The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine - By Michelle Minton September 2020

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The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine - By Michelle Minton September 2020
The Double
 Standards of
Cannabis and

 By Michelle Minton

   September 2020
                      ISSUE ANALYSIS 2020 NO. 7
The Double Standards
                                of Cannabis and Nicotine

                                               By Michelle Minton

Executive Summary                                           Though different in nature and purpose, the scientific
The principal benefit of recreational cannabis, as the      evidence on cannabis and nicotine is remarkably
name implies, is recreation. Many who enjoy using           similar, in terms of the risks they might pose. Decades
the substance do so solely because of the pleasure they     of research and popular use confirm that the harms
derive from it. Nicotine vapor products or “e-cigarettes”   associated with regular cannabis use are, for most
are not only a source of pleasure, but also a critical      people, relatively minimal, even if some questions
tool that has helped millions of adults kick their          remain, such as, for example, on how it interacts with
deadly smoking habit. Yet, at the same time that            certain medications and psychiatric conditions or how
public and political support for legalizing recreational    it might impact adolescent development.
cannabis has soared, so also have calls to virtually
                                                            More importantly, history provides compelling evidence
eliminate or prohibit legal access to potentially
                                                            that whatever hazards might be associated with
life-saving nicotine vapor products.
                                                            cannabis, they are preferable to those created by its
Since e-cigarettes first entered the U.S. market around     prohibition. The federal ban on cannabis did little to
2007, anti-smoking advocates have voiced concern            stop its widespread use. As with alcohol before it,
about their possible hazards and demanded that              prohibiting cannabis spawned a sophisticated
government restrict their availability. That stance might   illicit market, incited contempt for the law, cost the
have seemed reasonable in the beginning, since, as          economy billions of dollars, fomented distrust of law
opponents argued, research on the products and their        enforcement, and ruined countless lives. Thus, with
potential health effects was limited. It also implied       research unable to identify any meaningful harms
that detractors would withdraw, or at least temper,         caused by cannabis use and witnessing the damage
their opposition to the sale of e-cigarettes should         caused by its prohibition, the general consensus is that
sufficient evidence reasonably establish their relative     our society would be healthier, freer, and more just by
safety.                                                     restoring adults’ ability to use cannabis legally.
The evidence has emerged that e-cigarettes are vastly       Like cannabis, many unknowns remain about the
safer than smoking, even if not risk-free, and have the     effects of nicotine and nicotine vaping, but there is
potential to save or improve millions of lives. Yet,        enough to know its risks are minimal and are
anti-vaping advocates’ hostility toward e-cigarettes has    substantially lower than for combustible tobacco. We
only intensified and governments around the world have      also know that nicotine vapor products help adult
begun banning the products. The reason, as this paper       smokers quit smoking, providing an immediate public
demonstrates, is that regulation of certain controversial   health benefit by diverting smokers to less harmful
substances often has little to do with evidence. As the     alternatives. Banning e-cigarettes will not stop people
comparison of the evidence on and debate over nicotine      from using them, but like every prohibition before it,
and cannabis reveal, the way some activists and policy      push many toward more hazardous behaviors, such as
makers treat controversal substances depends less on        buying from the illicit market or continuing to smoke.
science and evidence than on the prevailing narrative       Yet, restrictions and bans on e-cigarettes continue to
they choose to believe and promote.                         sweep across the nation.

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                                              1
This different treatment of two relatively analogous        Decades of promoting hostility toward “Big Tobacco”
substances cannot be explained by the scientific            proved helpful for this effort. Like tobacco companies
evidence. It arises from what the public and, in            that once sought to deceive the public about the risks
particular, those in power choose to accept as evidence     of smoking, anti-vaping activists waged a campaign to
and the popular narrative this creates. Popular culture,    sow doubt about the safety of e-cigarettes. With billions
the media, reform advocates, and individual users           in public funding, an army of affiliated academics,
coalesced around a consensus that many adults enjoy         allies in government and media, and the support of
cannabis and will continue to do so regardless of its       industries threatened by new competition, activists
legality. The general public now overwhelmingly             generated a steady stream of negative headlines about
believes that cannabis use is inevitable, prohibition is    “vaping.”
futile, and adults should have the right to use it simply
                                                            They knew from their fight with Big Tobacco that they
because they enjoy it. But the same does not apply for
                                                            could persuade the public of the need for government
                                                            intervention if they believed that a choice posed risks,
For a long time, the narrative surrounding nicotine         not just to the individual making it, but to those
vapor has been one of fear and suspicion. It has            around him. So, as with secondhand smoke and youth
increasingly focused on unknown risks and the threat        smoking, anti-vaping advocacy focused on the threat
e-cigarettes might pose to adolescents, even as the         e-cigarettes supposedly posed to adolescents and to
scientific evidence consistently shows these fears are      public health.
overstated, and demonstrates the products’ safety and
                                                            The strategy has been wildly successful. While the
benefits for adults. This was no accident.
                                                            evidence continues to mount in favor of e-cigarettes’
Prior to the advent of e-cigarettes, declining smoking      effectiveness for smoking cessation, public opinion is
rates posed an existential threat to anti-tobacco           increasingly in favor of banning the products. Even as
activists and groups. As smoking declined in                America embraces an approach aimed at reducing the
popularity, those who had built careers and                 harms of risky behavior with policies like clean needle
organizations in the well-funded battle against             exchanges, sexual education, and cannabis legalization,
smoking found themselves victims of their own               we are turning more toward a zero-tolerance approach
success. E-cigarettes provided the perfect bogeyman         when it comes to nicotine. Unfortunately, that is
to stoke public anxiety and revive fundraising. Thus,       because evidence is not the driving factor in the
anti-tobacco activists redirected their efforts toward      political debate over substance use.
turning public opinion against these novel products.

2                                                           Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
Introduction                                American adults said they currently
A large proportion of nicotine vapor        used marijuana, with 35 percent using
users credit the products with saving       it regularly.1 In contrast, nicotine use
their lives, a claim rarely—if ever—        in the U.S. is at a historic low, with
made by those who use cannabis purely       under 14 percent of adults categorized     The case for
for recreation. Yet, while legalizing       as current smokers and only 8 percent
recreational cannabis is now a cause        of adults saying they vaped within the       legalizing
célèbre among liberal and some              past week as of 2019.2                        cannabis
conservative politicians, a prohibition
on nicotine vapor products—sometimes
                                            Public opinion, among users and               is strong.
                                            non-users alike, has evolved alongside
referred to as electronic cigarettes—
                                            these consumption patterns. A Gallup
has become an equally fashionable
                                            poll in 2019 found that 66 percent of
position, often among the same
                                            the American public supported
                                            legalizing marijuana.3 The same year, a
Advocates of greater restrictions or        poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation
bans on nicotine vaping cite a lack of      found that a majority (52 percent) of
evidence on the effects of vaping. That     Americans favored banning all but
seems to imply that their position might    tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes, while
change if the products’ safety and          nearly half (49 percent) favored a total
efficacy were ever proved by research,      ban on nicotine vaping products.4 But
but it has become clear that such a         this evolution in opinion, among both
prospect is just a political smokescreen.   the public and politicians, is not based
As the divergent treatment of cannabis      on conclusive scientific evidence.
and nicotine demonstrates, when it
                                            After decades of research, there is
comes to the regulation of substances,
                                            enough evidence to assume that the
neither evidence, principles, nor even
                                            health effects of cannabis use are
justice actually matter. All that matters
                                            unlikely to be life-threatening. For at
is the popularity of the given narrative
                                            least 20 years of study and public
about a substance.
                                            debate, the case for legalizing
Cannabis and nicotine are both              cannabis—in terms of public safety, as
pleasurable substances that have            well as social, economic, and personal
enjoyed widespread popularity for           well-being—is strong. This evidence,
hundreds of years. Both have a large        along with efforts by activists and
body of scientific research, as well as     health professionals to destigmatize
many unanswered questions, about            the drug and its users, largely explain
their effects on human health. Yet, in      why the public and subsequently
recent years cannabis has become far        lawmakers have begun to look more
more popular. In 2017, 55 percent of        favorably on legalizing cannabis.

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                              3
However, the scientific evidence on        the law. And, of course, the rise of the
                 the health effects of cannabis has         illicit market, with its outsized profits,
                 remained largely inconclusive.5            draws many people into risky or
                 Hampered by regulatory barriers,           criminal behavior, with often terrible
The costs of     researchers have been able to shed         consequences both for the individuals
                 light on some aspects of the drug’s        engaging in illicit activities and their
prohibition on   impact on health, but major questions      communities.
individuals,     remain unanswered.6 For example,
                                                            By weighing what we do know about
                 there is very limited data on how
society, and     tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) affects
                                                            the health effects of cannabis against
                                                            the known consequences of prohibition,
the economy      heart health.7 We are just beginning
                                                            America has come to the reasonable
                 to understand how different patterns
have proven      of use may interact—either positively
                                                            conclusion that whatever risks might
                                                            ultimately be associated with cannabis
catastrophic.    or negatively—with other physical
                                                            use, they are lesser than, or preferable
                 and psychological conditions,
                                                            to, the harms created by its prohibition.
                 predispositions, and treatments.8
                 Furthermore, little is known about how
                 cannabis alters brain function in adults
                                                            Regulation in the Face
                 and brain development in adolescents.9
                                                            of Uncertainty
                 On the other hand, the costs of            In the absence of complete and perfect
                 prohibition on individuals, society, and   scientific information—something
                 the economy have proven catastrophic.      almost no topic enjoys—regulators
                 For the last half century, Americans       must carefully weigh the strength of
                 have observed the utter failure of         the evidence we do have about the
                 banning cannabis to stop its widespread    potential harms and benefits of giving
                 use; how it spawned sophisticated,         consumers legal access to substances
                 international drug-trafficking networks;   against the likely harms and benefits
                 cost our economy billions; fomented        of prohibiting that substance. With
                 distrust between the citizenry and law     regard to cannabis, regulators,
                 enforcement; and ruined untold             researchers, and the general public, for
                 numbers of lives.10 Outlawing the drug     the most part, have rightly come to the
                 did not stop demand. Instead, it drove     conclusion that the costs of prohibition
                 millions into the illicit market, where,   far outweigh the potential risks
                 in addition to any risks inherent to the   associated with legal access to the drug.
                 drug, they are exposed to the additional
                                                            Were regulators and lawmakers to
                 hazards of interacting with criminals,
                                                            objectively perform this sort of
                 potentially consuming adulterated or
                                                            calculation for nicotine, they would
                 tainted products, and running afoul of

4                                          Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
conclude the same for that substance.       As with recreational cannabis, the
While it is true that, as with              clinical evidence indicates that the
recreational cannabis, we may not           health effects of nicotine vaping are
fully understand all of the effects of      minimal—at least minimal enough
nicotine vaping, there is enough            that researchers have been unable to              As with
evidence to conclude that the effects       consistently demonstrate any negative
on health are limited to the degree that    effects at all. This is why nicotine        recreational
a regulatory scheme that maintains          replacement therapy, for example, is           cannabis,
legal access to these products will be      not associated with increased risk of
less detrimental to individual and          cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke,      the clinical
public health than a prohibition on         or other diseases commonly linked               evidence
such products.                              with smoking.12 Furthermore, the
                                            benefits to society of providing access   indicates that
Nicotine vaping devices are a
relatively new category of products,
                                            to smokeless nicotine has been                 the health
                                            validated by studying the experiences
but tobacco and nicotine use, in
                                            of countries that have embraced lower           effects of
various forms, is not. Though public
health professionals have historically
                                            risk tobacco alternatives, like Sweden.          nicotine
conflated the effects of smoking and        Snus, a moist tobacco chew, has been          vaping are
nicotine, the advent of nicotine vaping,    in use in Sweden since the 17 century,

which separates the effects of nicotine     but it gained in popularity beginning           minimal.
from combustion, has become the             in the 1980s as the dangers of smoking
subject of intense scientific study over    became clearer and more well known.
the last 15 years. Because of public        By 2016, approximately 21 percent of
interest and the lack of regulatory         Swedish men were classified as current
barriers on its study, current clinical     snus users, while just 7 percent of the
data on nicotine is as robust as that for   population continued to smoke, and
recreational cannabis, if not more so.      just 5 percent smoked daily.13 As a
We have more than 400 years of              result of replacing a combustible
observation about non-combustible           tobacco with a non-combustible
tobacco use, such as tobacco chew,          product, Sweden has not only the
snuff, and snus (moist snuff).11 There      lowest smoking rate in Europe, but
is also plenty of information available     also the lowest rate of lung cancer—
on the social and economic effects          by far—and among the lowest rates
of various regulatory schemes for           of mouth cancer.14 In the rest of the
nicotine products, based on experiences     European Union, where snus is
in the U.S. and around the world.           banned, 24 percent of the population,
                                            on average, smoked as of 2016.15

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                                5
Similar effects have been observed in       their stoner comedy films, beginning
                   Japan, where the rate of decline in         with the 1978 cult classic Up in Smoke.
                   cigarette sales has quintupled since        And beginning in the 1970s, hip hop
                   the introduction of Philip Morris           and rap artists used marijuana in their
Government         International’s heated tobacco product,     lyrics (and lives) as a form of rebellion
                   IQOS.16 Great Britain and the United        against and rejection of a mainstream
policies that      States, where the government embraces       society they believe marginalizes
seek to restrict   or tolerates e-cigarettes, respectively,    individuals and communities of color.20
                   have seen similar accelerations in the      By the 1990s rap and the stoner
legal access       decline of smoking.17                       comedy had been incorporated, at
to nicotine do     More importantly, perhaps, evidence
                                                               least in some forms, into popular mass
                                                               media. It was this “mainstreaming” of
not prevent        from around the world demonstrates
                                                               art forms with positive and often
                   that government policies that seek to
nicotine use.      restrict legal access to nicotine,
                                                               celebratory representations of cannabis
                                                               use, more than any scientific break-
                   whether through regulatory barriers,
                                                               through, that acted to destigmatize the
                   bans, or price controls, do not prevent
                                                               drug, change popular opinion, and
                   nicotine use. Instead, illicit markets,
                                                               pave the way for legalization.21
                   and all of the harms that accompany
                   them, rise to meet the demand.18            Though different in their chemical
                                                               makeup, biological effects, and
                   The ability and willingness of the
                                                               purpose, the scientific literature on
                   public to flout restrictive drug laws
                                                               recreational cannabis and nicotine are
                   has been on display in the United
                                                               remarkably analogous. Current clinical
                   States and elsewhere with regard to
                                                               data suggests both substances are
                   cannabis. Not only did Americans
                                                               relatively safe, emerging evidence
                   continue to use the substance after its
                                                               even points to potential health benefits
                   ban, but some made ostentatious
                                                               for both, and plenty of research
                   displays out of flouting the prohibition.
                                                               demonstrates the harms associated
                   Cannabis was popular among jazz
                                                               with the prohibition of either. Nicotine
                   musicians during the first half of the
                                                               vapor products have the additional
                   20th century, a fact not lost on
                                                               benefit of typically being used,
                   prohibitionists of that era, who
                                                               not just for enjoyment, but as a
                   pursued famous musicians, like Louie
                                                               replacement for deadly combustible
                   Armstrong and Billie Holiday.19
                                                               tobacco products, like cigarettes. Yet,
                   And long before the first U.S. state
                                                               one of these drugs—cannabis—enjoys
                   legalized its use, the comedy duo
                                                               increasing popular and political
                   Cheech and Chong arguably
                                                               support and decreased stigmatization,
                   established a new genre of cinema with

6                                            Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
while the other—nicotine—is                of vaping, this evidence is available.
progressively maligned, stigmatized,       Toxicology studies show that even the
and the target of bans and restrictions.   earliest e-cigarette devices on the
                                           market contained only a fraction of the
This asymmetry in the treatment of the
two substances cannot be explained by
                                           harmful and potentially harmful                   As with
                                           constituents found in traditional
the amount or strength of the scientific
                                           cigarettes.24 Studies also show that            cannabis,
evidence for their relative benefits or
harms. Instead, it stems from what
                                           exhaled vapor contains 99 percent           evidence has
                                           fewer carcinogens than secondhand
those in power are willing to accept as
                                           smoke.25 Epidemiological studies have           disproved
evidence.22 The notion that people enjoy
using cannabis and will continue to do
                                           repeatedly found that the vast majority         the claim
                                           of those using nicotine vapor products
so regardless of its legal status is now
                                           are former smokers.26                       that nicotine
widely accepted. The inevitability of
widespread cannabis use and the            As with cannabis, evidence has also           vaping is a
futility and harm of its continued         disproved the claim that nicotine          “gateway” to
prohibition are sufficient justification   vaping is a “gateway” to more harmful
to advocate for an end of the federal      substances, in this case smoking           more harmful
cannabis ban. That logic, though           combustible tobacco.27 Perhaps the            substances,
demonstrably true for both cannabis        most convincing evidence against the
and nicotine, has proved insufficient      idea that vaping leads to smoking is          in this case
to convince advocates, regulators,         that, even as youth experimentation              smoking
and even some researchers. Unlike          with vaping has risen significantly over
recreational cannabis, for nicotine        the 13 years since its introduction,         combustible
vapor they demand “proof” of the           youth and adult smoking have                     tobacco.
products’ value before they are            continued to decrease. Studies,
allowed onto the market.23 Yet, it         including one randomized clinical trial
remains unclear what type of—and           (considered by some to be the gold
how much—evidence it would take to         standard in health research), have even
meet their threshold of proof.             demonstrated that nicotine vapor
                                           products are two to three times more
                                           effective at helping smokers quit than
Drug Double Standard                       other nicotine replacement therapies
It is reasonable for public health         (NRT).28
professionals, lawmakers, and the
                                           Each of the aforementioned studies,
public to want evidence about products
                                           along with any before or since showing
prior to making decisions about how
                                           similar findings, were, without
they ought to be regulated. In the case
                                           exception, rejected by the individuals

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                               7
and groups demanding proof of the         and questions the researchers did not
    value of nicotine vapor products. As      seek to answer.
    Clive Bates, the former director of the
                                              Dozens of observational studies are
    British tobacco control group Action
                                              often dismissed as being merely based
    on Smoking and Health, wrote in
                                              on anecdotes. Those dismissals are
    2018, the justifications provided by
                                              often accompanied by calls for
    anti-vaping advocates for spurning
                                              randomized controlled trials, which
    these studies follow an almost
                                              could really prove whether nicotine
    comically predictable pattern.
                                              vapor products are effective as
      Harm is the essential currency of       cessation tools.30 When researchers
      tobacco control campaigning. For        performed a randomized controlled
      these activists, cancer and other       trial and found that e-cigarettes were
      harms have acquired valuable            twice as effective as other nicotine
      utility: it is the “killer” arguments   replacement therapies for smoking
      to justify the forceful action of the   cessation, anti-vaping interests
      state. If there is no cancer or other   dismissed it as being too clinical and
      harms, they have lost an argument       “not a study of e-cigarettes as most
      to support the real goal. Hence,        people use them.”31
      we see desperate, often risible,
                                              The most consistently employed
      efforts to turn nugatory risks into
                                              argument against studies showing few
      full-blown moral panics. If
                                              or no negative health effects related to
      concerned about health, why
                                              nicotine vapor is that they are not
      do they never talk about how
                                              conducted over a long enough period
      e-cigarette vapour has few of the       of time to reveal the harms from
      harmful agents present in               chronic use of the products over
      cigarette smoke and those that are      decades. When supplied with research
      present at far lower concentrations?    that follows participants for years—
      Because disease risk creates the        which would be able to identify bio-
      currency of fear and righteous          logical changes related to long-term
      indignation, and fear and               health—anti-tobacco activists simply
      indignation is the gateway to           return to the other tactical arguments.
      regulation.29 [Emphases in
      original]                               For example, in 2017 researchers
                                              published the results of a study
    Typically, critics of nicotine vaping     comparing circulating levels of
    respond to studies with results they      smoking-related toxins linked to
    dislike by quibbling over flaws in the    cancer, heart disease, and lung disease
    methodology, the length of the study,     among long-term smokers, e-cigarette

8                             Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
users, users of nicotine replacement          smoking.” The study did not, and
therapies, and “dual” users—those             could not by design, determine the
who both smoke and use NRT or                 prevalence of dual use in the population
e-cigarettes. While dual users in any         because the researchers recruited
combination had similar levels of             equal numbers of participants for each        Even if it were
harmful toxins to that of smokers,            group studied. More importantly, even
individuals using e-cigarettes                if it were true that many e-cigarette         true that many
exclusively for six months or more            users continue to smoke, that, along        e-cigarette users
had similarly low or significantly            with the results of this study, in no way
lower levels of circulating toxins than       supports the claim that e-cigarettes              continue to
exclusive NRT users.32 Rather than            have “no health benefits” for smokers.         smoke, that in
celebrate this as evidence that long-term     In the real world, the study’s ground-
e-cigarette use is, at the very least, no     breaking finding, that the harms of          no way supports
more harmful than long-term NRT               long-term e-cigarette use are as low            the claim that
use—a practice widely encouraged by           and possibly lower than long-term
anti-tobacco advocates— vaping                NRT use, is compelling evidence that        e-cigarettes have
opponents focused on the finding that         researchers and activists, like Glantz,            “no health
e-cigarette users who also smoked had         should figure out how to encourage
toxin levels similar to smokers, an           smokers to switch to e-cigarettes                benefits” for
unsurprising result that is largely, if not   exclusively. Indeed, this was                        smokers.
entirely, explained by their smoking.         suggested by the study’s authors, who
                                              wrote that their finding of similar
 “Everyone—including me—agrees
                                              nicotine intake levels among smokers,
that switching entirely from cigarettes
                                              exclusive NRT users, and exclusive
to e-cigarettes (assuming no effects on
                                              e-cigarette users “supports the view
cessation) would be a good thing,”
                                              that users seek a particular level of
wrote Stanton Glantz, a longtime
                                              nicotine intake, regardless of the
anti-tobacco activist and professor at
                                              delivery system.” Thus, they
the University of California, San
                                              concluded that “dual users should
Francisco.33 “The problem is, as this
                                              be encouraged to cease using
paper notes, that almost all e-cigarette
                                              combustible products to reduce
users keep smoking cigarettes … for
                                              long-term health risks.”35
the great majority of e-cigarette users
as they are actually used in the real         The argument made by Glantz provides
world, there is no health benefit of          a good example of the double standard
e-cigarettes” he continued.34                 of proof applied to nicotine vapor
[Emphasis in original]                        products. Based solely on the
                                              unsupported idea that most e-cigarette
Glantz is incorrect that the study found
                                              users continue to smoke, Glantz is
“almost all e-cigarette users keep

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                                      9
willing to dismiss the possibility that     amount of time to understand the
                   nicotine vapor products have any            effects of nicotine vaping. That is a
                   benefit and to advocate for their total     disingenuous argument, given that
                   prohibition.36 Interestingly, Glantz        research on smoking began in the
For almost every   omits from this conversation the            1940s when science on the topic
                   evidence that continued smoking by          was nascent.
other aspect       users of nicotine replacement therapies
                                                               It certainly would be nice to have
of human life,     is also extremely common. According
                                                               multidecade studies on every possible
                   to some estimates, as little as 1 or 2
we recognize       percent of NRT users even attempt to
                                                               consequence of a product prior to its
                                                               introduction on the market. But that
the reality that   achieve abstinence from smoking,
                                                               criterion is as impractical as it is
                   while a higher percentage intend
proof of total     merely to reduce their cigarette
                                                               unnecessary. Virtually nothing in life
                                                               is free of risk entirely. As Fred Smith,
safety is          consumption.37 However, studies have
                                                               the founder of the Competitive
                   found that smokers who use NRTs
unrealistic.       actually smoke more cigarettes than
                                                               Enterprise Institute, once remarked, if
                                                               “society demands unattainable levels
                   smokers not using such products.38
                                                               of safety—a risk-free world—public
                   This real world experience with NRTs
                                                               policy becomes divorced from
                   has not led anti-tobacco activists to
                                                               reality.”42 For almost every other aspect
                   call for banning the products.39 In fact,
                                                               of human life, we recognize the reality
                   some of the most vociferously
                                                               that proof of total safety is unrealistic.
                   anti-vaping entities, like the Campaign
                                                               Moreover, we inherently grasp that
                   for Tobacco-Free Kids, not only
                                                               applying such a standard would
                   support over-the-counter sales of NRT
                                                               produce economic, technological, and
                   products, but advocate for governments
                                                               personal paralysis. But, when it comes
                   to subsidize their provision to adult
                                                               to lower-risk means of nicotine
                                                               consumption, that is the standard that
                   Criticisms of the evidence that             activists demand, despite the potential
                   nicotine vaping is relatively harmless      of such products to save and improve
                   or even beneficial are often joined         millions of lives around the world.
                   with statements about the lack of
                                                               There are already hundreds, if not
                   long-term evidence and how many
                                                               thousands, of studies on nicotine
                   decades it took researchers to
                                                               vaping, including on animals and
                   demonstrate the devastating harms
                                                               humans, observational and clinical,
                   associated with smoking.41 This
                                                               and short- and long-term.43 These
                   implies that it would take modern
                                                               studies, while not answering every
                   researchers, despite all the advances in
                                                               possible question that might arise
                   science and technology, a similar
                                                               surrounding nicotine vapor, are enough

10                                           Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
for researchers to measure biological        even less study, such as the ultra-low-
changes that would indicate long-term        nicotine cigarettes approved by the
risk. Thus far, the research does not        FDA in December 2019, for which the
indicate any significant long-term           longest studies were a mere 20 weeks,
harms, particularly for those who are        with many questions remaining about              The standard
using nicotine vaping to replace the         whether smokers using low nicotine
far more harmful habit of smoking.           cigarettes will actually smoke more.48        of evidence that
The standard of evidence that anti-
                                             As for cannabis, only a single product            anti-tobacco
                                             has been approved by the FDA. In this
tobacco activists demand for nicotine
                                             case, studies of the CBD medication          activists demand
vaping is not applied to any other
category of consumer good. For
                                             intended to treat seizure disorders                for nicotine
                                             lasted less than a year.49 No other
instance, a lack of decades-long
                                             cannabis products sold in the U.S., with         vaping is not
studies that might definitively and
comprehensively reveal all possible
                                             or without THC, have undergone such                  applied to
                                             a review. Yet, the lack of certainty about
risks has not stopped the introduction
                                             how cannabis affects adolescent brain                any other
of new pharmaceutical drugs.44
Although the entire approval process
                                             development, an issue on which                     category of
                                             anti-vaping advocates seem singularly
is arduous and lengthy, lasting
                                             focused when it comes to nicotine,                   consumer
upwards of a decade or longer, the
duration of individual trials, which
                                             has not stopped the growing—and                          good.
                                             justified—push for cannabis
form the evidence for a new drug’s
safety and efficacy, can last for just one
year.45 Even for many drugs intended         The American Lung Association
to be taken regularly over a period of       (ALA), for example, has been vocally
many years, like antidepressants and         opposed to nicotine vapor products
cholesterol-lowering statins, long-term      and has lobbied state and federal
studies are not required prior to their      governments to institute bans and
introduction to the market, so long          restrictions against their sale and
as there are at least two positive           advertising.51 With regard to cannabis,
short-term (eight- to 12-week) trials.46     the ALA once was a vocal opponent of
                                             the drug’s use, claimed that “marijuana
For example, in March 2019, the U.S.
                                             deposits four times more tar in the lungs
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
                                             than tobacco,” and ran a campaign in
approved Spravato, a nasal spray
                                             the 1980s titled, “Don’t Let Your
antidepressant chemically related to the
                                             Lungs Go to Pot.”52 Today, however,
drug ketamine. This approval occurred
                                             apart from advocating that cannabis be
even though the longest trial of the
                                             included in indoor smoking bans, the
drug was no more than 60 weeks.47
                                             ALA is conspicuously silent on the
Non-pharmaceutical products require

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                                     11
issue of cannabis legalization and        Moral Entrepreneurs
                   regulation.53                             At the heart of the modern tobacco
                                                             control movement are what sociologist
                   As with cannabis, a lack of definitive
                                                             Howard S. Becker calls “moral
                   evidence has neither stopped the
A lack of          government from approving, nor
                                                             entrepreneurs.”54 These professional
                                                             arbiters of morality or rule makers
definitive         society from accepting, a range of
                                                             typically begin as passionate amateurs,
                   other products, medications, and
evidence has       devices. That is as it should be.
                                                             often with humanitarian motives. They
                                                             do not simply want to impose their
neither stopped    Long-term studies that unequivocally
                                                             moral views on others, but operate
                   tell us, for example, how cannabis
the government     would affect every aspect of individual
                                                             from the belief that doing so will
                                                             improve the well-being of society.
from approving,    and social welfare are not only
                                                             This ostensibly pure intention
                   impossible for each facet of the drug’s
nor society from   development and deployment, they are
                                                             provides justification for moral
                                                             crusaders to pursue their goals by any
accepting, a       also unnecessary. We now have enough
                                                             means necessary, including working
                   information to know that whatever
range of other     harms may be associated with cannabis
                                                             with those with dubious motives,
                                                             exaggeration, defamation of the
products,          use, they are minimal in comparison to
                                                             opposition, disregarding others’
                   the harms created by prohibition. The
medications,       same is true of nicotine and nicotine
                                                             autonomy, and persecuting those who
                                                             disobey—for their own good, of course.
and devices.       vapor products. Yet, when it comes to
                   nicotine vaping, the evidence doesn’t     The crusader who manages to
That is as it      seem to matter. The constant appeals      convince the public of the validity of
should be.         for proof and the way substances are      his cause may be able to build large
                   treated by lawmakers, regulators,         organizational structures around it and
                   the media, and the public are not         turn his passion into a vocation. But
                   determined by scientific evidence, but    this presents a conundrum for the
                   are based on how people feel about the    crusader: If successful, he would
                   substance. In the current moment, at      essentially be putting himself out of a
                   least, the majority of the public now     job. Such was the case for the
                   accepts cannabis use as a relatively      enterprise of anti-smoking activism.
                   harmless activity, akin to drinking       After decades of raising awareness
                   alcohol. Unfortunately, the way           about its risks and convincing the
                   most people feel about nicotine is        public and government officials of the
                   inextricably linked to their feelings     need to control smoking, the habit was
                   about “Big Tobacco.”                      headed toward extinction. By the 21st
                                                             century, smoking had become a
                                                             socially stigmatized, deviant behavior

12                                          Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
in many developed nations. Many            clove cigarettes, and nicotine-free
countries, particularly the U.S., had      cigarettes fell flat.56 But then came
also banned smoking in public spaces,      electronic cigarettes. With a similar-
imposed taxes on the products, and         sounding name, look, and even
adopted strict tobacco control policies.   smoke-like plumes of vapor emitted                 The rise in
                                           from the devices, electronic cigarettes
By the mid-2000s, precipitous declines                                                     popularity of
                                           proved the perfect new target for
in smoking had diminished public
                                           moral entrepreneurs to continue their        nicotine vaping
concern over the habit’s health effects,
                                           crusade against Big Tobacco—even
which in turn lessened interest in                                                       occurred at the
                                           if Big Tobacco, particularly in the
funding cessation efforts. This waning
                                           beginning, had nothing to do with the       same time as the
attention threatened what had become
                                           novel products.
a multi-billion-dollar anti-smoking                                                        anti-smoking
industry and the thousands of agencies,
                                                                                       activism industry
departments, charities, and careers
                                           The “Big Tobacco” Bogeyman
built around it. Rather than kill the                                                   was desperately
                                           With good reason, people maintain a
anti-smoking cash cow, activists sought
                                           deep distrust of big tobacco companies,         searching for
to expand their crusade to new
                                           which historically had long denied the
targets—not only smoking, but any                                                          a new target.
                                           deadly effects of combustible tobacco
use of tobacco and, more recently, any
                                           of which they were aware, putting
use of non-pharmaceutical nicotine.
                                           significant resources into casting doubt
As Becker wrote, a moral crusader
                                           on and undermining evidence of those
who manages to achieve his original
                                           harms as it emerged. However, this
goal “may generalize his interest and
                                           understandable mistrust has been
discover something new to view with
                                           extended, often intentionally, by
alarm, a new evil about which
                                           anti-tobacco advocates, to any person,
something ought to be done. He
                                           group, or industry that appears to be,
becomes a professional discoverer
                                           or is accused of being, linked to big
of wrongs to be righted, of situations
                                           tobacco companies.
requiring new rules.”55
                                           This near-universal contempt for Big
The rise in popularity of nicotine
                                           Tobacco and the effectiveness of guilt
vaping occurred, not coincidentally,
                                           by association with it is well-known
at the same time as the anti-smoking
                                           among activists of all stripes. This
activism industry was desperately
                                           explains the proliferation of accusations
searching for a new target. Their
                                           of “stealing a page out of the Big
attempts to foment renewed moral
                                           Tobacco playbook” hurled at various
panic over products like flavored
                                           businesses and industries— including
nicotine lozenges, bidis (mini cigars),
                                           food marketers, soda companies, the

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                                  13
alcohol industry, the tech industry,       relative harmlessness or possible
     social media platforms, climate change     benefits of the substance.
     skeptics, lawmakers, and even the
                                                Anti-tobacco groups have used this
     National Football League. 57
                                                tactic to paint the nicotine vapor
     Those who oppose the use of nicotine       industry as no different from Big
     on moral grounds have made little          Tobacco. But this simplistic view
     attempt to hide their use of this tactic   ignores the fact that while large
     as a way to discredit any person or        tobacco companies have now entered
     study unsupportive of their abstinence-    the nicotine vapor market, the industry
     only approach. In a 1986 handbook on       was initially established and remains
     anti-tobacco activism, the authors—        primarily populated by small,
     including the aforementioned Stanton       independent vapor companies that
     Glantz—advised that inconvenient           were never involved in the tobacco
     studies could be easily explained          business.
     away by pointing to “the self-interest
                                                More importantly, it also fails to
     of the authors, defective methodology,
                                                acknowledge that the central reason
     or sheer weight of numbers of
                                                these independent vapor companies
     contradictory studies” and that
                                                and shops exist is to displace
     activists should “suggest that the
                                                combustible tobacco. Still, the mere
     person is simply a shill for the tobacco
                                                fact that the initial generations of
     industry.”58 A few years later, Glantz,
                                                nicotine vapor products looked similar
     in a speech, noted that a similar
                                                to cigarettes, were sometimes called
     approach could be used to convince
                                                electronic cigarettes, and contained
     reluctant lawmakers to support their
                                                nicotine despite not having any
     anti-tobacco policies, noting that a
                                                tobacco, was enough for activists to
     good way to change their minds is to
                                                convince the federal government to
     convince them that “if they oppose
                                                deem the products “tobacco” in 2016.60
     you they would be perceived as dupes
                                                This bureaucratic categorization of
     of the cigarette companies.”59
                                                nicotine vapor as tobacco product,
     As blatant and opportunistic as that       plus the superficial similarities with
     is, the strategy continues to work         traditional cigarettes, made it easy for
     effectively in convincing many that any    activists to convince those unfamiliar
     nicotine product, not produced by “Big     with the novel products that they were
     Pharma,” is merely an extension of         the same as combustible tobacco, made
     “Big Tobacco.” That leaves them free       by the same companies, with the same
     to disregard any evidence about the        purpose and risks. (This is a little like

14                            Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
viewing distilled spirits and rubbing      In the case of nicotine vaping,
alcohol in the same light.)                evidence continues to mount that it is
                                           relatively harmless for adults. Even
                                           the assertion that nicotine is “highly
Merchants of Doubt and Fear                addictive,” something most people              In the case
Ironically, both the impossibly high       believe is irrefutably true, is
double standard for scientific evidence    contradicted by evidence and logic.            of nicotine
and attempts to create a mental link       People rarely become addicted to                   vaping,
between nicotine vaping and Big            nicotine patches, gums, or lozenges.
Tobacco are exactly the same strategies    Animal and human studies have found               evidence
used by Big Tobacco since the 1950s        that nicotine alone is not sufficient to     continues to
to suppress growing evidence of the        prompt self-administration or nicotine-
harms associated with smoking.61 This      seeking behavior—for instance, lab             mount that
awareness of Big Tobacco’s past bad        mice do not press the lever delivering     it is relatively
behavior and the public’s distrust of      nicotine over the lever that delivers
the industry significantly increase the    food. That suggests that is some other           harmless
potency of anti-tobacco activists’         chemical, combination of chemicals,             for adults.
primary argument against nicotine          or feature of cigarettes that makes
vaping: the safety of children.            products containing nicotine habit-
“Won’t somebody think of the children”
was the oft-repeated catchphrase of        Unable to justify their opposition to
Helen Lovejoy, wife of Reverend            nicotine use based on demonstrable
Lovejoy on the television comedy           harms to adults, anti-tobacco activists
The Simpsons. This parody of the           instead have focused on the imaginary
overwrought and myopic focus on            risks nicotine vapor products pose to
child welfare, which often pervades        children. Among the most frequently
real-world political debates, was so       cited concerns are claims that nicotine
deft that Toronto Star reporter Edward     vaping harms the adolescent brain and
Keenan coined the term “Lovejoy’s          leads to future smoking—claims for
Law.” In Keenan’s words, if one side       which the evidence is weak, non-
of a debate uses “the children” to         existent, or invalidating.
justify their position, one can assume
                                           The idea that nicotine damages
it is an attempt to manipulate and that,
                                           adolescent brains or impairs their
“they’re probably either lying, trying
                                           development are based primarily on
to screw you over or hoping to distract
                                           rat and mouse studies that report
you from the worthlessness of their
                                           relatively minor effects, like changes

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                               15
in learning, attention, and memory.64          increasing public acceptance of
     Interestingly, as a topic of debate, the       cannabis use has made the continuation
     effects of substances on youth brain           of prohibition on the drug unfeasible
     health seem exclusive to public                for politicians and a bad target for
     discourse on nicotine and tobacco. As          moral entrepreneurs. But these
     researchers Lynn Kozlowski of the              circumstances may be tenuous and
     University of Buffalo and Kenneth              temporary. As a recent article in The
     Warner of the University of Michigan           Atlantic pointed out, 2020 democratic
     pointed out in 2017, there has been            presidential candidate Joe Biden has
     little public interest in the impact on        not fully endorsed the idea of cannabis
     brain health of other substances               legalization despite broad public
     commonly used by youth, like                   support, particularly among democratic
     alcohol, cannabis, caffeine, and               voters. One explanation provided for
     psychotropic medications. “If                  his reticence is the divergent treatment
     anything, the concern should be                of nicotine vaping and cannabis.
     greater regarding kids’ cigarette              Liberal lawmakers have argued for
     smoking but it was rarely brought into         restrictions on vaping because of a
     discussions of youth smoking,” they            lack of clarity on its health effects, but
     wrote.65 Given the fact that there are         these same lawmakers have not
     many decades of studies on smokers,            applied that standard to marijuana,
     most of whom began smoking as young            which they mostly favor legalizing.66
     adults, the evidence that nicotine             Yet, should moral entrepreneurs
     causes brain damage or significant             decide to make pot smoking their next
     cognitive impairment should be strong          target, they could easily rely on all of
     and abundant. Until relatively recently,       the same dubious arguments and
     in fact, a significant portion of youth        evidence that have been used against
     reported daily smoking. If nicotine            nicotine vaping, including the claim
     caused significant harms on the                that cannabis may “harm” adolescent
     developing brain, it would be apparent         brain development.67
     in the scientific literature, but it is not.
                                                    Another pseudoscientific argument
     Yet, the adolescent brain issue has
                                                    regularly employed in public policy
     become one of the central arguments
                                                    debates over drugs is the “gateway”
     used by anti-vaping activists.
                                                    theory: the idea that the use of
     It is worth noting that while the              relatively benign drugs, like cannabis
     adolescent brain issue has not yet been        or nicotine, will lead to harder drugs
     a major factor in the public discourse         and subsequent harms. The idea seems
     about cannabis, this could quickly             to make logical sense, since individuals
     change. As this paper argues,                  who go on to use drugs like heroin

16                               Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
typically begin experimenting with          little to slow down activists, lawmakers,
“softer” drugs. But the correlation         and regulators from trying to implement
does not necessarily prove that the         increasingly restrictive rules and
cannabis use, for example, caused a         outright bans on the products. For these
person to later use heroin, as many         interests, there is little downside to               As with
other factors better explain individuals’   pursuing an anti-vaping agenda, as long
likelihood to use either drug, such as a    as it is perceived as being anti-Big               cannabis
proclivity for risk taking.68               Tobacco—even if achieving that                 the evidence
                                            agenda would have no benefit for, or
Similarly, some have claimed that
                                            even harm, public health.                     indicates that
vaping among youth, even
experimental, will lead to future                                                            there is no
smoking. But, as with cannabis, the
                                            Lower-Risk Nicotine:                            “gateway”
evidence indicates that there is no
“gateway” effect from using nicotine
                                            The Low-Hanging Fruit                            effect from
                                            When it comes to persuading
vapor products. Research on the
                                            lawmakers to support their cause,            using nicotine
gateway effect finds that teens who
are likely to smoke are also likely to
                                            anti-tobacco activists have discovered      vapor products.
                                            that even more effective than the old
try nicotine vaping, due to shared
                                            tactic of guilt by association is what
characteristics, such as a greater
                                            could be called “hero by association”—
propensity for risk taking, not because
                                            going after an easily identifiable
vaping somehow causes them to
                                            villain to make yourself look heroic.
progress to smoking.69 The clearest
                                            For ambitious politicians looking to
piece of evidence against the vaping
                                            generate positive public attention,
gateway theory is the fact that despite
                                            targeting “Big Tobacco” is among the
nearly a decade of popular use, youth
                                            surefire ways to achieve that.
smoking has not increased. In fact, the
number of adolescents who smoke is          The only potential pitfall to that
now lower than it has ever been.70          approach is that Big Tobacco—real
Moreover, most youth don’t vape,            Big Tobacco—is an established, large,
fewer vape regularly, and almost of all     well-funded, and well-connected
those who do vape regularly are or          international industry. Attacking the
were smokers, a behavior that would         makers of cigarettes, farmers who grow
cause at least as much damage               tobacco, and smokers is not without
as vaping.                                  political risk. The vapor market, on
                                            the other hand, is nascent, smaller, and
Yet, lack of evidence that nicotine
                                            has less consumer popularity and
vaping harms or even poses a risk to
                                            political influence. Incurring the wrath
the nation’s young people has done
                                            of the vapor industry and its customers

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                                 17
is a comparatively small risk for         entire vapor industry, was part of
                   politicians—but also politically less     Big Tobacco all along.71 But the
                   profitable if there is a widespread       circumstances and regulatory pressure
                   belief that vapor products are less       created by anti-vaping advocacy made
For anti-vaping    harmful alternatives to smoking.          such a merger a practical necessity for
                                                             Juul to survive as a company. The
advocates, the     For anti-vaping advocates, the best
                                                             main benefit Juul reaps from the
                   environment for them to operate is the
best environment   current one, in which the majority of
                                                             merger with Altria is expertise and
                                                             money to contend with increasingly
for them to        the public believe that going after
                                                             intense regulatory challenges and
                   “vaping” is the same as taking on Big
operate is the     Tobacco. This situation allows
                                                             lawsuits the company now faces as a
                                                             result of anti-tobacco activism.72
current one,       lawmakers who attack “vaping” to
                   appear as if they are defenders of        Notwithstanding that reality, anti-
in which the       public health against a powerful          tobacco activists have successfully
majority of the    opponent like Big Tobacco, with little    used the bugbear of Big Tobacco, guilt
                   risk of political blowback—even           by association, and exaggerated
public believe     when the outcome of their proposed        concerns about adolescents’ health to
that going after   legislative solutions would help Big      advance their policy agenda with
                   Tobacco by crippling or outright          considerable success. At no time in
“vaping” is the    eliminating its primary competitors.      the past has their approach been more
same as taking     The main culprit anti-vaping activists
                                                             brazenly on display than over the
                                                             past year.
on Big Tobacco.    point to as evidence of Big Tobacco’s
                   control of the nicotine vaping industry   COVID-19 Gives Activists
                   is the company Juul. Founded by           a New Front
                   Pax Labs, Juul began as a San             Around July 2019, news stories began
                   Francisco-based startup technology        circulating about a sudden rash of
                   firm with no connections to the           people, mostly teenagers, being
                   tobacco industry. However, as activists   hospitalized with a mysterious and
                   fomented panic over youth vaping and      severe lung ailment linked to
                   regulators put increasing pressure on     “vaping.”73 As the number of cases
                   the company, threatening its existence,   began rising and details trickled out
                   in 2018 Juul—then independent from        through local news reporting, it
                   Pax Labs—sold a 35 percent stake in       became clear that the behavior shared
                   the company to Altria Group—              in common among most—if not all—
                   formerly known as Philip Morris           of the patients was not “vaping,” but
                   Companies, Inc. The deal was              the use of cannabis vaporizers
                   misleadingly portrayed by activists of    purchased illegally on the street.74
                   proof that Juul, and by extension the     For example, when New York state

18                                          Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
authorities tested the vaping products     contrary. And members of Congress
used by those hospitalized with the        have considered legislation to restrict
lung ailment, they found that every        the devices at the federal level.79
single one had been using at least one
                                           It wasn’t until January 19, 2020 that
THC vaping product purchased
                                           the CDC acknowledged that illegal
illicitly. They also found very high
                                           cannabis vaporizers tainted with
levels of vitamin E acetate—an oil
                                           vitamin E acetate—not nicotine vaping
that cannot be present in nicotine
                                           products—were behind the outbreak.80
e-liquid—in many.75 Soon other states
                                           But anti-vaping interests would not
reported similar findings with all or
                                           have to wait long for a new opportunity
nearly all patients admitting to using
                                           to spread unwarranted fears over
illicit THC products, even in states
                                           nicotine vaping.
where cannabis is not legal.76 Despite
all this, the Centers for Disease          At the beginning of the global
Control and Prevention (CDC)               outbreak of the novel coronavirus,
downplayed the role of illicit THC         SARS-CoV-2, it was assumed that
products, urging consumers instead         smoking was a risk factor for
to avoid “all e-cigarette, or vaping       contracting COVID-19 or for severe
products.”77                               progression of the disease. While there
                                           was no specific data on this novel
Anti-tobacco activists across the
                                           virus, the assumption seemed
country capitalized on the confusion
                                           reasonable, based on the fact that
created by the CDC’s misleading
                                           smokers are at greater risk for certain
messaging to spread fears about
                                           respiratory infections, like colds, flu,
nicotine vapor products and advance
                                           pneumonia, and tuberculosis.81
their regulatory and legislative agenda.
Governors in states like Michigan,         However, anti-tobacco activists, in
New York, and Massachusetts,               and outside government, ignored the
encouraged by anti-tobacco groups,         emerging data indicating that smokers
imposed emergency bans on nicotine         did not appear to be more at risk of
vaping products, despite all the           COVID-19 than non-smokers, as well
evidence indicating their having           as the absence of any data on how
nothing to do with the outbreak.78         vaping might affect progression of the
Congress held two hearings on the          disease. Instead, interest groups, health
issue of nicotine vaping, at which         organizations, and politicians around
activists invited to testify gleefully     the world seized on the opportunity
blamed nicotine vaping products for        to promote the idea that vaping is
the outbreak of lung injuries, despite     dangerous, and especially so during
the demonstrable evidence to the           the outbreak.

Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine                                  19
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio told         academics, like Stanton Glantz,
     journalists that a 22-year old who was     argued that vaping makes it harder for
     hospitalized with COVID-19 in early        lungs to resist infection, even going so
     March had no known risk factors,           far as to give the unsupported medical
     except his use of vaping products.         advice that quitting vaping would lower
     “Why is a 22-year-old man stable but       the risks associated with the disease.86
     hospitalized at this point? The one
                                                This narrative has become increasingly
     factor we know of is he is a vaper,”
                                                difficult to sustain the more researchers
     de Blasio said. “So, we don’t know of
                                                look into the disease, and it now
     any preexisting conditions, but we do
                                                appears that nicotine—not smoking
     think the fact that he is a vaper is
                                                per se—may actually have a
     affecting this situation.”82 The
                                                protective effect.
     resulting speculation led to news
     articles and opinion pieces warning        Early data on the outbreak from China
     that smokers and vapers could be at        did not suggest that smokers were
     greater risk during the outbreak.83        more likely to contract COVID-19. In
                                                fact, they appeared less likely to be
     Health agencies added fuel to the fire.
                                                hospitalized with the disease. That data
     The National Institute on Drug Abuse
                                                contradicted assertions that smoking
     (part of the National Institutes of
                                                might explain why Chinese men—
     Health) issued a warning that
                                                over half of whom smoke—were dying
     “because it attacks the lungs, the
                                                at much higher rates than women, of
     coronavirus that causes COVID-19
                                                whom only 3 percent smoke.87 But,
     could be an especially serious threat to
                                                when researchers looked into the
     those who smoke tobacco … or who
                                                smoking habits of patients in that
     vape.”84 The mere suggestion that
                                                country, they found just 1.4 to 12.6
     nicotine vaping might have any impact
                                                percent of those hospitalized with the
     on the outbreak was proof enough for
                                                disease were classified as current
     activists and lawmakers to push for
                                                smokers, making smokers significantly
     temporary bans on the products at the
                                                underrepresented in hospitalized cases
     state and federal level.
                                                compared to the general public.88
     Groups like the New York State
                                                This underrepresentation of smokers
     Academy of Family Physicians
                                                among COVID-19 patients has been
     appealed to the governor to institute a
                                                found by numerous studies in
     statewide ban on all tobacco products,
                                                populations around the world.89 These
     while members of the House Oversight
                                                counterintuitive results led some
     Committee appealed to the FDA to do
                                                researchers to question which
     the same across the nation.85 Activist
                                                ingredient or factor linked to smoking

20                            Minton: The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
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