The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
The digital platform for your climate actions
Launched by

Social Business
Tech for good
The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
Table of content

The Context      ClimateSeed
                  Platform &
          1                2              3

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
The Context

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
Climate change is                                                 The 10 warmest years
                                                                 in the 139-year record

accelerating                                                    all have occurred since
                                                                      2005, with the five
                                                                warmest years being the
It has become necessary to take a                                five most recent years.

step beyond CO2 reduction to fight
climate change.
                                                       Air pollution from roads
                                                         causes at least €70bn
 Climate change has an impact on our                   in health damage every
 everyday life as businesses and individuals.              year in the European

 Countries, authorities and corporations are
 actively reducing their carbon footprint,
 however as the problem grows                                        In 2018, overall losses
                                                                     from weather-related
 exponentially, these efforts are not solving
                                                                    disasters totaled USD
 the problem at the needed pace to preserve                                     225 billion.
 our planet.
                                                Sources: Weather, Climate & Catastrophe Insight - 2018 Annual Report
                                                                         European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) 2018

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
Business Context                    1/2
                                                     Criteria for most responsible

 More and more, investors and clients are
 supporting organizations that have a robust
 sustainable strategy.                                Disclosure of ESG and related
                                                 1    objectives
 There is a growing investor pressure on
                                                      Integration of these across the
 environmental sustainability and social         2    portfolio
 responsibility (Willis Towers Watson, 2018).
                                                      Implementation of strategies and
 Annual global investment in climate             3    benchmarks
 business solutions is over USD 1 trillion and
 is accelerating (IFC, 2016).                    4    Commitment of resources

                                                 5    Accountability

                                                      Partnerships with other investors
                                                 6    and businesses

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
Business Context                                                                                2/2

Initiatives                                       Economics                                           Social                                              Technology                          Legal

In June 2017, France                              90% of Asset Managers                               The Climate Walks,                                  In 2017, Bloomberg                  Article 173 in France.
adopted the Plan Climat,                          worldwide have a climate                            gathering 150K people                               released the guidelines of
which includes a new                              strategy (BlackRock 2018).                          each.                                               the assessement process             New Directives in

long-term objective to be                                                                                                                                 and disclosure of carbon            Solvency II, PRIIPS, UCITS,

carbon neutral by 2050.                           BlackRock survey, with                              Greta Thunberg activism.                            emissions:                          IORP II, MiFID II, AIFMD to
                                                  about 90% of Asia-Pacific                                                                                                                   add Sustainability
The 2015 Paris                                    insurers citing ESG policy                          In 2018, overall losses                                  Portfolio Carbon               information.
Agreement has been                                as “extremely or very                               from weather-related                                Footprint tool.
called a USD 20 trillion                          important”.                                         disasters totaled USD 225                                                               Pension Fund in Australia

investment opportunity.                                                                               billion.                                                 Carbon Tracker 2D              being sued for failure to
                                                  Annual global investment                                                                                Scenario Analysis Tool.             disclose management of
The implementation of                             in climate business                                                                                                                         climate-related financial
the Nationally                                    solutions is over USD 1                                                                                                                     risks.
Determined                                        trillion, and is
Contributions (NDCs)                              accelerating.                                                                                                                               Recommendation from EU

submitted as part of the                                                                                                                                                                      HLEG recommendation to

Paris Agreement will                              Sustainable Investment                                                                                                                      encourage the

accelerate the market for                         represented 24% of Global                                                                                                                   development of a common

climate-friendly                                  Assets under Management                                                                                                                     set of sustainability

solutions.                                        in 2016.                                                                                                                                    impact metrics and

 Patricia Espinosa, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretary     Science Based Targets 2018
 "Creating Markets for Climate Business An IFC Climate Investment Opportunities Report", p11      "Creating Markets for Climate Business An IFC Climate Investment Opportunities Report"p10                                 6                                    Global Sustainable Investment Review 2016
                                                                                                  AON Weather, Climate & Catastrophe Insight: 2018 Annual Report
The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
Considering this context, it has become
necessary to go beyond CO2 emissions reduction
to fight global warming at the needed pace

Along with your reduction strategy, balance your residual emissions by
supporting sustainable projects that capture or avoid CO2 emissions, and
contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
Sustainable projects accelerate the
climate change mitigation and boost the
2° pathway.
                                                    Balancing CO2 emissions
                                                    through the contribution
                                                    of sustainable projects
                                                    can accelerate the climate
                                                                                               usual emissions
They generate 1 carbon credit per each ton          change mitigation and
                                                    boost the 2°C pathway
of CO2 captured or avoided.
                                                                                                       Fossil fuel
Organizations and corporations can buy               iss
                                                        i  ons                             Reduction
                                               CO2e                                        pathway
these voluntary carbon credits to support
projects and balance their carbon                                                            Sustainable project
                                                                                            financing: Beyond CO2

It can be done at different levels: company,                                   balancing
buildings, portfolio, product or services,
event and business trips.

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
The ClimateSeed Platform and Tools

The digital platform for your climate actions - Social Business Tech for good - BNP Paribas Fortis
ClimateSeed is the digital platform
to balance your residual emissions
                                                       User friendly centralized
 It is a digital platform, launched by BNP                             platform
 Paribas, that connects sustainable project
 carriers with organizations that want to go   Fair price: project carriers set
 beyond CO2 reduction by supporting             price of their carbon credits
 sustainable projects.
                                                       Robust due diligence
 They can securely and transparently buy                           process
 carbon credits to support sustainable
 projects.                                        A voting module and digital
                                                 tools to engage stakeholders

ClimateSeed is a Social Business accredited
by Nobel Peace Prize Prof. Yunus
A company dedicated to fight climate change and solve human problems.

 The ClimateSeed team has been
 directly collaborating with the
 Grameen Creative Lab* to become
 a leading Social Business. A
 company dedicated to tackle social
 and environmental issues.

 As a Social Business, 100% of its
 profits will be reinvested in
 education, project development,
 and technological solutions to
 counter climate change.

               *Consultancy firm founded by Prof. Yunus specialized in auditing and supporting Social Businesses
The ClimateSeed platform                                                      Transparent fair price and
                                                                              business model
is secure and transparent                                                     The price of the carbon credits is
                                                                              set by the project carriers to
                                                                              maximize financial contribution
                                                                              to the projects.
 In the ClimateSeed platform, you will find                                   ClimateSeed adds a 15%
                                                                              transaction fee (only paid by the
 quality-checked projects that underwent a                                    contributor).
 strict due diligence process and are
                                                                              Diversified projects and
 internationally certified.                                                   impacts
                                                                              Create a portfolio to target
                                                                              several SDGs, locations or project
    Three-level verification process to                                       types.
    mitigate reputational risk.                                               Centralized infrastructure
                                                                              & user-friendly experience
    Sustainable project                                                       With a secure, reliable & easy-to-
                                                                              use platform.
    certification and audit       Banking due diligence
    by major international        and anti-money                              Continuous project
    standards                     laundering and            Validation from   monitoring and reporting
                                                                              Projects are monintored by
                                  reputation analysis       Sustainability    international standards and
1                                                           Committee         reviewed by the Sustainability
                              2                                               Committee and the ClimateSeed
                                                        3                     team.

ClimateSeed is the
trusted partner for your                                   Company
                                                             Level                                 Investment

climate-positive actions

                                                          Company         Business    Business     Products &
                                                                            trips      events       Services
   Select your CO2
   emission scope to
                                       Engage your                               Report and
   Through ClimateSeed, balance your
                                       stakeholders                              communicate
   residual emissions at different
   scopes. These actions generate      Climateseed has several digital
                                                                                 You can use ClimateSeed’s
   benefits on the environment, UN     tools including a digital voting
                                                                                 communication kits to promote
   Sustainable Development goals       module that help you engage,
                                                                                 your climate-positive actions,
   and throughout your business        attract and retain stakeholders.
                                                                                 strucutre educational campaigns
   network.                                                                      and report to your stakeholders.

How it works
           Sign up to, go through the onboarding process,
          browse and contribute to sustainable quality-checked projects to
                securely and easily balance your unavoidable emissions.

            1                          2                       3                       4

CO2 emissions                  Project                   Project              Communicate
measurement                   Selection                 Selection              your actions
Use the ClimateSeed        Choose among a wide         Support sustainable    Keep your stakeholders
emissions calculator for   range of sustainable        projects and unlock    informed by using our
your business trips,       projects.                   their environmental,   communication kits.
annual energy              OR                          social, and economic
consumption... Rely on     Pre-select sustainable      impacts.
ClimateSeed’s expert       projects and use the
network to calculate       ClimateSeed voting module
additional emissions.      to engage your
                           stakeholders.                                                               14
It offers a wide variety of
                            sustainable projects
                           The projects available on the ClimateSeed platform
                                 either capture or avoid CO2 emissions

Forestry & Land    Agriculture          Water            Waste              Energy            Community-
      Use                                              Management                               Based

              These projects also contribute to Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN

The project portfolio in numbers
               We are already working alongside

20 Project        12               20M teqCO2     In more than
Developers     projects              credits       10 countries

We are already working globally                             56% 44%

                        18%                                      41%
                                                               of projects
        41%          of projects

      of projects

                    Projects data is contstantly changing

                    Data cannot be exhaustively presented
Example of sustainable projects available on ClimateSeed                                                                                                         1/4

  Rural Biogas Development                          Peatland Conservation                                    Improved Cookstoves
 Emissions Avoidance                                Carbon Sequestration                                     Emissions Avoidance
 Energy Transfer                                    Forestry & Land Use                                      Household Devices
 China                                              Indonesia                                                Mozambique

  Total tCO2eq avoided: 800,000                     Total tCO2eq sequestered: 7,500,000                      Total tCO2eq avoided: 30,000

  Families supported: 395,500                       Protected species: 44 species                            Families supported: 3,200

  Annual savings of coal: 340,000 tons of           Protected area: 150,000 hectares                         Annual savings of coal: 70% in cooking
  coal                                                                                                       charcoal
                                                    Credits on ClimateSeed: 6,210,000
  Credits on ClimateSeed: 200,000                                                                            Credits on ClimateSeed: 30,000
                                                    Average Price: €9
  Average Price: €5                                                                                          Average Price: €8

  The small-size biogas digesters avoid methane     Tropical peatland restoration and conservation           95% of the population of the districts uses
  emissions from pig manure as well as carbon       initiative. Peatlands are susceptible to forest fires,   cookstoves with low energy efficiency and a
  dioxide emissions from coal and firewood, and     especially during the dry season. Uncontrolled fires     generous amount of charcoal which cost these
  provide families with clean, renewable and free   can burn through vast tracts of vegetation and the       families a lot of money and time. The project has
  biogas for cooking, heating, or lighting.         underlying peat, releasing significant GHG               distributed 5,000 charcoal cookstoves to families
                                                    emissions. The project protects vital habitat for a      living in the saving more than 70% compared to the
                                                    vibrant mix of flora and fauna.                          traditional charcoal cookstoves currently used in
                                                                                                             the area.

  Example of sustainable projects available on ClimateSeed
    REDD+ Brazil Nut Project            Composting Project                                                   Improved Cookstoves
    Emission avoidance                                      Emissions Avoidance                              Emissions Avoidance
    Forestry and Land Use                                   Agriculture                                      Household Devices
    Peru                                                    Brazil                                           Uganda

     Protected area: 300,000 hectares                       Total tCO2eq avoided annually: 12,623            1,500,000+ people benefit from reduced
                                                                                                             indoor smoke exposure
     Credits on ClimateSeed: 20,000                         Local farms: 13+
                                                                                                             110 USD saved per household per year
     Average Price: €7                                      Credits on ClimateSeed: 5,000
                                                                                                             Credits on ClimateSeed: 20,000
                                                            Average Price: €8
                                                                                                             Average Price: €7

     The project avoids carbon emissions related to         The project replaces the baseline Animal Waste   The project has distributed more than 350,000
     unplanned deforestation. By conserving trees that      Management Systems (AWMS) by a lower GHG         cookstove by 2014. Locally, the project employs
     would otherwise be harvested and illegally logged,     emitting AWMS. As part of the project            artisans and small enterprises to market and
     not only is carbon stored in standing trees, but the   activity, farmers shifted their AWMS to          deliver efficient cookstoves to rural areas
     community members are able to manage the Brazil        mechanized composting units, avoiding methane    throughout the country. This livelihood
     nut concessions to sustain their livelihoods.          emissions.                                       improvement project allows consumers to
                                                                                                             purchase an efficient cookstove at a reduced price,
                                                                                                             and then save additional money from the fuel
                                                                                                             efficiency of the cookstove. This project would not

livelihoods.                                                                                                 be viable without the revenues of carbon offsets.

Example of sustainable projects available on ClimateSeed                                                                                                          3/4

     Forest Conservation                                     Wind Farm                                           Community Project
    Emission sequestration                                   Emissions Avoidance                                 Emissions Avoidance
    Forestry and Land Use                                    Renewable Energy                                    Energy Efficiency & Fuel Switching
    Peru                                                     Mauritania                                          Waste Management
     Protected area: 1,500,000 hectares                      30MW wind farm
                                                                                                                 Total tCO2eq avoided: 22,852,000
     22 million tons of CO2 avoided                          15 turbines of 2MW each
                                                                                                                 79 projects in Quebec
     716 jobs created                                        Credits on ClimateSeed: 69,000
                                                                                                                 Credits on ClimateSeed: 275,000
     Credits on ClimateSeed: 25,000                          Average Price: €3.5
                                                                                                                 Average Price: €38
     Average Price: €6

     The Cordillera Azul project targets the deforestation   The project consists of the construction and        This project is a community pooling project in
     drivers and aligns sustainable economic                 operation of a greenfield 30 MW wind power plant    Quebec, Canada. This project pools together a
     development with environmental protection by            South of Nouakchott, Mauritania's capital,          variety of sustainable projects in the community
     transforming over 3.8 million hectares of               consisting of 15 wind turbines of 2 MW each which   including diverting industrial and commercial
     threatened forest. The project focuses on               capture kinetic wind energy for electrical          waste from landfills by composting or recycling;
     establishing sustainable livelihoods through            conversion and export to the regional grid of       and increasing energy efficiency buildings and
     technical assistance and support for transitioning      Nouakchott.                                         switch fuel.
     land use to agroforestry systems for sustainable
     cocoa and coffee production.

Example of sustainable projects available on ClimateSeed                                                                                                    4/4

     Renewable Energy                                    Sustainable Clean Water                             REDD+ Project
    Emission avoidance                                   Emissions Avoidance                                 Emissions Avoidance
    Energy Efficiency                                    Energy Efficiency                                   Forestry & Land Use
    Brazil                                               Malawi                                              Brazil

     Recovering 50 hectares of native species            2,500 water points built/repaired                   Total tCO2eq avoided: 12,450,000

     Credits on ClimateSeed: 130,000                     Credits on ClimateSeed: 250,000                     Credits on ClimateSeed: 100,000

     Average Price: €6                                   Average Price: €6                                   Average Price: €4

     The main benefit of the project activity is the     Worldwide 660 million people don’t have access to   The main goal of the Project is the promotion of the
     avoidance of native firewood use and the            clean water, and in sub-Saharan Africa 36% of       sustainability of the extractive community by
     consequent reduction of GHG emissions. The          existing water pumps are not working. In rural      reducing forest degradation and unplanned and
     company maintains eucalyptus reforestation areas    Malawi the project developer is the leading non-    illegal deforestation and consequent emission of
     with a sustainable management plan, reducing the    government organization that is addressing this     GHGs, achieved through a list of activities funded
     pressure over the Caatinga biome. The factory has   challenge. In recent years they have built and      by the sale of carbon credits.
     sustainable initiatives, as monitoring of           repaired over 2,500 water points. They train the
     atmospheric emissions and use of translucent        communities to then manage these and train area
     tiles to reduce energy consumption.                 mechanics to provide routine maintenance and
                                                         local stores to sell fast wearing spare parts.


UN SDGs are at the core of
the ClimateSeed platform

Create your diversified project

 ClimateSeed promotes sustainable
 projects that contribute to the UN SDGs,
 social, economic, and environmental
 impacts, mainly in developing countries.
 You can contribute to a variety of projects
 and either offset with one specific project or
 create a diversified portfolio that includes
 different Sustainable Development Goals.

Once connected to the ClimateSeed platform,
balance your residual emissions in 4 simple steps

Based on the defined
scopes and emission,       Choose among a            Contribute to the
   enter your CO2        wide range of quality-    projects and receive           Retire units and
balancing goal. Select     checked projects            your climate            receive your “Carbon
 your preferred SDGs       from around the          contribution units         Balancing Certificate”
 and project location            world               (carbon credits)

                   1                       2                            3                        4
                                                  Project Carriers set their
                                                  climate units fair price           Receive report
                                                                                     materials and
                                                                                   updates about the
                                                                                      projects you
                                                                                     contributed to

ClimateSeed provides you with
communication & educational materials to
   promote your sustainable actions

                      Internal                 External
                   Communication            Communication
                        Pack                    Pack
Methodology         Digital Voting           communication
                    Module                   material about the
                                             contribution done
Project Carriers                             on the ClimateSeed
                    Photos                   platform
Local Partners
                    Videos                   Social media kit
                    Project on-site trips    Press kit

ClimateSeed supports organizations to
meet their stakeholders’ expectations

    Attract, retain and engage   Accelerate your
    your stakeholders            sustainability impact and
                                 SDGs contribution

    Improve your competitive
    advantage differentiating    Build a stronger brand
    from competitors

    Become a public example of   Anticipate coming
    sustainability               regulation

Our partners

Meet the team
                           The Core Team                                         The Sustainability
                                                                                      Composed of Academics
                                                                                      & Industry Experts

                                                                                      Provides additional filter
                                                                                      in project selection
Sebastien Nunes      Edouard Blin         Jessica Denoyelle   Edoardo Bertin
                                                                                      It defines ClimateSeed’s
                                           HEAD OF LEGAL &     MARKETING &
     CEO                     COO             REGULATORY        PARTNERSHIP            scientific methodologies
                                               AFFAIRS           MANAGER

                                                                                SEVERIN FISCHER – One Earth Consulting,
                                                                                Former Head of Environment at BNP Paribas

                                                                                RENAUD BETTIN – Carbone 4, Net Zero

                                                                                STEPHANE VOISIN – ILB
           Michelle Parra-                             Vincent
                               Alexandre Razzi
              Guedez                                  Loubinoux                 CHRISTINE LANGEVIN – Climate change and
               GLOBAL                 BUSINESS
                                                       BUSINESS                 land use consultant
            RELATIONSHIP           DEVELOPMENT &
              MANAGER                   CSR


Launched by                Social Business
                             Tech for good

Regulated and voluntary carbon markets
             Regulated Carbon Market                                       Voluntary Carbon Market

             EU Emissions Trading System in Europe, the RGGI in USA, the
  Markets    California cap & trade system
                                                                           Over the counter, fragmented market

             Energy, power, cement, glass, steel, and other polluting      All other businesses, institutional investors, cities, individuals (not
    Target   industries are required to buy a set amount of carbon         mandatory) that would reach total or partial “carbon neutrality” or or
             credits with regards to their emission level                  become «climate positive»

Mechanism    Emission Allowance Trade                                      Voluntary offsetting market

                                                                           Not regulated; However the project certification and assessment is done by
             Kyoto Protocol applied by United Nations, States,             international standards applying UN recognized methodologies. Auditing
             European Union                                                projects from a scientific perspective and measuring the carbon avoided or
                                                                           capture by projects as its social and economic benefits

                                                                           VERs (Voluntary Emission Reduction) or VCUs (Verified Unit Reductions)
Underlying   Quotas /EUA, CER
                                                                           linked to sustainable projects

                                                                             Co-benefits on social and economic impacts for developing countries

               Limited CO2 emission (2005-2008)                              Help reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals
     Facts     Objectives not reached due to subprime crisis                 Facilitate developed countries reach clean energy transition
               Will be reformed post cop 2020                                Support the development of sustainable projects

                                                                             Backed by article 6 and 13 of COP 21 (Paris Agreement)

Project developers propose voluntary carbon
credits from a large range of programs
                                                       Efficient cookstoves, or individual biogas
    Renewable power infrastructures that
                                                       producers using cattle manure, which will
    contribute to decarbonizing the local power grid
                                                       significantly reduce wood consumption for daily
    and thus avoid GHG emissions
                                                       cooking in rural communities, and hence
                                                       prevent deforestation that generates carbon

    Energy efficiency and fuel switching action
                                                       Supply of water filters to households in rural
                                                       communities, which will eliminate the need to
                                                       boil water and hence cut carbon emissions
    Landfill projects designed to capture the
    methane issued by the waste disposal and
    provide it to communities in substitution to       Partnership with local communities,
    fossil fuels                                       protection of existing forest areas that are
                                                       clearly threatened by local human activities, in
                                                       order to maintain carbon storage along with
    Local renewable lighting systems that avoid
                                                       benefits for biodiversity; and afforestation in
    using a high-carbon power to get light in remote
                                                       new regions, in order to develop new carbon

                                                       Climate-friendly practices in agriculture that
                                                       maintain carbon in the soils while increasing
    Alternative low carbon transportation              their fertility, restore biodiversity and develop
    infrastructure (like public transit)               new sources of income for smallholders

Project developers propose voluntary carbon
credits from a large range of programs

    83 Countries                                            62.7 MtCO2eq issued and $191mn
    Voluntary carbon projects are reported in 83            financing reached in 2017
    countries around the world
                                                            In 2017, issuances (62.7 MtCO2eq) and retirements
                                                            (42.8 MtCO2eq) reached record-highs in the carbon
                                                            offsets voluntary market

    The voluntary market is gaining                         2008 Sustainable Projects
    momentum and recognition                                Since 2005, a total of 2,008 projects have issued
                                                            offsets during this time, mainly in Asia (51%)
    The voluntary market is gaining momentum and
                                                            and North America (18%). Another 11% of projects
    recognition under the UNFCCC framework as Paris
                                                            have been based in Latin America and the
    Agreement Article 6 paves the way for avoiding double
                                                            Caribbean, 11% in Europe, and 11% in Africa
    counting when offsetting carbon through the
    voluntary market, which is an essential condition to
    the use of carbon credits that are issued out of the
    official UNFCCC mechanisms (Clean Development
    Mechanism and Joint Implementation)

The current structure of the
       Voluntary Carbon Market

         Project Carriers     International         Project Carriers    Brokers purchase        Retailers take         Public & private
         develop a project    Standards like Gold   issue Voluntary     the carbon credits.     distribution           institutions
         that capture or      Standard or VERRA     Carbon Credits. 1   They negotiate          exclusivity and aim    purchase them.
         avoid carbon         certify the project   credit = 1 ton of   lower prices with       at reselling them to   Hence they offset
         emissions and        and issue carbon      CO2eq. Anyone can   the aim at reselling    their loyal clients.   their carbon
         contribute to SDGs   credits related to    purchase them       them                                           footprint. The
                              the amount of                                                                            carbon cannot be
                              CO2eq captured or                                                                        used again.

                                                                                               NO TRANSPARENCY

             CREDIT           PROJECT        CREDIT                           CREDIT                                   CREDIT
                                          TRANSACTION                             TRANSACTION
             ISSUANCE         CERTIFICATION ISSUANCE                          RETIREMENT                               RETIREMENT

                                                                           CLIMATESEED IS ADRESSING THESE MARKET PAIN POINTS
Make your climate contribution
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