Serological Diversity of Field Sources of Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) in Japan

Page created by Emma Hansen
Serological Diversity of Field Sources of Citrus
               Tristeza Virus (CTV) in Japan
              T. Kano, S. M. Garnsey, M. Koizumi, and T. A. Permar

ABSTRACT. Reaction of field sources (FS) of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) collected in Japan was tested
with the Spanish CTV monoclonal antibody (MAb) 3DF1, the Florida MAb MCA13, and polyclonal
antisera to CTV produced in Florida and Japan. Four FSs (three mild and one intermediate) reacted
strongly to 3DF1 and not to MCA13. One mild FS, M16, did not react to either 3DF1 or MCA13. Other
FSs, including mild sources, reacted strongly to both MAbs. All Japanese CTV isolates reacted to
polyclonal antisera from Florida and Japan. The results show a greater serological diversity among
Japanese CTV sources than that found previously in the USA and Spain. The 3DF1 MAb was previously
believed reactive to all CTV isolates, but since it does not react to all Japanese sources, it should not
be considered a universal probe for CTV. The MCA13 MAb, reported nonreactive to mild CTV isolates
from Florida and Spain, reacted to several CTV sources in Japan which are considered mild.
Index words. ELISA, monoclonal antibodies, epitopes.

     The diseases caused by citrus                     MCA13, reacted well to decline and SY
tristeza virus (CTV) are important                     isolates not to mild isolates which
threats to citriculture. Various index-                caused symptoms only in Mexican lime
ing procedures have been developed                     (7, 11, 12). In this paper, we describe
by citrus virologists worldwide. These                 the reaction of different Japanese CTV
include use of indicator plants (18),                  field sources (FS) to MCA13 and to the
serology (1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17), light               Spanish MAb 3DF1.
and electron microscopy (4), and nuc-
l e i acid
      ~ analysis (13). Serological tech-                MATERIALS AND METHODS
niques used for CTV detection include
SDS-immunodiffusion (3), fluores-                           Virus sources. CTV sources were
cence antibody technique (15), im-                      collected mainly in the field at the
munoelectron microscopy (4), radio-                     Okitsu Branch, Fruit Tree Research
immunoassay (9), and enzyme-linked                      Station (FTRS), and the Kuchinotsu
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (1, 7,                      Branch, FTRS. A mild CTV, HM55,
 12). ELISA has been the most useful,                   was kindly provided by Dr. A. Sasaki,
because the procedure is rapid and can                  Hiroshima Prefectural Fruit Tree Ex-
be applied to large-scale indexing. Al-                 periment Station. After collection,
though CTV isolates vary greatly in                     these CTV sources were kept in vector-
biological effects, they have been con-                 free screenhouses. Biological charac-
 sidered to be serologically uniform,                   ters of these sources have been de-
 based on reaction to polyclonal anti-                  scribed by Koizumi (8), Ieki and
 bodies (PAb) and to a monoclonal anti-                 Yamaguchi (5,6) and Sasaki (14). Seed-
 body (MAb) produced to a Spanish iso-                  lings of Mexican lime, sour orange, or
 late (17). Results with the latter indi-               Eureka lemon, and sweet orange
 cated presence of several epitopes in                  grafted on sour orange rootstock (SWI
 the CTV coat protein (16). Recently,                   SO) trees were used for the indexing
 Permar et al. (12) produced MAbs                       of CTV. Inoculated indicator plants
 against the Florida CTV isolate T-36                   and the virus sources for ELISA were
 which causes decline in sweet orange                   kept in a greenhouse maintained a t 15
 grafted on sour orange and seedling                    to 27 C minimum/maximum. Tissues
 yellows (SY). One MAb selected,                        collected for ELISA (bark, petiole or

     Mention of a trademark, warranty, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee
 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products
 or vendors that may also be suitable.
     (Contribution Fruit Tree Res. Sta. No. B-167)
Eleventh ZOCV Conference

midrib) were stored at -70 C until          change in OD,,,per minute. Three gen-
tested.                                     eral ratings were made. If the reaction
    Antibodies. Japanese PAb pro-           rate of a test sample was less than 1/10
duced against a severe CTV (stem pit-       the reaction rate of the positive control
ting) strain was used in double anti-       in the plate, the sample was considered
body sandwich (DAS) ELISA. Florida          negative (-). If the reaction rate was
PAb (1052) produced against the             1/10to 115the rate for the positive con-
Florida CTV isolate T-36 was used as        trol, the sample was considered ques-
the coating antibody in double antibody     tionable (?). If the reaction rate was
sandwich indirect (DAS-I) ELISA.            more than 115 the rate of the positive
The MAbs MCAl3 and 3DF1 were                control, the test sample was considered
used as intermediate antibodies in          positive ( + ).
DAS-I ELISA.                                    DAS-ELISA was used to check the
    ELISA. DAS-ELISA was con-               total antigen content. Samples weakly
ducted essentially as described by          reactive to PAb were not evaluated for
Clark and Adams (2).                        MAb reaction unless adefinite reaction
    Monoclonal antibodies were tested       to the MAb was noted.
using DAS-I-ELISA. Vinyl chloride
plates (Sumitomo Bakelite, Japan)               RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
 were coated with PAb (1052,l pglml)            Pathogenicity of F S tested is de-
for 4 hr at 30 C and washed. Plant ex-      scribed in Table 1. Some information
tracts were prepared by macerating          is from previous reports (6, 7, 8). Ac-
tissue in Tris buffer (0.05 M, pH 7.8)      cording to the reaction of indicator
with a mortar and pestle. The ratio of      plants, symptomatology was classified
tissue to buffer was 1/10 (wlv). Ex-        into SY (seedling yellows), T (tristeza
 tracts were added to plates and incu-      decline), S P (stem pitting), INT (inter-
 bated at 4 C overnight. After antigen      mediate), M (mild), and ND (not yet
 incubation and washing MAbs were           determined). SY, T, and S P were con-
 added. MCAl3 was used at 1:15,000          sidered severe isolates. INT isolates
 dilution of ascites fluid in PBS. 3DF1     showed intermediate virulence be-
 was used a t a 0.125 p glml in PBS. In-    tween SP and M and did not cause
 cubation of the MAbs was for 90 min        seedling yellows. These criteria are
 at 37 C. Next, a goat anti-mouse IgG-      similar to those described by McClean
 alkaline     phosphatase      conjugate    (10). Mild sources have been selected
 (Sigma, USA) was added at a 1:1500         as causing mild symptoms (vein clear-
 dilution in PBS and incubated for 90       ing) in Mexican lime, and no SY in sour
 min a t 37 C. After washing, p-nit-        orange or Eureka lemon. Most of them
 rophenyl phosphate substrate (1mg/         have not been indexed on SWISO for
 ml) in 10%diethanolamine (pH 9.8) was      the T reaction.
 added and incubated at room tempera-            The total ELISA data for all F S is
 ture (ca. 25 C). The absorbance at 415      shown in Table 1. ELISA tests for each
 nm was measured at 10-minute inter-         source were repeated at least three
 vals on a Corona ELISA reader MTA-         times. Three patterns of reaction of the
 32 (Corona Electric, Japan), until the      CTV sources to the different anti-
 absorbance of the positive control          bodies were observed. Although the
 reached 1.000 (A415).                       identity of F S 0001 is still pending,
     Evaluation of data. As a positive       Group 1reacts to 3DF1, MCA13, and
 control, extracts oftissue infected with    PAb and includes 8 SY, 3 SP, one T, 2
 T-36, or with Japanese stem-pitting         INT, 8 M and 2ND sources. Group I1
 isolates 1595or G28 were added to each      reacts only to 3DF1 and PAb and in-
 plate. Those standard sources were          cludes one INT and three M sources.
 lyophilized extracts or tissue aliquots     Group I11 reacts only to PAb and in-
 frozen at -70 C. The reaction rate was      cludes one M source.
 calculated by reading the plates at two         The F S 0001 showed an unstable
 different times and measuring the           reaction (Table 2). F S 0001 was col-
                           ANTIBODIES (PAb)

                       Code                          Cumulative evaluationY
CTV                     of
sources                tree          Varietyz     MCA13      3DF1      PAb     Symptomatology

0001                                    MT-H                                         ND
0137                                    MT-H                                         INT
1215                                    RL                                           SY
1417                                    RL                                           T
145R                                    MT-H                                         M
1513                                    RL                                           SY
1522                                    RL                                           SY
1595                                    RL                                           SP
1672                                    RL                                           SY
1722                                    RL                                           SY
1990                                    RL                                           SP
2192                                    RL                                           SP
BOUQ                                    RL                                           ?'
HM55                                    ML                                           M
KS3                                     RL                                           SYV
M2                                      ML                                           MV
M4                                      ML                                           MV
M12                                     ML                                           MV
MI6                                     ML                                           MV
M19                                     ML                                           MV
M20                                     ML                                           MV
M22                                     ML                                           MV
M23                                     ML                                           MV
M26                                     ML                                           MV
M27                                     ML                                           MV
PMS                                     ML                                           INTv
PM25                                    ML                                           INTV
S5                                      RL                                           SYV
SIY                                     MI                                           SYV

"MT-H = MatohbuntanX Hassaku, RL = roughlemon, ML = Mexicanlime, MI = Miyauchiiyokan.
YAtleast 3 different samples were tested to make a total evaluation.
"SY = seedling yellows, S P = stem pitting, T = tristeza decline INT = intermediate, M = mild, ND
= not yet determined.
  + , ?, -: see text for rating system.
"Not yet indexed in sweet orange grafted on sour orange rootstock.

lected from a pummel0 hybrid in the                 latter component is isolated, it will ex-
field of Kuchinotsu Branch, FTRS, by                pand the range of serological diversity
Koizumi (8). This F S has shown mild                in CTV. Until now, only the tissues of
vein clearing on Mexican lime and mild              the original variety and graft-inocu-
yellowing on Eureka lemon seedlings,                lated Mexican lime have been used for
but pathogenicity is being further                  ELISA. Tests of other varieties in-
tested. Among 14 samples of F S 0001,               fected with 0001 and of aphid-transmit-
the reaction to MCA13 was constantly                ted subcultures have been untaken to
strong, but the reaction to 3DF1 was                obtain more information on the
sometimes weak or negative. This                    serological character of this source.
suggests the F S 0001 might have two                    F S SIY showed strong reaction to
components, one reactive to both                    MAbs, though its reaction to PAb was
MCA13 and 3DF1, and the other reac-                 low in two of three tests (Table 1). In
tive only to MCA13. The relative pro-               other tests, Madam Vinous sweet
portion of those components might                   orage graft-inoculated with SIY
vary in different parts of the tree or              showed strong reaction to both PAb
with environmental conditions. If the               and MAbs (data not shown). Some
Eleventh ZOCV Conference

               TABLE 2                              SO trees. Further comparative evalu-
REACTION OF THE JAPANESE FIELD                      ation of mild isolates from different
VIRUS (CTV) TO CTV MONOCLONAL AND                   countries may be needed.
 POLYCLONAL ANTIBODIES IN ELISA                         Isolates, like M16, which are non-
                                                    reactive to both 3DF1 and MCA13,
                           AntibodyY                have never been found in other areas
Sample                                              where CTV is endemic.
No."              MCA13       3DF1       PAb
                                                        Monclonal antibodies may be effec-
                                                    tive for research work or routine inde-
                                                    xing for certain types of isolates. For
                                                    example, as M16 can be distinguished
                                                    from other CTV sources by DAS-I as-
                                                    says using 3DF1 and MCA13, challenge
                                                    inoculation to M16-infected plants can
                                                    be tested by MAb to clarify the
                                                    mechanism of cross-protection in citrus
                                                        In Florida, Irey et al. (7) showed
                                                    that application of ELISA withMCA13
                                                    was successful to verify infection by
"No. 1-11were collected from the pummel0 hyb-       CTV decline isolates in young field
rid plant (Tree code 0701) which was the original   plantings. In Japan, trifoliate orange
source of 0001, and No. 12-14were collected from    is the predominant rootstock, and the
aMexicanlime (0794)graft inoculated with0001.       stem-pitting disease of scion varieties
  + , ?, -: see text for rating system.             is the major CTV problem. Therefore,
                                                    protective strains which cause few
other sources whose virus content was               stem-pitting symptoms on scion vari-
estimated to be low by DAS-ELISA                    eties and protect against more virulent
often reacted weakly to MAbs. There-                strains could be used for cross-protec-
fore, checking the virus content with               tion in the fields, even if the protective
DAS-ELISA using PAb is very impor-                  strains cause decline symptoms in SW/
tant for accurately analyzing the data              SO trees. No MAb can currently dis-
of the MAb reaction. Only samples                   criminate such protective strains in
showing good reaction to PAb should                 Japan from more virulent ones.
be used for further evaluation.                     ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
    The results in this paper showed a
greater serological diversity among                     These studies were financed in part
Japanese CTV sources than that found                by a grant to S. M. Garnsey from the
in the USA and Spain. The 3DF1                      Japanese Agency of Science and
monclonal was previously believed to                Technology and the Ministry of Ag-
be reactive to all CTV isolates, but                riculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.
since it does not react to certain                  The authors thank Chester N. Rois-
Japanese sources, it cannot be consid-              tacher, University of California,
ered a universal probe for CTV.                     Riverside, USA, for kindly supplying
    The MCA13 monoclonal which has                  of Madam Vinous sweet orange seeds
been reported nonreactive to mild CTV               and for his helpful suggestions, and C.
isolates in the USA and Spain reacted               Vela and M. Cambra for their generous
to several CTV sources in Japan which               donation of MAb 3DF1. Also, we thank
are considered to be mild CTV. I t will             Chieko Azeyanagi and Chizuko Suzuki,
be necessary to further evaluate the                Okitsu Branch, FTRS, Japan, for their
reaction of these mild sources in SW/               technical assistance.
Tristeza                                                                                                55

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