Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani

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Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
Searches for exotic physics
     with unconventional
signatures at ATLAS and CMS
       Cristiano Sebastiani

Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
Exotic among exotics?
Search for new BSM physics at LHC with exotic signatures:
• Standard decays
                                                                                   ATLAS and CMS are not
• Unconventional signatures: long time-of-flight, anomalous energy             optimised for this kind of signals
  deposits, displaced secondary vertices…
• Detector-stable particles

              Unusual and unique signatures are extremely challenging to probe:

                      TRIGGER               RECONSTRUCTION

                Anomalous signatures       Object identification and        Unconventional
                  not associated with           reconstruction              signatures have
                standard activity in the     algorithms are to be           unconventional
                  detector require the     updated to include non-       backgrounds, from
                    development of           standard tracks and        detector noise to non-
                  dedicated triggers!          energy deposits         collision physics events

Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
Unconventional signatures
                                                                                                New particles can be long-lived:
                                                                                                observed lifetime is governed by an
                                                                                                exponential defined by the proper lifetime cτ

                                                                       decay probability
                            disappearing tracks                                                                                   cτ = 5 cm, βγ ∼ 40

                                                                                                                calorimeter 60%

                                                                                                                                                                  out of the detector 1%
                                        late photons

                                                                                                                                       muon chambers 13%
                     vertices in ID

  displaced leptons,                          emerging jets

                                                                                                  tracker 25%

                                                                                    prompt 1%
                            displaced jets,
                             delayed jets

                                               (meta) stable charged
                                                     particles                                                                                             distance
            multitrack vertices in MS
in backup                                                      !3
Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
                                           Displaced jet
  Inclusive search for long-lived particles decaying into jets (covering lifetime between ~1 mm to ~1 m)

      •Dedicated di-jet trigger to lower HT
       threshold from ~1 TeV to 0.4 TeV

      •Select 1 displaced secondary
       vertex (SV) within tracker and 2                                                                  Secondary Vertex
       displaced jets

      •MVA selection to discriminate signal                                           CMS high-level trigger
       from huge QCD background:
                                                                        select displaced tracks
                                                                        online and tag displaced-
      •Minor backgrounds from nuclear                                   jets with the HLT system by
       interactions, heavy flavour decays,                              counting the number of
       randomly crossing tracks                                         prompt/displaced tracks
                                                                        associated with the jets
HT: scalar sum of jet pT for jets with pT > 40 GeV and |η| < 2.5   !4
Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
                                                    Displaced jet
Data-driven background estimate based on 3 dimensional
ABCD method:                                                                                                                                          -1
                                                                                                                                        95.9 fb (13 TeV)
               selection 1: # prompt tracks of first jet
Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
                                                                 Displaced jet
Exclusion limits at 95% CL: for a Higgs portal model with two long-lived scalars, each decaying to a quark-antiquark
pair, Higgs branching fractions larger than 1% can be excluded for mean proper decay lengths between 1mm and 1m

                                                                      -1                                                                          -1
                                                              132 fb (13 TeV)                                                             132 fb (13 TeV)
                            107                                                                       107
             σ/ σSM(gg→H)

                                                                                      σ/ σSM(gg→H)
                                                              95% CL upper limits                                                         95% CL upper limits
                            10 6       CMS                                                            10   6       CMS
                                       Preliminary                 Median expected                                 Preliminary                 Median expected
                               5                                                                           5
                            10                                                                        10
                                                                   Observed                                                                                                   q
                            10 4
                                       gg → H, mH = 125 GeV                                           104          gg → H, mH = 125 GeV        Observed
                                                                   mS = 15 GeV
                            10 3       H → SS, S → dd                                                 103          H → SS, S → bb              mS = 40 GeV        p       S       q
                                                                   mS = 40 GeV
                            102                                                                       102                                      mS = 55 GeV
                                                                   mS = 55 GeV
                             10                                                                           10                                                      p       S       q

                               1                                                                           1
                            10−1                                                                     10−1

                            10−2                                                                     10−2

                            10−3                                                                     10−3

                            10−4                                                                     10−4
                                   1             10             102           103                              1             10             102           103
                                                                           cτ0 [mm]                                                                    cτ0 [mm]

Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
                            Displaced Vh 4b
                                                                              Dedicated searches:
 Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to pairs of long-                    in calorimeter: 0.1 ≤ cτ ≤ 10 m
 lived neutral particles, each decaying to a bottom quark pair:                 in muon system: cτ ≤ 100 m
                                                                              EPJC 79 (2019) 481

 •Trigger on ZH production: target lower masses and be
  sensitive in this unprobed phase space

 •Dedicated LLP reconstruction in tracker region with custom
  Large Radius Tracking algorithm

          2 2        2
      κH S + μH S
  Higgs portal and mixing                                        Prompt search
                                                            (no displaced techniques)
  with ‘dark’ scalars                                         50 μm ≤ cτ ≤ 2 mm
                                                              JHEP 10 (2018) 031
 For scalar masses above 10 GeV —> bb decay mode favoured
                                                                                      Uncovered spot:
                                                                               LLP decays inside inner detector
Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
                                                              Displaced Vh 4b
        Zero events observed in signal region and consistent with background estimate

                      95% CL upper limit on Β (H → aa)

                                                                                                                                            This analysis
                                                                            ATLAS Preliminary                                            complements ATLAS
                                                         10                  s = 13 TeV                                                 prompt and dedicated
                                                                            m H = 125 GeV
                                                                                  ma = 15 GeV
                                                         10                       ma = 35 GeV
                                                                                  ma = 55 GeV
                                                                                                                  ma = 5 GeV

                                                          −4                 Prompt
                                                         10                                                       ma = 8 GeV
                                                                                 ma = 20 GeV                      ma = 15 GeV
                                                                                 ma = 30 GeV                      ma = 25 GeV
                                                          −5                     ma = 60 GeV                      ma = 40 GeV
                                                                             −4      −3         −2       −1                     2   3
                                                                            10    10        10        10     1     10 10       10
                                                                                                     Mean proper lifetime cτa [m]

           Most stringent 95% CL upper limits on BR(H->ss) for masses below 40 GeV
Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
                       Displaced vertices
Search for long-lived particles decaying into jets (covering lifetime between ~0.1 mm to ~100 mm)

  •Jet trigger with HT 1050 GeV
  •Select 2 displaced vertices events with                                    spot
   more than 4 jets

  •Customised track and vertex
   reconstruction for LLPs decaying inside
   the beam pipe (no association with jets)

  •Target pairs of LLP: distance between the                                       Displaced vertex
                                                                                   within beam pipe
   two DV as main discriminating variable

  •Target tiny lifetimes: displacement of the
   vertex within the beam pipe ( 40 GeV and |η| < 2.5
Searches for exotic physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS - Cristiano Sebastiani
                                    Displaced vertices                                                                                           101 fb-1 (13 TeV)

                                                                                             Events/0.1 mm
                                                                                                             104      CMS                Data

Background prediction purely data-driven: build background template
                                                                                                                      Preliminary Multijet signals,
                                                                                                               3                     m = 800 GeV, σ = 0.3 fb:
for dVV distribution in 2DVs events from dBV distribution in 1DV events                                                                    cτ = 0.3 mm
                                                                                                                                           cτ = 1.0 mm
                                                                                                                                           cτ = 10 mm

                                          y                                                                  10


                                                                  Signal region: 2DVs with             10−1
      dVV - transverse distance
                                                                  track multiplicity >=5                          0    0.5    1     1.5     2    2.5    3     3.5    4
       between the two DVs                                                                                                                                  dBV (mm)

                                                                                                                                                 101 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                                    dVV         V                                                            0.3

                                                                                             Events/0.1 mm
                             ΔϕVV             dBV                                                                                 CMS Preliminary
                                                                                                      0.25                        ≥5-track x ≥5-track

                                          B                           x                                                                   Data
                                                                                                             0.2                          Background template
                        V                                                                             0.15

                                                    dBV - transverse distance                                0.1
                                                    between the DV and the
                                                         beam spot                                    0.05

                                                                                                                0      0.5    1     1.5     2    2.5    3     3.5    4
                                                                          !10                                                                               dVV (mm)
                                         Displaced vertices
         The search is sensitive to various models with pair produced LLP decays into two or more jets in
         the final state. Zero events observes, results are interpreted in RPV SUSY models.
                                                                                                                                                             p                         t̄
                                                                               Fall 2020                                      132-140 fb (13 TeV)
                                                                         10                                                                                                                 b̄

                                          95% CL upper limit on σ (fb)
    gluino is long-lived                                                                                                                                                0
                                                                                                                                                                       ˜ , g̃
                                                                                 CMS Preliminary                                                                                  t̃
                                                                                    g~g, ~
                                                                                         g →qq∼
                                                                                              χ                       Delayed jets (1906.06441)
                                                                                                                                                                                  t̃             s̄
                                                                                                       1                                                               ˜ , g̃
                           q                                                                                          Displaced jets (EXO-19-021)
                                                                           4     m~g = 2400 GeV                                                                                             b̄
                               q                                                 m∼0 = 100 GeV                        Displaced vertices (EXO-19-013)        p                         t̄
p             !
              g                                                                    χ

                                                                           3                                                                   ~~
                                   χ                                                                                  Approx. NNLO+NNLL σ(pp → g g)
                                                                                                                                                                 more interpretations
                                                                                                                                                                 shown in backup
p                                                                        102
              g                q

                                                                         10                                                                                  p                         d¯

                                                                           1                                                                                                t̃               d¯

                                                                                                                                                                            t̃⇤              d
    large jet activity
                                                                10−2 −1                                     2             3          4            5      6   p                         d
                                                                   10                  1          10       10          10         10           10       10
                                                                                                                                            cτ0 (mm)

         Exclusion limits complementary to the displaced-jets and delayed-jet (j.physletb.2019.134876) searches
                          Disappearing tracks
                         Search for long-lived particle decaying within the inner tracker

 • MET trigger to select events with
   jets and ‘disappearing
   tracks’ ( due to suppressed
   interaction or low-pT)

 • ‘Disappearing track’: 4-hit pixel
   tracks with no hits in the silicon         Targets very compressed SUSY scenarios (…and various DM models)
   traker (SCT) and < 5 GeV of
   energy deposits in calo dR < 0.2                                           undetectable

                                                                      ±             ± 0
 • Rare SM backgrounds from                                         χ̃ → π χ


   charged lepton scattering and
                                                                leaves hits           MET
   combinatorial fakes                    Electroweak (EWK)
                                          production                                         Strong production
ATLAS-CONF-2021-015     Disappearing tracks
          Exclusion limits at 95% CL for the EWK channel fo the AMSB model, neutralino mass vs lifetime

    Exclusion for 660 GeV wino, best limit for               Exclusion for 210 GeV Higgsino, best limit for
    wino-like neutralino (460 GeV in early Run2)             higgsino-like neutralino (155 GeV in early Run2)
                           Stopped particles
                      Search for late decays to hadronic jets from long-lived particles

• dedicated jet+MET trigger, recorded in empty bunches to
  reduce background                                            SUSY gluino R-hadrons as
                                                               benchmark (gluino as LLP)

• Non collision background that can produce energetic jets
  in out-of-time bunch crossings: cosmic-ray muons, beam
  induced background (BIB), cavern background and
  calorimeter noise                                                        if LLP long-lived enough, some will stop
                                                                           inside the detector before decaying


                   Empty                           Paired                       Empty


                        LLP produced here
                              Stopped particles
                      Search for late decays to hadronic jets from long-lived particles

• dedicated jet+MET trigger, recorded in empty bunches to
  reduce background                                            SUSY gluino R-hadrons as
                                                               benchmark (gluino as LLP)

• Non collision background that can produce energetic jets
  in out-of-time bunch crossings: cosmic-ray muons, beam
  induced background (BIB), cavern background and
  calorimeter noise                                                        if LLP long-lived enough, some will stop
                                                                           inside the detector before decaying

                         p                                                                 p

                                 decay time
                    Paired X                     Empty                          Paired

                          p                                                                p
                       LLP produced here
                                                                LLP decays here
                           Stopped particles
Fully data-driven background estimate with inputs from the background enriched control regions for cosmic-ray
muons and BIB background. No excess found and 95%CL limits are presented.

                                                                               signal region, 2018 data |η|
• New searches for long-lived particles in events with jets at ATLAS and CMS using full Run-2
  dataset have been presented, mainly focusing on decays inside the inner tracking system and

• Several New Physics models imply the presence of unconventional signatures at colliders, which
  can be very challenging and require new ideas and techniques

• Experiments increasingly focus on unconventional signals and long-lived particles with ambitious
  research programs… but there is still much to be done

• Great effort in developing new tools and strategies to improve identification and reconstruction of
  long-lived particles pushing the detectors beyond their limits

• Run-3 and HL-LHC programmes offer a unique opportunity to plan, innovate and create new
  unconventional searches yet to be explored

Prospects                                CERN-ESU-004


                                              2 2        2
                                           κH S + μH S
                              Higgs portal and mixing with ‘dark’ scalars

ATLAS-CONF-2021-015    Disappearing tracks
         Exclusion limits at 95% CL for the strong channel fo the AMSB model, neutralino mass vs lifetime

CERN-EP-2020-205                                       Displaced leptons
        Search for two leptons with high impact parameter
                           ~~       ~ ~
                            l l → l G l G, l ∈ [e, µ, τ]
 Lifetime [ns]

                                                           Expected limits
                 104       ATLAS
                                                      -1   Observed limits
                            s=13 TeV, 139 fb
                 10   3    All limits at 95% CL
                      2                                    ∼
                 10                                            L,R

                                                                                         Exclusion up to 830 GeV for 0.1 ns, up to 200
                                                                                         GeV for 10 ns lifetime (previous limits at 90 GeV)



                          100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
                                                                     m (l) [GeV]
                            Delayed jet + MET
         Search for delayed decays to hadronic jets of long-lived particles and missing transverse momentum

• exploits ECAL energy
  deposits timestamp to
  define tjet

• Main QCD background
  highly suppressed by out-
  of-time (within same bunch
  crossing) jet cuts

• ~0 expected background in
  SR; high signal efficiency of
  out-of-time decays events

                         Delayed jet + MET

                        Displaced jet recast
Reinterpretation of the search low electromagnetic fraction jet analysis preserved with RECAST to exclude
new models not included in the paper: Stealth SUSY, Baryogenesis, dark photon

    The analysis allows to extend displaced jet exclusion from dark sector scenarios to lower lifetimes

                           Displaced Vh 4b
 Event selection and LLP reconstruction:
 •Select displaced jets events with small charged fraction
  and few tracks associated to the primary vertex             ATL-PHYS-PUB-2017-014

 • Reconstruct large d0 tracks with Large Radius Tracking
   (LRT) algorithm
 •Build displaced vertices (DV) with LRT tracks
 •Match DV with displaced jet

    Control region < 2 DV:
                                     Signal region >= 2 DV:
 Derive per-jet efficiency
                                 Predict background from DV
 map pT (jet) vs b-tag score
                                 probability efficiency map
 in 0 DV and 1 DV events

                      Disappearing tracks
   Background tracklet pT-shape estimated via control regions:
   •Fakes shape directly from CR
   •e/mu/had shape by applying transfer factors and smearing
    functions to CR events

                                                                 Final background estimate:
                                                                 3.10 ± 0.74 (4 observed)
                                                                 (strong production results in backup)
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