Weather Surveillance Radar Reveals Bird Response to the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative

Page created by Jane Reese
Weather Surveillance Radar Reveals Bird Response to the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative
Natural Resources Conservation Service
                                                Weather Surveillance Radar Reveals
CEAP Conservation Insight
Conservation Effects Assessment Project         Bird Response to the Migratory Bird
December 2014
                                                Habitat Initiative

Summary Findings                                                                           (TX, LA, AR, MO, and MS; USDA
                                                                                           NRCS 2012). Water levels at MBHI
In response to the 2010 Deepwater Hori-        Extensive coastal wetlands along the
zon oil spill, NRCS implemented the
                                                                                           sites were managed for shallow water
                                               northern Gulf of Mexico coastline           and mudflats to create or enhance
Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative (MBHI)       serve as habitat for a wide variety of
to provide temporary wetland habitat for                                                   seasonal habitat for waterfowl, shore-
                                               resident and migratory waterbirds.          birds, and other waterbirds.
migrating and wintering waterfowl,
                                               These wetlands have been significantly
shorebirds, and other birds along the
                                               degraded by human-induced landscape         Bird use of MBHI sites prior to en-
northern Gulf of Mexico inland from oil-
                                               alterations, sea level rise associated      rollment and management is largely
impacted coastal wetlands.
                                               with climate change, powerful storms,       unknown, limiting the usefulness of
Weather surveillance radar was used to         and recently by the April 2010 Deep-        traditional field survey methods for
assess bird response to MBHI activities.       water Horizon oil spill off the Gulf        assessing program effectiveness. Re-
Complementary field studies of seasonal        Coast.                                      motely-sensed weather surveillance
bird use of southwest Louisiana MBHI                                                       radar observations of bird activity can
sites were conducted to ground-truth the                                                   provide a comprehensive assessment
larger-scale weather radar assessment.
                                               In response to the oil spill, the Natural
                                               Resources Conservation Service              of bird use at numerous sites and, be-
Birds responded positively to MBHI man-        (NRCS) implemented the Migratory            cause they are archived, provide ob-
agement by exhibiting greater densities        Bird Habitat Initiative (MBHI) to pro-      servations of bird use of sites prior to
within sites relative to prior years and       vide migrating and wintering water-         MBHI enrollment.
relative to surrounding non-flooded agri-      fowl, shorebirds, and other birds with
cultural lands. Bird density at MBHI sites     alternative habitats inland of coastal      The national network of weather sur-
was generally greatest during winter.          wetlands potentially impacted by the        veillance radars (model WSR-88D,
                                               oil spill. Beginning in the fall of 2010,   commonly referred to as NEXRAD)
The magnitude of bird response at sites                                                    has been used as a tool to study bird
                                               MBHI incentivized landowners to
compared to prior years and concurrent-                                                    movements in a variety of settings
                                               flood existing croplands and idle cat-
ly with non-flooded agricultural lands                                                     (O’Neal et al. 2010; Buler et al.
                                               fish ponds and to enhance wetland hab-
was generally related to the surrounding                                                   2012a, 2012b). NEXRAD data have
landscape context, such as proximity to
                                               itats on existing Wetlands Reserve Pro-
                                               gram (WRP) sites. MBHI focal areas          been used to depict bird distributions
areas of high bird density and landscape
composition.                                   included the Mississippi Alluvial Val-
                                               ley (MAV) and West Gulf Coastal
Greater increases in relative bird use         Plain (WGCP) ecoregions due to their
were detected at sites in closer proximity     importance to migrating and wintering
to areas of high bird density and emer-        waterbirds and their proximity to
gent marsh.                                    coastal wetlands potentially impacted
                                               by the oil spill.
                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: JOHN PITRE, NRCS

Weather radar observations provide
strong evidence that MBHI sites that
                                               Program activities continued through
were inland from coastal wetlands po-
                                               winter and spring 2010/2011 (or longer
tentially impacted by the oil spill provided
wetland habitat used by a variety of
                                               for sites with multi-year contracts).
                                               Approximately 465,000 acres were
                                               enrolled into the MBHI within the           Northern pintails on Vermilion Parish, La.
                                               MAV and WGCP across five states             MBHI site, October 2010.
Weather Surveillance Radar Reveals Bird Response to the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative
“on the ground” as birds take flight en   food availability and waterfowl habi-
masse at the onset of highly-             tat carrying capacity estimates at-                       KLZK
synchronized broad-scale movements,       tributable to MBHI. Preliminary find-
such as nocturnal feeding flights of      ings of those studies are presented by
wintering waterfowl and migratory         Kaminski and Davis (2014).                                                         KNQA
flights of landbirds (Buler and Diehl
2009, Buler and Moore 2011, Buler et      Assessment Approach
al. 2012a). Along the Gulf Coast dur-                                                                          Alluvial Valley
                                          Study Area
ing the winter, waterfowl and other
                                          The MBHI was broadly applied
associated species regularly undertake
                                          throughout the MAV and areas of the
sunrise or sunset flights in large
                                          WGCP. However, analysis of bird use        West Gulf Coastal
groups between roosting sites—                                                             Plain
                                          of MBHI sites using NEXRAD data
usually wetlands and bodies of wa-
                                          is limited to landscapes within 80 km
ter—and feeding habitat such as agri-
                                          of weather radar stations. Two radar
cultural fields (Buler et al. 2012a,
                                          stations in the MAV and two stations
Randall et al. 2011).                                                                                   KLCH
                                          in the WGCP contained sufficient
                                          archived radar data near MBHI sites                KHGX
Assessment Partnership
                                          for useful analysis (Fig. 1). Individual
Scientists at the Aeroecology Pro-        MBHI tracts near these radars that         Figure 1. Locations of MBHI sites (black
                                          were at least 1 acre in size were in-      dots) within the effective observation
gram at the University of Delaware
                                          cluded in the assessment. Only Ar-         areas (dark grey) of four weather sur-
(UD) and USGS National Wetlands
                                                                                     veillance radars (labeled by name). The
Research Center (NWRC) have ex-           kansas sites were within the effective
                                                                                     light grey denotes counties included in
tensive experience using NEXRAD           radar detection range for radars within
                                                                                     the MBHI.
radar data in avian ecology studies. In   the MAV; therefore MAV sites in
2011, a partnership was formed            Mississippi and Missouri were ex-
among NRCS, UD and NWRC to                cluded from analysis.                      Weather surveillance radar data
conduct an assessment of seasonal                                                    The assessment team acquired weath-
bird response following MBHI imple-       Timing and intensity of water level        er radar data collected during time
mentation. This partnership involved      manipulation varied somewhat among         periods associated with migrating and
analysis of available NEXRAD              states to meet local waterbird habitat     wintering bird movements (August 15
weather surveillance data applicable      objectives. Table 1 shows the season       –May 31) for the years 2008–2011 at
to MBHI sites as well as detailed field   dates used for this assessment.            KLCH, KHGX, KLZK, and KNQA
studies of sites within NEXRAD ra-                                                   from the National Climatic Data Cen-
dar coverage to verify remotely-          Acreage of MBHI sites included in          ter data archive (http://www.ncdc.
sensed bird reflectivity data and clas-   the analysis is shown in Table 2. Vari- Radars measure
sify bird use data by season and types    ability in the area analyzed is due to     reflectivity (Z) in the form of returned
of birds observed.                        differences in the amount of area en-      radiation, and the density of birds on
                                          rolled between seasons and differ-         the ground is positively correlated to
                                          ences in the effective detection range     radar reflectivity at the onset of flight
This assessment partnership was sup-      of the radar among sampling days.
ported by the Wildlife Component of                                                  exodus (Buler and Diehl 2009, Buler
                                          Overall, approximately 10 percent of       et al. 2012a). Radar data from nights
the Conservation Effects Assessment       the area enrolled in MBHI within Ar-
Project (CEAP), and this conservation                                                with no discernible contamination
                                          kansas (MAV) and 15 percent of the
insight summarizes the findings pro-      enrolled area in Texas and Louisiana
duced. Additional details are available                                              Table 2. Total area (acres) of managed
                                          (WGCP) were included in the assess-        MBHI sites within the radar detection
in Sieges et al. (2014) and the final     ment.                                      range included in the assessment.
University of Delaware and USGS
NWRC project reports available on         Table 1. Season dates used for assess-                               Region
the CEAP website (Buler et al. 2013,      ment of waterbird habitat.                                      WGCP              MAV
Barrow et al. 2013).
                                           Season                 Dates                              LA          TX          AR
Under a separate partnership with
                                           Fall       October 1–October 31            Fall          15,925     19,105       6,303
NRCS, a team of scientists led by
Mississippi State University is con-       Winter     November 1–February 28          Winter        15,078     14,922       6,224
ducting more detailed and intensive
field studies to quantify waterbird        Spring     March 1–March 31                Spring        1,294      15,814        —

Weather Surveillance Radar Reveals Bird Response to the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative
from precipitation or other clutter        tion of imagery (Fig. 2). This thresh-                                                                                                  the 2006 National Land Cover Da-
were used to produce sample poly-          old was used to determine the extent                                                                                                    taset ( Percent
gons representing bird activity for        of flooding within MBHI areas.                                                                                                          of surrounding agricultural land that
overlaying onto land cover maps                                                                                                                                                    was flooded versus non-flooded was
within a Geographic Information Sys-       Change in soil wetness from baseline                                                                                                    also determined using the soil wetness
tem (GIS). Adjustments were made to        years (2008-2009 and 2009-2010) to                                                                                                      index derived from TM imagery. Cor-
account for sun angle and how birds        the management year (2010-2011) in                                                                                                      relations between bird response at a
are sampled in the airspace as the ra-     fall and winter was also determined.                                                                                                    sample of MBHI sites and each sur-
dar beam spreads with range to opti-       During the spring of 2011, all TM                                                                                                       rounding land cover type at various
mize how radar data represent bird         images in the KHGX and KLCH ra-                                                                                                         scales (0.3 to 2.8 miles) were assessed
activity in the vicinity of MBHI sites     dar ranges were obscured by clouds,                                                                                                     to look for patterns between bird re-
(Buler et al. 2013).                       preventing comparisons of site soil                                                                                                     sponse and surrounding land use.
                                           wetness during spring management to
Ground-truthing NEXRAD bird de-            the baseline years.                                                                                                                     Areas of high bird density during
tection                                                                                                                                                                            baseline years were defined as poly-
To ensure NEXRAD radar data relia-         Landscape composition data                                                                                                              gons having a seasonal mean reflec-
bly represented birds aloft, the USGS      Percent cover of agricultural land,                                                                                                     tivity above the 90th percentile. This
assessment team used weather sur-          emergent marsh, permanent open wa-                                                                                                      effectively identified areas with the
veillance and portable marine radar        ter, and forested wetlands surrounding                                                                                                  highest bird density that occurred
data, thermal infrared images, and         individual radar sample polygons was                                                                                                    within each radar-observed area.
visual observations of bird use of se-     determined at multiple scales using                                                                                                     Some of the identified areas were lo-
lect MBHI sites in southwest Louisi-
ana. By examining seasonal bird use
of MBHI fields in fall, winter, and
spring of 2011-2012, these field stud-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wet
ies enabled the assessment team to
associate NEXRAD radar echoes to
bird species or species group.

To assess diurnal use, the field team
conducted total area surveys of MBHI
                                                          November 10, 2009
sites in the afternoon, collecting data                                                                                             August 25, 2010                                                           October 28, 2010
on bird species composition, abun-
dance, behavior, and habitat use.
Evening bird use and flight behavior
(i.e., birds landing in, departing from,                                    0.0                                                                                                                                                                                         Flooded
circling, or flying over MBHI sites)
                                                Wetness Index (Dry → Wet)

was also documented. This field sam-                                        -0.1                                                                                                                                                                                        Not Flooded
pling captured the onset of evening
flights and spanned the period of col-                                      -0.2                                                                                                                                                                                           MBHI
lection of the weather radar data ana-
                                                                            -0.3                                                                                                                                                                                                Fall
lyzed. Pre- and post-dusk surveys                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Winter
were conducted using a portable radar
system and a thermal infrared camera.
Soil wetness data
The assessment team used remotely-                                          -0.6
sensed Landsat Thematic Mapper




(TM) data to quantify the extent of
flooding during the MBHI manage-
ment year (2010-2011) and two previ-
ous years via a soil wetness index
                                            Figure 2. Mean soil wetness index values for several MBHI sites (black outlines) de-
(Crist 1985, Huang et al. 2002). In-        rived from TM data. Three TM images show temporal variation in soil wetness. Sites
creasing values indicate increasing         are completely flooded in the October 2010 image in accordance with MBHI manage-
soil wetness. Index values greater          ment. Corresponding mean wetness index values are plotted for the entire study
than -0.05 indicate open surface water      period illustrating the fall-winter-spring flooding regime. Shaded bars distinguish the
(flooded soil) based on visual inspec-      periods of active management.

cations where birds are historically                                                                                                mid-winter peak, and KLCH a late
known to concentrate, such as winter-                                                                                               winter peak.
ing waterfowl at Lacassine National
Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Cameron                                                                                                   Overall, bird density at MBHI sites
Prairie NWR, in Louisiana.                                                                                                          during the management year for near-
                                                                                                                                    ly all seasons and radars was greater
Data analyses                                                                                                                       relative to prior years and relative to
To control for potential confounding                                                                                                non-flooded agriculture (NFA) (Table
year effects due to annual fluctuations                                                                                             3). This is indicated by the mean

                                            Relative bird density (Reflectivity in Z)
in overall bird populations, reflectivi-                                                                                            standardized reflectivity and the ratio
ty values during a given year were                                                                                                  of reflectivity relative to prior years
divided by the area-weighted mean                                                                                                   or NFA having values greater than
reflectivity of all radar sample poly-                                                                                              one. The majority of MBHI sites ex-
gons dominated (>75% of area) by                                                                                                    hibited greater bird use relative to
non-flooded agricultural lands during                                                                                               NFA within the management year and
that same year for each radar and sea-                                                                                              relative to prior years for fall and win-
son combination. Thus, reflectivity                                                                                                 ter, but not during spring. Exceptions
was standardized to be the ratio of                                                                                                 for a majority increase in bird use
observed reflectivity relative to con-                                                                                              relative to NFA in the management
current reflectivity at unmanaged                                                                                                   year by radar included KNQA during
fields and serve as an indicator of bird                                                                                            the fall and KLCH and KHGX in the
response to MBHI management. A                                                                                                      spring. Additionally, a majority of the
value greater than one indicates that                                                                                               area around KHGX during the spring
bird density was greater than concur-                                                                                               did not increase in bird use relative to
rent bird density at unflooded agricul-                                                                                             prior years.
tural fields. Standardized reflectivity
was used as the response variable for                                                                                               The greatest increases in the amount
modeling bird use of MBHI areas                                                                                                     and extent of reflectivity (bird use)
within the management year.                                                                                                         relative to prior years occurred during
                                            Figure 3. Daily mean relative bird densi-                                               winter in Louisiana (KLCH) and east-
Bird response to MBHI activities was        ty during the management year at MBHI                                                   ernmost Arkansas (KNQA) sites and
also assessed by comparing standard-        sites for each radar. Shaded bars distin-                                               during fall in Texas (KHGX) and
ized bird density in the two years pri-     guish the periods of active management.                                                 western Arkansas (KLZK) sites
or to management to bird density dur-
ing the active management year (2010        Table 3. Means for measures of soil wetness and relative bird density (i.e., standard
                                            reflectivity) during the year of active management and compared to prior years with-
-2011). The proportion of MBHI are-         out management. Sample size is the number of sample MBHI polygons assessed.
as that showed increases in mean wet-
ness, mean reflectivity during the                                                                                                    West Gulf Coastal    Mississippi Alluvial
                                                                                                                                            Plain                Valley
management year, and mean reflectiv-
                                                                                                                                      KLCH       KHGX       KLZK       KNQA
ity relative to prior years was calcu-
                                                Variables                                                                             Mean        Mean      Mean       Mean
lated to understand how management
practices influenced the assessed area.                                                                                              n = 2743   n =1616     n =534     n =171
                                                                                 Soil wetness index during management year            -0.14       -0.13      -0.22      -0.19
Findings                                                                         Change in soil wetness index from prior years        -0.02       -0.01      -0.09      -0.08
Bird response                                                                    Reflectivity relative to non-flooded agriculture      2.33       2.60       2.66       0.91
Relative bird density at MBHI sites,                                             Reflectivity relative to prior years                  2.7        9.44       7.82       1.21
as depicted by daily mean radar re-             Winter                                                                               n = 2921   n =1531     n =534     n =148
flectivity, varied considerably among
radars throughout the management                                                 Soil wetness index during management year            -0.09       -0.07      -0.13      -0.05
periods, with the KLZK and KLCH                                                  Change in soil wetness index from prior years         0.00       0.01       -0.03      0.03
radars showing much higher reflectiv-                                            Reflectivity relative to non-flooded agriculture    1703.38      5.06      29.86       1.93
ity overall (Fig. 3). For all radars, re-                                        Reflectivity relative to prior years                 10.27       5.71       1.64       2.80
flectivity peaked during winter man-            Spring                                                                               n = 206    n =1603       —          —
agement, although the timing differed
among radars: KHGX showed an ear-                                                Reflectivity relative to non-flooded agriculture      2.45       0.24       n/a         n/a
ly winter peak, KLZK and KNQA a                                                  Reflectivity relative to prior years                  2.21       1.97       n/a         n/a

spring by ducks, geese, wading birds,
                                                                                             and landbirds.

                                                                                             Soil wetness
                                                                                             Mean soil wetness index during the
                                                                                             management year nearly always indi-
                                                                                             cated non-flooded soil conditions on
                                                                                             average (values < -0.05) at sites dur-
                                                                                             ing fall and winter. However, there
                                                                                             were usually areas that were flooded
                                                                                             within MBHI site boundaries even if
                                                                                             the entire site was not flooded (Fig 4).
                                                                                             The change in mean soil wetness in-
                                                                                             dex from prior years in the fall was
                                                                                             negative, indicating dryer soil in the
                                                                                             management year. However, it was
                                                                                             slightly positive for the KHGX and
                                                                                             KNQA radars in winter. Soil wetness
                                                                                             was greatest during winter, though
                                                                                             only slightly more than half of the
                                                                                             MBHI area was considered flooded
                                                                                             with surface water in the WGCP.
                                                                                             During winter in the MAV, nearly all
                                                                                             of the MBHI area was flooded at
Figure 4. Images of remotely-sensed soil wetness and radar reflectivity data at a            KNQA, but less than a quarter was
representative complex of MBHI sites (outlined). As depicted by TM imagery from              flooded at KLZK. The lower soil wet-
single dates, MBHI sites are mostly flooded by surface water during the management           ness during fall is consistent with fall
year (top right panel) and relatively dry during a prior year (top left panel). Mean
standardized radar reflectivity at the onset of evening flight (i.e., relative bird densi-   moist soil management for shore-
ty) is greater within and around MBHI sites during the winter of the management year         birds, and the higher soil wetness in
(bottom right panel) than during the previous two winters (bottom left panel).               winter is consistent with open water
                                                                                             management for wintering waterfowl.
 (Table 3). The greatest use by birds of       when the majority of shorebirds had
 MBHI managed sites relative to NFA            already passed through the region and         Bird density increased at MBHI sites
 occurred during winter at all radars.         before the arrival of most migratory          despite detection of little or no in-
 The greatest responses to MBHI man-           waterfowl. Thus, NEXRAD detected              creases in soil wetness. The remotely-
 agement both within and between               bird density at MBHI sites was con-           sensed data used to calculate soil wet-
 years, across all radars and seasons,         sidered lower during the fall. Howev-         ness indices may not have been ro-
 occurred at Louisiana sites during the        er, field surveys of MBHI sites in            bust enough to detect season-long
 winter. Here, over 90 percent of              south Louisiana (near KLCH) detect-           surface water conditions. Few usable
 MBHI area had increased bird use              ed shorebirds and other bird taxa us-         TM images were available for each
 relative to previous years and NFA            ing MBHI sites during all seasons             radar and season with which to calcu-
 such that the average bird density was        (Fig 5).                                      late the index. Additionally, the as-
 over 10 times that from previous                                                            sessment team had no information
 years and over 1,700 times that of            The combined approach of using di-            about the extent of flooding within
 NFA. An example of MBHI sites il-             rect visual counts, portable marine           individual properties. Thus, a land-
 lustrating strong bird response during        radar data, and a thermal imaging             owner’s contract may require flood-
 the management year relative to prior         camera for ground-truthing NEXRAD             ing on only a portion of a property,
 years is depicted in Fig. 4.                  data was valuable for classifying and         whereas this analysis may have in-
                                               quantifying migrating and wintering           cluded the whole property boundary.
 Different groups of birds migrate             bird use of MBHI sites in southwest           Moreover, drought conditions, re-
 through the area at different times of        Louisiana. Results of direct observa-         stricted water supplies, or other cir-
 the year, with landbirds and shore-           tions indicate that MBHI fields pro-          cumstances may have prevented land-
 birds passing through first in spring         vided diurnal foraging habitat for            owners from complying fully with
 and fall followed by waterfowl that           shorebirds during fall migration and          their contracts. Arkansas was under
 often stay through the winter. Fall           for multiple taxa in winter and spring.       drought conditions in 2010. Thus,
 management for this assessment oc-            MBHI fields were also used as diur-           these conditions complicated quantifi-
 curred during the month of October,           nal resting sites in fall, winter, and        cation of changes in site wetness (i.e.,

20                                                     20                                 the landscape had greater bird
                               Ducks                                                       Geese
                     15                                                     15                                In the MAV, bird densities at
                                                                                                               MBHI sites were positively asso-
Density (birds/ha)

                                                       Density (birds/ha)
                     10                                                     10
                                                                                                               ciated with forested wetlands in
                                                                                                               the surrounding area. Field sur-
                     5                                                      5
                                                                                                               veys revealed this relationship
                                                                                                               was likely due to large numbers
                                                                                                               of spring and fall migrating land-
                     0                                                      0
                                                                                                               birds typically associated with
                      Au . 15
                      Se . 29
                      Se . 12
                      Oc . 26

                       De 21

                      Fe . 13
                      Ma . 27

                       Ma 23
                      Ma y 7

                                                                             Au . 15
                                                                             Se . 29
                                                                             Se . 12
                                                                             Oc . 26

                                                                              De 21

                                                                             Fe . 13
                                                                             Ma . 27
                      Oc . 10
                       No 24

                       Ja 19

                      Ja 16
                      Fe . 30
                      No v. 7

                                                                             Oc . 10
                                                                              No 24

                                                                              Ja 19

                                                                             Ja 16
                                                                             Fe . 30

                                                                              Ma 23
                                                                             Ma y 7
                      De c. 5

                      Ma . 12
                       Ap 26
                      Ap r. 9


                                                                             No v. 7

                      Ja n. 2

                                                                             De c. 5

                                                                             Ma . 12
                                                                              Ap 26
                                                                             Ap r. 9
                                                                             Ja n. 2

                                                                                                               forested habitats.

















                     20                                                     20
                             Shorebirds                                                   Waders           Proximity to bird concentrations
                                                                                                           Within the WGCP during fall and
                     15                                                     15
                                                                                                           winter, the only variable that exhibit-
Density (birds/ha)

                                                       Density (birds/ha)
                                                                                                           ed a consistent relationship with bird
                     10                                                     10                             density among the two radars was
                                                                                                           proximity to high bird density area.
                     5                                                      5                              Established areas of high waterbird
                                                                                                           densities along with the tendency of
                     0                                                      0                              waterbirds to form traditional large
                                                                                                           roosting flocks are two likely reasons
                      Au . 15
                      Se . 29
                      Se . 12
                      Oc . 26

                       De 21

                      Fe . 13
                      Ma . 27

                                                                             Au . 15
                                                                             Se . 29
                                                                             Se . 12
                                                                             Oc . 26

                                                                              De 21

                                                                             Fe . 13
                                                                             Ma . 27
                      Oc . 10
                       No 24

                       Ja 19

                      Ja 16
                      Fe . 30

                       Ma 23
                      Ma y 7
                      No v. 7

                                                                             Oc . 10
                                                                              No 24

                                                                              Ja 19

                                                                             Ja 16
                                                                             Fe . 30

                                                                              Ma 23
                                                                             Ma y 7
                                                                             No v. 7

                      De c. 5

                      Ap r. 9

                      Ja n. 2

                      Ma . 12
                       Ap 26

                                                                             De c. 5

                                                                             Ap r. 9
                                                                             Ja n. 2

                                                                             Ma . 12
                                                                              Ap 26



















                                                                                                           for greater increases observed at sites
                                                                            20                             close to high bird density areas. With-
                              Landbirds                                            Seabirds / Waterbirds
                                                                                                           in Louisiana, radar observations indi-
                     20                                                     15
                                                                                                           cate birds are concentrated in marsh
                                                                                                           and agricultural areas within and
Density (birds/ha)

                                                       Density (birds/ha)

                                                                                                           around Lacassine and Cameron Prai-
                                                                                                           rie National Wildlife Refuges and the
                                                                                                           White Lake Wetlands Conservation
                     5                                                                                     Area. These areas are well-known
                                                                                                           roosting areas for wintering water-
                     0                                                      0
                                                                                                           fowl (Link et al. 2011). These find-
                      Au . 15
                      Se . 29
                      Se . 12
                      Oc . 26

                       De 21

                       Ja 19

                                                                             Au . 15
                                                                             Se . 29
                                                                             Se . 12
                                                                             Oc . 26

                                                                              De 21
                      Ja 16
                      Fe . 30
                      Fe . 13
                      Ma . 27

                       Ma 23
                      Ma y 7

                                                                              Ja 19

                                                                             Ja 16
                                                                             Fe . 30
                                                                             Fe . 13
                                                                             Ma . 27

                                                                              Ma 23
                                                                             Ma y 7
                      Oc . 10
                       No 24
                      No v. 7

                      De c. 5

                      Ja n. 2

                      Ma . 12
                       Ap 26

                                                                             Oc . 10
                                                                              No 24
                                                                             No v. 7
                      Ap r. 9

                                                                             De c. 5

                                                                             Ja n. 2

                                                                             Ma . 12
                                                                              Ap 26
                                                                             Ap r. 9


                                                                                                           ings support the idea that birds use














                                                                                                           certain areas consistently during the
  Figure 5. Biweekly bird use of MBHI fields (# of birds/ha) detected via ground-                          winter and that these areas may be
  truthing surveys by taxa: ducks, geese, shorebirds, wading birds, landbirds, seabirds,                   important predictors of waterbird ac-
  and waterbirds.                                                                                          tivity.

                                                                                                           Importance of surrounding wetlands
             flooding) during the management              the management year. Notable rela-               Regional habitat differences associat-
             year. Management activities associat-        tionships detected include:                      ed with emergent marsh influenced
             ed with the MBHI may have provided            At both WGCP radars in fall and
                                                                                                           observed bird response. The im-
             stopover habitat for migrating shore-            all radars in winter, the most im-           portance of emergent marsh in pre-
             birds, even where surface water was              portant variable in explaining               dicting bird densities was apparent in
             lacking. Landowners may have been                standardized bird density within             the winter with the finding that in-
             unable to maintain winter flooding at            the management year was prox-                creased bird densities at MBHI sites
             such a depth that would benefit water-           imity to areas of high bird densi-           in the WGCP region were related to
             fowl, but any water on the fields like-          ty, such that bird density in-               higher amounts of emergent marsh in
             ly benefited shorebirds because they             creased in closer proximity to               the surrounding landscape. Emergent
             are known to identify and use moist              high bird density areas.                     marshes are often part of large and
             soils within days of being saturated.         Within the WGCP, bird density
                                                                                                           diverse wetland complexes that sup-
                                                              was positively related to greater            port a diversity of birds (Brown and
             Landscape attributes                             amounts of emergent marsh in the             Dinsmore 1986). Wetland complexes
             The assessment team evaluated vari-              surrounding area.                            in various stages of succession have
             ous landscape variables that may help         In the WGCP, MBHI areas with
                                                                                                           proven to be the most beneficial to
             explain observed bird response during            more non-flooded agriculture in              waterbirds (Fredrickson and Reid

1986, Kaminski et al. 2006, Van der       waterfowl may have varied based on         clustered into wetland mosaics that
Valk 2000, Webb et al. 2010, Pearse       the land use prior to flooding.            more closely resemble natural wetland
et al. 2012).                                                                        complexes (Brown and Dinsmore
                                          Some fields were pastures (15% in          1986, Pearce et al. 2012). With pre-
MAV and forested wetlands                 the MAV, 20% in the WCGP) during           dicted changing climactic conditions,
Field surveys conducted around sun-       the management year and may not            providing habitat for migratory birds
set (i.e., close to when NEXRAD           have provided much forage in the           in the MAV and WGCP will continue
sampled the airspace over MBHI            form of wetland plant seed during the      to be important for all stakeholders,
sites) revealed a mix of landbirds,       first year of the program. Rice seed       particularly with the knowledge that
shorebirds, and early waterfowl en-       persists longer in wetlands than other     migration is a limiting factor for
gaging in evening migratory flights       seeds associated with crop harvest         shorebirds and waterfowl (Alisauskas
during October. This mix of evening       waste, thereby potentially increasing      and Ankney 1992, Morrison et al.
flight activity from different bird       available forage for waterbirds com-       2007).
groups may in part explain why less       pared to other flooded crops (Nelms
variability in fall bird density was      and Twedt 1996, Stafford et al. 2006).     References
explained by modeling in both the
                                                                                     Alisauskas, R.T., and C.D. Ankney. 1992.
MAV and WGCP regions compared             However, only 20% of the MBHI                  The cost of egg laying and its relation-
to the winter.                            sites in the MAV in this study were            ship to nutrient reserves in waterfowl.
                                          rice fields compared to 40% in the             Pages 30-61 in B.D.J. Batt, A.D. Afton,
Since migrating landbirds contributed     WGCP, which may account for great-             M.G. Anderson, C.D. Ankney, D.H.
to the reflectivity detected in the       er positive changes in reflectivity val-       Johnson, J.A. Kadlec, and G.L.Krapu,
                                                                                         editors. Ecology and Management of
MAV in the fall, bird densities at        ues in the WCGP. Although water-               Breeding Waterfowl. University of Min-
MBHI sites were positively associat-      fowl will feed on non-flooded waste            nesota Press, Minneapolis, MN.
ed with forested wetlands. Areas with     grain, flooding rice fields increases      Barrow, W.C., M.J. Baldwin, L.A. Randall, J.
more forested wetlands in the sur-        habitat for waterfowl and other water-         Pitre, and K.J. Dudley. 2013. Application
rounding area had higher bird densi-      birds (Elphick and Oring 1998).                of ground-truth for classification and
                                                                                         quantification of bird movements on
ties during the management year,                                                         Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative sites in
likely indicating contamination of the    Because portions of the MAV and                southwest Louisiana. U.S. Geological
airspace over areas by landbirds initi-   WGCP have been farmed for rice                 Survey National Wetlands Research Cen-
ating migration from adjacent forest-     over the past 150 years (Hobaugh et            ter Final Report to USDA NRCS Conser-
ed habitats, which are known to har-      al. 1989), waterbirds may be depend-           vation Effects Assessment Project http://
bor high densities of migrating land-     ent on flooded agricultural fields for         FSE_DOCUMENTS/
birds (Buler and Moore 2011). Addi-       wintering habitat, in which case the           stelprdb1247057.pdf.
tionally, some waterfowl such as          MBHI provided valuable areas that          Brown, M., and J.J. Dinsmore. 1986. Impli-
green-winged teal, mallards and           landowners may not have flooded in a           cations of marsh size and isolation for
hooded mergansers use forested wet-       drought year.                                  marsh bird management. Journal of
                                                                                         Wildlife Management 50:392–397.
lands in the MAV throughout the
                                                                                     Buler, J.J., and R.H. Diehl. 2009. Quantify-
spring and fall (Heitmeyer 1985). Soil    Conclusion                                     ing bird density during migratory stopo-
wetness data also indicate that many                                                     ver using weather surveillance radar.
                                          In the wake of a major environmental
sites in the MAV were not actually                                                       IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
                                          disaster, the MBHI provided water-             Remote Sensing 47:2741–2751.
flooded in October and that drier sites
                                          birds with temporary wetland habitats      Buler, J.J., and F.R. Moore. 2011. Migrant–
were weakly associated with a greater
                                          by flooding agricultural fields within         habitat relationships during stopover
increase in bird density in the man-                                                     along an ecological barrier: extrinsic
                                          the MAV and WGCP regions. In-
agement year relative to prior years.                                                    constraints and conservation implica-
                                          creases in bird densities were detected
During fall management in the MAV,                                                       tions. Journal of Ornithology 152:101–
                                          on the majority of MBHI sites during           112.
sites were drier than those in the Gulf
                                          migration and wintering periods for        Buler, J.J., L.A. Randall, J.P. Fleskes, W.C.
and observed bird densities may re-
                                          waterfowl and shorebirds. The great-           Barrow, T. Bogart, and D. Kluver. 2012a.
flect shorebirds using drier mudflat                                                     Mapping wintering waterfowl distribu-
                                          est relative responses by birds to
sites or, again, landbirds (blackbirds                                                   tions using weather surveillance radar.
                                          MBHI sites occurred in the WGCP
en route to their roosts or neotropical                                                  PloS One 7:e41571.
                                          during the winter management period
migrants departing the nearby forest-                                                Buler, J.J., W. Barrow Jr., and L. Randall.
                                          at sites closer to areas of high bird          2012b. Wintering Waterfowl Respond to
ed wetlands) utilizing the landscape
                                          density and with more emergent                 Wetlands Reserve Program Lands in
adjacent to the sites.
                                          marsh in the surrounding landscape.            California’s Central Valley. USDA
                                                                                         NRCS CEAP Conservation Insight.
Influence of prior land use               Bird use of managed lands may be     
The attractiveness of MBHI sites to       maximized if future enrollments are            FSE_DOCUMENTS/

The Conservation Effects Assessment Pro-
Buler, J.J., M.L. Sieges, and J.A. Smolinsky.              siana. Waterbirds 34:422–428.
                                                                                                             ject: Translating Science into Practice
    2013. Assessment of bird response to the           Morrison, R.I.G., N.C. Davidson, and J.R.
    NRCS Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative                 Wilson. 2007. Survival of the fattest:            The Conservation Effects Assessment
    using Weather Surveillance Radar. Uni-                 body stores on migration and survival in          Project (CEAP) is a multi-agency effort to
    versity of Delaware Aeroecology Pro-                   red knots Calidris canutus islandica.             build the science base for conservation.
    gram, Final Report to USDA NRCS                        Journal of Avian Biology 38:479–487.
                                                                                                             Project findings will help to guide USDA
    Conservation Effects Assessment Project            O’Neal1, B.J., J.D. Stafford, and R.P. Larkin.
                                                                                                             conservation policy and program develop-                     2010. Waterfowl on weather radar: ap-
                                                                                                             ment and help farmers and ranchers make
    FSE_DOCUMENTS/                                         plying ground-truth to classify and quan-
                                                                                                             informed conservation choices.
    stelprdb1119393.pdf.                                   tify bird movements. Journal of Field
Crist, E.P. 1985. A TM tasseled cap equiva-                Ornithology 81:71–82.                             One of CEAP’s objectives is to quantify the
    lent transformation for reflectance factor         Nelms, C.O. and D.J. Twedt. 1996. Seed                environmental benefits of conservation
    data. Remote Sensing of Environment                    deterioration in flooded agricultural             practices for reporting at the national and
    17:301–306.                                            fields during winter. Wildlife Society            regional levels. Because fish and wildlife
Elphick, C.S., and L.W. Oring. 1998. Winter                Bulletin 24:85–88.                                are affected by conservation actions taken
    management of Californian rice fields for          Pearse, A.T., R.M. Kaminski, K.J. Reinecke,           on a variety of landscapes, the wildlife na-
    waterbirds. Journal of Applied Ecology                 and S.J. Dinsmore. 2012. Local and land-
                                                                                                             tional assessment draws on and comple-
    35:95–108.                                             scape associations between wintering
                                                                                                             ments the national assessments for
Frederickson, L.H., and F.A. Reid. 1986.                   dabbling ducks and wetland complexes
                                                                                                             cropland, wetlands, and grazing lands. The
    Wetland and riparian habitats: a nongame               in Mississippi. Wetlands 32:859–869.
                                                                                                             wildlife national assessment works through
    management overview. Pages 59–96 in                Randall, L.A., R.H. Diehl, B.C. Wilson,
                                                                                                             numerous partnerships to support relevant
    J.B. Hale, L.B. Best, and R.L. Clawson,                W.C. Barrow, and C.W. Jeske. 2011.
                                                                                                             studies and focuses on regional scientific
    editors. Management of Nongame Wild-                   Potential use of weather radar to study
    life in the Midwest: A Developing Art.                 movements of wintering waterfowl. The
    The Wildlife Society, Grand Rapids, MI.                Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1324            This assessment was conducted through a
Heitmeyer, M.E. 1985. Wintering strategies                 –1329.                                            partnership among NRCS, the University of
    of female mallards related to dynamics of          Sieges, M.L., J.J. Buler, J. Smolinsky, W.            Delaware (UD) Aeroecology Program, and
    lowland hardwood wetlands in the upper                 Barrow, Jr., M. Baldwin, and L. Randall.
                                                                                                             the USGS National Wetlands Research
    Mississippi Delta. Ph.D. dissertation,                 2014. Assessment of bird response to
                                                                                                             Center. Primary investigators on this pro-
    University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.                  Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative man-
                                                                                                             ject were Jeffery Buler and Mason Sieges
Hobaugh, W.C., C.D. Stutzenbaker, and E.L.                 aged wetlands using weather surveillance
                                                                                                             (UD) and Wylie Barrow, Mike Baldwin and
    Flickinger. 1989. The rice prairies. Pages             radar. Southeastern Naturalist. 13:G36–
                                                                                                             Lori Randall (USGS).
    367-383 in L.M. Smith, R.L. Pederson,                  G65.
    and R.M. Kaminski, editors. Habitat                Stafford, J.D., R.M. Kaminski, K.J.                   For more information:
    Management for Migrating and Winter-                   Reinecke, and S.W. Manley. 2006.                  technical/NRI/ceap/, or contact Charlie Rewa
    ing Waterfowl in North America. Texas                  Waste rice for waterfowl in the Missis-           at
    Technical University Press, Lubbock,                   sippi Alluvial Valley. Journal of Wildlife
    TX.                                                    Management 70:61–69.
Huang, C., B. Wylie, L. Yang, C. Homer,                Webb, E.B., L.M. Smith, M.P. Vrtiska, and
    and G. Zylstra. 2002. Derivation of a                  T.G. Lagrange. 2010. Community struc-
    tasselled cap transformation based on                  ture of wetland birds during spring mi-
    Landsat 7 at-satellite reflectance. Interna-           gration through the Rainwater Basin.
    tional Journal of Remote Sensing                       Journal of Wildlife Management 74:765–
    23:1741–1748.                                          777.
Kaminski, M.R., G.A. Baldassarre, and A.T.
    Pearse. 2006. Waterbird responses to
    hydrological management of wetlands
    reserve program habitats in New York.
    Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:921–926.
Kaminski, R.M., J.B. Davis. 2014. Evalua-                                                                     Suggested Citation:
    tion of the migratory bird habitat initia-
    tive: Report of findings. Forest and Wild-                                                                Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2014.
    life Research Center, Research Bulletin                                                                        Weather Surveillance Radar Reveals Bird
    WF391, Mississippi State University. 24                                                                        Response to the Migratory Bird Habitat
    pp.                                                                                                            Initiative. Conservation Effects Assessment
Link, P.T., A.D. Afton, R.R. Cox, and B.E.                                                                         Project (CEAP) Conservation Insight.
    Davis. 2011. Daily movements of female
    mallards wintering in southwestern Loui-

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