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Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 64 (1): 147 - 159 (2009)   147

Juan Carlos FERNICOLA1, Sergio F. VIZCAÍNO2 and Gerardo DE IULIIS 3

  Sección Paleontología de Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  División Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina. CONICET. Email:
  School of Nursing, George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology, Toronto; and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Email:

     During the first two years of his voyage aboard HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin collected a considerable number of fossil mam-
     mals from various localities in Argentina and Uruguay. Among these remains are those of large mammals that Darwin infor-
     mally assigned to Megatherium and Mastodon, the only large taxa then known for South America, and of small and medium-
     sized mammals that Darwin recognized as representing at least two rodents and a horse. The study of Darwin's collection was
     entrusted to Richard Owen, who described eleven taxa between 1837 and 1845, including the six following ones: Toxodon pla-
     tensis, Macrauchenia patachonica, Equus curvidens, Scelidotherium leptocephalum, Mylodon darwini and Glossotherium sp. This contribution
     provides a synthesis of Darwin's preliminary assignments and evaluates the reasons that led him to recognize only megathe-
     res and mastodonts for the large fossil remains. Also, it discusses the current taxonomic status of the taxa described or erec-
     ted by Owen between 1837 and 1845 and the influence that Owen's taxonomic and phylogenetic conclusions had on the deve-
     lopment of Darwin's ideas on evolution.
     Keywords: Darwin, Taxonomy, South America, Fossil mammals.

RESUMEN: Los mamíferos fósiles colectados por Charles Darwin en América del Sur durante su viaje a bordo del HMS Beagle. Durante los dos
     primeros años de su viaje a bordo del HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin colectó en distintas localidades de Argentina y Uruguay
     un considerable número de mamíferos fósiles. Entre estos se cuentan los grandes mamíferos que informalmente Darwin asig-
     nó a Megatherium y Mastodon, únicos grandes taxones conocidos hasta ese momento para América del sur y entre los pequeños
     y medianos mamíferos reconoció la presencia de al menos dos tipos de roedores y un caballo. El estudio posterior de todos
     los ejemplares colectados por Darwin fue llevado a cabo Richard Owen, quien entre 1837 y 1845 describió once taxones, entre
     los cuales, seis eran nuevos taxones: Toxodon platensis, Macrauchenia patachonica, Equus curvidens, Scelidotherium leptocephalum, Mylodon
     darwini y Glossotherium sp. En esta contribución se brinda una síntesis de las asignaciones preliminares efectuadas por Charles
     Darwin y se evalúan los motivos que lo habrían llevado a reconocer sólo megaterios y mastodontes entre los grandes mamí-
     feros fósiles por él colectados. También tiempo, se discute el estatus taxonómico de los taxones descritos o fundados por
     Richard Owen entre 1837 y 1845 y la influencia que habrían tenido las conclusiones taxonómicas y filogenéticas de Owen en
     el desarrollo de las ideas evolutivas de Darwin.

     Palabras clave: Darwin, taxonomía, América del Sur, mamíferos fósiles.

INTRODUCTION                                      (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). Dar-           from the Arroyo Sarandí near the city of
                                                  win returned to Punta Alta between                 Mercedes (Soriano Department). He re-
Charles Darwin collected fossil mammals           August 29 - 31, 1833. Several weeks la-            turned to Argentina and collected his last
from various South American localities            ter, around September 19, he collected             specimens at Puerto San Julián (Santa
during his voyage aboard HMS Beagle.              in Guardia del Monte (Buenos Aires Pro-            Cruz Province) during the first several
He recovered his first fossil at Punta Alta       vince); the Rio Carcarañá or Tercero               months of 1834 (see Fig. 1). All the spe-
(Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) on             (Santa Fe Province, Argentina) on Octo-            cimens, sent to his mentor John Stevens
September 23, 1832, and continued co-             ber 1; and the Bajada Santa Fe (Paraná,            Henslow and later deposited in the Royal
llecting intermittently at this locality until    Entre Ríos Province, Argentina) on Oc-             College of Surgeons (London, England),
October 16. Three days later he collected         tober 10. Moving to Uruguay, he collec-            were studied by Richard Owen beginning
several specimens from Monte Hermoso              ted fossils during November 25 - 26                in 1836.
148    J. C. F E R N I C O L A , S. F. V I Z C A Í N O A N D G. D E I U L I I S

                                                                                                                    in the earliest histories of America (e.g.
                                                                                                                    Cieza de León 1553, Falkner 1774). The-
                                                                                                                    se objects were interpreted as the re-
                                                                                                                    mains of an ancient race of giant hu-
                                                                                                                    mans that inhabited this part of the
                                                                                                                    world before being smitten by divine
                                                                                                                    force. Cieza de León (1553, p. 183) pro-
                                                                                                                    vided the following vivid tale about huge
                                                                                                                    bones found in Santa Elena, Ecuador: "Y
                                                                                                                    así, dicen que, estando todos juntos envueltos en
                                                                                                                    su maldita sodomía, vino fuego del cielo temero-
                                                                                                                    so y muy espantable, haciendo gran ruido, del
                                                                                                                    medio del cual salió un ángel resplandeciente, con
                                                                                                                    una espada tajante y muy refulgente, con la cual
                                                                                                                    de un solo golpe los mató a todos y el fuego los
                                                                                                                    consumió, que no quedó sino algunos huesos y
                                                                                                                    calaveras, que para memoria del castigo quiso
                                                                                                                    Dios que quedasen sin ser consumidas por el
                                                                                                                    fuego. Esto dicen de los gigantes; lo cual creemos
                                                                                                                    que pasó, porque en esta parte que dicen se han
                                                                                                                    hallado y se hallan huesos grandísimos. Y yo he
                                                                                                                    oído a españoles que han visto pedazo de muela
                                                                                                                    que juzgaban que a estar entera pesara más de
                                                                                                                    media libra carnicera, y también que habían
                                                                                                                    visto otro pedazo del hueso de una canilla, que es
                                                                                                                    cosa admirable contar cuán grande era, lo cual
                                                                                                                    hace testigo haber pasado…".
                                                                                                                    This sort of general belief persisted, in
                                                                                                                    South America at least, until the end of
                                                                                                                    the 18th century, even though some of
                                                                                  Figure 1: Map of the localities   the remains were recognized as nonhu-
                                                                                  where Charles Darwin collec-      man, as indicated in the following passa-
                                                                                  ted fossil mammals.
                                                                                                                    ges by the English Jesuit Thomas Falkner
      Regrettably, the intense bombardment                   Surgeons retained only a single specimen,              (1774, p. 54-55) "On the banks of the River
      suffered by this institution during April              the remains of the Megatherium america-                Carcarania, or Tercero, about three or four lea-
      10 and 11, 1941, destroyed a large part of             num specimen that apparently allowed                   gues before it enters into the Parana, are found
      its paleontological treasures. Cave's (1942)           Owen (1840) to recognize the presence                  great numbers of bones, of an extraordinary
      catalogue of the surviving specimens                   of a fifth upper molariform in this taxon              bigness, which seem human. There are some gre-
      revealed that some 95% of the collection               (see appendix 1).                                      ater and some less, as if they were of persons of
      had been lost - of 5,000 specimens, only               The aim of this contribution is to provi-              different ages. I have seen thigh-bones, ribs, bre-
      175 remained. Among these, fortunately,                de an update on the taxonomic status of                ast-bones, and pieces of skulls. I have also seen
      are various of the specimens collected by              the various taxa recognized or establis-               teeth, and particularly some grinders which were
      Charles Darwin and described by Ri-                    hed by Owen (1837-45), and to consider                 three inches in diameter at the base. These bones
      chard Owen (1837-1845) as new taxa, in-                the influence the specimens and their                  (as I have been informed) are likewise found on
      cluding Equus curvidens, Glossotherium sp;             assignment had on the development of                   the banks of the Rivers Parana and Paraguay,
      Macrauchenia patachonica, Mylodon darwini,             Darwin's ideas.                                        as likewise in Peru. The Indian Historian,
      Scelidotherium leptocephalum and Toxodon                                                                      Garcilasso de la Vega Inga, makes mention of
      platensis (Cave 1942). Beginning in 1946,              HISTORICAL BACKGROUND                                  these bones in Peru, and tells us that the Indians
      nearly all of Darwin's collection was                                                                         have a tradition, that giants formerly inhabited
      transferred to the Natural History Mu-                 The first notices of South American                    those countries, and were destroyed by God for
      seum (London), where it is still housed                "fossils" appear in the reports of early               the crime of sodomy.
      (see appendix 1). The Royal College of                 Spanish explorers to South America and                 I myself found the shell of an animal, composed
The fossil mammals collected by Charles Darwin in South America ...     149

of little hexagonal bones, each bone an inch in        dillierès" and "mastodonte humboldien". Cu-          ments that Owen (1837-1845) later mo-
diameter at least; and the shell was near three        vier (1823) later formally named them                dified. Several of his assignments were
yards over. It seemed in all respects, except it's     Mastodon angustidens, Mastodon andium and            considered taxonomic errors or misinter-
[sic] size, to be the upper part of the shell of the   Mastodon humboldti, respectively (see Ca-            pretations (e.g., Sulloway 1982, Keynes
armadillo; which, in these times, is not above a       brera 1929). In this paper, Cuvier (1823,            2001), even though his inferences were in
span in breadth."                                      p. 179) included a handwritten communi-              accordance with what was then known.
It was during this period that the illus-              cation by "don Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga,
trious French naturalist George Cuvier                 a priest of Montevideo, to Mr. Augusto de            DARWIN'S FOSSIL MAMMALS
(1796) published the first scientific work             Saint-Hilaire" that briefly described a
on a South American fossil, which he                   group of fossil specimens, including a               The following presents a synthesis of
described and named Megatherium america-               partial exoskeleton (or carapace), under             Owen's initial taxonomic assignments
num based on the specimen recovered by                 the name "Dasypus (Megatherium Cuv)."                (1837-45) of the remains collected by
Fray Manuel Torres in 1787 from Luján                  Cuvier (1823) thus acknowledged that                 Darwin in South America, including the
in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina and                this carapace probably belonged to Mega-             preliminary assignments made by Dar-
sent the following year by the Marquis of              therium. Whatever the reasons that prom-             win. The latter's assignments were glea-
Loreto, Viceroy of Río de la Plata, to the             pted Larrañaga's subgeneric assignment               ned from field notes (Darwin 2002-
Real Gabinete de Historia Natural in Ma-               (that is, in recognizing the existence of            2008), personal correspondence (Darwin
drid, Spain. Mones (1986) considered the               armored megatheres), the fact that his               1985) and Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary
erection of this species as the first Lin-             opinion appeared in a work by Cuvier en-             (in Keynes 2001), all material written by
nean nomenclatorial act for a South                    sured its credibility, so that several in-           Darwin before 1836, the year of his
American fossil species. This specimen                 complete remains later sent to Europe                return to England. The suprageneric
had, however, previously been described                were similarly recognized (e.g., as by               classification used here follows McKen-
and figured by Juan Bautista Bru de Ra-                Weiss 1830, Clift 1835). It was not until            na and Bell (1997).
món, an artist and first taxidermist of the            later that Owen (1839a) demonstrated
Real Gabinete de Historia Natural. In this             that megatheres were not armored and                 SYSTEMATIC
regard, Garriga (1796, as quoted in Ló-                that the remains belonged instead to the             PALEONTOLOGY
pez Piñeiro and Glick 1993, p. 126) noted              group of mammals he termed glypto-
that "… restaba superar la dificultad de que           donts, a group closely related to armadi-            Grandorder Ungulata Linnaeus, 1776
permitiese Bru que se diese a luz una obra que         llos.                                                Mirorder Meridiungulata McKenna, 1975
él había tenido en otro tiempo intento de publi-       Knowledge of South American fossil                   Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903
car, y por varias circunstancias imprevistas           mammals remained at this elementary le-              Suborder Toxodontia Owen, 1853
sepultó en el olvido." López Piñeiro and               vel for much of the early part of the 19th           Family Toxodontidae Owen, 1845
Glick (1993, p. 66) maintained that the                century, as is made clear from Owen's                Subfamily Toxodontinae Owen, 1845
preparation of the monograph "… no fue                 (1838, p. 13) opening paragraph on his               Genus Toxodon Owen, 1837
entonces editada, pero su preparación debía estar      work on the fossil mammals in Darwin's
tan adelantada que un tal Roume, representan-          The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle:          Toxodon platensis Owen, 1837
te del gobierno de francés en Santo Domingo,           "It may be expected that the description of the      Fig. 2
consiguió un juego de pruebas de las planchas a        osseous remains of extinct Mammalia, which
su paso por Madrid en 1793.                            rank amongst the most interesting results of         The specimens assigned to this taxon by
Roume envió las pruebas de las planchas al             Mr. Darwin's researches in South America,            Owen (1837, 1838) were recovered by
Institut de France, del que era miembro corres-        should be preceded by some account of the fossil     Darwin from various South American
pondiente, acompañadas de una "corta descrip-          mammiferous animals which have been pre-             localities. On October 1 and 10, 1833, he
ción" del esqueleto. La sección de ciencias del Ins-   viously discovered in that Continent. The results    collected at Río Carcaraña o Tercero
titut encargó a George Cuvier un informe sobre         of such a retrospect are, however, necessarily       (Santa Fe Province) and at Bajada Santa
el tema, que apareció publicado en 1796…"              comprised in a very brief statement; for the         Fe (Paraná, Entre Ríos Province). His
Cuvier (1806) also studied fossil probos-              South American relics of extinct Mammalia,           field notes (Darwin 2002-2008) describe
cidean remains found by Dombey in Pe-                  hitherto described, are limited, so far as I know,   a fossil specimen as "…a large rotten tooth
ru and by Humboldt in various localities               to three species of Mastodon, and the gigantic       & in the layer large cutting tooth", a descrip-
in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, and Ecua-                 Megatherium."                                        tion that agrees with those included in
dor, among which he recognized three                   It was against this systematic framework             his Beagle Diary ("… a curious & large cut-
morphotypes, designated informally as                  that Darwin began his efforts in collec-             ting tooth"; in Keynes 2001, p. 193) and
"mastodonte a dents étroites", "mastodonte Cor-        tion and preliminary taxonomic assign-               written to John Stevens Henslow ("In ye
150    J. C. F E R N I C O L A , S. F. V I Z C A Í N O A N D G. D E I U L I I S

      R. Carcarana I got a tooth, which puzzles even
      my conjectures, it looks like an enormous gna-
      wing one"; Letter 229 in Darwin 1985).
      Darwin's (2002-2008) field notes for No-
      vember 26, 1833, state: "Started went round
      by a house to see large head & bones, washed
      out of Barranca & found after a flood. - pieces
      here also of Casca - Barranca" while his Bea-
      gle Diary (in Keynes 2001) records: "Be-
      gan my return in a direct line to M. Video; went
      by an Estancia where there was a part, very per-
      fect, of the head of a Megatherium. I purcha-
      sed it for a few shillings". An alveolus of this
      specimen, recovered from Arroyo Saran-
      dí, Departament of Soriano, Uruguay,
      easily accommodated a molariform tooth
      found by Darwin in Carcaraña (Owen

      Toxodon sp.

      The mandible and isolated molariforms
      assigned by Owen (1837, 1838) to this
      genus were collected between September
      23 - October 16, 1832, at Punta Alta
      (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). On
                                                                                                                                   Figure 2: Skull of Toxodon
      the molariforms, Darwin (1985, Letter
                                                                                                                                   platensis in ventral view (from
      192) noted that "some large molar teeth,                                                                                     Owen 1838). Scale bar = 10
      which in some respects would seem to belong to                                                                               cm.
      an enormous Rodentia". Burmeister (1866)
      based the species Toxodon darwini on the               from the Rodentia, and the existing Pachyder-         gulates of South America. The Notoun-
      mandible described by Owen (1838)                      mata, and it manifests an affinity to the Dino-       gulata, a clade of the Mirorder Meridiun-
      Bond (1999) acknowledged the possible                  therium and the Cetaceous order. Mr. Owen,            gulata, shares an ancestry with North
      synonymy of Toxodon darwini with Toxo-                 however, observed, that the development of the        American condylarths (Cifelli 1993) In
      don platensis, although he recognized that             nasal cavity and the presence of frontal sinuses,     other words, Toxodon has no close phylo-
      a revision of the genus was required.                  renders it extremely improbable that the habits       genetic relationships with the groups
      Owen (1837, 1838, p. 16) recognized To-                of he Toxodon were so exclusively aquatic as          mentioned by Owen (1838).
      xodon as "A gigantic extinct mammiferous ani-          would result from the total absence of hinder
      mal, referrible to the Order Pachydermata, but         extremities; and concludes, therefore, that it was    Grandorder Ungulata Linnaeus, 1776
      with affinities to the Rodentia, Edentata, and         a quadruped, and not a Cetacean; and that it          Mirorder Meridiungulata McKenna, 1975
      Herbivorous Cetacea". Darwin (1839, p.                 manifested an additional step in the gradation of     Order Liptopterna Ameghino, 1889
      180) summarized the morphological ba-                  mammiferous forms leading from the Rodentia,          Superfamily Macrauchenioidea Gervais,
      sis leading to this idea of multiple affini-           through the Pachydermata to the Cetacea; a gra-       1855
      ties: "Mr. Owen says, judging from the portion         dation of which the water-hog of South Ame-           Family Macraucheniidae Gervais, 1855
      of the skeleton preserved, the Toxodon, as far         rica (Hydrochærus capybara) already indi-             Subfamily Macraucheniinae Gervais, 1855
      as dental characters have weight, must be refe-        cates the commencement amongst existing Ro-           Genus Macrauchenia Owen, 1838
      rred to the rodent order. But from that order it       dentia, of which order it is interesting to observe
      deviates in the relative position of its supernu-      this species is the largest, while at the same time   Macrauchenia patachonica Owen, 1838
      merary incisors, in the number and direction of        it is peculiar to the continent in which the re-      Fig. 3a
      the curvature of its molars, and in some other         mains of the gigantic Toxodon were discovered".
      respects. It again deviates, in several parts of its   The genus Toxodon is now considered                   In a letter from March, 1834, to John
      structure which Mr. Owen enumerated, both              among the more derived native notoun-                 Stevens Henslow, Darwin (1985, Letter
The fossil mammals collected by Charles Darwin in South America ...          151

238) recounted that "At Port St Julian I
found some very perfect bones of some large ani-
mal, I fancy a Mastodon". On this speci-
men, the only one found by Darwin in
Puerto San Julián, Owen (1838, p. 35)
erected Macrauchenia patachonica, which he
considered "A large extinct Mammiferous
                                                                                                                               Figure 3: a) Cervical vertebra
Animal, referrible to the Order Pachydermata;                                                                                  of Macrauchenia patachonica in
but with affinities to the Ruminantia, and espe-                                                                               lateral and ventral views (from
cially to the Camelidae". The evolutionary                                                                                     Owen 1838). Scale bar = 5 cm;
                                                                                                                               b) Tooth of Equus sp. in
significance of this purported kinship                                                                                         occlusal and lateral views
impressed Darwin (1839, p. 210): "The                                                                                          (from Owen 1840). Scale bar
most important result of this discovery, is the                                                                                = 1 cm.
confirmation of the law that existing animals         Diary (in Keynes 2001), or personal co-               Currently Stegomastodon platensis is the only
have a close relation in form with extinct species.   rrespondence (Darwin 1985). Although                  proboscidean species recognized from
As the guanaco [Camelidae] is the characteris-        Owen (1840) did not attempt specific as-              the areas yielding Darwin's specimens
tic quadruped of Patagonia, and the vicuna of         signation of these molars, he did note                (Alberdi and Prado 1995).
the snow-clad summits of the Cordillera, so in        that the only difference between them
bygone days, this gigantic species [Macrauche-        and those of Equus caballus was the sma-              Magnorder Xenarthra Cope, 1889
nia patachonica] of the same family must              ller size of the former. Owen (1845)                  Order Pilosa Flower, 1883
have been conspicuous on the southern plains".        erected Equus curvidens based on Darwin's             Suborder Phyllophaga Owen, 1842
The genus Macrauchenia is now conside-                specimens, a species which is considered              Infraorder Mylodonta McKenna and
red as among the more derived native                  synonymous with Equus (Amerhippus) neo-               Bell, 1987
South American litopterns. As with the                geus Lund by Prado and Alberdi (1994).                Superfamily Mylodontoidea Gill, 1872
Notoungulata, the Litopterna comprises                                                                      Family Scelidotheriidae Ameghino, 1889
a clade of the Mirorder Meridiungulata                Grandorder Ungulata Linnaeus, 1776                    Subfamily Scelidotheriinae Ameghino,
and is closely related to North American              Order Uranotheria McKenna and Bell,                   1889
condylarthrans, rather than camelids, as              1987                                                  Genus Scelidotherium Owen, 1839b
erroneously proposed by Owen (1838).                  Suborder Tethytheria McKenna, 1975
                                                      Infraorder Behemota McKenna and Bell,                 Scelidotherium leptocephalum Owen, 1839b
Grandorder Ungulata Linnaeus, 1776                    1987                                                  Fig. 4
Mirorder Altungulata Protero and Schoch,              Parvorder Proboscidea Illiger, 1811
1989                                                  Superfamily Elaphantoidea Gray, 1821                  This taxon was based by Owen (1839b)
Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848                       Family Gomphotheriidae Hay, 1922                      on the only nearly complete skeleton
Suborder Hippomorpha Word, 1937                       Subfamily Rhynchoteriinae Hay, 1922                   found by Darwin at Punta Alta (Buenos
Family Equidae Gray, 1821                             Tribe Cuvieroniini Cabrera, 1929                      Aires Province). We are unable to find
Genus Equus Linnaeus, 1758                            Genus Mastodon Rafinesque, 1814                       any preliminary assignment of this speci-
                                                                                                            men by Darwin, although Sulloway
Equus sp.                                             Mastodon sp.                                          (1982, p. 353) noted that Darwin consi-
Fig. 3b                                                                                                     dered the specimen as "allied to the Rhi-
                                                      The specimens assigned to this taxon,                 noceros". Darwin made this conjecture on
The remains assigned to this genus re-                collected by Darwin at Bajada Santa Fe                September 23, 1832 (in Keynes 2001) in
present the first fossil horses found in              (Entre Ríos Province) and Río Carcarañá               the following Beagle Diary entry: "… I
South America. The two molars from                    or Tercero (Santa Fe Province), were                  walked on to Punta Alta to look after fossils; &
Argentina were recovered from Punta                   noted by Owen (1840, p. 180) as "…the                 to my great joy I found the head of some large
Alta (Buenos Aires Province) and Bajada               fragments of the teeth and portions of the skele-     animal, imbedded in a soft rock. … It took me
Santa Fe (Entre Rios Province). The spe-              ton which reached England, are not sufficient to      nearly 3 hours to get it out: As far as I am able
cimen from Bajada Santa Fe was referred               lead to a determination of the species; but suffi-    to judge, it is allied to the Rhinoceros. … I
to by Darwin as a horse (in Keynes                    ciently prove it to have been nearly allied, if not   did not get it on board till some hours after it was
2001). We have not been able to find any              identical, with the Mastodon angustidens of           dark". However, the specimen assigned
mention of the other specimen in his                  Cuvier, and unquestionably distinct from the          by Owen (1839b) to Scelidotherium was co-
field notes (Darwin 2002-2008), Beagle                Mastodon giganteum of the United States".             llected by Darwin in Punta Alta in Au-
152    J. C. F E R N I C O L A , S. F. V I Z C A Í N O A N D G. D E I U L I I S

                                                                                                                    ther it was collected during his first or
                                                                                                                    second sojourn to this area. In a letter
                                                                                                                    sent to John Stevens Henslow in No-
                                                                                                                    vember, 1832, Darwin (1985, Letter 192)
                                                                                                                    noted a completed list of fossils collected
                                                                                                                    in Bahia Blanca, among which he empha-
                                                                                                                    sized "… the upper jaw & head of some very
                                                                                                                    large animal, with 4 square hollow mo-
                                                                                                                    lars….& the head greatly produced in front….
                                                                                                                    I at first thought it belonged either to the Me-
                                                                                                                    galonyx or Megatherium…. In confirma-
                                                                                                                    tion, of this, in the same formation I found a
                                                                                                                    large surface of the osseous polygonal plates,
                                                                                                                    which ``late observations'' (what are they?) show
                                                                                                                    belong to the Megatherium". A footnote on
                                                                                                                    this page, presumably inserted by the edi-
                                                                                                                    tors, indicates that this specimen was
                                                                                                                    "Described in Fossil Mammalia, p. 63-73, by
                                                                                                                    Richard Owen, who identified it as belonging to
                                                                                                                    a distinct subgenus of Megatheroid Edentata, to
                                                                                                                    which he gave the name Mylodon darwinii".
                                                                                                                    However, we believe this to be incorrect
                                                                                                                    - the specimen is not the one that Owen
                                                                                                                    (1839b) later assigned to Mylodon darwini,
                                                                                                                    as Dar-win indicated that the specimen
                                                                                                                    was an upper jaw and skull, rather than
                                                                                                                    the mandible on which Mylodon darwini is
                                                                                                                    based. Darwin's indication of the presen-
                                                                                                                    ce of four molariforms possibly led to
                                                                                  Figure 4: Partial skeleton of
                                                                                  Scelidotherium leptocephalum in   the assumption (i.e., in the footnote) that
                                                                                  ventral view (from Owen,          the specimen belonged to Mylodon darwi-
                                                                                  1838b). Scale bar = 10 cm.        ni, given that five upper molariforms are
      gust, 1833, the time during which Darwin               Suborder Phyllophaga Owen, 1842                        present in Megatherium. However, the
      had returned to this locality (Keynes                  Infraorder Mylodonta McKenna and                       earliest descriptions of Megatherium indi-
      2001, p. 178). Further confirmation of                 Bell, 1987                                             cate four upper molariforms. As noted
      this date appears in a letter from Darwin              Superfamily Mylodontoidea Gill, 1872                   above, it was Owen (1840, p. 102) who
      (1985, Letter 188), dated September 20,                Family Mylodontidae Gill, 1872                         recognized the presence of a fifth upper
      1833, to Caroline S. Darwin, in which he               Subfamily Mylodontinae Gill, 1872                      molariform: "Upon clearing away the matrix
      recounts that "I likewise at Bahia Blanca              Genus Mylodon Owen, 1839b                              from the palatal and alveolar surface of one of
      found some more bones more perfect than those I                                                               the cranial fragments of the Megatherium in
      formerly found, indeed one is nearly an entire         Mylodon darwini Owen, 1839b                            Mr. Darwin's collection, I was gratified by the
      skeleton". As indicated below, Darwin's                Fig. 5a                                                detection of the crown of a fifth molar".
      "allied to the Rhinoceros" comment may                                                                        The taxonomic history of Mylodon is
      more likely have been a reference to one               The specimen assigned to this genus by                 among the more complex for the taxa
      of the cranial remains that Owen (1840)                Owen (1839b, p. 69) consists of "…the                  erected by Owen (1838-1840), due main-
      later assigned to the genus Megatherium,               lower jaw with the series of teeth entire on both      ly to the ambiguity in the type species.
      particularly as Owen's generic assigna-                sides: but the extremity of the symphysis, the         Owen (1839b) erected Mylodon for two
      tions of the sloths are for the most part              coronoid and condyloid processes, and the angu-        species, Mylodon darwini and Mylodon harla-
      still considered correct.                              lar process of the left ramus, are wanting".           ni. The former species was based on a
                                                             This specimen was recovered by Darwin                  left dentary from Punta Alta (Buenos Ai-
      Magnorder Xenarthra Cope, 1889                         at Punta Alta (Buenos Aires Province),                 res Province), whereas the second was
      Order Pilosa Flower, 1883                              but we were unable to determine whe-                   based on a cast of a mandible from
The fossil mammals collected by Charles Darwin in South America ...     153

North America that Harlan (1835) had
assigned to Megalonyx laqueatus. Owen
(1839b) was unclear about his choice of
type species, given that in the title of his
description of his new genus he referred
to the fossil collected by Darwin, but in
the text Owen noted that Mylodon darwini
was the second species of the genus.
This ambiguity would be trivial if the two
species were congeneric, but they have
been subsequently considered as belon-
ging to different genera. Consequently,
some later researchers, such as Reinhardt
(1879), Lydekker (1887) and Brown
(1903), considered Mylodon harlani as the                                                                           Figure 5: a) Mandible of
type of the genus, whereas other, such as                                                                           Mylodon darwini in occlusal
Leidy (1855), bestowed this status on                                                                               view (from Owen, 1839b).
                                                                                                                    Scale bar = 10 cm; b)
Mylodon darwini. The issue was resolved                                                                             Cranial fragment of the skull
by Kraglievich (1928) in favor of Mylodon                                                                           of Glossotherium in lateral
darwini based on the following reasons:                                                                             view (from Owen 1839b)
                                                                                                                    Scale bar = 10 cm.

1) the title of the generic description re-
fers to the mandible collected by Dar-         Tribe Glossotheriini McKenna, 1987                Mylodon robustus, and 3) that the cranial
win;                                           Genus Glossotherium Owen, 1839b                   fragment originally assigned by Owen
2) the original material available to Owen                                                       (1839b) to Glossotherium was closely allied
was the dentary from Punta Alta;               Glossotherium sp.                                 generically to Mylodon robustus. Not recog-
3) Owen (1842) recognized Mylodon harla-       Fig. 5b                                           nizing Mylodon darwini as type of the
ni as the second species of the genus;                                                           genus, Reinhardt (1879) proposed the
4) in his "Conspectus familiarum, generum et   This genus was erected by Owen (1839b)            new genus Grypotherium, in which he pla-
specierum", Owen (1842, p. 169) listed My-     based on the posterior half of a skull            ced the dentary assigned by Owen
lodon darwini as the first species of the      recovered from Arroyo Sarandí (Soriano            (1839b) to Mylodon darwini and the speci-
genus.                                         Departament, Uruguay). In his Beagle              men from Pergamino as the species
Kraglievich's (1928) logic has been ac-        Diary, Darwin (in Keynes 2001) noted              Grypotherium darwini; and recognized My-
cepted by the scientific community, so         that "We heard of some giants bones, which as     lodon robustus as the type species of My-
that Mylodon darwini is currently conside-     usual turned out to be those of the Megatherium   lodon. Ameghino (1889) accepted the ge-
red the type species of Mylodon, whereas       - With much trouble extracted a few broken        neric differences noted by Reinhardt
Mylodon harlani is placed in the genus         fragments". As with Mylodon darwini, the          (1879), but considered, as Owen (1842)
Paramylodon. The taxonomic solution pro-       taxonomic history of Glossot-herium is            had before, that the cranial fragment of
vided by Kraglievich (1928) not only re-       complex. Owen (1842) erected the new              Glossotherium and the dentary of Mylodon
solved the taxonomic problem with My-          species Mylodon robustus on remains               darwini belonged to the same species, and
lodon, but also helped clarify the proble-     incluiding a nearly complete skull; and           so included these specimens - as well as
matic nomenclature of the genus Glosso-        assigned to Mylodon darwini (based on a           the skull and mandible from Pergamino -
therium (see below).                           dentary) the cranial fragment previously          in Glossotherium darwini, given that in this
                                               described by Owen (1839b) as Glossothe-           scenario Glossotherium has priority over
Magnorder Xenarthra Cope, 1889                 rium. Reinhardt's (1879) detailed descrip-        Grypotherium. Smith-Woodward's (1900)
Order Pilosa Flower, 1883                      tion of a fossil sloth skull and mandible         revision of Darwin's South American
Suborder Phyllophaga Owen, 1842                from Pergamino (Buenos Aires Pro-                 fossil sloth collection concluded that the
Infraorder Mylodonta McKenna and               vince) recognized, 1) that the mandible           cranial fragment originally assigned to
Bell, 1987                                     was very similar to that described as             Glossotherium was congeneric with the
Superfamily Mylodontoidea Gill, 1872           Mylodon darwini by Owen (1839b), 2) that          specimen assigned to Mylodon robustus by
Family Mylodontidae Gill, 1872                 its skull features were sufficiently distinct     Owen (1842) and that the dentary of
Subfamily Lestodontinae Ameghino, 1889         as to suggest generic separation from             Mylodon darwini and the specimen from
154    J. C. F E R N I C O L A , S. F. V I Z C A Í N O A N D G. D E I U L I I S

      Pergamino, described by Reinhardt
      (1879), were conspecific. However, as
      Smith-Woodward did not recognize
      Mylodon darwini as type species of Mylo-
      don, he resurrected Reinhardt's (1879)
      Kraglievich (1928) modified the taxo-
      nomy of these taxa based on a detailed
      revision of the group. This author held
      that the root of the problem was the
      rejection of Mylodon darwini as type spe-
      cies of Mylodon and the lack of agree-
      ment on the assignment of the cranial
      fragment assigned to Glossotherium by                                                                                Figure 6: a) Parasagittal sec-
      Owen (1839b). Once Kraglievich (1928)                                                                                tion through the maxilla of
      had established Mylodon darwini as type                                                                              Megatherium cuvieri (=
                                                                                                                           Megatherium americanum, see
      species of Mylodon, Grypotherium fell as a                                                                           text) showing the five mola-
      synonym of Mylodon. Kraglievich (1928)                                                                               riforms (from Owen 1840).
      agreed with Reinhardt (1879) and Smith-                                                                              Scale bar = 10 cm; b)
                                                                                                                           Mandible of Megalonyx jeffer-
      Woodward (1900) that the cranial frag-                                                                               soni (= Mylodon darwini, see
      ment of Glossotherium was congeneric                                                                                 text) in occlusal view (from
      with Mylodon robustus but not conspecific                                                                            Owen 1840). Scale bar = 10
      with it. Consequently, and with the gene-                                                                            cm.

      ral understanding that Mylodon robustus                Suborder Phyllophaga Owen, 1842              above) from consideration, and leaving
      was generically distinct form Mylodon dar-             Infraorder Megatheria McKenna and            Megatherium as the only taxon to which he
      wini, Kraglievich (1928) revalidated Glos-             Bell, 1987                                   assigned skull material from Punta Alta.
      sotherium, but with two species, i.e., Glos-           Superfamily Megatheroidea Gray, 1821         Owen's (1840) assignment to the species
      sotherium robustus and Glossotherium urugua-           Family Megatheriidae Gray, 1821              Megatherium cuvieri was based on acceptan-
      yense, the latter including Owen's (1839b)             Subfamily Megatheriinae Gray, 1821           ce of the specific name change proposed
      cranial fragment. These nomenclatural                  Genus Megatherium Cuvier, 1796               by Desmarest (1822) for Megatherium ame-
      conclusions were accepted by Cabrera                                                                ricanum. However, this proposed nomen-
      (1936), although in this author's revision             Megatherium cuvieri Desmarest, 1822          clatural alteration is unsupported and the
      of the species of Glossotherium, he recog-             Fig. 6a                                      name was considered a nomen illegiti-
      nized its two valid species as Glossotherium                                                        mum by Mones (1986). In this context,
      robustum and Glossotherium lettsomi (Owen),            Owen (1840) assigned to this species va-     the specimens assigned to Megatherium cu-
      with Glossotherium uruguayense a synonym               rious cranial fragments collected by Dar-    vieri by Owen (1840) correspond to Mega-
      of the latter (Glossotherium lettsomi was ori-         win in Punta Alta (Buenos Aires Pro-         therium americanum.
      ginally assigned to Pleurolestodon lettsomi by         vince). Although Darwin referred most
      Gervais and Ameghino (1880), based on                  of the large remains he recovered to         Magnorder Xenarthra Cope, 1889
      observation of a skull exhibited in the                Megatherium, as shown by his field notes,    Order Pilosa Flower, 1883
      Natural History Museum, London, that                   Beagle Diary, and personal correspon-        Suborder Phyllophaga Owen, 1842
      had been labeled by Owen as Mylodon lett-              dence, Owen (1840) did likewise only for     Infraorder Megatheria McKenna and
      somi (see Ameghino 1889).                              the specimens collected from Punta Alta.     Bell, 1987
      Esteban's (1996) review of Mylodonti-                  In discussing Darwin's (in Keynes 2001,      Superfamily Megatheroidea Gray, 1821
      nae considered Glossotherium lettsomi (sen-            p. 107) "allied to the Rhinoceros" com-      Family Megalonychidae Gervais, 1855
      su Cabrera 1936) a synonym of Glossothe-               ment, we noted that it did not pertain to    Subfamily Megalonychinae Gervais, 1855
      rium robustum, so that the cranial fragment            the Scelidotherium skeleton but to various   Tribe Megalonychini Gervais, 1855
      collected by Darwin in Uruguay is                      skulls assigned by Owen (1840) to Mega-      Subtribe Megalonychina Gervais, 1855
      currently assigned to the latter species.              therium. Indeed, Darwin's comment, da-       Infratribe Megalonychi Gervais, 1855
                                                             ted September 23, 1832, could only refer     Genus Megalonyx Harlan, 1825
      Magnorder Xenarthra Cope, 1889                         to those skulls collected up to this time,
      Order Pilosa Flower, 1883                              effectively excluding Scelidotherium (see    Megalonyx jeffersonii (Desmarest, 1822)
The fossil mammals collected by Charles Darwin in South America ...         155

Fig. 6b                                               rosettes, and so closely correspond in size and   tober 19, 1832. Owen (1840, p. 10) com-
                                                      pattern with the bony armour described by M.      mented that "Mr. Darwin discovered the
Owen (1840) assigned a mandible collec-               Lund [1839], as characterizing his species,       decomposed molar of a Rodent, equalling in
ted by Darwin at Punta Alta (Buenos                   Hoplophorus euphractus, that I feel no            size, and closely resembling in the disposition of
Aires Province) to this species. A particu-           hesitation in referring them to that animal".     its oblique component laminae, the hinder molar
lar feature of this specimen, figured by              Burmeister (1870-1874) assigned the os-           of the Capybara (Hydrochoerus.) The fossil
Owen (1840, pl. 29), is that it preserves             teoderms figured by Owen (1840, pl. 32,           differs, however, in the greater relative breadth of
only one of the molariforms of the right              figs 4 and 5) to Hoplophorus ornatus (=           the component laminae.
dentary. This agrees with the description             Neosclerocalyptus ornatus) and Hoplophorus ele-   I have, lastly, to notice the head of a femur, and
given by Darwin (in Keynes 2001, p. 109)              gans, respectively. Ameghino (1889) syno-         some fragments of pelvic bones from the same
for a mandible collected October 8,                   nymized the latter with Lomaphorus elegans.       formation which bear the same proportion to the
1832: "After breakfast I walked to Punta                                                                tooth above alluded to, as subsists between the
Alta, the same place where I have before found        Magnorder Xenarthra Cope, 1889                    teeth and bones of the Capybara, and which are
fossils… I obtained a jaw bone which contained        Order Cingulata Illiger, 1811                     sufficient to prove that there once has existed in
a tooth: by this I found out that it belongs to the   Superfamily Glyptodontoidea Gray, 1869            South America a species of the family Caviidæ,
great ante-diluvial animal the Megatherium".          Family Glyptodontidae Gray, 1869                  as large as the present Capybara, but now appa-
Leidy (1852) erected a new taxon, Gna-                Subfamily Glyptodontinae Gray, 1869               rently extinct".
thopsis oweni on this specimen, which Kra-            Tribe Glyptodontini Gray, 1869                    These elements were among those that
glievich (1928) assigned to Mylodon darwini.          Genus Glyptodon Owen, 1839c                       Darwin (in Keynes 2001, p. 110-111) en-
                                                                                                        countered as follows: "The Captain landed
Magnorder Xenarthra Cope, 1889                        Glyptodon clavipes Owen, 1839c                    for half an hour at Monte Hermoso, (or Star-
Order Cingulata Illiger, 1811                                                                           vation point as we call it) to take observations. -
Superfamily Glyptodontoidea Gray, 1869                Owen (1840) tentatively assigned to this          I went with him & had the good luck to obtain
Family Glyptodontidae Gray, 1869                      species distinct osteoderms collected by          some well preserved fossil bones of two or three
Subfamily Hoplophorinae Huxley, 1864                  Darwin from the Uruguayan locality of             sorts of Gnawing animals. - One of them must
Tribe Hoplophorini Huxley, 1864                       Arroyo Sarandí (Mercedes, of Soriano              have much resembled the Agouti but it is sma-
Genus Hoplophorus Lund, 1938                          Departament, Uruguay); and the Argen-             ller". Even so, it is not possible to deter-
                                                      tinean localities of Bajada Santa Fe (Pa-         mine which of the remains Darwin
Hoplophorus euphractus Lund, 1938                     raná, Entre Ríos Province) and Guardia            thought similar to an agouti, though it is
Fig. 7a                                               del Monte (Buenos Aires Province).                worth noting that what Darwin conside-
                                                                                                        red an agouti was a Patagonian hare
In general, the carapace fragments and                Magnorder Epitheria McKenna, 1975                 (Darwin, in Keynes 2001, p. 103).
osteoderms collected by Darwin in South               Superorder Preptotheria McKenna, 1975             The following Hydrochoeridae are cu-
America were assigned preliminarily to                Grandorder Anagalida Slazay and Mc                rrently recognized from the fossiliferous
Megatherium. Certainly such assignments               Kenna, 1971                                       horizons of Monte Hermoso: Phugathe-
were due to Cuvier's (1823) tacit approval            Mirorder Simplicidentata Weber, 1904              rium cataclisticum, Anchimysops villalobosi
of Larrañaga's (in Cuvier 1823) sugges-               Order Rodentia Bowdish, 1821                      and Chapalmatherium perturbidum. Vucetich
tion that megatheres were armored.                    Suborder Hystricognatha Woods, 1976               et al. (2005) considered the type speci-
Owen (1840, p. 107) recognized the close              Infraorder Hystricognathi Tullberg, 1899          mens of the first two species to represent
relationship, still considered correct, bet-          Parvorder Caviida Bryant and McKenna,             juvenile individuals and that they might
ween glyptodonts and living armadillos                1995                                              be conspecific with Chapalmatherium per-
and remarked the following about                      Superfamily Cavioidea Fisher de Wald-             turbidum. If this is correct, then the valid
Hoplophorus euphractus: "The portions of the          heim, 1817                                        name, as determined by Vucetich et al.
tesselated bony dermal covering of a Dasypodoid       Family Hydrochoeridae Gray, 1825                  (2005), for the species would be Phu-
quadruped, figured in Pl. XXXII. figs. 5 and          Subfamily Hydrochoerinae Gray, 1825               gatherium cataclisticum. In this respect, the
4, of the natural size, were discovered folded        Genus Hydrochoerus Brisson, 1762                  specimen collected by Darwin might
round the middle and ungueal phalanges, figs. 2                                                         represent this latter species.
and 3, at Punta Alta, in Bahia Blanca, in an          Hydrochoerus sp.
earthy bed interstratified with the conglomerate                                                        Magnorder Epitheria McKenna, 1975
containing the remains of the fossil Edentals.        The fossils that Owen (1940) assigned to          Superorder Preptotheria McKenna, 1975
In one of these fragments, measuring six inches       this genus were collected by Darwin (in           Grandorder Anagalida Slazay and Mc
long by five broad, the tesserae are arranged in      Keynes 2001) in Monte Hermoso on Oc-              Kenna, 1971
156    J. C. F E R N I C O L A , S. F. V I Z C A Í N O A N D G. D E I U L I I S

      Mirorder Simplicidentata Weber, 1904
      Order Rodentia Bowdish, 1821
      Suborder Hystricognatha Woods, 1976                                                                                             Figure 7: a) Osteoderms
      Infraorder Hystricognathi Tullberg, 1899                                                                                        assigned by Owen (1840) to
      Parvorder Caviida Bryant and McKenna,                                                                                           Hoplophorus euphractus (=
                                                                                                                                      Neosclerocalyptus ornatus, see
      1995                                                                                                                            text) in dorsal and lateral
      Superfamily Octodontoidea Waterhouse,                                                                                           views (from Owen 1840).
      1839                                                                                                                            Scale bar = 1 cm; b) Maxilla
                                                                                                                                      and mandible assigned by
      Family Octodontidae Waterhouse, 1839                                                                                            Owen (1840) to Ctenomys
      Subfamily Octodontinae Waterhouse,                                                                                              priscus (= Actenomys priscus,
      1839                                                                                                                            see text) (from Owen 1840).
                                                                                                                                      Scale bar = 5 mm.
      Genus Ctenomys Blainville, 1826
                                                              Owen (1840) but not assigned to a genus.             representing the genus Hydrochoerus.
      Ctenomys priscus Owen, 1840                             Owen (1840, p. 110) described "The por-              Among the large mammals, Darwin re-
      Fig. 7b                                                 tion of the right hind-foot of the Rodent figured    cognized an enormous rodent and four
                                                              at fig. 12, includes the calcaneum, astragalus,      genera: Rhinoceros, Megalonyx, Megatherium
      This species was erected by Owen (1840)                 cuboides, external and middle cuneiform bones,       and Mastodon. The first two listed do not
      based on remains collected by Darwin (in                and the metatarsals and proximal phalanges of        appear in Cuvier's (1823) taxonomic list
      Keynes 2001) on October 11, 1832.                       the toes corresponding with the three middle toes    of fossil South American mammals. The
      Owen (1840, p. 109) allocated to this spe-              of five-toed quadrupeds. The metatarsals are         assignment to Rhinoceros was the first
      cies a "…fragment of the upper jaw, figured in          chiefly remarkable for the well-developed double-    such attempt by Darwin (in Keynes 2001,
      Pl. XXXII. fig. 6" and a "...fragment of the            trochlear articular surface, and intermediate rid-   p. 107) for a South American fossil skull,
      lower jaw of the same fossil Rodent . figured at        ge. These remains, as well as the jaws and teeth     collected during his first visit to Punta
      fig. 10 and 11". It should be noted that                of the Ctenomys, were discovered at Monte            Alta (September, 1832). However, this
      Owen's (1840) figure 6 possibly does not                Hermoso in Bahia Blanca". These pedal re-            assignment does not appear in the taxo-
      represent an upper jaw, but a posterior                 mains are possibly those that Darwin                 nomic list of specimens collected from
      fragment of a mandible that may corres-                 (1985, Letter 192) described in a letter,            Punta Alta and Monte Hermoso sent to
      pond to the posterior part of the mandi-                dated November 12, 1832, to John Ste-                John Stevens Henslow (Darwin 1985,
      ble figured by Owen (1840, figs. 10, 11)                vens Henslow as "the Tarsi & Metatarsi               Letter 192). Darwin may possibly have
      (D. Verzi, pers. comm.).                                very perfect of a Cavia" although it is not          changed his first impression, but it is not
      Mones (1994) provided a detailed discus-                possible to determine this with certainty.           easily ascertainable with the available
      sion of the taxonomy of Ctenomys priscus,                                                                    evidence.
      concluding that it might belong to the                  Mastodonts and armored megatheres                    The only mention of Megalonyx appears
      genus Dicoelophorus, erected by Ameghino                                                                     in the previously noted list as "2nd the upper
      (1888). However, the generic name                       As noted in the preceding historical sum-            jaw & head of some very large animal, with 4
      currently in use for this species is Ac-                maries, the large South American fossil              square hollow molars.-& the head greatly pro-
      tenomys, erected by Burmeister (1888).                  mammals recognized by Cuvier (1823)                  duced in front.- I at first thought it belonged
      The reasons for maintaining Actenomys                   amounted to an armored megathere and                 either to the Megalonyx or Megatherium.- In
      were clearly set forth by Verzi (1994, p.               three mastodonts. A detailed considera-              confirmation, of this, in the same formation I
      183), as follows "Dicoelophorus Ame-                    tion of Darwin's preliminary assign-                 found a large surface of the osseous polygonal
      ghino, 1888 es, por prioridad, un sinónimo "se-         ments demonstrates that he was strongly              plates, which “ate observations” (what are they?)
      nior" de Actenomys Burmeister… . Sin em-                influenced by Cuvier's taxonomic sche-               show belong to the Megatherium.- Immediately I
      bargo, luego de que Reig (1958) adoptara el             me. In essence, the fossil specimens re-             saw them I thought they must belong to an enor-
      nombre genérico Actenomys para todos los                cognized by Darwin may be grouped as                 mous Armadillo, living species of which genus
      materiales referibles a las formaciones Monte           large vs. medium and small mammals.                  are so abundant here…". In this as in many
      Hermoso y Chapadmalal, este nombre ha sido              Among the latter is the first fossil of a            other cases (see below) Darwin decided
      ampliamente usado hasta el presente por lo cual         South American horse, obviously identi-              in favor of Megatherium based on the pre-
      nosotros nos inclinamos a mantenerlo".                  fied as such by Darwin, and three ro-                sence of osteoderms collected in the
                                                              dents, two of which were assigned by                 same formation.
      Rodentia                                                Darwin to Cavia and the Patagonian hare              Owen (1838-1840) recognized the speci-
                                                              (Dolichotis patachonica), whereas the third          mens assigned by Darwin to Megatherium
      A third rodent was briefly described by                 was later considered by Owen (1840) as               as glyptodonts, toxodonts, and large
The fossil mammals collected by Charles Darwin in South America ...         157

ground sloths. In our estimation, the on-         the Origin of Species and only two years af-             erroneous taxonomic assignments, Sullo-
ly factor that led Darwin to assign re-           ter he had begun recording his thoughts                  way (1982, p. 353) recognized that "The
mains of such a heterogeneous group of            on transmutation, Darwin (1839, p. 209-                  general effect of these confusions during the Bea-
forms to Megatherium was the presence of          210) had this to say about the South                     gle voyage was to minimize the evolutionary
osteoderms or carapace fragments in the           American paleofauna: "The most important                 implications of the diverse fossil forms".
same horizon. In effect, all the specimens        result of this discovery, is the confirmation of         Paradoxically, many of Owen's (1838-
that Darwin assigned to Megatherium were          the law that existing animals have a close rela-         1840) proposed relationships that so
recovered from the Arroyo Sarandí (Uru-           tion in form with extinct species. As the guana-         influenced Darwin (1839, 1845, 1859) in
guay) and Punta Alta (Argentina), and             co is the characteristic quadruped of Patagonia,         the development of his transformatio-
Darwin also reported carapace elements.           and the vicuna of the snow-clad summits of the           nist theory were later rejected. Indeed,
Further evidence supporting our conten-           Cordillera, so in bygone days, this gigantic species     toxodonts and macrauchenids are highly
tion appears in Darwin's (1985, Letter            of the same family must have been conspicuous            derived native South American ungulates
215) letter of September 20, 1833 sent to         on the southern plains. We see this same relation        distantly related phylogenetically to
Caroline S. Darwin, in which he wrote             of type between the existing and fossil Cte-             rodents and guanacos, whereas the large
"At the Guardia del Monte, I found some more      nomys, between the Capybara (but less plain-             glyptodonts are not the ancestors of
of the armour of the giant Megatherium,           ly, as shown by Mr. Owen) and the gigantic               armadillos, but to the contrary, the latter
which was to me very interesting, as connecting   Toxodon; and lastly, between the living and              are antecedent to the former. In this res-
the Geology of the different parts of the Pam-    extinct Edentata. At the present day, in South           pect, we may suppose that the affinities
pas". Indeed, Darwin used the presence            America, there exist probably nineteen species of        proposed by Owen (1838-1840) maximi-
of osteoderms as a diagnostic feature of          this order, distributed into several genera; while       zed the evolutionary implications of the
Megatherium.                                      throughout the rest of the world there are but           South American paleofauna.
In this context, one might hypothesize            five. If, then, there is a relation between the living
that it was the absence of osteoderms in          and the dead, we should expect that the                  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the layers yielding the only Santa Cruz           Edentata would be numerous in the fossil state.
specimen, which led Darwin to regard              I need only reply by enumerating the Megathe-            We are grateful to the editors for the invi-
this specimen as follows: "At Port St Ju-         rium, and the three or four other great species,         tation to participate in this special issue
lian I found some very perfect bones of some      discovered at Bahia Blanca; the remains of some          of Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argen-
large animal, I fancy a Mastodon" (Darwin         of which are also abundant over the whole im-            tina, and to Greg McDonald and Mariano
1985, Letter 238) and Darwin (1839) later         mense territory of La Plata. I have already              Bond for their thoughtful comments and
admitted that "I had no idea at the time, to      pointed out the singular relation between the            suggestions that improved the manus-
what kind of animal these remains belonged".      armadilloes and their great prototypes, even in a        cript. Andrew Currant, Curator of Fossil
Certainly, this is the only mention of            point apparently of so little importance as their        Mammals Palaeontology, Natural Histo-
Mastodon that was not later corroborated          external covering". Similarly, Darwin (1845,             ry Museum London, Simon Chaplin, Di-
by Owen (1838-1840).                              1859, p. 339) noted that "In South Ame-                  rector of Museums and Special Collec-
Lastly, Toxodon was the only species the          rica, a similar relationship is manifest, even to        tions and Sarah Pearson, Assistant Cu-
remains of which Darwin (1985, Letter             an uneducated eye, in the gigantic pieces of ar-         rator, The Royal College of Surgeons of
192, 2002-2008) assigned to different             mour like those of the armadillo, found in seve-         England, for information on Darwin's
species. Darwin assigned a molar collec-          ral parts of La Plata; and Professor Owen has            fossil mammal collections, and Louise
ted in Punta Alta to an enormous rodent           shown in the most striking manner that most of           King, Assistant Archivist of The Royal
and a skull from Arroyo Sarandí to Megat-         the fossil mammals, buried there in such num-            College of Surgeons of England, for
herium. The latter assignment makes               bers, are related to South American types… …             invaluable help on the bibliography.
sense in that the horizon yielding the            I was so much impressed with these facts that I
skull also preserved osteoderms, whereas          strongly insisted, in 1839 and 1845, on this             WORKS CITED IN THE TEXT
Darwin's inference on the molar is                'law of the succession of types,'-on 'this wonder-
understandable given that the teeth of            ful relationship in the same continent between the       Alberdi, M.T. and Prado, J.L. 1995. Los Masto-
Toxodon, as noted by Owen (1838), bear a          dead and the living".                                       dontes de América del Sur. In Alberdi, M. T.,
certain resemblance to those of rodents.          As noted by Sulloway (1982), the role of                    Leone, G. and Tonni, E.P. (eds.) Evolución
                                                  the naturalists who studied the South                       climática y biológica de la región Pampeana
Implications of the "erroneous" as-               American fauna was critical to the deve-                    durante los últimos cinco millones de años.
signments of the youthful Darwin                  lopment of Darwin's transformationist                       Un ensayo de correlación con el Mediterráneo
                                                  ideas in that they provided a systematic                    occidental, Consejo Superior de Investigacio-
Twenty years before the publication of            framework. In reference to Darwin's                         nes Científicas, Museo Nacional de Ciencias
158    J. C. F E R N I C O L A , S. F. V I Z C A Í N O A N D G. D E I U L I I S

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