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Volume 34 | Number s2 | February 2019
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4        TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                                                    www.spectroscopyonline.com


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6   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                              www.spectroscopyonline.com

Introduction to the Guide
Jerome Workman, Jr.

         few years ago, our sister publica-     After considering these issues carefully, we
         tion, LCGC, published a termi-         decided to be more comprehensive and
         nology guide, and copies flew off      added more terms to the list.
the stand all year at conferences. That            In addition to using this guide, spec-
response made the editors of Spectroscopy       troscopists may also wish to know the
consider that it might be worthwhile to         definitions given by various organizations
develop a similar guide, initially focusing     for many spectroscopic terms; for these,
on terms specifically related to molecular      one may refer to The ACS Style Guide, the
spectroscopy. Such a guide would include        American Society for Testing and Materi-
a comprehensive set of definitions for top-     als (ASTM) terminology guides, United
ics of interest to molecular spectroscopists    States Pharmacopeia (USP) documents, or
and those using molecular spectroscopy in       the International Union of Pure and Ap-
their daily work. This would include the        plied Chemistry (IUPAC) guidance docu-
types of molecular spectroscopy methods         ments. All of these reference sources will
and many terms related to spectrophotom-        provide additional terms and updates on
eters, spectrometers, and the many appli-       periodic changes in definitions as might
cations of these instruments. In addition,      occur over time. We have included many
it would include some data and computer         topical terms that are not mentioned in
terms, some statistical data analysis terms,    those standard definitions and nomencla-
and the essential chemometric terms for         ture guides, so that our guide is comple-
typical data preprocessing and calibration.     mentary to those official publications.
   This terminology guide includes defini-         This terminolog y g uide is not in-
tions for over 250 molecular spectroscopy       tended to be highly mathematical, the-
terms in sufficient detail to provide read-     oretical, or all-inclusive in its coverage.
ers with a reasonable understanding of          For example, we have elected not to
the concepts covered. In deciding which         cover every possible term used in spec-
terms to include, we first identified spe-      troscopic instrumentation, measurement,
cific terms, like hotband, isotope shift, and   data handling, and validation, but have
hydrogen bonding that directly affect the       chosen instead to use most terms that
appearance of spectra, as well as many          may be encountered in everyday labora-
general terms more familiar to our readers.     tory work where ultraviolet (UV), f luo-
We noted that if the scope was “molecu-         rescence (FL), visible (Vis), near-infrared
lar spectroscopy,” then we needed to add        (NIR), infrared (IR), Fourier transform
nuclear magnetic resonance and possibly         infrared (FT-IR), Raman, or terahertz
other methods, but, if we narrowed that         (THz) spectroscopy are in general use.
to “vibrational spectroscopy,” then NMR         This glossary should be helpful to both
could be dropped. Cavity ring down              novice and advanced users in spectros-
(CRD) spectroscopy and surface plasmon          copy, and can also serve as a useful refer-
resonance (SPR) would be borderline cases,      ence guide to even the most experienced
with fluorescence as a must-have addition.      in the field.
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8   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                       www.spectroscopyonline.com

A                                                     spectroscopic analysis and the reference value
Abscissa: Designates the horizontal (x) axis of       determined by a reference method. This error
a graph and, typically, the wavelength or wave-       is usually ascribed to the instrument, although,
number scale of a spectrum.                           in fact, it is due to the error variances of both
Absorbance: Measure of the amplitude of               the instrument and reference methods. Accu-
absorbed energy in a spectrum related to the          racy, with respect to an instrument performance
concentration of an analyte. This term is also        calibration, is the agreement of a measurement
referred to as the negative log (base 10) of Trans-   parameter (for example, wavelength, photomet-
mittance (-log10T = log10[1/T]). This is also rep-    ric value, or linearity) to the certified values of a
resented as the product of absorptivity (extinc-      reference standard.
tion coefficient), pathlength, and concentration,     Acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF):
written as A=εbc. Absorbance = log10(1/reflec-        A bandpass filter, also known as a Bragg cell,
tance) or absorbance = log10(1/transmittance).        that uses sound waves to electronically change
Absorptivity: Probability of energy absorbing         the bandpass and angle of transmitted energy
at a particular wavelength for a specific analyte     through the device. The device uses acoustic
under specific conditions (that is, a specific        diffraction of light with a broadband detector
combination of pH, solvent, and temperature).         if the filter is rotated, or with an array detector
Thus, a specific amount of material at specified      if no rotation of the AOTF optical element oc-
measurement conditions will absorb a specific         curs. This device is generally made using a tel-
fraction of the energy striking it. Absorptivity is   lurium dioxide (TeO2) crystal in combination
generally signified by either a lower case epsilon    with a piezoelectric detector. A radio frequency
(ε) or a. It is defined as:                           pulse is applied to the device, which changes
                                                      the index of refraction within the crystal, and,
                                               [1]    therefore, its light diffraction or transmittance
                                                      characteristics. A change in radio frequency
 Where ε is the molar absorptivity in units           causes a change in the transmitted wavelengths
 of L · mol-1 · cm-1; c is the concentration          and the exit angle of the diffracted light. The
 of molecules in the spectrometer beam in             typical spectral ranges for AOTF devices are
 units of mol · L-1; and pathlength (l) is the        from near 390 nm to above 4400 nm with a
 thickness of the sample in units of cm; and          typical spectral resolution of 0.5% of the trans-
 A is the measured absorbance.                        mitted wavelength.
 Accuracy: A measure of the agreement be-             Active detector: A photon detection system
 tween the amount of a substance as deter-            requiring electronic power that will detect pho-
 mined by an analytical procedure and the “true”      tons at various frequencies and create a change
 amount of that substance in the sample. Since        in an electronic signal based on the photon or
 the “true” value may be unknown, it is approxi-      electromagnetic energy flux striking the ac-
 mated by determining it using a reference analy-     tive detection element. The detector elements
 sis method—that is, a method whose accuracy          include photocathodes, photodiodes, photo-
 can be estimated. If enough determinations           detectors, and charge-coupled devices (CCDs).
 are averaged, improved approximations of the         Materials include silicon (Si), cadmium zinc tel-
“true” analyte concentrations can be made. In         luride (CdZnTe), mercury cadmium telluride
 spectroscopic calibrations, the accuracy is usu-     (MCT, HgCdTe), indium gallium arsenide
 ally expressed as the standard error of estimate     (InGaAs), lead sulfide (PbS), light-emitting di-
 (SEE) or the standard error of prediction (SEP)      odes (LEDs), indium antimonide (InSb), and
 as statistics that measure agreement between the     germanium (Ge).


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10   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                     www.spectroscopyonline.com

Analog: A term used to describe or represent          may independently detect a broad wavelength
continuously variable physical quantities. Ana-       range of energy. These detectors may be flat
log data has continuity as contrasted to digital      or curved to accommodate a multiwavelength
data, which is in discrete reporting states. Ana-     beam of diffracted light. They may be a lin-
log signals are continuously variable quantities      ear array, such as in a charge-coupled device
that contain information resolution dependent         (CCD), or a rectangular array where different
only upon the magnitude of the signal.                pixels form a mosaic of smaller pixels capable
Analysis: The determination of the quantity           of collecting and reporting multidimensional
of a particular substance (that is, analyte) con-     images.
tained within a sample, usually expressed as          At-line: A term used to describe instrumenta-
weight percent of an analyte. Note that spec-         tion that chemically quantifies or qualifies ma-
troscopy directly measures a volume fraction          terials in near real-time (as they are produced)
unit, not a weight fraction unit. One may also        near a production line. Generally, a sample
perform analysis on the optical performance of        aliquot is taken from the production line and
a spectrometer for its optical, mechanical, and       moved to an analysis station for manual sam-
electronic performance levels.                        ple presentation to a nearby instrument.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA): A mathe-                Attenuated total reflectance (ATR): A
matical or statistical procedure for determining      sampling device used for surface analysis with
the contributions that various phenomena make         infrared spectra where physical contact of the
to the total variation in a set of measurement        ATR crystal occurs with the sample surface.
data. Variance is defined as the standard devia-      ATR crystal materials include diamond (Di),
tion squared, and follows the F-distribution for      germanium (Ge), silicon (Si), and zinc selenide
statistical purposes. Variances are additive terms    (ZnSe). ATR measurements can yield excellent
and allow arithmetic operations.                      quality spectra, provided that the contact pres-
Angle of incidence: The angle between the             sures of the ATR crystal and the sample are
incident radiation beam with respect to a nor-        held constant. By applying an ATR correction
mal (perpendicular) surface angle. For a plane        algorithm, ATR spectra may be compared
and specular surface, the incident and reflected      qualitatively with transmission spectra.
angles for a beam of light are equivalent.            Attenuated total reflection (ATR) cor-
Anisotropy: A reflection property where the           rection: This is also known as “attenuated
energy is not equivalent for all positive angles of   total reflectance correction.” A conversion func-
reflection; therefore, reflected energy is differ-    tion to compare transmission spectra to ATR
ent for different reflection angles from a surface.   spectra for infrared spectroscopy. The func-
Anti-Stokes shift: See Raman effect.                  tional conversion depends upon the refractive
Apodization or apodization function: A                indices of the ATR crystal and the sample, the
function used to remove the “ripple” effect on        angles of incidence and collection for the infra-
either side of spectral peaks or bands following      red beam, and the number of bounces for the
the application of the Fourier transform to an        beam with the ATR crystal. The conversion
interferogram. These ripples are minimized by         is important for quantitative and qualitative
applying a function to spectral data to produce       comparisons between ATR spectra and trans-
smaller ripples and slightly broadened peak           mittance spectra.
Array detector: A photoelectric detector that         B
includes multiple, evenly spaced lines or rect-       Bandpass filter: A filter that is designed to
angles of detectors (or pixels), each of which        provide transmission for a particular band of
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12   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                     www.spectroscopyonline.com

frequencies, but to attenuate (reduce) transmis-     to separate the beams used to measure ratioed
sion of frequencies above (or above and below)       spectra as the sample and reference beams.
the specified transmission band. Specifications      Beer’s law (Beer-Lambert law): A linear-
include a half width or full width at half-maxi-     ization algorithm to convert transmission or
mum (FWHM) of the transmission band, the             reflection spectra to absorbance. The transmis-
transmission peak position, and the attenuation      sion or reflection spectral responses are not con-
transmission specifications with respect to fre-     sidered linear with concentration, whereas the
quency or wavelength.                                logarithmic absorbance conversion is assumed
Bandwidth: This term refers to the full width        linear with changes in analyte concentration. It
at half-maximum (FWHM), the line width, or           is strictly defined for transmission or transmit-
the spectral resolution, of a spectrophotometer.     tance spectroscopy. Beer’s law relates the amount
It also refers to the range of frequencies (wave-    of electromagnetic radiation that passes through
lengths) over which a particular instrument is       a sample to the composition of that sample. For
designed to function within specified perfor-        the case of a single absorbing species, it is often
mance limits. Also, it refers to the limits or ex-   written as follows:
treme difference between the specified frequen-
cies of a measured spectral range (that is, high                     A = abc = εbc                   [2]
versus low frequencies over a spectral range).
Baseline correction: Spectra taken with              Where A = measured absorbance = - log10 (I/Io);
different instruments or with varying sample         I = intensity of radiation through the measur-
conditions, such as particle size or turbidity,      ing system in the presence of the sample; Io =
may have a different baseline offset and cur-        intensity of radiation through the measuring
vature. Visually or mathematically comparing         system in the absence of the sample; a = ε = the
such spectra may require a baseline correction.      absorptivity of the sample at the wavelength
These corrections are generally a single point or    of measurement; an intrinsic property of the
multipoint offset, a linear correction, or various   molecular species (also known as the extinc-
first- or second-order polynomial corrections.       tion coefficient in physics); b = the pathlength
The single- and multipoint correction involve        through the sample; and c = the concentration
the addition or subtraction of one or more           of the sample for a single absorbing species. If all
points from the baseline. Linear or polynomial       the physical parameters (particularly the path-
corrections involve fitting such a mathematical      length) are kept constant, then the measured
function to the baseline, and then subtracting       absorbance (A) is directly proportional to the
the fitted line or curve from the spectrum,          concentration (as weight per unit volume) of
transforming the comparative spectra to have         the analyte species of interest. This principle
a similar amplitude scale and shape.                 is the basis of absorption-based spectroscopic
Beamsplitter: An optical element that is             quantitative analysis.
coated in such a way that approximately 50%          Bias: The average difference between a set of
of the energy striking the element is reflected      instrumental analyses and the corresponding set
and 50% is transmitted; these optical elements       of laboratory reference values; or, a set of samples
are often referred to as half-mirrors. A Michel-     measured using a comparison instrument or an-
son interferometer comprises a beamsplitter,         alytical method. More generally, it is the average
which is an active optical element, along with       difference between two sets of measurements on
one fixed and one moving mirror. Dual-beam           the same sample or samples.
instruments exhibiting simultaneous sample           Bit: Abbreviation of binary digit. A bit is the
and reference beams also use a beamsplitter          value of the least significant place of a number
www.spectroscopyonline.com                                               TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019   13

in the binary number system. It is the smallest       polarization light reflection equals 0) is termed
unit of information a traditional computer can        the Brewster angle. It is also the angle that con-
handle. A bit corresponds to the output of a          stitutes perfect or 100% of the light transmitted
solid-state device, which is either the “0” state     through the dielectric.
(usually 0 V), or the “1” state (usually +5 V).
In traditional computer circuits, intermediate        C
states are not defined.                               Calibration: Most often defined as determin-
Blind duplicate: Reference laboratory data            ing the response of an analytical method to
used for calibrating instruments are generally        known amounts of pure or reference analyte.
analyzed using primary analysis methods—              Instrument calibration refers to measuring and
that is, methods that depend only on fun-             aligning the x- and y-axis measurements of a
damental physical laws and well-determined            spectrophotometer with respect to a reference
physical constants, such as molecular weight.         material of standard and known characteristics,
Thus, the accuracy of such laboratory data            such as in wavelength or photometric accuracy
cannot be measured by comparison with ref-            calibration. Product calibration is the process of
erence data, since there is, theoretically, no        computing an equation or model to fit reference
more accurate technique. Nevertheless, error          laboratory readings to instrument readings for
does exist in such data; the magnitude of the         product calibrations. In spectroscopy, product
error can be assessed by comparing the labo-          calibrations are usually performed by linear or
ratory with itself, or by comparing the values        nonlinear multiple regression techniques.
reported on multiple independent analyses of          Calibration curve: The results of a calibration
the same sample. To ensure that the analyses          when graphed, usually with Cartesian coordi-
are independent, the test samples should be           nates, with a parameter such as concentration
randomized so that the laboratory analyst             (in molarity) on the x-axis, versus absorbance or
cannot detect the repeat aliquots of the same         instrument response on the y-axis. Developing
sample. If several samples are replicated, then it    a calibration curve or line often involves the ap-
suffices to send each one in only twice, because      plication of statistical regression methods.
this approach will provide data to calculate an       Calibration set: A collection of samples con-
estimate of laboratory accuracy.                      taining varying amounts of the analyte used to
Boxcar apodization: The apodization func-             calibrate an instrument. This collection is also
tion applied to Fourier-transformed interfero-        referred to as the learning set or teaching set.
gram spectra that maximizes both peak height          Centerburst: An interferogram has a center-
and resolution (band half width) as compared          burst, also referred to as the "zero-path-differ-
to other apodization functions. It is the apo-        ence" (ZPD) location. When the optical path
dization function most often used for gas-            distance of the fixed and moving mirror are
phase infrared spectrophotometry. It is a square      identical in the interferometer, the interferogram
waveform apodization function, in contrast to         is at maximum interference; this is referred to as
a triangular or Happ-Genzel (smoothed trian-          the centerburst position.
gular function) apodization function.                 Chalcogenide: These materials contain a
Brewster angle: When a light beam at a spe-           Group XVI element from the periodic table.
cific wavelength passes through one medium            The main use in spectroscopy is for infrared-
(for example, air) and reflects or interacts with     range transmitting optics such as fiber optics
another medium (for example, glass, plastics, or      and optical lens elements. The most common
other dielectric materials), the angle where the      materials in this category include cadmium
p-polarized light does not reflect (that is, the p-   sulfide (CdS), cadmium selenide (CdSe), cad-
14   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                   www.spectroscopyonline.com

mium telluride (CdTe, formerly marketed as          be completed in real time for specific molecular
IRTRAN-6), Cleartran (water clear zinc sul-         vibrations at known planar locations for image
fide), zinc selenide (ZnSe, formerly marketed as    reconstruction without the use of excitation dyes.
IRTRAN-4), and zinc sulfide (ZnS, formerly          Color measurement: A measurement of a
marketed as IRTRAN-2).                              physical sample is made with appropriate illu-
Chemometrics: A subdiscipline of analytical         mination and measurement geometry. For color
chemistry involving complex overlapping mo-         measurement, a variety of color coordinates are
lecular patterns from a sample chemistry (that      computed from the visible spectrum to approxi-
is, chromatography or spectroscopy); and the        mate and define colors to simulate human vi-
interpretation of these signal patterns (for ex-    sion. To compute the color coordinates for any
ample, chromatograms or spectra), using a series    sample requires three vectors or tables of values:
of multivariate mathematical techniques in the      the spectral power distribution of the illumi-
usable form of computer algorithms.                 nant (usually either Standard Illuminant D65
Chopper: A device used for modulating or            or Standard Illuminant A); the color matching
interrupting a current or light beam at regular     functions representing the human eye sensitiv-
                                                                                                 _ _
intervals. This form of modulation is often         ity to red, green, and blue (RGB) as the x, y ,
used to convert signals into resolvable seg-        and z coordinates; and the visible spectrum
ments for measurement when using slower             of the sample in the appropriate measurement
response detectors.                                 geometry.
Christiansen effect: An effect where a non-         Colorimetry: The techniques for the measure-
linear distortion occurs for strong absorption      ment of color (in the visible region) and for the
bands transmitting or reflecting energy through,    interpretation of the results of such measure-
or from, crystalline particles that are slightly    ments as they correspond to universal mathe-
larger than the measuring wavelength of energy.     matical color scales. There are many color scales
Circular dichroism: For an optically active         used to report color vision in a digital format.
molecule, left or right circularly polarized en-    See also color measurement.
ergy will produce different absorption spectra.     Combination band: An absorbance band
The circular dichroism spectrum for optically       arising from the interaction of two or more
active molecules changes with the wavenumber        vibrations of a molecule—for example, stretch-
of the incident energy. The technique is used       ing and bending. The new frequency for the
to determine the structures of certain types of     combination band is calculated as the sum of
bioorganic molecules, such as DNA or nucleic        the vibrational frequencies of the coupled (in-
acids, and for secondary structure estimation of    teracting) bands (ν combined = ν1 + ν2). In the
proteins. It is often performed using the ultra-    near-infrared region, C-H stretch combination
violet or infrared spectral regions.                bands occur four times, and the O-H combi-
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectros-                nation bands occur three times. For example,
copy (CARS): A measurement where two lasers         in the NIR region the first combination region
are used as a near-infrared pump beam and a         for C-H stretching occurs from 4550 cm-1 to
longer wavelength Stokes beam. These lasers are     4000 cm-1 or 2200 nm to 2500 nm; the second
used to excite molecules to their virtual state;    combination region occurs from 7400 cm-1 to
the molecules then return to their vibrational      6666 cm-1 or 1350 nm to 1500 nm.
state. Tuning of the excitation pump laser al-      Combination search: A method of selecting
lows excitation of specific molecules at specific   a subset of variables from a larger set by per-
spatial locations with a 105 signal enhancement     forming trial calibration using different combi-
over conventional Raman. CARS imaging may           nations of variables to form each subset, then
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selecting that subset giving the most accurate -1.0 and +1.0. For instrument calibrations the
calibration. This concept is usually extended correlation coefficient should be positive (+).
to trying all possible combinations of vari- The correlation coefficient is calculated from
ables. It was most often applied to selecting the following expression, where there are two
appropriate wavelengths for multiple linear variables compared, namely X and Y with n
regression calibrations.                            being the number of data-point pairs.
Compression: A term used to describe a
method of minimizing repack variation in
spectral data by averaging several aliquot
scans of each sample before calibration devel-                                                   [3]
opment. Thus, all repeated scans for a sample
are averaged to a single scan or spectrum, and
the variation in repacks is removed from the Correlation transform: A term used to de-
data. The resulting calibration will be more scribe the process of using correlation statistics
accurate, but, statistically, will require that with multilinear regression analysis to select the
future predictions also be averaged.                optimum regression equation for the sample,
Concentration: The amount of analyte in a based on the correlation between the analyte
given volume of sample—for spectroscopy, this concentration and a change in spectral response
is in moles per liter or mass per unit volume.      for a particular wavelength or wavenumber data
Confocal optics: The term is defined as two point, or wavelength or wavenumber region.
optical elements with an identical focal length Counts: The measured raw signal used in
or focus, such as a pair of matched spherical photon detection electronics relating to the
mirrors with a distance equal to their respec- analog-to-digital (A/D) converter signal.
tive radii of curvature, a set of pinholes with the Most modern photodetectors use a 16-bit
same foci, or a pair of matched lenses with the A/D electronics converter corresponding to a
identical foci. For confocal microscope optics, maximum signal count of 216 = 65,536 counts
the sample and the condenser optics are at the for full-scale detection, having a full range of
same focus. Greater resolution is possible when 0 counts to 65,536 counts.
confocal pinhole apertures are used as in confo- Curve resolution: One of several methods
cal microscopy; this technique is also useful for of deconvoluting severely overlapped complex
three-dimensional structure rendition.              spectra. Resolution algorithms reveal the in-
Constituent: Any discrete component of a dividual absorbance bands that make up the
sample; more specifically, a component for spectrum. Various functions are used to ap-
which an instrument can be calibrated. Also proximate the shapes of the component spectra,
referred to as parameter or product constituent.    including normal and Lorentzian curves.
Correlation: The tendency of two sets of num- Cuvette (also cuvet): Transparent receptacle
bers to follow one other; that is, to increase or in which sample solutions are introduced into
decrease together. This tendency is usually ex- the light path of spectrometers. Usually, the two
pressed numerically by the correlation coefficient. sides are equal (for example, 1-cm square) while
In some fields, this term is commonly referred the third dimension (height) is elongated, possi-
to as Pearson’s r or Pearson’s correlation, named bly as long as 15 cm. For UV work, the window
after Karl Pearson (1837–1936).                     material is generally low-OH quartz. For visible
Correlation coefficient: The numerical spectroscopy, some polymers are used, such as
measure of correlation as described above. The polystyrene (PS) or polymethylmethacrylate
correlation coefficient must always lie between (PMMA). The z-dimension is the distance from
16   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                     www.spectroscopyonline.com

the bottom of the cuvet holder to the center of       and amplifier circuit. Usually, a simple silicon
the transmission beam of the spectrophotom-           diode, a more sensitive photomultiplier tube
eter. See Window for additional information of        (PMT), or various photodetector systems are
materials used for sample holders.                    used to detect the light energy. See also passive
                                                      detector and active detector.
D                                                     Detrend: A general term used to describe the
Data: The collection of numbers representing          removal of a basic trend from data to more
the direct results from actual measurements,          closely determine the signal attributes associated
and upon which calculations are to be per-            with analyte concentration or basic information
formed to determine the quantities of interest.       content within a signal. To perform detrend-
Common data file formats for analytical spec-         ing, the data in a time series are subjected to a
troscopy include AB SCIEX Data Explorer               linear least squares fit, and then the fit function
(.pkm), ASCII Table (.csv), Bruker (.XML),            is subtracted from the data. For unusual curved
Excel (.xls), Finnegan (.asc), JCAMP-DX (.dx),        shapes in the baseline of spectra, a polynomial
MatLab (,mat), mzData (.XML), PerkinElmer             function of a selected order is fit to all the data
(.sp), Plain Text (.txt), Spectra-Calc, Archi-        points in the spectrum, and this fit function
val, fixed point (.spc), Thermo Galactic (.spc),      shape is subtracted from the spectrum. The
Thermo Scientific Nicolet (.SPA), and XLM             polynomial is used to fit all data points in the
marked-up text (.XML).                                spectrum. This technique will remove large
Degrees of freedom: A measure of the num-             background interferences, or specific back-
ber of independent measurements in a data set.        ground trending variations, and is often used
In a data set to be used for calibrating an instru-   in combination with the standard normal vari-
ment, the degrees of freedom are equal to the         ate (SNV) preprocessing function. A detrend
number of reference laboratory measurements           algorithm consists of a polynomial or linear fit
against which the instrument is calibrated. The       to each spectrum and a subtraction function of
final results contain fewer degrees of freedom        the fit function from the spectrum. The remain-
than this number of measurements, because the         ing spectrum is used for multivariate calibration
calibration process creates some dependence be-       or qualitative comparison.
tween the results; there is a loss in 1 degree of     Difference bands: Similar to combination
freedom for every calculated parameter.               bands in that two or more absorbance bands
Derivatives: In spectroscopy, it is used to           are involved. In difference bands, the observed
indicate first through fourth derivative or dif-      frequency of two interacting bands is the dif-
ference functions of the absorbance spectrum          ference in frequency between the two bands, as
with respect to wavelength. Generally, the            defined in equation 4:
Savitzky-Golay algorithm is used to create
derivative spectra.                                               (ν difference = ν1 - ν2)           [4]
Detector: A device sensitive to electromagnetic
radiation at the wavelength region of interest.       Difference spectroscopy: In difference
The output of the device is usually an electrical     spectroscopy, two spectra are subtracted one
signal proportional to the intensity of the elec-     from another to determine spectral differences.
tromagnetic energy input. The detector gener-         This technique is quite powerful for determin-
ally produces an analog signal proportional to        ing slight variations in composition when inter-
the radiation striking the detector element. This     preting spectra; it also assists in identifying low
analog signal is converted into a digital signal by   levels of individual compound differences in
means of an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter         mixture spectra.
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Digital: Refers to the behavior of certain             measurements; thus, two beams of optical ra-
devices (such as computers) that can only be           diation must be used. One beam is used as a
in one of a finite number of discrete states.          reference and the other as sample measurement.
Computers can only be in the states associ-            The ratio of the sample to the reference beams,
ated with the output of the various electronic         respectively, provide the I/Io spectral measure-
components exhibiting voltage levels corre-            ment for use in absorbance (A, Au) as - log10
sponding to the 0 state or the 1 state. Each           (I/Io) computations.
such solid-state device contains the informa-          Double-sided interferogram: An interfero-
tion for one binary digit. See also bit.               gram has a “center-burst,” also referred to as the
Digital light processing (DLP): A digital              zero-path-difference (ZPD) location. When
light processing device is a microelectrome-           the path of the fixed mirror and the moving
chanical system (MEMS) device also known               mirror are identical in the interferometer, the
as a digital micromirror device (DMD). This            interferogram is at maximum interference. The
stationary fixture consists of many thousands          centerburst may be placed anywhere along the
or millions of micromirrors used in a DLP spec-        recorded data for the interferogram. When it
trophotometer. The micromirrors move in series         is placed in the center of the interferogram, it
to capture the diffracted light from a fixed dif-      is termed a double-sided interferogram (also
fraction grating onto a set of collimation optics      known as an asymmetric interferogram).
guided to a detector to create a full spectrum in
microseconds. The solid-state DLP spectrome-           E
ter yields fast, high-resolution spectroscopy, par-    Eigenvector: A nonzero vector used for the
ticularly for the visible and near-infrared regions.   dot product solution in a matrix multiplication.
Dipole moment: Any covalent, intermediate,             For example, principal components are eigen-
or polar molecule containing opposite charges          vectors, as is a regression or b vector.
(+q and –q) separated by a distance of d; the          Electromagnetic spectrum: The contin-
magnitude of the moments are reported in               uum of frequencies that contains electromag-
Debye units. The permanent electric dipole mo-         netic radiation (EMR). Instruments measure
ment is equal to the vector p = qd. If the charges     the intensity of radiation within a defined range
(qi) are located at points ai, bi, ci, the magnitude   of the spectrum, and usually present the results
of the dipole moment (Pa) is equal to                  of their measurements as a set of values of some
                                                       function, or the measured intensity at (usu-
          Pa = qidi where; di = ai,bi,ci        [5]    ally) evenly spaced intervals within the range.
                                                       The energy throughout the electromagnetic
Discriminant analysis: A mathematical                  spectrum ranges from gamma radiation (most
technique for identifying or classifying data          energetic and highest frequency) to radio waves
according to previously defined patterns. This         (least energetic and lowest frequency). The
technique is sometimes referred to as qualitative      spectrum is expressed in terms of wavelength,
analysis or classification analysis.                   wavenumber, frequency, or energy. See also unit
Double (dual) beam: This term is applied to            conversions for photon energy.
the simultaneous measurement of optical data           Etendue: The etendue is the relative through-
from both a sample beam and a stable reference         put advantage for an optical system. It is calcu-
beam. Although the optical radiation used to           lated as the product of the potential illuminated
obtain the measurements may share part or all          surface area times the solid angle of the optical
of the optical path, there must be a separation        system. It is an indicator of the relative efficiency
either in space or in time between the two             of an optical system.
18   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                     www.spectroscopyonline.com

Extinction and extinction coefficient:                wavelengths (low pass). There are also special fil-
Words sometimes substituted for absorbance            ters, such as linear variable filters (LVFs), which
and absorptivity, respectively. They are gener-       pass specific bandwidths of energy simultane-
ally considered physics terms.                        ously. Another optical filter type is multivari-
                                                      ate optical element (MOE) regression filters,
 F                                                    which are special filters that resemble the
 Far infrared (far-IR): The spectral region rep-      regression b vector from a calibration and
 resenting molecular vibration from 400 cm-1 to       thus produce a final prediction of a constitu-
 10 cm-1, or 2.5 x 104 nm to 106 nm.                  ent from an optical signal.
 Fermi resonance: In its simplest definition,         Filter spectrophotometer: A spectropho-
 for infrared and Raman spectroscopy, it is a         tometer that uses filters to isolate narrow bands
 fundamental vibration coupled with an over-          of the spectrum.
 tone (harmonic) band or combination band at          Filter transform: A mathematical operation
 the same frequency to create two strong bands        that converts data collected with a monochro-
 where only the fundamental band is anticipated.      mator-based instrument to mimic the corre-
 These two strong bands occur at both higher          sponding data that would have been collected
 and lower frequencies than the fundamental           from an instrument containing interference
 band. Only certain combinations are allowed          filters, taking into account the differences in
 and are, for example, observed in carbonyl           characteristics between the two types of devices.
 (C=O)-containing compounds. Fermi reso-              Fingerprint region: The infrared spectral
 nance causes the splitting of two vibrational        region from 1500 cm-1 to 500 cm-1 often at-
 bands having nearly identical symmetry and           tributed to bands from the bending molecular
 energy, such as the fundamental with over-           vibrations. The bands in this spectral region rep-
 tone or combination bands. This resonance            resent the C-C, C-N, C-O, and C-X stretching
 causes a change in wavelength (or frequency)         vibrations, as well as the C-H and C-S scissoring,
 and amplitude (or intensity) of the resulting        bending, and rocking vibrations.
 spectral bands. The strong and weak bands            Fixed filter: A spectrophotometer character-
 thus combine into two strong bands.                  istic where narrow-band interference filters
 Field: In database management, a section of a        are mounted on a rotating turret. The turret
 record in a file that contains the same type of      is rotated so as to align the different filters be-
 information as the corresponding section in          tween the incident radiation and the sample.
 other records in the same file. The term also        Thus, this instrument design produces a dif-
 refers to a variety of fields in physics such as     ferent wavelength light of incidence on the
 electronic, magnetic, and gravitational. Ac-         sample for each rotation of the turret. See also
 cording to Merriam-Webster’s definition, a           near-infrared filters.
“field” is “a region or space in which a given        Fluorescence: Photons with energies in the ul-
 effect (such as magnetism) exists.”                  traviolet (that is, 190–360 nm) to the blue-green
 Filter: A device used to attenuate particular        visible (that is, 350–500 nm) spectral regions
 wavelengths or frequencies while passing others      will excite an electronic transition for atoms in
 with relatively little change. There is electronic   molecules that fluoresce (that is, fluorophores).
 filtering (digital signal processing [DSP]), and     Fluorescence is an electronic transition from a
 physical optical filters. Optical filters include    ground state to the excited state with the emis-
 interference filters with narrow or broadpass        sion of a photon to return to the ground state.
 bandwidths, as well as filters that pass high-       After the molecule is excited, it relaxes (Stokes
 range wavelengths (high pass) or low-range           shift) to the ground state while emitting a pho-
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ton within a femtosecond (10−15 s) to picosecond      Fundamental region: The lowest frequency
(10−12 s) timeframe. The Stokes shift indicates a     corresponding to a given molecular vibration.
lower energy of the fluorescence photons than         Fundamental group frequency vibrations for
the energy of the excitation photons. The             molecular bands are within the infrared spec-
fluorescence typically has a lifetime (or dura-       tral region of 4000–1500 cm-1. The bands in
tion) of nanoseconds (10−9 s) per transition. A       this spectral region represent the asymmetric
fluorescence spectrophotometer normally has           and symmetric stretching of C-H, O-H, N-H,
an excitation monochromator that defines              Ar-H, >C=O, C=C, C=N, C≡N, C≡C, and
the excitation energy, and an emission mono-          other bonds. Note that overtones are derived
chromator that provides a full spectrum of the        from fundamental absorption frequencies as
fluorescence emission.                                equal to integer multiples of 2 (first overtone),
Fourier transform: A mathematical opera-              3 (second overtone), 4 (third overtone), and 5
tion in which a curved repetitive function is         (fourth overtone).
described in terms of the sum of sine and co-         F-value: A ratio of variances, usually used to
sine waves. A conversion from a time domain           determine if one of the variances is due to the
interferogram to a frequency spectral domain          same cause as the other. In regression analysis, a
occurs when using this transformation. In             particular F-value (that is, the mean square due
spectroscopy, an interferogram is taken from          to regression divided by the mean square due
a sample measurement in the time domain               to error) has the secondary meaning of giving
and converted into a spectrum in the fre-             an indication of the robustness of the regression.
quency domain. This conversion is completed           The F-value is testable against a critical value of
for both sample and reference interferograms,         the F-distribution to determine if the result is
which are then processed and ratioed to pro-          significant or not.
duce an I/Io spectrum.
Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR): A                 G
means of measuring the electromagnetic spec-          Graphical user interface (GUI): A term
trum using an interferometer; the desired spec-       invented by Xerox in Palo Alto, California
trum is then obtained by performing a Fourier         in the early 1970s that refers to a software
transform on the resulting interferometric data.      interface between the user and the opera-
Other Fourier transform measurements include          tional software code. Today, it may involve
Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) and          touch-screen icons and graphics that are easy
Fourier transform ultraviolet (FT-UV).                to activate and understand.
Frequency: Frequency as ν (Greek: nu) is the          Grating: A reflective surface covered with
frequency of light, also known as Hertz (Hz) or       evenly spaced, microscopic grooves, whose
the number of vibrations per second, in units         purpose is to separate individual wavelengths
of s-1. It is defined by the following expression:    from broadband energy. The distance between
                                                      grooves and the angle of the faces is determined
                                               [6]    by the wavelengths to be separated. The grat-
                                                      ing (except for diode arrays) is rotated at a set
Where ν (nu) is the frequency of light, n is the      angle and speed, and the desired wavelength is
refractive index of the medium the light is pass-     diffracted through an exit slit onto the sample
ing through (for example, the refractive index        and detector (or detectors). It is used to disperse
of air is 1.0003), λ (lambda) is the wavelength       light of various wavelengths and orders from
in units of cm, and c is the velocity of light in a   its surface. It disperses zero order as specular
vacuum (or 2.9979 ×1010 cm/s).                        reflected light, and first, second, and higher
20   TERMINOLOGY GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019                                      www.spectroscopyonline.com

orders as diffracted light. When the diffracted       sponding to the grooves of the desired grating
light interacts in a phonon effect it decreases the   model are recorded on this photosensitive layer
energy dispersed from the surface, resulting in a     by projecting a hologram of light and dark lines.
phenomenon termed Wood’s anomalies (see this          Subsequent chemical treatments are used to
term for more information).                           erode either the exposed or unexposed photo-
Grating spectrometer: A spectrometer that             resist material (there are different types of treat-
uses a grating for the diffraction and resulting      ments such as positive and negative photoresist
resolution of light of various wavelengths. This      processes) on the surface to produce a grooved
is often termed a monochromator when one              diffraction grating of specified groove shapes
grating system is involved.                           and lines per millimeter.
                                                      Hotband: A hotband results when an already
H                                                     excited vibrational band is further excited, often
Harmonic bands: A synonym for overtone.               related to a change in temperature; the intensity
These bands represent multiple harmonics of           of a hotband is proportional to the temperature.
the fundamental vibrations for molecular bonds        At room temperature, the ground state of a mo-
and are found at integral multiples of the fun-       lecular vibration is the most common as defined
damental band frequencies. For example, a first       using the Boltzmann distribution. The Max-
overtone band occurs at twice the frequency of        well-Boltzmann distribution law further states
the fundamental band, and the second over-            that the distribution of these hotband transition
tone at three times the frequency of the funda-       bands is dependent upon the Boltzmann con-
mental band. Harmonic bands in the infrared           stant and the temperature in degrees kelvin.
and Raman regions are found as multiples of           Hydrogen bonding: Hydrogen bonding
the fundamental frequency according to the            within a molecule and between a solvent and a
harmonic oscillator approximation, with a pro-        solvated molecule manifests as changes in the
portional higher shift in frequency and reduced       force constants of the X-H bonds. Generally, mo-
amplitude in the spectrum with an increase in         lecular bands will shift in frequency and broaden
harmonic number. Within the near-infrared             as a result of the formation of hydrogen bonds.
region these harmonics are known as the first         Since combination bands result as the summa-
overtone (2ν), second overtone (3ν), third over-      tion of two or more fundamental vibrations, and
tone (4ν), and fourth overtone (5ν).                  overtones occur as the result of the multiples of
Highpass filter: A dielectric composite fil-          fundamental vibrations, frequency shifts related
ter that enables energy above a certain cut-on        to hydrogen bonding have a greater relative ef-
wavelength or frequency to pass at nearly 100%        fect on combination and overtone bands than on
transmission, whereas energy at wavelengths or        their corresponding fundamentals. The reason
frequencies below the cut-on wavelength will          for this greater effect is that harmonics have
not pass or is nearly 0% transmissive.                weaker bond energies relative to the hydro-
Histogram: A plot of the frequency of occur-          gen bonding and have greater anharmonicity.
rence of sample values within the subranges of        This feature of vibrational spectra alerts one
the range of values of the data. Histogram bars       to the importance of the relative hydrogen
touch (are adjacent), whereas bar graph bars do       bonding effects brought about by solvent and
not touch (are not adjacent).                         temperature variations.
Holographic grating: A grating made by                Hyperspectral imaging: The collection of
using a holographic process where a photoresist       multiple spectra into a three-dimensional data
is placed on an optical surface such as a glass       hypercube consisting of wavelength, amplitude,
blank. A series of interference fringes corre-        and either time or spatial dimension scanning
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(as the third dimension). For example, a moving        Infrared (IR) spectroscopy: Infrared refers
sample may be measured by having a fixed lin-          to that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
ear array sensor with the third dimension being        containing radiation with wavelengths longer
the sample measured over time. The data cube           than those visible to the human eye, and ex-
may also be constructed by moving the sensor           tending to approximately 30 μm. A broad defi-
over a stationary surface to gather a set of spectra   nition of the infrared region is subdivided into
for each line area of a surface. Array detection is    the near-infrared (0.75–2.5 μm), mid-infrared
often involved in generating hyperspectral im-         (2.5–30 μm) and far infrared or terahertz (30–
ages; either by means of linear arrays or by using     300 μm). Mid-infrared spectroscopy provides
rectangular arrays.                                    a measurement technique for intense, isolated,
                                                       and reliable absorption bands of fundamental
I                                                      molecular vibrations from polymers and other
Indicator variable: A variable used in regres-         organic compounds.
sion analysis to allow the inclusion of infor-         Infrared windows: See Window.
mation that cannot otherwise be expressible            Integrating sphere: A hollow sphere, coated
numerically. Generally, they are assigned a 1          with a diffuse reflecting material and provided
or a 0 to indicate the presence or absence of a        with openings for incident beam, specimen, and
particular condition. Examples could include           detector. It is primarily used for measuring the
which of two operators prepared a sample, what         most accurate diffuse reflectance or transmit-
instrument was used to measure the sample, the         tance of objects. In most versions, the sample is
type of solvent used, average particle size range      measured outside of the sphere.
of sample, and so forth.                               Intensity correction: A correction of the y-
Infrared absorption bands: A bond within               axis (intensity) for Raman spectra in which a
a molecule that is infrared active or capable of       standard lamp or a standard reference sample
absorbing infrared radiation. When the ra-             is used in combination with a polynomial fit
diation striking an infrared-active molecule           across the entire wavenumber axis to standard-
matches the natural vibrational frequency of the       ize the intensity measurements of any Raman
various bonds within the molecule, the radia-          spectrometer. It is analogous to a photometric
tion is absorbed. When absorption takes place          correction accomplished for absorption spec-
at a specified frequency, an absorption band           troscopy. It is also used to correct and measure
at that frequency is observed. For an infrared-        the output of spectrometer lamps.
active molecule, the dipole must change as the         Interface: A junction or connection. For ex-
frequency of the infrared radiation changes for        ample, a computer input–output (I/O) inter-
it to absorb infrared energy or scatter Raman          face. Also, the junction between air or sample
energy. Dominant infrared absorption bands             and an optical element.
include the C-H (methyl, methylene, aro-               Interference filter: A filter that controls the
matic, methoxy, and carbonyl) fundamental              spectral composition of radiant energy passing
stretching and bending molecular vibrations,           through it by the effects of interference. Fre-
the O-H (hydroxyl) stretch fundamental vi-             quently, these filters are made up of thin layers
brations, the N-H (amine) stretching, the C-F          of metals and dielectrics, and provide narrow
(fluorocarbon) stretching, the -C≡N (nitrile)          bandpass and high transmittances.
stretching, the -C=O (carbonyl) stretch from           Interferogram: A wave pattern created
esters, acetates, and amides, the C-Cl stretch         using an interferometer where waves are su-
from chlorinated hydrocarbons, and -NO2                perimposed and later interpreted to compute
from nitro- containing compounds.                      a pattern of amplitude versus frequency for a
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