Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect

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Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
May 2020

Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market
(image courtesy of ST Engineering iDirect)
Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
Satellite Cellular Backhaul
by Elisabeth Tweedie

           e live in a mobile world.   to keep in touch with loved ones         growing 49% between 2018 and
           More and more, inhab-       and friends during the periods of        2019. Going forwards Ericsson is
           itants of the developed     lockdown that have been enforced         predicting mobile traffic to expe-
world expect to be able to access      around the world. Verizon in the         rience an annual growth of 27%
data and video wherever they are,      US for example reports that the av-      to 2025, from 38 to 160 exabytes
and at same connectivity speed         erage number of daily voice calls,       per month. A lot of this increase
that is available in their home or     is currently more than double the        is due to the increasing amount of
office. High-speed internet access,    number of calls made on Mothers’         video being viewed on mobile de-
has become a necessity. In the de-     Day, normally one of the busiest         vices. Video is forecast to account
veloping world it paves the way        days of the year.                        for 78% of overall traffic in 2025.
to local commerce, education and           According to the Ericsson Mo-            We hear a lot about 5G, and
economic growth. In those parts        bility Report, at the end of 2019        that is definitely the future. How-
of the world, mobile networks are      there were 7.9 billion mobile sub-       ever, for some Mobile Network
frequently the only                                                                          Operators (MNOs) so
means of connec-                                                                             is 4G. In the next few
tivity available. We                                                                         years, many networks
have now reached                                                                             around the world will
the point where                                                                              be upgraded to this
globally most inter-                                                                         technology. Accord-
net access is via mo-                                                                        ing to the latest statis-
bile devices. 52%                                                                            tics from the GSMA
in January 2020.                                                                             of the 7.9 billion sub-
In Africa and Asia                                                                           scriptions, 48% are
at 60% and 62%                                                                               still on 2 and 3G net-
respectively the fig-                                                                        works.      This figure
ure is even higher.                                                                          is projected to drop
In developed econ-                                                                           to 23% by 2025, at
omies as well, it has                                                                        which point 20% will
becoming a very                                              Image courtesy of Envision
                                                                                             be on 5G networks and
popular access method account-                                                               56% on 4G. Accord-
ing for 48% of internet access in      scriptions, projected to grow to 8.9 ing to Cisco’s Global Mobile Data
North America.                         billion by 2025. In spite of these Traffic Forecast, 4G users typical-
    Even in the midst of the           large numbers, in 2020 over three ly use three times more data than
Covid-19 crisis when most of the       billion people in the world, still 3G users and ten times as much
world’s population is confined to      have no access to any kind of fixed as 2G users. Preliminary figures
their homes, mobile usage contin-      or mobile service. Usually mobile from South Korea, indicate that
ues to increase in many countries.     networks are the first step in pro- 5G subscribers are using 2.6 times
China, for example saw a 30% in-       viding connectivity to unserved as much data as 4G subscribers.
crease in the number of hours per      areas. Unserved means no fiber or This means that effectively al-
device spent on mobile data usage.     terrestrial backbone. Satellite is the most every MNO will be dealing
In Italy the figure was 11%. It’s      ideal way to connect these regions. with increased traffic volume in
not just internet access that has          Absolute numbers of subscrip- the next few years. An increase,
seen these increases. The use of       tions may be experiencing only sin- that in some areas can more cost
voice services has also increased      gle digit growth, but data usage is effectively be handled by satellite
considerably, as people strive         accelerating at a far greater pace:
2   MARKET BRIEFS May 2020
Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
NAM              LAM                 WEU
          CEEU             MENA                SSA
          ASIA             High Growth         Low Growth
                                                                                                           Source: NSR

backhaul.                                because of this, satellite came to       We will continue to add satellite
    Upgrading a network to the           be viewed as the technology of last      capabilities to our wireless re-
next generation technology isn’t         resort. Fortunately, some forward        sponse fleet so they can respond
as simple as flipping a switch,          looking MNOs have recognized             much faster. We are using more
and suddenly everyone is using it.       that things have changed and taken       high-throughput satellite product
Users upgrade at their own pace;         advantage of satellite’s capabilities.   offerings, like those from ST En-
therefore, the MNO has to be able            For example, in 2015 Avanti          gineering iDirect, to augment the
to handle all generations of mobile      Communications, using an ST En-          bandwidth required for LTE com-
technology and mix of traffic types      gineering iDirect modem, worked          munications. Bandwidth needs are
at the base station. Similarly, the      with TTCL (now known as TTC),            always growing and satcom will be
backhaul solution has to be versa-       a mobile operator in Tanzania to         critical.”
tile and flexible enough to handle       extend its network reach, so as to           Several factors have now com-
the different traffic mix of voice,      give rural customers the same op-        bined to make satellite backhaul
data and video, as well as the in-       portunities as those living in ur-       an attractive proposition for
creased volume of data.                  ban and suburban areas. Custom-          MNOs. On the supply side, the
                                         ers can now access the internet at       advent of High Throughput Satel-
Satellite Backhaul                       speeds of up to 15Mb. Similarly,         lites (HTS) caused bandwidth pric-
                                         in 2017, Teledata de Mozambique          es to fall dramatically, changing
   For many years now, MNOs              chose Newtec’s (now ST Engineer-         the economics entirely. In most
have relied on satellite for back-       ing iDirect) Dialog hub for its mo-      parts of the world, bandwidth is
haul in more remote and less de-         bile backhaul and banking services.      now priced at US$ 200-300 per
veloped regions of the globe. In             Satellite backhaul however, is       Mbps, about a third of what it
fact, without satellite it would         not confined to developing econ-         was a few years ago. According to
have been both a logistical night-       omies and rural areas, satellite         analysis by NSR, this means that
mare and prohibitively expensive         equipped base stations are also          when a base station throughput is
to connect these networks to the         found in urban areas. This is par-       more than 600GB per month, sat-
backbone. Compared to laying fi-         ticularly true for first responder       ellite becomes the cheapest solu-
ber or installing microwave links,       networks. As Stuart Burson, As-          tion for backhaul. To put this into
satellite is quick and easy to de-       sociate Director, Satellite Solutions    perspective, data consumption
ploy, being indifferent to both in-      Group, Verizon Response Team, in         in Sub-Sahara Africa is typically
hospitable terrain and line of sight     the US said: “The industry needs         0.6GB per month. So, if a base
restrictions.                            to get the word out that in a cri-       station supports 1,000 users, even
   Early installations were expen-       sis, satellite will still be the main    in a low-revenue developing econ-
sive and offered only low band-          technology that can be counted on        omy, satellite would be the most
widths. They were often under-           to provide consistent communica-         economical solution.
taken to meet Universal Service          tions. In addition, satellite service        NSR’s Wireless Backhaul via
Obligations (USO) and subsidized         providers must be integrated into        Satellite, 14th Edition report, fore-
by governments. Unfortunately,           the software defined network…            casts US$ 39 billion in 2019-2029
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Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
cumulative capacity revenues for       vice Level Agreements (SLAs) and        provide the higher bandwidths
Satellite Backhaul. With backhaul      sophisticated Quality of Service        to clusters of isolated customers.
networks rapidly transitioning to      (QoS) bandwidth management.             These rural customers are no dif-
4G and the installed base continu-     The current generation of plat-         ferent from their urban counter-
ously expanding, Mobile Backhaul       forms is future-proof to accom-         parts in terms of expectations.
via Satellite offers sizable oppor-    modate the demands of 5G.               They want and expect to be able to
tunities in all regions. Small cells       On the demand side, the expo-       access the same social networking,
will play an increasingly important    nential growth of the mobile mar-       video sites and mobile money ser-
role in this growth, as lower costs    ket, both in terms of numbers of        vices as their urban counterparts,
expand the addressable market to       devices and bandwidth consump-          making a low data rate solution no
areas previously uncovered due to      tion, mean that MNOs are look-          longer viable, hence the need for
industry cost metrics, according to    ing to offload traffic in congested     small cells to accommodate this.
NSR.                                   areas. This is particularly true in        According to NSR a small cell
    The NSR report further added       cases of sudden demand surge. A         base station can be set up for un-
that the multiple mergers and ac-      major sporting event or a disas-        der US$20,000. Cheaper band-
quisitions in the VSAT platform        ter for example, when excessive         width and terminals, coupled with
space are particularly relevant        spikes in traffic, overload the ter-    small cells and greatly enhanced
for the satellite backhaul market.     restrial network.                       hubs combine to make satellite
The combination of ST Engineer-            “We are seeing exponential          a very attractive proposition for
ing iDirect and Newtec created a       demand for mobile connectivity          the MNO. Coupling 5G’s use of
strong force in the global ground      which is covering every region.         small cells with the existing use by
segment market and Satellite Back-     Demand is growing from the most         MNOs led NSR to forecast that by
haul forms an integral part of the     urban to the most rural areas.          2029 there will be 800,00 satellite
newly merged company’s strategy.       Mobile networks are poised to be-       backhaul sites in operation, up
Comtech/Gilat/UHP have followed        come the primary way in which we        from well under 100,000 today.
this bold lead, but the acquisition    connect, especially as 5G comes
is not expected to close until the     online with new use cases. Mobile       Key Players
later part of 2020. Additionally, as   network operators will need satel-
MNOs are increasingly willing to       lite and its inherent capabilities to       In spite of a recent spate of
outsource network management,          help with this tremendous surge in      mergers and acquisitions there are
multiple entities are moving into      demand, in both rural and urban         still several companies meeting the
offering end-to-end services.          areas,” said      Semir Hassanaly,      challenge to provide a flexible,
    As the nature of mobile com-       Head of Cellular Backhaul and           scalable ground system. These in-
munications has changed, so too        Trunking, ST Engineering iDirect.       clude: ST Engineering iDirect,(in-
has the supporting ground satel-           An additional factor is the in-     cluding Newtec), Comtech (in-
lite technology. Terminal prices       creasing use by mobile operators        cluding Comtech EF Data, Gilat
have fallen drastically, so adding     of small cells. Operators around        and UHP Networks), Hughes and
to the financial attractiveness of     the world are deploying them to         Spacebridge (which split from Ad-
a satellite solution. The current      increase network capacity in con-       vantech Wireless), among others.
generation of platforms now ac-        gested areas and to extend cover-       All of these companies have been
commodates data, video and inter-      age to extreme rural areas. Small       in the market for many years and
net access as well as voice. VSAT      cells are particularly relevant for     to a greater and lesser degree have
platforms are flexible and scalable    5G. In urban areas most 5G de-          products that meet the current de-
so as to cope with the explosion in    ployments will utilize millime-         mands of the mobile backhaul.
bandwidth and changing custom-         ter waves, as these enable larger           One company which is making
er demands. Most give the MNO          bandwidth allocations, facilitating     significant inroads in the satellite
the opportunity to “start small,”      the higher speeds integral to 5G.       backhaul market is ST Engineer-
yet offer economies of scale as        By definition, as they don’t travel     ing iDirect. The combination of
networks expand and bandwidth          as far, millimeter waves necessi-       two great innovators in the mar-
needs increase. They’re able to        tate the use of small cells. In ru-     ket, iDirect and Newtec creates a
compress video and handle large        ral areas, 5G deployments will be       formidable player. The company
volumes of data. The mix of traf-      a mixture of macro cells for wide       is responsible for installing a sat-
fic demands more complex Ser-          area coverage, and small cells to       ellite backhaul network of 1,500

4   MARKET BRIEFS May 2020
Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
ST Engineering iDirect’s Cellular Backhaul Solution
ST Engineering iDirect’s backhaul solution, Newtec Dialog®, leverages multiple components which interact dynami-
cally and provide the industry’s highest efficiency performances. It is based on the Cellular traffic management which
focuses on cellular backhaul advanced processing, as well as the Dialog function components which empower the core
Dialog platform. Combined, these components provide the best backhaul service to Mobile Operators.

The Cellular traffic management encompasses the functionality dedicated to bandwidth optimization for mobile voice
and data traffic, while accelerating 4G LTE. These functions provide the components which are at the heart of the
Dialog platform and ensure the high-performance of satellite services.

Dialog® and Mx-DMA®
Mx-DMA® is the best fit for the
mobile backhaul traffic as it can
constantly provide the highest spectral
efficiency based on real-time traffic
and fading conditions. Mx-DMA’s
seamless dynamic adaptation ensures
that the mobile voice, signaling and
data traffic (including video) are
always preserved. Mx-DMA‘s flexibil-
ity also ensures that low throughput
2G networks with symmetrical traffic
patterns are accommodated equally as
well as demanding 3G/4G networks
with higher asymmetry. Mx-DMA
therefore contributes to a very high
Quality of Experience (QoE) for users.
In addition, the implementation of

Mx-DMA can result in the doubling of the transponder throughput while using the same bandwidth, or, alternatively,
it can reduce the required space segment capacity by 50%.

A Proven Platform
Dialog® and Mx-DMA have been successfully deployed commercially for mobile networks in Asia, Africa and Latin
America. The platform has gone under thorough testing with the infrastructure equipment from main manufacturers
such as Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia and ZTE, for macro cells and small cells. For reference, Dialog is currently empow-
ering one of the world’s highest capacity mobile backhaul over satellite projects. There are currently more than 20
mobile backhaul networks deployed over the Dialog platform in the world.

Future Proof Technology
The Dialog® platform benefits from ST Engineering iDirect’s continuous investments in R&D. Customers
are always guaranteed to get the most advanced platform in the market, but also one which is field-tested and which
incorporates the ingredients of tomorrow’s technology. As an example, the increasing utilization of virtualization tech-
nologies and the high performances further facilitate a smooth transition to 5G. ST Engineering iDirect is also heavily
involved in initiatives with European Space Agency (ESA) and other industrial consortiums for 5G proof of concepts
and interworking scenarios.

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                                                                                                     May 2020
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Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
Semir Hassanaly, Head of Cellular Backhaul and
           Trunking, ST Engineering iDirect
With the combined company, ST Engineering iDi-           unique and advanced technology that we have taken
rect, how do you see your position in the Cellular       to the market and that
Backhaul market going forward?                           is proven.

    While there’s more opportunity than ever for             We help mobile
growth, service providers and operators require          network operators
state of the art solutions but also a deep experience    grow their subscribers
in cellular backhaul as well as established relation-    in remote or unreach-
ships with key mobile operators. The combination         able areas, ensure
of our two companies has brought together the            mobile connectivity in
strong focus that we both have always had on the         emergency situations,
customer with our hunger for innovation. Our             and build 5G-compat-
integration means that ST Engineering iDirect is         ible networks.
now a leader in satellite ground infrastructure and
solutions and further strengthens its position in the     Our efficient,
cellular backhaul and trunking markets.                high-performance
                                                       platform enables mo-
    For cellular backhaul specifically, we see an in-  bile network opera-
creased need in the market. We have been aggressive tors and service            Semir Hassanaly
in the market and very successful in acquiring addi- providers to cost-effectively manage a multitude
tional market share over the last couple of years. In of small, medium, or large networks, including 2G,
the future, we expect to see this demand for satellite 3G, 4G/LTE, and 5G and also allow cost-effective
cellular backhaul growing steadily and we also see     media distribution. We enable high QoS and high
very large projects being planned that will use an     QoE through patented sophisticated QoS engines
increasing amount of cellular backhaul capacity.       and technologies and advanced acceleration and
Our experience with 5G projects is also giving us a compression technologies while maximizing an oper-
head start to the upcoming widespread usage of this ator’s business profitability, encouraging the critical
ecosystem.                                             expansion of mobile connectivity around the world.

   ST Engineering iDirect is uniquely positioned to         We have also helped pioneer the cellular backhaul
answer demand across the entire cellular backhaul        solution and have bolstered its growth with nu-
market, from price-sensitive to premium applica-         merous successful commercial deployments. Major
tions with our advanced technology and a strategy        mobile operators trust us.
for growth that is future proof.
                                                            Along with cellular backhaul, our experience and
What differentiates your company’s solutions from        footprint in the broadcast, government, mobility
your competitors’ in this segment?                       and enterprise markets has given us an edge with
                                                         cross-vertical and multiservice solutions. This is
   We cover all aspects of the cellular backhaul         what we are also leveraging for 5G.
market and we have an extremely strong and very
unique offering. We provide high performance,               It is this whole combination that differentiates us
very efficient, very flexible, very scalable solutions   from our competitors.
so that we can cater for almost any type of mobile
network today. That applies to the hub offering          What are the key applications you are targeting for
as well as the remote modems. We have developed          your cellular backhaul solutions and what advan-
6   MARKET BRIEFS May 2020
Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
tages and benefits do you provide for each applica-      “...Mobile network operators will need
                                                         satellite and its inherent capabilities to
    In terms of applications, we are targeting 2G,       help with the tremendous surge in de-
3G, 4G, rural, ultra-rural and ultra-ultra rural de-     mand, in both rural and urban areas...”
ployments, 5G, first responder community, private
networks, high-speed trunking and fiber restoration
and OTT content distribution. Our Dialog platform        seeing exponential demand for mobile connectivity
and its associated technologies provide a solution       which is covering every region. Demand is growing
that is built for today and tomorrow and supports        from the most urban to the most rural areas. The
all of the above applications.                           opportunity for expansion is huge. Mobile networks
                                                         are poised to become the primary way in which we
    Dialog is a multiservice VSAT platform that          connect, especially as 5G comes online with new use
allows operators and service providers to build and      cases. Mobile network operators will need satellite
adapt their infrastructure and satellite networking      and its inherent capabilities to help with this tre-
according to business or missions at hand. Cellular      mendous surge in demand, in both rural and urban
Operators and Service Providers particularly value       areas.
the enablement of high QoS and QoE while low-
ering OPEX through the flexibility, scalability and         Hybrid networking is presenting new use cases
efficiency that the Dialog platform can offer while      for satellite service providers to help mobile network
paving a way to take advantage of 5G in the future.      operators to handle the demands of the connected
Dialog can also offer very high speed trunking and       world. Satellite can help in so many ways, from
fiber restoration capability.                            offloading congested networks to enabling media
                                                         distribution for OTT services to enabling continuous
    The Dialog platform can be configured to match       operations in the event of network disruption and to
the size and the satellite network configuration for     playing a key role in the evolution of mobile net-
any customer application. A vast choice is available     works and integration into the 5G model.
in terms of satellite bands, transmission speed, pow-
er, modulation and amount of forward and return              Satellite must be complementary to the terrestrial
links. The hub scales smoothly and cost effectively      infrastructure. It must blend in and be totally seam-
from small (few terminals) to large networks (hun-       less. It’s all about providing the ideal connectivity
dreds of thousands of terminals) and from single         based on cost and availability requirements, based
coverage area to multiple coverage areas on any          on latency requirements, so any application should
frequency band. It can serve one or multiple satel-      be able to get the connectivity they need based on
lites, including high-throughput spot beam configu-      the characteristics of the application. Satellite will
rations.                                                 also continue providing connectivity to where it is
    In addition, our recently introduced MxDMA           difficult to reach – remote and geographically chal-
MRC technology adds the scalability for ultra-rural      lenging areas and also for mobility markets such as
and small cell networks where the number of sites        maritime and aero. It will still be the key transport
is traditionally very high, and it also allows the de-   solution.
ployment of multiple services where high scalability
is sought along backhaul services.                          ST Engineering iDirect is ideally positioned
                                                         to offer a future proof cellular backhaul solution
   What are the key trends you see in the cellular       through our multi-service platform that expands
backhaul market and how is your company posi-            market reach, offering the efficiency, performance
tioned to meet the opportunities and challenges in       and service capabilities that our customers need to
this market?                                             win today’s opportunities, multiplied by the scale
                                                         and innovation required to expand into tomorrow’s
  At present, we see the opportunity in an ex-           markets.
panded market for satellite connectivity. We are

                                                                                  MARKET BRIEFS May 2020       7
Satellite Cellular Backhaul Market - May 2020 - ST Engineering iDirect
cellular sites, the largest such net-    streaming over a 5G multilink sat-         5G is also a step change for the
work in the world; twelve of the         ellite and terrestrial network using   satellite industry. A common net-
top 25 telcos are ST Engineering         a GEO satellite, and 5G video to       work architecture, which all access
iDirect customers. The company           planes.                                technologies, including satellite,
is also making a name for itself in                                             will adhere to, has been defined.
4G and now has a 50% share of            Looking to the Future                  It is the first time that the industry
new installs in this market. Dialog,                                            has been actively involved in devel-
the company’s flagship product for            5G is a step change for the mo-   oping the standards for a mobile
backhaul was awarded the presti-         bile industry, it’s the broadband      technology. ST Engineering iDi-
gious “Teleport Technology of the        network on steroids. It is expected    rect has been a significant contrib-
Year” by the World Teleport Asso-        to deliver speeds of up to 10Gbps,     utor to several of the 5G standards
ciation in 2020.                         100 faster than today’s 4G/LTE         working groups, including SaT5G,
    Dialog is a flexible, scalable,      networks and accommodate up to         SATis5 and OSMOSIS, and, as
efficient multi-service platform.        one million devices per square ki-     already mentioned has conducted
Data, video, voice, and datacasting      lometer. Video already accounts        several demonstrations of satellite
can all be offered from the one plat-    for 60% of mobile network traf-        integrated 5G.
form. It is flexible enough to grow      fic, predicted to rise to 78% by           Of course, just as 2G and 3G
as the MNO’s business grows. If          2025; 5G will facilitate this in-      exist alongside 4G, 4G will contin-
there is no terrestrial infrastructure   crease. However, 5G isn’t just a       ue to coexist with 5G. The stan-
in a region, it can support individ-     bigger, faster network, it will have   dard is backwards compatible, so
ual end-users, once cellular is de-      exponentially higher efficiencies,     any 5G modem will work with 4G.
ployed in a region, it will handle       massive scalability, lower latency         Obviously, satellite has a tre-
the backhaul. It can provide IP          and significantly lower costs. It      mendous role to play in backhaul
trunking. When fiber is present it       is poised to be the driver for the     for 5G, both fixed and mobile, but
will be there for offloading capac-      Internet of Things (IoT), enabling     it will also facilitate many of the
ity during demand surges, or for         machine to machine communica-          use cases.
emergency needs. As 5G is rolled         tion at an unprecedented level. It         eMBB will provide faster data
out, its multicasting capabilities       will be used as a fixed network        rates, enabling the increased use
make it ideal for delivering video       providing broadband to the home.       of video streaming services. This
to the edge. Total versatility and           Three basic use cases have been    is an area where satellite can play
flexibility. Mx-DMA (Cross-Di-           agreed upon:                           a major role. MNOs will need to
mensional Multiple Access) return            • Enhanced Mobile Broad-           deliver video to the edge, to ac-
technology provides the flexibility      band (eMBB)                            commodate the increased demand.
to simultaneously support a sym-             • Ultra-reliable low-latency       Not only can the multicast capa-
metrical 2G network at the same          communications (URLLC)                 bilities of satellite deliver it there
time as a more asymmetrical 3 or             • Massive Machine Type             more efficiently, satellite operators
4G network. It can also enable           Communications (mMTC)                  have been operating content deliv-
doubling of transponder through-             The ability to support these       ery networks for many years, and
put. Mx-DMA and SCPC (Single             three very different use cases, is     already have the skill and experi-
Channel per Carrier) modems for          made possible by the fact that         ence to do this.
Dialog enable beam switching on a        5G, will be a virtual rather than a        While satellite will never be
single satellite or between multiple     physical network. The vast major-      used for URLLC required for ve-
satellites for the aeronautical and      ity of the standards are software      hicle to vehicle communication,
maritime markets.                        not hardware. The architecture         satellite delivery of streamed video
    It is also important to note that    will take advantage of Network         for passenger entertainment will
Dialog works seamlessly with any         Function Virtualization (NFV)          significantly reduce the congestion
orbit, and ST Engineering iDirect        and Software Defined Networking        that would otherwise occur at the
was responsible for the world’s          (SDN). Together these essentially      base station. The multicast capa-
first 5G backhaul and OTT de-            move the core network functions        bilities of satellite are ideally suit-
livery over a LEO satellite. Oth-        to the cloud. They also enable net-    ed to deliver software updates to
er demonstrations include Over-          work slicing, which is the key to      vehicles, once again relieving net-
the-Air MEC-based (Multi-access          being able to simultaneously run       work congestion for the MNO.
Edge Computing) layered video            the very different applications.           Satellite also has a role to play

8   MARKET BRIEFS May 2020
Verizon’s Operation Convergent Response
The Challenge                                                 this can mean the difference between life and death.

        ommunications in the aftermath of a disaster             Internet connectivity is essential to collect, send
        are a critical enabler for relief agencies to coor-   and receive data from collaborative cloud plat-
        dinate response efforts and to get help to those      forms that are often specially developed for use
that need it. Yet connectivity is often difficult to estab-   by disaster workers. It is also used to commu-
lish, especially when terrestrial infrastructure is over-     nicate with headquarters and with the team in
loaded or has been destroyed, or simply unavailable.          the field, via voice, email and instant messaging.

    When time is of the essence, the first responder The Solution
and Non-Government Organization (NGO) commu-
nities require robust, easy-to-deploy communications         Recognizing the value of technology innovation
that will enable them to help lift the fog of confu- and preparedness, Verizon and Nokia host an annual
sion after or                                                                                 public safety tech-
even during                                                                                   nology expo and
a serious or                                                                                  live demonstra-
catastrophic                                                                                  tion event, Oper-
event. The                                                                                    ation Convergent
current glob-                                                                                 Response (OCR),
al pandem-                                                                                    at the Guardian
ic provides                                                                                   Centers in Perry,
us with a                                                                                     GA that brings to-
first-hand                                                                                    gether the world’s
example of                                                                                    most        innova-
a global cri-                                                                                 tive    companies
sis     where                                                                                 to showcase and
teams must                                                                                    test their technol-
be quickly                                                                                    ogies with first
mobilized                                                                                     response      teams
across     the                                                                                during live emer-
globe to en-                                                                                  gency     response
able emer-                                                                                    operations. OCR
gency treat-                                                                                  attendees      have
ment, testing                                                                                 the opportunity
and assess-                                                                                   to observe differ-
ment. It is The Verizon Operation Convergent Response (OCR) truck at OCR ent disaster sce-
therefore es- 2019 where attendees had the opportunity to observe six different narios, all driven
sential that scenarios to demonstrate first responder solutions and innovations. by real-life global
these teams have access to connectivity wherever it is events that put technology and teams to the test so when
required - at field hospitals, at drive-thru testing cen- events do happen, agencies on the front line are ready,
ters in parking lots, for connectivity on-the-move on- able to respond, can help recover, and ultimately rebuild.
board ambulances and other medical vehicles and even
onboard medical ships moored to help patients. Con-          An integral part of the emergency connectivity
nectivity assists inter-agency coordination and com- portfolio leveraged at OCR are satellite communi-
munication, telemedicine, expert assessment, transfer cations (satcom) technologies. Requiring no prior
of patient files and information sharing at a time where infrastructure in order to operate, satcom-enabled

                                                                                       MARKET BRIEFS May 2020     9
mobile command centers and comms-on-the-move                 “...Satellite is critical for first
vehicles help empower first responders to share in-
formation about hard-hit areas, to coordinate es-
                                                             responders to perform their jobs and
sential services, to enable residents to check in with       to enable victims to contact their loved
loved ones and to eventually restore communities.            ones and apply for emergency aid...”
“Verizon brings an overlay by providing tradition-
al voice and data communications over satellite, as
                                                        (COWs) and Cells-on-Light-Trucks (COLTs) were
well as delivering LTE in the impacted area while
                                                        equipped with iDirect’s satellite routers to pro-
using satellite as the backhaul transport to the glob-
                                                        vide backhaul speeds up to 100+ Mbps. In disas-
al network,” said Stuart Burson, Associate Direc-
                                                        ter response scenarios, COWs and COLTs are used
tor, Satellite Solutions Group, Verizon Response
                                                        to re-establish critical voice and data connectiv-
Team. “Satellite is critical for first responders to
                                                        ity in times when traditional wireless connectiv-
perform their jobs and to enable victims to con-
                                                        ity is not available. The COWs and COLTs can be
tact their loved ones and apply for emergency aid.”
                                                        driven to the area where connectivity is required
                                                        and can be instantly deployed, creating a network
   At OCR2019, attendees had the opportuni-
                                                        where one didn’t exist previously or was destroyed.
ty to observe six different scenarios to demon-
strate first responder solutions and innovations.
                                                           Today, satellite is also empowering new technolo-
                                                        gies, such as drones and the Internet of Things (IoT)
   ST Engineering iDirect demonstrated its satcom
                                                        sensors, to further help first responders on the ground
solutions during the Cyberattack on Critical Infra-
                                                        when cellular and fiber networks are down. Satellite can
structure scenario. With satellite-enabled mobile com-
                                                        also be used to aggregate the information collected (im-
mand vehicles, emergency response teams can send
                                                        ages, GPS coordinates, video clips) to send back to HQ
data — from video to voice — en route to and at the
                                                        or to quickly analyze and form actionable intelligence.
frontlines of a disaster site. These mobile command ve-
hicles can also help residents connect with loved ones,
                                                        The Result
coordinate essential services and restore communities.
                                                               Satellite technology facilitates critical on-the-move
   During the scenario, ST Engineering iDirect’s
                                                            and on-the-pause communications and continuity of
satcom solutions powered a Kymeta u7 terminal
                                                            operations regardless of what terrestrial infrastruc-
mounted on a Can-Am vehicle so first responders
                                                            ture is available. As Stuart Burson explains, satellite
could establish a common operating picture and
                                                            has become an integral part of Verizon’s emergency
help build situational awareness directly from the
                                                            connectivity mix and is set to play a bigger role as
scene. The u7 terminal’s flat panel antenna, paired
                                                            the company continues to add satellite capabilities to
with an iDirect Very Small Aperture Terminal
                                                            their wireless response fleet to enable them to respond
(VSAT) modem, is small enough to fit on a variety
                                                            more rapidly. “We are using more high-through-
of emergency vehicles, from patrol cars to SWAT.
                                                            put satellite product offerings, like those from ST
   “Toggling between cellular and satellite is a critical
                                                            Engineering iDirect, to augment the bandwidth re-
feature we’ve been using for years in our networks,
                                                            quired for LTE communications. Bandwidth needs
and the iQ LTE router will make our design much
                                                            are always growing and satcom will be critical.”
more efficient,” said Jeff Schweitzer, Asymmetric
Solutions Architect at Verizon. “While the macro net-
                                                               The Verizon team is constantly looking to the
work is offline, the iQ LTE remote would operate on
                                                            future to expand its communications portfolio and
satellite networks (satellite backhaul, etc.) as needed,
                                                            become even more effective in the field and expects
when the LTE network returns, they could use the
                                                            5G and other emerging technologies to play an im-
LTE network as a primary means of communication.”
                                                            portant part in the future of relief communications.
     Powered by Dialog®, Verizon’s cells-on-wheels

10   MARKET BRIEFS May 2020
offloading 5G networks. While the       “...Rather than being the technology of last resort,
actual data rate involved in eM2C       satellite is poised to be the MNO’s keystone that fa-
communication is small, aggregat-
ing all the data from millions of       cilitates network expansion and the rollout of 5G...”
devices, will have a major impact
                                            operators, broadcast, high-         Commercial Officer said “This is
on network loads. Network slic-
                                        speed mobility, military and enter-     the most efficient, most advanced
ing enables non-latency sensitive
                                        prise.                                  return technology that you can
data, to be offloaded onto satellite
                                            The portfolio represents the in-    imagine…the efficiencies are in-
or to simply enhance efficiency by
                                        dustry’s defacto standard in per-       credible, the overhead is very low
sending over satellite.
                                        formance, efficiency and reliabil-      and it scales 10,000-100,000 sites,
   As already mentioned, NSR is
                                        ity, and covers the gambit from         it’s the most advanced VSAT re-
forecasting that by 2029 there will
                                        small- to medium-range networks;        turn technology ever built. With
be 800,000 satellite backhaul sites
                                        dedicated TDMA or SCPC net-             the added dimensions and scalabil-
in operation. This is due to mo-
                                        works; massive scale broadcasting;      ity, we are unlocking tremendous
bile users consuming ever greater
                                        to dynamic, multiservice, large-        flexibility and scale so our custom-
amounts of bandwidth, usually in
                                        scale HTS platforms.                    ers can deliver a broader range of
the form of video, forcing MNOs
                                            A key innovation in the port-       service levels at a lower cost struc-
to install more base stations to
                                        folio is Mx-DMA waveform as             ture without compromise.”
accommodate this. Small cells
                                        part of the Dialog platform. Mx-
are now widely deployed and this
                                        DMA MRC (multi-resolution cod-          The Future Vision from
trend will increase with 5G, A typ-
                                        ing), unites SCPC (single channel       ST Engineering iDirect
ical 5G network will be a mixture
                                        per carrier) efficiency and TDMA
of small cells for millimeter wave
                                        (time-division multiple access)            ST Engineering iDirect’s tech-
coverage and larger base stations
                                        scalability in an innovative way,       nology vision is driving this
for wide area coverage.
                                        adding new dimensions of adapt-         re-definition of ground infrastruc-
                                        ability. Mx-DMA MRC applies             ture capability. The goal is to cre-
ST Engineering iDirect
                                        the full scalability of a TDMA re-      ate the world’s first cloud-based,
                                        turn link to the original Mx-DMA        multi-access, multi-orbit technolo-
    Since the merger was announced
                                        HRC (high resolution coding) re-        gy platform.
a year ago iDirect/Newtec is now
                                        turn at the same efficiency levels.        This Platform will ensure full
one unified company, ST Engineer-
                                        This means that service providers       interoperability with future 5G
ing iDirect; and is in the perfect
                                        can now cover a variety of use          networks to drive broader adop-
position to lead the innovation and
                                        cases in a single self-organizing re-   tion of satellite connectivity at
transformation of the satcom in-
                                        turn link, sharing satellite capacity   massive scale and enable custom-
dustry. The merger combined the
                                        more efficiently over a group of        ers to offer unified, value-added
complementary strengths of each:
                                        terminals and applications. This        services across any existing or fu-
iDirect’s unparalleled networking
                                        results in the lowest TCO (total        ture telecommunication network.
and mobility features with New-
                                        cost of ownership) for the MNO             Through this vision, rather than
tec’s exceptional performance and
                                        or satellite operator.                  being the technology of last resort,
efficiency. This combination gives
                                            At the ST Engineering iDirect       satellite will be the MNO’s key-
the new company the scale to ac-
                                        launch of the technology Thom-          stone that facilitates network ex-
celerate its technology strategy, de-
                                        as Van den Driessche, President         pansion and the rollout of 5G.
livering products to market faster
                                        of the Executive Board and Chief
than was previously possible.
    The newly combined portfolio                         Elisabeth Tweedie is Associate Editor of the Satel-
of high-value product lines give                         lite Executive Briefing has over 20 years experience
customers one comprehensive                              at the cutting edge of new commmunications enter-
solution, from one trusted source,                       tainment technologies. She is the founder and Pres-
across a complete array of mar-                          ident of Definitive Direction (www.definitivedirection.
kets. The portfolio has wide -rang-                      com), a consultancy that focuses on researching
ing impact spanning a myriad of
                                        and evaluating the long-term potential for new ventures, initiating their
markets and applications, includ-
                                        development, and identifying and developing appropriate alliances.
ing telcos, mobile network
                                        She can be reached at:
                                                                                   MARKET BRIEFS May 2020        11
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