St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church

Page created by Darlene Baker
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church
6481 Faussett Road        Founded 1843
Howell, Michigan 48855   (517) 546-9807
Sunday June 13, 2021

                          Cover Art
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Date                            Time                         Intention                                            Req'ed by
  Saturday, June 12, 2021                   5:00                    Joe & Sylvia Wirkner                                 Gib & Joan Wirkner
  Sunday, June 13, 2021                      8:00                          Mary McCloskey                                 The Plewka Family
  Sunday, June 13, 2021                     10:30                      Jim & Jean Leithauser                              Leithauser Family
                                                                 No Mass Monday & Tuesday
Wednesday, June 16, 2021                                                         No Mass
 Thursday, June 17, 2021                     8:30                  For the good of the parish
   Friday, June 18, 2021                     8:30                For the people of the parish
  Saturday, June 19, 2021                    5:00                           Raymond Deeds                                   Yvonne Deeds
  Sunday, June 20, 2021                      8:00                                 Flo Aniol                              Mike & Karen Kiker
  Sunday, June 20, 2021                     10:30               Dorothy L Boutell (30th Anniv)                         Darlene Dail Alexander

                            June 19 - June 20                                          Server                            Lector

                                                                              Carolyn Martens                      Karen Schauwecker
                           Saturday 5:00 PM                                   Daniel Martens                      Tony Smith (sub req.)
                                                                               Gavin Kruzel
                                                                              NOT FILLED                           Tom Rey (sub req.)
                            Sunday 8:00 AM                                    Kristine Golsch                        Lori Johnson
                                                                               Jacob Nester
                                                                              Blake Myers                              Bill Barz
                            Sunday 10:30 AM                                  Clayton Myers                           Devin Schaefer
                                                                            Emilia Southerland

                                   Parish Directory                                        WEEKLY READINGS AND OBSERVANCES
Fr Gregg A Pleiness ...................................................Pastor              Readings for the week of June 13, 2021
Parish House.................................................... 810-750-0354              Sunday:         Ez 17:22-24/ 2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34
  8011 Faussett Rd, Fenton, MI 48430                                                       Monday:         2 Cor 6:1-10/ Mt 5:38-42
Parish Office ................................................... 517-546-9807             Tuesday:        2 Cor 8:1-9/ Mt 5:43-48             Wednesday:      2 Cor 9:6-11/ Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Deacon Bill Sirl .............................................. 810-750-2669               Thursday:       2 Cor 11:1-11/ Mt 6:7-15
Deacon Jeff Southerland ............................... 810-730-9444                       Friday:         2 Cor 11:18, 21-30/ Mt 6:19-23
   ............................................................         Saturday:       2 Cor 12:1-10/ Mt 6:24-34
Family Faith Formation                                                                     Next Sunday:    Jb 38:1, 8-11/ 2 Cor 5:14-17/Mk 4:35-41
Shannon Scherba                               Observances for the week of June 13, 2021
  Pastoral Associate........................................ 810-588-7665                  Sunday:         11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Tim Asher.................................                       Monday:         Flag Day
  Coordinator of Youth Ministries                                                          Tuesday:
Robert Kehn .................................................... 517-546-9807              Wednesday:
  Bookkeeper...............                               Thursday:
Carole May                                                                                 Friday:
  Bulletin Editor                          Saturday:       St. Romuald, Abbot; BVM
Christinna Masters RN, MSN, FP-C ................ 517-545-4902                             Next Sunday:    12th Sunday in Ordinary Time; World
  Parish Health Ministry                                                                                   Refugee Day; Father’s Day         ©LPi
St. Vincent de Paul .......................................... 810-220-9741
Martha Ministry.....................................................................
   ............................                                        Our Parish Support
                                                                                           Adult Envelopes (87) ........................ $4421.00
Confession: Saturday 4:00 pm
   and Upon Request                                                                        Electronic Giving (32) ...................... $1745.00
Baptism: Call Parish House
Anointing of the Sick: As Requested
                                                                                           Loose Collection ................................. $224.00
Marriage: Call Parish House For                                                            Total .................................................. $6390.00
   Preparation Before Setting a Firm Date
AA meets Sundays 7:00 pm
                                                                                           St. Vincent de Paul (4) ........................ $110.00
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B
                                                                                   Sunday, June 13, 2021
                                                                                        Mark 4:26–34
                                                                           The reign of God is like a mustard seed.
                                                                         After Lent, the Easter season, and three Sundays of
                                                               feast days—Pentecost, Most Holy Trinity, and Most Holy
                                                               Body and Blood of Christ—the Church returns to Ordinary
                                                               Time. This Sunday’s Gospel from Mark carries a significant
                                                               message regarding faith and the Kingdom of God.
                                                                         In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus appears reluctant to reveal
                                                               his identity as the Son of God. After performing miracles of
                                                               healing, he warns those cured to tell no one (see Mark 1:44,
                                                               3:12, 5:43, 7:36, and 8:26). Also, when preaching, Jesus
                                                               chooses to speak to the crowds in parables, leaving them to
                                                               discern his message. Only to his disciples does he explain
                                                               the parable’s meaning, and he does this in private
                                                               at a later time.

                   Next Membership Meeting                                           ST. VINCENT de PAUL
                   Wednesday, July 14, 7pm
                June Knight of the Month: Mike Terry
                     June Family of the Month:                                In the Gospel, Jesus says: "This is
                      Paul & Amy Gilman                                    how it is with the reign of God. A man
    If you want to find new ways to help this parish and our
              community, please consider joining               scatters seed on the ground. He goes to bed and
                    the Knights of Columbus.                   gets up day after day. Through it all the seed
            For information on becoming a Knight               sprouts and grows without knowing how it
                   please contact Larry Quinn                  happens." Through your generous giving you are
                      Membership Director
                            sowing seeds that grow far greater than you know.
                        C:. (989) 859 5997                     The money you give to our St. Vincent de Paul
                       H:. (517) 518 8973                      Conference brings Christ' love and compassion to
                       Check us out online:
                                                               the poor in our community. Thank You!
                           Our next meeting is Thursday June 17 at 7 PM.
       Twitter: @KofC13450         Instagram: KofC13450

                MEN’S FELLOWSHIP
Please consider joining the men of St. Augustine
Saturday mornings from 7:30-9:00am in the youth room.

Please call Deacon Jeff at (810) 730-9444
for more information.
                                                                   Monday June 14
                                                                         7:00pm             I Heard God Laugh
                                                                                            Book Study
                    FIRST FRIDAY EUCHARISTIC
                           ADORATION                               Wednesday June 16
                                July 2, 2021                            6:30pm       Parish Rosary
                            Here at St. Augustine!
                                                                   Thursday June 17
                     Exposition will be at 9:00 am.                      7:00pm             Metanoia
                          Live worship music                             7:00pm             SVdP
                        during the 6:00 pm hour
                      Benediction and Reposition                   Saturday June 12
                  will be at 7:00 pm                                      7:30am            Men’s Fellowship
Please sign up in the white binder as we will need
each hour covered from 9 am to 7:00 pm. Even if you                     Make a friend,
don’t sign up, ALL are welcome and encouraged to                         Be a friend,
come for any portion of an hour.
                                                                   Bring a friend to Church.
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
               Aaron Denison E1 USA
             Carolyn Kehn, 1LT, USA
             Adrian Roedel SrA USAF                               46 Years Ronald & Lorraine Dodds Jun 14
            Mark Lepczyk CPT USAF                                  54 Years William & Patricia Sirl Jun 17
         Nicklas Ramljak, CPL USMC                               32 Years Dwayne & Kimberly Cutler Jun 17
   Joshua Scheib, MM(SW/AW), USN                                    5 Years Mark & Melissa Freel Jun 18
  Benjamin Kehn BM1 (SW/AW), USN
       Jonathan Horwath, CTR1, USN
           Terry McGowan, SGT USA                             13 Ralph Bidwell
            Brian Murphy, CS1 USCG                            14 Jack Detlefs , Gloria Fleeman, Joseph Plewka
             Mitchell Adams SN USN                            15 Patricia Adams, James May, Thomas Rodgers
            Thomas Barz, A1C, USAF                            16 William Figley
         Nikolas Masters, PFC USMC                            17 William Gillman
           Please call or email the office if there are any   18 Kimberly Helm, Jeannie Kruttlin
           additions or corrections for our service members
                                                              19 Patrick Haran, Ariella Dickerson
                                        PRAY FOR OUR SICK:
       Brian Carless, Cathy Diamond, Jacob Hutton, Kelsi Spurlin, Stephanie Taylor, Dolores
       Tuccini, Dolores Dunk, Gregory Salinas, LuAnn Burgett, Lareina DePalma, Barbara
       Clinsmith, Karen Schroeder, Wendy Spurlin, Jason Raines, Nick Hiers, Jared Campbell,
       Richard Elsarelli, Gloria Bourdon, Carol Tykocki, Kim Narhi, Carolyn Purchase
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Family Faith Formation

    The Sisterhood of Catholic Women
      and the Knights of Columbus
Congratulate our 2021 Scholarship Winners
                Gabriel Hay
               Audrey Narhi
               Sophia Narhi
   Good luck to all the 2021 graduates!          VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
                                                    June 21 –25, 2021
                                            Monday—Friday 9:30 am—12:30 pm
                                            Ages 4—Grade 5 are encouraged to
                                             come explore the Bible with games,
                                            crafts, adventures, music and snacks!
                                              Middle School, High School and Adult
                                                        helpers needed.
                                                 Email or
                                            Sign up here:

                                            Sharing the Gospel
                                            Think of how much you have grown since you were born. To
                                            see you now, it is hard to imagine you ever wore baby clothes.
                                            God's kingdom started out small, and it keeps growing, too.
                                            God's kingdom needs people like you to love Jesus and to learn
                                            from him. Let God's word sink into your life. As you grow
                                            closer to Jesus, God's kingdom will grow.
                                            Jesus, help me learn from you and love you, so that God's
                                            kingdom will grow.
                                            Something to Draw
                                            Draw a picture of yourself reading your favorite Bible story
                                            about Jesus.
                                            Mission for the Week
                                            Memorize John 3:16 this week. Let God's love sink into your
                                            heart. Treasure what you learn from Jesus.            ©LPi
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Much Obliged
                              "Let us implore the grace to
                                     hunger for God,
                               with an insatiable desire to
                                  receive what he has
                                    prepared for us."
                                      -Pope Francis

          Recently I received an angry phone call from
someone who wanted me to tell all the bishops to
reinstate the obligation for Sunday Mass immediately.
Less than three hours later, I received an equally angry
email demanding I advocate forcefully for the complete
opposite. Beyond the immediate chuckle I had thinking
about how I can barely get my four children to do
anything, let alone convince the apostles’ successors to
issue decrees, I began to reflect on both requests and
the idea of obligation. In my ministry, I often try to help
leaders articulate clearly that which we might imply or
expect. Likewise, I have witnessed firsthand the
significant difference in terms of transformation for
individuals or communities who choose a path versus
those who have one forced upon them. As all of these
thoughts distracted me during Mass this Sunday, I was
called to attention by our parochial vicar posing the
questions, "What does this obligation of Sunday
Eucharist do to me and what difference has the
absence of the obligation had on me?"
          I couldn’t help but think about how often I hear
others and the voices in my own head lament
"obligations." Many of these obligations are usually
much less explicit and much less important than our call
to worship the Lord. "I couldn’t say no to that request" or
"I had to go to that baby shower" or "He will be so mad
if I don’t do this or that." So often, I treat the idea of
obligation as a burden or a bludgeon rather than
something for which I am obliged, aka grateful. It is true
that our obligation to participate in Sunday Eucharist is
one of the most clearly articulated commands from the
Lord (both Old Testament and New Testament). "Do
this in memory of me." It’s likewise just as true, that
Jesus instituted the Eucharist with a choice, "Take this,
all of you." Even in His command, the Lord, in His divine
love, always engages our freedom. As I prepared to
receive Holy Communion, my reflection came back to
one key question. Whether it be as a husband, father,
son, CEO, or disciple, am I living a life of obligation or
am I living a life that is much obliged? Am I fulfilling my
obligations in freedom and with intentionality? Am I
grateful and open to how they can transform me? As we
come from this solemnity of the Most Holy Body and
Blood of Christ, let’s give thanks for the obligation to
worship. Let’s remember that when we come to
worship, we are not only coming to remember, but
actually coming to experience, in every Mass, the
ultimate obligation fulfilled by Jesus’ in His sacrifice for
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Anthony Can Find Anything —
                                                                                 Even You

                                                                            “Tony, Tony, come around!
                                                                       Something is lost and it must be found.”
                                                                       Did you learn this one when you were a kid? In
                                                              my experience there are even a lot of lapsed Catholics
                                                              — or people who were never Catholic at all — who
                                                              know that when you lose something, St. Anthony
                                                              becomes your best friend. Missing keys? Pray to St.
                                                              Anthony. Can’t find your favorite sweater? St. Anthony.
                                                              Forget where you parked your car in the mall lot?
                                                              St. Anth— okay, you get the idea. Whatever it is, large
                                                              or small, important or trivial, Tony has a reputation for
                                                              finding the lost things.
                                                                       It’s a devotion that can seem a little like
                                                              superstition — witchcraft, even? — if you don’t really
                                                              understand it. Mumble an incantation to a dead guy
                                                              and you’re guaranteed to find your sunglasses. But as
                                                              with most traditions that are old, beloved and effective,
                                                              looking a little closer reveals the truth of the matter.
                                                                       When we lose something really important, what
                                                              do we do? We make the whole household stop what
                                                              they’re doing to join the search. Having St. Anthony as
                                                              a friend means you ask him to stop what he’s doing to
                                                              help, too. And how he helps is by taking the matter
                                                              exactly where all matters need to go — straight to the
                                                              feet of Christ.
                                                                       Here’s the real genius of St Anthony: he takes
                                                              the most mundane, commonplace occurrence —
                                                              misplacing socks — into an encounter with the divine
                                                              and truly all things great and small are gifts from God.
“GOD’S LOVE HAS BEEN POURED INTO OUR HEARTS THROUGH THE       He grabs our hand and points to the cross. “That’s
                                                              what you’re looking for,” he tells us.

  The FIRST Annual Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference
                                                                       In the end, Tony doesn’t really find the lost
        Women from five Diocese – Detroit, Grand              things. He finds the lost people.
Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, and Saginaw – come together
to focus on their faith and experience the fellowship of               — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS                        ©LPi

sisterhood in Christ Jesus. Throughout the day, women
will be encouraged and inspired to focus and grow their        New to the Parish? Change of Address?
faith by hearing from Catholic speakers, engaging in praise
                                                               Name: ...........................................................
and worship music, and celebrating holy Mass
                                                               Phone: ..........................................................
with our bishops. The conference will be held at the
                                                               Drop in collection basket and we’ll call you.
Lansing Center in Lansing, MI on October 16, 2021.
           Registration to open SOON!
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
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