Avalon Sailing Club Clareville Beach, Pittwater - Season 2019 2020 - www.avalonsailingclub.com.au - AWS

Page created by Tiffany Davidson
Avalon Sailing Club Clareville Beach, Pittwater - Season 2019 2020 - www.avalonsailingclub.com.au - AWS
           Season 2019 – 2020

            Avalon Sailing Club
        Clareville Beach, Pittwater


Avalon Sailing Club Clareville Beach, Pittwater - Season 2019 2020 - www.avalonsailingclub.com.au - AWS
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Avalon Sailing Club Clareville Beach, Pittwater - Season 2019 2020 - www.avalonsailingclub.com.au - AWS
Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

Avalon Sailing Club Limited
                   Old Wharf Reserve
                   28b Hudson Parade
                     Clareville Beach

     “For the fostering, encouragement, promotion,
      teaching and above all, enjoyment of sailing
              on the waters of Pittwater”

             Postal Address: PO Box 59
               Avalon Beach NSW 2107

Phone:      02 9918 3637 (Clubhouse) Sundays only
Website: www.avalonsailingclub.com.au
Email:      info@avalonsailingclub.com.au
or          secretary@avalonsailingclub.com.au
Avalon Sailing Club Clareville Beach, Pittwater - Season 2019 2020 - www.avalonsailingclub.com.au - AWS
Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

Table of Contents

Commodore’s Welcome ___________ 1            Sections 3 - Course B (Gold PM) ___ 38
General Club Facilities ____________ 2          Laser Full Rig, International 420,
  Clubhouse Keys and Security _____ 2           International 29er, Finn, Spiral, Flying
  Radios _______________________ 2              11 and O’pen Skiffs ____________ 38
  Moorings _____________________ 2           Race Management ______________ 41
  Sailing Training ________________ 2        A Guide for Spectator Boats _______ 42
  Dinghy and Centreboard Storage __ 2        A Guide for Coach Boats__________ 43
  Social Events __________________ 3         A Guide for Response Boats _______ 44
Members and Committee                        Trophy Winners 2018 - 2019 _______ 46
Responsibilities __________________ 4           Overall Awards________________ 46
  Duty Roster ___________________ 4             Yacht Division ________________ 46
General Committee Roles __________ 6            Centreboard Divisions __________ 46
Roles – Who to Contact ___________ 8            Overall Trophies_______________ 46
About the Avalon Sailing Club _______ 9         MJ Novice division _____________ 47
Cruising _______________________ 11             MJ Open Division ______________ 47
Club Moorings __________________ 12             O’pen Skiff – Silver (Novice)
  National Park Information _______ 12          Division _____________________ 47
Cruising Moorings _______________ 13            O’pen Skiff – Gold Division ______ 47
Yacht Racing ___________________ 14             Spiral _______________________ 47
Course Plan – Yacht Division ______ 16          F11 Novice Division ____________ 47
Course Plan, Blue Water Shield ____ 17          F11 Open Division _____________ 47
Course Table – Yacht Division _____ 18          Australia Day Pittwater regatta____ 48
Notes on Courses - Yacht Division __ 19         Clareville Cup_________________ 48
  Palm Beach Yacht Club - Blue Water         Life Members __________________ 49
  Shield and Twilight Races _______ 19       Avalon Sailing Club Fees
  Winter Series 2020 ____________ 19         2018 - 2019 ____________________ 50
  Broken Bay Interclub Challenge___ 19       Risks Inherent in Sailing __________ 51
Yacht Sailing Instructions                   ASC Yacht Incident Management Plan
2019 - 2020 ____________________ 20          (IMP) _________________________ 52
Centreboard Divisions ____________ 28        Ambulance pick-up points and location
  Blue Division: _________________ 28        details ________________________ 54
  Red Division: _________________ 28         Emergency Contacts _____________ 55
  Gold Division: _________________ 28           Avalon Contact List ____________ 55
  Wind Strengths: _______________ 28            Emergencies _________________ 55
Safety Notes ___________________ 29             Clubs _______________________ 56
  Advice about Capsizes _________ 29            Phone ______________________ 56
  Advice to Response Boat Operators 30          Weather _____________________ 56
Section 1 - Notice of Race and Sailing          Other _______________________ 56
Instructions ____________________ 31         Notes _________________________ 57
Section 2 - Course A (Gold AM) ____ 36       Notes _________________________ 58
  Manly Junior, O’pen Skiff, Flying 11
  and Spiral____________________ 36
Avalon Sailing Club Clareville Beach, Pittwater - Season 2019 2020 - www.avalonsailingclub.com.au - AWS
Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

                              Commodore’s Welcome
You have a new face – yes! with yet more grey hair! - as Commodore this year and while
not a long-term member of the ASC I am a long-term member of the sailing community
having sailed in and offshore for many years as well as competing in J24s and Etchells.
Currently I am a co-owner of the Couta Sylvia as well as a Classic 5.5M which will be
contesting 5.5M Worlds here in January.
The reason for taking on the onerous task of Commodore was not just my passion for sailing
and wooden boats but a commitment to ‘community’ both sailing and local.
The ASC, like many other small sporting clubs, is facing a decline in membership and
participation particularly in 20 to 40-year-old bracket - the mums and dads of our young
centreboard fleet.
The ASC has a fabulous clubhouse in a superb position but sits unused for most of the
week. I would like to see that change by exploring other local community and Pittwater users
such as SUPs, Kayakers….Cyclists? Walkers? (using boats to various parts of the National
Park ?). I am also interested in instigating some try-out events in conjunction with other clubs
such as the Surf Clubs to encourage more community participation in all age groups.
I believe by getting more families through the door we can rebuild our 2 hander centreboards
and yacht fleets. So, I will be looking to connect with friends of existing members to explore
these opportunities. ….. Well, it’s worth a try!
So, what’s happening around the Club?
Paul Hardy as Captain of the strong Centreboard fleet ran a number of very successful
Learn to Sail programs. Paul has now left the club for overseas. Many thanks to Paul and his
team. Chris Zonca has now taken on the roll and has plans to have the ASC participate in
the Discover Sailing program. Zoe Whitlock will be the new head coach. Many thanks to the
past coach Alistair Read.
Martin Hickling is continuing to oversee the Yacht Racing program and handicaps which has
been revamped to restore racing to every Sunday. We currently have 15 boats participating
…. but there are still too many mooring minders!
The 2 big changes this year are the works and renos to the building and the new website.
The new clubhouse deck, ladies’ bathroom and deck office are all down to Ian Craig and his
team. Looks great, many thanks and more to come!
The new website is now up and running with much support from Ralf Moller. You will find the
website is now far more user friendly.
New and old faces on the committee. Jean Cross is standing down after many years of
dedication to the ‘books’ – many thanks Jean - and Brett Stapleton is returning as Yacht
Racing rep on the committee.
And a final thanks to Jane and her committee for her 3 years of service and for staying on to
hold my hand!
Remember the club survives on volunteer support. As Winston Churchill once said “You
make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”
Larry Eastwood

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                               General Club Facilities
The Club’s facilities are available for the enjoyment and use of all members and we
encourage active participation and attendance at the Club for sailing and social activities.
The Club is available for members’ use outside of the Sunday race times. Please ensure
you leave the Club clean and tidy and lock up when you leave.

Clubhouse Keys and Security
Committee members will open the Clubhouse on each race day and whenever other Club
events or functions are scheduled.
Clubhouse keys are available to adult and family members on application to Toni Fox –
accounts@avalonsailingclub.com.au - accompanied by a refundable deposit of $50. These
keys will open the front door, boatshed, side gates and the power/water box on the jetty.
Keys are not issued to junior members for security and safety reasons.

Avalon Sailing Club operates a licensed base radio (VH2UK) and various mobile sets.
This operates on VHF Channel 73 with an emergency/calling frequency of Channel 16.

The Club owns a number of moorings off the Clubhouse, which are available for members to
rent. Information on availability and charges can be obtained from Roman Zwolenski on
0418 198 051 or moorings@avalonsailingclub.com.au.

Sailing Training
During the season, courses will be conducted for beginners in dinghy sailing. In addition,
coaching will be provided for the junior dinghy classes.
Contact Chris Zonca on 0439 739 455.

Dinghy and Centreboard Storage
Space is available inside the lower floor of the Clubhouse for centreboard boats up to the
size of Lasers with racks for masts. Preference will be given to regular boat users. There is
also a rack for stand-up paddleboards.
Owners are responsible for neatness and tidiness.
All enquiries for internal racks, phone Ralf Moller on 0431 734 147.
Racks are available behind the Clubhouse (external) for yacht tenders/dinghies. Owners
must supply their own security chain and lock.
Enquires contact Roman Kowalski on 0418 198 051.
Note: The Club’s insurance does not cover an individual’s property.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

Social Events
In terms of social events, we kick off with the Opening day on Sunday 1st September, a
chance for everyone to get out on the water, get to know everyone and have lots of fun. Stay
around for the BYO food BBQ if you can.
A BYO food BBQ will be held after the Avalon Series race on the fourth Sunday of every
month from September to March after sailing (see the Club Calendar to confirm dates).
During winter from April to August the BBQ is held after the Winter Series races on the last
Sunday of the month.
The Club canteen will be open every Sunday selling their usual yummy range of pies,
sausage rolls, sandwich rolls, cakes etc.
Normal annual events include a Deck Party and the Christmas Party in December. See the
Club Calendar for details.
The Challenger Head Race and Dinner will be held in February. Cruising and racing yachts
come together for a fun race round to Challenger Head followed by dinner at a restaurant
where other Club members without boats are welcome to join in.
The Inter Club Picnic will be held on 5th April, 2020 (see Club Calendar to confirm date). All
members young and old are required, as we need to win the tug of war with BYRA and be
Pittwater’s best again!
Please keep an eye on the Club Calendar at www.avalonsailingclub.com.au for dates and
add them to your diary.
We are always looking for volunteers to help coordinate these events, as well as for people
to help out on the event days, so put your name forward to help.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                 Members and Committee Responsibilities
Duty Roster
Avalon Sailing Club (ASC) is a completely voluntary Club. Volunteering and ‘helping out’
when needed is part of the core culture and ethos of the Club.
All management and operation of the Club is on a volunteer basis by all members and
nominated parents of junior members. This covers everything from the General Committee,
the various sub-committees, Club maintenance and the conduct of Sunday sailing activities.
The club also holds a number of working Bees on a Saturday morning during the year to
help with clubhouse and boat cleaning and maintenance. Please look on the calendar for
the dates and come along to help.
The General Committee sets the overall guidelines and operating rules of the Club. These
are delegated to the 'Officer of the Day' (OOD) for Sunday Club activities. The OOD is a
member of the General Committee or an experienced Club member.
The key to the efficient running of the Club on sailing days is the duty roster system. We rely
heavily on the cooperation of all members to ensure that the system runs smoothly.
Members will receive details of how to log on to the roster system (DutyMan) and select their
duty, confirm they are available or make a swap if a duty has been allocated. See:
DutyMan will also email a reminder a couple of weeks before the duty. Please check the
roster early and if you can’t manage the date arrange a swap in good time. It is your
responsibility to organise your replacement.
The OOD has complete responsibility for the management of all aspects of the operation of
the Club on sailing days. Decisions relating to race matters and allocation of powerboats will
be made by the OOD in consultation with the various Race Officers. The OOD will also be
overseeing all members rostered for duty.
The Race Officers rostered for Blue, Red and Gold (am/pm) duty should ensure that all
drivers rostered in to their division are aware of their responsibilities and the requirements of
the rescue boats. It is ASC Policy that all drivers of ASC Club boats should have a NSW
Powerboat Boat Licence.
Yachts that cannot race due to the skipper or crew being rostered on duty will be awarded
average points for the race they miss, unless that race is abandoned (maximum of one race
in any series).
The jobs and responsibilities of all members rostered on duty will be allocated and explained
in detail by the OOD or Race Officers upon arrival for duty.
A guide for each role is available from the OOD and is on the ASC website. A paper copy is
kept in a file labelled “roster duty guide” kept in the canteen.
Members are encouraged to plan ahead and familiarise themselves with their role to ensure
they arrive prepared. Unless otherwise advised by the OOD, please arrive at the Club at the
time shown on the roster. Rostered members should report to the OOD before leaving to
see if any other help is needed.
You do not have to be a racing sailor (or parent) to volunteer on race days, so please
contact the Roster Coordinator to inform her that you can help and complete the Roster
section of your personal information on the ASC Website.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

Some of the typical jobs to be undertaken on each race day are listed as follows:
●   Monitor and maintain a safe environment for our sailors.
●   Assist Juniors to rig, launch and retrieve their boats, and assist with tuition.
●   Ready marks, weights and anchors for use, and return to storage in a tidy fashion.
●   Mobilise rescue boats and check safety equipment.
●   Man the Committee boat (start and finish races), and the mark/rescue boats.
●   Maintain a tidy rigging deck.
●   Serve in Canteen.
●   Clean up, sweep, dispose of garbage, etc.
As members develop skills and capabilities in the roster duties, they are encouraged to
update their website profile to allow selection for some of the more skills-based duties.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                            General Committee Roles
The General Committee meets once a month.
While much of the management and operation of the Club relies upon subcommittees, with
the aid of Club members, the aim is to have every role in the Club reporting through to a
Committee member who can be the voice when it comes to issues such as governance of
the Club, finances, safety and sailing activities.
The General Committee sets the overall guidelines and operating rules of the Club, which
are delegated to the 'Officer of the Day' (OOD) for Sunday sailing and Regatta activities run
by the Club.
An organisation structure, showing the subcommittee roles is displayed on the notice board
at the Club. There are 12 main roles as follows:
     1. The Commodore – Larry Eastwood, commodore@avalonsailingclub.com.au, who
        is responsible for all Club activities. This role is typically for a two-year period.
     2. Treasurer – Martin Didsbury, treasurer@avalonsailingclub.com.au, who keeps the
        accounts and submits statutory reports. Supported by Toni Fox,
        accounts@avalonsailingclub.com.au, who sets up payments
     3. Secretary – James George, secretary@avalonsailingclub.com.au, who minutes
        meetings and manages correspondence.
     4. Club Captain – Chris Zonca, who chairs the Centreboard Committee.
     5. Yachts, racing – Martin Hickling, who is the contact person for handicapping and
        race series.
     6. Yachts, cruising – David Baker, who is the contact person for organising the
        cruising activities.
     7. Maintenance – Barry Black, who is responsible for the Club facilities and working
     8. Grants and sponsorship – James George, who applies for grants and seeks out
     9. Membership – Paul Westcott, membership@avalonsailingclub.com.au, who
        welcomes new members and keeps records.
     10. Social – David Baker, who is the contact person for social events.
     11. Safety, risk and training – Simon Hill, who is responsible for these vital aspects of
         our Club activities.
     12. Strategic planning and projects – Paul Westcott, who looks to the future and
         manages major projects.
Each General Committee member is supported by Club members who come from a wide
background, which is one of our strengths as a Club.



                    Vice           Safety / Risk                                                                                                                                    Fund

                                                          Yachts         Membership         Secretary       Club Captain         Treasurer        Maintenance          Social                   Planning               Other
                 Commodore          & Training                                                                                                                                     Raising
                                                                                                                                                                                                & Projects

                                                                                                           CENTREBOARD                               Buildings
                                                         YACHT                                              COMMITTEE                             Marks & Tackle
                                                       COMMITTEE                            Website                                                 Club Boats
                 Coordinator     Safety Coordinator                           Keys                                                                                                               PROJECT
                                                                                             Editor           Handicapper                            Moorings          SOCIAL      as needs
                 Boat Drivers   Training Coordinator                    Child Protection                                      Accounts Assist                                                   COMMITTEE              Other
                                                       Safety Auditor                      Advertising          Register                              Racks          COMMITTEE       basis
                  Canteen         Risk Assessment                          Trophies                                                                                                           (as needs basis)
                                                         Cruising                           Historian           Training                              Radios

                                                       Handicapper                                         Blue & Red Group                        Landscaping
                                                                                                            Class Captains                           Cleaning

                                                                        SUNDAY SAILING AND REGATTA ROLES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

                                                                                                     OFFICER OF THE DAY

           CANTEEN                                                                                                                   GOLD AM                                                                       GOLD P M
                            YACHT                      RED and BLUE       GOLD AM          GOLD AM       GOLD AM      GOLD AM                           GOLD PM          GOLD PM   GOLD PM     GOLD PM
            Morning                       BOAT BOYS                                                                                 RESPONSE                                                                      RESPONSE
                         COORDINATOR                   COORDINATOR      RACE CONTROL        SCRIBE         PRO       MARK BOAT                        RACE CONTROL        SCRIBE     PRO      MARK BOAT
           Afternoon                                                                                                               BOAT DRIVERS                                                                  BOAT DRIVERS

                                                                             MORNING CENTRE BOARD ACTIVITIES                                                       AFTERNOON CENTRE BOARD ACTIVITIES

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                                Roles – Who to Contact
    Task                            Person                 Contact         Assisted by
    Commodore                       Larry Eastwood        0417 244 406
    Vice Commodore                  TBA
    Immediate Past                  Jane Durham           0416 139 432
    Secretary                       James George          0435 635 878
    Treasurer                       Martin Didsbury       0419 430 929     Toni Fox
    Club Captain                    Chris Zonca           0439 739 455
    Blue Group                      Chris Zonca           0439 739 455
    Red Group                       Dick Parker           0488 485 785
    Gold pm                         Rob Tulk              0408 706 955
    Spiral Captain                  Simon Hill            0414 470 122
    O’pen Skiff Captain             Sarah Tallis          0405 529 138
    MJ Captain                      TBA
    F11 Captain                     Rob Tulk              0408 706 955
    WASZP Captain                   Richard Dooley        0409 504 299
    Racks (Internal)                Ralf Moller           0431 734 147
    Keys                            Toni Fox              0416 006 088
    Roster Coordinator              TBA
    Boat Driver Coordinator         Garry Oughtred        0400 936 050
    Website IT                      Ralf Moller           0431 734 147
    Yachts - Racing                 Brett Stapleton       0419 215 365
    Yachts - Handicapper            Martin Hickling       0401 149 825
    Safety Auditors (Yachts)        David Evans           0438 224 926     Ian Craig, Karl
    Cruising Coordinator            David Baker           0408 980 108
    Building Maintenance            Barry Black           0418 423 978
    Club sailing boats              Chris Zonca           0439 739 455
    Moorings, External Racks        Roman Zwolenski       0418 198 051
    Club Power Boats                Jeff Conly            0419 753 404     Nick Mason
    Account Manager                 Toni Fox              0416 006 088
    Canteen                         Jane Durham           0416 139 432
    Bar stocks                      Paul Westcott         0419 013 142

Note: Enquiries regarding moorings can be emailed to: moorings@avalonsailingclub.com.au

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                          About the Avalon Sailing Club
We are often asked "what sort of Club is Avalon, what classes do we sail, and what are the
aims of the Club?"
The Club is now incorporated and is limited by guarantee. However, before the Second
World War it was called "The Avalon Sailing Club".
It all started when an enthusiastic band of sailors grouped together on Clareville Beach and
started to race VJs and later, VSs and Moths. Reading of the early Minutes of the Club is
interesting, in that a surprising number of the famous racing names of today had their early
training with Avalon.
It can also be seen that the grandparents and parents of many of the young people sailing
today are mentioned as either members or assisting with the administration of the Club.
As the number of boats racing with the Club grew in the late 40s and early 50s there was an
increasing need for a Clubhouse.
It was proposed that the Clubhouse should be erected at the southern end of Clareville
Beach, but this site was rejected as being unsuitable. Other sites were examined and finally
Council permission was obtained to build on the present site in 1956, subject to several
conditions, which still apply – members must behave themselves and intoxicating liquor is
not encouraged on the premises.
Club members were responsible for the design, finance, and construction of the Clubhouse,
the only contractors being those engaged for electrical installation, plumbing and drainage.
The objectives for which Avalon Sailing Club was established are stated in the Memorandum
and Articles of Association. These objectives are to:
● Acquire and take over a growing concern, the affairs and all or any of the property,
  goods, chattels, credits, debits, money, books, documents and other assets and liabilities
  of The Avalon Sailing Club.
● Foster, encourage, promote, and teach sailing on the waters of Broken Bay.
● Cooperate with other Clubs in the conduct of inter-club racing and social events.
● Affiliate or cooperate with any other body or association having for its object the
  encouragement and development of sailing.
● Control all conditions in Club races.
It is fair to say that the Club is what it is today due mainly to the continuing support of parents
and their children.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the Club has become known as a 'Family' Club which has
as its basic ideals the teaching of sailing to the young.
As the years went by, the parents, having encouraged their children to sail and race
competitively, decided that they would like to 'have a go' themselves, so a progression of
classes for larger boats began to appear at the Club.
This evolved to the present-day Yacht Division and Cruising Division.
The racing program for the Yacht Division is designed to allow members to compete in a
race every weekend (mainly on Sundays, but occasionally on Saturdays), covering several
trophy series; should a member only wish to race one day per month, they can still be
actively competitive in that one particular series.
These notes would not be complete if they were not to acknowledge the Club's great support
of inter-club racing and sailing associations.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

The Club members have always actively supported the sailing associations of these classes,
which are raced at the Club. This applies to all the dinghy classes presently raced: Manly
Juniors, O’pen Skiff, Flying Elevens, Spirals and WASZPs.
Applicants for membership to the Club are asked to acknowledge that they will assist in the
running of the Club which means - once or twice during the season assisting in either:
● the canteen;
● on the starter's boat;
● on one of the various rescue boats; or
● on the rigging deck.
The normal racing day is Sunday, generally from early September to mid-April. There are
five categories of membership - Family, Adult and Junior, as well as Social and Yacht Crew.
For keelboat yacht racing, attention is drawn to the Racing Rules of Sailing Rule 46 which in
part states:
‘Furthermore, except in an international event, any crew member who sails in more than 3
races in a season shall be a member of a Club affiliated to Australian Sailing [such as Avalon
Sailing Club] and an Australian Sailing card holder (SIN).’
Those people who irregularly crew on Avalon yachts but participate in races more than three
times in a season are required to take out Yacht Crew membership as a minimum since this
includes an Australian Sailing number issued by Australian Sailing.
Applications for Junior Memberships are not accepted unless parents are prepared to assist
in the running of the Club, as set out above.
The Club has always conducted its activities by way of voluntary labour under the control of
the elected Committee.
The canteen operates on all sailing days providing cakes, snack foods, rolls, pies and drinks,
tea and coffee.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
 The Club has a small but active cruising division. The fleet comprises a wide variety of
 yachts and range of experience. Beginners are very welcome and there is a lot that can be
 learnt over a glass or two of wine and some excellent food on one of the many weekend
 A cruising programme is published each year (included in this Mainsheet). Events are
 planned every 4-6 weeks. The Calendar is also kept up-to-date on the Cruising Page of the
 Avalon Sailing Club Website along with other information for those interested in cruising.
 The Club has seven moorings in the Pittwater/Hawkesbury waters (see next section). These
 moorings are available to paid-up ASC Boat Owner members displaying a current Boat
 Owner’s sticker. These moorings are often the meeting place for cruising yachts.
 Most cruises take place within local waters, with trips to Sydney Harbour and occasional
 longer trips up or down the coast.
 ASC Boat Owner members are also entitled to compete in a number of other events without
 paying additional race fees. These events include: The Avalon Series, the Two Island Race,
 Crews’ Race, the Challenger Head /Bitter End Trophies and the Winter Series.
 Cruising information can be found on the Club website. Go to:
 www.avalonsailingclub.com.au then select “Yachts” from the menu, then “Yachts – Cruising”,
 or type in this URL into your favourite browser to go directly there:
 OR don’t hesitate to contact David Baker on 0408 980 108 or drlbaker@hotmail.com
 ASC Cruising Calendar 2019-2020
Date                  Event                                         Notes
17 - 18 Aug 2019      The Basin                                     Bushwalk
21 Sept 2019          Comedy night, ASC Clubhouse
5 - 7 Oct 2019        Dangar Island and Jerusalem Bay               Dinner Sat night, bushwalk Sun
16 - 17 Nov 2019      Smith’s Creek                                 Dinghy safari
30 Nov - 1 Dec 2019   Christmas Cruise; Hallets Beach               Sun brunch on the beach
14 Dec 2019           Christmas Party; ASC deck
27 Dec -11 Jan 2020 Cruise North                                    Newcastle, Broughton Island, Port Stephens
25 - 27 Jan 2020      Australia Day                                 ASC Regatta
15 - 16 Feb 2020      Challenger Head - Akuna Bay                   Bitter End race Sat; Cottage Point brunch Sun
21 - 22 Mar 2020      Refuge Bay                                    Brunch by the waterfall
10 - 13 Apr 2020      Easter - Sydney Harbour                       Middle Harbour, Echo Point breakfast, Easter eggs
9 - 10 May 2020       Progressive dinner - The Basin                A different course on each boat
6 - 8 Jun 2020        Queen’s Birthday - Dangar Island              Lunch Sun, café brunch Mon
5 - 6 Jul 2020        Fire and Soup night - The Basin               Soup and BBQ at the campfire
8 - 9 Aug 2020        Alternative Fire and Soup night - The Basin   Bushwalk

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                                    Club Moorings
The Club owns and maintains seven moorings in Pittwater and the lower Hawkesbury/
Cowan areas for the use of financial members of ASC who have paid a current ‘Boat Owner
Fee’ and display a current ASC sticker with the words ‘ASC boat owner Sailing season
These moorings are marked ‘ASC Members Only’.
Please share the moorings with other eligible Club members, both power and sail, by rafting
up. Ineligible boats found occupying the moorings should be politely, but firmly, asked to
Details of Moorings Owned by the Club
     Description               Location                Capacity Latitude (S) Longitude (E)

America Bay           SW corner, near entrance,
                                                          10t       33° 35.775' 151° 15.316'
Yellow - CL2748       half way along
Coasters Retreat 1    50m SE of public wharf at
                                                          20t       33° 36.253' 151° 17.740'
Yellow - CL2197-1     camping area
Coasters Retreat 2    In line with mooring 1,
                                                          20t       33° 36.225' 151° 17.670'
Yellow - CL2197-2     180m SE of wharf
                      West of jetty. Mooring has a
                      loop that requires your own         10t       33° 33.154' 151° 16.408'
Orange - CL6177
                      line to be fed through
Refuge Bay 1          South east corner towards
                                                          10t       33° 36.090' 151° 15.133'
Yellow - 70K01-1      small creek
Refuge Bay 2          Two out from mud flats –
                                                          10t       33° 36.110' 151° 15.124'
Yellow - 70K01-2      next to mooring 1
Towlers Bay
                      NW corner towards beach             20t       33° 37.261' 151° 17.395'
Yellow - CL2474
                            Datum: WGS84

A large number of public moorings are provided in Cowan Creek by the National Parks and
Wildlife Service (NPWS).
For those wishing to spend some time in this beautiful area, Chart AUS 204 (obtainable from
Chart Agencies) is recommended. There is no rafting allowed on NPWS moorings.

National Park Information
Due to the bushfire danger, gas fires only may be used on the parks, beaches and foreshore
picnic areas.
Wood burning barbecues may be used at Bobbin Head, Appletree Bay and Illawong Bay
picnic areas.
Pets are prohibited in National Parks and camping in Ku-ring-gai Chase is only permitted at
The Basin, 1300 072 757.
Further information can be obtained from the Park Visitor Centre, 02 9472 8949.

Lion Island

                                                        Hawksbury River

                      Jerus                                               Challenger Head

                                                Cowan Creek                        America
                                                                                                  The Basin

                                                                                                                                   Cruising Moorings

                                                                  Bay                                    Coasters
                                                                                                                                                       Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

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Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

                                      Yacht Racing
Avalon Sailing Club’s Racing Calendar has something for everyone – you don’t have to race
full-on to enjoy and do well – you can even learn while you race.
Unlike other Clubs, our program has three unique elements.
●       You can choose to race in only one series, with usually one heat per month.
●       You can race on a different style of course throughout the month.
●       The Avalon Series is held on the fourth Sunday of each month – it is a 11.7Nm
        course within Pittwater with a low stress handicap start.
The Avalon Series is a great introduction to racing. It offers a later start – so you can take
the kids along – and then afterwards enjoy a BYO food BBQ on the best deck in Pittwater
amidst friends.
There are also single-day events, such as Opening Day, Australia Day, Challenger Head,
the Two Island Race and the Crews’ Race. Please see the Club Calendar on the website.
If you elect not to carry a spinnaker in any series, the handicapper will provide an
appropriate allowance.

Yacht Division Trophies for 2019-2020
    Opening Day            Raced in conjunction with Heat 1 of the Quartet Bowl.
    Blue Water Shield:     A handicap series raced on courses which include two
                           offshore marks.
                           Six heats, with five to count.
                           A Cat 5 event, scratch start.
                           Races are hosted by PBYC and sailed under PBYC’s
                           Sailing Instructions.
    Koolong Trophy:        A handicap series over six days throughout the season,
                           each with three Sprint races.
                           Non-spinnaker (Division 1) and spinnaker (Division 2).
                           Scratch starts with joint start time for the two divisions.
                           Eighteen heats, with 12 to count.
                           Elapsed times of both divisions to be combined to determine
                           the winner of the trophy.
    Quartet Bowl:          A handicap series raced on courses that include a mark laid
                           off Juno Point.
                           Six heats, with five to count (handicap start).
    Retriever Trophy:      A handicap series raced on courses within Pittwater.
                           Six heats, with five to count.
                           Couta Boats (Division 1) and other yachts (Division 2).
                           Scratch start with separate start times for the two divisions.
                           Elapsed times of both divisions to be combined to determine
                           the winner of the trophy.
    The Diane Cup:         A handicap Club Championship series for Couta Boats,
                           comprising the six Retriever Trophy races.
                           Six heats with five to count.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

Avalon Series      A handicap series raced within Pittwater.
(Force 8 Cup       Six heats, with five to count (Handicap start).
Trophy):           1.00pm start.
                   BYO food BBQ follows on the Club deck.
Hurrica Trophy:    A handicap trophy for the best performing ‘Inshore’ yacht in
                   the series RT, AS and QB.
                   The winner is the yacht with minimum points from all races
                   in the series calculated on corrected times.
Shaz Too Trophy:   A trophy for the fastest yacht in the Club.
                   The winner is the yacht with minimum points from all races
                   in the major trophy series of RT, AS and QB when
                   calculated on the basis of scratch results.
Commodore's        A handicap trophy for the best performing ‘Offshore’ yacht in
Trophy:            the Club.
                   The winner is the yacht with minimum points from all the
                   races in the BWS and QB series, when calculated on
                   corrected times.
Van Den Bosch      “For perseverance in fair weather and foul”, is awarded to
Trophy:            the yacht competing in most events during the year,
                   providing it has not been a prize winner in any series (an
                   event is a summer series trophy race).

Winter Series      A handicap series raced on shorter courses within Pittwater
(The Old Deck      over the cooler months.
Trophy):           1.00pm start.

Don McLachlan      A regatta held over two days in March with divisions open to
Regatta:           “wet”’ (antifouled) Etchells and Classic yachts only.
                   Scratch and handicap results awarded.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
     Course Plan – Yacht Division

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

  Course Plan, Blue Water Shield

                         OA:    33° 33.000’ S
                               151° 23.000’ E

                         OB:    33° 36.500’ S
                               151° 21.000’ E

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                       Course Table – Yacht Division

Course Wind Start in        Course marks                                            Distance
No.         area                                                                    Nmi
Avalon Series
     1          M           K, Rp*, T*, S, N                                          11.7
Retriever Trophy
     2    N     M           K, N, C*, K                                               11.8
     3    N     M           N, Sp, C*, Tp*, N, Tp*, Rp*, T*, Lp*, C*                  11.7
     4    NNE   M           K, N, Sp, K, Rp*, T*, Lp*, C*                             11.5
     5    NE    Lp          S, Rp*, S, N, C*, Rp*, S                                  11.8
     6    ENE   Lp          S, N, C*, Tp*, Rp*, C*, Rp*, T*, S, T*, C*                11.9
     7    E     T           C*, Tp*, Rp*, S, Sp, C*, T*, C*, Rp*, T*, C*              10.6
     8    SE    T-Lp        Tp*, Rp*, T*, S, N, C*, N                                 10.6
     9    S     M           Tp*, K, Tp*, Lp*, S, N                                    12.0
     10   S     M           Tp*, N, Tp*, Rp*, S, N                                    11.1
     11   SW    C-Lp        Rp*, S, Rp*, S, N, C*, Rp*                                11.3
     12   SW    C-Lp        Rp*, S, K, N, K, Rp*                                      11.2
     13   W     C           T*, Lp*, C*, T*, S, Sp, Tp*, Rp*, T*, C*, T*, C*          11.1
     14   NW    Tp          T*, S, N, Tp*, T*, S, N                                   10.6
Winter Series / Retriever (light wind days)
     15   N     M           N, Tp*, Sp                                                7.9
     16   NE    Lp          S, C*, Rp*, S, Lp*, S                                     7.8
     17   E     T           C*, Tp*, Rp*, T*, C*, Tp*, Rp*, Tp* Rp*, T*, C*           7.7
     18   SE    T-Lp        Tp*, T*, S, Sp, S, Sp, C*, Lp*, C*                        7.9
     19   S     M           Tp*, N, Tp*, Lp*, S                                       7.8
     20   SW    C-Lp        Rp*, S, Lp*, S, Rp*, C*                                   7.8
     21   W     C           T*, C*, T*, Lp*, Tp*, Rp*, Lp*, Tp*, Rp*, C*              7.9
     22   NW    Tp          T*, S, Sp, S, Sp, Tp*, Lp*, C*                            7.9
Koolong Sprints
     23         Sp          Start – Windward (P) – Leeward (P) – Windward             3.5
                            (P) - Finish
Blue Water Shield
                See PBYC Race Instructions                                            13.5
Quartet Bowl
     24         M           J                                                         11.6
     25         M           K, J, K*                                                  11.8
Marks to be rounded to Port, unless otherwise indicated with an * which are to be
starboard roundings

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                      Notes on Courses - Yacht Division
The position of all marks is approximate only.
The start area is approximate only and may vary from that in the course table.
Although indication is given in the course table as to courses generally sailed in nominated
events and wind directions, it should be noted that any course might be sailed for any event
or in any wind direction.
The following marks are permanent NSW Maritime yellow cones or RMYC red cylinders:

   C        Approx. 0.3 nm NW of ASC               J       Off Juno Point

   N        Off Sinclair Point (south of Great     Lp      Off Longnose Point
            Mackerel Beach)

   Rp       Off Rocky Point (north west of         Sp      Off Soldiers Point (to the north)
            Scotland Island).

   S        Off Stokes Point.                      Tp      Off Taylors Point

   T        Off Towlers

The number of the course to be sailed will be displayed on the Notice Board in the
clubhouse or be notified by hailing competitors from the Committee Vessel.
If the Race Committee decides to sail a course that is not included in the Course Table, that
course will be displayed on the Notice Board in the Clubhouse.
Palm Beach Yacht Club - Blue Water Shield and Twilight Races
In addition to hosting the Blue Water Shield, Palm Beach Yacht Club will be conducting
Friday twilight races in which ASC members are invited to compete as visitors.
There are two divisions. Contact the Race Director, Phil Smith on psmith@opticomm.net.au
or 0414 478 996 to be allocated to the correct division and also for detailed race instructions
and conditions of entry.
Winter Series 2020
Races for the Yacht Division will be held on the last Sunday of each month from April to
August 2020. Extras may be used, but must be declared at sign on and a handicap penalty
taken prior to the start.
It is a handicap start from 1300hrs. A barbecue is held on the Club deck after the race,
starting at about 1600hrs with all families welcome.
Broken Bay Interclub Challenge
The Club also participates in the Broken Bay Interclub Challenge: A four race series run on
a Saturday involving RMYC, ASC, PBYC and the Gosford and Hawkesbury River Sailing
The trophy is awarded to the Club whose top three boats have the best score. See the
website and calendar for further details.
To facilitate entry in the BBIC by ASC yachts there will be no ASC yacht racing on the
Sunday of that weekend.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020
                      Yacht Sailing Instructions 2019 - 2020
If necessary these instructions can be altered by notice on the Notice Board in the
Clubhouse by 1130hrs (Eastern Standard Time and Eastern Daylight-Saving Time) on the
day of the race, in which case Code Flag 'K' (Yellow / Blue vertically divided) will be flown
from the Club flag mast or from the Committee Vessel.
1.     Responsibility
1.1.   All those taking part in Avalon Sailing Club races shall do so their own risk and
1.2.   All boats shall be covered with their own comprehensive yacht racing insurance,
       adequate Public Liability and Third Party Property Insurance to the sum of at least
       $10 million.
1.3.   Avalon Sailing Club is not responsible for the seaworthiness of any yacht whose entry
       is accepted or for the sufficiency or adequacy of its equipment.
1.4.   Avalon Sailing Club reserves the right to refuse an entry.
1.5.   Attention is drawn to the Australian Sailing 2017 - 2020 Racing Rules of Sailing
       (RRS) Fundamental Rule 4 which states:
       ‘Decision to Race
       The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is
       hers alone.’
2.     Eligibility to Race
2.1.   Races organised by the Club are open to yachts of classes which are sponsored by
       the Club and which are sailed by members of a club acceptable to the Race
2.2.   Where visibility is restricted or compromised due to a boat’s design, sail configuration
       and/or crew agility the Person-in-Charge must, prior to racing and during the race,
       employ measures that will ensure they have adequate visibility.
2.3.   Whilst racing the Person-in-charge must ensure they have adequate and competent
       Crew and/ or equipment to maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as
       by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions in
       order to take appropriate action to avoid a collision.
2.4.   Yachts will not rank as starters and will not be given a place in any event(s) in which
       they participate if they:
       a) don’t comply with the safety requirements specified in Clause 10.;
       b) have not paid the relevant race fees and other dues prior to race start.
2.5.   For the Avalon Series, a series entry fee of $80 shall apply for non-ASC Boat
2.6.   For the Retriever Trophy, a series entry fee of $80 shall apply for non-ASC Boat
       Owners and any non-Yacht Racing fee ASC members.
2.7.   For the Quartet Bowl, a series entry fee of $80 shall apply for non-ASC Boat Owners
       and any non-Yacht Racing fee ASC members.
2.8.   For the Koolong Saturday Sprints, a series entry fee of $120 shall apply for non-ASC
       Boat Owners and any non-Yacht Racing fee ASC members.
2.9.   For the Winter Series, a series entry fee of $70 shall apply for non-ASC Boat Owners.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

2.10. Casual race entries may be accepted, however casual entrants will not be included in
      series results. A casual entry fee of $25 per race shall apply.
2.11. These Sailing Instructions do not cover either the Australia Day Regatta, Pittwater
      Regatta or the Don McLachlan Regatta. Entry into those Regattas is not included in
      the Yacht Racing fee. Eligibility to race in those Regattas is subject to each Regatta’s
      sailing instructions.
2.12. All ASC yachts racing shall fly the Avalon Sailing Club Burgee from the time of their
      warning signal until they cross the finishing line.
       Yachts must also clearly display their sail numbers, and ASC identification sticker on
       their hulls. Failure to do so may result in a place penalty at the discretion of the Race
3.     Nomination of Helmsman
3.1.   For an entry from an ASC Boat Owner yacht, the helmsman must be an ASC Club
       Member. The helmsman of each boat contesting a series shall be nominated on the
       Sign-on sheet.
3.2.   Any change of helmsman must be advised to the Yacht Coordinator, and will be
       subject to re-assessment of handicap.
4.     Reporting of Starters
4.1.   Each boat ranking as a starter must either:
       a) sign on using the appropriate register sheet in the Clubhouse;
       b) register with the Committee Vessel at the Starting Line before starting by sailing
          past the stern of this vessel on starboard tack while hailing with sail number and
          name of yacht;
       c) register with the Committee Vessel over VHF channel 73 stating sail number and
          name of yacht.
5.     Retirement
5.1.   All yachts must advise the Yacht Coordinator immediately upon retiring. This advice
       may be by VHF channel 73 or telephone to the Clubhouse (phone: 9918 3637), if
6.     Sail Numbers and Identification
6.1.   All boats shall carry sail numbers in accordance with Appendix G2 RRS.
6.2.   In addition, all boats shall have placed on the hull, externally on the transom or on
       both sides of the hull, in letters and figures of the minimum height nominated by
       Roads and Maritime and of colour contrasting to the hull:
       a) Registered name of the yacht;
       b) Registered sail number of the yacht;
       c) Name of the club with which the Boat Owner is a Member, which may be
          abbreviated to the Club's initials. Each boat must also display on the transom
          starboard side (where possible) an identification sticker issued by the Club to
          financial racing and cruising members.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

7.     Racing Rules
7.1.   Races shall be sailed under the 2017 - 2010 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) of World
       Sailing (WS), and the rules of the appropriate Class Associations, all as amended by
       these Sailing Instructions.
8.     Alternative Penalties
8.1.   The RRS 44.1 and 44.2 are changed so that the 720° turns are replaced by a 360°
       turn in the same direction including one tack and one gybe (this amends RRS 44.1
       and 44.2).
9.     Protests and Mediation
9.1.   All protests shall be in accordance with RRS Part 5. Attention is drawn to the
       a) The protest must be lodged in writing within one and a half hours of the yacht
          finishing the last race of the day.
       b) Initially protests may be heard by ‘mediation’ held as soon as possible after
          lodgement of a protest. The mediator will meet with the Protestor and Protestee
          and conduct a Mediation Hearing as fully described in Clause 9.2.
       c) The Protest Committee will be chaired by a member of the Race Committee.
          Protests will be heard at the Clubhouse on the evening of the Wednesday
          following the race at 1930hrs unless notified otherwise.
9.2.   A Mediation Hearing may be conducted for all protests lodged in accordance with
       RRS 61, which allege an infringement of RRS Part 2 or Part 4.
       Such hearings will be held subsequent to the protest being lodged and prior to the
       protest hearing.
       The time and place of the hearing will be decided by the Mediator and such advice
       may be given verbally.
       One representative of each boat shall attend the hearing and no witnesses shall be
       The mediator shall decide the manner in which the testimony is given. The Mediator
       will be appointed by the Protest Committee and may be a member of a subsequent
       Protest Committee. Should the protest proceed to a Protest Hearing then the
       Mediator may be called as a witness at that hearing.
       After taking testimony at a Mediation Hearing the Mediator shall make one of the
       following conclusions:-
       a) The protest does not comply with RRS 61 and the Protestor may withdraw the
       b) The protest shall proceed to a Protest Hearing. (This may be because RRS other
          than Part 2 or Part 4 are or may be involved, or because evidence is too complex
          or divergent to reach a reasonable conclusion, or due to the apparent severity of
          the alleged infringement, or for any other reason decided by the Mediator)
       c) There was no infringement and the Protestor may withdraw the protest.
       d) There has been an infringement by one or more boats involved, the infringing
          boat(s) may accept scoring points equal to the finishing place midway between
          the boat’s actual finishing place and a disqualification, and if so accepted the

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

           protestor shall withdraw the protest. (Half points shall be disregarded and the
           points of other boats shall not be adjusted).
       A Mediation Hearing shall not be reopened. Conclusions of a Mediator shall not be
       subjected to appeal nor be grounds for redress.
       Alternative forms of mediation may be used by agreement between the skippers of
       the yachts involved and the Protest Committee.
10.    Safety
10.1. Yachts shall hold a current safety audit certificate that complies with the safety
      requirements of Category 7 of the Australian Sailing Special Regulations, Part 1 for
      Racing Boats, and meet any additional requirements of Avalon Sailing Club.
       Any yacht competing in the Blue Water Shield shall hold a current safety audit
       certificate that complies with the safety requirements of Category 5 of the Australian
       Sailing Special Regulations, Part 1 for Racing Boats, and meet any additional
       requirements of Avalon Sailing Club.
10.2. The Race Committee will act as the Safety Committee.
10.3. ASC yachts will be required to have a safety audit by an ASC Safety Officer (yachts)
      and submit the completed Certificate to the Safety Officer (yachts) or Officer of the
      Day prior to sailing in an event. Failure to do so will make the yacht ineligible as a
10.4. All yachts participating in ALL races shall carry a VHF Marine Radio and monitor
      channel 73. Handheld radios shall be tethered to the yacht by a lanyard.
11.    Racing Schedule, Starting Times and Procedures
11.1. Races are as scheduled in the ASC Sailing Program as published on the ASC
11.2. Warning, Preparatory and Starting signals will be made in accordance with the
      following schedule:
 Quartet   Retriever    Avalon       Koolong Sprints     Event                 Flag Signal
 Bowl      Trophy       Series       1st race*

1255        1255        1255         1255              Warning Signal       Numeral pennant 1
                                                       Yacht Division 1     displayed

1256        1256        1256         1256              Preparatory Signal   Preparatory flag
                                                       Yacht Division 1     displayed

1259        1259        1259         1259              One minute           Preparatory flag
                                                       Yacht Division 1     lowered

1300        1300        1300         1300              Start                Numeral pennant 1
                                                       Yacht Division 1     lowered

            1305                      1255             Warning Signal       Numeral pennant 2
                                                       Yacht Division 2     displayed

            1306                      1256             Preparatory Signal   Preparatory flag
                                                       Yacht Division 2     displayed

            1309                      1259             One minute           Preparatory flag
                                                       Yacht Division 2     lowered

            1310                      1300             Start                Numeral pennant 2
                                                       Yacht Division 2     lowered

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

       * The Warning Signal for Race 2 shall be made approximately 10 minutes after the
       last yacht has completed Race 1 or the time at which Race 1 has been abandoned.
       The Preparatory and Starting Signals shall be as for Race 1. The same signal
       sequence will apply for Race 3.
       Winter Season races the following times will apply:
       1255hrs              Warning signal,
       1256hrs              Preparatory flag raised,
       1259 hrs             Preparatory flag lowered,
       1300hrs              Start
       The above starting times are indicative and are subject to Postponement.
       Note - Start times do not change with Daylight Saving.
11.3. Attention may be drawn to the above signals by a suitable sound signal.
11.4. Any of the above starting times or procedures may be varied by notice on the Notice
      Board in the Clubhouse, posted by 1130hrs on the day of the race, in which case
      code flag 'K' (Yellow / Blue, vertically divided) will be flown from the Club flag mast or
      from the Committee Vessel.
11.5. For the Avalon Series, Quartet Bowl and Winter Series, all yachts, including Couta
      Boats, shall race under Division 1.
11.6. For the Retriever Trophy series, Couta Boats shall race under Division 1, and all other
      yachts shall race under Division 2.
       Division 2 is scheduled to start 10 minutes after Division 1, but this may be varied on
       the day, without notice, by the Yacht Co-ordinator.
11.7. For the Koolong Sprints, non-spinnaker yachts shall race under Division 1, and all
      other yachts shall race under Division 2.
       Division 2 is scheduled to start with Division 1, but this may be varied on the day,
       without notice, by the Yacht Co-ordinator.
11.8. For Yachts in the Avalon Series, Quartet Bowl and Winter Series events, a handicap
      start will be used.
       The procedure will be as follows:
       a) Each yacht will be given a handicap (number of minutes after start 'zero') which
          will be listed in the Clubhouse prior to the race. It is the obligation of the skipper of
          each yacht to note their handicap before leaving the club.
       b) Numbers representing these handicaps will be displayed from the Committee
          Vessel stationed at the starting line during the starting procedure. The numbers
          displayed will represent minutes after start 'zero'. Therefore, ‘zero’ will be
          displayed when the Division Flag is lowered (Start Signal). When the handicap
          number is displayed, the boat may cross the starting line in the appropriate
       c) Attention may be drawn to flag signals by a sound. No further sound signals will
          be made and yachts must time their start from the displayed numbers.
       d) Yachts not in the act of starting should keep clear of the starting line between the
          preparatory signal and their handicap number.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

12.    Committee Vessel and Signals
12.1. Committee Vessel:
       The Committee Vessel may be any vessel as decided by the Race Committee.
       The Committee Vessel may fly the ASC Burgee.
       Division flags are as follows:
       Yacht Division 1            Numeral Pennant 1
       Yacht Division 2            Numeral Pennant 2
13.    Courses and Course Identification
13.1. The courses to be sailed shall be as shown in the ‘Course Table - Yacht Division’, the
      ‘Course Plan - Yacht Division’ and the ‘Notes on Courses - Yacht Division’.
13.2. The course to be sailed on a race day will be displayed on the Notice Board in the
      Clubhouse, but any such notice shall only be advisory and is subject to change. The
      actual course to be sailed will be displayed on a board on the Committee Vessel.
13.3. On occasions where weather or other circumstances make the listed courses
      unsuitable, the Race Committee may notify details of an unlisted course on the Notice
14.    Marks
14.1. Marks will be as designated in the ‘Notes on Courses - Yacht Division’’ and as follows
      or as modified by notice on the Notice Board in the Clubhouse.
14.2. Mark 'K' will be a yellow or orange ASC inflatable cylindrical buoy set in the vicinity of
      and inshore of Barrenjoey Head.
       It will be set approximately middling of the waterway on a line between Barrenjoey
       Head Lighthouse and West Head.
14.3. Mark ‘OA’ is a navigational point at location: 33o 33.000’ S, 151o 23.000’E.
       This mark is approximately 1.9 nm east of Box Head. There may or may not be an
       indicator buoy at this location.
14.4. Mark ‘OB’ is a navigational point at location: 33o 36.500’ S, 151o 21.000’E.
       This mark is approximately 0.7 nm east of Little Head. There may or may not be an
       indicator buoy at this location.
14.5. The Starting Mark will be an orange ASC inflatable cylindrical buoy.
15.    Starting Line
15.1. The starting line for all yacht events, excluding the Blue Water Shield, shall be
      between the signal mast displaying an orange flag on the Committee vessel and the
      Starting Mark.
15.2. Yachts not actually engaged in starting shall keep clear of both the starting line and all
      competitors who are about to start.
16.    Finishing Line
16.1. The finishing line for all Yacht Class Races, except Koolong Saturday Sprints, will be a
      line between the Clubhouse Flag Mast and an orange ASC inflatable cylindrical buoy,
      set approximately west of the Clubhouse.
       The line is to be crossed from the direction of the last mark and as indicated on
       ‘Course Table - Yacht Division’.

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

      When approaching the finishing line, yachts must keep outside the outer line of
      permanent moorings, as required by Clause 22.1.
16.2. The finishing line for Koolong Saturday Sprints shall be located at the leeward mark of
      the course.
      The Finish shall be an imaginary line between the signal mast of the Committee
      Vessel flying the Avalon Sailing Club Blue and Yellow Pennant (or an On Station
      Flag) and an orange inflatable leeward mark of the course.
      Yachts shall not sail between the Committee Vessel and any clearance buoy attached
      to it.
      The Finish Line shall be approached from windward after passing the last rounding
      mark of the Course.
      Boats finished and waiting for next start shall stay at least 200 metres clear of boats
      still racing.
16.3. Yachts finishing races should be prepared to record their own time and finishing
      positions in the event that the Yacht Coordinator is not on duty. In such an event an
      independent record of finish time and finishing position may also be made from the
17.   Postponement and Abandonment
17.1. From the Clubhouse:
      Under adverse weather conditions, or for other reasons, it may be necessary to
      postpone or cancel races from the Clubhouse. Under these circumstances the
      following procedures will be adopted.
      a) Thirty minutes before the start of the first race a sound signal will be made from
         the Clubhouse and either of the following flags will be flown:
          • Answering Pennant 'AP' signifying a postponement of all races.
          • Code flag 'N' signifying abandonment of all races.
          • The appropriate Class flag(s) may be flown if applicable.
      b) In the event of a postponement, further sound signals will be made at 30-minute
         intervals and the 'AP’ Pennant will remain hoisted.
      c) If a decision to proceed with racing is made, the 'AP' Pennant will be lowered and
         the Racing Program will commence approximately 30 minutes from that time.
      d) If a decision to abandon racing is made the 'N' flag will be hoisted and flown for a
         period of one hour from the scheduled start time of the first race or 30 minutes
         from the time of the decision for abandonment, whichever is the latest.
17.2. From Committee Vessel
      a) Postponement:
         • The Answering Pennant 'AP' will be flown. All races not started are then
           postponed. The Warning Signal will be made one minute after the 'AP' is
      b) Abandonment:
         • The 'N' flag will be flown. All races are then abandoned.
18.   Shortening Course
18.1. If the Race Committee signals a shortened course (displays code flag S with two
      sounds or by hailing), the finishing line shall be:

Avalon Sailing Club Mainsheet 2019 - 2020

       a) at a rounding mark (excluding Lion Island), between the mark and the mast of the
          Committee Vessel (or a Response Boat) displaying Code Flag S and the flag(s) of
          the division(s) to which the shortened course applies.
          Yachts shall finish by crossing the finishing line in the direction from the previous
          mark irrespective of which side of the mark the Committee Vessel is stationed;
       b) on any leg of the course, between the mast of the Committee Vessel (or a
          Response Boat) displaying Code Flag S and a mark moored nearby.
           Yachts shall finish by crossing the finishing line towards the direction of the next
           mark or finishing line.
19.    Recalls
19.1. When at the starting signal any part of a boat’s hull, crew or equipment is on the
      course side of the starting line, the boat shall sail completely to the pre-start side of
      the line before starting.
20.    Time Limit
20.1. For the Retriever Trophy, Quartet Bowl and Avalon Series, the time limit will be
       For the Winter Series the time limit will be 1700hrs.
       For the Koolong Saturday Sprints the time limit will be 100 minutes from the start of
       each race.
       If no yacht completes the course (shortened if necessary) within the time limit, the
       race will be abandoned.
21.    Handicap and Point Scoring System
21.1. Points shall be scored in accordance with RRS Appendix A - Low Point Scoring
      System for all series of six or fewer races.
       For race series of more than 12 completed races, including the Koolong Sprints, the
       series score will exclude the six worst scores.
21.2. If a yacht is precluded from participating in a race due to ASC rostering or co-opting
      for same, or representing Avalon Sailing Club at a Regatta recognised by the Race
      Committee, then the yacht shall be awarded average points.
       The worst performance discard(s) shall be made before the average points are
       This will only apply to one Roster Duty or Regatta representation per Series and does
       not apply at all for the Koolong Sprints.
21.3. Handicaps will be determined by an arbitrary method and shall not be the grounds for
      redress by any yacht.
       The Race Committee reserves the right to adjust a yacht’s handicap at any time
22.    Prohibited Water and Obstructions
22.1. The areas of water between the outer line of all permanent moorings and the
      shorelines of Pittwater and Scotland Island shall be considered as 'prohibited water'
      for yachts that are racing.
       All navigational marks (e.g. Palm Beach pile.) shall rank as 'obstructions' for yachts
       that are racing and shall be passed on their designated side.

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