Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...

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Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
Techniques and results
in Charged Long-Lived
particle searches in ATLAS
and CMS in Run 2
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
Techniques to Search for 2

Charged Long Lived Particles
 1. Charged particles that only traverse a certain extent of the e

 tracking detector and subsequentially disappear e e


 e e
  Employ non-standard track reconstruction to find short tracks
  Veto hits in “outer” tracker volume to ensure short tracks

 2. Highly ionizing particles leaving abnormal energy losses in the
 detector – / measurements
  Utilise the measuring capabilities of the tracking detector

 3. Time of flight measurements using timing information available
 from the calorimeters and muon spectrometer

 4. Displaced Vertices inside the tracking volume
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
ATLAS and CMS Experiments 3

  Two Large experiments at CERN!
  Probably heard all about them in previous talks

  Long-lived particles yield non standard signals
  It is vital to understand the performance of the
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
Disappearing Track (ATLAS) 4

 Assume a SUSY model where 1± (NLSP)
 is nearly mass-degenerate with 10 (LSP)
 – Long-lived 1± decays: 1+ → 10 +
  Common to Wino and Higgsino LSP
 scenarios – vital to a large portion of
 SUSY dark matter searches
 Gives a signature of a charged track that seemingly disappears after crossing only few layers
 of the inner detector
  Need to reconstruct the short tracks (tracklets) using only measurements (hits) expected for the given
 lifetime spectrum
  In this case, restrict to the pixel detector and measurements up to ~120 mm

 JHEP 06 (2018) 022
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
Disappearing Track (ATLAS) 5
  Track reconstruction is done in two steps for this analysis
  Standard algorithms– e.g. to find mainly the primary tracks
  Requiring at least seven measurements in the silicon detector
  A second pass of the tracking
  Using only leftover measurements from the first pass
  The hit requirement is significantly looser and aimed at short
 tracks: at least four hits in the pixel layers
  Addition of the insertable B-Layer (IBL) improved the
 efficiency pixel tracklet reconstruction efficiency
  Up to 60% efficiency to reconstruct tracklets in the pixel
 detector volume, up to 300 mm
  Veto is applied to make sure that the tracklets do not
 have any hits in the silicon tracker (SCT)
 Pixel  Effective background and fake removal
 JHEP 06 (2018) 022
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
Disappearing Track (ATLAS) 6
  Backgrounds arise from hadrons or leptons that may
 Run-2 improvement
 interact with the detector material as well as
 combinatoric backgrounds of tracklets made out of
 random hits
  Producing templates of the tracklet pT distribution varying
 on the type of expected background
  Likelihood fit performed on the signal and background

 Limits are set on the 1± mass as a function lifetime
  IBL help improving the limits for run-2 due to the increased
 reconstruction efficiency for pixel tracklets
 Reinterpretation of this analysis on the Higgsino scenario is
 covered in ATL-PHYS-PUB-2017-019
 JHEP 06 (2018) 022
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
Disappearing Track (CMS) 7
  CMS have a smiliar search for the same model and
  Slightly different analysis strategies
  The disappearing track candidates are required to be
 short and to have no hits in the outer layers of the
 tracking volume
  This suppresses background from random combinations
 and from tracking inefficiencies that can create spurious
 short tracks
  Require strict quality cuts on the short tracks
  Restriction on the impact parameters
  Require no missing hits in the inner layers

 JHEP 08 (2018) 016
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
Disappearing Track (CMS) 8
 Missing number of outer hits is used to
 select short track candidates for the
  Powerful discriminator of signal versus
 Reduce QCD background by angle cuts
 between the jets and the missing pT
 Remaining backgrounds are:
  Charged leptons that fail lepton
  Spurious tracks from random hits
 Both are estimated in dedicated regions
 enhancing the contributions

 JHEP 08 (2018) 016
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
JHEP 08 (2018) 016

Disappearing Track (CMS) 9
 Limits are set on the cross section of the 1± as well as a function of the lifetime
 The limits are set on the cross section for lifetimes between 0.1 and 100 ns
  1± masses up to 715 (695) GeV are excluded for lifetimes of 3 (7) ns,
  This is the range of lifetimes the analysis is most powerful
  Masses of up to 505 GeV are excluded for the broader range of 0.5 ns to 60 ns
Techniques and results in Charged Long-Lived particle searches in ATLAS and CMS in Run 2 - NORA PETTERSSON (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) ...
JHEP 08 (2018) 016

Disappearing Track (CMS) 10

 NB: CMS results are pre-
Different strategies: update and are still using a
 three layer pixel detector
CMS optimised for while ATLAS results are with
 longer lifetimes a four layer pixel detector
 while ATLAS for
 shorter lifetimes

Large ionization energy loss (ATLAS) 11
 Search for long-lived charged particles traversing the e

 inner detector (ID) and leaving large / deposits e e

  Interpreted on long lived R-hadrons hypothesised by e


 split-susy model
 Charge deposits per track length in the pixel layers
 provides / measurements
  Adjacent fired pixels are combined into clusters
  Cluster size depends on incident angle
 To reduce the tail fractions, a particle’s / is taken
 as the average over all the pixel hits, removing one or
 two measurements with the largest deposits of energy
  IBL helps improving the capability of measuring the
 energy loss more precisely

 Phys. Lett. B 788 (2019) 96
Large ionization energy loss (ATLAS) 12
  Energy losses are dependent on the mass
 and the mass can be calculated for the
 LLP using the Bethe-Bloch formula
  Use fit range of 0.3 < < 0.9
  Corresponds well to the LLPs which are
 expected to be produced at the LHC
  Fit shown for pions, kaons and protons
  Estimated masses from applying this
 method on signal samples of R-hadrons,
 reproduced the generated mass well up
 to masses of 1.5 TeV
  Calibrations on protons in data shows
 consistent results within 1% of the

 Phys. Lett. B 788 (2019) 96
Phys. Lett. B 788 (2019) 96

 Large ionization energy loss (ATLAS) 13
 Fully data-driven background estimation
  Derive shape and normalisations in control regions defined by inverting selections
 Limits set on the production cross section and lifetime of the gluino
  For lifetimes of and above 1 ns: 1290 to 2060 GeV excluded
Heavy Stable Charge Particles (CMS) 14
 Search for heavy stable charge particles (HSCP)
 with large ionization energies and non-unit
 Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 112004
  The search considers two techniques
  A tracker-only approach and one where the tracker
 information is combined with the muon system (tracker
 and time of flight (TOF))

 Considering three models that exploits the two
 different techniques
  For example, split SUSY with R-hadrons that are either
 stables or are expected to lose their charge before
 the muon system
  Staus postulated in mGMSB
  Lepton like fermions in a Drell-Yan model

Heavy Stable Charge 15
 Particles (CMS)
  A particle’s energy loss is measured from
 ionization deposited in the pixel and silicon tracker
  Exclude the measurement with the smallers charge
  Increase the quality and reduce instrumental biases

  Powerful discriminating variable is defined by
 comparing the measured values with what is
 expected of a minimum-ionizing particle
  Provide good separation of SM backgrounds

J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2011) 024


 Heavy Stable Charge Particles (CMS) 16
 No excess observed in either analysis and limits are set on the three models
  For split-susy gluino masses below 1850 GeV are excluded Stop masses below 1250 GeV are excluded
  Stau masses below 660 GeV are excluded for the GMSB and below 360 GeV for direct pair production model
  Drell-Yan signals with |Q| = 1e (2e) are excluded below 730 (890) GeV

 Heavy Stable Charge Particles (CMS) 17
 No excess observed in either analysis and limits are set on the three models
  For split-susy gluino masses below 1850 GeV are excluded Stop masses below 1250 GeV are excluded
  Stau masses below 660 GeV are excluded for the GMSB and below 360 GeV for direct pair production model
  Drell-Yan signals with |Q| = 1e (2e) are excluded below 730 (890) GeV

 ATLAS - Gluino at 36.1 fb-1
Multi-charged LLP (ATLAS) 18
 ATLAS have a search dedicated to only multi-charge particles (MCP)
  Results also interpreted on the Drell-Yan production model like the previous CMS analysis
 Assume the particles decay outside the detector so they appear stable and leave muon-like
 signatures with large energy loss
  Measure dE/dx in the pixel, transition radiation tracker (TRT), and in MDT subsystem in the muon
  dE/dx from the pixels is estimated as discussed for previous analyses, in the TRT the dE/dx is a mean of the hit-level
 energy losses calculate for the each tracks time above threshold, and similar for the MDT an average is taken from all
 drift tubes crossed Emission of many for higher charge
 broaden the distribution

 Miss modelling in simulation due to gas-change in
 the TRT not being propagate to MC
Multi-charged LLP (ATLAS) 19
 Two signal regions are defined
 depending on the expected charge
  Needed by the different detector
 responses for z= 2 and z> 2
 Expected backgrounds are due to
 possible high occupancy in the
 detector and the presence of large
 amount of -rays
  Background estimated by ABCD method for z=2 and using
 the side bands of MDT / TRT dE/dx distributions for z > 2
  No significant excess observed and limits are set on DY
 model and multi-charged lepton-like particles
  From 50 GeV up to 980-1220 GeV are excluded

Multi-charged LLP (ATLAS) 20
 Two signal regions are defined
 depending on the expected charge
  Needed by the different detector
 responses for z= 2 and z> 2
 Expected backgrounds are due to
 possible high occupancy in the
 detector and the presence of large
 amount of -rays
  Background estimated by ABCD method for z=2 and using
 the side bands of MDT / TRT dE/dx distributions for z > 2
  No significant excess observed and limits are set on DY
 model and multi-charged lepton-like particles
  From 50 GeV up to 980-1220 GeV are excluded
 CMS targeted a
 CMS z=2 and 12.9 fb-1 wider mass range


 Displaced Vertex (ATLAS) 21

 Search for LLP decaying inside the inner detector to several charge particles
  Results interpreted for R-parity violating SUSY where a stop decays to a quark and a muon
 Standard track reconstruction limits the efficiency
  Impose strict cuts on transverse (d0) and longitudinal (z0) impact parameters with respect to the IP
 Use special track reconstruction
  A dedicated second pass of the tracking is ran on leftover hits from the standard tracking with looser
 cut on d0 and z0
 The search looks for a displaced vertex with a mass larger than 20 GeV and have a track
 multiplicity larger than three and a displaced muon is required to be present with large impact
 parameters of|d0| > 2
  Additional quality criteria are imposed to reduce backgrounds from detector effects such as fake
  A cosmic veto is applied to reduce the largest background of displaced muons

 Displaced Vertex (ATLAS) 22

 Backgrounds are estimated with a fully data driven
  Relies on the fact that variables used to reduce SM
 background for the displaced vertices and the displaced
 muons are not correlated
  Control regions are defined by inverting parts of the
 No significant excess observed and limits are set
  Stop masses up to 1.7 TeV are excluded for lifetimes of 0.1 ns
  For the range of 10-17 ns the range up to 1.4 TeV is excluded
 More details on DV+μ in a dedicated talk by Karri Di Petrillo
LLP Searches for ATLAS and CMS 23
 Many interesting results from “non” standard search techniques
  Utilise the ATLAS and CMS detectors’ full potential!
 Stay tuned for interesting future developments!!!

 CMS Combined

 ATLAS Combined

ATLAS LLP Summary of Results 25
CMS LLP Summary of Results 26
Large / and time of flight (TOF) (ATLAS) 27
  An other search from ATLAS includes in addition to the dE/dx
 measurement als the time of flight
  Search for R-hadrons (split-SUSY), directly produced staus (GMSB), and
 charginos (mAMSB) utilising pixel / measurements and TOF
  The estimated from the particles energy loss uses the same method as
 in the previous analysis
  The velocity β of the particles are determined by time of flight
  Measurements from the tile calorimeter and from the monitored drift tubes
 (MDTs) and resistive-plate chambers (RPCs) in the muon spectrometer
  Both TOF measurements are combined into an average factoring in the
 resolution of the two systems

  → events are used to derive the resolution on the β-distribution for
 the two detectors

Large / and TOF (ATLAS) 28
 Few signal regions are defined and optimised for the different expected signatures of the three models under
  All five regions are mutually exclusive
 No excess observed and limits are set on R-hadrons and direct pair-production of staus/charginos
  Lower limits on the mass of long lived gluinos, sbottom and stop R-hadrons are set at 2000 GeV, 1250 Gev and 1340 GeV
  Lower limits on the mass of long lived staus and charginos are set at 430 GeV and 1090 GeV

Disappearing Track (ATLAS) 29
 Backgrounds arise from hadrons or leptons that may interact with the detector material as well
 as combinatoric backgrounds of tracklets made out of random hits
  Hadronic interactions, multiple scattering, bremsstrahlung, and fakes
  Minor inefficiency and low purity start to play a role for these types of analysis

 Red solid (dotted) shows charged (neutral) particles; thick blue represents the reconstructed

 Similarly for the emission of A tracklet made up of hits
 Scattering where the
 a hard photon, the produced by several
 extended track is missed
 extension is judged not to particles or noise hits
 due to the large kink
 be part of the same track
 JHEP 06 (2018) 022
Disappearing Track (CMS) 30
 Remaining background consists of charged leptons that fail lepton identifications while the
 missing pT requirements are still met
  Contribution in the signal region is estimated by creating the probability of this type of leptons
 Add extra requirement
 that to the Poffline that the
 event also passes the
 Number of events
 Estimated via triggers
 seen in the
 tag-and-prob for Probability that a single
 control region
 → and → lepton event passes the
 missing pT selection
 given that the lepton
 isn’t identified
 Spurious track background is estimated from a control region enhanced with lower quality
 tracks by requiring larger impact parameters
  Number of events is scaled by a transfer factor derived from tracks with three pixel hits but no hits in
 the middle detector and requiring the impact parameter selections of the signal region

 JHEP 08 (2018) 016
Disappearing Track (ATLAS) 31
 Event selection of disappearing tracks
  Expecting missing ET due to the neautralino → Rely on missing ET trigger
  Require a pixel tracklet with pT > 5 GeV and no associated SCT hits
  Lepton veto is applied to reduce background of V+jet and ҧ events
  Various quality requirements on the pixel tracklet to ensure good quality
 Further selection on kinematics optimised for the two channels, e.g. more jets for the strong

 JHEP 06 (2018) 022
Large ionization energy loss (ATLAS) 32
  Corrections for / applied to simulation
  Changes in the measured changes during runs
 depending on run conditions and accumulated
  Effect such as radiation damange on the pixel sensors
 are not taking into account in simulation and need to
 be corrected for
  Calibrations for low momentum particles under 500
 MeV corrections are applied for kaons and protons
  The pion mass is the default hypothesis in track
 reconstruction and the calibrations are produced from
 a fit between the simulated mass and the reconstructed
 mass to account for this effect
  Variation in the energy losses depends on the
 particles indicent angle on the sensors
  After applied corrections / only depend on
 momentum and mass of the particles

 Phys. Lett. B 788 (2019) 96
Large / and TOF (ATLAS) 33
 Fully data-driven background estimate by producing probability density functions (pdfs) of the key distributions
 , ( ) / for R-hadrons and momentum and 
  The expected number of events in the signal regions are estimated by randomly sampling from the pdfs using = / 
  Possible correlations between , ( ) / and the momentum are taken into account by binning the pdfs in
 pseudorapidity η
  , ( ) / are η-dependent due to that the resolutions varies dependen on the detector region

Large / and TOF (ATLAS) 34
 Few signal regions are defined and optimised for the different expected signatures of the three
 models under consideration
  All five regions are mutually exclusive

 Do not require any MS
 activity → region less
 dependent on the
 hadronization model

 Take advantage of MS
information → better TOF

 No dE/dx requirement
 imposed for the pair-
 produced stau/chargino
 to be effective for low-
 masses as well

 The lower limits on the mass are derived from mass-planes of and / for the R-hadrons
 while only from for the stau/chargino regions
Heavy Stable Charge Particles (CMS) 35
 Event selections of HSCP
  High transverse momentum single muon trigger or missing ET trigger used to select events
  Track candidate with pT > 55 GeV and various quality requirements to ensure good tracks
  The tracker + TOF analysis also require that the track should be matched to a reconstructed muon
 and at least eight time measurements
 Data driven background estimate ABCD method using two non-correlated variables
  The regions are divided up using pT > 65 GeV and > 0.3
  Candidates found in the control regions are used to form binned probability density functions of ℎ
 and momentum using the mass estimated for SM extrapolated to the signal region
  For the tracker+TOF analys an additional dimension is added with > 1.25 to form ABCDEFGH method
 Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 112004
Heavy Stable Charge Particles (CMS) 36
 Time of flight is measured in the muon system from the
 Drift Tubes (DT) and Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC)
  Slow particles can be distinguished from those traveling near
 speed of light
 A relativistic particle will produce an aligned pattern of
 hits in the DT while a slower particle will have a
 reconstructed position shifted relative to the path
  The offset of position is proportional to the delay of the
 The CSC measure the delay for each hit separately

 Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 112004
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