太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute

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太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
                 ISSI-BJ Magazine
                      No. 5 January 2015
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
                                      The International Space Science          that the ASO-S mission has
                                      Institute in Beijing (ISSI-BJ)           complementary         objectives    to
                                      successfully organized a two-            existing or future solar missions,
                                      day Forum on “Exploring Solar            e.g. SOHO, Solar Orbiter, or
                                      Eruptions and their Origins” in the      Interhelioprobe. Therefore, the
                                      framework of the Space Science           ASO-S mission is an additional
                                      Strategic Pioneer Project of the         excellent example of how the
                                      Chinese Academy of Sciences              Chinese Space Science program
IMPRINT                               (CAS), in Beijing on October 30-31,
                                      2014. ISSI-BJ Forums are informal
                                                                               is innovative and challenging,
                                                                               and complementary to existing
                                      and free debates, brainstorming          missions. This offers significant
太空 | TAIKONG                          meeting, among some twenty-five          opportunities      for    cooperation
ISSI-BJ Magazine                      high-level participants on open          through mission coordination and
                                      questions of scientific nature. In       scientific analysis that places
                                      total 27 leading scientists from         ASO-S and China in a central
                                      eight countries participated in this     position due to its unique objectives
                                      Forum.                                   and technology. It is also suggested
                                                                               that ASO-S should provide some
Address: NO.1 Nanertiao,              The Forum’s main aims were               routine tools to the community or
Zhongguancun, Haidian District,       to discuss the current status of         high-level products of magnetic
Beijing, China                        the research progress on the             field.
Postcode: 100190                      relationships among magnetic
Telephone: +86-10-62582811            fields, solar flares and coronal         The scientists concluded the very
Website: www.issibj.ac.cn             mass ejections and to identify           fruitful meeting with defining the
                                      relevant results acquired by current     mission to be successful with a
Main Authors                          missions. The debate mainly              broad international interest. This
                                      focused on the Advanced Space-           TAIKONG magazine provides an
Weiqun Gan and Li Feng, Purple        based Solar Observatory (ASO-S),         overview of the scientific objectives
Mountain Observatory, CAS, China      its key science goals and mission        and the overall design of the ASO-S
                                      definition, as well as some of the       project, including spacecraft and
Editors                               key technological issues. ASO-S          instrumentation discussed during
                                      is one of the candidate missions         the Forum.
Sabrina Brezger                       for advanced studies in the space
Maurizio Falanga                      science program of the Chinese           I wish to thank the conveners and
                                      Academy of Science, with regard          organizer of the Forum Weiqun
                                      to complementary missions.               Gan (PMO, CN), Säm Krucker
                                                                               (FHNW, CH / UC Berkeley, US),
                                      After starting with recognizing          Haimin Wang (NJIT, US), Yihua
                                      the key scientific objectives for        Yan (NAOC, CN). I also wish to
                                      exploring solar eruptions, the           thank the ISSI-BJ staff, Sabrina
                                      Forum continued with an overview         Brezger, Lijuan En, and Xiaolong
                                      of the achievements of current           Dong, for actively und cheerfully
                                      relevant missions like Solar Orbiter     supporting the organization of
                                      and Solar Dynamics Observatory.          the Forum. In particular, I wish to
                                      Furthermore, new possibilities           thank Weiqun Gan and Li Feng,
                                      for observations of solar active         who with dedication, enthusiasm,
                                      phenomena were being discussed           and seriousness, conducted the
Front Cover                           among the experts, in order to finally   whole Forum and the editing of this
This image artistically illustrates   review the planed instruments            report. Let me also thank all those
ASO-S observing the eruptions of      and satellites for ASO-S. The            who participated actively in this
the Sun.                              participants recognized the very         stimulating Forum.
                                      high scientific value of the mission
                                      and raised constructive comments
                                      and suggestions on the mission           Prof. Dr. Maurizio Falanga
                                      concept, payloads key techniques,        Beijing
                                      and data product. They concluded         January 2014

2      太空|TAIKONG
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
INTRODUCTION                          and CMEs, which are the major          engineering implementation is
                                           scientific objectives of ASO-S.        expected to start in 2016. Aiming
A two-day forum on the mission             The forum also had intensive           at the 25th solar activity maximum,
of the Advanced Space-based                discussions on the optimization        ASO-S is planned to launch in 2021.
Solar Observatory (ASO-S) was              of the scientific objectives and
held at the International Space            payloads,     synergy    between       This TAIKONG magazine presents
Science Institute in Beijing (ISSI-        ASO-S and other ground and             an overview of the ASO-S mission,
BJ). Approximately thirty scientists       space observations, and potential      its major scientific objectives, the
and engineers from China, France,          international cooperation in the       three payload elements onboard,
Germany, Italy, Russia, Switzerland,       future.                                and the outcome from the
UK and USA attended this meeting.                                                 discussions during the forum
The forum was sponsored by ISSI-           The primary concept of the ASO-S
BJ with some support from the              mission was proposed in 2009 or
Purple Mountain Observatory,               earlier. It partially inherited the     MISSION OVERVIEW
Chinese Academy of Sciences.               Sino-French joint Small Explorer for
                                           Solar Eruptions (SMESE) mission.       ASO-S could be the first Chinese
Solar flares and coronal mass              The concept's phase A study was        solar space observatory, if selected
ejections (CMEs) are the two most          finished in March 2013. ASO-S is       in 2016. It is a small or middle-
powerful eruptive phenomena                currently undergoing scientific and    scale mission to understand the
on the Sun. The energies of these          engineering background studies         physical processes involved in
eruptions are believed to originally       (phase B) from January 2014 to         solar eruptions, especially solar
                                           December 2015, in the framework
come from the solar magnetic                                                      flares and CMEs. Table 1 gives an
field. The forum overviewed                of the Space Sciences Strategic        overview of the mission.
latest research progress on the            Pioneer Project of the Chinese
solar magnetic field, solar flares,        Academy of Sciences. If selected,


                                       •     Simultaneously observe non-thermal images of flares in hard
                                             X-rays, and formation of CMEs, to understand the relationships
                                             between flares and CMEs.
                                       •     Simultaneously observe full-disc vector magnetic field, energy
                                             build up and release of solar flares, and the initiation of CMEs, to
 Top level scientific objectives
                                             understand the causality among them.
                                       •     Observe the response of solar atmosphere to eruptions, to
                                             understand the mechanisms of energy release and transport.
                                       •     Observe solar eruptions and the evolution of magnetic field, to
                                             provide early warning and physical clues for forecasting space
                                       •     FMG: Full-disc vector MagnetoGraph
 Payloads                              •     LST: Lyman-alpha Solar Telescopes
                                       •     HXI: Hard X-ray Imager
                                       •     launch vehicle: Long March 2D
                                       •     Orbit: solar synchronous orbit
 Mission profile
                                             - Altitude: 720 km
                                             - Inclination: 98.2 degree
 Spacecraft platform                   •     candidates: SAST1000 or ZY-1
 Data downlink                         •     220 GB/day
 Launch year                           •     2021
 Mission duration                      •     > 4 years

Table 1: ASO mission overview.

                                                                                              太空|TAIKONG            3
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
SCIENTIFIC                          are often associated with CMEs,          configuration.
                                             however, a causal relationship
         OBJECTIVES                          has not been established. The            In this complicated development,
                                             energies of these eruptions are          we can discern four major
A solar flare is detected as a sudden        believed to come from the solar          observational goals:
flash of brightness observed over            magnetic field, with comparable
the solar surface or at the solar            amounts appearing as radiation           1) Simultaneously observe non-
limb. Solar flares can affect all            and mass motions. Therefore,             thermal images of flares in hard
layers of the solar atmosphere. The          the simultaneous observations            X-rays, and the formation of CMEs,
plasma temperature can reach tens            of the solar magnetic field, solar       to understand the relationships
of millions of Kelvins. Electrons,           flares, and CMEs, are of particular      between flares and CMEs.
protons, and heavier ions are                importance in the study of their
accelerated to relativistic energies         relationships.                           The origin and initiation of solar
and produce radiation across                                                          flares and CMEs remain unsolved
the electromagnetic spectrum at              The ASO-S mission is specifically        and are still a hot topic in solar
wavelengths from radio waves to              proposed to understand the               physics. It is generally accepted that
gamma rays. Ionization produced              physical processes involved in           flares originate locally, but CMEs
by flare emissions may produce               solar flares, CMEs, and the solar        can originate either in small scale
radio blackouts and disrupt                  magnetic field evolution. Its            or in large scale. The relationship
communications.                              major scientific objectives could        between flares and CMEs is still in
                                             be abbreviated as ‘1M2B’: one            debate. Is there any cause-effect
A CME is a large-scale release of            magnetism plus two bursts (flares        relationship between flares and
mass and magnetic field from the             and CMEs). Figure 1 is an artistic       CMEs? Does a flare trigger a CME
Sun. This process is a major cause           view of a solar flare, a CME, and a      or vice-versa, or is there no link
of geomagnetic storms. Flares                possible associated magnetic field       between them? Statistically there
                                                                                      is a rough 70% link. Why are some
                                                                                      flares accompanied by CMEs,
                                                                                      and others not, and how is this
                                                                                      behavior determined? The Sun
                                                                                      has an activity cycle of 11 years.
                                                                                      It is predicted that cycle 25 would
                                                                                      eventually start from 2020 and peak
                                                                                      around 2022 to 2025. Close to the
                                                                                      solar maximum, the occurrence of
                                                                                      flares and CMEs is more frequent.
                                                                                      ASO-S is planned to launch in 2021
                                                                                      and to make imaging observations
                                                                                      of the source region of these two
                                                                                      types of eruptions in white light,
                                                                                      UV, X-ray, and γ-ray. ASO-S will be
                                                                                      able to follow the eruptions from
                                                                                      the photosphere to the corona
                                                                                      and from their initiation to full

                                                                                      2)     Simultaneously      observe
                                                                                      full-disc vector magnetic field,
                                                                                      energy build up and release of
                                                                                      solar flares, and the initiation of
                                                                                      CMEs, to understand the causality
                                                                                      among them.

    Fig. 1: An artistic view of a solar flare, a CME, and a possible magnetic field   A consensus has been reached that
    configuration in white (modified from NASA's Solar Sentinels STDT report).        solar flares and CMEs are driven by

4         太空|TAIKONG
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
between the magnetic field
                                                                                   complexity and the productivity
                                                                                   of CMEs? Are CME triggered locally
                                                                                   (e.g., by magnetic reconnection)
                                                                                   or globally on a large scale (e.g.,
                                                                                   by ideal MHD instabilities or loss of
                                                                                   equilibrium)? The full-disk vector
                                                                                   magnetograph onboard ASO-S
                                                                                   will provide detailed information
                                                                                   on the magnetic context of
                                                                                   eruptions. HXI is dedicated for
                                                                                   flare observations, LST for CME
                                                                                   observations.       Simultaneous
                                                                                   observations of solar magnetic
                                                                                   field, solar flares, and CMEs
                                                                                   will help us to disentangle the
                                                                                   relationships among them, and
                                                                                   most importantly to establish
                                                                                   quantitative          relationships
Fig. 2: Possible mode of Lyman-alpha observations of LST. The coronagraph          between the magnetic field and
image taken by SOHO/UVCS (UltraViolet Coronagraph Spectrometer) is similar         the eruptions.
to the future observations of LST/SCI, and full disk image observed by MSSTA
(Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array) is in analogue to the future observations   3) Observe the response of solar
                                                                                   atmosphere to eruptions, to
the magnetic field, and the energy        the most important issues in solar       understand the mechanisms of
involved in these two eruptions           physics. For example, the following      energy release and transport.
comes from gradual build-up               questions need to be answered.
of stresses (the "non-potential           What roles do the magnetic               When flares and CMEs occur, huge
energy") stored in the coronal            field shearing and magnetic flux         numbers of energetic electrons
magnetic field. The question              emergence play to store the              and ions are accelerated. These
‘What magnetic configuration              pre-flare energy and to trigger          accelerated particles can travel
is favorable for producing flares         eruptions? What quantitative             swiftly in the direction of the
and CMEs?’ remains to be one of           relationship can we establish            magnetic field, penetrate the lower

  Fig. 3: Left: a full disk magnetogram observed by HMI. FMG will be a successor of HMI. Right: Magnetic field topol-
  ogy and X-ray sources of a flare. The magnetic field can be derived from FMG observations, and hard X-ray sources
  can be obtained from HXI measurements after the launch of ASO. (The image is adopted from the RHESSI website.)

                                                                                              太空|TAIKONG                5
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
Instrument               Mass (kg)                Size (mm)             Power (W)             Data rate(GB/day)
 FMG                      85                       1200×600×450          55                    140
 HXI                      50                       1200×400×400          70                    5
 LST                      60                       880×600×420           80                    75
 Structure                25
 Sum                      220
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
corresponding parameters of the          telescopes observing in Lyman-           and is formed all through the
magnetograph of PHI (Polarimetric        alpha and white light: SDI (solar disk   chromosphere and the bottom of
and Helioseismic Imager) onboard         imager), SCI (solar coronagraph          the transition region. Comparing
Solar Orbiter are listed in Table        imager), and WST (full-disk white-       with the conventional white-light
3. FMG consists of an imaging            light solar telescope) for the           coronagraph images, Lyman-alpha
optical system, a polarization           purpose of calibration. WST can          coronagraph observations will
optical system, and a CCD image          also be used to observe white-           provide new discoveries of CMEs.
acquisition and processing system.       light flares, a fundamentally            The light ray-tracing diagrams of
Its optical system is delineated in      important aspect of flare physics.       the SCI and SDI are delineated in
Figure 5.                                SDI works in the same wavelength         the left and right panels of Figure
                                         band as the HRI (High Resolution         7 , respectively.
• Hard X-ray Imager                      Imager) of EUI (Extreme Ultraviolet
                                         Imager) onboard Solar Orbiter;
HXI aims to image the full solar         And SCI shares some common                ORBIT, SPACECRAFT
disk in the high-energy range            features with METIS (Multi
from 30 keV to 300 keV, with             Element Telescope for Imaging              PLATFORM AND
good energy resolution and high          and     Spectroscopy)       onboard       ALTITUDE CONTROL
time cadence. It is designed for         Solar Orbiter. The key parameters
flare observations. The principle        of these four instruments are            ASO-S has a solar synchronous
of HXI is the same as HXT (hard          presented in Table 5.                    orbit at an altitude of ~ 700 - 750
X-ray    telescope)     on    board                                               km. The selection of the altitude
YOHKOH using indirect imaging            The hydrogen Lyman-alpha line            takes into account both the particle
of spatial modulation. Unlike HXI        is the brightest line in the UV          background along the orbit for HXI
and HXT, another high energy
imaging mission RHESSI adopts
the indirect imaging technique
by rotational modulation. STIX
(Spectrometer     Telescope      for
Imaging X-rays) onboard Solar
Orbiter takes the indirect imaging
of spatial modulation as well. The
key parameters of HXI and STIX
are summarized in Table 4. The
telescope structure including
collimators,     detector,      and
electronics box, etc., is presented
in Figure 6.

• Lyman-alpha Solar Telescopes

To observe CMEs continuously
from solar disk to a few solar
radii, another payload LST will
be on board. It comprises three          Fig. 5: Optical system of FMG.

                               FMG                           PHI/HRT                       PHI/FDT
 Wavelength                    Fe I 532.4nm                  Fe I 617.3±0.06nm             Fe I 617.3±0.06nm
 Accuracy                      BLOS≈5G                       BLOS
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 5 January 2015 - The International Space Science Institute
and the scattered light level for            DISCUSSION AND                        made by ASO-S will be able to
LST. It has an inclination angle of                                                monitor the Sun with much higher
around 98°  .                               RECOMMENDATION                         data rate. Together also with the
• One candidate of the satellite                                                   Russian mission Interhelioprobe
    platform is the FengYun                During the two-day forum, there         and      many        ground-based
    series        SAST1000       from      were many insightful discussions.       telescopes, scientists can benefit
    Shanghai Academy of Space              They are classified into three          hugely from multi-perspective,
    Technology. Another is ZY-1            following categories:                   multi-wavelength observations of
    from China Academy of Space                                                    commonly observed phenomena.
    Technology.                            1. MISSION CONCEPT
• The altitude control uses the                                                    ASO-S plans call for a launch
    three-axes stability technology.       The      participants   intensively     in around 2021 for selection at
    The platform attitude pointing         discussed the synergy between           the end of 2015. Some of the
    accuracy is designed to be ≤           ASO-S and Solar Orbiter. Thanks         participants worried about such
    0.01° , measurement accuracy           to the different orbits of the two      a tight schedule and expressed
    ≤ 1″, stabilization accuracy ≤         missions, stereoscopic studies can      that some delay is completely
    0.0005°  /s. The payload attitude      be made. For instances, FMG and         acceptable.       However,     after
    pointing accuracy is designed          PHI can work together to solve          comprehensively         considering
    to be ≤ 20″, and stabilization         the 180º ambiguity problem of           the status of key technology, the
    accuracy ≤ 0.25″/30s for FMG           transverse magnetic field in a novel    participants found that the time
    and 1-2″/10s for LST.                  and extremely attractive manner;        scheme is attainable. For FMG,
                                           HXI and STIX can be used to             the team has worked on the
                                           study the anisotropy of energetic       magnetograph for tens of years,
                                           electrons and the 3D geometry           and the key technology is already
                                           of flare loops; LST and EUI/METIS       there. For HXI, the team has done a
                                           can reveal the 3D context of the        good part of work. Further through
                                           features observed in Lyman-alpha,       international collaborations, the PI
                                           such as prominences. The remote-        of STIX onboard Solar Orbiter was
                                           sensing instruments onboard             confident that the key technology
                                           Solar Orbiter have only a limited       of HXI could be solved in time. LST
                                           duty cycle, while the observations      inherits the Lyman-alpha telescope

                                           HXI                                    STIX
 Energy range                              30-300 keV                             4-150 keV
 Energy resolution                         3%@662keV                              ~1 keV, less at higher energies
 Angular resolution                        < 6”                                   7”
 Field of view                             1°                                     2.5° for spectroscopy,
                                                                                  1.5° for imaging
 Temporal resolution                       0.5 s                                  Up to 0.1 s
 Effective area                            100    cm2                             ~6 cm2

Table 4: Key parameters of HXI and STIX.

                         LST/SCI                    METIS                 LST/SDI                EUI/HRI
 Wavelength              121.6±10nm                 visible: 580-640nm 121.6±5nm                 H I Ly α 121.6nm
                                                    HI Ly α 121.6±10nm                           17.4 nm
 Field of view           1.1 – 2.5 R                1.4 -2.9 Rʘ (0.27 AU) 0.0 – 1.2 Rʘ           1000’’*1000’’
                                                    2.1 -4.35Rʘ (0.4AU)
 Spatial resolution      4.6”                       20’’(2*2 binning)     1.12”                  1’’
 Temporary resolu-       4 - 10s                    Visible: 5 min        1-5s                   can reach sub
 tion                                               UV/EUV: 15-20 min                            second

Table 5: Key parameters of LST/SCI, METIS, LST/SDI, and EUI/HRI.

8       太空|TAIKONG
designed for the Sino-French                left and half for right)
mission SMESE. It was proposed              will be collected for one
about 10 years ago. Therefore,              magnetogram.          Such
we have already accumulated                 huge data absolutely
some experience from the SMESE              need real-time onboard
mission and can also benefit from           data acquisition and
the techniques applied to Lyman-            processing. On the other
alpha telescopes onboard other              hand, within 32s (for
missions, e.g., SOHO. Dr. Jean-             obtaining 512 frames)
Claude Vial suggested us to make            the pointing should be
good use of the time before the             stabilized at least within
last round of the mission selection.        half pixel, say 0.”25. For
All the participants expressed that         a       birefringent-filter-
even if a few years delay happens,          based magnetograph,
there is no major influence on the          temperature        control
scientific goals of ASO-S.                  accuracy of filter should
                                            be better than 0.01°      C.   Fig. 6: Design of the HXI structure.

Fig. 7: Ray-tracing diagrams of SCI (left) and SDI (right).

                                                                                      milliseconds possible. This is really
2. PAYLOADS KEY TECHNIQUES                  All of these issues should be paid
                                                                                      new, since such a time is just
                                            more attention at this key stage of
                                                                                      the order of magnitude for the
The    participants   extensively           the project.
                                                                                      electrons travelling from the top of
discussed the key technologies
                                                                                      the loop to the footpoints, and HXI
involved in payloads.                       • HXI
                                                                                      can for the first time resolve these
                                                                                      motions. A big issue for hard X-ray
• FMG                                       The main discussions on HXI are
                                                                                      telescopes is the calibration. The
                                            about the energy range, absolute
                                                                                      HXI team and STIX team plan to sit
The key techniques of FMG                   calibrations, cross talk problem
                                                                                      together in the future to compare
discussed include: data acquisition         between different subcollimators,
                                                                                      the absolute values observed by
and real-time onboard processing,           background measurement, etc.
                                                                                      HXI and STIX. The gain calibration
image stabilization, temperature            It is found that the upper limit
                                                                                      was also briefly discussed. Proper
control (or compensation), and              of the energy band of 300 keV
                                                                                      alignment of front and rear
oil sealing. In order to get higher         is better than 150 keV that STIX
                                                                                      subcollimator pairs needs to
accuracy, FMG uses multi-frame-             has. Another new aspect of HXI
                                                                                      be done to avoid the cross talk
add mode. In normal mode of                 is the high time cadence, which
                                                                                      problem and to ensure the optical
observation, 512 frames (half for           makes the image with tens of

                                                                                                    太空|TAIKONG         9
performance. To measure the             coronal magnetic field, the
background, one can remove the          180-degree disambiguation of the
grids in front of some detector         transverse field in the photosphere,
elements.                               and surface flow maps. Probably in
                                        the future, the Q-maps quantifying
• LST                                   the magnetic topology could be
                                        included as well. It is better to start
LST led to quite a number of            preparation for work early in the
discussions. The FOV of LST             program.
onboard ASO-S is more beneficial
in observing the inner corona
than      METIS      onboard    Solar            SUMMARY
Orbiter. The cleanness of the
spacecraft is very crucial to
                                        The participants reached an
Lyman-alpha            measurements.
                                        agreement       after   this     two-
Another fundamental issue for
                                        day meeting: ASO-S has well-
coronagraphs is to decrease the
                                        defined      scientific   objectives
stray light, especially that from
                                        and will measure fundamental
the first mirror. It is recommended
                                        and important parameters of
to quantify the stray light as a
                                        solar magnetic field, solar flares,
function of radial distance. It
                                        and CMEs. The mission is not
is also recommended to add a
                                        overloaded and still is ambitious.
white-light channel to increase
                                        It has focus and is in good
the science outcome of LST, by
                                        balance between the advanced
implementing filter wheels in
                                        scientific objectives and resources.
the optical path. The participants
                                        Therefore, the mission is very
also suggested including a
                                        probable to be successful. The
capability for measuring Lyman-
                                        director of Kiepenheuer-Institute
alpha polarization to obtain the
                                        for Solar Physics in Germany Prof.
horizontal component of the
                                        Oskar von der Luehe stimulatively
coronal magnetic field, and the
                                        asked the ASO-S team to “go for it”!
possibility of a Lyman-alpha
                                        And in the future, some workshops
spectrometer to retrieve more
                                        will be set up to work on the
physical quantities. As a result, the
                                        calibration of hard X-ray telescope
LST team will seriously consider
                                        on different missions, etc. It is also
these possibilities and envisage
                                        planned to frame ASO-S into the
the technical feasibility. During the
                                        NASA’s Living with a Star Program.
meeting, the contrast of Lyman-
alpha images and the contribution
of geocorona to the Lyman-alpha
signal were also discussed.


Another aspect is the data product.
It is suggested that ASO-S should
not only provide measurements
but also some routine tools to the
community. In particular for FMG,
the team was asked to provide
high-level products of magnetic
field. Borrowing the experiences
from HMI, the high-level product
may include the extrapolated

10       太空|TAIKONG
太空|TAIKONG   11

Sergey Bogachev       LPL, Russia
Yuanyong Deng         National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, China
Mingde Ding		         Nanjing University, China
Maurizio Falanga      International Space Science Institute - Beijing, China
Cheng Fang		          Nanjing University, China
Li Feng		             Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, China
Weiqun Gan		          Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, China
Hugh Hudson		         UC Berkeley, USA/ Uni. Glasgow, UK
Haisheng Ji		         Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, China
Eduard Kontar		       University Glasgow, UK
Säm Krucker		        FHNW, CH / UC Berkeley, USA
Vladimir Kuznetsov    IZMIRAN, Russia
Hui Li			             Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, China
Jun Lin			            Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, CAS, China
Yang Liu		            Stanford University, USA
Oskar von der Lühe   KIS, Germany
Eckart Marsch		       Kiel University, Germany
Marco Romoli		        University Firenze, Italy
Brigitte Schmieder    LESIA, France
Albert Shih		         GSFC, USA
Yingna Su		           Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, China
Jean-Claude Vial      IAS, France
Jingxiu Wang		        National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, China
Ji Wu			              National Space Science Center, China
Jian Wu		             Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, China
Yihua Yan		           National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, China
Mei Zhang		           National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, China
Haiying Zhang		       Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology, CAS, China
Yiqian Zhou		         SSA, China
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