SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia

Page created by Elmer Lynch
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
31st Annual
Dry Lake Racers Australia

SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
Speed Week 2019 Trophies

      Ranger’s Choice           GRAC Monitor’s Choice            Race Director’s Pick
    Peter Mounsey #1390          Martin Gratton #1413             Jim Knapp #1584

        Tidiest Pit Area          Best Presented Crew         Best Presented Motorcycle
   Ben Felton / Kevin Magee          Medical Team                 Brian Fullard #915

     Best Presented Car           Fastest Ute or Pickup          Rookie of the Year
       Kim deBrenni                    Jeff Haley                  Andre Deuber

  Fastest Woman of the Meet        Presidents Choice            Top Time of the Meet
       Eva Hakansson          Bruce Willmot & Peter Hulbert      Jim Knapp #1584

These trophies are just a small token to recognise the achievements of some of
the entrants. Many other entrants will walk away satisfied with just a timing slip
that’s a little bit faster than last year. Many of these trophies were awarded after
the event.
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
SPEED WEEK PROGRAM (cont.)                                                                                                                            Category Representatives
              6.00pm    Last run of the day for Tracks 1 & 2                                                                                          Special Construction     James Stewart
                        Registration and Impound Closed                                                                                               Vintage                  Steve Charlton
              6.30pm    Annual General Meeting: due to COVID-19 restrictions, will be held over the radio                                             Classic                  Steve Charlton
                        UHF Ch10
              7.00pm    Pits Closed - All entrants, crews and spectators to leave the salt before sunset
                                                                                                                                                      Modified                 Bob Ellis
 Wednesday    7.00am    Lake entry open. Pits open - No entrants, crews and spectators on the salt before                                             Production               Steve Charlton
 10th March             sunrise                                                                                                                       Diesel Truck             Steve Vowerk
                        Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and                                                   Ute & Pickup             Chris Hanlon
                        collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.                                                                                         Motorcycle               Graham Hadley
              8.00am    Registration and Impound Open                                                                                                 State Delegates
                                                                                                            PO Box 349 Castlemaine VIC 3450
                        Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection available on a limited basis only
                        Impounded record qualified vehicles escorted to Start Line(s)                       Ph:03 5472 4629                            Queensland            Arthur DeMain
                        Racing will start when the Starter(s), Timers, Fire and Rescue and Medical Teams    www.dlra.org.au                                                  Ross Brown
                        are in position. Track 1 open, Short Course (3 mile) and Long Course (5 mile)       info@dlra.org.au                           New South Wales       Gary Satara
                        Track 2 open, limited to 150mph for cars and 175mph for bikes                                                                                        Dave McLachlan
              5.30pm    Last run of the day – Track 1                                                                                                  Victoria              Rod Hadfield
                        Last run of the day – Track 2                                                                                                                        Greg Watters
                        Registration and Impound Closed
                                                                                                            Office Bearers 2018 - 2019
              7.00pm    Pits Closed - All entrants, crews and spectators to leave the salt before sunset     President              Greg Wapling       South Australia       Michael Brixton
              8.00pm    DLRA Charity Auction at the DLRA Camp.                                               Vice President         Rod Drabsch                              Grant Schlein
 Thursday     7.00am    Lake entry open. Pits open – No entrants, crews and spectators on salt before        Treasurer              Carol Hadfield     Western Australia     John Kirchner
 11th March             sunrise.                                                                             Secretary              Carol Hadfield                           Jeff Lemon
                        Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and          Technical Chairman Bob Ellis              Northern Territory    Josh Schuit
                        collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.                                                                                          Tasmania              Adrian Reid
                                                                                                             Chief Car Inspector    Lionel West
              8.00am    Registration and Impound Open
                        Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection available on a limited basis only            Chief Motorcycle       Graeme Hadley
                        Impounded record qualified vehicles escorted to Start Line(s)                        Inspector                                LAND SPEED RACING IS DANGEROUS
                        Racing will start when the Starter(s), Timers, Fire and Rescue and Medical Teams     Marketing & Media David                  Spectators are warned that motor racing is
                        are in position. Track 1 open, Short Course (3 mile) and Long Course (5 mile)                               Athanasio         dangerous, and accidents can happen.
                        Track 2 open, limited to 150mph for cars and 175mph for bikes                        Camp Coordinator       Gary Brennan      All care is taken to protect the public, but
              6.00pm    Last run of the day – Track 1
                                                                                                             Rule Book              Gary Satara       spectators are warned there is a possibility
                        Last run of the day – Track 2
                        Registration and Impound Closed                                                      Coordinator                              of an accident causing injury, death or
              7.00pm    Pits Closed - All entrants, crews and spectators to leave the salt before sunset    Event Committee                           property damage. By the purchase of a
 Friday       7.00am    Lake open – Public not permitted on the lake before sunrise                          Race Director          Steve Charlton    ticket the spectator acknowledges that the
 12th March             Pits open - No entrants, crews or spectators on the salt before sunrise              Chief Starter          Harry deRee       entry to the event venue has a degree of
                        Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and          Timer                  Bruce Willmott    danger and the promoter, clubs,
                        collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.
                                                                                                                                    & Peter Hulbert   corporations, organisations and person
              8.00am    Registration and Impound Open
                        Car Technical Inspection available on a limited basis only (not motorcycle)          Event Coordinator      Rob Carroll &     having any connections with the promotion,
                        Impounded record qualified vehicles escorted to Start Line(s)                                               Greg Telford      organising or conduct of the event shall
                        Racing will start when the Starter(s), Timers, Fire and Rescue and Medical Teams     Fire & Rescue          Russell Branson   have no liability either in tort or contract, for
                        are in position. Track 1 open, Short Course (3 mile) and Long Course (5 mile)        Medical                Dr. Scott Lewis   any personal injury or loss of property,
                        Track 2 open, limited to 150mph for cars and 175mph for bikes                                                                 whether caused by negligence or otherwise
              11.00am   Track 1 - Last run of the day
                                                                                                                                                      to the spectator except in regard to rights
              – 12      Track 2 - Last run of the day
              noon      Registration and Impound Closed                                                                                               you may have arising under the Australian
 Speed Week             Course, pits and access road clean-up begins.                                                                                 Consumer Law (2011).
 Pack Up                "Volunteers" are welcome
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
             4.00pm   Registration, Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection Closed
             5.00pm   Officials meeting at Tech Inspection / Impound area.
             7.00pm   Lake closed, Pits Closed - All entrants, crews and spectators to leave the salt
                      before sunset
 Sunday      7.00am   Lake entry open. Pits open - No entrants, crews and spectators on the salt before
 7th March            sunrise
             7.30am   Officials meeting at Registration trailer
             7.45am   Volunteers briefing and training at registration trailer
             8.00am   Registration, Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection Open
                      Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and
                      collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.
                      Track and return road prep continues,
                      Timing layout and testing,
                      All toilets in position,
                      All other odd jobs taken care of.,
             3.30pm   Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection Closed
                      Registration Closed
             4.00pm   VOLUNTEERS BRIEFING: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, will not be held this year.

             5.00pm   DRIVERS BRIEFING: For all drivers and crew to attend. Due to COVID-19
                      restrictions, meeting will be held over the radio UHF Ch. 10
                      Followed by a “Track Familiarization” for rookies.
             7.00pm   Lake and Pits Closed - All entrants, crews, and spectators to leave the salt before
 Monday      7.00am   Lake entry open. Pits open - No entrants, crews and spectators on the salt before
 8th March            sunrise
                      Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and
                      collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.
             8.00am   Registration and Impound Open
                      Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection available on a limited basis only.
                      Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and
                      collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.
                      Racing will start when the Starter(s), Timers, Fire and Rescue and Medical Teams
                      are in position. TRACK 1 (short course for vehicles up to 175mph, long course for
                      vehicles over 175mph) TRACK 2 (short course for cars up to 150mph and
                      motorcycles up to 175mph)
             6.00pm   Last run of the day for Tracks 1 & 2
                      Registration and Impound Closed
             7.00pm   Pits Closed - All entrants, crews and spectators to leave the salt before sunset
 Tuesday     7.00am   Lake entry open. Pits open – No entrants, crews and spectators on salt before
 9th March            sunrise.
                      Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and
                      collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.
             8.00am   Registration and Impound Open
                      Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection available on a limited basis only
                      Impounded record qualified vehicles escorted to Start Line(s)
                      Racing will start when the Starter(s), Timers, Fire and Rescue and Medical Teams
                      are in position. Track 1 open, Short Course (3 mile) and Long Course (5 mile)
                      Track 2 open, limited to 150mph for cars and 175mph for bikes
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
SPEED WEEK PROGRAM                                                                                         From the Chair
Wednesday             Officials ONLY on the salt.                                                          DLRA Speed Week is being held on the traditional lands of the Gawler Ranges Aboriginal People and
3rd March             Advance crew arrive on site                                                          I wish to acknowledge them as Traditional Owners.
                      Check the lake for possible track locations.                                         We would also like to pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, and the Elders from other
                      No access to lake for entrants, crews and spectators                                 communities who may be here this week.
            7.00pm    Lake Closed - All officials and volunteers to leave the salt before sunset
Thursday    7.00am    Only those Officials, Volunteers and Security actually doing work are permitted on   30 years is an amazing milestone for any club or organisation. Even more so for the Dry Lakes Racers
4th March             the salt.                                                                            Australia with a membership dispersed across Australia and around the World. We are all to be
            8.00am    Volunteers briefing and training at DLRA camp.                                       congratulated for persevering and keeping that land speed racing spirit alive and honouring the
                      Surveyors on salt to mark the tracks.                                                tradition of the last true amateur motorsport.
                      Track mats installed at lake entrance.                                               Our eternal thanks to those early land speed pioneers and explorers who discovered Lake Gairdner
                      Tractor checked over, drag is hooked up, marking and grooming of the entry
                                                                                                           and founded the DLRA. We are so fortunate to be able to race at such a place.
                      roads, pit area, and access road to start line are done on the salt.
                                                                                                           The original event in 1990 consisted of just 9 entrants, at the AGM for that year the President of the
                      Pit set-up commences.
                      Registration van delivered to pit area,                                              day said in his address he hoped that one day there may be 100 members. These days we average
                      Generators /blowers etc. checked and fueled.                                         around the 230 entrants at Speed Week and are fast approaching member number 1700. The
                      No access to lake for Entrants, crews or spectators                                  greatest number of entrants we’ve ever had was 278 in 2013 (The year after the World’s Fastest
            7.00pm    Lake Closed - All officials and volunteers to leave the salt before sunset           Indian was released). The level of professionalism and sophistication has also grown each year with
Friday      7.00am    Officials, Volunteers and Security ONLY on the salt                                  the way we conduct our events and the vehicles that race in them.
5th March
            8.00am    Volunteers briefing and training at Registration trailer.                            Please be considerate and respectful to all our Volunteers and Officials, our service people, the
                      Start loading and delivering traffic cones/signs/tents etc. to lake.                 catering crew, our ice supplier, the guys emptying the dunnies, these people are all working for you
                      Registration van begin setup                                                         and they do a fantastic job under trying conditions, without them we simply do not have an event.
                      Tech Inspection area begin setup                                                     Rather than bitch and moan, think about what you can do to make it better and do something
                      Blowers at lake edge set up and ready.                                               rather than waiting for someone to do It for you. It’s your club, your event.
            9.00am    Definitely NO Entrants or crew (Race transporters etc.) onto lake until the               •    When you go down to the Lake and you are in line to have the dust blown off your vehicle,
                      lake is opened by DLRA Officials, to set-up pits only. Spectators                              you must stay to the left of the track so that Emergency Vehicles and Track and Timing
                      discouraged from entering the lake, limited to pit area only.                                  Officials can get past to set up. There will also be entrants who are qualified for early
                      At least one toilet setup in pit area.                                                         morning record runs, they too will be bypassing the queue. So just show a little
                      Track and return road marking and dragging commences,                                          consideration to these guys.
                      Timing and start line vans setup
                                                                                                                •    Obey all the signs on the Lake and around the Pit area and at the Start Lines. They are
                      Lake entry and admission area setup
                                                                                                                     there to make your experience better and safer. SLOW DOWN ON THE MATS!
            11.30am   Officials meeting at Registration trailer
            12.00     Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection Open                                              •    Entrants, please make sure your Recovery Vehicle has the necessary equipment like,
                      Registration Open                                                                              flashing lights, fire extinguisher, 2-way radio, oil spill kit and all your emergency
            4.00pm    Registration and Tech inspection closed                                                        equipment.
            7.00pm    Lake Closed - All officials and volunteers to leave the salt before sunset                •    Please obey all the COVIS-19 rules, 1.5 metres distancing, wash your hands and if you feel
Saturday    7.00am    Lake entry open. Pits open - No entrants, crews and spectators on the salt before              unwell, report to one of our doctors. Remember the marshals are there for your benefit.
6th March             sunrise                                                                              .
            7.30am    Officials meeting at Registration trailer                                            Have a great week, be safe and be fast. See you on the salt. Greg Wapling (President)
            7.45am    Volunteers briefing and training at registration trailer
            8.00am    Car and Motorcycle Technical Inspection Open                                                 A big thank you for servicing all the DLRA small plant and blowers to:
                      Registration Open
                      Radio repeater station set up.
                      Track work (including timing, marking return roads, grading, etc.) continues,
                                                                                                                    Rewells Mower Service
                      Ramp Control point open to check vehicles entering and leaving the lake and                                          315 Barker Street
                      collect entry / camp / lake fees etc.                                                                              Castlemaine VIC 3450
                      Toilets cleaned and delivered to site (Pits / Timing van, Start line)
                                                                                                                                             03 5472 1174
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
The Mad Scientist of Hot
                            Rodding: Rod Hadfield by
                            Allison Hadfield
                            ISBN: 9780987105738
                            RRP: $39.95
                            The first comprehensive
                            biography of Australian Hot-
                            Rodding Legend Rod Hadfield.
                            Covering his 50+ years of
                            initiating trends, pushing
                            boundaries and causing
                            controversy in the automotive
                            scene in Australia and beyond.
                            Contact: Carol Hadfield on
                            phone 03 5472 4629 or email:

SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
The DLRA is very excited to announce a
partnership with the Prancing Pony Brewery
of the first, limited release, SERENITY OF
We ask for your support in this endeavour
and an opportunity to sample some of the
Prancing Pony's finest.
A big thanks to Corinna and Frank for making
this happen. This is a club fundraiser and a
portion of the cost goes straight to the club.
Place your order NOW!
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
The Prancing Pony Brewery is located in the Adelaide Hills. Located in Totness, a 4-minute
drive from Hahndorf, the venue is a brewpub, restaurant and live music venue with 16
beers on taps. The beers are distributed nation-wide and can be found in pubs, hotels and
Bottle shops across the Country.
The Pony is best known for the India Red ale, a 7.9% IPA that has won a Supreme
Champion Trophy at the International Beer Challenge in London in 2016.
The brewery is run by Frank Samson (Head Brewer, physicist and Chief story teller) and his
partner Corinna (CEO, Scientist and eternal optimist). Originally from Germany, Frank and
Corinna have a love for Beers, Bikes and Blues and given the chance, they combine all
Both Frank and Corinna ride their bikes at Lake Gardiner and Corinna is a current record
holder in the 650 MPS-PG class with her beloved Royal Enfield GT Continental at a top
speed of 103.481 mph.
Frank rides a Suzuki GSXR-750 and is yet to set a record or break one.
Say hi when you see us and share a beer with us at the Auction night, for a gold coin
donation to DLRA. Cheers and good luck to all riders and drives and remember.
                         Prancing Pony Brewery
                         7/42 Mount Barker Road
                           TOTNESS SA 5250
                         o: +61 - 8 – 8398 3881
                        m: + 61 (0) 439 889 513
          w: prancingponybrewery.com.au; fb, t, I: prancingponysa
SPEED WEEK 31st Annual Dry Lake Racers Australia
 Code   Engine   Engine Displacement                           332   GCC      Unblown Gas Competition Coupe
 101    Omega    thermodynamic cycle other than Otto           333   GL       Unblown Gas Lakester
 102    AA       501 cid and over                              334   GMR      Unblown Gas Modified Roadster
 103    A        440 thru 500 cid                              335   GR       Unblown Gas Roadster
 104    B        373 thru 439 cid                              336   GS       Unblown Gas Streamliner
 105    C        306 thru 372 cid                              337   GT       Unblown Grand Touring Sports
 106    D        261 thru 305 cid                              338   BMP      Blown Modified Pickup
 107    E        184 thru 260 cid                              339   BMMP     Blown Modified Mid-Mini Pickup
 108    F        123 thru 183 cid                              340   PMP      Production Mid-Mini Pickup
 109    G        93 thru 122 cid                               341   MMP      Modified Mid-Mini Pickup
 110    H        62 thru 92 cid                                342   MP       Modified Pickup
 111    I        46 thru 61 cid                                343   MDT      Modified Diesel Truck
 112    J        31 thru 45 cid                                344   MVOT     Midget Vintage Oval Track
 113    K        30 cid and under                              345   PP       Production Pickup
 114    E1/T1    Elec/Turbine Vehicle Weight I                 346   PRO      Production Coupe & Sedan
 115    E2/T2    Elec/Turbine Vehicle Weight II                347   PS       Production Supercharged
 116    E3/T3    Elec/Turbine Vehicle Weight III               348   STR      Unblown Street Roadster
 117    U        For UDT, MDT, HH2 & HH3 Body Classes          349   UDT      Unlimited Diesel Truck
 120    XO       Overhead valve & flathead inline              350   VFALT    Unblown Vintage Fuel Altered Coupe
 121    XF       Production Ford/Mercury flathead V-8 engine   351   VFCC     Unblown Vintage Fuel Competition
 122    XXF      XF engine w/overhead valve conversion         352   VGALT    Coupe Vintage Gas Altered Coupe
 123    XXO      XO engine w/ specialty cylinder head          353   VGC      Unblown Vintage Gas Coupe
 124    V4       Pre-1935 “American-made” four cylinders       354   VGCC     Unblown Vintage Gas Competition
 125    M        Midget Vintage engine                         355   VOT      Coupe Oval Track
 126    V4F      Pre-1935 “American-made” 4 cylinders,         356   T        Turbine Vehicle
 127    S        flathead
                 Steam  Engine                                 357   DS       Diesel Streamliner
 299    TO       Time Only                                     358   HH2      Highway Hauler II
                                                               359   HH3      Highway Hauler III
 Code   Body     Body Type                                     360   BFMS     Blown Fuel Modified Sports
 301    BFALT    Blown Fuel Altered Coupe                      361   BGMS     Blown Gas Modified Sports
 302    BFCC     Blown Fuel Competition Coupe                  362   FMS      Unblown Fuel Modified Sports
 303    BFL      Blown Fuel Lakester                           363   GMS      Unblown Gas Modified Sports
 304    BFMR     Blown Fuel Modified Roadster                  364   CBFALT   Classic Blown Fuel Altered Coupe &
 305    BFR      Blown Fuel Roadster                           365   CBGALT   Sedan Blown Gas Altered Coupe &
 306    BFS      Blown Fuel Streamliner                        366   CBGC     Sedan Blown Gas Coupe & Sedan
 307    BGALT    Blown Gas Altered Coupe                       367   CFALT    Classic Unblown Fuel Altered Coupe &
 308    BGC      Blown Gas Coupe                               368   CGALT    Sedan Unblown Gas Altered Coupe &
 309    BGCC     Blown Gas Competition Coupe                   369   CGC      Sedan Unblown Gas Coupe & Sedan
 310    BGL      Blown Gas Lakester                            370   CPRO     Classic Production Coupe & Sedan
 311    BGMR     Blown Gas Modified Roadster                   371   CPS      Classic Production Supercharged Coupe
 312    BGR      Blown Gas Roadster                            372   S        & Sedan
 313    BGS      Blown Gas Streamliner                         373   BFRMR    Blown Fuel Rear Engine Modified
 314    BGT      Blown Grand Touring Sports                    374   FRMR     Roadster
                                                                              Fuel Rear Engine Modified Roadster
 315    AIR      American Iron Roadster                        375   BGRMR    Blown Gas Rear Engine Modified
 316    BSTR     Blown Street Roadster                         376   GRMR     Roadster
                                                                              Gas  Rear Engine Modified Roadster
 317    BVFALT   Blown Vintage Fuel Altered Coupe & Sedan      599   TO       Time Only
 318    BVFCC    Blown Vintage Fuel Competition Coupe &        900   BFCU     Blown Fuel Competition Ute
 319    BVGALT   Sedan Vintage Gas Altered Coupe & Sedan
                 Blown                                         901   FCU      Fuel Competition Ute
 320    BVGC     Blown Vintage Gas Coupe & Sedan               902   BGCU     Blown Gas Competition Ute
 321    BVGCC    Blown Vintage Gas Competition Coupe & Sedan   903   GCU      Gas Competition Ute
 322    DT       Diesel Truck                                  904   BFALTU   Blown Fuel Altered Ute
 323    E        Electric Vehicle                              905   FALTU    Fuel Altered Ute
 324    FALT     Unblown Fuel Altered Coupe                    906   BGALTU   Blown Gas Altered Ute
 325    FCC      Unblown Fuel Competition Coupe                907   GALTU    Gas Altered Ute
 326    FL       Unblown Fuel Lakester                         908   BGU      Blown Gas Ute
 327    FMR      Unblown Fuel Modified Roadster                909   GU       Gas Ute
 328    FR       Unblown Fuel Roadster                         910   PSU      Production Supercharged Ute
 329    FS       Unblown Fuel Streamliner                      911   PROU     Production Ute
 330    GALT     Unblown Gas Altered Coupe
 331    GC       Unblown Gas Coupe
Motorcycle Classes                                                                                              Code of Conduct - Entrants, Spectators, Visitors
                                                                                                                By payment of a Speed Week entry, spectator or camping pass you have effectively
  Code    Class        Engine Displacement              Engine type   Engine Class
                                                                                                                consented to abiding by these rules contained but not limited to this code. Failure to do
  201     50cc         50 cc engine
                                                        P             Production                                so may lead to your expulsion from the event.
  202     100cc        100 cc engine                    PP            Production Pushrod                         All vehicles must be cleaned entering and leaving the lake.
  203     125cc        125 cc engine                    PB            Production Supercharged
                                                        PV            Production Vintage                         All vehicles, equipment, generators, batteries, and tools must be located on impervious
  204     175cc        175 cc engine                    PC            Production Classis                        oil resistant tarpaulins to prevent oil damage to the salt surface.
                                                        G             Modified Engine: Gasoline
  205     250cc        250 cc engine                                                                             All fuel and lubricants must be stored in a manner to contain any spillage.
                                                        PG            Pushrod Engine: Gasoline
  206     350cc        350 cc engine                    VG            Vintage Engine: Gasoline                   All spectator and visitor vehicles must be parked in designated areas either in the pits or
  207     500cc        500 cc engine                    UG            Unlimited Engine: Gasoline                at the start line. (See map)
                                                        BG            Supercharged Engine: Gasoline
  208     650cc        650 cc engine                    PBG           Supercharged Pushrod Engine:
                                                                                                                 Access to the land speed course is via the Mt. Ive access road only.
  209     750cc        750 cc engine                                  Gasoline                                   No go areas identified by Aboriginal monitors to protect cultural significance will be
                                                        VBG           Supercharged Vintage Engine:              fenced and signed. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to enter these areas.
  210     1000cc       1000 cc engine                                 Gasoline
                                                        CBG           Classic Supercharged Engine: Gasoline      A barrier will be erected at the lake ramp each night. There is strictly no entry to the
  211     1350cc       1350 cc engine
                                                        F             Modified Engine: Fuel                     lake whilst this barrier is in place other than for designated security personnel.
  212     1650cc       1650 cc engine                   PF            Pushrod Engine: Fuel
                                                                                                                 No road trains or vehicles deemed to cause wheel rut damage will be allowed to enter
  213     2000cc       2000 cc engine                   VF            Vintage Engine: Fuel
                                                        UF            Unlimited Engine: Fuel                    the lake.
  214     3000cc       3000 cc engine                   CF            Classic Modified: Fuel                    DLRA Rules
  215     3000cc+      3001 cc and above engine         BF            Supercharged Engine: Fuel
                                                        PBF           Supercharged Pushrod Engine: Fuel          Access to Lake Gairdner will not be permitted if the lake surface is assessed to be
  216     Ω            Electric/Steam/Turbine           VBF           Supercharged Vintage Engine: Fuel         unsuitable by the DEW Ranger or Warden.
                                                        CBF           Classic Supercharged Engine: Fuel
                                                                                                                 Traditional owners will monitor the areas used by the DLRA, before, during and after the
                                                        Ω             Steam, Turbine or Electric Engine: Fuel
  Frame Type          Frame Class                                                                               event.
                                                                                                                 DLRA officials, marshals and security officers will be readily identifiable.
  P                   Production
  M                   Modified                                                                                   Traditional owner monitors or traditional owner may seek to implement other
  A                   Special Construction                                                                      conditions during the event to protect sites or objects of cultural significance.
  MPS                 Modified Partial
                      Streamlining                                                                               Periodic inspections of all land speed activities on the Lake surface will be undertaken by
  APS                 Special Construction                                                                      DEW staff to ensure all requirements are fulfilled.
                      Partial Streamlining
                                                                                                                 Any fluid spills on the lake surface will be reported immediately to the DEW regional
  SC                  Sidecar
  SCS                 Sidecar Streamliner                                                                       office at Port Lincoln.
  S                   Streamliner                                                                               Drones
                                                                                                                Speed Week is held in Lake Gairdner National Park and under the National Parks &
Permitted Classes and Engines                                                                                   Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2016 Regulation 12(3), permission is required from
 Frame Class        Engine Class             Maximum Displacement         Engine Permitted
 P                  P, PP, PS                2000                         1                                     the Department of Environment, Water (DEW) to operate a drone or other remotely
 M                  All                      2000                         1                                     piloted aircraft (RPA) over national parks.
 A                  All                      3001 & above                 4                                     DEW will not be issuing permits for the use of drones or other RPAs during the 2019
 MPS                All                      2000                         1                                     Speed Week event. The use of a drone or RPA at the event or over any part of the Lake
 APS                All                      3001 & above                 4                                     Gairdner National Park will be in breach of the National Parks and Wildlife Regulations.
 S                  All                      3001 & above                 2
 SC                 All                      3001 & above                 2
                                                                                                                Drones or other RPAs launched from outside the Lake Gairdner National Park boundaries
 SCS                All                      3001 & above                 2                                     are also not permitted to be flown over the Speed Week area or over the lake.
                                                                                                                         #                     Name                           Vehicle              Class       PB   Record
                                                                                                                      1671   Brian Wood               2006 Harley Davidson              1650 M-PG          -         147.87
                                                                                                                      1674   Max Engellenner          1992 Honda                        100 P-P            -         67.765
                                                                                                                     91674   Max Engellenner          1992 Honda                        50 P-P             -           Open
                                                                                                                      1676   Scott Pierce             2000 Commodore                    C/TGEN4            -           Open
                                                                                                                      1678   Simon Hills              1988 Yamaha                       250 M-G            -         121.15
                                                                                                                     91678   Simon Hills              1988 Yamaha                       250 M-F            -         79.731
                                                                                                                      1680   Phillip Langencacher     2000 Commodore                    C/TGEN4            -           Open
                                                                                                                      1683   Mason Wakeman            1994 Kawasaki                     100 P-P            -         67.765
                                                                                                                      1688   Danny Plecas             2020 Streamliner                  C/GS               -           Open
                                                                                                                      1692   Paul Goodeve             1996 Harley Davidson              1350 M-PG          -         153.71
                                                                                                                      1693   Mick Kosekco             1996 Harley Davidson              1350 M-PG          -        153.71
                                                                                                                      1694   Paul Kilkenny            1996 Harley Davidson              1350 M-PG          -         153.71
                                                                                                                      1704   Andrew Beard             2000 Commodore                    C/TGEN4            -           Open
                                                                                                                      1709   Andrew Butcher           1925 Triumph                      500 M-VBG          -           Open
                                                                                                                      1712   Rick Hutcheson           2006 Kawasaki                     1650 M-G           -         189.87
                                                                                                                      1716   Paul Threlfall           2009 Yamaha R1                    1000 MPS-G         -         201.98
                                                                                                                      1717   Dustin Van Nek           2010 Kawasaki                     250 MPS-F          -         127.91
                                                                                                                      1718   Adam Vallance            2010 Kawasaki                     250 MPS-F          -         127.91
                                                                                                                      1719   Matthew Taylor           2002 Suzuki                       1000 MPS-G         -         201.98
                                                                                                                      1720   Robert Rowntree          2009 Honda                        1000 MPS-F         -         200.15
                                                                                                                      1721   Trevor Rowntree          2009 Honda                        1000 MPS-F         -         200.15
                                                                                                                      1722   Emily Gray               1926 Ford                         K/GL               -           Open
                                                                                                                      1723   Kylie Gray               1926 Ford                         K/FL               -           Open
                                                                                                                      1724   Linton Cox               1982 KTM                          500 P-PC           -           Open
                                                                                                                      1726   Daniel Koppens           1999 Yamaha R1                    1000 MPS-G         -         201.98
                                                                                                                      1731   Darrron Stanton          1997 Ford Thunderbird NASCAR      C/TGEN4            -           Open
       Heat               WBGT Index,            EASY WORK            MODERATE WORK              HARD WORK
                                                                                                                      1737   Lachlan Ireland          2003 Harley                       1350 M-PG          -         153.71
     Category                 C                  Water Intake            Water Intake            Water Intake
                                                (mLs per hour)          (mLs per hour)          (mLs per hour)        1736   George Daley             1988 Toyota                       E2/E               89.873    89.873
          1                   26 - 28                 500                    700                      700             1737   Jon Bosch                2002 Kawasaki                     1350 P-P           -         209.84
          2                   28 - 30                 500                    700                      950             1743   Leo Darveniza            1997 Ford Thunderbird NASCAR      C/TGEN4            -           Open
          3                   30 - 31                 700                    700                      950
          4                   31 - 32                 700                    700                      950             1744   Greg Taylor              1999 Lakester                     AA/GL              -         242.58
          5                    > 32                   950                    950                      950             1746   Bryan Phillips           1995 Suzuki                       1000 P-P           -         201.99
The fluid replacement volumes will sustain performance and hydration for at least 4 hours of work in the              1749   Banjo McGrath            1970 Benelli                      50 P-PC            -           Open
specified heat category. Fluid needs will vary on individual differences and exposure to full sun or full shade.
                                                                                                                      1750   Gene Lopeman             1957 Sporton                      1350 SC-PF         -           Open
CAUTION: Hourly fluid intake should not exceed 1.420 litres. Daily fluid intake should not exceed 11.3 litres
PRE-ENTRIES (cont.)                                                                                                DLRA Camp
  Entry                                                                                                            The turn off for the DLRA camp is at the water tanks.
      #                      Name                          Vehicle               Class          PB    Record           • Camping at the DLRA Camp is permitted from the Thursday before Speed Week.
  91566   Benjamin Versteegh        1980 BMW                         650 MPS-PF          -               Open
                                                                                                                            Camping before this time is not allowed. Only ticket holders are permitted to
   1570   Peter Emery               2006 Honda 1100                  1350 P-P            170.23        209.84
                                                                                                                            camp. There will be DLRA Officials and volunteers on duty checking this
   1573   Tom Drewer                1964 Volswagen                   G/BFCC                  147.84    145.58
                                                                                                                            requirement when vehicles arrive to camp. If you don’t have wristbands you are
   1579   Shane Wilcox              1994 Yamaha                      125 APS-G               123.12    125.09
                                                                                                                            not be permitted to enter the camping area.
  91579   Shane Wilcox              1980 Honda                       100 APS-G           -                  91.7
   1585   Eddie Zeller              2005 Bellytank                   A/BFL                        0    301.73
                                                                                                                       • Speed Week Campers must depart the DLRA Camp by the Saturday.
   1587   Jim Pickett               1982 Honda/Pickett               250 APS-PG          82.894          81.26         • No camp sites will be allocated - first in, best dressed.
   1598   Michael Stuart            2014 Royal Enfield               650 MPS-PG          -               110.6         • Motorhomes, trailers and campervans must use their grey water tanks. All grey
  91598   Michael Stuart            2014 Royal Enfield               650 M-PF            105.02       Open                  and waste water will need to be stored and emptied once back at a Dump Point
   1599   Carlyle Bennett           1994 Yamaha                      125 APS-G                121.3    125.09          • Disposal of grey water or any waste in the toilets provided is strictly prohibited.
  91599   Carlyle Bennett           1980 Honda                       100 M-CG                            Open          • No pets allowed. The DLRA Camp is located on a working sheep station.
   1603   Paul Kew                  2001 Honda NSR                   175 MPS-G               107.99    115.23          • There is some power available. Use for campers is restricted to lighting and
  91603   Paul Kew                  2001 Honda NSR                   175 MPS-F           -            113.17                refrigeration.
   1610   Justin Moore              1986 Yamaha                      175 P-PC            -               Open
                                                                                                                       • We would prefer to have a nice quiet campsite, however if you do need a
   1615   Stephen Bain              1972 Norton                      1000 APS-PF                  -    137.91
                                                                                                                            generator it must not be turned on before 7am and must be switched off by
   1616   Gordon Crisp              1954 BSA                         350 MPS-VF          97.648        132.55
   1620   Greg Kirsopp              2000 Suzuki                      1350 MPS-G          -             232.89
                                                                                                                       • Please respect the environment and take all rubbish with you.
   1624   Luke Haley                1996 XH Ford Ute                 B/FALTU             -            Open
   1625   Peter Taylor              1999 Lakester                    AA/GL               149.87        242.58
                                                                                                                       • Campfires are strictly forbidden in Fire Danger Season which does not finish till
   1629   Jeffery Flynn             2012 Sky Team Ace                175 APS-PG          -               Open               31st March 2021. All open fires, liquid fuel and gas stoves are banned on Total
   1630   Robert Mason              1981 Honda                       250 M-CG            -               Open               Fire Ban days as declared by the Country Fire Service (CFS) and broadcast on the
   1632   Richard Harding           1981 Yamaha                      250 M-F             -             79.731               radio.
   1633   Russell Harding           1981 Yamaha                      250 M-F             -            79.731           • Please respect your neighbours in camp and refrain from loud partying and music
  91633   Russell Harding           1981 Yamaha                      350 M-F             -             198.45               late at night. Also remember the many kids who may be in the camp.
   1637   Paul Teelow               2008 Harley Davidson             1650 M-PBG          -               Open          • If you do not want to travel each day you can stay at the Mt. Ive camp which is
  91637   Paul Teelow               2008 Harley Davidson             1650 MPS-PBG        -               Open               run by Mt. Ive Station, but there are not many conveniences and you will need to
   1639   Rachelle Splatt           2012 Special Construction        C/FL                -               Open               be pretty much self-sufficient.
                                                                     UNLIMITED A-
   1640   Paul Knox                 Special Construction             PG                  -               Open
   1642   Brad Forgeard             1996 Kawasaki                    750 M-G             -             163.37      Mt. Ive Camp
   1650   Stephen Giacometti        2009 Yamaha                      1000 MPS-G          -             201.98      The Mt. Ive Camp is located up just behind the canteen. It is the closest accommodation
   1655   Thomas Weitacher          1954 BSA Road Rocket             650 M-VG            -            119          to the lake but is also the most basic. Fees for camping at the Mt. Ive camp are payable to
   1660   Michael Combley           2018 Atomic                      125 M-PG            -             90.072      Mt Ive. Someone will visit you at your camp to collect fees. You will be given an armband,
   1664   Serge Bonetti             2014 Lakester                    D/FL                -             202.73      wear it at all times. If you intend staying at the Mt. Ive camp, you will need to be pretty
   1665   Tyson Gaghan              2009 Suzuki                      650 MPS-F           -             161.95      much self-sufficient. There is no power and minimal (cold) showers and toilets. Mt. Ive
   1666   Geoffrey Black            2012 Yamaha YZF-R1               1000 MPS-G          -            201.98       campers are not permitted to use the facilities at the DLRA camp.
   1669   Charlie Hallam            2019 Royal Enfield               650 M-F             -             119.96
   1670   Michael Dare              F86 Bellytank                    F/GL                -             138.32
                                                                                                                 Entry #                   Name                           Vehicle                 Class           PB   Record
                                                                                                                   1390    Peter Mounsey          1948 Velocette                    350 M-PG              93.848       90.129
                                                                                                                   1402    Chris Cameron          2009 Honda                        750 APS-BF            -            188.41
                                                                                                                   1408    Jon Guidera            2011 Suzuki                       750 M-G               150.65        163.37
                                                                                                                   1413    Martin Gratton         2000 Royal Enfield                1350 APS-PF               88.002    180.59
                                                                                                                  81413    Martin Gratton         2018 Electro Manx                 OMEGA APS-O               106.45    102.85
                                                                                                                   1418    Sherie Traeger         1975 Honda                        125 M-F                   83.372    83.372
                                                                                                                  91418    Sherie Traeger         1975 Honda                        125 SC-F              -            Open
                                                                                                                   1423    Ray Scarfe             1993 Suzuki RGV                   250 M-G                        -    121.15
                                                                                                                  91426    Rob Waters             1973 Kenworth                     AA/UDT                    137.28    155.75
                                                                                                                   1428    Frank Samson           2006 Suzuki GSXR                  750 MPS-G                 172.78    187.37
                                                                                                                   1433    Darrin Francis         1998 Suzuki                       1000 M-G              -             183.92
                                                                                                                   1440    Andrew Freeman         2017 Kawasaki                     1000 MPS-BF               198.74    208.43
                                                                                                                   1446    John Castles           2004 Honda                        500 M-F               94.545        121.24
                                                                                                                   1447    Steven McGrath         1967 Yamaha                       350 P-PC              -            Open
                                                                                                                  91447    Steven McGrath         2017 Custom Made                  650 A-F               -            Open
                                                                                                                   1453    Rob Wekenborg          1997 Harley Davidson              1350 M-PG                 134.61    153.71
                                                                                                                   1455    Richard Roberts        1948 BSA                          350 APS-VG            -            89.423
                                                                                                                   1460    Edward Smith           1997 Honda Blackbird              1350 MPS-G                179.56    232.89
                                                                                                                   1475    Jeffrey Solomano       1968 Sprite                       250 A-CG                       -      Open
                                                                                                                  91475    Jeffrey Solomano       Kawaski                           125 MPS-F                      -    77.253
                                                                                                                   1428    Corinna Steeb          2015 Royal Enfield                650 MPS-PG            110.6           110.6
                                                                                                                   1491    Andrew Hutchinson      1930 Ford Coupe                   B/CGALT               -            179.14
Stubtech are designers and manufacturers of quality Australian made drop stub axles/spindles. Catering for a       1492    Jeffrey Haley          1996 XH Falcon Ute                B/FALTU               -               Open
large range of models and combinations:
                                                                                                                   1499    Shane Reynolds         2011 Suzuki                       750 M-F               147.29       164.78
      •    2" (50mm) Drop Stub Axles/Spindles to suit Holden models HD-HR-HK-HT-HG-HQ-HJ-HX & WB.
           Torana LC-LJ-LH-LX & UC, and CF Bedfords                                                                1515    David Bullock          1999 Lakester                     AA/GL                       245     242.58
      •    2" (50mm) Drop Stub Axles/Spindles to suit Valiants using VC-VE & VF brakes and Valiants using          1516    Stephen Hays           2012 Hyosung                      650 MPS-G             141.11        171.22
           VG-VJ brakes and 'A bodied Chryslers from the USA
                                                                                                                   1518    Greg Hays              1989 Ford Panel Van               B/GC                           -    176.18
      •    Mitsubishi L250/L300 (and mid 90's Tritons) front ends which are a very popular swap into Street
           Rods                                                                                                    1521    Simon Lacey            1989 Ford Panel Van               B/GC                           -    176.18
      •    2" (50mm) Drop Stubs to suit Falcons XK-XG, Fairlanes ZA-ZL, Mustangs 1964-1972, Granada's,             1539    Adam Jerico            1979 Ford Escort                  E/GC                  -            148.67
           Torino's, early Mercury's, Compact Fairlanes, Thundersbirds and Australian Customlines
                                                                                                                   1540    Tyron Cummings         1979 Ford Escort                  E/GC                           -    148.67
      •    1958-64 Chev passenger cars.
      •    1955-56-57 Chev passenger cars                                                                          1541    Murdoch Gilbert        1995 Royal Enfield                500 APS-PBF           93.796       91.614
Expanding the range of brake choices, Hub mount kits are available to allow the use of floating discs on ST-       1550    Nigel Mountford        2007 Triumph Rocket 3             3000 M-BG                      -      143.1
004 and ST-005 like those available from VT model Commodores. Hubs are multi drilled to HQ-WB pattern or
                                                                                                                  91550    Nigel Mountford        2007 Triumph Rocket 3             3000 M-BF             -               Open
Commodore pattern.
                                 Phone:                  (03) 5472-3868                                            1551    David Wallace          2008 Suzuki                       1350 APS-F                     -    229.75
                                 Mobile:                 0428-122-206                                              1557    Michael Blackall       2018 BMW 1000 RR                  1000 MPS-G                     -    201.98
                                 Fax:                    (03) 5472-3194
                                 Email:                  sales@stubtech.com.au                                     1561    Colin Archibald        2007 Harley Davidson              1650 M-PF                  133.4    152.78
                                 Postal Mail:            PO Box 349, Castlemaine, VIC, 3450                        1566    Benjamin Versteegh     1957 Velocette                    500 MPS-PG            -            Open
PRE-ENTRIES (cont.)                                                                                               PRE-ENTRIES
  Entry #                  Name                          Vehicle                Class          PB      Record       Entry #                Name                               Vehicle               Class           PB    Record
    1171    Arthur DeMain         1988 Toyota                      E2/E                     89.873       89.873         12    Rob Carroll         1997 Falcon                           E/GALT                  159.22     167.63
    1179    Christopher Swift     1998 Harley Davidson             1350 M-PG                127.04       153.71        135    Phil Cvirn          1964 Harley Davidson                  1650 MPS-PF         158.42         158.42
    1180    Mike Drewer           1964 Volkswagen                  G/BFCC                   135.69       135.69        138    Kym deBrenni        1934 Ford Roadster                    G/BGMR              86.12         86.12
    1182    Marcus Thompson       1981 Honda                       500 M-G                  117.85       128.09        139    Trevor Clare        2003 Bullet SS Roadster               E/BGMS              107.55         198.46
    1183    Craig Jerico          1975 Mercedes 450 SEL            D/PRO                    125.17        214.3        150    Peter Vansittart    1953 Triumph                          650 A-VF                130.24     130.24
    1200    Dion Higgins          2013 Higgins                     3000 T-PBF           -                 Open         178    Ronnie Stayt        2002 ZX12R Kawasaki                   1350 MPS-BF         215.22         235.75
    1201    Andrew Begg           1978 Harley Davidson             1000 A-PG            -              143.937         194    Bob Bowman          1927 Ford Roadster                    D/GMR                   165.81     171.16
    1203    Rebecca Robinson      2011 Suzuki                      1000 MPS-G               166.28       201.98        201    Norm Hardinge       1934 Ford Roadster                    AA/GR               195.99        194.92
   91218    Jean-Paul Afflick     2020 Bidalot                     50 APS-F             -                 Open         207    Mathew Saunders     1939 Fiat Topolino                    E/GCC                   173.14     173.14
    1218    Jean-Paul Afflick     2021 Afflick                     100 APS-BF           116.24           121.15        212    Mark Dunn           2012 Special Construction             C/GL                          -    210.34
    1228    Tony Brearley         1970 Special Construction        500 A-CF                        -      Open         194    Trevor May          1927 Ford Roadster                    D/GMR               168.31         171.16
    1233    John Hansen           1978 Moto Guzzi                  1000 M-PBF                      -      Open         234    Malcolm Hewett      1950 Vincent                          1350 A-VG               185.35      166.9
    1232    Bede Norton           2012 Homemade Lakester           I/FL                 110.772*       119.35          241    Mick Hite           2015 Hite's Speed & Custom            1350 APS-PG             176.14     174.83
    1246    Darryn Weeks          1993 VP Commodore                C/FCC                176.64            172.4        249    Graham Cain         1995 VR Commodore                     D/GC                    172.58     178.65
    1265    Shannon Neyland       2013 Higgins                     3000 T-PF            -              Open            250    Norm Golgerth       1995 VR Commodore                     D/GC                164.31         178.65
    1268    Ray Crathern          2015 Special                     XO/BGS                                 Open         271    Leo Monahan         1995 VR Commodore                     D/GC                    166.39     178.65
    1271    Martin Hobson         1982 Triumph                     750 MPS-PG           131.43         128.06          252    Stephen Morgan      1984 Toyota                           D/MMP                   160.61     158.78
   91271    Martin Hobson         1982 Triumph                     750 MPS-PF           -              134.2           295    Norm Bradshaw       1998 AU Ford Falcon                   B/BFCC                        -    238.51
    1275    Peter Max             1994 Mercedes                    C/GT                 -              Open                                       1955 Vincent Supercharged Black
                                                                                                                       304    Stuart Penn         Lightning                             1000 APS-VBF            80.208     80.208
    1283    Paul Macleod          2014 Bones                       175 A-G              96.429            94.97
                                                                                                                       322    Greg White          1998 AU Ford Falcon                   B/BFCC                  230.18     238.51
    1291    Martin Powditch       2004 Suzuki                      650 APS-F            141.18           141.18
                                                                                                                       331    Adrian Reid         2005 Ford Ute                         C/BFALTU                      -      Open
    1294    Elliott Andrews       2018 Harley Davidson             2000 MPS-PF              161.03       161.03
                                                                                                                       371    Grant Schlein       2014 Air Tech                         1350 APS-F              229.75     229.75
    1314    Aaron Bradshaw        1998 AU Ford Falcon              B/BFCC                   238.51       238.51
                                                                                                                      9371    Grant Schlein       2017 Suzuki                           1000 P-P                185.68     201.99
    1319    Lee Dickens           2012 Homemade Lakester           I/FL                 97.4           119.35
                                                                                                                       379    Greg Watters        2003 Suzuki                           1650 APS-BF             179.57     179.57
    1334    Shane Crocker         1995 Special Construction        1000 APS-G           -                 195.1
                                                                                                                       389    Ben James           1972 Kawasaki 900                     1650 A-CG                     -      Open
    1335    Aaron Crocker         2004 Harley Davidson             1650 MPS-PG          -                144.91
                                                                                                                       444    David McLachlan     2019 Bones Speed                      650 A-G                       -      Open
    1342    Marc Houssenloge      2003 Harley Davidson Dyna        3000 APS-PF                     -     180.94
                                                                                                                       454    Jeff Lemon          2012 Kawasaki                         1650 MPS-F              210.77     210.77
    1356    Craig Houssenloge     2003 Harley Davidson             2000 APS-PG              154.67       154.62
                                                                                                                      9454    Jeff Lemon          2012 Kawasaki                         1650 M-G                    157    189.87
    1360    Simon Barclay         1998 AU Ford Falcon              B/BFCC               222.61         238.51
                                                                                                                       471    John Viles          1984 Toyota                           D/MMP                   159.08     158.78
    1365    Russell Lowe          2019 Lowe                        UNLIMITED APS-G                 -     142.22
                                                                                                                       476    Noel Heenan         1997 Ford Thunderbird NASCAR          C/TGEN4             -                Open
    1367    Kevin Magee           2014 Suzuki GSX 1300 R           1350 MPS-G           -                232.89
                                                                                                                       477    Victoria Heenan     1997 Ford Thunderbird NASCAR          C/TGEN4             -                Open
    1379    Bruce Cooper          1936 Hudson Terraplane           B/CBFALT             -                 Open
                                                                                                                       489    Jim Hanlon          2003 Suzuki                           1350 MPS-F                    -    216.49
    1380    Steven Tatt           1981 Honda CBX                   1350 M-CG                96.785       91.296
                                                                                                                       495    Kim Krebs           1997 Suzuki                           750 MPS-BF                    -    213.24
    1381    John Harvey           1936 Hudson Terraplane           B/CBFALT                        -      Open
                                                                                                                       519    Richard Assen       2017 Assen Special                    1350 APS-BF             202.08     212.48
    1382    Darren Banks          1936 Hudson Terraplane           B/CBFALT                        -      Open
                                                                                                                       522    Blake Clare         2003 Bullet SS Roadster               E/BGMS                  169.89     198.46
    1383    Tim Guiness           1978 Alfasud Sprint              H/PRO                124.19           125.23
                                                                                                                       549    Neil Davis          1934 Ford Roadster                    AA/FMR              -                Open
    1386    John Murray           1975 Bultaco                     350 APS-F                127.61       127.61
                                                                                                                       561    Jeffrey Jones       1981 Toyota Corolla                   E/BFCC                  176.45     199.26
    1388    Ben Felten            2019 Kawasaki ZX10RR             1000 MPS-G                      -     201.98
DLRA Merchandise                                                                                 PRE-ENTRIES (cont)
Speed Week T-shirts $35.00                                                                         Entry #                     Name                          Vehicle                Class           PB     Record
                                                                                                      601    Alan Lacey               1989 Ford Panel Van              B/GC                      176.18      176.18
                                                                                                      612    John Ladbrook Snr        2003 Suzuki GSXR                 500 MPS-BG           -              Open
                                                                                                      645    Terrance Coles           1987 Harley Davidson             1350 M-PG                    150      153.71
                                                                                                      671    Alan Blackwood           1999 Trumph                      1000 MPS-G                173.09      201.98
                                                                                                      686    Heidi Saunders           1939 Fiat Topolino               E/GCC                          0      173.14
                                                                                                      735    Paul Powditch            2008 Suzuki                      750 P-P                   176.69      176.69
                                                                                                      739    Stephen Finn             1974 Suzuki                      750 APS-G                 163.31      163.31
                                                                                                      763    Phillip Fairey           2004 Suzuki                      1350 MPS-BG          196.27           223.33
                                                                                                      747    Tom Rabold               F86 Bellytank                    F/FL                 -                 Open
                                                                                                      780    Michael Brixton          2004 FPV BA Ford Ute             C/BFCU                    210.53      210.53
                                                                                                     9780    Michael Brixton          2014 Lakester                    B/BFCU                          -      Open
                                                                                                      783    Ken Robinson             2008 Suzuki                      1350 APS-F                222.77      229.75
                                                                                                     9783    Ken Robinson             1989 Suzuki                      500 M-F              -                121.24
                                                                                                      784    Peter Code               2000 Kawasaki ZX12               1350 MPS-G               208.068*     232.89
                                                                                                      801    David Nicholson          1973 XA Ford Coupe               A/CPRO               199.46           199.46
                                                                                                      816    Josh Schuit              1981 BMW                         1000 MPS-PG                154.4       154.4
                                                                                                     9816    Josh Schuit              1981 BMW                         1000 M-PG            140.71         145.26
                                                                                                      874    David Merritt            1978 Yamaha                      500 M-G                      104      128.09
                                                                                                      880    Mark Clifford            Special Construction             UNLIMITED A-PF                  -      Open
                                                                                                      885    Neil McLaughlan          2008 Suzuki                      650 MPS-F                       -     161.95
                                                                                                      889    Steven Kell              2003 Suzuki                      750 A-G              -              122.45
Plus, we have a wide range of DLRA merchandise                                                        913    Peter Curran             1988 Honda                       250 M-F              -                79.731
                                                                                                      936    Scott Noonan             2018 Custom                      250 APS-G                       -     121.69
 Speed Week Singlets                $25.00   DLRA Licence Plate – logo only            $25.00         965    Skip Telford             1966 VW                          G/BGCC                          -     122.44
 Speed Week Sticker                  $5.00   DLRA Licence Plate with Member #          $30.00
                                                                                                      974    Bob Burgess              2012 Homemade Lakester           I/FL                      120.45      119.35
 Speed Week Metal Sign – one side   $45.00   DLRA Speed Wheel                          $15.00
 Speed Week Stubby Holders          $10.00   DLRA Club Patch                           $20.00         978    Paul Wilkins             1955 Jawa                        175 M-VG             -                63.649
 Speed Week Hat Pin                 $10.00   DLRA Stickers (Large, Medium, Small)     $5, 3, 2        983    Kevin Geoffrey           1998 AU Ford Falcon              B/BFCC                          -     238.51
 DLRA Rule Book                     $15.00   DLRA White Cap                            $20.00
                                                                                                      996    Mat Lagoon               1934 Ford Roadster               AA/GMR               -              Open
 DLRA T Shirts- long sleeve         $40.00   DLRA Wide Brimmed Hat                     $20.00
 DLRA Polo Shirts                   $50.00   DLRA Bucket Hat                           $20.00        1016    John Kirchner            1999 Honda                       1350 MPS-G           169.42           232.89
 DLRA Fleecy Zipper Jackets         $65.00   DLRA Duffle Bags                          $65.00        1034    Tom Noack                1993 Holden VP Commodore         C/GCC                209.24           204.23
 DLRA Fleecy Hoodies                $65.00   Heritage T Shirts                         $35.00        1049    Greg Telford             2015 Special                     XO/BGL                          -      Open
 DLRA Windcheaters                  $60.00   Previous Speed Week T Shirts           $30-10.00
                                                                                                     1080    Mick Adi                 2017 Suzuki                      1000 P-P                  201.99      201.99
 DLRA T-Shirts (White or Black)     $35.00   Previous Speed Week Stickers               $5.00
 DLRA Square Metal Sign             $45.00   Previous Speed Week Metal Signs           $45.00       91080    Mick Adi                 2014 Air Tech                    1350 APS-G                      -     223.42
 DLRA Stubby Holder                 $10.00   Previous Speed Week Stickers               $2.00        1112    Michael Vella            2009 Suzuki                      1350 P-P             -              209.84
 DLRA Key Rings (Gift Boxed)        $10.00   Cool Wraps                                $10.00
                                                                                                     1117    Rod Bryson               Bones Speed 2019                 650 A-F              -                 Open
 DLRA Bottle openers                 $5.00   Tarps from                                $10.00
 DLRA Hat Pin                       $10.00   Timing Plaques                            $30.00        1128    Scott Lewis              1975 Mercedes 450 SEL            D/PRO                     126.54       214.3
                                                                                                     1134    Ian Bailey               1988 Honda                       250 M-G                         -     121.15
                All available from the Merchandise Truck (in the pits)
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