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604   Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 62 (4): 604-617 (2007)


      Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/nro, 1900 La Plata, and CONICET.

         Antarctic fossil birds can be confidently assigned to modern orders and families, such as a goose-like anseriform, two loon-like and a serie-
         ma-like, all recorded before the K/T boundary at the López de Bertodano Fomation. Also, the discovery of a ratite and a phororhacids
         from the uppermost levels of the Submeseta Allomember (Late Eocene), suggests that West Antarctica was functional to dispersal routes
         obligate terrestrial birds. Representatives of Falconiformes Polyborinae, Ciconiiformes, Phoenicoteriformes, Charadriiformes, Pelagorni-
         tidae and Diomedeidae constitute the non-penguin avian assemblages of the Eocene of La Meseta Formation. Fifthteen Antarctic spe-
         cies of penguins have been described including the oldest penguin of West Antarctica, Croswallia unienwillia. The Anthropornis nordenskjoel-
         di Biozone (36.13 and 34.2 Ma, Late Eocene) is characterized by bearing one of the highest frequencies of penguin bones and the phos-
         patic brachiopod Lingula., together with remains of Gadiforms, sharks and primitive mysticete whales. Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi,
         Delphinornis gracilis, D. arctowski, Archaeospheniscus lopdelli, and Palaeeudyptes antarcticus are exclusively of the La Meseta Formation. Anthropornis
         nordenskjoeldi was evidently the largest penguin recorded at the James Ross Basin, whereas Delphinornis arctowski is the smallest, and include
         one of the worldwide highest morphological and taxonomic penguin diversity living sympatrically. The progressive climate cooling of the
         Eocene could have affected the penguin populations, because of climatic changes linked with habitat availability and food web processes.
         However, there is not available evidence about Antarctic penguins' evolution after the end of the Eocene.

           Keywords: Birds, Antarctica, Cretaceous, Paleogene.

      RESUMEN: Aves antàrticas (Neornithes) durante el lapso cretácico - eoceno.
         Las aves fósiles antárticas pueden ser asignadas a órdenes y familias vivientes, incluyendo restos de un Anseriformes que recuerda al ganso
         overo, dos colimbos y una supuesta seriema, todos registrados en sedimentos cretácicos de la Formación López de Bertodano. El hallaz-
         go de una ratites y un fororraco en los niveles más altos del Alomiembro Submeseta (Eoceno tardío) soporta la idea de que Antártida
         Oeste fue utilizada como ruta de dispersión por aves terrestres. Representantes de los Falconiformes Polyborinae, Ciconiiformes,
         Phoenicopteriformes, Charadriiformes, Pelagornitidae y Diomedeidae componen el conjunto de aves no-pingüinos registrados en los sedi-
         mentos Eocenos de la Formación La Meseta. Hasta el momento se describieron quince especies de pingüinos, incluyendo el más antiguo
         de los Sphenisciformes de Antártida Oeste, Croswallia unienwillia. Los pingüinos Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi, Delphinornis gracilis, D. arctowski,
         Archaeospheniscus lopdelli, y Palaeeudyptes antarcticus asociados con restos de tiburones, misticetos primitivos y Gadiformes se encuentran en la
         Biozona de Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi (36,13 and 34,2 Ma, Late Eocene). Estos niveles albergan una de las más grandes diversidades taxo-
         nómicas de pingüinos hasta ahora conocida. Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi fue sin dudas el pingüino más grande del Eoceno de Antártida
         mientras que en el otro extremo se ubica Delphinornis arctowski. Debido a que los cambios climáticos están ligados a la disponibilidad de
         habitat y de recursos alimenticios, el progresivo enfriamiento climático acaecido durante el Eoceno podría haber afectado a las poblacio-
         nes de pingüinos. Sin embargo, no tenemos evidencia acerca de la evolución de los pingüinos luego del Eoceno.

           Palabras clave: Aves, Antártida, Cretácico, Paleógeno.

      INTRODUCTION                                          out in Seymour, James Ross and Vega Is-               Recently, our understanding of the origins
                                                            land have resulted in the discovery of signi-         and evolution of Neornithes - all modern
      The James Ross Basin, at the Northern tip             ficant vertebrate specimens that allow to             birds-, has been dramatically influenced by
      of the Antarctic Peninsula, is one of the             improve our comprehension of the evolu-               both molecular and fossil researches. In-
      most important Early Cretaceous-early Pa-             tionary history of Antarctic vertebrates, in          deed, few neoavians from the end of the
      laeogene sedimentary sequences in the                 particular the one that regards to birds.             Mesozoic are known (Hope 2002), but so-
      Southern Hemisphere (Francis et al. 2006a).           However, despite intensive study of these             me of them have been critical as factual evi-
      Fossil floras and both invertebrate and ver-          areas in the past decades, there is still much        dences of the presence of modern lineages
      tebrate faunas have provided clues to un-             uncertainty about the exact composition of            in the Cretaceous, and served as anchor
      derstand past climate and paleoenviron-               the Cretaceous-Paleogene Antarctic avifau-            points for the molecular clocks. This is the
      mental changes. Field expeditions carried             na.                                                   case of the remarkable specimen of a mag-
Antarctic birds (Neornithes) during the cretaceous-eocene times 605

pie-goose-like bird Vegavis iaai (Clarke et al.   deposited in a back-arc setting relative to a      and Cockburn iIslands, includes the Late
2005) to which we will refer below.               volcanic arc through the Mid Mesozoic-             Palaeocene Cross Valley Formation and the
By other hand, the most significant fossil        early Cenozoic times (Hathway 2000), du-           richly fossiliferous Eocene La Meseta For-
bird record from the James Ross Basin is          ring subduction of the Pacific Ocean crust         mation, both deposited in incised-valley
that of penguins. Currently, fifteen penguin      beneath Gondwana (Hayes et al. 2006). The          settings. At its type section, in the central
species have been described, and at least ten     basin infilling consists of sandstones, silts-     art of Seymour Island, the Cross Valley
of which would have coexisted. Most pro-          tones and conglomerates, and comprises             Formation (Elliot and Trautman 1982) fills
blematic is the assignment of many species        three units: 1) the older Gustav Group (Ap-        a steep-sided valley cut in the Lower Pa-
from the Eocene of Seymour that are based         tian-Coniacian) that comprises the Peder-          laeocene Sobral Formation and older beds
on non-comparable bones or different              son, Lagrelius Point, Kotick Point, Whisky         (Tambussi et al. 2005).
parts of the skeleton (Tambussi et al. 2006,      Bay and Hidden Lake formations, all confi-         The youngest bird fauna is from La Meseta
Tambussi et al. 2005). The recently publis-       ned to the NW coast of James Ross Island           Formation, which overlies the López de
hed catalogue by Myrcha and coauthors             (Crame et al. 2006); 2) the Marambio Group         Bertodano Formation. This unit was inter-
(2002) is a valuable source for the sphenis-      (Coniacian-Maastrichtian), divided into            preted as the filling of an incised-valley sys-
cids described up to date.                        Santa Marta, Snow Hill Island and López            tem and is the topmost exposed sector of
The purpose of this paper is to review the        de Bertodano formations (Pirrie et al. 1997)       the sedimentary fill of the Late Jurassic-
current state of knowledge of Antarctic           and is exposed over most of the James Ross         Tertiary James Ross Basin (Del Valle et al.
Cretaceous-Paleogene avian fossils. Our ap-       Basin. The latter group contains abundant          1992). It is composed of sandstones, muds-
proach has four parts: 1) we describe and         microfossils, as well as fossil plants, inverte-   tones and conglomerates deposited during
analyze the fossil continental birds; 2) we       brates and vertebrates assemblages, profu-         the Eocene in deltaic, estuarine and shallow
report and analyze the fossil marine birds;       sely studied in the last years; and 3) the         marine settings (Marenssi et al. 1998 a, b ).
3) we discuss the bioestratigraphic impor-        Seymour Island Group (Early Paleocene-             From the base to the top, six units are dis-
tance of the fossil penguin assemblage, and       Late Eocene) that includes the Sobral,             tinguished (Marenssi et al. 1998b): Valle de
4) we discuss the paleobiological significan-     Cross Valley and La Meseta formations              Las Focas, Acantilados, Campamento, Cu-
ce of the Antarctic fossil birds.                 (Francis et al. 2006b).                            cullaea I, Cucullaea II and Submeseta
Before developing each of these topics,           The Late Cretaceous López de Bertodano             Allomembers. The Valle de las Focas, Acan-
some geological characteristics of James          Formation contains the oldest Antarctic            tilados and Campamento Allomembers
Ross Basin will be considered. A more de-         avian remains currently recorded (Case et al.      constitute facies association I, composed by
tailed account can be found in Francis et al.     2006a, Chatterjee 1989, Chatterjee 2002,           a fine-grained sequence with mudstones
(2006b).                                          Chatterjee et al. 2006, Clarke et al. 2005,        and very fine sandstones deposited in a del-
The following institutional abbreviations         Noriega and Tambussi 1995, 1996). Among            ta front plain environment. Facies associa-
are used in this paper: MLP Museo de La           them, the anseriform Vegavis iaai was col-         tion II includes the Cucullaea I, Cuccullaea
Plata, MACN Museo Argentino de Ciencias           lected at Cape Lamb, southwestern Vega             II and the lower part of the Submeseta
Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, UCR Uni-          Island (Western Antarctica), a well-known          Allomembers, ranging from conglomeratic
versity of California Riverside, IB/P/B           place because of its abundant and diverse          beds to mudstones with diverse and abun-
Prof. A. Myrcha University Museum of Na-          fossil record that includes conifers (Césari       dant macrofauna (Marenssi et al. 1998b)
ture, University of Bialystok, Poland, TTU        2001), marine invertebrates, elasmosaurids,        that corresponds to a valley-confined es-
P Museum of Texas Tech University. Ana-           mosasaurids (Martin 2006) and a duck-              tuary mouth to inner estuary complex. The
tomical nomenclature follows Nomina ana-          billed dinosaur (Case et al. 1987). The sedi-      base of the Cucullaea I Allomember has
tomica avian (Baumel and Witmer 1993)             mentary sequence has been subdivided into          produced a 87Sr/86Sr date of 49.5 Ma (Ma-
using English equivalents, with some modi-        three informal units K1, K2 and K3 (Ma-            renssi 2006). Finally, facies association III,
fications when necessary. Appendix I inclu-       renssi et al. 2001), being the former two          which includes the topmost sediments of
des the complete list of materials recovered      Early Maastrichtian and the latter Mid-Late        Submeseta Allomember, is characterized by
at Antarctic Peninsula and Islands.               Maastrichtian. The unit K3 comprises the           a more unvarying sandy lithology compo-
                                                  upper part of the Cape Lamb Member and             sed mainly by fine to medium-grained sand-
GEOLOGICAL SETTING                                the Sandwich Bluff Member of the López             stone and represents sedimentation on a
AND CLIMATIC CONDI-                               de Bertodano Formation (sensu Pirrie et al.        sandy tidal shelf influenced by storms. The
TIONS                                             1991) or the Unit B (Olivero et al. 1992),         three facies associations described above
                                                  which is has been dated in approximately           suggest a major transgressive cycle. Dingle
Fossil birds are preserved within marine          66-68 million years old based on correla-          and Lavelle (1998) reported a 87Sr/86Sr deri-
sediments in the James Ross Basin, which is       tions of ammonites and palynological taxa          ved age of 34.2 Ma (late Late Eocene) for
part of the larger Larsen Basin (Del Valle et     (Crame et al. 1991, Pirrie et al. 1991).           the topmost part of La Meseta Formation
al. 1992) on the East side of the Antarctic       The Tertiary section (Seymour Island               whereas Dutton et al. (2002) reported ages
Peninsula (Fig. 1). These sediments were          Group), exposed mainly on Seymour Island           of 36.13, 34.96 and 34.69 Ma (late Late

      Figure 1: a, Sketch geological map of the James Ross Island area. b. Cape Lamb, Vega Island, c. Seymour Island.

      Eocene) for different levels within              vents. The earliest studies upon fossil conti-    cations, the ratites include two species of
      Submeseta Allomember.                            nental birds in Antarctica were made by           ostriches (Struthionidae) in Africa and Asia,
      The climate in the Antarctic Peninsula du-       Covacevich and Lamperein (1972) and Co-           the Australian emu and three species of
      ring the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene           vacevich and Rich (1982) working at Fildes        cassowaries (Casuariidae) in New Guinea
      would have been relatively mild and moist,       Peninsula in King George Island, the lar-         and northeastern Australia, three species of
      with no significant presence of ice at high      gest of the South Shetland Islands. The           forest-dwelling kiwis (Apterygidae) in New
      latitudes (Francis 1996, Poole et al. 2001). A   mid-Tertiary lacustrine sediments of King         Zealand, and two rheas (Rheidae) in South
      cooling event and a frostless climate charac-    George Island preserved ichnofossils from         America (Sibley et al. 1988). All the ratites
      terized the environments between the Late        four types of birds including the avian           live currently in the Southern Hemisphere,
      Cretaceous and the mid-Paleocene (Dingle         tetradactyle footprint Antarctichnus fuenzali-    and all of them lack a keel on the sternum,
      and Lavelle 1998, Zachos et al. 1993). The       dae Covacevich and Lamperein (1970) asso-         a character associated with flightlessness.
      fossil evidence suggests that during the Pa-     ciated with shorebirds. One of the mor-           The Antarctic material is a distal tarsometa-
      leocene a cool to warm climate and high          photypes apparently represents a non-vo-          tarsus with a "large, narrow trochlea for di-
      rainfall prevailed (Poole et al. 2001), where-   lant ground bird that could belong to either      git III, which is projected moderately
      as paleotemperature data from the sea indi-      ratites or gruiforms, and another probably        beyond the trochlea for digit II with
      cate that a peak occurred in the Early Eo-       represents an anatid. In summary, the ich-        straightend margins bordering a deep groo-
      cene. Sedimentological (Coxall et al. 2005,      nofossils from Fildes Peninsula include           ve. Trochlea II has a wide articular surface
      Ehrmann and Mackensen 1992), oxygen              both solitary and group activities with their     and extends posteriorly more than trochlea
      isotopic (Dutton et al. 2002, Gadzicki et al.    hypothetical avian tracemakers.                   III.The lateral margin of trochlea III allow
      1992, Ivany et al. 2004, Kennett and Warnke      Two different taxa of large flightless curso-     us to infer that the intertrochlear space bet-
      1993, Mackensen and Ehrmann 1992, Sa-            rial birds from Antartica have been so far        ween trochlea III and IV extends proxima-
      lamy and Zachos 1999), floral (Francis           described (Figs. 2 and 3), being a ratite         tely beyond trochleae II and III" (Tambussi
      1999, 2000) and faunal (Aronson and Blake        (Tambussi et al. 1994) and a phororhacid          et al. 1994). The estimated body mass of the
      2001, Dzik and Gadzicki 2001, Feldmann           bird (Case et al. 2006, Case et al. 1987). Both   Antarctic specimen is approximately 60 kg
      and Woodbourne 1988, Gadzicki 2004,              forms were recovered from the topmost             (Vizcaíno et al. 1998).
      Myrcha et al. 2002, Reguero et al. 2002) data    levels of the Submeseta Allomember, part          Phorusrhacids are a predominantly Neo-
      indicate cooling, growth of terrestrial and      of the near-shore deposits of the La Me-          gene group of large predatory, terrestrial
      marine ice sheets, and initiation of Ceno-       seta Formation on Seymour Island, likely          birds (Alvarenga and Höfling 2003) recor-
      zoic glaciation at the end of the Eocene         Late Eocene (ca 36 Ma Dutton et al. 2002,         ded between the Late Paleocene (Brazil,
      (Birkenmajer et al. 2004).                       Reguero et al. 2002). They are part of the        Itaborian SALMA) and Late Pleistocene
                                                       few records of terrestrial biota recovered        (USA) (MacFadden et al. 2006, Tambussi et
      THE FOSSIL CONTINEN-                             from this predominantly marine formation.         al. 1999). Classical studies on these birds
      TAL BIRDS                                        Strictly Late Eocene terrestrial birds of         classified their diversity within five subfami-
                                                       Antarctica raise some interesting biogeo-         lies (Brontornithinae, Phorusrhacinae, Pata-
      The discovery and study of fossil continen-      graphic issues that we will discuss below.        gornithinae, Mesembriornithinae and Psi-
      tal birds in Antarctica are relatively old e-    According to current ornithological classifi-     lopterinae) with a wide range of sizes and
Antarctic birds (Neornithes) during the cretaceous-eocene times 607

morphotypes, since the sturdy non-flying                                                             cene of France. An incomplete right radius
brontornithines to the gracile and flying                                                            (MLP 87-II-1-2) of the La Meseta Forma-
psilopterines (Tambussi and Noriega 1996).                                                           tion was reported by Noriega and Tambussi
Phorusrhacid remains have been found in a                                                            (1996).
variety of sedimentary rocks in Uruguay,                                                             A probable Ciconiiforms was found at the
Brazil, Antarctica, United States, and Pa-                                                           upper level of La Meseta Formation (MLP
tagonia (Argentina), where they are best                                                             90-I-20-9, which consists in a distal frag-
known Currently it is assumed that the Eu-                                                           ment of a right tarsometatarsus). Unfortu-
ropean "Phorusrhacidae" (Mourer-Chau-                                                                nately, the material is not preserved enough
viré 1981, Peters 1987) do not belong wi-                                                            to allow a more precise identification.
thin Phorusrhacidae but to Strigogyps (Mayr                                                          Recently, unquestionable remains of neor-
2005).                                                                                               nithines from the Maastrichtian of Antarc-
A distal end of bill (Fig.3) attributed to a gi-                                                     tica have bridged the disagreement between
gantic supposed phorusrhacid (Gruiformes           Figure 2: Ratites. MLP 94-III-15-1, distal
                                                                                                     molecular and palentological data about the
from Seymour Island, was described by Ca-          fragment of right tarsometatarsus in poste-       diversification history of Neornithes (Dyke
se and colleagues (1987). Additional mate-         rior view. Scale: 10 mm.                          and Van Tuinen 2004). As mentioned pre-
rials assigned to phorusrhacids were recen-                                                          viously, the Anseriform Vegavis iaai Clarke et
tly described from the same levels (Case et                                                          al. 2005 was recovered from a southwestern
al. 2006). One of these specimens consists                                                           locality at Cape Lamb in Vega Island (Fig.
in a tarsometatarsus (Fig.3) with unquestio-                                                         5). In a recent work, Clarke et al. (2005)
nable phorusrhacid affinities, similar in size                                                       point its importance out as one of only
to Patagornis marshii. The other two ele-                                                            handful specimen considered as a true Ne-
ments, a vertebra and a tibiotarsus, seem                                                            ornithinae, and whose phylogenetic posi-
not to be a Phorusrhacidae and we think                                                              tion has been established. Vegavis provides a
that their assignment should be revised.                                                             well-defined phylogenetic calibration point
In addition to phorusrhacids and ratites,                                                            for estimating the early divergence of mo-
other avian species have distributions that                                                          dern birds (see Slack et al. 2006).
span multiple continents. Current biogeo-                                                            By other hand, a fragment of femur recove-
graphic hypotheses based on the Gond-                                                                red near the base of Sandwich Bluff Mem-
wanan fragmentation or long distances mi-                                                            ber (Vega Island) at a level equivalent to
grations. Although the phylogenetic affini-                                                          that of Vegavis iaai, was identified as a serie-
ties of the Antarctic ratites and phororha-                                                          ma-like bird by Case et al. (2006). Spite se-
cids are not clear, their discovery strongly       Figure 3: Phorurhacids cast UCR 22175, a)         riemas have traditionally been considered as
                                                   Fragment of the bill, b) tarsometatarsus ante-
supports the idea that West Antarctica was         rior view. Scale: 10 mm.
                                                                                                     descendants of the phorusrhacids (Alva-
used as dispersal route for obligate terres-                                                         renga and Hofling 2003), further phyloge-
trial organisms.                                   wider than the trochlea for the digit four,       netic analysis between modern and fossil
The crown-group Falconiformes includes             bearing a plantarly projection. This falconid     Gruiformes birds are necessary, and the
the New World vultures (Cathartidae), the          bird, together with the phorusrhacid, were        monophyly of all the Phorusrhacidae is yet
secretary bird (Sagittaridae), the falcons         the representatives of the carnivorous            to be verified.
(Falconidae), and the hawks and allies             (either scavenger or predator) role within        Beyond this, all these avian records are cru-
(Accipitridae) (see discussions about the          the late Eocene Antarctic fauna.                  cial for studies of biogeographic trends
monophyly of Accipitridae in Mayr et al.           Unambiguous Charadriiform birds are               during the final phases of the Gondwana
2003). Living Polyborines are vulture-like         known from the late Eocene of the La Me-          break-up.
falconids with scavenging habits that occur        seta Formation, based on a right scapula
exclusively in the Americas, mainly in the         (MLP 92-II-2-6). All Charadriiform, shore-        THE FOSSIL MARINE
Neotropical regions. Polyborinae have been         birds and waders are a heterogeneous and          BIRDS
recorded upon a tarsometatarsus from the           polymorphic group of birds of small to
La Meseta Formation (Tambussi et al. 1995)         moderate size that frequent open inland           Neogaeornis wetzeli Lambrecht, 1933 and
(Fig. 4). The animal would have reached a          and marine wetlands.                              "Polarornis gregorii" have respectively been
body mass of about one kilogram and the            Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae), are grega-          described from the late Cretaceous of Chile
size of the living caracara Polyborus plancus.     rious and invariably associated with warm         and Antarctica (Chatterjee 1989, Chatterjee
This tarsometatarsus exhibits a morpholo-          temperatures, brackish or salt-water lakes        2002). Both taxa have been considered as
gy similar to living polyborines in having         and lagoons. The oldest record assigned to        members of the crown gaviids or the stem
the trochlea for the second digit shorter and      Phoenicopteridae, is from the lower Oligo-        gaviiforms, and their phylogenetic affinities
608   C. TA M BU S S I A N D C. AC O S TA H O S P I TA L E C H E

      are still unknown (Mayr 2004). Living loons      guin-likeplotopterids (González-Barbaa et
      and grebes (Gaviiformes, Gaviidae) are           al. 2002). Warheit (1992) has suggested that
      foot-propelled diving birds. They show a         such an assemblage for the Late Eocene
      restricted North American distribution that      could be the result of a worldwide oceanic
      winter along sea coasts and breed at fres-       cooling occurred at 50 Ma.
      hwater sites.                                    Procellariiformes include the modern alba-
      Chaterjee (1997, 2002) described and figu-       trosses, petrels and storm-petrels. Modern
      red the skull of "Polarornis", but some skep-    albatrosses (Diomedeidae) are worldwide
      ticism about its assignment and anatomical       pelagic and gliding sea-birds southern oce-
      information arised.                              ans. However, its fossil record is fairly from                               Figure 4:
      Gerald Mayr (2004) along with his descrip-       the Northern Hemisphere, where they ap-                                      Falconiformes
      tion of the Paleogene Colymboides metzleri,      pear since the Late Oligocene (Tambussi                                      Polyborinae
                                                                                                                                    MLP 95-I-10-8,
      commented about Polarornis: "if correctly        and Tonni 1988). A weathered tarsometa-                                      distal fragment
      assigned to the Gaviiformes, may be a sy-        tarsus from the La Meseta Formation at                                       of left tarsome-
      nonym of Neogaeornis - a possibility already     Seymour Island (Noriega and Tambussi                                         tatarsus, anterior
      proposed by Olson (1992) but not discus-         1996; Tambussi and Tonni 1988) can be                                        view. Scale: 10
      sed by Chatterjee 2002" (Mayr 2004: 285).        unambiguously assigned to this family. Ad-
      If this is the case, Polarornis should be con-
      sidered junior synonym to Neogaeornis wetze-
      More recently, Chatterjee et al. (2006) pre-
      sented a new species of "Polarornis" that
      exhibit both aerial and aquatic locomotion
      Fossil remains of the extinct bony-toothed
      Pelagornithidae (Odontopterygiformes) we-
      re found in the Late Eocene La Meseta For-
      mation (Tonni and Tambussi 1985, Tonni,
      1980). Remains of these enigmatic birds ha-
      ve been also recovered from England, Eu-
      rope, North America, Japan, New Zealand,
      Africa, Chile and Peru (Harrison and Wal-
      ker 1976, McKee 1985, Olson 1985, Walsh
      and Hume 2001, Warheit 1992). Pseudo-
      dontorns, supposedly related to pelicans
      (Pelecaniforms) and tube-nosed birds (Pro-
      cellariiformes), were large marine gliding
      birds equipped with bony projections along
      the edges of their robust bills (Fig. 6). An
      alternative hypothesis about their phyloge-
      netic affinities was proposed recently
      (Bourdon 2005). This author proposes the
      sibling relationships between the pseudo-                                                                           Figure 5: Anseriformes
      dontorns and waterfowl (Anseriformes),                                                                              Vegavis iaai MLP 93-I-1-3
                                                                                                                          holotype. Above, larger
      erecting the clade Odontoanserae to inclu-                                                                          half concretion that pre-
      de Odontopterygiformes plus Anserifor-                                                                              serves most of the bones
      mes. Regardless of their phylogenetic posi-                                                                         of the holotype, Below, the
      tion, pseudodontorns included taxa that                                                                             second half of the same
      were among the largest known flying birds.
      Noteworthy, the pelagornithids of the Late       ditional fossil specimens housed at Museo        nesting behaviour, near-shore aquatic habi-
      Eocene of Seymour Island (as discussed           de La Plata could be also assigned to Pro-       tat and lack of skeletal pneumaticity (Triche
      below) are associated with penguins, while       cellariidae (Noriega and Tambussi 1996).         2006). They belong to a much derived clade
      the pseudodontornitids from the Northern         Thousands of bones are accumulated in            of modern birds, Sphenisciformes (the cla-
      Hemisphere were associated with the pen-         some fossil sites, likely due their colonial     de including all fossil and living penguins,
Antarctic birds (Neornithes) during the cretaceous-eocene times 609

but see Clarke et al. 2003) with aquatic lifes-
tyle, non-pneumatic bones and wings trans-
formed into flippers.
The Late Paleocene Crossvallia unienwillia
Tambussi et al. 2005, together with the late
Eocene Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi Wiman
1905, Anthropornis grandis (Wiman 1905), Pa-
laeeudyptes antarcticus Huxley 1859, Palaeeu-
dyptes klekowskii Myrcha et al. 1990, Palaeeu-
dyptes gunnari (Wiman 1905), Archaeosphenis-
cus wimani (Marples 1953), Archaeospheniscus
lopdelli Marples 1952, Delphinornis larseni
Wiman 1905, Delphinornis gracilis Myrcha et
al., 2002, Delphinornis arctowskii Myrcha et al.
2002, Marambiornis exilis Myrcha et al. 2002,
Mesetaornis polaris Myrcha et al. 2002, Tonnior-
nis mesetaensis Tambussi et al. 2006 and Ton-
niornis minimum Tambussi et al. 2006, join to
the fifteen penguin species previously
known (Appendix I).
The Eocene species were primarily found
in sediments of the Submeseta Allomem-
ber, although four were recorded in the
Cucullaea I Allomember (Fig.7).
Due to the fragmentary nature of their re-                                                                                Figure 6: Odontopterygi-
cord, the spheniscids' systematic is based                                                                                formes Pelagornithidae,
on isolated bones, usually upon tarsometa-                                                                                MLP 78-X-26-1, fragment
                                                                                                                          of the rostrum. Arrows
tarsi (Jadwiszczak 2001, 2003) and humeri                                                                                 show projections of the
(Simpson 1946). Indeed, most of the spe-                                                                                  tomia, a) lateral view, b)
cies are only known from one of those ele-                                                                                transversal view. Scale: 10
ments.                                                                                                                    mm.
Regarding Antarctic fossil penguins, Myr-
cha et al. (2002) studied exclusively the tar-       nisciformes (Tambussi et al. 2005; Slack et
sometatarsi and identified four new species,         al. 2006), although molecular evidence sug-
whereas Tambussi et al. (2005, 2006) added           gests a Late Cretaceous origin for the
three new ones based on humeral morpho-              group.
logy. Considering that Crossvallia unienwillia,      Ksepka and colleagues (2006) placed Wai-
Tonniornis minimum and T. mesetaensis are only       manu outside of a clade that includes all
known by their humeri, and Palaeeudyptes kle-        other penguins. Also, near the base, in a
kowskii, Delphinornis arctowskii, D. gracilis, Me-   more basal position, Delphinornis larseni is
setaornis polaris and Marambiornis exilis were       located as sister taxon of Mesetaornis polaris,
identified by their tarsometatarsi, compara-         Marambiornis exilis and the remaining pen-
tive measurements and a deep anatomical              guin species. Thus, most of the fossil pen-
descriptions by Kandefer (1994) and Tam-             guins are nested in a largely pectinate arran-
bussi et al. (2006) allowed assigning some           gement leading to the crown clade Sphe-
humeri to species previously known only by           niscidae that includes all modern species of
the tarsometatarsi. Beyond these criteria,           penguins (Ksepka et al. 2006 Figs. 2 and 3).
Jadwiszcak (2006) in his excellent work re-          The pioneering work of Simpson (1946)
                                                                                                       Figure 7: Sphenisciformes, representatives
cognizes several species upon elements o-            provided the first systematic proposal at su-
                                                                                                       bones of Anthropornis sp., a)right humerus in
ther than humeri and tarsometatarsi (see             prageneric level (five subfamilies Palaeos-       caudal view. Scale: 10 mm, b) left tibiatarsus
Appendix I).                                         pheniscinae, Paraptenodytinae, Palaeeudyp-        anterior view.
Crosswallia and the recently described               tinae, Anthropornithinae, Spheniscinae),
Waimanu Jones, Ando and Fordyce 2006                 and has remained the basis for all other          lacking a cladistic framework (Clarke et al.
from the Paleocene are the earliest Sphe-            analyses of penguin relationships, although       2003). Some of these subfamilies could be
610   C. TA M BU S S I A N D C. AC O S TA H O S P I TA L E C H E

      considered clades (Ksepka et al. 2006;            that the penguins of La Meseta Formation              record, diverse conjectures have been made
      Acosta Hospitaleche et al. 2007) but some         represent a high-quality record. We advan-            about their biology. Southern South
      modifications and further revisions are re-       ced this idea in Tambussi et al. (2006). The          America penguin colonies are formed
      quired. According Ksepka et al. (2006), all       upper part of the Submeseta Allomember                exclusively by Spheniscus magellanicus, at both
      Patagonian fossil species (more than six          concentrates the bulk of the penguin-bea-             Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Remarkably, o-
      taxa of Palaeospheniscinae, Paraptenodyti-        ring localities and documents the highest             ther species of this genus also form exclu-
      nae and Anthropornitinae in Simpson's             morphological and taxonomical diversity of            sive colonies, such as S. demersus in the
      view ) fall outside the Spheniscidae (the less    sympatric penguins worldwide. Five spe-               South African coasts, S. humboldti in the Pe-
      inclusive clade uniting all extant penguin),      cies, Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi, Delphinornis       ruvians and S. mendiculus in the Galapagos
      refuting the monophyly of all the subfami-        gracilis, D. arctowski, Archaeospheniscus lopdelli,   archipelago. In contrast, the colonies that
      lies excepting the clade composed by the          and Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, are exclusive of       occur in the Malvinas (Falklands) and South
      modern taxa. According to our analysis (A-        these upper levels in which their first and           Georgias Islands comprise up to five sym-
      costa Hospitaleche et al. 2007), Paraptenodytes   last appearances took place. Because of               patric species: Aptenodytes patagonicus,
      from the Early Miocene (about 20 Ma) is           these bioestratigraphic evidences, the An-            Pygoscelis papua, P. antarctica, Eudyptes chrysoco-
      located at the base of the Spheniscidae and,      thropornis nordenskjoeldi Biozone was defined,        me and E. chrysolophus. The islands situated
      with some restrictions, we recognized some        with an estimated age between 36.13 and               south from South Africa are inhabited by
      of the Simpson's clades (1946) such as Pa-        34.2 Ma, (Late Eocene, Tambussi et al.                A. patagonica, P. papua and E. chrysocome, whe-
      raptenodytinae and Palaeospheniscinae.            2006). This Biozone is characterized by ha-           reas the islands south from New Zealand
      However, our phylogenetic analysis was li-        ving abundant penguin bones and the                   hold the most diverse colonies formed by
      mited to twenty taxa (17 representative spe-      phospatic brachiopod Lingula. Among pen-              A. patagonica, P. papua, E. robustus, E. sclateri,
      cies of all living genera and three fossils       guins, Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi is numeri-         E. chrysocome, E. schlegeli, Eudyptula minor and
      species).                                         cally predominant over the other species.             Megadyptes antipodes. The coasts of the An-
      One of the most peculiar quality of the An-       Gadiforms, sharks and primitive mysticete             tarctic Peninsula hold at present up to five
      tarctic fossil fauna is the existence of giant    whales are also part of the fossil assembla-          species: A. forsteri, Pygoscelis papua, P. antarcti-
      animals such us Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi in    ge. Penguin bones are usually well preser-            ca, P. adeliae and E. chrysolophus.
      horizons that are dated as latest Eocene          ved, complete, dissarticulated and with var-          Current available data indicate that the sym-
      associated with other small and medium-           ying degree of abrasion, suggesting quiet             patric diversity in the colonies is no higher
      sized penguins (Myrcha et al. 2002) such us       and low-energy depositation conditions.               than four species (Wilson 1983). This is im-
      Tonniornis sp. To mention a single example,       The underlying stratigraphic members of               portant for the evaluation of colony com-
      Delphinornis arctowski is the smallest penguin    the sequence show reworked fossil mate-               position during the Cenozoic. We have alre-
      recorded from the James Ross Basin.               rials (Tambussi et al. 2006).                         ady mentioned that 14 species are recogni-
      Throughout this contribution, we have             Knowing "who the members are, how ma-                 zed for the late Eocene of Seymour Island,
      mentioned a wealth of literature dedicated        ny of them there are, how they interact, and          whereas a lower amount is recognized for
      to the study of the Antarctic fauna. Pen-         how they collectively forge a workable"               the Late Eocene - Oligocene of New Zea-
      guins are not the exception and have been         (Vermeij and Herbert 2004: 1) is necessary            land (Ando, pers. comm. to CAH). There
      the basis for vary contributions (Myrcha et       to understand how an ancient ecosystem                are at least three possible interpretations for
      al. 2002, Tambussi et al. 2005, 2006, Jadwis-     functioned. The macrofauna of the An-                 this fact: 1) the Cenozoic taxonomical di-
      zczak 2003, 2006 and the literature cited         thropornis nordenskjoeldi biozone is adequate         versity in Antarctica and New Zealand are
      therein). For that reason, here we will not       to improve our comprehension of Eocene                the highest so far recorded, 2) this diversity
      provide in-depth treatment of these as-           ecosystems.                                           is biased due to problems in species identi-
      pects, although we will refer to some syste-                                                            fication, or 3) the deposits are the product
      matic and paleobiological issues.                 PALEOBIOLOGICAL                                       of an asynchronous accumulation of bo-
                                                        IMPLICATIONS OF THE                                   nes.
      THE BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC                              RECORD                                                One of the most outstanding peculiarities
      IMPORTANCE OF THE                                                                                       of the Antarctic fossil fauna is the co-exis-
      FOSSIL PENGUIN                                    The importance of the findings of terres-             tence of giant animals such as Anthropornis
      ASSEMBLAGES                                       trial birds in the study of the distribution          nordenskjoeldi with other small and medium-
                                                        and origin of the birds has been previously           sized penguins (Myrcha et al. 2002) in hori-
      Our depiction of the diversity and abun-          mentioned, as well as the significance of             zons that are dated as latest Eocene. An-
      dance of avian species is potentially distor-     the Antarctic findings as indisputable pro-           thropornis nordenskjoeldi is considered the lar-
      ted by the artifacts imposed by the tapho-        ofs of the presence of Neornithes in the              gest penguin known whereas Delphinornis
      nomic conditions that determine the as-           age of dinosaurs. Beyond these facts, pen-            arctowski is the smallest penguin recorded
      semblages. But after many palaeontological        guins are the most recognizable hallmarks             from the James Ross Basin. The hydrodyna-
      investigations on Seymour Island, we deem         of the Antarctic avifauna. Based on their             mic constraints of A. nordenskjoeldi suggest
Antarctic birds (Neornithes) during the cretaceous-eocene times 611

that it was a rather slow swimmer that could      brations imply a radiation of modern                 ocene could have affected the penguin po-
reach speeds of perhaps 7-8 km per hour           (crown-group) birds in the Late Cretaceous           pulations, because climatic changes are lin-
with no diving specializations (Tambussi et       and a divergence of the modern sea-birds             ked with habitat availability, and food web
al. 2006).                                        and shore-birds lineages at least by the Late        process. However, there is not evidence
In turn, Crossvallia seems to provide eviden-     Cretaceous about 74 ± 3 Ma (Campanian).              about the evolution of the Antarctic pen-
ce of independent acquisition of large size       The current knowledge of the fossil An-              guin after the end of the Eocene.
during the Late Paleocene - Late Eocene ti-       tarctic birds is based on fragmentary, but
me span, probably under different environ-        very informative, evidence.                          ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
mental conditions (Tambussi et al. 2005), a       - Antarctic fossil birds can be confidently
point of view accepted by Ksepka et al.           assigned to modern orders and families.              We thank Marcelo Reguero, Alberto Cione
2006). However, the evolution of penguin          - Anseriformes (Clarke et al. 2005), ?Gavii-         and Eduardo Tonni for inspiring discus-
body size is still unknown (Ksepka et al.         formes loon-like (Chatterjee et al. 2006),           sions of Antarctic birds over the past years.
2006).                                            ?Gruiformes seriema-like (Case et al. 2006)          This work was partially funded by CONI-
Studies on recent marine systems suggest          are recorded before the K/T boundary.                CET PIP 5694 Project to the authors. We
that most seabird species are constrained by      - The Anseriforms Vegavis iaai from the late         specially thank Sergio Marenssi for the
specific physical environmental features, in      Cretaceous of Vega Island provides a well-           opportunity to participate in this special
juxtaposition with nesting habitats. It is rea-   definded calibration point for estimating            volume.
sonable to believe that the progressive cli-      the early divergence times of modern birds.
mate cooling during the Eocene would have         - Two cursorial birds, a ratite and a phoror-        WORKS CITED IN THE TEXT
directly or indirectly affected penguin po-       hacid were recovered from the topmost
pulations, because climatic changes are lin-      levels of the Submeseta Allomember Late              Acosta Hospitaleche C., Tambussi C., Donato
ked with habitat availability and food web        Eocene in age. Their discovery strongly sup-            M. and Cozzuol M. 2007. A new Miocene
phenomena.                                        ports the idea that West Antarctica was                 penguin from Patagonia and a phylogenetic
There is a gap in regard to the evolution of      used as dispersal route for obligate terres-            analysis of living and fossil species. Acta
the Antarctic penguin after the end of the        trial organisms.                                        Paleontologica Polonica 52: 299-314.
Eocene until the Pleistocene.                     - Representative birds of Falconiformes              Alvarenga, H. and Höfling, E. 2003. Systematic
                                                  Polyborinae, Ciconiiformes, Charadriifor-               revison of the Phorusrhacidae (Aves: Ralli-
CONCLUSIONS                                       mes (including flamingos), Pelagornithidae              formes). Papéis avulsos Zoologia 43: 55-91,
                                                  and Diomedeidae constitute the non-pen-                 São Paulo.
Available evidence indicates the existence        guin avian assemblages of the Eocene of              Aronson, R. and Blake, D. 2001. Global climate
of climatic fluctuations since the mid-Cre-       La Meseta Formation.                                    change and the origin of modern benthic
taceous up to the Paleogene beginnings            - Fifthteen species of penguins have been               communities in Antarctica. American Zoolo-
characterized by a warming phase followed         described including the oldest penguin of               gist 41: 27-39, Seattle.
by a colder one, and a conspicuous Paleo-         West Antarctica, Croswallia unienwillia (Tam-        Baumel, J. and Witmer, L.M. 1993. Osteologia.
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record begins at the Late Paleocene (Slack et     gical and taxonomic penguins diversity,                 son, A. 2006. A cursorial bird from the Maas-
al. 2006, Tambussi et al. 2005), which provi-     including giant and tiny species, is docu-              trictian of Antarctica, 2006 Society of verte-
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