Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows

Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows

                                            In partnership with

Wednesday 2nd
& Thursday 3rd October 2019

                                                                  In association with
0117 233 0059
Bristol & Bath Science Park
Dirac Crescent, Emersons Green, Bristol BS16 7FR
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
Corporate literature
Augmented reality (AR)
Project management

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Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
South Gloucestershire’s
Festival of Business and Innovation
Welcome to The Bristol & Bath Science Park for our third year. Our lead
strategic partners, South Gloucestershire’s Economic Development Team have
taken a huge role in helping us form an exciting event and we hope you will
agree makes for a great #SGBS19. We’re immensely grateful to the Economic
Development team for their work and support and to the staff at Bristol & Bath
Science Park. Without them we simply couldn’t deliver the event.

From the outset, the key objective of The South Gloucestershire Business
Show project has been to give business a voice and a place to express it, the
Festival Line-up is a diverse mix of key business issues. The venues create
spaces from closed theatre style for our headline speaker venues, through the
vibrant LIVEtalk stage in the main exhibition area to Forums for boardroom
style discussion and Workshops that will challenge your thinking. Above all,
enjoy the two days, we hope you have a productive time and we’re looking
forward to hearing about how we can grow South Gloucestershire’s business
community together.

Pete Allison and Antonia Coles
The South Gloucestershire Business Show 2019
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
Event Programme/Wednesday
Headliners                                        1:30pm
                                                  Thriving at Work South Gloucestershire
11:30am                                           Host: Heather Byrne, Thriving at Work
                                                  There is a well-established link between
5 stages to succession and exit planning
                                                  increased productivity in the workplace and
Host: Christine Nicolson, Succession+             having a mentally and physically healthy work
Most people go into business to build value       force. There is an equally well-established
for their future yet more than half do not        link between absenteeism, ‘presenteeism’
develop a strategic plan for extracting the       and lower productivity among work forces
value they are building and more tragically       with poor mental health.
40% will exit their business because of
circumstances outside their control. Christine
helps business founders Identify, Protect and     2:30pm
Maximise their business value so they can         Young Entrepreneurs –
make the most of their life’s work and have       Motivating a Generation
the retirement they deserve – whichever way       Chair: Si Ellis, EllisJames Creative
they want to exit their business.                 Si started EllisJames in 2002, and continues
                                                  his mission to deliver Design Thinking and
                                                  Doing as a daily business essential. The
                                                  creative process is not a black art, design
Growing Your Export Markets Post Brexit
                                                  is not a preserve of special projects. They
Host: Marcus Broix, Trade with Europe             are relevant to all and incredibly powerful
Trade expert and keynote speaker Marcus           for everyone throughout an organisation
Broix explains the effects of Brexit on small     to improve clarity of vision, engagement,
and medium sized companies. He advises on         differentiation and brand strength.
hands-on solutions for the most frictionless
trade with the EU 27 states and farther afield.
                                                  Innovation Business –
                                                  Inventions into Reality
                                                  Host: Richard Gold, Ignitec
                                                  Creating a market-ready product from your
                                                  innovative thinking can be challenging,
                                                  especially if you are on your own or only have
                                                  a small team. The Ignitec Team share their
                                                  experience of years spent developing ideas
                                                  into products in a wide range of industries.
                                                  Join us for some great tips and guidelines
                                                  for your product development journey.
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
The Workshops                                     1:30pm
                                                  Decisions and Disruptions #1
10:30am                                           Host: South West Regional Cyber
The Business Growth Network –                     Security Unit
Speed Networking #1
                                                  In this immersive tabletop exercise led by
The Business Growth Network joins us at
                                                  the SWRCCU, you’ll work in teams to manage
#SGBS19 to run their Speed Networking
                                                  the cyber security of a fictional organisation,
Event. Speed Networking is the fast and
                                                  competing against others in the process.
furious way of networking, and an exciting
                                                  You’ll face scenarios based on real life cyber
way to do business. Each event allows
                                                  threats, which will develop and evolve as
businesses to establish very quickly if
                                                  the exercise goes on. You’ll need to use your
they have shared interests and if they can
                                                  leadership, communication and collaborative
potentially do business with each other.
                                                  expertise to decide how to protect your
                                                  reputation, assets and profit. Also, your
                                                  company is made of Lego! See the workshop
Students meet Business
                                                  in action by searching #SWRCCULego on
Host: Verity Knight, Hooray Recruitment
                                                  Twitter and LinkedIn.
Students from schools, colleges, universities
and training providers join us in a “networking
event” with two businesspeople on a table and     2:30pm
eight students, 15 minutes to cross examine       The Business Growth Network –
the business people about their sector, then      Speed Networking #2
move around and do it again!                      The Business Growth Network joins us at
                                                  #SGBS19 to run their Speed Networking
12:45pm                                           Event. Speed Networking is the fast and
Cryptic Events Escape Room #1                     furious way of networking, and an exciting
Host: Phil Hill, Cryptic Events                   way to do business. Each event allows
                                                  businesses to establish very quickly if
Cryptic Events Ltd will run a 60-minute
                                                  they have shared interests and if they can
exercise to demonstrate the effectiveness
                                                  potentially do business with each other.
of escape room activities as a team building
event. Each team will have 60 minutes to
solve puzzles, riddles and crack codes to
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
Event Programme/Wednesday continued
3:00pm                                           LIVEtalk Stage
How to build resilience and thrive!
Host: Discover Your Bounce                       10:30am
                                                 Toby Savage, Leader of South Gloucestershire
If you have ever sat down to create some
                                                 Council – Welcome to #SGBS19
interesting content for Social Media and
Content Marketing and drawn a blank, this
                                                 Host: Toby Savage, Leader,
mini workshop is for you. A facilitated, group   South Gloucestershire Council
activity to generate and organise creative       Toby Savage, leader of South Gloucestershire
content ideas so you can leave inspired and      Council Joins us to officially open The South
enthused.                                        Gloucestershire Business Show 2019. South
                                                 Gloucestershire is the lead strategic partner
                                                 for the event and hosts it in The Bristol &
3:15pm                                           Bath Science Park – the Council’s flagship
Creative Content Ideas Mini Workshop             business, science and technology venue.
Host: Amy Morse
If you have ever sat down to create some
interesting content for Social Media and
                                                 Artificial Intelligence in Social media –
Content Marketing and drawn a blank, this
                                                 achieving business results
mini workshop is for you. A facilitated, group
activity to generate and organise creative       Host: Nigel Jobson, Maybe*
content ideas so you can leave inspired and      With Social Media having become
enthused.                                        fundamentally rooted in the very way our
                                                 society works, it has become the major
                                                 player in how we drive business forward by
                                                 engaging audiences, creating demand and
                                                 driving customers towards businesses.
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
12noon                                             1:30pm
#SGBS19 Case Studies in International              Achieving Gender Balance in Business
Trade #1                                           Chair: Philippa Haynes, Insight 101
Host: Andrea Collins,                              More than ever, we find that the balanced mix
The Export Department                              of gender in our business community is both
Andrea Collins of The Export Dept Ltd is joined    beneficial and a strong and positive influence.
by two small businesses who are looking            How do we push that forward though? How
to grow their businesses internationally.          do we motivate both sexes to engage across
As the UK considers Brexit and many                the spectrum of engineering, STEM, Arts
other difficulties that entrepreneurs must         and business? Our Panel discussion looks
overcome, looking to trade internationally         at the challenges we have to drive a strong,
is a huge opportunity not to be missed.            balanced and diverse business workforce that
Many internationally based businesses and          will properly represent the society in which
businesspeople are looking at the depth and        we live.
diversity of UK entrepreneurs and are only
too keen to shake hands and do business.           2:15pm
                                                   Creative Nuggets
12:45pm                                            Host: Samantha Miles, InCollaboration
Mental health in the spotlight –                   Creative Nuggets presents a myriad of short
It’s time to take action                           tips from industry experts on how to get the
Host: Helen Ginman, Unique & Exclusive             most out of your creative suppliers and how
It is time to take action to bring Mental Health   to reflect a return on investment from creative
to the forefront of our organisations. With        and marketing tasks.
only 10% of UK businesses doing anything...
I uncover why we aren’t, why we should and
how we can!
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
Event Programme/Wednesday continued
LIVEtalk Forums                                Partner Events
11:00am                                        8:00am
South Gloucestershire Business Groups          Networking Business Breakfast with
Forum                                          WeMeanBiz
Chair: Manor Singh, South Gloucestershire      Host: Philippa Haynes, WeMeanBiz
Council                                        Founded by successful businesswoman,
The South Gloucestershire Business Groups      Philippa Constable, We Mean Biz is the result
Leaders Forum brings together those            of years of experience and research into how
who lead business groups across South          networking works. Having been a member
Gloucestershire to discuss how they can        of business development schemes and
work together and support their members        networking organisations herself, Philippa
in motivation, innovation, training and        realised she could do better.
co-working among other important areas.

Corporate Social Responsibility Forum
Chair: Helen Black, South Gloucestershire
Business Purpose Beyond Profit: The
Corporate Social Responsibility Forum
Customer, staff and shareholder expectations
are on the rise. More and more companies
are being held accountable by stakeholders
to operate with care for society and the
environment – but where do you start?
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
Event Programme/Thursday
Headliners                                       12:30pm
                                                 Next generation automotive engineering –
10:30am                                          IAAPS
Emotionally Intelligent Organisations –          Host: Gavin Edwards, IAAPS Programme
resilience, retention and return on investment   Director
Host: Vicky Henderson,
                                                 Gavin Edwards speaks about the £70m
Ascend Performance Coaching                      Institute for Advanced Automotive Propulsion
Vicky will discuss what Emotional                Systems, opening at the Bristol and Bath
Intelligence is, what an Emotionally             Science Park in 2021. Underpinning a number
Intelligent organisation looks like and the      of the key initiatives within the West of
return on investment that you could expect       England Combined Authority (WECA) and
from becoming an emotionally intelligent         Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)’s first
organisation with resilient, engaged leaders     Local Industrial Strategy, IAAPS will be a
and employees.                                   global centre of innovation excellence in
                                                 supporting the automotive industries in
11:30am                                          the development of future generations of
The South Gloucestershire Visitor Economy        ultra-low and zero emission vehicles.
Chair: John Hirst, Destination Bristol
The Visitor economy isn’t only about tourism.    1:30pm
Driving business coming into the region          Recruitment 2019 –
covers sports, education, Food & Beverage        Finding the Hidden Talent
as well as hotels, attractions, international    Chair: Terry Lockwood, FSB
business and more. The panel to looks at how     With unemployment at a record low,
the visitor economy works in the region and      companies are finding it more difficult to
what we can do to develop it.                    recruit the right fit to help their business
                                                 grow. By looking beyond the conventional
                                                 stereotypes. Organisations can benefit from
                                                 a rich talent pool. We are looking to find
                                                 new and different ways to engage a wider
Show Guide #SGBS19 - County Business Shows
Event Programme/Thursday continued
2:20pm                                            11:50am
GDPR and Brexit – the practical steps             Cryptic Events Escape Room #2
Host: Ed Surman, Mushroom                         Host: Phil Hill, Cryptic Events
What will your exposure be to EU customers        Cryptic Events Ltd will run a 60-minute
and regulation following the UK leaving           exercise to demonstrate the effectiveness
Europe? GDPR legislation will still apply         of escape room activities as a team building
post-Brexit. Regardless of the UK’s position      event. Each team will have 60 minutes to
following 31st October, with or without a deal,   solve puzzles, riddles and crack codes to
Ed Surman takes a look at some of the key         “escape”.
practical steps that any business should take
to ensure they don’t end up outside of the law.   12noon
                                                  Developing and communicating
                                                  a Sustainable Business Strategy
The Workshops                                     Host: Andy Weeks, The Planet Mark Start
                                                  The Planet Mark Start is a collaboration with
10:30am                                           London-based Sustainability consultants,
Confident & Creative – A workshop                 Planet First. The premise of the Workshop is
to grow your skills in Networking                 that Sustainability is good for Business, and
Host: Samantha Miles, InCollaboration             that Business is a power for good for society,
Clare Forestier, Jamie Wilcox                     as well as the environment.
Join us to learn a wide range of skills for
confident & effective networking from our
expert hosts. With a host of skills and
                                                  Decisions and Disruptions #2
experiences, our event hosts will take you
                                                  Host: South West Regional Cyber
through their key lessons and tips for the
                                                  Security Unit
best networking outcomes.
                                                  In this immersive tabletop exercise led by
                                                  the SWRCCU, you’ll work in teams to manage
10:30am                                           the cyber security of a fictional organisation,
The Business Growth Network –                     competing against others in the process.
Speed Networking #3                               You’ll face scenarios based on real life cyber
The Business Growth Network joins us at           threats, which will develop and evolve as
#SGBS19 to run their Speed Networking             the exercise goes on. You’ll need to use your
Event. Speed Networking is the fast and           leadership, communication and collaborative
furious way of networking, and an exciting        expertise to decide how to protect your
way to do business. Each event allows             reputation, assets and profit. Also, your
businesses to establish very quickly if           company is made of Lego! See the workshop
they have shared interests and if they can        in action by searching #SWRCCULego on
potentially do business with each other.          Twitter and LinkedIn.
2:30pm                                           12noon
The Business Growth Network –                    Creative Nuggets
Speed Networking #4                              Host: Samantha Miles, InCollaboration
The Business Growth Network joins us at          Creative Nuggets presents a myriad of short
#SGBS19 to run their Speed Networking            tips from industry experts on how to get the
Event. Speed Networking is the fast and          most out of your creative suppliers and how
furious way of networking, and an exciting       to reflect a return on investment from creative
way to do business. Each event allows            and marketing tasks.
businesses to establish very quickly if
they have shared interests and if they can
potentially do business with each other.
                                                 #SGBS19 Case Studies in International
                                                 Trade #2
                                                 Chair: Andrea Collins
LIVEtalk Stage                                   The Export Department
10:30am                                          Andrea Collins of The Export Dept Ltd is joined
Sources of Funding                               by two small businesses who are looking
Host: Jenny Holmes                               to grow their businesses internationally.
An introduction to business funding. What        As the UK considers Brexit and many
are the sources of finance for a business and    other difficulties that entrepreneurs must
what are the advantages and disadvantages        overcome, looking to trade internationally
of these sources?                                is a huge opportunity not to be missed.
                                                 Many internationally based businesses and
                                                 businesspeople are looking at the depth and
11:15am                                          diversity of UK entrepreneurs and are only
SETsquared Bristol – start-up innovation         too keen to shake hands and do business.
and growth
Host: Paul Forster, SETsquared - Bristol
Join SETsquared Bristol’s Community
                                                 Using Influencer Marketing to
Manager and the founders of their members
                                                 Boost Your Reach
One Big Circle, Northstar and Actuation Lab
for a panel discussion (inc. Q&A) on start-
                                                 Host: Sally Marks, Get Set for Growth
up growth. You’ll get a warts and all story      Influencer Marketing Is the Fastest-Growing
about each founders’ journey and learn about     Online method of Customer-Acquisition’ and
how SETsquared supports and grows their          customers are increasingly taking to social
innovative tech start-ups. Not one to miss for   media before making a purchase, so how can
new business founders, tech enthusiasts and      you leverage it for your business?
aspiring tech entrepreneurs.
Event Programme/Thursday continued
2:15pm                                         12:30pm
Motivating Growth in the High Street           Engineering & Manufacturing Forum
Chair: Tim Gardner, Elevate Business           Chair: Phil Coley
Performance                                    Our Engineering and Manufacturing forum
Recent developments in high streets across     builds on the forum series that has developed
the UK show that things are changing – fast.   over recent years. Phil Coley brings together
The successful retailers have been those who   a number of significant South Gloucestershire
have managed a blend of digital and physical   businesses as well as some smaller SME
presence. How do we manage and facilitate      businesses to explore the challenges and
that healthy balance though?                   opportunities that the sector faces.

LIVEtalk Forums                                South Gloucestershire International Trade
                                               Chair: Roger Mackrill, Sabre UK Ltd
#SGBS19 Energy Forum                           Development of International trading
                                               opportunities comprises one of the most
Host: Simon Graham, DeCourcy Alexander
                                               important routes to building a strong economy
South Gloucestershire and the South West
                                               in the county.
region are home to some of the largest
and most influential energy generation
and distribution businesses in Europe.
Our #SGBS19 Energy Forum, chaired and          Partner Events
facilitated Simon Graham of DeCourcy
Alexander, brings a discussion together with
                                               Collaborate Create – Network for Creatives
leaders and decision makers working in the
                                               Host: Samantha Miles, InCollaboration
sector who share a common interest in seeing
                                               Creative Biz Networking – A networking
how this important area for everyone evolves
                                               opportunity for all creative industry and
moving forward.
                                               artistic skilled business owners, freelancers
                                               and individuals. Meet other creatives, discuss
                                               topics relevant to our industry and build
                                               relationships all over a fantastic breakfast.
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01242 222037
The Gloucestershire Business Show
Cheltenham Town Hall               County Business Show
                                   Ground Layout

Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th JuneBusiness
                                   South Gloucestershire
                                            Show 2019

                                            Bristol & Bath Science Park

                                            Ceiling Height from floor = 11.768m
                                            White & Mauve Tables: 0.737m x 2m

                                            Small meeting rooms 12 board room style

The South Gloucestershire Business Show
Bristol & Bath Science Park
Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th October 2020
Ground Plan

             Entrance for B&BSP
Entrance For
B&BSP Tenants
             Tenants & Deliveries Only
& Deliveries Only


                                                                                                                                   #SGBS19 Ground Floor plans | Bristol & Bath Science Park | 2 - 3 October 2019

                                                                                                            Fr Out
                                                                                                              isk le
                                                                                                                 aF t
                                                              Ga 1











                           So                                                                                                                   WC





                    1.5m                                                                                                                        WC



                                                                                                                                                                                      Workshops Room





                    x 1m

                                                                                                                        Ge                  LIFT

                                                                                                                                                                                        Meeting Room






                                                                                             1 0

                                                              3m                          Gb                So1               1m    So2       So3      So4                                X       X


                                                                                   Gf3           Gf4       So5
                                                    Gd1                                                                                                                                        Lounge
                                               Registration                    Gf2

          Entrance                                                             Gf1
          For Delegates
          & Exhibitors                                                                                                                                                              Forums Meeting Room

             Exhibition Entrance For
             Delegates & Exhibitors

                                                                                                             Please see overleaf for list of exhibitors
Stand No.   Exhibitor
Ga3/Weds    Above Horizon Photography
Gb4         Army
So1         Ascend Performance Coaching
Ga4/Weds    Assessment AI
Gc2         Babington
Ge3         Beam
            Business Growth Network
            Chris Boulton Photography
Ge1         Citrus HR Consulting Ltd
Gd1         County Business Shows
Ga5         Cubik Innovation
            CVS South Gloucestershire
So4 Ltd
            Diversity Trust
Ge2         Dotty Ink
Ga7         Doveton Press
Gf3         ERDF Business Acceleration Hubs
Gc1         European Space Agency
Gb8         Exela Ltd
Gf4         Federation of Small Businesses
            Festoon Events
Ga6         Ignitec Ltd
            In Collaboration
Gb9         Lead Forensics
Gd2         Like Radio UK
            MJB Accounting
Gb3         Mushroom Management
Ga3/Thurs   Neil Morgan Design
Gb2         Nettl
So5                                         Office Escapes
     Gb7/Thurs                                   Outset
                                                 South Glos Council – Transport & Strategic Projects
     Gb5                                         South Gloucestershire Council
     Ga10                                        South Gloucestershire Occupational Health Services
     So6                                         The Job Guru
     So3                                         The Lost Coin Financial Planning Ltd
     Gb7/Weds                                    The Princes Trust
     Ge4                                         Thriving at Work
     So2                                         Trade with Europe Ltd
     Ga9                                         TVNET Ltd
     Ga8                                         Unique and Inclusive
                                                 We Mean Biz
     Gf2                                         WECA
     Gb1                                         World Pay

  Partners                                                               Sponsors
  South Gloucestershire Council                                          Doveton Press
                                                                         Go Marketing
                                                                         Like Radio
                                                                         Neil Morgan Design
                                                                         Nettl of Cheltenham & Gloucester
                                                                         South Gloucestershire Council
                                                                         Squashed Robot Films
                                                                         Watercooler World

                                                   Digital Social Web

        Proud Print Partner of
 South Gloucestershire Business Show
15 Willway Street, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 4BG
0117 966 0078 |
The County Business Shows team are pleased to be working with
     South Gloucestershire Council Economic Development Team,
     our key strategic partners in delivering #SGBS19

     Our thanks to the Economic Development Team and the staff at
     The Bristol & Bath Science Park for their work to deliver a great event

Wednesday 2nd October 8:00am                                 Thursday 3rd October 8:00am
Business Breakfast with                                      Collaborate Create –
We Mean Biz – How do you                                     Network for Creatives
navigate a Business Show?                                    Samantha Miles – InCollaboration
Philippa Haynes – Insight 101                                                       In Collaboration are starting their
                                                                                    ‘Collaborate, Create’ Networking
                      The We Mean Biz breakfast
                                                                                    events in the Bristol and Wiltshire
                      at #SGBS19 brings a great
                                                                                    area, launching their first event at
                      opportunity to network, meet
                                                                                    the SGBS. Collaborate, Create will
                      like-minded people and be inspired
                                                                                    be an event that allows creatives
                      in a supportive environment.
                                                                                    to network with like-minded
                      8:00: Arrive, networking, breakfast.                          individuals, gain new ideas, learn
                       8:30 - 9:45: Structured Networking    about topics that are specifically relevant to the creative
                       opportunities to meet other           industry and approach networking in a more relaxed,
businesses, explain what you do and hear about the other     casual and creative environment. With a specific emphasis
businesses in the room. Top Tips from Philippa on how to     on collaboration these events will be focused on building
make the best of your day at #SGBS18. Business Surgery       strong relationships and supporting each other rather than
- bring your thoughts and questions about growing your       sales. Join In Collaboration at their Collaborate, Create
business.                                                    launch at the South Gloucester Business Show to build
9:45: Finish and enjoy #SGBS19!                              real connections, learn, gain advice and ideas over
                                                             a brilliant breakfast.
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