The Mercury Retrograde in & 2018 - Robert Ohotto

Page created by Margaret Casey
The Mercury Retrograde in & 2018 - Robert Ohotto
Robert Ohotto
             Intuitive | Teacher | Counselor | Coach
             Life Strategist | Author | WebTV Show Host         
             HoloKompass Astrologer™

                     The Mercury Retrograde in

                               Webcast Event Guide
                            (November 16th – December 6th, 2018)

Intro to HoloKompass Astrology
    • What’s a Soul Contract?
    • What’s HoloKompass Astrology?

The Synchronicity of HoloKompass Astrology
Essentially HoloKompass Astrology is the art and science of intuiting and interpreting the
energetic archetypal cycles of life and your soul's schedule of unfolding into the world via those

All those planets out there in the heavens are mirrors for what's happening in us and act as
forces of above, so below. Thus, any planetary cycle that we observe in the
sky/Zodiac is also occurring within, because (as all mystics have said for ages) the ultimate
reality is that there is no separation from what's out there and what's within.

The gift of HoloKompass Astrology is born out of learning to work with the cosmic/archetypal
cycles of life consciously, as a co-creative act if you will. Thus, if you can learn to understand
the inherent function of a planetary astrological cycle, you can use that energy in a more
consciously empowered manner, and bring your timing/efforts more in line with Universal Will
and processes; which means more in line with your Soul. Said another way, you find your
Destiny’s Kompass!

That said, HoloKompass Astrology isn’t based on the idea that the Planets out there cause
anything to happen via electromagnetic force fields or gravitational influences – all which
science has proven isn’t possible. Nor is it based in any New Age superstition. HoloKompass
Astrology is centered in the truth that you have a Soul Agreement, which connects you to the
energetic creative evolutionary cycles of Planet Earth.

And these cycles are archetypally woven into the fabric of time and space as experienced in
our human lives. Furthermore, these cycles are trackable via the synchronicity of the planetary
movements that the ancients identified by projecting their intuitive and psychic understanding
of them onto the night sky. Thus, what makes HoloKompass Astrology work is the psycho-
spiritual law Carl Jung discovered: SYNCHRONICITY – Enough said!

   •   HoloKompass Astrology Re-envisioned
          o Global Grid of Energy on Planet Earth
               ▪ Archetypes, Astrology, Holism, and Understanding how Power moves on
                  the Grid of Life
          o Your Co-Creative Power on the Grid of Life
               ▪ Your Soul Contract with Scorpio & Sagittarius
               ▪ The Shadow Side of Scorpion and Sagittarius

How to Use this Guide

       -Guide to Exploring Dominant Activated Energies/Archetypes and Themes in Your Soul
               -Get a journal/make space in one
       -Firstly Astrological Language included, but not necessary
       -DO track dates and use them as a guide
       -Use to help you follow the dominant Archetypal Themes explored during the web event
               -Follow coaching/engage the questions!
       -Future Cast – how to use it!
       -Don’t go hide under the bed and wait for this cycle to be over
               -Soul Contracts and Cycles/Braces come off when teeth are straight!
       -Listen at least twice -- especially when the chaos and ‘Retrograde Blues’ hit!
       -There is Fate (how life happens to us) and Destiny (how we happen to life)!
       -MR always brings up something that’s unconscious in you that you need to see now –
       this audio series is the midwife of that.
       -Understanding what a ‘Plug-in’ is: A recommendation to go further into topics via
       another series/course I’ve done that will enhance the material covered in this series…

Mercury Retrograde

What is 'Mercury Retrograde' anyway? When Mercury is direct, which it is 80% of the year, we
can look to the sky and see the planet's motion going forward against the backdrop of the
Zodiac in the heavens. However, about every 3½ months the planet appears to start going
backward for about three weeks. I say "appears" because, in reality, it’s the orbit of the earth in
tandem with the planetary orbit of Mercury that makes the planet appear to move backwards,
though it is not really moving backwards. Nevertheless, this period of time is called Mercury

That said, what does Mercury Retrograde symbolize as a process within each of us? How
does it point our ego toward our soul's timing? How does it function as ‘Messenger of the

As a function of consciousness, Mercury represents our thinking and communicative
processes, the ways we access and use information, make decisions, pay attention to details,
and express ourselves. Perhaps most importantly, Mercury also symbolizes the way we
perceive reality via the mind.

Much of this gets reexamined during a Mercury Retrograde cycle via the astrological sign's
themes it's retrograde in (Scorpio/Sagittarius this time!). We are asked to retreat within and
reevaluate what serves our life with regards to the area Mercury has a message for us
symbolized by the sign(s) it’s in (Scorpio/Sagittarius), and what needs to be upgraded,
reworked, rethought, refined, and/or let go of in the ways that we think about and experience

If we resist this, then we invoke the "Trickster" side of Mercury contained in Mercury's
function. You all know this too well: miscommunications, missed flights, accidents, computer
and other tech breakdowns...need I go on?! All of these are designed to help you realize you're
not in control and that a deeper design is trying to emerge into your consciousness by putting
your ego-mind in the back seat for a time.

When Mercury is moving direct, our minds tend to work on a more functional/forward level. Our
energy is invested in more assertive decision-making and action with less retrospection and
reflection. However, we are unconsciously picking up on intuitive information, which will come
to call during the retrograde cycle for further integration.

There needs to be a time of rest and assimilation of all the information that we perceive
consciously and unconsciously - much like our need for sleep every day. And a time for our
inner wisdom to come forth and guide us to re-organize, rethink, reevaluate, redo, and reboot.
This is part of the organic, natural flow of life. Our culture, however, made up of schedules and
deadlines, doesn't often accommodate a cycle of introspective reflection and re-evaluation.
This is why this cycle can be so brutal for some of us.....especially those of us, like me, with a
thousand deadlines and agendas!

Even though Mercury is moving direct, it will eventually enter its retrograde zone (the degrees
of the astrological sign(s) it will retrograde back over) about two weeks before it goes
retrograde. This set up phase began back on October 28th, 2018.

Around that time signals from the environment would have begun alerting you towards inner
and outer situations that need some reflection and reevaluation - which for this retrograde will
be connected to themes of Scorpio & Sagittarius.

Take a moment and reflect on what was happening in your life starting around
October 28th, 2018 until now and how the themes have been shifting in your experience.

Mercury Retrograde and Your Soul Contract:
MR is always a disorganization phase that disorganizes the Ego (mind) so that it can re-
organize around the Highest Potential of your Soul Contract within the Flow Chart of the
World’s Destiny.

                    That said let’s look at the complete stats of this cycle…

                                     FUTURE SCAN
   Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio & Sagittarius November 16th – December 6th, 2018
                 (Find where this is happening in your Birth Chart)

           The Set Up Phase: Began October 28th, 2018 at 27 degrees Scorpio
        Mercury Stations Retrograde: November 16th, 2018 14 degrees Sagittarius
         The Midpoint of this Cycle: November 27th, 2018 at 5 degrees Sagittarius
        Mercury Stations Direct: December 6th, 2018 at degrees 27 degrees Scorpio
                                 (Integration Phase Begins!)
      Mercury Leaves Retrograde Zone December 24th, 2018 at 14 degrees Sagittarius

To Begin:
   • Mercury as Messenger of the Gods speaks on behalf of ALL the larger cycles!
   • All Cycles are connected in a Continuum – let’s catch up to now!
   • This Mercury Retrograde will feel like a ‘bridging time’ into new evolution and
     expressions of your potential

Cycles of Special Mention:
  • Venus Stations Direct in Libra for its Integration Phase on November 16 th (Plug-in:
      consider my Venus Retrograde in Libra/Scorpio Webcast Event)
  • Jupiter in Sagittarius (Plug-in: Consider my upcoming 2-Part Webcast Event on January
      5th & 6th, 2019)
  • Saturn in Capricorn (Plug-in: Consider this Web Series)

Please check out the Plug-ins for Venus Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra & Saturn/Pluto Capricorn
                            (Visit the Webstore on

      All MR’s occurring in 2018 were in Fire Signs, some moving back into Water in
                      preparation for 2019 the Mercury Retrogrades!
 Fire deals with the WHY of where we are in our lives & prepares us for the Water ‘how do we
                            feel’ about where we are in our lives.
          Our emotional blocks, challenges, and growth will take center stage in 2019

Retrograde cycles always bring up what’s ‘unconscious’ in you…you could consider this series
  to be like your own intuitive reading with me – or me guiding you to clearly ‘read’ yourself!

Questions to ask yourself at this Mercury Retrograde Crossroads:
 What Archetypes/Pattern have been messing you up and keeping you stuck (Survival Archetypes of
                           Adaptation relative to Scorpio/Sagittarius)?
   What new Archetypes (of Scorpio/Sagittarius Destiny) can create something new in your Life?

              Primary Themes of this Mercury Retrograde in
                         Scorpio & Sagittarius

Pause and track back to October 28th, 2018 – What’s been going on in Your Life that feels
like a theme? Write about it in your journal!
        Before we jump in, keep in mind…
           • Set up phase brings situations that are Scorpio/Sagittarius themes in context to
              the NOW
           • MR always brings up something that’s unconscious, without exception
           • MR are a disorganizing phase that is necessary so that Life can recalibrate you
              back to more holism
           • Breaking up of old patterns related to Scorpio & Sagittarius Archetypes…
           • So many possibilities of how this can manifest for folks, I can’t address them all…

   •   The Scorpio Archetype
         o Scorpio, The Victim, the Shadow of the Human Psyche, and The Alchemist
         o The Emotional, Psychic, & Psychological Territory of Shared Resources
               ▪ The Four Alchemical Stages of Scorpio
                      • The Scorpion
                      • The Snake
                      • The Eagle
                      • The Phoenix

•   The Sagittarius Archetype
          o Sagittarius, The Seeker, and God/The Divine
          o The Anatomy of Truth
                 ▪ Personal
                        • Objective (Facts) / Subjective (Beliefs)
                 ▪ Relative
                 ▪ Soul Contract
                 ▪ Universal
                 ▪ Mystical

•   Here’s the set-up leading to the midpoint on November 27th, 2018:
       • Life will direct you to take a dive into the unconscious half of yourself to become
          aware of new emerging holistic potential that is locked into a Scorpio & Sagittarius

        •   This Webcast Event is to serve that diving deep via the themes I’m going to address
            and coach you through.

        •   Mid-point occurs when Mercury aligns to the Sun in the sky (conjuncts) at 5º
            Sagittarius and symbolizes a union with the Ego Mind & Soul. This is a holographic
            revelation of possibilities based your power and place in the entire holographic field
            of Life. This revelation factors into account all the other co-creative influences alive
            and well in the World.

        •   The Scorpio-Sagittarius Process offered in this Webcast Event is to guide you on
            where you have power, where you don’t, and how you can shift into an optimal
            alignment with your Optimal Potential as a co-creator in relationship to Life.

        •   Personally, this means that you should be attentive to the Mercury Retrograde
            themes that are now more obvious to you in your life, as they will reach a crescendo
            by November 27th, 2018 when the midpoint of the cycle occurs.

              o What I’ve been tracking the past month that has led to this shift…
                     ▪ Venus Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra
                     ▪ The Jupiter moving into Sagittarius process transmutes its energy into
                         a values shift for Venus Retrograde
                     ▪ Will you go to the next level in how you connect with yourself and
                     ▪ What is the next level?
                     ▪ Requires a reorganization of your mental patterns in the
                         Scorpio/Sagittarius way you think and perceive your life
                     ▪ Reorganization first requires dis-organization – re-integration requires
    Guided Meditation: What’s been happening in your Life the past few weeks as a trigger/theme?
                       Guided Meditation: First experience of being victimized


             An Archetypal Inventory of Your Powerlessness & Power –
                  Establishing the Alchemical & Technical Terms

•   What is Powerlessness?
       o Lack of ability or capacity to control, influence, or have power. Unable to produce
          or create an effect, devoid of strength or resources, lacking power to act. A state
          of self-disconnection…
              ▪ Where are you Powerless?
•   What is Power?
       o The ability or capacity to control, influence, or act in a particular way via
          conscious choice. The ability or capacity to influence the behavior of oneself,
          others, and/or the course of events. Empowered by self-possession and
          authority. A state of self-connection…
              ▪ Where are you Powerful?
•   What does it mean to Self-Connect?
       o To establish and engage an unconditional Soulful rapport with your Power, Soul-
          Esteem/Value, & Intuitive System
•   What does it mean to Self-Disconnect?
       o To lose a Soulful connection with and access to your Power, Soul-Esteem/Value,
          & Intuitive System
•   Survival Archetypes of Adaption
       o Patterns your Subconscious Mind adapted/recruited, most often times during
          Childhood, to help you manage threats to your safety, security, esteem, and
          survival (not a conscious process)…
              ▪ One such Archetype is The Victim
•   Archetypes of Destiny
       o Developmental Patterns/Creative Forces you are destined to evolve into new
          power, esteem, self-connection, and potential with (can be both
              ▪ One such Archetype is The Co-Creator
•   Self-Connection/Disconnection, Relationships, and Your Power of Choice
       o Understanding how your Core Connection to Yourself works
              ▪ Whom we meet in Life reflects to us our quality of Self-Connection and
                  often a need for new integration, balance, and approach to Self-
                      • Look at who’s in your Life, what are they showing your about

•   How do they invite you to disconnect from yourself?
                           o Identify how you disconnect and self-abandon:
                                  ▪ addiction
                                  ▪ codependency
                                  ▪ perfectionism
                                  ▪ blame others
                                  ▪ denial
                                  ▪ mismanage finances
                                  ▪ self-sabotage
                                  ▪ victim archetype as identity

              ▪   What Self-Connection actually means…
                    • Unconditional presence with YOURSELF
                            o Holographic Presence = ALL of you gets to be here!
                    • An Archetypal Ally of Self-Connection: The Alchemist…

       o What is Victimization?
           ▪ An experience of violation, shame, being controlled, harmed, abused,
               wounded, or losing one’s life. To be made a Victim…

        Guided Meditation Reference: First experience of being victimized

       o What is the Victim Archetype?
           ▪ An Archetypal Pattern (of Survival Adaptation) in which one experiences
               victimization, and then in turn subconsciously anticipates that the
               victimization will occur again. Thus, the subconscious then adapts
               strategies, one of which is to recruit other Archetypes, to protect you. This
               establishes a false survival based sense in being a Victim, thus overtime
               the Victim Archetype becomes a significant part of one’s identity.
                   • Language of this Pattern: Should/Shouldn’t – Fair/Unfair –
                       Right/Wrong – Acceptable/Unacceptable; Adjectives of Identity…
                       shamed, betrayed, abandoned, wounded, etc…
       o The Victim Archetype, False Power, and Cultural Justice
           ▪ We are taught that there is power in being Victims
                   • Litigious Societies, Politicians, & YOU

•   The Three Part Victim Loop
      o The Victim Loop Part I: In this Pattern/Loop, fueled by shame and having
          experienced victimization, one subconsciously believes that others, Life, and God
          will victimize them again. There is a fundamental belief that whatever Life throws
          at you, you can’t take care of yourself and Life is always out to get you because
          you are worthless and deserve it…

o The Victim Loop Part II: You don’t feel worthy real Power so you opt for the
         Victim’s Power which is found in blame, vindication (winning a lawsuit, etc),
         shaming others, pity, and shadow ways to manipulate and control others. Power
         is thus found in the Victim identity itself which sets you up to subconsciously seek
         out more Victimizing experiences to stay ‘empowered’!

       o The Victim Loop Part III: A ‘Victim Esteem System’ is activated and cultivated,
         and if you are not vindicated via recompense - your shame deepens a sense of
         powerlessness. And in misinterpreting the Laws of Karma, you now feel that
         you’re being punished by a God that doesn’t love you as God’s love is defined by
         whether you are victimized or not…and yet it’s only ‘God’ that can get you out of
         this Loop! The only way out of this Loop is a Divine Intervention in the form of a
         Dark Night Journey…which leads to redefining God outside of

      The Victim Archetype will project your Personal Power (the Power actually do
    have over what you can control) onto your ‘Higher Power/God’, and in turn guide
     you to claim Powerlessness – Thereby never owning the Power you do have to
          change your Life, while feeling as if The Gods don’t have your back!
                 And this will send you right back into the Victim Loop…

•   The Powerless Victim Archetypal Team
      o The Child
      o The Victim
      o The Codependent
      o Shame
      o The Perfectionist
      o The Narcissist
      o The Shadow Judge
      o The Unrequited Lover
      o The Bully
      o The Stuck Rebel
      o The Saboteur (name how you sabotage yourself via other Archetypes)
      o The Addict
      o The Liar
      o The Seeker (Redirected)

•   Dark Night of The Powerless Victim Crew

                  ▪   Your Darkness: Wounded Victim Esteem, Dark Beliefs about God,
                      Archetypes of Survival Adaption that Sabotage You,
                         • All of this is connected to your Past!
                  ▪   Truth: Soul-Esteem, Soul Contract Truth, Karmic Truths, Fate/Destiny
                      Truths, Mystical Truths
                         • Spirituality & Your Victim
                                o The Victim Archetype will project your Personal Power
                                    (what you can control) onto God/Higher Power and in
                                    turn claim a false powerlessness – thereby never owning
                                    the power you actually have!!!

 •   Your Powerless Victim Archetypal Transition Team
           o The Alchemist
           o The Wounded Healer
           o The Truth Teller
           o The Mystic
           o The Guide
                ▪ (The Therapist)

 •   The New   ‘Co-Creator’ Power Crew
          o    The Shaman
          o    The Mystical Victim
          o    The Mystical Parents
          o    The Mystic
          o    The Truth Teller
          o    The Spiritually Mature Adult
          o    The Alchemist
          o    The Co-Creator

                             Closing Guided Meditation:

How can you use your Victim Experiences to build a deepening into your Spirituality
                 and Trust with Energetic World & Divine Plan?

How can Life Triggering you give you a chance to build deeper Trust with God, Your
                        Angels, and Your Guidance Team?

Final Thoughts & Timing and Tracking Your Mercury Retrograde Message
    The mid-point of this Mercury Retrograde will be on November 27th, 2018 at 5 degrees

 REMEMBER: MR is always a disorganization phase that disorganizes the Ego (mind) so that it
can re-organize around the Highest Potential of your Soul Contract within the Flow Chart of the
                                      World’s Destiny.

    All the Themes and Archetypes covered will culminate around the Mid-Point into your
                              Mercury Retrograde Message!

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Sagittarius Questions for Reflection
             How do you relate to the Victim, Mystic, and Co-Creator Archetypes?

   How are others in your Life mirroring you in terms of how you connect to/disconnect from
                            yourself – who is showing you to you?

 Who in your Life helps activate and keep alive your Victim Crew - Where and how have you
                        made your Victimization part of your Identity?

Who in your life functions as force on your ‘Transition Team’ from Victim to Co-Creator Crew?

Who has seen your Shadow and is still around – have you ever considered how valuable and
                                unconditional that is?

Do you still define yourself in relationship to violation, trauma, and/or victimization and consider
                                         that empowerment?

 What invites you everyday to empower yourself as a Victim – Do you feel worth of Personal

What are your Archetypal Allies of Self-Connection (the patterns that make you feel connected
                             to yourself in an empowered way)?

 Do you do transformational work on yourself so you can finally be ‘enough’ – what does that
                                        look like?

Referencing the first Guided Meditation: What was your first experience of Victimization – how
                           has that impacted and shaped your Life?

 What can trigger you into your Victim – what does that feel like – how do you shift out of your
                                      Victim afterwards?

   Have you ever doubled-down on something via your Victim, even though you were in the
                   wrong – did you eventually take responsibility for that?

Are you addicted to the shadow power of the Victim Crew – what ways do you use this power
                                      in your Life?

  When it comes to Politics or World Issues, what role does your Victim play – whom does it
cause you to vote for – does it cause you not to vote at all and engage in ‘perfectionist politics’
                    looking for perfect candidates instead of optimal ones?

 Can you meet what happens to you in your Life as a Co-Creator - Can you identify the ways
               you have unconsciously sought out victimizing experiences?

  Which Child would you name on your Victim Crew (answer this via your victim experiences
                                   from Childhood)?


                     Name All the Archetypes on your Victim Crew
                         (Don’t Use Your Liar to Answer this!)

                   Name your Darkness – What is Dark About You?

              Name How Your Victim Esteem System & How it Operates

                 Identify Your Victim Loop & How You Stay Stuck in It!

                                    Name Your Truth
  (Soul-Esteem, Soul Contract Truth, Karmic Truths, Fate/Destiny Truths, Mystical Truths)

               Name All the Archetypes on your Co-Creator Power Crew
                         (Use Your Truth-Teller to Answer this!)

              What’s Your Mercury Retrograde Message?
           (Around November 27th sit down with your Journal and evaluate what your
                            Mercury Retrograde Message is!)

            The Counter-Cultural Nature of Mercury Retrogrades

                                 Integration Phase
                     December 6th – December 24th, 2018
Now must take all that has become conscious during the Mercury Retrograde in
            Scorpio-Sagittarius and integrate that into your Life!
                           Take it all to the Streets!

You can also read