Standardization Roadmap for Automated Driving - Edition 2019 - VDA

Page created by Carlos Stewart
Standardization Roadmap for Automated Driving - Edition 2019 - VDA
Standardization Roadmap
for Automated Driving
Edition 2019
Standardization Roadmap
for Automated Driving
Edition 2019
4   Content                                                                                                                                             Content       5


06                   08                    10                         14                         16                        18
Foreword             Introduction          Standardization in the     Funded Research Projects   Landscape of Bodies and   Topics of this Map
                                           Context of Automated and   and Standardization        Committees
                                           Connected Driving                                                               ·· Terminology

                                                                                                                           ·· Management / engineering standards

                                                                                                                           ·· Driver assistance / driving functions

                                                                                                                           ·· Testing

                                                                                                                           ·· Systems, networks, data and their
                                                                                                                              interface definition

                                                                                                                           ·· HMI (Human Machine Interaction)

46                   48
Management Summary   Standards Directory
6   Foreword                                                                                                                               Foreword   7


               People are currently changing their mobility behavior more        Standards are a strategic tool of the industry. With
               rapidly than ever before. Both customers and society expect       its external DIN standards committee for automotive
               solutions for environmentally friendly, sustainable and safe      engineering, the VDA assumes its role for the auto-
               mobility. It is our mission to meet these expectations. The       motive industry at the national and international level
               change in mobility is shaped by the automotive industry.          to create a normative framework. This standardization
               Our industry has initiated a transformation process that          roadmap sets the strategic guidelines for automated
               is fundamentally changing products, technologies and              driving in the process of setting standards, which
               services. We will reinvent the car and mobility. Two areas        were drawn up jointly with the member companies, and
               of innovation will be of outstanding importance: electro          thus provides an overview of the standardization
               mobility and alternative drives on the one hand, digitalization   activities already underway.
               and automated driving on the other. A simple look at the
               worldwide patent applications for automated and connected
               driving shows how successful we are: around half of the
               patents in this field are filed by German companies.
               Consequently, the German automotive industry occupies             Bernhard Mattes, President
               the first place internationally.                                  German Association of the Automotive Industry e. V.
8     Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                          Introduction      9

Introduction                                                        VDA and Standards
                                                                    Committee Automotive
                                                                    With this strategy paper, the VDA is
                                                                    representing the automotive industry and
                                                                    the Automotive Standards Committee,
                                                                    a joint institution of DIN and VDA, offer
                                                                    a platform for the formation and further
                                                                    development of a collective strategy in the
                                                                    field of standards and standardization.

                                                                                                                  Methodology of this roadmap                                          Implementation Aspects
                                                                                                                  The starting point of this initiative was a workshop where various   39 recommendations for action were for-
                                                                                                                  national standards bodies presented their individual projects        mulated in this roadmap, that are to be
                                                                                                                  and respective committees. The result of this workshop was           addressed and pursued. This roadmap
                                                                                                                  the decision to draw up a standardization roadmap. In addition,      marks the starting point of a strategy
                                                                                                                  coordination was deemed necessary due to the complexity and          that is intended to be further developed
                                                                                                                  the integration of different domains.                                as needed in order to do justice to the
                                                                                                                                                                                       dynamics of the topic.
                                                                                                                  The following editorial teams created discussion rounds and
                                                                                                                  provided the input for this roadmap:

Aims of this Roadmap                                                                                              ·· Terms (Terminology / Definitions)

The aim of this standardization roadmap is to develop a cross-                                                    ·· Requirements for sensors and actuators
body and cross-domain strategy for standards and standardiza-
tion of products and infrastructure concerning the automated                                                      ·· Human-machine interface and interaction
driving of vehicles on public roads. Furthermore, this roadmap
provides an overview of the existing standardization bodies and                                                   ·· Data communication and data formats
projects that affect automated and connected driving.
                                                                                                                  ·· Driver assistance systems / Driving functions
Automation and connectivity cause an increase in product
complexity as well as in interoperability and infrastructure                                                      ·· Simulation model requirements
requirements. The automotive industry incorporates unified
norms and standards to reduce the costs and improve the                                                           ·· Management and development process requirements
robustness of products and services. In standards and publicly
accessible standardization, it is important to utilize the poten-                                                 Subsequently, a core editorial team was created to further refine
tial of standardization accordingly at the precompetitive stage.                                                  the document.
In the automotive industry internationally oriented standard-
ization is a given, while consortium standardization is gaining                                                   Chapters 1 to 5 are aimed at technical, political and strategic
new significance. This roadmap serves as a starting point for a                                                   decision-makers; chapter 6 contains details for experts regarding
new assessment of and approach to standards and standard-                                                         which projects are being worked on in which committees and
ization in order to operate in a more active and needs-orient-                                                    should be discussed in the future. The final chapter contains a
ed manner in the future.                                                                                          management summary that summarizes the essential statements.
10    Standards in the Context of Automated and Connected Driving                                                                                        Standards in the Context of Automated and Connected Driving   11

Standards in the Context of                                                                                                                 Standards promote
Automated and Connected                                                                                                                     and accelerate customer
Driving                                                                                                                                     acceptance.

Automated and connected driving supports the goal of further reducing the number
of accidents, increasing road safety and reducing environmental pollution. In an ageing
society, it also serves to maintain mobility and reduce the macroeconomic costs of
transport. This requires the development of highly automated driving functions. It also
enables the implementation of new mobility services such as “car-on-demand”, “robot
taxi” and public shuttles, as well as more efficient use of space in urban areas.

Standards are industry-driven and offer the industry an ideal         Affected and interested experts can be involved in the pro-
tool to independently publish the current state of the art in auto-   cess of setting standards. The interests of all participants are
motive technology through a recognized, open and transparent          balanced by the recognized and transparent process. At the
procedure supported by the VDA and DIN Automotive Stan-               same time, however, this advantage of standardization means an
dards Committee.                                                      obligation for all participants to adhere to the specified process.

In a complex and innovative field, the use of management and          Due to the range of different topics, the landscape of standards
engineering standards is an efficient way to define horizontal        bodies is diverse, making the creation of an overview challeng-
requirements for processes and at the same time remain open           ing and always in flux. New, agile approaches to the coordina-
to new technologies.                                                  tion of standards activities are urgently needed in order to make
                                                                      efficient use of existing resources within the industry.

                                                                                                                                            The standardization process
In the future, the importance of publishing the state of the art
in a timely manner, virtually accompanying development, will          In addition to classical standards, consortium standardization is
increase. ISO offers two possibilities to publish documents at        particularly important in the field of automated and connected
the level below an “International Standard” (IS), as a “Public        driving. This landscape of standards bodies, and thus the focus,

                                                                                                                                            is worldwide accepted and
Available Specification” (PAS) or as a “Technical Specification”      are subject to constant change.
(TS). These guidelines allow content to be published, which can
then be further developed into an IS.

The “Technical Report” (TR) offers the opportunity to keep a
record of recommendations for future developments and to pub-
lish first experiences with new technologies.
12   Standards in the Context of Automated and Connected Driving                                                Standards in the Context of Automated and Connected Driving   13

                                                                   Recommendations for action

                                                                   01                               03                                   05
                                                                   Standards are an indus-          ISO is the preferred platform        The further need-based
                                                                   try-driven tool that allows      for global, precedent-setting        development of standards,
                                                                   the industry and all interest-   standards. For particular            standardization and regu-
                                                                   ed parties to independently      technical content, consor-           lation as tools for the auto-
                                                                   design technical specifica-      tium standardization can be          motive industry should be
                                                                   tions. Standards can only        a suitable instrument.               coordinated by the VDA.
                                                                   be successful, if potential

                                                                   is analyzed early on and
                                                                   translated into action across
                                                                   bodies. It is essential to de-
                                                                   sign a normative framework       Activities concerning stan-
                                                                   in a pro-active international    dards and standardization

Industrial nations such                                            manner, enabling new tech-
                                                                   nologies and creating a uni-
                                                                                                    require central coordination
                                                                                                    within the VDA. Require-

as China and Japan use
                                                                   form understanding within        ments and capacities of
                                                                   the industry.                    coordination are:

standardization strategically                                      02
                                                                                                    · Creation of an overview of
                                                                                                      tools for standards and
                                                                                                      standardization as well as

as an instrument, shaping                                          All available instruments
                                                                   for setting standards
                                                                                                      active refinement of com-
                                                                                                      mittees and consortia.

the state of the art by
                                                                   should be used (IS, PAS,
                                                                   TR and TS). The use of           · Development of central
                                                                   standards that define              strategies; the implemen-

standardizing technical                                            methods or requirements
                                                                   for development and
                                                                   management processes
                                                                                                      tation of individual stan-
                                                                                                      dardization projects
                                                                                                      obviously remains indus-

solutions. The German                                              should be intensified.
                                                                   Standards that are open to

automotive industry partly
                                                                   various technologies are         · Fast consensus building
                                                                   powerful tools that have           within the automotive
                                                                   proven their worth.                industry, wherever it does

neglect standardization.                                                                              not contradict the idea of
14   Funded Research Projects and Standards                                                                                                            Funded Research Projects and Standards   15

Funded Research Projects and

                                        Due to its social and economic importance, automated driving meets strong political
                                        support. This is reflected, among other things, by the formation of a strategy for auto-
                                        mated and connected driving at the political level. This support will still be continued
                                        in the 20th legislative period. In addition to enabling automated driving in the context
                                        of road traffic law, the support is also visible in the initiation and funding of research
                                        projects. These projects are carried out at both the German and European levels, for
                                        example as part of the framework programs “Horizon 2020” and “GEAR 2030”. The
                                        results of this research must be examined to determine the extent to which meaningful
                                        standardizations can be derived from them.

                                        The German automotive industry plays a significant role in shaping the future of auton-
                                        omous and connected driving. In doing so, it is setting current and future standards by
                                        developing attractive vehicle functions and innovative products. Funded projects see
                                        the need for standardization in many areas of the automation of driving functions and
                                        the subsequent step to autonomous (driverless) driving.

                                        The VDA supports these objectives to provide a basis for effective standards work
                                        through funding projects via the VDA flagship initiative.

                                        Recommendations for action

                                        Due to the increased importance of standardization in
                                        funded research projects, the DIN Automotive Standards
                                        Committee should be involved. The aim is to ensure that                                      Funded projects should
                                                                                                                                     support a systemic approach
                                        the results of the funded project are used sustainably in
                                        standards, and that synergies are exploited. The pre-
                                        paration of concrete standards drafts as partial project
                                        results accelerates the process and ensures the use
                                        of the project results.                                                                      to standardization.
16       Landscape of Bodies and committes                                                                                                                                                                    Landscape of Bodies and committes   17

Landscape of Bodies
and committes
The landscape of bodies working on automated and con-                                        ISO has a large number of committees and working groups that
nected driving is constantly growing in contrast to the area                                 include automated and connected driving projects. ISO TC22
of standards, which is rather focused on limited topics. The                                 “Road Vehicles” and ISO TC204 “Intelligent transport systems”
cross-body commitment of the participating partners and the                                  form the core of the activities in the respective focus areas of
participation of the consortium standardization organizations                                both TCs. It is urgently necessary that close cooperation in a
are unavoidable and are already the case for the automotive                                  spirit of partnership is practiced, because of the many interfac-
industry. This roadmap pursues a cross-domain approach.                                      es, and that an active exchange is established. In recent years,
                                                                                             there have been frequent talks and agreements have been made
                                                                                             to support this cooperation.

     Landscape of Bodies and committees

                                               Automotive                                      Electronic                                        Information
                                        Engineering Standardization                    Engineering Standardization                        Technology Standardization

                                       Decision making                                              Decision making                Semi-consortial        International Consortia
                                                             Consultation            Consultation                                                       (Excerpt of relevant consortia)

                                              ISO                                                         IEC                             ITU                      3GPP
                                         (International                                              (International                  (International           (3rd Generation
                                        Organization for                                            Electrotechnical                 Telecommuni-               Parntership
                                        Standardisation)                                             Commission)                     cation Union)                Project)
                                                                      Manufacturers‘                  CENELEC                            ETSI
                                             CEN                       Association)                     (Comité                     (European Tele-                5GAA
                                           (Comité                                                   Européen de                    communications             (5G Automotive
                                         Européen de                       Clepa                     Normalisation                    Standards                  Association)
      Regional European
                                        Normalisation)                   (European                    Electrotech                      Institute)
                                                                        Association                      nique)
                                                                       of Automotive                                                                               ASAM

                                                                                                                                                                 (Near Field
                                                                            Bitkom                                                                                Commu-
                                                 DIN                                                      DIN                                                     nication)

                                                                                                                                                                                          The toolbox for standards
                                             (Deutsches                                               (Deutsches
                                              Institut für                   VDA                       Institut für                                                 IEEE
                                              Normung)                                                 Normung)                                                 (Institute of
                                                                             VDE                                                                                  Electrical

                                                                                                                                                                                          and standardization is being
                                                                                                                                                               and Electronics
                                                                             VDI                                                                                 Engineers)
           National                                                                                        DKE
        Standardization                                                                                (Deutsche
                                                                            VDMA                                                                                 Car 2 Car
                                                                                                                                                                 (Car 2 Car

                                                                                                                                                                                          sorted to facilitate the use
                                            NAAutomobil                                              Elektrotechnik)
                                                                             ZVEI                                                                               Consortium)

                                              None-consortially organized! (weighted votes or one vote/member)                               Voting right           Commenting right

                                                                                                                                                                                          of the “right” tool.
     SDOs (Standardization Organizations)           NGOs/Liaison        Consortial         Semi-consortial            Independent Publication of (de-facto) standards

                                                                                                                                                                         Source: VDA
18   Topics of this Map                         Topics of this Map   19

Topics of this Map
Management / Engineering Standards
Driver assistance / Driving functions
Networks, data and their interface definition
HMI (Human Machine Interaction)
20   Terminology                                                                                                                                                                                Terminology   21


                                                                                                                 Recommendations for action

                                                                                                                 01                              02                             03
                                                                                                                 There are numerous and          Terms should be adopted        The SAE J3016 “Taxonomy
                                                                                                                 redundant definitions           from other standardization     and Definitions for
                                                                                                                 of terms, so no new             bodies or consortium           Terms Related to Driving
                                                                                                                 competing definitions           standardization. The           Automation Systems for
                                                                                                                 should be introduced.           following principle should     On- Road Motor Vehicles”
                                                                                                                 Cross-domain                    be adhered to: “Terms          is a central document for
                                                                                                                 harmonization should be         should be kept by there        the definition of the various
                                                                                                                 pursued.                        origin. Do not introduce       levels of automation.
                   Description                                                                                                                   new competing definitions!”

                   In the context of standardization, terminology includes the determination and defini-
                   tion of a given term. The associated requirement to use a uniform scope of terms is all                                                                         accompaniment and review

                                                                                                                 04                              05
                   the more important when working together across domains. Furthermore, a uniform
                   language strengthens the acceptance of new technologies by the customer.
                                                                                                                                                                                   of the SAE’s newly planned
                                                                                                                                                                                   project to also create a
                   In standards, there are various approaches and levels regarding the scope at which
                   terminology is applied.
                                                                                                                                                                                   document including a
                                                                                                                 Global guidance should be       Investigation and definition of user-friendly definition.
                   1.	No determination within a document.                                                        given; there is an urgent       levels of artificial intelligence It should be examined to
                   2.	Terms are defined within a document and thus a uniform interpretation
                                                                                                                 need for coordination           in automobiles                    what extent this harmonizes
                      is ensured at least for the contents of the document.                                      between ISO and IEC.                                              with or contradicts the
                   3.	Uniform definitions are used within a committee or a document series.                                                                                        current approach of
                   4.	Uniform terms are set and defined within a standardization body.
                                                                                                                 Step 1 within ISO and IEC                                         “supportive”, “automated”
                                                                                                                                                                                   and “autonomous”.
                   ISO and IEC have each implemented the third level through an online database. Through
                   the OBP (Online Browsing Platform), ISO offers various search options, including defini-      Step 2 between ISO and IEC
                   tions or general keywords. At the IEC, the IEV (international electro technical vocabulary)
                   defines different classes of terms that can be searched for.

                   Moreover, further approaches and, above all, different definitions of terms exist at the
                                                                                                                 The aim would be
                   various consortium standardization organizations.                                             consolidation at the ISO OBP.
22   Terminology                                                                                                    Management / Engineering Standards   23

                          Management / Engineering

                          Management and engineering standards define framework conditions and process
                          requirements. Since new technologies are always highly relevant to competition, man-
                          agement and engineering standards offer the possibility to achieve a generic stan-
                          dardization independent of concrete and detailed technical solutions without the need
                          to disclose content relevant to competition. Such standards are already widespread in
                          many areas of application and becoming increasingly important.
                          In this section standardization projects are analyzed that specify framework conditions
                          for the introduction of automated driving functions. These framework conditions affect
                          requirements concerning vehicle development, vehicle operation and the necessary
                          infrastructure. The focus here is not on specific product requirements or technical
                          requirements for components and systems, but on management requirements aimed
                          at ensuring the framework conditions for the development and safe, reliable operation
                          of automated driving functions.


Standardized management   ·· Functional safety requirements for E / E systems and components ISO 26262-1 to -12
                             “Road Vehicles - Functional Safety”

and engineering process
                          ·· Requirements concerning the safety of the intended function ISO PAS 21448
                             “Road Vehicles - Safety of the Intended Functionality”

                          ·· Requirements concerning data security management ISO/SAE 21434

requirements ensure
                             “Road vehicles - cybersecurity engineering”

                          ·· Quality management requirements for the automotive industry IATF 16949
                             “Quality management system requirements for automotive production and relevant

technological openness.
                             service parts organizations”

                          ·· Project idea for software update requirements during vehicle operation
24   Management / Engineering Standards                                                                                                                                      Management / Engineering Standards   25

Recommendations for Action

01                                        02                               03                              04                             05                                 06
Requirements must be                      Management requirements          Requirements concerning         Requirements concerning        The recognition of vehicles         Standardized management
provided concerning                       must be defined to ensure        operators of highly             the operational management     in emergency situations             rules can support the coop-
infrastructure facilities (road           the interaction between          automated vehicle fleets        of automated vehicles and      such as operations                  eration of vehicle manufac-
markings, traffic signs,                  vehicle and infrastructure       are to be defined, including    vehicle fleets should be       by police, emergency                turers, testing organizations
etc.) that are necessary for              facilities for the entirety of   associated initial and          described normatively. This    physicians or firefighters          and authorities involved in
the introduction and safe                 its life cycle. The project      periodic inspections. The       affects the operation of       during the use of an                the approval of vehicles with
and reliable operation of                 describes interfaces             suitability and competence      vehicle fleets for passenger   automated driving function          automated driving functions.
automated driving functions.              and requirements for             of the operator, as             and freight transport          must be reliably guaranteed.        This ensures the certifica-
A distinction must be                     organizations providing          described by a standard,        including availability         Requirements on the                 tion of the parties involved
made based on the type of                 automated driving functions      should be confirmed by          management, parking,           operation and testing of            and the process flow on
infrastructure facility and               (OEM) and authorities            certification. Changes in       service, refueling, access     signaling devices of                the basis of corresponding
the associated requirements               providing the necessary          the business activity of the    authorization and fault        emergency vehicles and              standards.
depending on the type of                  infrastructure (road traffic     operator (e.g. Taxi versus      management. Requirements       on automated vehicles
driving function and the                  authorities, etc.).              delivery service) or the        are defined for the            with regard to optical/
systems required in the                                                    extension/alteration of the     management, the employees      acoustic recognition or the
vehicle (video camera, laser,                                              functionality of the operated   and the organization of the    introduction of additional
and radar).                                                                vehicles should be taken        company.                       identification possibilities via
                                                                           into account as well as                                        data transmission must be
                                                                           requirements concerning                                        described normatively.
                                                                           these change processes.
26   Management / Engineering Standards                                                                                                                                   Management / Engineering Standards   27

Recommendations for Action

07                                        08                             09                             10                              11                                12
High-precision maps                       Regulatory requirements        An important requirement       The introduction of auto-       The AI requirements for au-        The extension of IATF 16949
contain all the information               must be met for the approval   in emergency situations is     mated driving functions is      tomotive applications should       by the introduction of a
required for automated                    of automated driving func-     for the vehicle to follow a    intended to make traffic        be described normatively.          “Life Cycle Management” is
driving, including traffic                tions. In the future, these    defined specification in a     safer and to minimize human     A first step would be the          recommended.
signs and traffic guidance                regulatory requirements will   human-oriented manner.         “inadequacies” in the per-      definition of different AI
systems. The nature of                    be examined using several      Research on this topic has a   formance of driving tasks.      levels for vehicle application.
the information and the                   building blocks. An analysis   clear focus, which should be   Human performance and the

                                                                                                                                        13                                14
formats used in providing                 is recommended as to how       based on the specifications    acceptance of possible and
this map data, as well                    the future approval process    of the ethics committee. In    tolerable errors in society
as the algorithm and the                  can be supported by stan-      the medium term, it would      must serve as a compari-
requirements for timely                   dards.                         be necessary to analyze        son for the “performance of     Requirements for automated         Requirements concerning
dynamic adaptation of                                                    whether standards and          the vehicle”. The automated     driving in mixed operation         the use of automated vehi-
the maps in the event of a                                               legal requirements can         vehicle must be better but      with non-automated vehicles        cles across borders should
change of traffic signs are to                                           support vehicle developers.    cannot be “infallible”.         should be described norma-         be described normatively.
be standardized.                                                         In the shorter term, it        A socially recognized model     tively. In order to guarantee      The project should investi-
                                                                         would be necessary to          as the basis for comparabili-   optimal safety during mixed        gate the necessity of tech-
                                                                         clarify the procedure and      ty and a benchmark for “safe    operation, the project should      nical measures and develop
                                                                         testing requirements of        automated driving functions”    carry out investigations on        them if necessary.
                                                                         the handover routine in        could be described in a         mixed operation as well as
                                                                         case the vehicle is no         standard.                       define rules, test procedures
                                                                         longer able to perform                                         and standards.
                                                                         the driving task. This also
                                                                         includes specifications as
                                                                         to what the vehicle must do
                                                                         depending on the concrete
                                                                         situation if the driver does
                                                                         not assume the driving task
                                                                         in accordance with the
28    Driver Assistance / Driving Functions                                                                                                                                                                                                             Driver Assistance / Driving Functions               29

Driver Assistance /                                                                                                                 Ongoing and planned ISO projects:

Driving Functions                                                                                                                   TC


                                                                                                                                                                 2015         2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                 2019                2021             2023              2025   Description of function:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cooperative ACC system incl. V2V and V2I

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          19237                PDCMS                                                                             Pedestrian protection

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          22078                         BDCMS                                                                    Bicyclist protection

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          15622                                     ACC-rev                                                      ACC systems with external input of speed

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          19638                RBDPS                                                                             Road Boundary Departure Prevention System

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          21717                PADS                                                                              Partially automated in-lane driving system

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          21202                          PALS                                                                    Partially Automated Lane Change System

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          22737                             LSAD                                                                 L4 driving at low speeds

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          23375                                  CELM                                                            Collision evasive lateral manoeuvre system

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          20901                     EEBL                                                                         Emergency electronic brake light system
                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          23376                                  VVICW                                                           V2V intersection collision warning system

This chapter deals with driving functions and driver assistance   The growing importance of assisted and automated driving          TC204/WG14          22377                                                     FSV2V*                                       Functional safety for V2V cooperative functions
systems. A distinction must be made between comfort-oriented      for the automotive industry has led to an increasing number of
                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          Open                                                Truck-Platooning*                                  Controlstrategy for truck platooning
functions and functions that increase safety. Driver assistance   projects that carry out standardization without systems already
systems may well serve both objectives. The usual standards       being available on the market. Adequate requirements must be      TC204/WG14         23792-1                                           MCS-1                                                 Motorway chauffeur – general specification
procedure in the past 20 years was to specify standards for       defined for these projects.
                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14         23792-2                                           MCS-2                                                 Motorway chauffeur without lane-change (L3)
these functions after assistance systems were introduced on the
market, placing minimal requirements on the system.                                                                                 TC204/WG14         23792-3                                                    MCS-3*                                       Motorway chauffeur with lane-change (L3)

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14         23792-4                                                    MCS-4*                                       Motorway chauffeur including merging (L3)

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14         23792-5                                                    MCS-5*                                       Motorway chauffeur including routing (L3 or L4)

     New WG14 Project Ideas:                                                                                                        TC204/WG14          Open                                                                  Highway pilot*                   Highly automated driving on highways (L4)

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          Open                                                                              Robot-Taxi*          Urban automated taxi (L4)

     ·· Minimum risk condition                                                                                                      TC204/WG14         23793-1                                          Fallback-1                                             Fallback functions – general specification

                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14         23793-2                                                 Fallback-2                                      Fallback functions for L3-systems
     ·· Map based automated speed adaptation system
                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14         23793-3                                                              Fallback-3*                        Fallback functions for L4-systems
     ·· Highway chauffeur / pilot
                                                                                                                                    TC204/WG14          20900                PAPS                                                                              Partially automated parking systems incl. remote

     ·· Crossing intersection system with low speed                                                                                 TC204/WG14          23374                                       AVPS                                                       Valet parking

                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG16      22133                         TOMC                                                                     Kommunication for functional tests
     ·· Automated merging system on highway
                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG16     19206-1               ASTE-1                                                                            Test-target for rear-end of passenger cars
     ·· Truck Platooning (Functional safety)
                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG16     19206-2               ASTE-2                                                                            Test-target for pedestrian

     ·· Truck Platooning (Control strategy)                                                                                         TC22/SC33/WG16     19206-3                        ASTE-3                                                                   Test-target for 3D-passenger cars

                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG16     19206-4                        ASTE-4                                                                   Test-target for cyclist
     ·· Automatic lane change without driver confirmation
                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG16     19206-5                                 ASTE-5                                                          Test-target for motorcycles
     ·· ITS-station security services
                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG16     19206-6                                           ASTE-6                                                Test-target for animals

     The WG14 “Vehicle/roadway warning and control systems” of the ISO TC204 “Intelligent transport systems” has pub-               TC22/SC33/WG3       22735                        LKAS-Test                                                                 Test for lane keeping
     lished numerous projects that can be found in the standards directory. New WG14 project ideas include an emergency
                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG3      22733-1                    AEBS-Test-C2C                                                                AEB-Test method Car-to-Car
     stop system (“Dead man system”) for level 4. German cooperation is planned but should also be arranged for levels 2
     and 3. The “Highway chauffeur/pilot”, a level 3 system, is also under discussion; German participation has not yet been        TC22/SC33/WG3      22733-2                           AEBS-Test-C2V                                                         AEB-Test method Car-to-Vulnerable Road User
     secured here. Also, for the new projects “Automated merging system on highway” for level 3 and “Crossing intersection
                                                                                                                                    TC22/SC33/WG9       Open                                            AD-Testing                                             Set of standards for test szenarios
     system with low speed” no German participation is planned. There are project ideas for “Truck Platooning” (“Functional
     safety” and “Control strategy”), which, however, do not show any progress as of now.
                                                                                                                                    Level ≤ 1       Level 2      Level 3      Level 4      *start of project not confirmed.
30   Driver Assistance / Driving Functions                                                                                     Driver Assistance / Driving Functions   31

Recommendations for Action

01                                           02                            03
The WG14 of ISO TC204                        An analysis concerning the    In addition to the definition
contains a large number of                   minimum risk condition is     of driving functions, driv-
new project ideas. These                     necessary. A discussion is    er assistance systems and
ideas do not necessarily                     currently taking place on     corresponding requirements
reflect the strategy of the                  the regulatory side. A rec-   and tests, measurement
German automotive indus-                     ommendation as to whether     and, in principle, evaluation
try for the introduction of                  and how supplementary         of customer acceptance are
new AD systems. An analy-                    standardization could be      also important. An analysis
sis concerning which proj-                   helpful should be sought      as to whether standardized
ects should be supported                     (cf. New project ideas WG14   procedures are necessary
or supplemented and which                    “Fallback Functions”).        and carry potential for set-
should be classified as criti-                                             ting standards would need
cal would be desirable.                                                    to be carried out.

04                                           05                            06
An analysis of the manufac-                  An analysis of security       Harmonization of projects
turer-independent use of                     requirements for future AD    with valid legal requirements
driver assistance systems                    systems (cf. New project      or legal requirements that
using connectivity technol-                  ideas WG14 “ITS- Station      are to be changed.
ogies such as V2V and V2I                    Security Services”) is

should be carried out.                       necessary.

                                                                           SAE is also very active in the   Demand-oriented
                                                                                                            standards promote
                                                                           field of assisted and automat-
                                                                           ed functions. An overview
                                                                           should be created and an
                                                                           exchange about future activi-
                                                                           ties should be carried out.      technology acceptance.
32     Testing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Testing     33


                                              Description                                                                                   Test Scenarios                                                         Simulation
                                              In the field of testing, standards are of great importance to increase the reproducibility    The development and testing of automated and autonomous                Simulation is another important tool for development and
                                              and comparability of results. The aim of setting standards was not to evaluate system         driving functions, on the other hand, poses new and extensive          testing. International standards that place requirements on
                                              performance, but merely to use standards to increase the comparability of test results        questions to be answered that reach into all new topics needed         simulation models in order to ensure the validity of the results
                                              and reproducibility. A list of vehicle dynamics and chassis components standards              to make this technology possible and that have not been part           for defined driving maneuvers have already been published. In
                                              contained in ISO TC22 / SC33 is included in the list of standards. These driving maneu-       of the core competencies of the automotive industry so far. For        order to validate future driving functions and systems for auto-
                                              vers anchored in the standard form only a basic set of maneuvers. In order to evaluate        this purpose, WG9 “Test scenario of autonomous driving vehicle”        mated vehicles, simulation offers a very efficient way to obtain
                                              the driving behavior of a vehicle, a large number of tests and driving maneuvers are          was newly founded in ISO TC22/SC33. In a first step, this work-        fast and reproducible results by modifying individual parame-
                                              necessary to cover the specific requirements of certain vehicle types, drive architectures,   ing group will define the required contents of test scenarios,         ters. These results are well documented and thus facilitate dis-
                                              markets and manufacturers.                                                                    including the definition of terminology. Furthermore, classifica-      cussion across domains. Therefore, a very concretely formulated
                                                                                                                                            tions, principles, concepts, requirements for data collection and      new project idea for standardization in the context of simulation
                                              In addition to the standardization of driver assistance systems in ISO TC204,                 data storage will be defined, if necessary. Due to the signifi-        already exists, which can also be classified as an engineering
                                              there are new ISO projects in WG3 “Driver assistance and active safety functions”             cantly higher complexity, and to allow for the greatest possible       standard. The objective is to create a normative structure with
                                              of ISO TC22 / SC33 to increase comparability in system evaluation.                            flexibility and free competition while making use of the potential     firmly defined terms and a uniform method for the application of
                                                                                                                                            of standardization, engineering standards have been identified         models and their characteristics with regard to driving dynam-
                                                                                                                                            as a solution for this area, as well.                                  ics, driver assistance systems and automatic driving.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Test Equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Finally, test equipment is another important factor to increase
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   reproducibility when testing automated driving functions and to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   set uniform data acquisition requirements. In the WG16 “Active
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   safety test equipment” of the ISO TC22/SC33, two parts of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ISO 19206 series of standards in 2018 were published in 2018,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   which, in part 1, define requirements for a vehicle rear test body
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and, in part 2, for a pedestrian test body. Further parts of this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   series of standards are currently being developed.

     Projects of ISO TC22 / SC33 / WG3 “Driver assistance and active safety functions”:                                                        New proposal of ISO TC22 / SC33 in WG11 “Simulation”:

     ISO 22733-1           Road vehicles – Test method to evaluate the performance of autonomous braking systems – Part 1: Car to car          ISO 11010-1         Passenger cars – Simulation model taxonomy – Part 1: Vehicle dynamics maneuver

                           Road vehicles – Test method to evaluate the performance of autonomous braking systems – Part 2: Car to
     ISO 22733-2           vulnerable road user

     ISO 22735             Road vehicles – Test method to evaluate the performance of lane-keeping assistance systems
34   Testing                                                                                              Testing   35

                        Recommendations for Action

                        01                           02                              03
                        Active involvement in the    It is already visible in the    Development of the ISO
                        WG9 “Test scenarios” of      naming of the ISO 11010         19206-5: Motorcycle as a
                        ISO TC22/SC33 in order       project proposal “Part 1:       Target. It would be neces-
                        to use the potential of      Driving maneuvers” that a       sary and urgent to develop
                        standardization for system   complete series of standards    a standard analogous to the
                        evaluation.                  may be developed here. In       ISO 19206 series. Especially
                                                     the area of sensor modeling,    camera-based recognition of
                                                     environment simulation, etc.,   the motorcycle from the front
                                                     further potential is visible    is important for further devel-

Test scenarios are                                   to define a methodology
                                                     analogous to the project
                                                     proposal currently being
                                                                                     opment work and a uniform
                                                                                     test body would be advan-
                                                                                     tageous. In France, UTAC

the driving maneuvers                                worked out. However, the
                                                     experts at AK11 “Simulation”
                                                                                     has created a corresponding
                                                                                     project. However, there is no

for automated and
                                                     are specialized in mapping      discernible implementation
                                                     driving behavior. Therefore,    and project management for
                                                     the working group should        a completion in the foresee-

connected driving.                                   be extended with further
                                                                                     able future, as of now.
36     Testing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Systems, Networks, Data and their Interface Definition                  37

                                                                                                                                                          Systems, Networks, Data
                                                                                                                                                          and their Interface Definition

                                                                                                                                                          Automobile Networks
                                                                                                                                                          With the transition from assisted to automated driving, the requirements of in-vehi-
                                                                                                                                                          cle communication with regard to higher bandwidths and lower latency, as well as
                                                                                                                                                          error-free data transmission are increasing. The figure shows various standards and
                                                                                                                                                          their emergence.

     Projects of the ISO TC22 / SC33 in the WG16 “Active Safety Test Equipment”:                                                                                Automobile Networks

                            Road vehicles – Test devices for target vehicles, vulnerable road users and other objects, for assessment of active                                                                                                                                                               Automated
     ISO 19206-1            safety functions – Part 1: Requirements for passenger vehicle rearend targets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ISO 21111

                            Road vehicles – Test devices for target vehicles, vulnerable road users and other objects, for assessment of active
     ISO 19206-2            safety functions – Part 2: Requirements for pedestrian targets                                                                                                                                                            Automotive Ethernet         Open Alliance

                            Road vehicles – Test devices for target vehicles, vulnerable road users and other objects, for assessment of active                                                                                                                                                       IEEE 802.3bw: 2015
     ISO 19206-3            safety functions – Part 3: Requirements for passenger vehicle 3D targets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FlexRay     FlexRay-Consortium                                             ISO 17458

                            Road vehicles – Test devices for target vehicles, vulnerable road users and other objects, for assessment of active
     ISO 19206-4            safety functions – Part 4: Requirements for bicyclist targets                                                                                                                           MOST   MOST-Consortium                                                                      ISO 21806

                            Road vehicles – Test devices for target vehicles, vulnerable road users and other objects, for assessment of active safety                                                                                                            CAN-FD          Bosch CAN-FD           ISO 11898: 2015
     ISO/PWI 19206-5        functions – Part 5: Requirements for powered two-wheeler targets

                                                                                                                                                                     CAN     Bosch-Protocol (CAN 2.0 A und 2.0 B)                               ISO 11898, SAE J2284, SAE J1939
                            Road vehicles – Test object monitoring and control for active safety and automated/autonomous vehicle testing –
     ISO/PWI 22133-1        Part 1: Communication protocols and interfaces                                                                                                                                           LIN   LIN.-Consortium (1.3 und 2.0)                     ISO 17987

                            Road vehicles – Test object monitoring and control for active safety and automated/autonomous vehicle testing –
     ISO/PWI 22133-2        Part 2: Test scenario description formats
                                                                                                                                                                      1985                                             1998     2000         2003                        2010                                 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Source: VDA
38     Systems, Networks, Data and their Interface Definition                                                                                                                                                                Systems, Networks, Data and their Interface Definition                        39

“Extended Vehicle”                                                                                                                          Sensor Interfaces
Since 2014, the WG6 “Extended vehicle/remote diagnostics” of            The ISO project “Extended vehicle” comprises several series of      In the ISO TC22/SC31 the WG9 “Sensor interface for automated
the ISO TC22/SC31 “Data communication” has been working on              standards. ISO 20077 describes methodological requirements for      driving functions” was newly founded to work on a new project
the large-scale standards project “extended vehicle”. The goal          the use of vehicle data via the web interface, as well as general   to define the logical interface between individual sensors and
is to create a web-based platform that external service providers       terms. The ISO 20078 series of standards defines the require-       their fusion. The image shows the complex structure of func-
can use to access vehicle data in a secure and standardized             ments for the web interface proper regarding data content,          tions, sensors, the fusion unit and raw data. The aim of the proj-
manner. The automotive industry is already creating the technical       safety and access control. ISO 20080 defines a first “Extended      ect is to reduce the complexity of automated driving functions
prerequisites to enable external service providers to offer mobility    vehicle” application, radio-supported diagnostic access for         by standardizing the output signals of radar, lidar, cameras and
services to drivers in the future. This way, providers can retrieve     repair service providers.                                           ultrasonic sensors.
and receive data via the manufacturers’ IT centers (backend serv-
ers). The web platforms themselves are designed individually by
each manufacturer. However, the necessary standards and norms
are developed within the framework of ISO, which define, for
example, structures, processes and, above all, safety mechanisms.

     „Extended vehicle“                                                                                                                        Sensor Interfaces

                                                                                                                                                                                                      AD function 1                          AD function 2                               AD function m
     Methodology                                                                                                                                                                             1
                                                                                                                                              1) logical Interface between the fusion unit
                                                                                                                                                 and automated driving functions
     ISO 20077-1 – General Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Environment model: Fused Objects, free space information, etc.
     ISO 20077-2 – Design Methodology

                                                                                                                                            Scope of standardization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fusion unit
                                   Remote Diagnostic           Other Remote                    …                    Other Remote
                                    Supvport (RDS)              Applications                                         Applications                                                            2
                                                                  (e. g. Fleet                                        (e. g. Fleet           2a) Standardization of the logical interface        · Detections /            · Detections                 · Detections                   · Detections
                                         ISO 20080               Management)                                         Management)                 between a single sensor and the fusion:           Features                · Objects                    · Objects                      · Objects
                                                                                                                                                 · encapsulation of technical complexity         · Objects                 …                            …
                                                                                                                                                 · objects and detections to enable              · Lane markings
                                                                                                                                                   object level and feature level fusion         · Landmarks

                                      Tech. Annex               Tech. Annex                    …
                                       ExVe RDS                   ExVe …
                                                                                                                                             2b) Electrical and mechanical interface                  CV *                     Tracking                      Tracking                      USS ECU
                                                                                                                                                 between sensor and the fusion                     Algorithm                   internal IF                   internal IF

     Web Services                                                                                                       e. g
                                                                                                                      real time
     ISO 20078-1 – ExVe Content
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Raw data: Frame         Raw data: Reflections        Raw data: Reflections           Raw data: Reflections
     ISO 20078-2 – ExVe Access                                                                                                                                                               3
     ISO 20078-3 – ExVe Security                                                                                                              3) interface on raw data level (front end)
     ISO 20078-4 – ExVe Control                                                                                   Other, future
                                                                                                                  ISO 20077                                                                                                    internal IF                   internal IF
                                                                                                                  Interfaces (tbd)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Camera …                      Radar                        LIDAR                         USS …
40     Systems, Networks, Data and their Interface Definition                                                                                                      Systems, Networks, Data and their Interface Definition               41

                                                                                           For automated driving, on-board sensors, appropriate software and highly accurate
     Intelligent Transport System (ITS)                                                    maps are required in order to reliably map the environment of a vehicle. In addition,
                                                                                           automated driving functions can provide significant support in the medium and long
                                                                                           term with the help of connectivity. Connectivity may refer to either communication
                                                                                           between vehicles (Car-2-Car) and/or between vehicles and infrastructure, for example
                                                                                           communication between vehicles and traffic control centers (Car-2-Infrastructure).

                                                                                           Since communication in the field of “Intelligent traffic systems”    important standards mandates in the field of ITS. It promotes
                                                                                           requires standardized interfaces, the European Commission            standards in the information and communication technologies
                                                                                           has been investing in various research projects in this field        segment of cooperative ITS and thus indirectly contributes to
                                                                                           since the beginning of the new millennium. The results of            automated driving. The following image shows the interactions
                                                                                           these research projects have also been transferred to stan-          between national activities concerning the creation of Europe-
                                                                                           dards (mainly in CEN and ETSI). The European mandate M/453           an and international standards for cooperative systems within
                                                                                           EN to set standards for co-operative ITS (C-ITS), which was          the framework of national and European legislation.
                                                                                           directed at CEN and ETSI, can be regarded as one of the most


                                                                                                                                               European Commission                            National Politic (e.g. BMVI)


                                                                                             ITS-Organisation & programs

                                                                                                    Amsterdam Group                                   Mandate
                                                                                                    Mobility Support

                                                                                                European ITS Platform +                                                                                                    SAE
                                                                                                                                             ETSI                   CEN                     ISO                            IEEE
                                                                                                                                            TC-ITS               TC278/WG16             TC204/WG18
                                                                                                        UR:BAN                                                                                                              ITU

                                                                                                Coorperative ITS Corridor

      Further technical reports and specifications have been published in ETSI under the
      following C-ITS domains:

      ·· (Interoperability) tests                                                                                                                    CAR 2 CAR                                DIN-NA052-00-71 GA
                                                                                                                                             COMMUNICATION CONSORTIUM                          Intelligent Transport Systems

      ·· Requirements concerning dedicated C-ITS applications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Source: VDA
      ·· OSI-layer (facility, transport, network)

      ·· Management
                                                                                           The list of standards lists all essential standards that were developed under mandate
      ·· Security                                                                          M /453 and that are currently relevant for the introduction of ITS, and thus also for
                                                                                           automated and connected driving.
42    Systems, Networks, Data and their Interface Definition                                                                                                                                    Systems, Networks, Data and their Interface Definition   43

5G                                                                                                                                         Recommendations for action

                                                                                                                                           01                                02                                  03
Ten years ago, IEEE developed a WiFi variant that enables the          In Europe, 3GPP publications will be delivered to ETSI to be
implementation of ITS-applications for C2C communication. IEEE         recognized as EN standards. The following project proposals are
802.11p defines the main requirements of the physical OSI-layer.       under consideration:
On this basis, international (Wireless access in-vehicular envi-
ronments, Wave) and European (ETSI-ITS-G5) standards were              ·· ETSI TR 138 900: LTE; 5G; study on channel model for fre-
published on the higher OSI-layer (see also the previous tables).         quency spectrum above 6 GHz                                      Regarding intelligent             Standardized conformity              Urban ITS is another new
In addition to direct ITS communication (C2C and C2I) via              ·· ETSI TS 133 185: LTE; 5G; security aspects for LTE support of
                                                                                                                                           transport systems, many           tests will play a key role in        field of action mandated
WiFi, the continuing development of mobile radio standards                vehicle-to-everything (V2X) services                             standards have already            the successful introduction          by the EU, which has been
has brought these into the focus of C-ITS-applications, as well.
Although the standards developed in 3GPP (3rd Generation               ·· ETSI TR 121 914: digital cellular telecommunications system
                                                                                                                                           been developed and                of automated and                     directed at the standards
Partnership Project) such as 3G or 4G (LTE) still suffer limitations      (Phase 2+) (GSM); universal mobile telecommunications            published. Others are under       connected driving. These             bodies CEN and ETSI. It is
compared to ITS-G5 (or WAVE) for C-ITS applications, the in-              systems (UMTS); LTE; 5G
troduction of the fifth generation of mobile radio (5G) indicates
                                                                                                                                           development. The essential        tests will be necessary not          relevant for the automotive
that the performance of ITS-G5 can be surpassed. Founded in                                                                                step, the field introduction      only for communication, but          industry and for automated
2016, as a representative in 3GPP the 5G Automotive Association        System components                                                   of C-ITS, is still pending. For   across domains. Missing              driving regarding the
(5GAA), a global group of the telecommunications and automo-
tive industries, is advancing the introduction of 5G for C-ITS.        The introduction of automated and autonomous functions              standards this means the          standards for conformity             following fields of application,
                                                                       increases the complexity of the systems. In this respect it makes
                                                                       sense to investigate the standardization of certain system com-
                                                                                                                                           future introduction of C-ITS      tests must be developed              and should be actively
                                                                       ponents, e.g. requirements concerning energy supply, vehicle        in Europe and the world           (analysis necessary) and             supported by the automotive
                                                                       electrical systems.
                                                                                                                                           will lead to the application      existing standards revised, if       industry:
                                                                                                                                           of many existing standards        necessary.
                                                                       Testing requirements                                                and will cause revisions                                               · Optimized Traffic flow
                                                                       The introduction of new communication technologies also             during the introduction,                                                 control
                                                                       requires standardized test procedures to ensure the validity of
                                                                       vehicle networks, their interfaces and communication.
                                                                                                                                           which will require to be
                                                                                                                                           actively accompanied by the                                            · Geofencing in terms of
                                                                                                                                           automotive industry.                                                     reducing environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    pollution; communication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with other road users
44    HMI (Human Machine Interaction)                                                                                                                                                                                                    HMI (Human Machine Interaction)   45

(Human Machine Interaction)

With the increasing automation of individual traffic, the task of       Various useful standards have already been developed at the
the driver of a vehicle, and thus also the interaction between driver   international level, such as the ISO 15008 “Specifications and test
and vehicle, are changing. In order to keep the manufacturers’          procedures for in-vehicle visual presentation”.
promise “Automation makes driving more comfortable and safer”,
high quality requirements must be applied in the design of the
human machine interface. Innovative displays and operating con-
cepts are intended to facilitate the monitoring of an automated
vehicle and enable driver intervention in a safe manner.

Recommendations for Action
                                                                                                                                              Current projects of ISO TC22/SC39 “Ergonomics” and SAE projects on HMI:

01                                                                                                                                            ISO/TS 14198         Road vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems – Calibration tasks
                                                                                                                                                                                      for methods which assess driver demand due to the use of in-vehicle systems

Based on a second ISO                           · Collecting measurement       · Determining human                                                                                    Measurement and Analysis of driver visual behaviour with respect to transport
                                                                                                                                              ISO 15007            Road vehicles
workshop on automated                             results of the transfer per-   influence in different                                                                               information and control systems

driving, the following fu-                        formance from test drives      transition scenarios
                                                                                                                                                                                      Human state, performance in human state and performance in automated driving
ture fields of action have                        as well as extensive field                                                                  ISO/TR 21959-1       Road vehicles      systems (ADS) – Part 1: Terms and definitions of human state and performance
emerged and should be                             studies in technical reports
                                                                                                                                                                                      Human state, performance in human state and performance in automated driving
pursued by the automotive                         and derive corresponding                                                                    ISO/TR 21959-2       Road vehicles      systems (ADS) – Part 2: Experimental guidance to investigate human takeover state
industry:                                         recommendations.                                                                                                                    and performance

                                                                                                                                              ISO/TR 21974                            Naturalistic Driving Studies – Defining and Annotating – Safety Critical Events
· Determining the effects    · Defining Driver Interaction
  of automated driving tran-   with Level 2 Vehicles                                                                                                                                  Ergonomic aspects of external visual communication from automated vehicles to
  sitions on the performance                                                                                                                  ISO/TR 23049         Road vehicles      other road users

  of the transfer
                                                                                                                                              SAE J3134™                              ADS Equipped Vehicle Signal and Marking Lights (Work in Progress)
46    Management Summary                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Management Summary   47

Management Summary

                                                                                                                                          There will be particular time spans with a very high workload (blue area) for which the
This cross-body and cross-domain standardization roadmap has resulted in 39                                                               provision of sufficient capacities for standards work should be planned. In principle,
recommendations for action. These recommendations for action include both content-                                                        concentration and cooperation are always required in standards and standardization in
                                                                                                                                          order not to leave the creation to other stakeholders, but to take it in one’s own hands
related and process-related aspects and will increase the effectiveness and significance                                                  and adapt it to one’s own needs.
of standardization for automated and connected driving.
                                                                                                                                          The VDA including the DIN Automotive Standards Committee provides the platform and
                                                                                                                                          the necessary support for standards tasks to NAAutomobil. Success and effectiveness
As an instrument of the economy, standards and standardiza-           For innovative fields, the need to put new technologies on          depend on the active participation of experts. This document and its further, needs-
tion projects offer the opportunity to publish the state of the art   the road and to provide a state of the art for certain regulatory   based, refinement provide the basis for the advancement of standards and standardiza-
through recognized, open and transparent procedures.                  guidelines is of great importance.                                  tion activities in the field of automated and connected driving.

                                                                                                                                            Enabler for L3 and L4 Basic Requirements
     The following topics were clustered across bodies and evaluated in terms of the
     time span (light blue/blue bars) in which significant standards and standardization
     activities can be expected with regard to the importance of introducing Level 3                                                        Sensing, Data Recording & HD Maps
                                                                                                                                            Terms and definitions
     · Terms & Definitions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               target range

     · Human Interaction                                                                                                                    Connectivity

     · Safety, Privacy & Security                                                                                                           Human interaction

     · Verification & Validation                                                                                                            Safety, Privacy, Security, and SOTIF

     · Sensing & Data Recording & HD Maps
                                                                                                                                            Artificial Intelligence

     · Connectivity
                                                                                                                                            Verification & Validation

     · Artificial Intelligence                                                                                                            2015                                                                   2020                                  2025

                                                                                                                                             Intensive standardization necessary   Standardization in progress
48     Standards Directory                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Standards Directory   49

Standards Directory

                                                                                                                                                                                       Intelligent Transport System – Forward Vehicle Collision Mitigation Systems –
     ISO TC204 / WG14 „Vehicle / roadway warning and control systems”:                                                                        ISO 22839            FVCMS               Operation, Performance, and Verification Requirements

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Curve speed warning systems (CSWS) –                                                                        Intelligent transport systems – Devices to aid reverse manoeuvres – Extended-range
     ISO 11067            CSWS             Performance requirements and test procedures                                                       ISO 22840            ERBA                backing aid systems (ERBA)

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Lane keeping assistance systems (LKAS) –
     ISO 11270            LKAS             Performance requirements and test procedures                                                       ISO 26684            CIWS                Cooperative Intersection Signal Information and Violation Warning Systems (CIWS)

                                           Transport information and control systems – Adaptive Cruise Control Systems –
     ISO 15622            ACC              Performance requirements and test procedures

                                           Transport information and control systems – Forward vehicle collision warning systems –
     ISO 15623            FVCWS            Performance requirements and test procedures                                                       Vehicle dynamic standards of ISO TC22 / SC33 „Vehicle dynamics and chassis components“

                                           Transport information and control systems – Traffic Impediment Warning Systems (TIWS) –
     ISO TS 15624         TIWS             System requirements                                                                                ISO 3888-1:2018       Passenger cars – Test track for a severe lane-change manoeuvre – Part 1: Double lane-change

                                           Intelligent Transport Systems – Assisted Parking System – Parking with reference to other
     ISO 16787            APS              parked vehicles – Performance and Test Procedures
                                                                                                                                              ISO 3888-2:2011       Passenger cars – Test track for a severe lane-change manoeuvre – Part 2: Obstacle avoidance

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Lane departure warning systems – Performance requirements
     ISO 17361            LDWS             and test procedures                                                                                ISO 4138:2012         Passenger cars – Steady-state circular driving behaviour – Open-loop test methods

                                           Transport information and control systems – Manoeuvring Aids for Low Speed Operation
     ISO 17386            MALSO            (MALSO) – Performance requirements and test procedures
                                                                                                                                              ISO 7401:2011         Road vehicles – Lateral transient response test methods – Open-loop test methods

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Lane change decision aid systems (LCDAS) –
     ISO 17387            LCDAS            Performance requirements and test procedures                                                       ISO 7975:2018         Passenger cars – Braking in a turn – Open-loop test method

                                           Intelligent transport systems – External hazard detection and notification systems –
     ISO 18682            HNS              Basic requirements                                                                                 ISO 9815:2010         Road vehicles – Passenger-car and trailer combinations – Lateral stability test

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Pedestrian detection and collision mitigation systems (PDCMS) –
     ISO 19237            PDCMS            Performance requirements and test procedures
                                                                                                                                              ISO 9816:2018         Passenger cars – Power-off reaction of a vehicle in a turn – Open-loop test method

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Road Boundary Departure Prevention Systems (RBDPS) –
     ISO 19638            RBDPS            Performance requirements and test procedures                                                       ISO 12021:2010        Road vehicles – Sensitivity to lateral wind – Open-loop test method using wind generator input

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Vehicle / roadway warning and control systems – Report on
     ISO TR 20545         RoVAS            standardisation for vehicle automated driving systems (RoVAS) / Beyond driver assistance systems
                                                                                                                                              ISO 13674-1:2010      Road vehicles – Test method for the quantification of on-centre handling – Part 1: Weave test

                                           Intelligent transport systems – Low speed following (LSF) systems –
     ISO 22178            LSF              Performance requirements and test procedures
                                                                                                                                              ISO 13674-2:2006      Road vehicles – Test method for the quantification of on-centre handling – Part 2: Transition test
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