Page created by Shirley Rowe
              OF MAURITIUS
                                         Published by Authority

  No. 33                         Port Louis : Saturday 14 April 2018                        Rs. 25.00

                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                       GENERAL NOTICES

579 — Legal Supplement
580     Post Declared Vacant and Appointment - Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms
581 — Declaration of Vacancy in Office - District Council of Pamplemousses
582 1
 to ?   Notice under the Land Acquisition Act
601 — Notice under the Land Acquisition Act - Addendum
602 1
 to >   Notice for Public Inspection of EIA Report
A07 \
    I   Notice of Registration of Foreign Restraining Orders under Section 12(6) of the Mutual Assistance
608 1   in Criminal and Related Matters Act

609 — Registration of a Trade Union
610 1
 to >   Change of Name
630 — WAQF registered with Board of WAQF Commissioners
631 — Irrigation Dues for Year 2017
632 1
 to >   Notice under the Companies Act
634 — Notice under the National Transport Authority
635 1
 to >   Notice under the Patents, Industrial Designs & Trademarks Act

                                       LEGAL SUPPLEMENT
See General Notice No. 579
1510      The Mauritius Government Gazette

General Notice No. 579 of 2018                         3.   The Public Service Commission has, in
                                                            accordance with regulation 43 of the Public
                                                            Service Commission Regulations, decided to
  The undermentioned Proclamation and                       declare vacant with effect from 06 November
Government Notices are published in the Legal               2017, the post of Management Support Officer
Supplement to this number of the Government                 held by Mrs Asha KODAI, for being absent
Gazette:                                                    from duty without leave.

   To fix the date of the coming into operation of                     APPOINTMENT
the Mauritius Institute of Education (Amendment)
                                                       1.   Mr Soopramanien Kandasamy PATHER,
Act 2017.
             (Proclamation No. 15 of 2018)                  Secretary for Public Service, Ministry of Civil
                                                            Service and Administrative Reforms, has
  The Rodrigues Consumer Protection (Control                supervised the Ministry of Energy and Public
of Price of Taxable and Non-taxable Goods)                  Utilities during the absence on mission abroad
(Amendment No. 8 ) Regulations 2018.                        of Mrs N. Nababsing, Senior Chief Executive
          (Government Notice No. 40 of 2018)                from 09 to 12 March 2018.
                                                       2.   Mr Rechad MOOL YE, Deputy Permanent
  The Rodrigues Consumer Protection (Control
                                                            Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, has been
of Price of Taxable and Non-taxable Goods)
                                                            assigned the duties of Permanent Secretary
(Amendment No. 9) Regulations 2018.
                                                            at the Ministry of Tourism from 03 to 10
          (Government Notice No. 41 of 2018)                February 2018 and from 05 to 08 March 2018
                            Prime Minister’s Office,        during the absence on mission abroad of Mrs
                                        Port Louis.         C. R. Seewooruthun, Permanent Secretary.

This 14th April, 2018.                                 3.   Mr Mohammad Salim Ferhat JOOMUN,
                                                            Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of
                                                            Local Government and Outer Islands, has been
                                                            assigned the duties of Permanent Secretary at'
General Notice No. 580 of 2018
                                                            the Ministry of Local Government and Outer
         POST DECLARED VACANT                               Islands from 18 to 25 February 2018 during
                                                            the absence on mission of Mr H. Jeanne,
1.   The Public Service Commission has in
                                                            Permanent Secretary.
     accordance with regulation 43 of the Public
     Service Commission Regulations 1967, as           4.   Mrs Indira PUDARUTH-RUCHAIA,
     subsequently amended, decided to declare               Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of
     vacant with effect from 24 January 2015                Public Infrastructure and Land Transport,
     the office of Trainee Nurse in the Ministry            has been assigned the duties of Permanent
     of Health and Quality of Life held by Miss             Secretary at the Ministry of Public
     Lakshmi LUCHMUN for being absent from                  Infrastructure and Land Transport from 17 to
     duty without leave.                                    26 April 2018 during the absence on leave of
2.   The Public Service Commission has, in                  Mrs M. Nathoo, Permanent Secretary.
     accordance with regulation 43 of the Public       5.   Mr Somduth NEMCHAND, Deputy
     Service Commission Regulations, 1967,                  Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour,
     decided to declare vacant with effect from 21          Industrial Relations, Employment and
     August 2016 the post of Medical and Health             Training, has been assigned the duties of
     Officer/Senior Medical and Health Officer              Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Ocean
     in the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life          Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and
     held by Mr. Hrubesh TAUCOORY for being                 Shipping as from 02 April 2018 and until
     absent from duty without leave.                        further notice.
14 April 2018      1511

6.   Mr Mohummad Shamad AYOOB SAAB,                         for the public purpose of the construction of a
     Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of                bypass at Cap Malheureux.
     Financial Services and Good Governance,
     has been assigned the duties of Permanent
     Secretary at the Ministry of Financial Services­          Portion No. 38c (Serial No. 38c) [PIN:
     and Good Governance from 18 to 24 March                1317100369] of an extent of three hundred and thirty
     2018 during the absence on mission of Mr D.            hundredths square metres (300.30 m2) belonging
     Gaoneadry, Permanent Secretary                         to Mr Mohammad Yasin KURMOO born on
                                                            15/04/1975 holder ofanational identity card bearing
                          Ministry of Civil Service         number K150475381229A civilly married to Mrs
                       and Administrative Reforms           Soumaya SHAHABUN under the legal community
                              Date: 09 April 2018           of goods as evidenced by title deed transcribed in
                                                            Volume TV 6088/19 and is bounded as follows: -
                                                               Towards the North East by a common road four
General Notice No. 581 of 2018
                                                            metres wide (4.00m) on thirteen metres and fifty
                                                            five centimetres (13.55m).
                                                               Towards the South East by Portion No.38b
                                                            (Serial No. 38b) of the plan mentioned below
                                                            on twenty two metres and thirteen centimetres
 THE DISTRICT COUNCIL OF PAMPLEMOUSSES                      (22.13m).
       DECLARATION OF VACANCY                                  Towards the South West by land belonging to
   Under the provision of Section 39(1) of the              Mr Kreshnacoomaden Soobrooyen MOOTYEN
Local Government Act 2011,1 hereby declare the              and other on thirteen metres and fifty five
office of Mr. Dharamdeo CHOOLUN, elected                    centimetres (13.55m).
member of the Village Council of Arsenal to be                 Towards the North West by Portion No. 38d
vacant.                                                     (Serial No.38d) of the plan mentioned below
   Mr. Dharamdeo CHOOLUN, has ceased to be a                on twenty two metres and twenty centimetres
Councillor by virtue of section 38(b) of the Local
Government Act 2011. This notice of declaration                The whole as morefully shown on a plan
of vacancy is made pursuant to Section 39(2) of the         registered at the Cadastral Unit as ACQ/75/000423,
Local Government Act 2011.                                  drawn up by Mr Rajendra Kumar BABOOLALL,
                                                            Land Surveyor on the 28/02/2018.
                                     R. Gangadeen
                                    ChiefExecutive            The plan may be inspected by the public at the
                            District Council Office         Archives Office of the Ministry of Housing and
                                   Pamplemousses            Lands, Ebene Tower, Ebene, during office hours.
                                    28 March 2018              Every interested person is required to give to
                                                            the Authorised Officer within fourteen days of the
                                                            second publication of this Notice in the Gazette a
                              Second and Last Publication
                                                            written declaration of the nature of his interest in
General Notice No. 582 of 2018                              the land and the amount and details of his claim for
      THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT                                                                The Honourable
          (Notice given under Section 8)                                               Purmanund JHUGROO
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided                                  Minister ofHousing and Lands
                                                                                                 Ebene Tower
to acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State
of Mauritius a portion of land situate at Cap
Malheureux, in the district of Riviere du Rempart                                             Date 22/03/2018
1512      The Mauritius Government Gazette

                            Second and Last Publication   written declaration of the nature of his interest in
General Notice No. 583 of 2018                            the land and the amount and details of his claim for
                                                                                            The Honourable
          (Notice given under Section 8)
                                                                                     Purmanund JHUGROO
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided                                 Minister of Housing and Lands
to acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State                                                 Ebene Tower
of Mauritius a portion of land situate at Cap                                                         Ebene
Malheureux, in the district of Riviere du Rempart                                           Date 22/03/2018
for the public purpose of the construction of a
bypass at Cap Malheureux.
                                                                                        Second and Last Publication
                                                          General Notice No. 584 of 2018
   Portion No. 38d (Serial No. 38d) [PIN:
1317100370] of an extent of three hundred and                   THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
thirty hundredths square metres (300.30 m2)                         (Notice given under Section 8)
belonging to Miss Bibi Nooreza KURMOO bom
                                                             Notice is hereby given that I have decided
on 22/01/1970 holder of a national identity card
                                                          to acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State
bearing number K220170380278A as evidenced
                                                          of Mauritius a portion of land situate at Saint
by title deed transcribed in Volume TV 6088/19
                                                          Francois as per title deed but in reality situate
and is bounded as follows: -
                                                          at Cap Malheureux, in the district of Riviere du
   Towards the North East by a common road four           Rempart for the public purpose of the construction
metres wide (4.00m) on thirteen metres and fifty          of a bypass at Cap Malheureux.
centimetres (13.50m).
   Towards the South East by Portion No. 38c
                                                              Portion No. 43 (Serial No. 43) [PIN:
(Serial No.38c) of the plan mentioned below
                                                           1317100371] of an extent of fifty four and
on twenty two metres and twenty centimetres
                                                          fifty six hundredths square metres (54.56 m2)
                                                          is excised from an extent of three hundred and
   Towards the South West by land belonging to            thirty hundredths square metres (300.30 m2)
Mr Kreshnacoomaden Soobrooyen MOOTYEN                     belonging jointly to (i) Mr Subiraj KISOON
and other on thirteen metres and fifty centimetres        bom on 15/09/1970 holder of a national identity
(13.50m).                                                 card bearing number KI509701104365 and
    Towards the North West partly by land                 Mrs Poonam KISOON (born DAYA) born
belonging to Mr and Mrs Subiraj Kisoon and                on 10/10/1975 holder of a national identity card
others and partly by Portion No. 43 (Serial No.43)        bearing number D1010750803442 civilly married
of the plan mentioned below on twenty two metres          to Mr Subiraj KISOON under the legal community
and twenty eight centimetres (22.28m).                    of goods and (ii) Mr Vinoba BHUNJUN born on
                                                          04/09/1976 holder of a national identity card bearing
   The whole as morefully shown on a plan
                                                          number B0409761201404 and Mrs Prabita
registered at the Cadastral Unit as ACQ/75/000423,
                                                          BHUNJUN (born DAYA) born on 07/04/1981
drawn up by Mr Rajendra Kumar BABOOLALL,
                                                          holder of a national identity card bearing number
Land Surveyor on the 28/02/2018.
                                                          D0704810800963 civilly married to Mr Vinoba
  The plan may be inspected by the public at the          BHUNJUN under the legal community of goods
Archives Office of the Ministry of Housing and            as evidenced by title deed transcribed in Volume
Lands, Ebene Tower, Ebene, during office hours.           TV 8079/15 and is bounded as follows: -
   Every interested person is required to give to            Towards the North East by a common road four
the Authorised Officer within fourteen days of the        metres wide (4.00m) on thirteen metres and forty
second publication of this Notice in the Gazette a        six centimetres (13.46m).
14 April 2018         1513

   Towards the South East by Portion No. 38d               holder of a national identity card bearing number
(Serial No.38d) of the plan mentioned below on             J280366300511C divorced from Mr Francois
eight metres and eleven centimetres (8.1 Im).              Sylvio PALANIYANDI as evidenced by title deed
                                                           transcribed in Volume TV 7281/41 and is bounded
   Towards the West by the surplus of land
                                                           as follows: -
on fifteen metres and seventy six centimetres
(15.76m).                                                     Towards the North East by a common road three
                                                           metres and sixty six centimetres wide (3.66m) on
   The whole as morefully shown on a plan                  three metres and fifty eight centimetres (3.58m).
registered at the Cadastral Unit as ACQ/75/000388,
drawn up by Mr Rajendra Kumar BABOOLALL,                      Towards the South East by land being acquired
Land Surveyor on the 28/02/2018.                           from Heirs Soomeetree BHEEKHARRY on three
                                                           metres and fifty five centimetres (3.55m).
  The plan may be inspected by the public at the
                                                             Towards the West by the surplus of land on five
Archives Office of the Ministry of Housing and
                                                           metres and seven centimetres (5.07m).
Lands, Ebene Tower, Ebene, during office hours.
                                                              The whole as morefully shown on a plan
   Every interested person is required to give to          registered at the Cadastral Unit as ACQ/75/000388,
the Authorised Officer within fourteen days of the         drawn up by Mr Rajendra Kumar BABOOLALL,
second publication of this Notice in the Gazette a         Land Surveyor on the 28/02/2018.
written declaration of the nature of his interest in
the land and the amount and details of his claim for         The plan may be inspected by the public at the
compensation.                                              Archives Office of the Ministry of Housing and
                                  The Honourable           Lands, Ebene Tower, Ebene, during office hours.
                           Purmanund JHUGROO                  Every interested person is required to give to
                   Minister ofHousing and Lands            the Authorised Officer within fourteen days of the
                                      Ebene Tower          second publication of this Notice in the Gazette a
                                              Ebene        written declaration of the nature of his interest in
                                  Date 22/03/2018          the land and the amount and details of his claim for
                             Second and Last Publication                                   The Honourable
                                                                                     Purmanund JHUGROO
General Notice No. 585 of 2018
                                                                              Minister ofHousing and Lands
      THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT                                                                Ebene Tower
          (Notice given under Section 8)                                                             Ebene
                                                                                           Date 22/03/2018
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided
to acquire compulsorily on behalf of the- State
of Mauritius a portion of land situate at Saint                                                  First Publication
Francois as per title deed but in reality situate
                                                           General Notice No. 586 of 2018
at Cap Malheureux, in the district of Riviere du
Rempart for the public purpose of the construction               THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
of a bypass at Cap Malheureux.
                                                                     (Notice given under Section 8)
                  Description                                 Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
   Portion No. 45 (Serial No. 45) [PIN:                    acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
1317100367] of an extent of six metres and thirty          Mauritius a right of way on a portion of land,
hundredths square metres (6.30m2) is excised from          hereinafter described, situate at Pereybere in
a portion of land of an extent of three hundred and        the district of Riviere du Rempart for the public
eighty nine square metres (389 m2) belonging               purpose of laying and maintenance of sewers
to Ms Jottee JOKHOO born on 28/03/1966                     under the Grand Bay Sewerage Project Phase IB.
1514       The Mauritius Government Gazette

                   DESCRIPTION                          interest in the land and the amount and details of
    Portion No 1 (Serial No 1) (PIN 1305170290,         his claim for compensation.
PCR 1863/2018) of an extent of one hundred               ’ Date: 05/04/2018
and six and forty nine hundredths square                                                  The Honourable
metres (106.49m2) forms part of a portion of land                                  Purmanund JHUGROO
of an original extent of two arpents and fifty eight                        Minister of Housing and Lands
perches (2A58P) belonging to Heirs Seeparsad                                                 Ebene Tower,
MOHABEER (Late Seeparsad Mohabeer bom on                                                            Ebene
01.11.1925 and holder of a national identity card
bearing number M0111251004181) as evidenced
by a deed transcribed in Volume TV 609 No.                                                     First Publication
72 and as per affidavit of succession transcribed       General Notice No. 587 of 2018
in Volume TV201704/001885 is bounded as
follows:-                                                      THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
   •   Towards the North East by the surplus of                   (Notice given under Section 8)
       land on three metres and two centimetres            Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
       (3.02m).                                         acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
   •   Towards the South East partly by Portion No.     Mauritius a right of way on a portion of land,
       2 on the mentioned below on three metres and     hereinafter described, situate at Pereybere in the
       four centimetres (3.04m), partly by a plot of    district of Riviere du Rempart for the public purpose
       land belonging to JIMEI INTERNATIONAL            of laying and maintenance of sewers under the
       DEVELOPMENT LTD on twenty metres                 Grand Bay Sewerage Project Phase IB.
       and eighty six centimetres (20.86m) and
       partly by a portion of land belonging to Mr.
       Nemraj Jhowry on twenty five metres and             Portion No 2 (SERIAL NO 2) (PIN
       fifty three centimetres (25.53m) respectively.   1305170284, PCR 1863/2018) of an extent of four
   •   Towards the South West by the border of a        hundred and fifty two square metres (452.00m2)
       drain along a common road of four metres         forms part of a portion of land of an original extent
       and fifty centimetres (4.50m) wide on three      of six thousand and ten square metres (6010.00m2)
       metres (3.00m).                                  belonging to JIMEI INTERNATIONAL
                                                        DEVELOPMENT LTD, BRN No. C 16140018,
   •   Towards the North West by the surplus of
                                                        as evidenced by a deed transcribed in Volume
       land on two lines measuring twenty five
                                                        TV201701/001176 and is bounded as follows:-
       metres and sixty nine centimetres (25.69m)
       and twenty four metres Md twenty six                •   Towards the North East by the surplus of
       centimetres (24.26m).                                   land on five lines measuring thirty six
                                                               metres and forty nine centimetres (36.49m),
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan
registered at the Cadastre Unit of the Ministry of             nine metres and seven centimetres (9.07m),
                                                               three metres (3.00m), nine metres and seven
Housing and Lands as WYL/75/000422, drawn
up by Land Surveyor, Mr Shyam Seenarain on                     centimetres(9.07m) and ninety seven metres
15/02/2018.                                                    and fifty centimetres (97.50m) respectively.
                                                           •   Towards the South East partly by a portion of
  The plan may be inspected by the public at the
                                                               land belonging to C. Wong So Engineering
Archives Office of the Ministry of Housing and
                                                               Co. Ltd and partly by a right of way of three
Lands, Ebene Tower, Ebene, during office hours.
                                                               metres (3.00m) wide acquired by the State of
   Every interested person is required to give to              Mauritius on a total length measuring seven
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the            metres and sixty three centimetres (7.63m).
second publication of this Notice in Government            •   Towards the South West by the surplus of
Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his            land on three lines measuring three metres
14 April 2018 .    1515

       and four centimetres (3.04m), four metres         (1519.51m2) belonging jointly to (i) Mr. Deven
       and fifty nine centimetres (4.59m) and one        SAMOO born on 05.07.1967 holder of a national
       hundred and thirty three metres and ninety        identity card bearing number S0507674403066
       four centimetres (133.94m) respectively.          married under the system of legal community of
   •   Towards the North West by Portion No. 1 on        goods to Miss Rookmanee MOOTOOSAMY
       three metres and four centimetres (3.04m).        born on 07.10.1975 and holder of a national
                                                         identity card number. M071075430465G, and
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan
                                                         (ii) Miss Ambeeradar SAMOO born on
registered at the Cadastre Unit of the Ministry of
                                                         17.04.1964 and holder of a national identity card
Housing and Lands as WYL/75/000422, drawn
up by Land Surveyor, Mr Shyam Seenarain on               bearing number SI704644402272, as evidenced by
15/02/2018.                                              a deed transcribed in Volume TV 8619 No. 55 and
                                                         is bounded as follows:-
  The plan may be inspected by the public at the
Archives Office of the Ministry of Housing and              • Towards the North by an access road four
Lands, Ebene Tower, Ebene, during office hours.               metres and twenty seven centimetres
                                                              (4.27m) wide on twenty metres and three
   Every interested person is required to give to             centimetres(20.03m)
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
second publication of this Notice in Government             • Towards the East by a portion of land
Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his           belonging to Mrs Lutchmee Moorghen
interest in the land and the amount and details of            (TV 2211 No. 12) on twenty metres (20.00m)
his claim for compensation.                                 • Towards the South by the surplus of land
   Date: 05/04/2018                                           belonging jointly to Mr Deven SAMOO
                                The Honourable                and Miss Ambeeradar SAMOO on twenty
                          Purmanund JHUGROO                   metres (20.00m)
                   Minister ofHousing and Lands             • Towards the West again by the surplus of
                                   Ebene Tower,               land belonging jointly to Mr Deven SAMOO
                                          Ebene               and Miss Ambeeradar SAMOO on twenty
                                                              one metres and seven centimetres (21.07m).
                                     First Publication      The whole as more fully shown on a plan
General Notice No. 588 of 2018                           drawn up by Mr Vinesh Kumar SADAFUL, Land
                                                         Surveyor dated 16 October 2017.
                                                            The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000375) may be
          (Notice given under section 8)                 inspected by the public at the Archives Office of
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided to         the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of           Ebene, during office hours.
Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,         Every interested person is required to give to
situate at Grand Baie in the district of Riviere du      the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a
                                                         second publication of this Notice in Government
pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie
                                                         Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
Sewerage Project Phase IB.
                                                         interest in the land and the amount and details of
                  Description                            his claim for compensation.
   The said portion of land (PIN 1317110432,                                              The Honourable
PCR12481/2017), of an extent of four hundred                                       Purmanund JHUGROO
and ten and sixty six hundredths square metres                              Minister of Housing and Lands
(410.66m2), is excised from a portion of land of an                                          Ebene Tower,
original extent of one thousand five hundred and                                                    Ebene
nineteen and fifty one hundredths square metres                                           Date:05/04/2018
1516       The Mauritius Government Gazette

                                       First Publication         and on a developed length measuring seven
General Notice No. 589 of 2018                                   metres and eighty eight centimetres (7.88m).

       THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT                               The whole as more fully shown on a plan
                                                           drawn up by Mr Vinesh Kumar SADAFUL, Land
           (Notice given under section 8)
                                                           Surveyor dated 16 October 2017.
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
                                                              The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000374) may be
acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
                                                           inspected by the public at the Archives Office of
Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,
                                                           the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
situate at Grand Baie in the district of Riviere du
                                                           Ebene, during office hours.
Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a
pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie                  Every interested person is required to give to
Sewerage Project Phase IB.                                 the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
                   Description                             second publication of this Notice in Government
                                                           Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
    The said portion of land (PIN 1317070801,              interest in the land and the amount and details of
PCR12482/2017) of an extent of five hundred                his claim for compensation.
and eighty and five hundredths square metres
(580.05m2) is excised from a portion of land being                                         The Honourable
all that remains of an original extent of two thousand                               Purmanund JHUGROO
four hundred and thirty one and forty hundredths                              Minister ofHousing and Lands
square metres (2431.40m2) after excision of                                                   Ebene Tower,
(i) 422m2 sold by virtue of TV 9213 No. 11 and                                                       Ebene
(ii) 422m2 sold by virtue of TV201508/000157,                                                Date:05/04/2018
belonging to Mrs Indira SEEBRUN born on
03.09.1957 and holder of a national identity
card bearing number S030957080450G, married                                                      First Publication
under the system of legal community of goods to            General Notice No. 590 of 2018
Mr Maniram SEEBORUTH bom on 17.11.1954
and holder of a national identity card bearing                   THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
number SI711540805461, as evidenced by a deed                        (Notice given under section 8)
transcribed in Volume TV 3931 No. 65 and is
                                                              Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
bounded as follows:-
                                                           acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
   • Towards the North East by a common road               Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,
     three metres and ninety centimetres (3.90m)           situate at Grand Baie in the district of Riviere du
     wide on twenty three metres and ninety one            Rempart for the- public purpose of constructing a
     centimetres (23.91m)                                  pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie
   » Towards the South East by a portion of                Sewerage Project Phase IB.
     land belonging to Mrs Kaliani Seebrun                                    Description
     (TV 3931 No. 68) on twenty metres and
     thirty one centimetres (20.31m)                           The said portion of land (PIN 1317110433,
                                                           PCR 14333/2017), of an extent of four hundred
   • Towards the South West by the surplus of
                                                           and forty eight and fifty eight hundredths square
     land belonging to Mrs Indira SEEBRUN
                                                           metres (448.58m2), is excised from a portion of
     on twenty nine metres and thirty seven
                                                           land of an original extent of one arpent and seventy
     centimetres (29.37m)
                                                           two square perches (1A 72P) belonging jointly to
   • Towards the North West by a common road               (i) Mr Georges Liah PING CHUNG TUNG
     three metres and ninety centimetres (3.90m)           born on 21.11.1934 holder of a national identity
     wide on a straight line measuring fourteen            card bearing number C2111342817625, married
     metres and ninety four centimetres (14.94m)           under the system of legal system of separation of
14 April 2018        1517

goods to Ms Li Choy You LAI WAN CHUT                                                       First Publication
bom on 29.01.44 holder of a national identity card
                                                      General Notice No. 591 of 2018
bearing number L290144410537C and (ii) Mr
Raymond Foong PING CHUNG TUNG born                          THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
on 08.04.1933 holder of a national identity card                (Notice given under section 8)
bearing number C080433010106E, as evidenced
                                                         Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
by a deed transcribed in Volume TV 1169 No. 136
                                                      acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
and is bounded as follows:-
                                                      Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,
   • Towards the North by the axis of a common        situate at Pereybere in the district of Riviere du
     and party road three metres and ninety           Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a
     centimetres (3.90m) wide on twenty metres        pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie
     and three centimetres (20.03m)                   Sewerage Project Phase IB.
  • Towards the East by a portion of land                               Description
    belonging to Mrs Devi Panjanadun (spouse
                                                         The said portion of land of an original extent
    of Mr Minianday Goundan - TV 2047
                                                      of eight hundred and sixty six square metres
    No. 20) on twenty one metres and eighty five--
                                                      (866.00m2) as per title deed but found after survey
    centimetres (21.85m)
                                                      to be of an extent of eight hundred and ten and
   • Towards the South by the surplus of land         seventy three hundredths square metres (810.73m2)
     belonging jointly to Mr Georges Liah PING        (PIN 1317120110 PCR 75/2018) belonging
     CHUNG TUNG and Mr Raymond Foong                  jointly to (i) Heirs Daniel KWAN SHIN HUNG
     PING CHUNG TUNG on twenty metres                 (late Daniel KWAN SHIN HUNG, born on
     (20.00m)                                         07.11.1957 and holder of a national identity card
   • Towards the West again by the surplus of         bearing number K071157014349, (ii) Mr. Jacques
     land belonging jointly to Mr Georges Liah        Bernard NG FAT CHUNG also known as Mr.
     PING CHUNG TUNG and Mr Raymond                   Jacques Bernard NG FAT CHEUNG, born
     Foong PING CHUNG TUNG on twenty                  on 10.12.1955 and holder of a national identity
                                                      card bearing number N1012550104149, (iii) Mr.
     three metres (23.00m).
                                                      Henri Wee Fa WAN PEE KWONG, born on
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan            04.07.1959 and holder of a national identity card
drawn up by Mr Vinesh Kumar SADAFUL, Land             bearing number W040759130694F and (iv) Mr.
Surveyor dated 16 October 2017.                       & Mrs. Ah Fat WAN PEE KWONG, born on
   The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000379) may be          06.11.1964 and holder of a national identity card
inspected by the public at the Archives Office of     bearing number W0611641908715 (spouse of
the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,       Mrs. Sherley Young Soon Kee Ah Soon, born on
Ebene, during office hours.                           20.04.65 and holder of a national identity card
                                                      bearing number A2004658103332) as evidenced
   Every interested person is required to give to     by a deed transcribed in Volume TV 3672 No. 22
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the   and as per an affidavit of succession transcribed
second publication of this Notice in Government       in Volume TV201405/000163) and is bounded as
Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his   follows:-
interest in the land and the amount and details of
his claim for compensation.                              • Towards the North by a portion of land
                                                           belonging to Mr Christophe Jean Roland
                                 The Honourable            Bagnis on twenty six metres and nineteen
                          Purmanund JHUGROO                centimetres (26.19m).
                   Minister of Housing and Lands
                                    Ebene Tower,         •. Towards the East by a portion of land
                                           Ebene            belonging to Mr & Mrs Ahmad Khan Ally
                                                            Khan on twenty eight metres and fifty nine
                                 Date:05/04/2018            centimetres (28.59m).
1518      The Mauritius Government Gazette

   • Towards the South by a common road                  metres (400.00m2), is excised from a portion of land
     of three metres and ninety centimetres              of an original extent of one hectare nine thousand
     (3.90m) wide, a reserve of land of one metre        one hundred and sixty seven and ninety hundredths
     (1.00m) wide, in between, on a straight line        square metres (lha 9167.90m2) belonging to Mr.
     measuring twenty eight metres and sixty four        Krishnacatan Saminada CHETTY, born on
     centimetres (28.64m) and on a developed             15.11.1947 and holder of .a national identity card
     length measuring four metres and seventy            bearing number Cl511470407326, married under
     centimetres (4.70m).
                                                         the system of legal community of goods to Mrs.
   • Towards the West by an exit road of four            Vellamah RAMEN, born on 04.10.1958 and
     metres (4.00m) wide, a reserve of one metre         holder of a national identity card bearing number
     (1.00m) wide, in between, on twenty five            R041058410542D, as evidenced by a deed
     metres and twenty two centimetres (25.22m).         transcribed in Volume TV 4153 No. 30 and is
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn         bounded as follows:-
up by Mr Parmananda Appadoo, Land Surveyor                  • Towards the North East by the surplus of land
dated 05 January 2018.                                        belonging to Mr.Krishnacatan Saminada
   The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000414) may be                  CHETTY on twenty metres (20.00m).
inspected by the public at the Archives Office of           • Towards the South East by the surplus of land
the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
                                                              belonging to Mr.Krishnacatan Saminada
Ebene, during office hours.
                                                              CHETTY on twenty metres (20.00m).
   Every interested person is required to give to
                                                            • Towards the South West by a common road
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
                                                              of six metres (6.00m) wide (Not opened on
second publication of this Notice in Government
                                                              site) on twenty metres (20.00m).
Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
interest in the land and the amount and details of          •   Towards the North West by a portion of land
his claim for compensation.                                     belonging jointly to Mr Yogesh Mrinalsen
                                   The Honourable               AHKU and Mr Benoy Chandra Dutt AHKU
                           Purmanund JHUGROO                    on twenty metres (20.00m).
                    Minister, ofHousing and Lands
                                                            The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn
                               Ebene Tower, Ebene
                                                         up by Mr Shyam Seenarain, Land Surveyor dated
                                                         28 December 2017.
                                                            The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000409) may be
                                     First Publication
                                                         inspected by the public at the Archives Office of
General Notice No. 592 of 2018                           the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
                                                         Ebene, during office hours.
          (Notice given under section 8)                    Every interested person is required to give to
                                                         the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided to         second publication of this Notice in Government
acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of           Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,      interest in the land and the amount and details of
situate at Bain Boeuf in the district of Riviere du      his claim for compensation.
Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a                                            The Honourable
pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie                                        Purmanund JHUGROO
Sewerage Project Phase IB.
                                                                             Minister of Housing and Lands
                  Description                                                                 Ebene Tower,
  The said portion of land (PIN 1305212247, PCR                                                      Ebene
21319/2017) of an extent of four hundred square                                            Date:05/04/2018
14 April 2018        1519

                                     First Publication      • Towards the South West partly by a portion of
General Notice No. 593 of 2018                                land belonging to Mr. Bashir Ahmud Toorab
                                                              and partly by a plot of land belonging to Mr
                                                              Abdool Motalib Toorab on a total length
          (Notice given under section 8)                      measuring thirty one metres and fifty eight
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided to              centimetres (31.58m).
acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of              • Towards the North West partly by a portion
Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,           of land belonging to Mr & Mrs Abadally
situate at Pereybere in the district of Riviere du'           Munglah on sixteen metres and forty eight
Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a              centimetres (16.48m), partly by a plot of
pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie                  land belonging to Mr Renaud Alexandre
Sewerage Project Phase IB.                                    Guillemain & others, and partly by a plot of
                                                              land belonging to Mr Daren Rungasamy on
                                                              two lines measuring five metres and thirty
   The said portion of land (PIN 1305270458,                  eight centimetres (5.38m) and forty metres
PCR 21160/2017) of an extent of eight hundred                 and ninety five centimetres (40.95m).
and two and thirty hundredths square metres
                                                            The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn
(802.30m2), is excised from a plot of land of an
                                                         up by Mr Shyam Seenarain, Land Surveyor dated
original extent of one thousand four hundred
                                                         03 January 2018.
and sixty two and fifty five hundredths square
metres (1462.55m2) belonging jointly to (i)                 The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000407) may be
Mr Abah Bakar Siddik TOORAB, born on                     inspected by the public at the Archives Office of
01.09.1950 and holder of a national identity card        the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
bearing number T010950012613A and (ii) Mrs               Ebene, during office hours.
Bibi Amenah EMRITH, born on 18.08.1960
                                                            Every interested person is required to give to
and holder of a national identity card bearing
                                                         the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
number E180860013233A, (spouse of Mr. Abah
                                                         second publication of this Notice in Government
Bakar Siddik TOORAB), as evidenced by a deed
                                                         Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
transcribed in Volume TV 5979 No. 37, which is
                                                         interest in the land and the amount and details of
bounded as follows:-
                                                         his claim for compensation.
  • Towards the North East by Mon Oreb Lane,
                                                                                          The Honourable
    a reserve of one metre and fifty centimetres
                                                                                   Purmanund JHUGROO
    (1.50m) wide, in between, on eighteen
                                                                            Minister of Housing and Lands
    metres and fifty three centimetres (18.53m).
                                                                                             Ebene Tower,
   • Towards the South East partly by the surplus                                                   Ebene
     of land belonging to Mr & Mrs Abah Bakar                                             Date:05/04/2018
     Siddik TOORAB, partly on a developed
     length of nineteen metres and sixty one
                                                                                              First Publication
     centimetres (Dev 19.61m) and partly on
     two straight lines measuring, twenty seven          General Notice No. 594 of 2018
     metres and sixty two centimetres (27.62m)
                                                              THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
     and nineteen metres thirty six centimetres
                                                                   (Notice given under section 8)
     (19.36m), and partly by a portion of land
     belonging to Mrs Jeevasoonderee Raverdy                Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
     (spouse of Mr. Jerome Daniel Jean Raverdy)          acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
     on eighteen metres and ten centimetres              Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,
     (18.10m) respectively.                              situate at Pereybere in the district of Riviere du
1520      The Mauritius Government Gazette

Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a        second publication of this Notice in Government
pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie            Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
Sewerage Project Phase IB.                              interest in the land and the amount and details of
                   Description                          his claim for compensation.

   The said portion of land, of an original extent of                                   The Honourable
five hundred and sixty three and fifty hundredths                                 Purmanund JHUGROO
square metres (563.50m2) as per title deed but                             Minister ofHousing and Lands
found after survey to be of an extent of five hundred                                      Ebene Tower,
and sixty one and fifty hundredths square metres                                                  Ebene
(561.50m2) (PIN 1305210666, PCR 227/2018)                                                 Date:05/04/2018
belonging to Mr Sathyajeeanraye SOOCHETA
born on 06.08.1968 and holder of a national
identity card bearing number S0608680803883                                                   First Publication
as evidenced by a deed transcribed in Volume            General Notice No. 595 of 2018
TV 6479 No. 3, which is bounded as follows:-
                                                              THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
   • Towards the North East partly by a portion
                                                                  (Notice given under section 8)
     of land belonging to Mr. Sathyajeeanraye
     Soocheta and partly by a portion of land              Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
     belonging to Mr Sattyamraye Soocheta               acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
     on a total length measuring twenty two metres      Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,
     and ten centimetres (22.10m).                      situate at Pereybere in the district of Riviere du
   • Towards the South East by a portion of land
                                                        Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a
     belonging to Ms Shantee Soocheta on twenty         pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie
                                                        Sewerage Project Phase IB.
     four metres and ten centimetres (24.10m).
   • Towards the South West by a common road                               Description
     of six metres (6.00m) wide, a reserve of one           The said portion of land (PIN 1305170299,
     metre and fifty centimetres (1.50m) wide, in       PCR 20813/2017) of an extent of four hundred and
     between, partly on a straight line measuring       thirty two square metres (432.00m2), is excised from
     seventeen metres and fifty centimetres             a plot of land of an original extent of one thousand
     (17.50m) and partly on a developed length          eight hundred and ninety nine and thirty nine
     measuring six metres and ten centimetres           hundredths square metres (1899.39m2) belonging
     (6.10m) respectively.                              to ZOLILAMER LTEE, BRN No. Cl0060516,
   • Towards the North West by a common road            as evidenced by a deed transcribed in Volume
     of six metres (6.00m) wide, a reserve of one       TV 6267 No. 59, which is bounded as follows:-
     metre and fifty centimetres (1.50m) wide, in          • Towards the North East by the surplus of
     between, on twenty three metres and forty               land belonging to ZOLILAMER LTEE on
     centimetres (23.40m) .                                  twenty two metres and sixty centimetres
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn             (22.60m)
up by Mr Shyam Seenarain, Land Surveyor dated              • Towards the South East by the surplus of
04 January 2018.                                             land belonging to ZOLILAMER LTEE on
   The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000416) may be                 twenty metres (20.00m)
inspected by the public at the Archives Office of         • Towards the South West by a portion of land
the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,             belonging to Late Jacques Gerard Robert De
Ebene, during office hours.                                 Brugada Vila on twenty metres (20.00m)
   Every interested person is required to give to         • Towards the North West by ‘Mont Choisy
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the         - Cap Malheureux Road B13’, a reserve
14 April 2018      1521

      of land of one metre and fifty centimetres         holder of a national identity card bearing number
      (1.50m) wide, in between, on a developed           C0507661602032 married under the system of legal
      length measuring twenty metres and twenty          community of goods to Marie Noella BROUTIE
      three centimetres (Dev 20.23m)                     born on 17.05.1967 and holder of a national
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn         identity card bearing number B170567130483B,
up by Mr Parmananda APPADOO, Land Surveyor               as evidenced by a deed transcribed in Volume
dated 08 January 2018.                                   TV 4865 No. 58 and is bounded as follows

   The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000412) may be                • Towards the North East by a portion of land
inspected by the public at the Archives Office of             belonging to Mr. Kauvilen Cunee on twenty
the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,               three metres and thirty five centimetres
Ebene, during office hours.                                   (23.35m)

   Every interested person is required to give to           • Towards the South East by a portion of land
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the           belonging to Mr. Ashvin Rojberia Naiko on
second publication of this Notice in Government               twenty two metres and ninety six centimetres
Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
interest in the land 'and the amount and details of         • Towards the South West by a common road
his claim for compensation.                                   of three metres and sixty six centimetres
                                                              (3.66m) wide, a reserve of one metre and
                                 The Honourable
                                                              fifty centimetres (1.50m) wide, in between,
                          Purmanund JHUGROO
                                                              on twenty three metres and thirty five
                   Minister of Housing and Lands
                                                              centimetres (23.35m)
                                    Ebene Tower,
                                           Ebene            • Towards the North West by a common
                                                              road of four metres and fifty centimetres
                                                              (4.50m) wide, a reserve of one metre and
                                                              fifty centimetres (1.50m) wide, in between,
                                     First Publication        on twenty two metres and seventy five
                                                              centimetres (22.75m)
General Notice No. 596 of 2018
                                                            The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn
                                                         up by Mr Parmananda Appadoo, Land Surveyor
          (Notice given under section 8)                 dated 08 January 2018.
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided to            The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000413) may be
acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of           inspected by the public at the Archives Office of
Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,      the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
situate at Pereybere in the district of Riviere du       Ebene, during office hours.
Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a
pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie                Every interested person is required to give to
Sewerage Project Phase IB.                               the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
                                                         second publication of this Notice in Government
                  Description                            Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
   The said portion of land of an original extent        interest in the land and the amount and details of
of five hundred and twenty seven and sixty one           his claim for compensation.
hundredths square metres (527.61m2) as per title                                         The Honourable
deed but found after survey to be of an extent of                                  Purmanund JHUGROO
five hundred and thirty one and sixty hundredths                            Minister ofHousing and Lands
square metres (531.60m2) (PIN 1305220359                                                    Ebene Tower,
PCR 20814/2017) belonging to Mr Louis Josian                                                       Ebene
Dominique CHENEL, born on 05.07.1966 and                                                  Date:05/04/2018
1522      The Mauritius Government Gazette

                                     First Publication         on a total length measuring twenty nine
General Notice No. 597 of 2018                                 metres (29.00m).

       THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT                             The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn
          (Notice given under section 8)                 up by Mr Parmananda APPADOO, Land Surveyor
                                                         dated 15 January 2018.
   Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of              The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000418) may be
Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,      inspected by the public at the Archives Office of
situate at La Salette, Grand Baie in the district        the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
of Riviere du Rempart for the public purpose of          Ebene, during office hours.
constructing a pumping station thereon under
                                                            Every interested person is required to give to
the Grand Baie Sewerage Project Phase IB.
                                                         the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the
                  Description                            second publication of this Notice in Government
                                                         Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
   The said portion of land (PIN 1305220698,             interest in the land and the amount and details of
PCR 318/2018) of an extent of four hundred and           his claim for compensation.
twenty four and ninety seven hundredths square
                                                                                          The Honourable
metres (424.97m2), is excised from a plot of land
                                                                                   Purmanund JHUGROO
of an original extent of three thousand two hundred
                                                                            Minister of Housing and Lands
and ninety two and twenty eight hundredths
                                                                                             Ebene Tower,
square metres (3292.28m2) belonging jointly to (i)
Mr Indranund JHUMUN, born on 17.12.1953
and holder of a national identity card bearing
number JI712533838760 and (ii) Mrs Kamla
Devi JHUMUN (born VEERAMAH), born on                                                          First Publication
01.06.1955 and holder of a national identity card
                                                         General Notice No. 598 of 2018
bearing number V010655011950A, (spouse of
Mr. Indranund JHUMUN), as evidenced by a deed                  THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
transcribed in Volume TV 3854 No. 74, which is
                                                                   (Notice given under section 8)
bounded as follows
                                                            Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
   • Towards the North West by the surplus               acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
     of land belonging to Mr & Mrs Indranund             Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,
     JHUMUN on fifteen metres (15.00m).                  situate at Pereybere in the district of Riviere du
  • Towards the North East by the surplus of             Rempart for the public purpose of constructing a
    land belonging to Mr & Mrs Indranund                 pumping station thereon under the Grand Baie
    JHUMUN on thirty metres (30.00m).                    Sewerage Project Phase IB.
  • Towards the South East by an existing
    road of three metres and ninety centimetres             The said portion of land (PIN 1305180730,
    (3.90m) wide, a reserve of one metre and             PCR 49/2018) of an extent of five hundred and
    fifty centimetres (1.50m) wide, in between,          sixty five and eighteen hundredths square metres
    on fifteen metres (15.00m).                          (565.18m2), is excised from a plot of land of an
                                                         original extent of four thousand four hundred and
  • Towards the South West partly by a portion
                                                         thirty one and ninety one hundredths square metres
    of land belonging to Mrs Amina Cassam
                                                         (4431.91 m2) or one arpent and five square perches
    Timol (spouse of Mr. Anwar Abdool Hamid
                                                         (1A05P) belonging in half undivided rights to
    Ghanty) and partly by a portion of land
                                                         Mrs Yin Kiow NG HING CHEUNG born on
    belonging to Mr & Mrs Rakesh Saneecharun
                                                         22.12.1932 and holder of a national identity card
14 April 2018        1523

bearing number N221232010146D as evidenced              second publication of this Notice in Government
by a deed transcribed in Volume TV 1371 No. 129         Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his
and the other half undivided rights belonging jointly   interest in the land and the amount and details of
in equal proportions to (i) Mrs Shin Shin Helene        his claim for compensation.
CHUNG AH PONG born on 02.06.1966 and
                                                                                        The Honourable
holder of a national identity card bearing number
                                                                                  Purmanund JHUGROO
C020666310426A (ii) Mrs. Chin Chin Marie
                                                                           Minister ofHousing and Lands
Lourdes CHUNG AH PONG born on 02.08.1969                                                   Ebene Tower,
and holder of a national identity card bearing
number C0208693104430 (iii) Mrs. Choun Yan                                              Date:05/04/2018
Marie Christiane CHUNG AH PONG bom on
07.01.1971 and holder of a national identity card
bearing number C0701713100548 and (iv) Mrs.                                                  First Publication
Choun Yin Marie Christine CHUNG AH
                                                        General Notice No. 599 of 2018
PONG bom on 07.01.1971 and holder of a national
identity card bearing number C0701713100556                  THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
as evidenced by a deed transcribed in Volume                      (Notice given under section 8)
TV 201708/001234, which is bounded as follows:-
                                                           Notice is hereby given that I have decided to
   • Towards the North East by the surplus of           acquire compulsorily on behalf of the State of
     land on twenty one metres and eighty three         Mauritius a portion of land, hereinafter described,
     centimetres (21.83m)                               situate at Vingt Pieds Road, Grand Baie in the
                                                        district of Riviere du Rempart for the public
   • Towards the South East by the axis of a            purpose of constructing a pumping station
     common and party road of three metres and          thereon under the Grand Baie Sewerage Project
     sixty six centimetres (3.66m) wide, a reserve      Phase IB.
     of one metre and fifty centimetres (1.50m)                           Description
     wide, in between, on twenty seven metres
     and one centimetre (27.01m)                           The said portion of land (PIN 1305212243,
                                                        PCR 20812/2017) of an extent of four hundred
   • Towards the South West by the axis of a            and twelve and fifty four hundredths square metres
     common and party road of three metres and          (412.54m2), is excised from a portion of land of an
     sixty six centimetres (3.66m) wide, a reserve      original extent of four thousand four hundred and
     of one metre and fifty centimetres (1.50m)         seventy four and twelve hundredths square metres
     wide, in between, on twenty one metres and         (4474.12m2) belonging to Heirs Beediandranuth
     eighty three centimetres (21.83 m)                 BULDAWO (Late Beediandranuth BULDAWO
                                                        born on 03.04.1941 and holder of a national
   • Towards the North West by the surplus of
                                                        identity card bearing number B030441080163 7)
     land on twenty four metres and eighty three
                                                        as evidenced by a deed transcribed in Volume
     centimetres (24.83m)                               TV 2397 No. 31 and as per an affidavit of
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn        succession transcribed in Volume TV 2484 No. 25,
up by Mr Parmananda APPADOO, Land Surveyor              which is bounded as follows:-
dated 04 January 2018.                                     • Towards the North West by the surplus of
                                                             land belonging to Heirs Beediandranuth
   The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000411) may be
                                                             BULDAWO on seventeen metres and eighty
inspected by the public at the Archives Office of
                                                             nine centimetres (17.89m).
the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,
Ebene, during office hours.                                • Towards the North East by the surplus of
                                                             land belonging to Heirs Beediandranuth
   Every interested person is required to give to            BULDAWO on twenty metres and twenty
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the          eight centimetres (20.28m).
1524       The Mauritius Government Gazette

   • Towards the South East by Vingt Pieds                                    Description
     Road (B45), a reserve of one metre and fifty             Portion No. 1 (Serial No. 1) of an approximate
     centimetres (1,50m) wide, in between, partly          extent of one thousand nine hundred square metres
     on a straight line measuring sixteen metres           (1900 m2) is to be excised from a portion of land
     and seventy eight centimetres (16.78m) and            being all that remains of six arpents and ninety nine
     partly on a developed length measuring ten            square perches (6A 99P) or twenty nine thousand
     metres and eleven centimetres (Dev 10.11m)            five hundred and three and eighty eight hundredths
     respectively.                                         square metres (29503.88 m2) belonging to Heirs
                                                           Dewoolall NAUGAH as evidenced by title deed
   • Towards the South West by Arimmo Avenue,
                                                           transcribed in Volume TV 462/290 and is bounded
     a reserve of one metre and fifty centimetres
                                                           as follows: -
     (1,50m) wide, in between, on thirteen metres
     and eighty one centimetres (13.81m)                     Towards the North East by Plaine Des Papayes
                                                           Road (Bll).
   The whole as more fully shown on a plan drawn
up by Mr Shyam Seenarain, Land Surveyor dated                Towards the South East by Vingt Pieds Road
21 December 2017.                                          (B45).
                                                              Towards the South West by the surplus of land.
   The plan (Reference ACQ/75/000406) may be
inspected by the public at the Archives Office of             Portion No. 2 (Serial No. 2) of an approximate
the Ministry of Housing and Lands, Ebene Tower,            extent of fifty square metres (50 m2) is to be excised
Ebene, during office hours.                                from a portion of land being all that remains of
                                                           three thousand nine hundred and ninety eight
   Every interested person is required to give to          square metres (3998 m2) belonging to SHELL
the Authorised Officer, within fourteen days of the        MAURITIUS LIMITED as evidenced by title
second publication of this Notice in Government            deed transcribed in Volume TV 4996/39 and is
Gazette, a written declaration of the nature of his        bounded as follows:-
interest in the land and the amount and details of
                                                              Towards the North by the surplus of land.
his claim for compensation.
                                                             Towards the South East by Vingt Pieds Road
                                  The Honourable           (B45).
                           Purmanund JHUGROO
                    Minister of Housing and Lands            Towards the South West by Plaine Des Papayes
                                     Ebene Tower,          Road (Bll).
                                            Ebene             Date: 05/04/2018
                                   Date:05/04/2018                                           The Honourable
                                                                                      Purmanund JHUGROO
                                                                               Minister of Housing and Lands
                                       First Publication                                        Ebene Tower,
General Notice No. 600 of 2018

                                                           General Notice No. 601 of 2018
          (Notice given under section 6)
                                                                 THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT
   Notice is hereby given that two (2) portions of
                                                                     (Notice given under section 8)
land situate at Grand Baie, in the district of Riviere
Du Rempart are likely to be acquired by the State of                         ADDENDUM
Mauritius for the public purpose of Improvement               In the Notice given under Section 8 of the Land
of Junction of Plaine Des Papayes Road (Bll)               Acquisition Act dated 13/07/2017 containing
and Vingt Pieds Road (B45) at Grand Baie.                  the description of a portion of land being Serial
14 April 2018      1525

No. 1 [PIN 1515240197] of an extent of 1263 m2           Security, National Solidarity, and Environment
compulsorily acquired by Government on behalf            and Sustainable Development (Environment
of the Airports of Mauritius Company Limited             and Sustainable Development Division) that an
[Business Registration No. C07019799] from               application for an EIA Licence has been submitted
Central Motors Limited [Business Registration            on 29 March 2018 under Section 18(1) of the Act
No. Cl0001596] situate at Plaine Magnien in the          for a scheduled undertaking and that the EIA report
district of Grand Port for the public purpose of         shall be opened for public inspection.
Airport Development, published in the Government
Gazette in its issues of 22/07/2017 and 05/08/2017       (a) The undertaking concerns the proposed
under General Notices No. 1005 of 2017 and                   Construction of Desalination Plant by
No. 1088 of 2017 respectively .and transcribed in            Central Electricity Board.
Volume TV 201709/001042 on 15/09/2017, there
                                                         (b) The location of the proposed undertaking is at
shall be added the following clause:
                                                             Pointe Monnier Power Station, Rodrigues.
   “With respect to the compulsory acquisition
                                                         (c) The report may be inspected during normal
by Government on behalf of the Airports
of Mauritius Limited from Central Motors                     office working hours (i.e. 08.45 to 12.00 hrs
Limited, should there be any claim arising out               and 12.30 hrs to 16.00 hrs) at the Resource
of the ownership of the land being the subject               Centre of the Department of Environment,
matter of the compulsory acquisition, owned by               Ground Floor, Ken Lee Tower, Cnr. Barracks
Central Motors Limited as per deed registered                and St. Georges Streets, Port Louis and at the
and transcribed in Volume TV 1137/192,                       Environment Unit, Rodrigues.
Government shall not be held liable or held
                                                            The report may also be inspected on the
responsible for any claim thereof. Any dispute
                                                            Ministry’s website at the following address:
arising out of compensation to be made to the
                                                            http://en vironment. govntu. ore
former owner should be thrashed out between
the former owner and the alleged owner”.                 (d) Public comments should be submitted in
  Date: 30/03/2018                                           writing to the Director of Environment on
                                                             20 April 2018 at latest. The envelope should
                               The Honourable
                                                             be marked “EIA comments”, on the top left
                         Purmanund JHUGROO
                                                             hand corner and addressed to:
                  Minister ofHousing and Lands
                                  Ebene Tower,              The EIA Desk
                                         Ebene              Department of Environment
                                                            Ministry of Social Security,
                                                            National Solidarity, and Environment
                           Second and Last Publication
                                                            and Sustainable Development
General Notice No. 602 of 2018                              (Environment and Sustainable Development
   MINISTRY OF SOCIAL SECURITY, NATIONAL                    Division)
     SOLIDARITY, AND ENVIRONMENT AND                        5th Floor, Ken Lee Tower
                                                            Cnr. Barracks and St. Georges Streets
           DEVELOPMENT DIVISION)                            Port Louis

  NOTICE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION                             Date: 3rd April 2018
         OF EIA REPORT
                                                                              Department of Environment
   Notice is hereby given under Section 20 of                                 Ministry of Social Security,
the Environment Protection Act 2002 by the                           National Solidarity, and Environment
Department of Environment, Ministry of Social                               and Sustainable Development
1526      The Mauritius Government Gazette

                                     First Publication       5th Floor, Ken Lee Tower
General Notice No. 603 of 2018                               Cnr. Barracks and St Georges Streets
                                                             Port Louis
  NATIONAL SOLIDARITY, AND ENVIRONMENT                       Date: 11 April 2018
      (ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                             Department of Environment
          DEVELOPMENT DIVISION)                                                Ministry of Social Security,
                                                                      National Solidarity, and Environment
   NOTICE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION                                              and Sustainable Development
          OF EIA REPORT

   Notice is hereby given under Section 20 of
                                                                                              First Publication
the Environment Protection Act 2002 by the
Department of Environment, Ministry of Social            General Notice No. 604 of 2018
Security, National Solidarity, and Environment                 MINISTRY OF SOCIAL SECURITY,
and Sustainable Development (Environment                  NATIONAL SOLIDARITY, AND ENVIRONMENT
and Sustainable Development Division) that an                 AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
application for an EIA Licence has been submitted             (ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE
                                                                  DEVELOPMENT DIVISION)
on 6 April 2018 under Section 18( 1) of the Act for
a scheduled undertaking and that the EIA report             NOTICE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION
shall be opened for public inspection.                             OF EIA REPORT
(a) The undertaking concerns the Proposed
                                                            Notice is hereby given under Section 20 of
    parcelling out of a plot of land of an extent
                                                         the Environment Protection Act 2002 by the
    of 4Ha 5982.90m2 into 84 lots for residential
                                                         Department of Environment, Ministry of Social
    purposes together with green spaces by
                                                         Security, National Solidarity, and Environment
    South West Safari Group Ltd
                                                         and Sustainable Development (Environment
(b) The location of the proposed undertaking is at       and Sustainable Development Division) that an
    La Gaulette in the District of Black River           application for an EIA Licence has been submitted
                                                         on 09 April 2018 under Section 18(1) of the Act
(c) The report may be inspected during normal            for a scheduled undertaking and that the EIA report
    office working hours (i.e. 08.45 to 12.00 hrs        shall be opened for public inspection.
    and 12.30 hrs to 16.00 hrs) at the Resource
    Centre of the Department of Environment,             (a) The undertaking concerns the Proposed
    Ground Floor, Ken Lee Tower, Cnr. Barracks               Smart City by Yihai Investment Ltd.
    and St. Georges Streets, Port Louis and at the       (b) The location of the proposed undertaking is at
    District Council of Black River                          Domaine Les Pailles, Pailles in the district
    The report may also be inspected on the                  of Port Louis.
    Ministry’s website at the following address:
                                                         (c) The report may be inspected during normal
    httn://en vironment. eovmu. ore
                                                             office working hours (i.e. 08.45 to 12.00 hrs
(d) Public comments should be submitted in                   and 12.30 hrs to 16.00 hrs) at the Resource
    writing to the Director of Environment on                Centre of the Department of Environment,
    30 April 2018 at latest. The envelope should             Ground Floor, Ken Lee Tower, Cnr. Barracks
    be marked “EIA comments”, on the top left                and St Georges Streets, Port Louis and at the
    hand corner and addressed to:                            City Council of Port Louis.
                                                             The report may also be inspected on the
   The EIA Desk
                                                             Ministry’s website at the following address:
   Department of Environment
                                                             htlp://environment. sovmu. ore
   Ministry of Social Security,
   National Solidarity, and Environment                  (d) Public comments should be submitted in
   and Sustainable Development                               writing to the Director of Environment on
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