Straight Talk on Anti-Spoofing - Securing the Future of PNT

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Straight Talk on Anti-Spoofing - Securing the Future of PNT
SECURITY & WIRELESS | Signal Processing

     Straight Talk on Anti-Spoofing
     Securing the Future of PNT
     Disruption created by intentional generation of fake GPS signals could have serious economic consequences. This article discusses
     how typical civil GPS receivers respond to an advanced civil GPS spoofing attack, and four techniques to counter such attacks:
     spread-spectrum security codes, navigation message authentication, dual-receiver correlation of military signals, and vestigial
     signal defense. Unfortunately, any kind of anti-spoofing, however necessary, is a tough sell.
     Kyle Wesson, Daniel Shepard, and Todd Humphreys

              PS spoofing has become                   Volpe Report. In November 2010, the      the spoofing and jamming threat
              a hot topic. At the 2011                 U.S. Position Navigation and Timing      and the other on possible mitigation
              Institute of Navigation                  National Executive Committee             techniques. The reports are anticipated
     (ION) GNSS conference, 18 papers                  requested that the U.S. Department of    to show that GPS disruption due to
     discussed spoofing, compared with                 Homeland Security (DHS) conduct a        spoofing or jamming could have
     the same number over the past                     comprehensive risk assessment on the     serious economic consequences.
     decade. ION-GNSS also featured its                use of civil GPS. In February 2011,         Effective techniques exist to defend
     first panel session on anti-spoofing,             the DHS Homeland Infrastructure          receivers against spoofing attacks. This
     called “Improving Security of GNSS                Threat and Risk Analysis Center          article summarizes state-of-the-art
     Receivers,” which offered six security            began its investigation in conjunction   anti-spoofing techniques and suggests
     experts a forum to debate the most                with subject-matter experts in           a path forward to equip civil GPS
     promising anti-spoofing technologies.             academia, finance, power, and            receivers with these defenses. We start
        The spoofing threat has also drawn             telecommunications, among others.        with an analysis of a typical civil GPS
     renewed U.S. government scrutiny                  Their findings will be summarized        receiver’s response to our laboratory’s
     since the initial findings of the 2001            in two forthcoming reports, one on       powerful spoofing device. This will
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Straight Talk on Anti-Spoofing - Securing the Future of PNT
Signal Processing |     SECURITY & WIRELESS

   illustrate the range of freedom a
   spoofer has when commandeering
   a victim receiver’s tracking loops.
   We will then provide an overview of
   promising cryptographic and non-
   cryptographic anti-spoofing techniques
   and highlight the obstacles that impede
   their widespread adoption.

   The Spoofing Threat
   Spoofing is the transmission of
   interference in an attempt to
   commandeer the tracking loops of a          ▲   SPOOFING TESTBED at the University of Texas Radionavigation Laboratory, an advanced and
   victim receiver and thereby manipulate          powerful suite for anti-spoofing research. On the right are several of the civil GPS receivers
   the receiver’s timing or navigation             tested and the radio-frequency test enclosure, and on the left are the phasor measurement
                                                   unit and the civil GPS spoofer.
   solution. A spoofer can transmit its
   counterfeit signals from a stand-off           Lab Attack. So far, no open literature              Although our spoofer fooled all of
   distance of several hundred meters or       has reported development or research                the receivers tested in our laboratory,
   it can be co-located with its victim.       into the sophisticated attack. This                 there are significant differences
       Spoofing attacks can be classified as   is likely because of the success of                 between receivers’ dynamic responses
   simple, intermediate, or sophisticated      the intermediate-type attack: to                    to spoofing attacks. It is important to
   in terms of their effectiveness and         date, no civil GPS receiver tested                  understand the types of dynamics that a
   subtlety. In 2003, the Vulnerability        in our laboratory has fended off an                 spoofer can induce in a target receiver
   Assessment Team at Argonne                  intermediate-type spoofing attack.                  to gain insight into the actual dangers
   National Laboratory carried off a           The spoofing attacks, which are                     that a spoofing attack poses rather
   successful simple attack in which they      always conducted via coaxial cable                  than rely on unrealistic assumptions
   programmed a GPS signal simulator           or in radio-frequency test enclosures,              or models of a spoofing attack. For
   to broadcast high-powered counterfeit       are performed with our laboratory’s                 example, a recent paper on time-stamp
   GPS signals toward a victim receiver.       receiver-spoofer, an advanced                       manipulation of the U.S. power grid
   Although such a simple attack is easy       version of the one introduced at the                assumed that there was no limit to the
   to mount, the equipment is expensive,       2008 ION-GNSS conference (see                       rate of change that a spoofer could
   and the attack is readily detected          “Assessing the Spoofing Threat,” GPS                impose on a victim receiver’s position
   because the counterfeit signals are         World, January 2009).                               and timing solution, which led to
   not synchronized to their authentic            To commence the attack, the spoofer              unrealistic conclusions.
   counterparts.                               transmits its counterfeit signals in code-             Experiments performed in our
       In an intermediate spoofing attack,     phase alignment with the authentic                  laboratory sought to answer three
   a spoofer synchronizes its counterfeit      signals but at power level below the                specific questions regarding spoofer-
   signals with the authentic GPS signals      noise floor. The spoofer then increases             induced dynamics:
   so they are code-phase-aligned at the       the power of the spoofed signals so that            ◾ How quickly can a timing or
   target receiver. This method requires       they are slightly greater than the power               position bias be introduced?
   a spoofer to determine the position         of the authentic signals. At this point,            ◾ What kinds of oscillations can
   and velocity of the victim receiver,        the spoofer has taken control of the                   a spoofer cause in a receiver’s
   but it affords the spoofer a serious        victim receiver’s tracking loops and                   position and timing?
   advantage: the attack is difficult to       can slowly lead the spoofed signals                 ◾ How different are receiver responses
   detect and mitigate.                        away from the authentic signals,                       to spoofing?
       The sophisticated attack involves a     carrying the receiver’s tracking loops                 These questions were answered by
   network of coordinated intermediate-        with it. Once the spoofed signals                   determining the maximum spoofer-
   type spoofers that replicate not only       have moved more than 600 meters in                  induced pseudorange acceleration
   the content and mutual alignment            position or 2 microseconds in time                  that can be used to reach a certain
   of visible GPS signals but also their       away from the authentic signals, the                final velocity when starting from a
   spatial distribution, thus fooling even     receiver can be considered completely               velocity of zero, without raising any
   multi-antenna spoofing defenses.            owned by the spoofer.                               alarms or causing the target receiver                                                                                                     January 2012 | GPS World       33
Straight Talk on Anti-Spoofing - Securing the Future of PNT
SECURITY & WIRELESS | Signal Processing

                                                                                 30 minutes for a typical CDMA tower setup. A spoofer, or
                                                                                 spoofer network, could also cause multiple neighboring
                                                                                 towers to interfere with one another. This is possible because
                                                                                 CDMA cell-phone towers all use the same spreading code
                                                                                 and distinguish themselves only by the phasing (that is, time
                                                                                 offset) of their spreading codes. Furthermore, it appears that
                                                                                 a spoofer could impair CDMA-based E911 user-location.
                                                                                    Power-Grid Vulnerability. Like the cellular network, the
                                                                                 power grid of the future will rely on accurate GPS time-
                                                                                 stamps. The efficiency of power distribution across the grid
                                                                                 can be improved with real-time measurements of the voltage
                                                                                 and current phasors. Phasor measurement units (PMUs)
                                                                                 have been proposed as a smart-grid technology for precisely
                                                                                 this purpose. PMUs rely on GPS to time-stamp their
                                                                                 measurements, which are sent back to a central monitoring
     ▲   FIGURE 1 Theoretical and experimental test results for a high-quality   station for processing. Currently, PMUs are used for closed-
         handheld receiver's dynamic response to a spoofing attack.              loop grid control in only a few applications, but power-
         Although not shown here, the maximum attainable velocity is
         around 1,300 meters/second.                                             grid modernization efforts will likely rely more heavily on
                                                                                 PMUs for control. If a spoofer manipulates a PMU’s time
                                                                                 stamps, it could cause spurious variations in measured
     to lose satellite lock. The curve in the velocity-acceleration              phase angles. These variations could distort power flow or
     plane created by connecting these points defines the upper                  stability estimates in such a way that grid operators would
     bound of a region within which the spoofer can safely                       take incorrect or unnecessary control actions including
     manipulate the target receiver. These data points can be                    powering up or shutting down generators, potentially
     obtained empirically and fit to an exponential curve. Alarms                causing blackouts or damage to power-grid equipment.
     on the receiver may cause some deviations from this curve                      Under normal circumstances, a changing separation in the
     depending on the particular receiver.                                       phase angle between two PMUs indicates changes in power
        FIGURE 1 shows an example of the velocity-acceleration                   flow between the regions measured by each PMU. Tests
     curve for a high-quality handheld receiver, whose position                  demonstrate that a spoofer could cause variations in a PMU’s
     and timing solution can be manipulated quite aggressively                   measured voltage phase angle at a rate of 1.73 degrees
     during a spoofing attack. These results suggest that the                    per minute. Thus, a spoofing attack could create the false
     receiver’s robustness — its ability to provide navigation                   indications of power flow across the grid. The tests results
     and timing solutions despite extreme signal dynamics —                      also reveal, however, that it is impossible for a spoofer to
     is actually a liability in regard to spoofing. The receiver’s               cause changes in small-signal grid stability estimates, which
     ability to track high accelerations and velocities allows a                 would require the spoofer to induce rapid (for example,
     spoofer to aggressively manipulate its navigation solution.                 0.1–3 Hz) microsecond-amplitude oscillations in timing.
        The relative ease with which a spoofer can                               Such oscillations correspond to spoofing dynamics well
     manipulate some GPS receivers suggests that GPS-                            outside the region of freedom of all receivers we have tested.
     dependent infrastructure is vulnerable. For example, the                    A spoofer might also be able to affect fault-location estimates
     telecommunications network and the power grid both                          obtained through time-difference-of-arrival techniques using
     rely on GPS time-reference receivers for accurate timing.                   PMU measurements. This could cause large errors in fault-
     Our laboratory has performed tests on such receivers to                     location estimates and hamper repair efforts.
     determine the disruptions that a successful spoofing attack                    What Can Be Done? Despite the success of the intermediate-
     could cause. The remainder of this section highlights threats               type spoofing attack against a wide variety of civil GPS
     to these two sectors of critical national infrastructure.                   receivers and the known vulnerabilities of GPS-dependent
        Cell-Phone Vulnerability. Code division multiple access                  critical infrastructure to spoofing attacks, anti-spoofing
     (CDMA) cell-phone towers rely on GPS timing for tower-                      techniques exist that would enable receivers to successfully
     to-tower synchronization. Synchronization prevents towers                   defend themselves against such attacks. We now turn to four
     from interfering with one another and enables call hand-off                 promising anti-spoofing techniques.
     between towers. If a particular tower’s time estimate deviates
     more than 10 microseconds from GPS time, hand-off to and                    Cryptographic Methods
     from that tower is disrupted. Our tests indicate that a spoofer             These techniques enable a receiver to differentiate authentic
     could induce a 10-microsecond time deviation within about                   GPS signals from counterfeit signals with high likelihood.
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Straight Talk on Anti-Spoofing - Securing the Future of PNT
Signal Processing |   SECURITY & WIRELESS

                                                                                                    receiver can predict when the next
                                                                                                    SSSC will be broadcast but not its
                                                                                                    exact sequence. Upon reception of an
                                                                                                    SSSC, the receiver stores the front-end
                                                                                                    samples corresponding to the SSSC
                                                                                                    interval in memory. Sometime later,
                                                                                                    the cryptographic digital key that
                                                                                                    generated the SSSC is transmitted
                                                                                                    over the navigation message. With
                                                                                                    knowledge of the digital key, the
                                                                                                    receiver generates a copy of the actual
                                                                                                    transmitted SSSC and correlates it
                                                                                                    with the previously-recorded digital
                                                                                                    samples. Spoofing is declared if the
                                                                                                    correlation power falls below a pre-
                                                                                                    determined threshold.
                                                                                                       When the security-code chip
   ▲   FIGURE 2 GNSS receiver components required for GNSS signal authentication. Components
       that support code origin authentication are outlined in bold and have a gray fill, whereas   interval is short (high chipping rate), it
       components that support code timing authentication are outlined in bold and have no fill.    is difficult for a spoofer to estimate and
       The schematic assumes a security code based on navigation message authentication.            replay the security code in real time.
                                                                                                    Thus, the SSSC technique on L1C
                                                                                                    offers a strong spoofing defense since
                                                                                                    the L1C chipping rate is high (that is,
                                                                                                    1.023 MChips/second). Furthermore,
                                                                                                    the SSSC technique does not rely
                                                                                                    on the receiver obtaining additional
   ▲   FIGURE 3 Placement of the periodically unpredictable spread spectrum security codes in the   information from a side channel; all the
       GPS L1C data channel spreading sequence.
                                                                                                    relevant codes and keys are broadcast
                                                                                                    over the secured GPS signals. Of
   Cryptographic strategies rely on the              block all work together. This hybrid           course a disadvantage for SSSC is
   unpredictability of so-called security            combination of statistical hypothesis          that it requires a fairly fundamental
   codes that modulate the GPS signal.               tests and Boolean logic demonstrates           change to the currently-proposed L1C
   An unpredictable code forces a spoofer            the complexities and subtleties behind         definition: the L1C spreading codes
   who wishes to mount a successful                  a comprehensive, probabilistic GPS             must be altered.
   spoofing attack to either                         signal authentication strategy for                Implementation of the SSSC
   ◾ estimate the unpredictable chips on-            security-enhanced signals.                     technique faces long odds, partly
       the-fly, or                                      Spread Spectrum Security Codes.             because it is late in the L1C planning
   ◾ record and play back authentic GPS              In 2003, Logan Scott proposed a                schedule to introduce a change to
       spectrum (a meaconing attack).                cryptographic anti-spoofing technique          the spreading codes. Nonetheless,
      To avoid unrealistic expectations, it          based on spread spectrum security              in September 2011, Logan Scott
   should be noted that no anti-spoofing             codes (SSSCs). The most recent                 and Phillip Ward advocated for
   technique is completely impervious to             proposed version of this technique             SSSC at the Public Interface Control
   spoofing. GPS signal authentication               targets the L1C signal, which will be          Working Group meeting, passing the
   is inherently probabilistic, even when            broadcast on GPS Block III satellites,         first of many wickets. The proposal
   rooted in cryptography. Many separate             because the L1C waveform is not                and associated Request for Change
   detectors and cross-checks, each with             yet finalized. Unpredictable SSSCs             document will now proceed to the
   its own probability of false alarm, are           could be interleaved with the L1C              Lower Level GPS Engineering
   involved in cryptographic spoofing                spreading code on the L1C data                 Requirements Branch for further
   detection. FIGURE 2 illustrates how the           channel, as illustrated in FIGURE 3. Since     technical review. If approved there,
   jammer-to-noise ratio detector, timing            L1C acquisition and tracking occurs            it passes to the Joint Change Review
   consistency check, security-code                  on the pilot channel, the presence             Board for additional review and,
   estimation and replay attack (SCER)               of the SSSCs has negligible impact             if again approved, to the Technical
   detector, and cryptographic verification          on receivers. Once tracking L1C, a             Interchange Meeting for further                                                                                                    January 2012 | GPS World     59
Straight Talk on Anti-Spoofing - Securing the Future of PNT
SECURITY & WIRELESS | Signal Processing

     consideration. The chances that the
     SSSC proposal will survive this
     gauntlet would be much improved
     if some government agency made a
     formal request to the GPS Directorate
     to include SSSCs in L1C — and
     provided the funding to do so. The
     DHS seems to us a logical sponsoring
         Navigation Message Authentication. If
     an L1C SSSC implementation proves
     unworkable, an alternative, less-
     invasive cryptographic authentication
     scheme based on navigation message
     authentication (NMA) represents
     a strong fall-back option. In the
     same 2003 ION-GNSS paper that
                                                   ▲   FIGURE 4 Format of the proposed CNAV ECDSA signature message, which delivers the first or
     he proposed SSSC, Logan Scott                     second half of the 466-bit ECDSA signature and a 5-bit salt in the 238-bit payload field.
     also proposed NMA. His paper
     was preceded by an internal study             complete signature can be embedded is            with our laboratory’s spoofing testbed
     at MITRE and followed by other                a 96-second signature block such as the          demonstrated the NMA-based signal
     publications in the open literature,          one shown in FIGURE 5. In this structure,        authentication structure described
     all of which found merit in the NMA           the two CNAV signature messages are              earlier offered a receiver a better-than
     approach. The NMA technique embeds            interleaved between the ephemeris                95 percent probability of detecting
     public-key digital signatures into the        and clock data to meet the broadcast             a spoofing attack for a 0.01 percent
     flexible GPS civil navigation (CNAV)          requirements.                                    probability of false alarm under a
     message, which offers a convenient               The choice of the duration between            challenging spoofing-attack scenario.
     conveyance for such signatures. The           signature blocks is a tradeoff between              NMA is best viewed as a hedge.
     CNAV format was designed to be                offering frequent authentication and             If the SSSC approach does not gain
     extensible so that new messages can           maintaining a low percentage of the              traction, then NMA might, since it
     be defined within the framework of            CNAV message reserved for the digital            only requires defining two new CNAV
     the GPS Interference Specification            signature. In our proposal, signature            messages in the GPS IS — a relatively
     (IS). The current GPS IS defines only         blocks are transmitted roughly every             minor modification. CNAV-based
     15 of 64 CNAV messages, reserving             five minutes (FIGURE 6) so that only 7.5         NMA could defend receivers tracking
     the undefined 49 CNAV messages for            percent of the navigation message is             L2C and L5. A new CNAV2 message
     future use.                                   devoted to the digital signature. Across         will eventually be broadcast on L1 via
         Our lab recently demonstrated             the GPS constellation, the signature             L1C, so a repackaged CNAV2-based
     that NMA works to authenticate not            block could be offset so that a receiver         NMA technique could offer even
     only the navigation message but               could authenticate at least one channel          single-frequency L1 receivers a signal-
     also the underlying signal. In other          approximately every 30 seconds. Like             side anti-spoofing defense.
     words, NMA can be the basis of                SSSC, our proposed version of NMA                   P(Y) Code Dual-Receiver Correlation.
     comprehensive signal authentication.          does not require a receiver’s getting            This approach avoids entirely the
     We have           proposed a specific         additional information from a side               issue of GPS IS modifications. The
     implementation of NMA that is                 channel, provided the receiver obtains           technique correlates the unknown
     packaged for immediate adoption.              public key updates on a yearly basis.            encrypted military P(Y) code between
     Our proposal defines two new CNAV                NMA is inherently less secure than            two civil GPS receivers, exploiting
     messages that deliver a standardized          SSSC. A NMA security code chip                   known carrier-phase and code-phase
     public-key elliptic-curve digital             interval (that is, 20 milliseconds) is           relationships. It is similar to the
     algorithm (ECDSA) signature via the           longer than a SSSC chip interval,                dual-frequency codeless and semi-
     message format in FIGURE 4.                   thereby allowing the spoofer more                codeless techniques that civil GPS
         Although the CNAV message format          time to estimate the digital signature           receivers apply to track the P(Y) code
     is flexible, it is not without constraints.   on-the-fly. That is not to say, however,         on L2. Peter Levin and others filed a
     The shortest block of data in which a         that NMA is ineffective. In fact, tests          patent on the codeless-based signal
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                                                                                                                               the resulting 5.5 dB attenuation of the
                                                                                                                               P(Y) code. Because the dual-receiver
                                                                                                                               method can run continuously in the
                                                                                                                               background as part of a receiver’s
                                                                                                                               standard GPS signal processing, it
   ▲   FIGURE 5 The shortest broadcast signature block that does not violate the CNAV ephemeris
       and timing broadcast requirements. To meet the required broadcast interval of 48 seconds                                can declare a spoofing attack within
       for message types 10, 11, and one of 30–39, the ECDSA signature is broadcast over a                                     seconds — a valuable feature for many
       96-second signature block that is composed of eight CNAV messages.                                                      applications.
                                                                                                                                  Two considerations about the
                                                                                                                               dual-receiver technique are worth
                                                                                                                               noting. First, the secure receiver
                                                                                                                               must be protected from spoofing for
                                                                                                                               the technique to succeed. Second,
                                                                                                                               the technique requires a secure
   ▲   FIGURE 6 A signed 336-second broadcast. The proposed strategy signs every 28 CNAV                                       communication link between the
       messages with a signature broadcast over two CNAV messages on each broadcast channel.
                                                                                                                               two receivers. Although the first
                                                                                                                               requirement is easily achieved by
   authentication technique in 2008;                chips (semi-codeless technique) over                                       locating secure receivers in secure
   Mark Psiaki extended the approach to             a secure network to the defending                                          locations, the second requirement
   semicodeless correlation and narrow-             receiver. The defending receiver                                           makes the technique impractical for
   band receivers in a 2011 ION-GNSS                correlates its locally-extracted                                           some applications that cannot support
   paper.                                           P(Y) with the samples or W-code                                            a continuous communication link.
      In the dual-receiver technique, one           estimates from the secure receiver.                                           Of all the proposed cryptographic
   receiver, stationed in a secure location,        If a spoofing attack is underway, the                                      anti-spoofing techniques, only the dual-
   tracks the authentic L1 C/A codes                correlation power will drop below a                                        receiver method could be implemented
   while receiving the encrypted P(Y)               statistical threshold, thereby causing                                     today. Unfortunately the P(Y) code
   code. The secure receiver exploits the           the defending receiver to declare a                                        will no longer exist after 2021,
   known timing and phase relationships             spoofing attack. Although the P(Y)                                         meaning that systems that make use of
   between the C/A code and P(Y) code to            code is 20 MHz wide, a narrowband                                          the P(Y)-based dual-receiver technique
   isolate the P(Y) code, of which it sends         civil GPS receiver with 2.6 MHz                                            will be rendered unprotected, although
   raw samples (codeless technique) or              bandwidth can still perform the                                            a similar M-code-based technique
   estimates of the encrypting W-code               statistical hypothesis tests even with                                     could be an effective replacement.

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     The dual-receiver method, therefore,                                            SSSC             NMA            Dual-             VSD
     is best thought of as a stop-gap: it
     can provide civil GPS receivers with        Cryptographic Method                 Yes              Yes              Yes             No
     an effective anti-spoofing technique        Communication Link                    No             Yearly       Continuously         No
     today until a signal-side civil GPS
                                                 Extra Hardware                        No               No        Communication         No
     authentication technique is approved        (IMU, Accelerometer,                                                 Link
     and implemented in the future This          Antenna)
     sentiment was the consensus of the
                                                 Time Between                      30 seconds       30 seconds    About 1 second      Seconds
     panel experts at the 2011 ION-GNSS          Authentications                    (possible)       (possible)
     session on civil GPS receiver security.
                                                 Receiver Autonomous                   No               No              No              Yes

     Non-Cryptographic Methods                   Time to                              Years           Years           Months          Months
     Non-cryptographic techniques are            Implementation
     enticing because they can be made           Requires Changes                   Yes, L1C          Yes, 2       No, Uses P(Y)        No
     receiver-autonomous, requiring              to GPS Interface                 Data Channel      New CNAV           Code
                                                 Specification                   Spreading Code     Messages
     neither security-enhanced civil
     GPS signals nor a side-channel
                                                 ▲   TABLE 1 Comparison of anti-spoofing techniques discussed in this article.
     communication link. The literature
     contains a number of proposed
     non-cryptographic anti-spoofing             of the VSD should only be to reduce                exist, the reality is that no anti-spoofing
     techniques. Frequently, however,            the degrees-of-freedom available to a              techniques currently defend civil GPS
     these techniques rely on additional         spoofer, forcing the spoofer to act in             receivers. All anti-spoofing techniques
     hardware, such as accelerometers or         a way that makes the spoofing signal               face hurdles. A primary challenge for
     inertial measurements units, which          or vestige of the authentic GPS signal             any technique that proposes modifying
     may exceed the cost, size, or weight        mimic multipath. In other words, the               current or proposed GPS signals is
     requirements in many applications.          VSD seeks to corner the spoofer and                the tremendous inertia behind GPS
     This motivates research to develop          reduce its space of possible dynamics.             signal definitions. Given the several
     software-based, receiver-autonomous            Among other options, two potential              review boards whose approval an
     anti-spoofing methods.                      effective VSD techniques are                       SSSC or NMA approach would have
        Vestigial Signal Defense (VSD). This     ◾ a maximum-likelihood bistatic-                   to gain, the most feasible near-term
     software-based, receiver-autonomous            radar-based approach and                        cryptographic anti-spoofing technique
     anti-spoofing technique relies on the       ◾ a phase-pseudorange consistency                  is the dual-receiver method. A receiver-
     difficulty of suppressing the true GPS         check.                                          autonomous, non-cryptographic
     signal during a spoofing attack. Unless        The first approach examines the                 approach, such as the VSD, also
     the spoofer generates a phase-aligned       spatial and temporal consistency                   warrants further development.
     nulling signal at the phase center of       of the received signals to detect                  But ultimately, the SSSC or NMA
     the victim GPS receiver’s antenna, a        inconsistencies between the                        techniques should be implemented: a
     vestige of the authentic signal remains     instantaneous received multipath and               signal-side civil GPS cryptographic
     and manifests as a distortion of the        the typical multipath background                   anti-spoofing technique would be of
     complex correlation function. VSD           environment. The second approach,                  great benefit in protecting civil GPS
     monitors distortion in the complex          which is similar to receiver                       receivers from spoofing attacks.
     correlation domain to determine if a        autonomous integrity monitoring
     spoofing attack is underway.                (RAIM) techniques, monitors phase                  Manufacturers
        To be an effective defense, the VSD      and pseudorange observables to detect              The high-quality handheld receiver
     must overcome a significant challenge:      inconsistencies potentially caused                 cited in Figure 1 was a Trimble Juno SB.
     it must distinguish between spoofing        by spoofing. Again, a spoofer can act              Testbed equipment shown: Schweitzer
     and multipath. The interaction of the       like multipath to avoid detection, but             Engineering Laboratories SEL-421
     authentic and spoofed GPS signals is        this means that the VSD would have                 synchrophasor measurement unit;
     similar to the interaction of direct-path   achieved its modest goal.                          Ramsey STE 3000 radio-frequency test
     and multipath GPS signals. Our most                                                            chamber; Ettus Research USRP N200
     recent work on the VSD suggests that        Anti-Spoofing Reality Check                        universal software radio peripheral;
     differentiating spoofing from multipath     Security is a tough sell. Although                 Schweitzer SEL-2401 satellite-
     is enough of a challenge that the goal      promising anti-spoofing techniques                 synchronized clock (blue); Trimble
62    GPS World | January 2012                                                                                           
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   Continued from page 17.                               available for launch in FY 2014. And        the 2SOPS more than 20 times in the
                                                         OCX remains on-track for a Ready-           past five years, and I have known and
   military sectors. We take pride in pro-               To-Operate (RTO) date in 2015.              visited every 2SOPS commander since
   viding extremely accurate PNT ser-                        DJ: Finally, if you were Queen for      that organization began to include
   vices to billions of users worldwide.                 a Day, what would you like to see           then Lt. Col. and now General Wil-
      And we are spending consider-                      changed?                                    liam Shelton, the four-star AFSPC/
   able resources to modernize the GPS                       JG: For operators, there is always an   CC. I have never seen a more moti-
   constellation to provide even better                  interest in and a desire for greater ca-    vated GPS crew force than the one I
   service in the future. The continued                  pability, faster processing...and for us    saw during my last visit with Lt. Col.
   fielding of new GPS IIF satellites                    it is in pushing the envelope for even      Grant. Squadrons tend to reflect the
   and GPS control segment software                      greater accuracy with precision tim-        work ethic, mores and integrity of
   updates are key to current modern-                    ing, position and navigation.               their commander, and my hat is off to
   ization efforts. GPS III satellites and                   There is also an interest in expand-    Lt. Col. Jennifer Grant because her
   the Next Generation Control System                    ing application of our NAVWAR               crews are obviously very motivated to
   (OCX) will further enhance GPS ca-                    (Navigation Warfare) knowledge,             support the warfighter, and they seem
   pabilities. Fully compliant user equip-               application and operations — having         very happy in their jobs. The atmo-
   ment is essential as modernization                    an even greater number of people            sphere in 2SOPS these days is posi-
   efforts continue.                                     trained and embedded with warf-             tive, upbeat and very customer (that’s
      We’ll continue to improve our                      ighters as NAVWAR experts. This is          you and me) oriented. Plus, many of
   constellation with the launches of                    where I think we will see some real         the crewmembers are just back from
   new satellites; the next GPS IIF is                   growth in the future.                       tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, so they
   scheduled to launch in September of                                                               know the needs of the warfighter and
   2012 and the first GPS III should be                     Note from Don Jewell: I have visited     they are working hard to fulfill them.

   Resolution SMT receiver (silver); HP GPS time and frequency
   reference receiver.                                                              7HFKQLFDO
   References, Further Information                                                  /HDGHUVKLS
   University of Texas Radionavigation Laboratory, http://                                                       :HDUH7RN\R
      Full results of Figure 1 experiment are given in Shepard,                     'HQSD 7(: 
   D.P. and T.E. Humphreys, “Characterization of Receiver                           WKHWHFKQRORJ\
   Response to Spoofing Attacks,” Proceedings of ION-GNSS                           OHDGHUIRUFU\VWDOV
   2011.                                                                            DQG7&;2¶VIRU
      NMA can be the basis of comprehensive signal                                  *36DSSOLFDWLRQV
   authentication: Wesson, K.D., M. Rothlisberger, T. E.                            2XURVFLOODWRUV
   Humphreys (2011), “Practical cryptographic civil GPS
   signal authentication,” Navigation, Journal of the ION,
   submitted for review; available at
      Humphreys, T.E, “Detection Strategy for Cryptographic
   GNSS Anti-Spoofing,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace
   and Electronic Systems, 2011, submitted for review;
   available at
   KYLE WESSON is pursuing his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and
   computer engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a member of     7(:$PHULFD
   the Radionavigation Laboratory. He received his B.S. from Cornell University.
   DANIEL SHEPARD is pursuing his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in aerospace               =DQNHU5RDG
   engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, where he also received his     6DQ-RVH&$
   B.S. He is a member of the Radionavigation Laboratory.                             
   TODD HUMPHREYS is an assistant professor in the department of                      )$;
   Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of
   Texas at Austin and director of the Radionavigation Laboratory. He received      ZZZWHZDPHULFDFRP
   a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from Cornell University.                                                                                                    January 2012 | GPS World   63
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