fencing

                                                      Critter Guard Fencing

Back-up slides
Planned Work on Overhead Network (2017-2019*)

  • 26 Branch Line Fuses
    • Increase protection of small branches and help localize faults
  • 21 Pole Switches
    • Allow sectionalizing of circuits and re-routing of power
  • 10 Fault Indicators
    • Help expedite troubleshooting
  • 2 Remote Automatic Reclosers
    • Increase protection of circuitry and help localize faults
  • ~10,500 feet of new overhead conductor
    • Replacing aging conductor

    *More work to be planned for 2019

Planned Work on Underground Network (2017-2019*)

  • 4 Underground Switches
     • Allow sectionalizing of circuits and re-routing of power
  • 2 Fault Indicators
     • Help expedite troubleshooting
  • 7 Remote Controlled Switches
     • Help expedite troubleshooting
  • ~5000 feet of new underground cable
     • Replacing aging conductor

     *More work to be planned for 2019

Automated Load Restoration

  • Introducing complex self-restoring algorithm that will
    analyze current conditions and will attempt to automatically
    re-route the load to adjacent circuits in the event of fault
     • Will speed up troubleshooting and restoration of power
  • 5 out of 11 circuits planned for initial implementation
     • More circuits are being planned for a later date

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