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              Eric Trimbur, Darini Rajesh, Emma Lipinski

Abstract—Shielding spaceborne payloads from the heat of             entirety of a craft’s speed must be slowed to zero within a few
reentry is a difficult challenge with landing payloads on Mars      hundred miles. Usually the atmosphere does the brunt of the
and returning vehicles to Earth. Almost all spacecrafts have        work decelerating the craft and parachutes finish the job. This
used either an ablative heatshield like that used on the Apollo     interaction with the atmosphere has the unfortunate
11 Command Module, or an insulating one like that used on           consequence of generating a lot of heat of which the craft
the Space Shuttle. While these technologies are well known,         needs to withstand. This is especially true in cases where
they both have limitations that make them unsuitable for some       humans are onboard; the craft not only needs not to melt but
missions. SpaceX and their new launch vehicle, Starship, is         maintain a non-lethal temperature for the astronauts on board.
meant to be a versatile spacecraft capable of missions              The technologies that solve this problem are known as
requiring Earth and Mars reentry. Ablative heatshield               heatshields and are often the final stage components of a
technology, while very effective, is an expendable system that      spacecraft that take up the most weight [1].
would work poorly on a vehicle like Starship that is meant to             While many heatshield designs have been used with
be reusable. Trying to copy the Space Shuttle’s design,             nearly perfect track records, new ambitious missions have
another reusable spacecraft, would be a poor idea as the            pushed for new technologies. With the announcement of their
insulating tiles are arguably the reason for the program’s          new spacecraft, “Starship,” SpaceX is pushing for the vehicle
failure; it took months to inspect the tiles for damage and         to have the capability of reentering Earth’s and Mars’s
refurbish them before being able to reuse the craft. This is not    atmosphere multiple times without refurbishment. Starship’s
to mention the several times the tiles almost or completely         projected entries will cause more damage than that from cargo
failed as in the case of Space Shuttle Colombia. To avoid these     resupply missions to the ISS because the orbits they are
woes, SpaceX is opting to use series 300 stainless-steel on         returning from will be of a much higher velocity. SpaceX has
Starship. While the steel naturally has a high temperature          pushed for a never before used stainless-steel heatshield that
resistance, it is not enough to withstand atmospheric reentry.      will enable the craft to carry out its missions [2,3].
SpaceX will employ an active cooling system, running                      Currently, a prototype of the vehicle dubbed
cryogenic fuel under the steel surface to carry heat away from      “Starhopper” has already been constructed and will begin
the surface. While cooling techniques like this have been used      testing between March and April of this year. The design
in the past to cool rocket engine nozzles, never have they been     choice has brought forth waves of criticism. When looking at
used on the surface of a spacecraft. SpaceX will take               the previous technologies and the mission of Starship, it
advantage of stainless-steel’s unique property of gaining           becomes clear why the choice was made.
strength at cryogenic temperature in order to reduce the
overall weight of the vehicle into an acceptable margin.

Key Words—Active cooling, Atmospheric reentry, Cryogenic
temperatures, Heatshield, SpaceX.

      Whether it be cargo from the ISS or astronauts from the
Moon, returning spacecraft from orbit to the surface of Earth
is one of the most critical aspects of any mission. Even at the
slowest speed for stable orbits, 17000 miles per hour, the
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                                                                    at high heat fluxes [7]. An important component of PICA was
                                                                    its ceramic carbon substrate that replaced a more traditional
                                                                    polymer glue. The ceramic is a lot harder which allowed it to
                                                                    withstand much higher temperatures without becoming
                                                                    damaged. This change in material permits the heat shield to
                                                                    survive in extreme temperatures up to 5,000-degrees
                                                                    Fahrenheit and high velocities of up to 28,600 mph.
                                                                              More recently, Space-X worked with NASA to
                                                                    create a different version of the original PICA heat shield
                                                                    known as PICA-X. It has been tested on Space-X’s Dragon-1
                                                                    space craft [7]. The biggest difference between PICA and
                                                                    PICA-X was that PICA covered an area that was about one
                                                                    meter in diameter while PICA-X needed a larger area covered
                                                                    on Dragon-1. The Dragon-1 designers fixed this problem by
                                                                    creating small tiles of PICA and forming them into a larger
                                                                    heat shield of about four meters in diameter (PICA-X) [7]. In
                       FIGURE 1 [4]                                 2010, Dragon-1 successfully re-entered the Earth’s
           Starship compared to Starhopper shuttle.                 atmosphere during a demo flight, and it was followed by more
                                                                    International Space Station re-supply missions [7]. Stated in
            HISTORIC HEATSHIELDS                                    an article by SpaceX, it is the most advanced heat shield, and
                                                                    it is expected to last through about one hundred re-entries with
      SpaceX’s choice to use stainless-steel implies that           little degrading. Also, it can endure the high velocity reentries
current technologies were unsuitable. There are specific            from the Moon or Mars that produce harsh temperatures [8].
technologies with relationships to Starship that demonstrate                  PICA and PICA-X were useful in older spacecraft
alternative technologies. One is the Dragon capsule for which
                                                                    like Stardust and Dragon-1, but SpaceX’s is looking for
SpaceX invested in developing an ablative heatshield for.
                                                                    something even more efficient at cooling the surface of its
Another, the Space Shuttle, was a human-bearing reusable
vehicle like Starship which used insulating tiles to protect the    new craft, Starship. Seeing that us humans haven’t taken
crew inside. While both technologies worked successfully, a         people to Mars yet with the technology we have, we
more in depth look at them is required to understand why they       undoubtedly need a new type of heat shield that can guarantee
are not applicable for Starship.                                    entry to Mars and then another reentry to Earth without
                                                                    refurbishment in-between.
                PICA: Ablative Heatshields
                                                                            Space Shuttle Tiles: Insulative Heatshields
          NASA planned to send a spacecraft billions of miles
into space to retrieve materials from comets, so they needed a            In 1981, the Space Shuttle Columbia commenced
new way of cooling the craft upon reentry [5]. They turned to       NASA’s flight program as the first reusable Space Shuttle [9].
ablative heat shield technology. Ablation is “energy                The reusability of the Space Shuttle program revolves around
management through material consumption” [6]. Ablative              the insulative tiles surrounding the shuttle that protect it
matter is usually made from two composite materials that            during reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. According to the
have contrasting physical properties. When joined, the new          Kennedy Space Center, such tiles are composed of “a low-
material has traits that are different from the original two        density, high-purity silica 99.8-percent amorphous
components. When exposed to heat, the ablative matter               fiber…insulation that is made rigid by ceramic bonding” [10].
begins to decompose which releases gasses at cool                   This material can withstand the shock of recurrent extreme
temperatures. These gases flow through the surface of the           heating and cooling of temperatures ranging from -250 to
ablator to keep it from getting too hot [6]. This technology        almost 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, heat on the surface
was necessary for NASA to have any chance at bringing back          of each tile dissipates so quickly that seconds after being taken
their Stardust spacecraft in one piece.                             out of a 2,300-degree Fahrenheit oven, the tile can be touched
          PICA, a material that NASA discovered in the early        by a hand on its edges [10].
1990s, is a type of ablative heatshield technology; it stands for         While the technology of the insulating tiles sounds like
“phenolic impregnated carbon ablator.” According to NASA,           a satisfactory system of protecting shuttles, their technology
PICA was originally used as a heat shield for the Stardust          is not perfect. On many flights, tiles are lost or damaged upon
mission due to its low density and efficient ablative capacity      launching or reentry. Written in an article by Air & Space
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Smithsonian, to be able to perform for its next flight, each                 The specific stainless-steel that will be used on Starship
shuttle must undergo refurbishment that includes the                   is 300 series stainless-steel which is visually comparable to
replacement of up to one hundred tiles. A task like this may           other steels despite its vastly different properties. Its high
not seem very hard, but each tile is unique in area and                nickel content changes the crystal structure to be “face-
thickness depending on where it is on the orbiter and how              centered cubic.” This crystal structure gives the steel
much heat that area is expected to endure [11]. The                    increased strength. Even at cryogenic temperatures, the steel
                                                                       not only maintains its strength, but can become up to 50%
requirement of tile replacement after each mission is not
                                                                       stronger [14]. This is in contrast to most other materials, such
feasible for a craft like Starship, as it needs to be fully reusable
                                                                       as cast iron, which become extremely brittle at cryogenic
for multiple reentries.                                                temperatures to the point that they shatter when impacted
                                                                       [15]. The structure of a spacecraft must maintain its strength
                                                                       and ductility through a wide range of temperatures as the fuels
                                                                       can be cooled to only a few degrees kelvin where the surface
                                                                       could experience thousands of degrees upon reentry.
                                                                             It might not seem worth mentioning, but stainless-steel
                                                                       is shiny. In this way it can act like a superior version of the
                                                                       reflective white paint used on the majority of spacecrafts.
                                                                       While the heatshield will protect the windward side from the
                                                                       heat of impacting the atmosphere, the leeward side still
                        FIGURE 2 [12]                                  experiences radiant heating from the light produced from the
                                                                       friction between the craft and the atmosphere. The white
                 Columbia’s heat shield tiles.
                                                                       coating helps reflect most of that heat away and the shiny
      The loss of tiles surrounding Space Shuttle’s orbiters
                                                                       property of steel would work just the same, if not better [16].
created the biggest problem during the disintegration of                     Stainless-steel also has interesting interactions from a
Columbia on January 16th, 2003 during reentry into orbit.              thermal standpoint. it is of the least conductive metals there
According to the “Columbia Crew Survival Investigation                 are. By no means does it insulate the inside of the craft, but it
Report” by NASA, a piece of insulating foam had detached               won’t allow the heat to seep inside with ease. The steel is also
during launch which then left a hole in the protective tiles.          able to withstand extreme temperatures up to 2500 degrees
Upon reentry, the shuttle’s inner skin most likely wrinkled            Fahrenheit before melting, although in order to maintain
due to compression which loosened and detached more tiles              structural integrity it would be unwise to push it that far. In
ultimately causing catastrophic thermal damage to Columbia             comparison the Space Shuttle tiles could withstand 2300
[13].                                                                  degrees Fahrenheit [17]. This qualifies steel to work on both
      The Space Shuttle program did successfully reuse many            ends of extreme temperatures. Furthermore, after cooling
orbiters; however, the insulating heatshield technology of             back down the steel maintains all of its properties of strength
                                                                       and temperature resistance.
such shuttles is not viable for a shuttle like Starship. SpaceX’s
Starship needs a cooling system that works 100% of the time
unlike the tiles used on Columbia. It also has the goal of being
                                                                             STAINLESS-STEEL IN ROCKETRY
completely reusable and efficient which insulating tiles have
                                                                              Starship will be the first spacecraft to use steel as a part
proven not to be as replacement between uses is essential. A           of its heatshield, but there are other rockets that used steel for
technology with little to no refurbishment requirement would           other reasons. Early Atlas rockets used a balloon like steel
be a better option for the cooling of Starship during reentry          structure, where a thin steel shell would be pressurized to give
into Earth’s atmosphere.                                               rigidity to the vehicle. In one infamous failed launch the
                                                                       depressurization of the vehicle caused the whole structure to
         300 SERIES STAINLESS-STEEL                                    fold over itself under its own weight [18]. Later iterations of
                 PROPERTIES                                            the Atlas rocket switched over to an aluminum structure with
                                                                       an isogrid pattern [19]. This is just a pattern of triangular ribs
     Stainless-steel on Starship was first teased by Elon              on the inside of what would otherwise be a hollow shell.
Musk on Twitter when he described the change as                        While stronger than simple sheets, this isogrid pattern is
“delightfully counter-intuitive.” Stainless-steel is well known        difficult to manufacture, something SpaceX knows well as
as a heavy material and isn’t a traditional rocket material.           they have used it in their Dragon capsule [20]. If steel sheets
While that is true, there are more properties of stainless-steel       could be made to have the same rigidity without the isogrid
than that, some that are obvious with non-obvious                      pattern, it would be a powerful technology.
applications and some that are lesser-known.

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                                                                     would stand to reason that Starship will at least use some of
                                                                     the fuel will cycle back into the engine this way. The best part
                                                                     is that this effectively kills three birds with one stone, by
                                                                     running the liquid methane under the surface it cools the
                                                                     surface, gives the steel strength, and forces fuel into the
                                                                            This process is actually similar to that of the ablative
                                                                     heatshields, but this time rather than a solid material ablating
                                                                     away it is the liquid methane evaporating off. The advantage
                                                                     Starship’s technology has over the ablative heatshields is the
                                                                     ease of replacing what is lost. With ablative heatshields the
                                                                     surface is lost, and the manufacturing process is too difficult
                                                                     to refurbish/replace it on Mars. With liquid methane however
                                                                     the process is almost trivial. Documented back in the earliest
                                                                     announcement of Starship, known then as the ITS or,
                                                                     Interplanetary Transport System, the plan was to have one-
                                                                     way unmanned missions sendoff machines that would
                       FIGURE 3 [20]                                 produce methane through the Sabatier process. The process
          Isogrid pattern in the Dragon capsule.                     takes abundant CO2 in the Martian atmosphere and reacts it
A shadow of such a technology does exist, carbon composites.         with hydrogen to produce the methane. The hydrogen would
The original plan for Starship was to use carbon composites,         have been produced by the electrolysis of water which would
a prototype tank was even built and shown off to prove the           have been mined from the Martian soil and powered through
technology [2]. In terms of cost however, steel is far cheaper.      solar panels [2]. This ensures that missions would be able to
Not only is the carbon composite and expensive material, it is       go to Mars, enter the atmosphere, refuel, return to Earth, and
even more expensive and difficult to manufacture, and a lot          still be able to reenter the atmosphere here as well.
of the material ends up wasted anyways. Steel on the other                  The first mission to put humans on Mars could start in
hand is an incredibly mailable material that an be formed into       the mid-2020s. Once Starship and its complementary booster,
almost any shape for extremely cheap. This is what has               “Superheavy,” have completed construction, there is nothing
allowed for the Starhopper prototype to be constructed so            holding SpaceX back from going to Mars; this would be their
quickly [21]. In order to compete in strength to weight ratio        own, internal mission. A Starship going to Mars would be
however, Starship will have to use innovative techniques.            launched with less than full fuel to help get it into orbit. The
                                                                     Superheavy booster would then return to launch site, much
   STAINLESS-STEEL ON THE STARSHIP                                   like Falcon 9 boosters do already. Then, a fuel bearing version
                                                                     of Starship would be loaded onto the same booster where it
      The design for Starship takes all of steel’s useful            would be launched into the orbit as the first Starship. The fuel
properties and marries them into one vehicle. Starship will use      would transfer over into the first Starship before the second
liquid methane and liquid oxygen at cryogenic temperatures           one would de-orbit and land much like the booster did. At this
as fuel for the Raptor engines. By flowing the fuel underneath       point the primary Starship would head off to Mars. When it
the stainless-steel skin, it will add strength without the need      arrives, its superior heatshield means it would not have to get
to add any new cooling fluids This also opens up the                 into orbit first, rather, go straight in for a landing. Going at
opportunity for a never before used cooling technique. There         tens of thousands of miles per hour, Starship would crash
will be tiny slits all over the surface of Starship that allow for   through the atmosphere, keeping cool the whole way down as
the gaseous form of the fuel to leak out and provide a heat          some of the last of the methane fuel is used to both slow down
shielding effect similar to human sweat. While we have pores         the booster and leak out through the pores in the stainless-
in our skin that let out liquid water to evaporate, Starship has     steel surface, keeping the internals cool. At this speed the craft
tiny slits that let out liquid methane at cryogenic temperatures     hits the atmosphere causing the emission of large quantities
that then violently boils off after being exposed to                 of light. The shiny stainless-steel backside of the craft reflects
temperatures at potentially thousands of degrees Fahrenheit.         this into space creating a streak of light at Starship slows
This is the technology that defines Starship’s heatshield [21].      down to just a few hundred miles per hour. At that point the
A similar technology has been in place for cooling rocket            Raptor engines would fire slowing the vehicle down to zero
nozzles since the Apollo era, but it has never been used to cool     as it lightly touched down on the surface. While the vehicle
an entire vehicle [22]. Systems like this would run pipes along      would then be nearly out of fuel, machines capable of
the outside of the rocket nozzle through which the liquid fuel       producing the methane gas would be deployed and begin
would flow. The fuel would pick up the heat and begin to             making the fuel that would eventually bring the passengers
vaporize pushing the fuel through the system and ultimately          back to Earth.
into the engine itself where it would react with the oxidizer. It
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  CONCLUSION: THE SHINY STAINLESS-                                   2019 and the world will hold its breath to see if this project
  STEEL FUTURE (OR LACK THEREOF)                                     gets off on the right foot.

      Starship certainly seems like the spacecraft of the future,                           SOURCES
although this remains to be seen. The Starhopper test vehicle
has already encountered some problems when strong winds              [1] “Heat Shield.” Texas Archives. Accessed 2.8.2019.
were able to rip the top off crumpling it like tinfoil in the
process. This can be chalked up to Starhopper just being a           shield/
mock up test vehicle and not having the same level of                [2] “Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species.” SpaceX.
construction as Starship will have, but it is still concerning.      09.27.2016.                 Accessed                 2.3.2019.
Funds are also a cause for concern.                         0:00-1:04:45
      Starship is currently in a unique class of ultraheavy          [3] “Making Life Multiplanetary.” SpaceX. 09.29.2017.
launch vehicles. There were previous talks with cargo                Accessed 02.8.2019. 0:00-
versions of Starship but there has been no recent mention of         43:28
it. No single satellite has ever been conceived that would           [4] “SpaceX Starhopper, Starship and Starheavy Model
warrant the creation of such a large vehicle. SpaceX has been        Comparison.” Reddit. 02.2019 Accessed 03.08.2019.
known to push the boundaries of space exploration so it is 
possible they are trying to prepare for satellites that will exist   spacex_starhopper_starship_and_super_heavy_model/
in the future. While recent presentations on Starship have           [5] “Heat Shield Paves the Way for Commercial Space.”
showcased its ability to land on the Moon, NASA is currently         Nasa.            2013.         Accessed            03.07.2019.
awarding funding to other companies to develop lunar landers
following strict design guidelines for which Starship follows        0085.pdf
none of. It could very well be possible however that SpaceX          [6] “Entry, Descent, and Landing Systems Short Course.”
is attempting to impress NASA and create funding that                Nasa.         06.16.2013.        Accessed          03.07.2019.
otherwise would not exist. NASA is preparing to create a   
lunar base and they might opt pay SpaceX to use Starship             0874.pdf
rather then funding or developing their own craft. It is also        [7] “Post Flight Evaluation of PICA & PICA-X.” Nasa.
important to note that SpaceX was founded when Elon Musk
                                                                     Accessed                                           03.07.2019.
refused to spend millions of dollars to get a greenhouse on
Mars using other launch providers. Elon Musk founded       
SpaceX soon after, but never put his greenhouse on Mars.             5558.pdf
While it might sound crazy, economic viability might not             [8] “PICA Heat Shield.” SpaceX. 04.04.2013. Accessed
even be a concern with Starship, instead having the craft            03.07.2019.
funded from other profitable operations within SpaceX like           heat-shield
Falcon 9 launches and the upcoming Starlink.                         [9] J. Ryba. “Space Shuttle Overview: Columbia (OV-102).”
      Money has come in through other sources though. The            Nasa.         01.31.2005.        Accessed          03.05.2019.
only investor known to the public is Japanese billionaire  
Yusaku Maezawa, who has given an undisclosed amount of               iters/orbiterscol.html
money to have himself and several artists take a short trip          [10] J. Domoulin. “Space Shuttle Orbital Systems.” Kennedy
around the Moon [23]. This event might spark an interest in          Space Center. 08.31.2000. Accessed 03.05.2019.
space tourism which could lead to a market to sell to. Elon
Musk did mention the possibility of Earth to Earth travel,
where Starship would be used much like an airliner, being
able to transport people halfway around the world within just        [11] D. Benningfield. “Shuttle Tiles.” Air&Space
30 minutes. While this could just be written off as hype, it is      Smithsonian.        05.2006.       Accessed        03.05.2019.
only politics that would stop such a system and there are many
who would be willing to pay a little extra money to get to their     tiles-12580671/
destination faster.                                                  [12] J. Schwartz. “Too Bad Hippocrates Wasn't an Engineer.”
      From a technical standpoint, the technologies developed        The New York Times Company. 06.11.2006. Accessed
for Starship apply solely to itself. Unless other companies          03.05.2019.
suddenly take interest in building a fully reusable        
interplanetary vehicles for which no market exists, Starship         artz.html
will be our only, and possibly slim, chance of seeing these          [13] “Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report.” Nasa.
potentially revolutionary technologies being put into effect.        Accessed                                           03.05.2019.
The Starhopper is due to begin testing in March or April of
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[14] W. Park, S. Yoo, M. Kim, et al. “Strain-rate effects on
the mechanical behavior of the AISI 300 series of austenitic      5861.pdf. p.26
stainless steel under cryogenic environments.” Materials &        SpaceX.           09.17.2018.       Accessed         2.8.2019.
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[15] “Liquid Nitrogen Vs Metals (cold gun part 1).” Cody’s        Discovery Missions.” Ames Research Center. April 1997.
Lab.          12.29.2015.           Accessed       02.19.2019.    Accessed                                           01.27.2019. 5:12- 5:20                
[16] “Conductive White Thermal Control Paint for                  7002.pdf. pp.3-8
Spacecraft-Part 2.” Semantics Scholar. Accessed 03.08.2019.       “Why SpaceX Built a Stainless Steel Starship.” 02.08.2019.         Accessed 02.08.2019. 0:00-
                                                                   “Areas of Ames Ingenuity: Entry Systems.” NASA.
[17] “Thermal Properties of Metals, Conductivity, Thermal
                                                                  09.19.2017.                 Accessed               02.10.2019.
Expansion, Specific Heat.” Engineers Edge. Accessed
                                                                  “Space Shuttle Thermal Tile Demonstration.” Roscket
[18] What You Haven't Seen. 11.23.2017. Accessed 2.8.2019.
                                                                  Tasartir.        07.09.2011.      Accessed         02.19.2019. 0:00-1:18.
[19] “Atlas V Launch Services User’s Guide.” United Launch
                                                                  “Molten Aluminum found on Columbia’s thermal tiles.’ USA
Alliance.         03.2010.          Accessed       03.08.2019.
                                                                  TODAY.               03.04.2003.    Accessed       02.19.2019.
                                                                  Elon      Musk.       01.10.2019.    Accessed      02.19.2019.
[20] “Cots Demonstration Flight 1.” SpaceX. 10.04.2010.
Accessed                                           03.08.2019.
[21] R. Agostino. “Elon Musk: Why I’m building the Starship                      ACKNOLEDGMENTS
out of Stainless Steel.” Popular Mechanics. 1.22.2019.
Accessed                                             1.27.2019.         We would first like to acknowledge our parents for           sending us to the University of Pittsburgh and for paying our
3/elon-musk-spacex-bfr-stainless-steel/                           tuition. Without them, we would not be in the Swanson
[22] D. Ellis, L. Pagel, D. Scheffer. “Design and Fabrication     School of Engineering doing this conference. We would like
of a Radiative Actively Cooled Honeycomb Sandwich                 to acknowledge Dr. Sanchez for motivating us to keep doing
Structural Panel for a Hypersonic Aircraft.” Langley              our best and for always providing us with the support we need.
Research Center. March 1978. Accessed 01.27.2019.                 In addition, we would like to thank our writing instructor, pp.14-22   Daniel McMillan, for giving us advice and critiques on how
[23] “Dear Moon.” SpaceToday Inc. Accessed 03.08.2019.            to improve our paper. A huge shout-out to our co-chair,                                           Nolan, who gave us great advice throughout the writing
                                                                  process. Without these people, our team would not have been
                                                                  able to accomplish a successful, well-written paper to present
                                                                  at the First-Year Engineering conference.
M. Cassutt. “Secret Space Shuttles.” Air & Space. August
2009.                 Accessed                 1.27.2019.
“Heat Shield- Things Kerbal Space Program Doesn’t Teach.”
Scott Manley. 12.29.2018. Accessed            01.27.2019. 2:05-17:37
R. Jackson, S. Dixon. “A Design Assessment of Multiwall,
Metallic Stand-Off, And RSI Reusable Thermal Protection
Systems Including Space Shuttle Application.” Langley
Research Center. April 1980. Accessed 01.27.2019.

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