STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS

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STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS
Center for Security Studies

    TRENDS 2019
                    Key Developments in Global Affairs

Editors:            Jack Thompson, Oliver Thränert

Series Editor:      Andreas Wenger
Authors:            Michael Haas, Jeronim Perović,
                    Jack Thompson, Lisa Watanabe

   ETH Zurich
STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 is also electronically available at:

Editors STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019: Jack Thompson, Oliver Thränert
Series Editor STRATEGIC TRENDS: Andreas Wenger

Center for Security Studies
ETH Zurich
Haldeneggsteig 4, IFW
CH-8092 Zurich

This publication covers events up to 1 March 2019.

© 2019, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich

Images © by Reuters

ISSN      1664-0667
ISBN      978-3-905696-66-0

The Eclipse of Western
Military-Technological Superiority
Michael Haas

Ever since they grasped the promise of the information revolution in the late
1970s, the United States and its allies have enjoyed a sizeable military-tech-
nological advantage over any plausible adversary. Now, as new technologies
enter the limelight and competitors become more adept at appropriating
or offsetting Western strengths, this qualitative superiority in armaments
is eroding. With the underlying trends gathering steam and policy interven-
tions already falling short, Western armed forces will increasingly face a
choice of confronting revisionist challengers on even terms – or not at all.

A US Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter jet performs ahead of the International Air and Space Fair at
Santiago International Airport, March 28, 2016. Ivan Alvarado / Reuters

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Even though they may sometimes ap-           that resulted from late Cold War
pear to operate in a world unto itself,      defense programs have facilitated a
military organizations tend to reflect       US-centric distribution of power,
important properties of the societies        buttressed existing alliances, and en-
that build and sustain them. Hence,          abled wars of choice. They have also
it should not come as a surprise that        set a standard of military moderniza-
Western approaches to conventional           tion to which other countries aspire
deterrence and military conflict, as         – and spurred counter-innovation
they have evolved in the late 20th and       among those who feared that they
early 21st centuries, have taken a pro-      might find themselves at the receiving
foundly techno-centric turn. While           end of Western interventionism.
the search for engineering solutions to
national security problems appears to        In both regards, Operation Desert
be a persistent feature of the US cul-       Storm – the eviction of Iraqi forces
tural setting, in particular, other liber-   from Kuwait – constituted a water-
al democracies have exhibited a similar      shed event. When President George
tendency.1 In parallel with a deep-seat-     H.W. Bush declared the end of ma-
ed belief in the transformative power        jor combat operations against Iraq on
of technology in the civilian sphere,        February 27, 1991, it became evident
the recourse to high-tech solutions          that US and allied forces had crushed
across a broad spectrum of military          one of the world’s largest armies at
problem sets has become an essential         astonishingly low cost to themselves.
feature of force development and de-         To other military powers, especially
fense procurement in Western-style           those organized according to Soviet
armed forces.                                or other non-Western principles, the
                                             Gulf War appeared to serve notice of
The considerable success the West            a new era in military affairs, in which
has enjoyed in establishing and – for        Western force projection would be
a time – upholding this paradigm of          extremely difficult to resist by any
military-technological pre-eminence          means currently available to them,
has had important consequences for           short of nuclear weapons.
the international order. During the
1980s, the financial impact of the in-       The West’s adoption of a paradigm of
tensifying competition in advanced           guided weapons, signature-reduced
conventional forces arguably hastened        platforms like stealth aircraft, so-
the fall of the Soviet Union. In the de-     phisticated intelligence, surveillance
cades since, the Western capabilities        and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and

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pervasive battlefield networking was,          set in motion during the 1980s and
as yet, in its early stages. But the mili-     1990s continue to bolster the capa-
tary foundations of the United States’         bilities of Western-style armed forces,
preeminent position in the interna-            the so-called guided weapons revolu-
tional system seemed assured for de-           tion has entered the stage of global
cades to come. While the promise of            diffusion. And while some of the
a more collaborative, US-led world             greatest triumphs of late-Cold War
order that the Gulf War coalition had          engineering – such as long-range,
appeared to foreshadow soon proved             very-high-precision cruise missiles or
illusory, the reality of Western mili-         stealth aircraft – remain inaccessible
tary superiority was inescapable. Ac-          to all but the wealthiest and most
cording to a 2011 Rand study, the              technologically advanced countries,
Chinese People’s Liberation Army               they are no longer the exclusive do-
(PLA) was particularly impressed by            main of the United States and its
what it had witnessed: “The 1991               closest allies.
Persian Gulf War sent shockwaves
throughout China’s military commu-             Although this would in itself con-
nity and accelerated the PLA’s mod-            stitute a significant development,
ernization and shifts in strategy. The         it is the underlying shift in the pat-
United States’ overwhelming dom-               terns of innovation that should give
inance in that conflict led Chinese            pause to Western decision-makers.
military leaders to push for advanced          Whereas the late-Cold War advances
military technologies.”2 The armed             in military technology were critically
forces of the newly formed Russian             dependent on government-funded
Federation also took notice, although          research and development (R&D) to
their ability to react was curtailed by a      come to fruition, ongoing innovation
chronic lack of resources.                     processes in fields such as biotech-
                                               nology, nanotechnology, quantum
Almost three decades later, the so-            computing, robotics, artificial intel-
called Revolution in Military Affairs          ligence (AI), augmented reality, and
(RMA) touted by American theorists             additive manufacturing are far more
during the 1990s is following the fa-          reliant on open knowledge econo-
miliar trajectory of earlier spells of         mies populated by private actors.
military-technological innovation, in          Because this knowledge ecosystem is
that it has produced advantages of             far more transparent and accessible
limited extent and durability.3 While          by design, the challengers of Western
many of the innovation processes               military preeminence find themselves

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operating in an environment from            another watershed will be reached
which cutting-edge technologies can         in the 2020s, with long-term impli-
be extracted with relative ease. Foreign    cations not just for Western military
acquisitions, joint ventures, multina-      policies and force development prior-
tional research programs, and interna-      ities, but for the international order
tional student exchanges are all part of    at large. In the following we will look
the same toolbox in this regard, as are     into the root causes of this dynamic,
industrial espionage and other forms        assess Western policy initiatives de-
of intellectual property theft.             signed to offset it, and consider the
                                            way forward.
As a result, the odds that non-Western
actors will not only catch up, but ac-      The Crumbling Foundations of
tually pull ahead of the United States      Western Advantage
and its allies in some areas of technol-    To understand why the military su-
ogy development are set to increase         periority of Western democracies can
dramatically. As a result of its striking   no longer be taken for granted, as it
economic growth over the last 20 – 30       long had been after 1991, one must
years, this is true of the People’s Re-     ultimately look beyond the field of
public of China (PRC) in particular.        defense innovation and reckon with
Given that the Western advantage in         two economic megatrends that are
military forces is itself derived from a    altering the underlying parameters
limited portfolio of key technologies,      of military technology development.
the formation of pockets of Chinese         The first has been the rapid growth
advantage would amount to an im-            of many non-Western economies,
portant break with a pattern of incre-      and the spectacular expansion of the
mental progress in military technolo-       Chinese economy in particular. The
gy development that has marked the          second concerns the ways in which
past two to three decades. At the same      new technologies are developed and
time, the ability of other actors to        shared within a globalized economic
cancel out existing Western strengths       environment.
by combining less advanced technol-
ogies and asymmetric doctrines has          The rise of the non-Western econo-
also increased, and this is a function      mies constitutes, without a doubt,
of raw economic power to a much             the most consequential global trans-
lesser extent. While advantages in          formation of the early 21st century.
military technology have never been         In 1991, China’s share of the world
static, it seems increasingly likely that   economy was 4 percent. The United

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States’ share was 21 percent. Today,         observe significant knock-on effects
China’s illiberal capitalist model ac-       in the military sphere. Although the
counts for close to 19 percent of the        mechanisms that underpin this ex-
global economy, whereas the US share         pectation are complex, advances in
has dropped to 15 percent – a trend          military technology primarily depend
which looks set to continue. Equally         on two factors: A state’s capacity to
impressively, the advanced economies         extract financial resources from the
of 1991 – most of them Western-style         domestic economy and funnel them
liberal democracies – collectively ac-       into military modernization, and its
counted for 63 percent of the gross          competency in harnessing new tech-
world product, while developing na-          nologies through indigenous R&D or
tions created the remaining 37 per-          by acquiring them from abroad, and
cent. Five years from now, according         fielding them in a timely manner.
to projections from the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), these propor-           The second overarching trend that
tions will likewise have been reversed.      is contributing to the relative mili-
                                             tary decline of the West is a radical
While the relationship between eco-          shift in the patterns of technological
nomic potential and military capabil-        innovation itself, which is likely to
ity is not straightforward, they have        further undermine existing relative
usually been strongly correlated in          advantages in the medium- to long-
the long term. As Paul M. Kennedy            term. During the 1970s, when the
famously argued, “economic prosper-          technological foundations of the so-
ity does not always and immediately          called Revolution in Military Affairs
translate into military effectiveness,       took form, cutting-edge R&D was
for that depends on many other fac-          preponderantly state-funded and ter-
tors, from geography and national            ritorially confined. More than half of
morale to generalship and tactical           all R&D funding in the United States
competence. Nevertheless, the fact           typically came out of the federal bud-
remains that all of the major shifts         get, and no less than 50 percent of ev-
in the world’s military-power bal-           ery federal R&D dollar went directly
ances have followed alterations in           into defense projects. As of 2018, the
the productive balances.”4 Given the         US federal government accounts for
profound reversal of the global eco-         less than a quarter of national R&D
nomic balance of power that has been         funding, and civilian applications
underway for the last thirty years, it       have overtaken defense projects in the
would not be surprising to eventually        public spending category.5

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS            2 0 1 9

Over the last decade, the trend to-        Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D
wards private funding has only be-         In constant 2005 billion USD (PPP)
come more distinct. In the United
                                           400           USA
States, the overall financial intensity
of R&D as a percentage of the GDP
has remained about the same, at ap-
proximately 2.6 percent, but the share
of public funding has declined from
1.2 to 0.7 percent.6 In other words,
even though military R&D spending
remains a well-funded aspect of the
US defense effort, the likelihood that




a cutting-edge technology will be de-




veloped using private rather than pub-     Source: UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

lic money – and, therefore, privately
owned – is now much higher than it
was forty years ago. Given that the US     centered on manufacturing sites and
federal tax base will be strained by es-   service providers in China or other
calating health care and other entitle-    emerging economies. In many cases,
ment costs, this downward trend is set     these dependencies have resulted in
to continue or even accelerate in the      the transfer of proprietary knowledge
2020s. Predictably, similar patterns are   as well as significant know-how, be it
already asserting themselves in other      surreptitiously or by design. During
Western democracies.                       that same period, Chinese foreign
                                           direct investment (FDI), in the form
At the same time, the private technol-     of acquisitions of US companies or
ogy companies that have taken on the       assets, has increased from less than
mantle of primary R&D funders have         50 million USD per year to a record
become key players in a global eco-        44.2 billion in 2016 alone. While the
nomic model that is based on open ex-      largest influx of Chinese FDI has been
change and non-discriminatory treat-       into the real estate sector, investments
ment. As part of deliberate offshoring     in information and communications
and outsourcing strategies pursued         technology have come second.7
over the last three decades, many of
these same companies have become           Aside from economic activities, nar-
dependent on complex and highly            rowly defined, the transfer of spe-
specialized global supply chains, often    cialized knowledge from advanced,

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Western-style economies to emerging           academics and businessmen. These
countries has been further accelerated        intrusions have frequently been aid-
by other forms of legitimate interna-         ed by a naïve approach to informa-
tional exchange, especially in tertiary       tion security on the part of Western
education and the applied sciences.           entities, and a corresponding lack of
While the net impact of the steady            stringent precautionary measures,
rise in the number of foreign students        even among military organizations
and researchers is difficult to quantify,     and defense contractors.8 Although
there is no doubt that government-run         a small number of high-profile hacks
initiatives such as China’s Thousand          and human intelligence activities have
Talents Plan have been designed to si-        received most of the public attention,
phon off high-value research findings         the impact of economic espionage
from abroad. Even without such care-          goes far beyond these high-profile in-
fully orchestrated activities, however,       cidents. The boundaries between such
the repatriation of Western-trained           state-sanctioned theft and various
scientists and engineers at the rate of       non-state criminal undertakings are
tens of thousands per year constitutes        often fluid, and likely to remain so.
one of the most impressive instances
of global knowledge transfer ever un-         These factors are rendering the idea
dertaken. Because most cutting-edge           of tightly controlled – let alone exclu-
technologies are now ostensibly com-          sive – government ownership of cut-
mercial in nature, state tools such as        ting-edge technologies obsolete and
classification and export control are         enabling far broader access to the bas-
often inapplicable and the recourse           es of future military innovation. By
to effective restrictions difficult to        the same token, they are contributing
legitimize.                                   to the emergence of potent indige-
                                              nous innovation hubs in a number of
Lastly, Western government bureau-            emerging economies, among which
cracies, private companies, universi-         China has profited the most. Even
ties, and other entities are being sub-       though other actors – India, Malaysia,
jected to a panoply of intelligence and       Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand,
criminal activities. This includes mas-       Vietnam, and Brazil, to name a few
sive cyber incursions as well as other        – have also made significant gains,
technical collection efforts, along with      Beijing’s efficacious exploitation of
more traditional approaches to indus-         the open technology ecosystem’s op-
trial espionage using trained agents or       portunities and vulnerabilities is in a
“non-traditional collectors,” such as         category of its own.

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International Students at US Universities
  800,000              Middle Eastern
                       Other Americas
                       Other Asian
  600,000              Indian



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Source: Institute of International Education

While concerns about relative gains                 The Limits of Policy
have long been muted in the com-                    Interventionism
mercial sphere and the efficiency of                The trends sketched out above are
the globalized model of technology                  structural and long-term in nature.
development and high-tech manufac-                  If this were not the case, a solution
turing remains widely accepted, West-               to the problem of relative military
ern democracies are being reminded                  decline might entail a selective accel-
that the same set of principles may                 eration of Western technological ad-
not be equally applicable to matters                vances in the defense sector, without
of national security. From the perspec-             impinging on the civilian economy.
tive of the long-term defense planner,              This would mean that the attempts of
the triumph of open, networked sup-                 strategic rivals to nullify or leapfrog
ply chains and the prevalence of pri-               current advantages would be rendered
vate-sector R&D in promising fields                 ineffectual simply by outperforming
such as artificial intelligence, biotech            them in the defense segment, without
or quantum computing take on a                      causing any undue collateral damage.
different complexion. Unfortunately,                Regrettably, such a straightforward
the resulting dilemmas are not easily               solution is not in the cards. To under-
resolved.                                           stand why, we must first explore the

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relationship between commercial and           internal components of the aircraft, is
military technology development in            a version of Apple’s civilian FireWire
somewhat greater detail.                      standard.

While contributions to the current de-        What is of interest here, though, is
bate sometimes seem to suggest other-         not that the basic technologies un-
wise, the dependence on commercial            derpinning the F-22’s advanced data
technology in defense innovation is           processing were commercial in na-
not a new phenomenon, although its            ture. Rather, it is the extreme lengths
full scale and consequences are only          to which the prime contractor and
now becoming apparent. In fact, ad-           various subcontractors had to go to
vanced weapon systems of the current          fully embed these technologies and
generation – generally fielded during         make them suitable for combat-crit-
the late 1990s and 2000s – have long          ical military use.9 While it is tempt-
relied on commercial products in key          ing to assume that these intricate and
areas. The backbone of the US advan-          time-consuming requirements will
tage in air-to-air warfare, the F-22A         apply to a lesser extent to current
Raptor air superiority fighter, is a case     commercially-driven technologies in
in point. The heart of the F-22’s ad-         fields like computer vision and ma-
vanced combat capabilities – its com-         chine learning, the opposite is bound
puting architecture – was originally          to be true: as the level of complexity
based on a microprocessor developed           of embedded commercial technol-
in the early 1980s and never released to      ogies continues to rise, the need for
the civilian market: the Intel i960MX.        extensive adaptation, systems integra-
However, this changed after the air-          tion, and testing will further increase.
craft became operational in the early         Because the systems architectures of
2000s, with an upgrade of the entire          advanced military platforms are at the
architecture to the PowerPC standard.         heart of their cutting-edge capabili-
Launched by Apple, IBM, and Mo-               ties, this work will be highly classified
torola in the early 1990s, this was a         and performed by specialized defense
commercial technology, intended not           contractors, as it has been in the past.
for military use, but for the growing         In other words, there is every reason
personal computer market. PowerPC             to believe that leading tech firms will
microprocessors were used in iMacs            continue to provide the technology
and iBooks until 2006. Similarly, the         base and the defense industry will
F-22’s high-speed serial bus, which           continue to provide the capabili-
transfers data between the various            ty. Whereas the former will spread

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around the globe with ease, develop-        bases may both be inefficient, but
ment of the higher tiers of future com-     Beijing’s tight grip on providers of
bat systems will still require the costly   strategic goods and services within a
services of capable systems integrators     framework of “civil-military fusion”10
and other specialized contractors that      means that inefficiencies barely matter
are available only to a select few in the   once political priorities get in the way
international system.                       of market mechanisms. Skyrocketing
                                            cost, in other words, may not function
Although this may sound like good           as an effective restraint on a system like
news, it raises serious questions for       China’s. Overall, state capitalism may
the West’s attempt to prolong its mil-      not be better at fostering innovation
itary superiority. Even though many         but it would appear to be more ef-
Western observers assume that liberal       fective at distorting specific segments
democracies will continue to outper-        of the economy in line with current
form any strategic rival where the in-      strategic priorities. While the net eco-
tegration of commercial and military        nomic impact of such distortions may
technologies is concerned, this is not      well be negative, in the context of this
inevitable. Given that their econom-        discussion, it is beside the point.
ic model is based on free enterprise,
limited state interference and the rule     This should lead us to rethink West-
of law, the ability of the Western de-      ern policy interventions designed to
mocracies to co-opt or coerce private       arrest the ongoing slide in military
corporations headquartered on their         capability. The most obvious exam-
territory to do their strategic bidding     ple of such an initiative is the Penta-
generally comes in the form of stan-        gon’s so-called Third Offset Strategy.
dard financial incentives. The same is      Launched in 2014 by then-Secretary
mostly true of their relationship with      of Defense Chuck Hagel, it was de-
major defense contractors.                  scribed as a “department-wide effort
                                            to identify and invest in innovative
Unfortunately, this does not necessar-      ways to sustain and advance America’s
ily apply to rivals that may be able to     military dominance for the 21st cen-
combine the advantages of the market        tury.”11 Modeled on two Cold War-
in fostering innovation and allocating      era offset strategies, which sought to
resources with state interference to        balance the numerical superiority of
further a particular conception of the      the Warsaw Pact, first with a broad
national interest. Hence, the US and        variety of nuclear weapons and later
Chinese defense-relevant industrial         with guided munitions, long-range

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sensors and battle networks, this was          able to mobilize, the ability of the US
primarily intended to address growing          defense bureaucracy to shape techno-
US-China competition in the Western            logical innovation in the commercial
Pacific.                                       sector appears limited. The controver-
                                               sy surrounding Google’s participation
In 2015, the architect of the Third            in the now infamous Project Maven –
Offset, Deputy Secretary of Defense            a machine learning initiative that was
Robert O. Work, set out a number of            publically linked to the United States’
technological priorities clustered in          targeted killing programs – illustrates
the fields of artificial intelligence, ma-     the point.13
chine autonomy, learning systems, and
human-machine interfacing. These               Hence, those who had placed their
were expected to play a central role,          hopes in the technological deus ex
especially during the first phase of the       machina of a Third Offset have largely
initiative. To gain direct access to the       fallen silent. As Robert Work noted,
commercial actors at the forefront of          there is reason to believe that it is, in
this anticipated revolution, the De-           fact, still the United States that is be-
partment of Defense set up a Defense           ing offset in the Western Pacific.14 To
Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx)            the extent that similar techno-centric
in Silicon Valley. As of 2016, the De-         efforts are under way in other Western
partment expected to spend only 18             nations, their chances of success in-
billion USD on Third Offset priorities         spire even lower levels of confidence.
over a five-year time frame.                   There is a chance, of course, that the
                                               Third Offset may be revitalized or
As some observers have since noted,            that more circumscribed initiatives
the strategy appears to have shed its          will succeed.
primarily techno-centric approach in
favor of nearer-term operational con-          That said, the underlying issue may
cerns, in accordance with the broader          be more fundamental in nature than
defense priorities of the Trump ad-            many observers – in particular in the
ministration.12 While it is not yet clear      Euro-Atlantic sphere – acknowledge.
in which direction the next Secretary          Western-style market economies may
of Defense will take the United States’        be capable of unsurpassed efficiency
defense innovation efforts, four years         in creating the conditions for rapid
into the initiative its bureaucratic mo-       commercial innovation. But when it
mentum appears to have stalled. Given          comes to mobilizing the commercial
the limited resources it has so far been       sector to advance the state’s strategic

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

priorities, the dirigiste measures avail-   undergird a determined territorial
able within the state capitalist frame-     defense. This has included air-to-air
work may prove more effective from          missiles (AAMs) and surface-to-air
the standpoint of medium-term ad-           missiles (SAMs), but also convention-
vances in military technology.              ally armed ballistic and cruise missiles
                                            designed for attacks against enemy air
The Future of the Military Balance          bases, ports of entry, and command
How will these trends impact the mil-       and control facilities.
itary correlation of forces and shape
major combat operations? In this re-        Though Russia has long been held
gard, two aspects deserve particular at-    back by its weak economy, late-Soviet
tention: The first is the growing ability   and Russian technology has played a
of actors like China, Russia, and India     key role in offsetting the Western ad-
to press for parity in some established     vantage in the air and at sea. Long-
areas of Western advantage, such as air     range, “double-digit” SAMs like the
and missile power. The second con-          SA-10 Grumble (S-300P) and SA-20
cerns the question of whether – and         Gargoyle (S-300 PMU-1/2) form the
to what extent – longer-term trends in      backbone of the air defenses of many
technology development can be offset        non-Western military powers. The
by effective force employment and su-       newer SA-21 Growler (S-400) com-
perior fighting skill.                      plex is now also being offered up for
                                            export. Similarly, Russian technol-
The technological advantage of West-        ogy has played a significant role in
ern military forces has long been re-       non-Western AAM development, in-
flected in operational, if not always       cluding the new Chinese PL-10 and
in strategic, outcomes. As we have          PL-15 missiles.15 Meanwhile, Russian
seen, the Persian Gulf War was a            cooperation with India has resulted
landmark event in this regard. Nota-        in the high-supersonic Brahmos an-
ble operational successes have forced       ti-ship missile and similar collabora-
non-Western actors to come to terms         tive armaments programs may enable
with the realities of Western military      the move towards hypersonic muni-
dominance and to seek long-term             tions in the coming decade.16
options to offset it that go beyond
cheap, asymmetric fixes. One option         Meanwhile, in the field of conven-
has been to aim for an advantage or         tionally armed ballistic missiles,
for rough parity in at least some cat-      China has made the most impressive
egories of guided munitions that can        advances. The PLA now fields a large

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and diversified arsenal for potential         the PLA’s capability level has evolved
use against Taiwan as well against            in line with the 750 percent increase
US and allied air fields in the region.       in its defense budget. According
While many of these developments              to one study, the US would still be
have been discussed under the mon-            able to wrest air superiority from the
iker of anti-access/area denial (A2/          PLA Air Force, but as early as 2010
AD), China’s focus, in the event of a         the forces required to do so had in-
conflict, appears to have shifted from        creased tenfold and the vulnerability
raising the cost of any US intervention       of US bases in the region had grown
to defeating it outright.17 China also        exponentially. By 2017, according to
appears to have pulled ahead of Russia        one RAND study, “continuous im-
in stealth and counter-stealth technol-       provements to Chinese air capabilities
ogies. While the problems China has           [made] it increasingly difficult for the
encountered in pursuing these capa-           United States to achieve air superior-
bilities have long been touted as a sign      ity within a politically and operation-
of its inability to catch up, the innova-     ally effective time frame, especially in
tion dynamics of the past should not          a scenario close to the Chinese main-
be automatically extrapolated into the        land. These developments also raise
future. The recent advances the China         the probable cost of a war in terms
Electronics Technology Group Corpo-           of lives and equipment.”19 Given that
ration claims to have made in the field       the PLA could achieve this shift while
of quantum radar, which would ren-            still relying on limited technological
der current approaches in low-observ-         means, most of which belonged to
able aircraft design largely ineffectual,     the era of the highly successful Sec-
should serve as a wake-up call in this        ond Offset Strategy, there is little
regard.18                                     doubt that the relative standing of the
                                              United States in such a scenario will
To get a sense of the past dynamic of         continue to deteriorate.
military capability development, the
“pacing” Taiwan scenario continues to         In this regard, it is useful to con-
offer an excellent benchmark for the          sider the United States’ reliance on
growth of China’s regional military           stealthy aircraft like the F-22 and the
power. The shifting tone of Western           semi-stealthy F-35, which is believed
analyses of such a conflict over the past     to have been compromised by PLA
three decades is instructive. While the       cyber espionage. While neither the
Taiwan crisis of 1996 reinforced Chi-         indigenous Chinese J-20 and J-31
nese vulnerability, two decades later,        semi-stealth aircraft, nor the Russian

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

Su-57 are fully operational or avail-      projected massive investments in the
able in significant numbers, the US        coming years, it has been argued that
philosophy of “first look, first shot,     China’s advances in a broad range
first kill” is already being undermined    of artificial intelligence technologies
by improved air defense search radars      should constitute a “Sputnik mo-
operating outside the frequency range      ment”21 for the United States, with
that is effectively countered by current   implications far beyond the defense
stealth technology.20 Further increases    field. Although their economic bases
in processing power, long-range in-        are less impressive, other non-West-
frared sensors, passive radar, and im-     ern actors are likely to follow suit.
proved missile seekers are going to fur-   While the use of long-range weapons,
ther exacerbate this situation – even if   unmanned and autonomous systems,
the promise of quantum radar, which        and improved electronic warfare and
would rely on entangled photons for        cyber support can all serve to lower
unambiguous detection at longer            costs and casualties, the upshot is that
ranges, fails to materialize.              similar options will likely be available
                                           to capable opponents. Moreover, a
Given that air-to-air combat and           military such as the PLA may be in a
strike warfare have long been areas of     position to employ the same technol-
Western strength, it seems likely that     ogies, with many fewer constraints,
the overall exchange rates between         than Western-style armed forces.
Western and non-Western forces in fu-
ture conflict scenarios would be more      Technology-focused approaches may
balanced than at any time since World      not constitute the best solution to
War II. Due to the growing lethality       this dilemma. Given the high levels
of opposing forces, Western militar-       of education, technical competency,
ies may become more likely to avoid        and relatively high tolerance for in-
costly confrontations and correspond-      dependent decision-making that are
ingly less likely to heed their alliance   often seen as characteristic traits of
commitments.                               Western democracies, an emphasis on
                                           superior combat training, distribut-
Nor is the prospective decline of the      ed command authority, and creative
Western margin of superiority limit-       force employment may represent a
ed to these specific fields. Russia and    more promising avenue for a new
China are highly capable in the cyber      offset strategy. Insofar as techno-cen-
domain, and continue to invest in          tric initiatives can contribute to such
anti-satellite capabilities. Given the     a shift, human-machine teaming has

E C L I P S E   O F    W E ST E R N      M I L I TA RY     T E C H N O LO GY

Initiators and Defenders in Major Cyber Theft Incidents, 2000 – 2018

Initiations                                          Defenses
                                                           Ukraine India 9     6
                  North                                       4                      Germany
                  Korea                                                                 5
        France     10                                                        Japan 10
           2                                                    Iran 9
                                Russia 41
          Israel                                                                        China 9
    South 6 Pakistan
    Korea        2                                      Russia
      3                                                   5
                          Vietnam           Iran
                              2               6
                                                                         USA 87
            China 63              USA 12

Sources: CSIS; DCID

the potential to amplify any pre-ex-                 are worth mentioning in this regard.
isting skill differentials. That said, it            For one, an increased application
should not be taken for granted that                 of national security instruments to
liberal societies will enjoy inherent ad-            knowledge-intensive industries is al-
vantages in the utilization of this par-             ready taking shape, especially in the
ticular cluster of technologies in the               United States. Hence, the Trump
future – nor should any one family of                administration has taken a hard line
emerging technologies be unduly em-                  on Chinese property theft and in-
phasized over others.                                troduced measures to ensure a high-
                                                     er level of protection for a so-called
Protecting the Defense                               National Security Innovation Base.22
Knowledge Base                                       The Trump approach is instructive, in
While an exclusive focus on techno-                  that it has both increased the United
logical solutions is unlikely to accom-              States’ freedom of action in counter-
plish the aim of maintaining Western                 ing Chinese intrusions and stoked a
military superiority, the question of                debate about the abuse of national
whether an advantage in key areas can                security instruments for commercial
be retained in the long run remains                  advantage, or even to tactically shape
relevant. Several recent developments                the domestic political discourse.

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

A limited and targeted application         longer term. Any further steps will be
of additional protections designed to      much more difficult to negotiate, in
avoid the transfer of sensitive knowl-     part due to increasingly effective for-
edge to potentially hostile actors will    eign lobbying efforts.
be unavoidable if some level of eco-
nomic and military advantage is to be      It is likely that knowledge-based ad-
retained in the long run. That said, the   vantages in the defense field will
danger that such instruments will be       continue to decline, even though
inappropriately applied to other, less     the West retains options to minimize
sensitive sectors of the economy clearly   them. The combination of targeted
cannot be discounted. A broad-based        research in more tightly controlled
recourse to state interference would       environments, limited interven-
almost certainly have a stifling effect    tions in the market, and expanded
on the civilian economy. The dilemma       counterintelligence programs could
of balancing national security and eco-    contribute to the maintenance of
nomic liberty is thus likely to remain     narrower, but nonetheless meaning-
with us for the foreseeable future.        ful, advantages for the foreseeable
                                           future. Whether such programs can
The ability of Western democracies         be successfully implemented remains
other than the United States to fol-       to be seen, especially in the highly
low suit and impose controls on their      fragmented European context. Bal-
knowledge ecosystems will be limited       ancing state interventions in the free
by pragmatic economic interests and        exchange of knowledge with legiti-
concerns about economic freedom.           mate civilian imperatives will remain
Nonetheless, the pressure to act will      a delicate matter. Finally, while many
continue to build. Following domes-        in the West appear impervious to the
tic initiatives in a number of member      historical record in this regard, broad-
states, the European Union has already     based technological superiority is not
resolved to implement additional           a necessary precondition for main-
measures to ensure better screening of     taining highly capable armed forces.
FDI. Since national security concerns
remain for the individual member           Although the danger should not be
states to sort out, the impact of any      overstated, a failure to arrest the on-
such regulations will remain uneven.       going slide towards conventional mil-
While investment screening is a step       itary parity could further weaken US
forward, it appears unlikely that the      alliance commitments and security
proposed measures will suffice in the      assurances in the face of revisionist

E C L I P S E     O F    W E ST E R N        M I L I TA RY     T E C H N O LO GY

challengers. This may be true even in                   4 Paul M. Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great
                                                          Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict
the absence of any major crises or mil-                   form 1500 to 2000 (London: William Collins,
itary conflict. While the effects on the                  2017), 762.

international order would be primarily                  5 American Association for the Advancement of
indirect and difficult to fathom, grow-                   Science, “National R&D by Funder;” “Trends
                                                          in Federal R&D, FY 1976 – 2018.”
ing pressure for US military retrench-
ment is difficult to reconcile with the                 6 American Association for the Advancement
                                                          of Science, “Federal R&D as a Percentage of
maintenance of an alliance system                         GDP.”
based on a presumption of indivisible
                                                        7 Rhodium Group et al., The US-China FDI
security. A focus on the mechanisms                       Project.
of technology diffusion will be nec-
                                                        8 National Counterintelligence and Security
essary to minimize further losses in                      Center, Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyber-
comparative military advantage. At                        space, Washington, DC: Office of the Director
                                                          of National Intelligence, 2018.
the same time, a techno-centric ap-
proach may no longer be sufficient to                   9 Carlo Kopp, “Lockheed-Martin / Boeing F-22
                                                          Raptor: Assessing the F-22A Raptor,” Air Power
arrest this dynamic. How best to draw                     Australia.
on non-material advantages in an age
                                                        10 Meia Nouwens and Helena Legarda, “China’s
of intense technological competition,                      Pursuit of Advanced Dual-Use Technologies,”
and how to emphasize them as a vi-                         IISS, December 18, 2018.

able foundation for deterrence vis-à-                   11 Chuck Hagel, “Reagan National Defense
vis future peer competitors, should be                     Forum Keynote,” November 15, 2014.

major concerns for strategic and oper-                  12 Daniel Fiott, “America First, Third Offset
ational-level theorists.                                   Second?” in: RUSI Journal 163:4 (2018), 48.

                                                        13 Lee Fang, “Google Is Quietly Providing AI
                                                           Technology for Drone Strike Targeting Proj-
1 Dima Adamsky, The Culture of Military Inno-              ect,” in: The Intercept, March 6, 2018.
  vation: The Impact of Cultural Factors on the
  Revolution in Military Affairs in Russia, the US,     14 Robert O. Work, “So, This Is What It Feels
  and Israel (Standford, CA: Stanford University           Like To Be Offset,” Presentation at the 2018
  Press, 2010), 81 – 87.                                   CNAS Annual Conference, June 21, 2018.

2 Roger Cliff et al., Shaking the Heavens and           15 “Chinese and Russian Air-launched Weapons:
  Splitting the Earth: Chinese Air Force Employment        A Test for Western Air Dominance,” in: The
  Concepts in the 21st Century (Santa Monica, CA:          Military Balance 2018 (London: Routledge/
  RAND, 2011), 35.                                         IISS), 7 – 9.

3 See, e.g. Michael O’Hanlon, A Retrospective           16 Richard H. Speier et al., Hypersonic Missile
  on the So-called Revolution in Military Affairs,         Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of a New
  2000 – 2020 (Washington, DC: Brookings,                  Class of Weapons (Santa Monica, CA: RAND,
  2018).                                                   2017).

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS   2 0 1 9

17 Scott W. Harold, Defeat, Not Merely Compete:
   China’s View of Its Military Aerospace Goals and
   Requirements in Relation to the United States
   (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2018).

18 Martin Giles, “The US and China are in a
   Quantum Arms Race that Will Transform
   Warfare,” in: MIT Technology Review, January 3,

19 Eric Heginbotham et al, U.S. and Chinese Air
   Superiority Capabilities: An Assessment of Relative
   Advantage, 1996 – 2017 (Santa Monica, CA:
   RAND, 2015), 2 – 3.

20 Carlo Kopp, “Evolving Technological Strategy in
   Advanced Air Defense Systems,” in: Joint Forces
   Quarterly 57:2 (2010), 86 – 93.

21 David Ignatius, “China’s Application of AI
   Should be a Sputnik Moment for the U.S. But
   will it be?” in: Washington Post, November 6,

22 The White House, National Security Strategy of
   the United States (Washington, DC: The White
   House), December 2017, 21 – 22.

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