Page created by Neil Terry

                          AROUND THE WORLD

                          WITH COFFEE FESTIVALS

                          PERFORMING ESPRESSO:

                          WITH MICROSOFT
                     4    COVER STORY
                          Rancilio Group Deutschland:
                          From weikersheim to frankfurt for a wider-reaching,
                          more incisive presence.

                     10   COFFEEING THE WORLD
                          Rancilio Group Deutschland heads to Hamburg for INTERNORGA
                          The Extraction Lab on show at the coffee festivals
                          Espresso scales the academic heights
                          Inauguration of the Baristo Coffee University of Sofia
                          The ultimate coffee challenge at the Trismoka Challenge
                          Pizza and coffee, stars of the UK show
                          It’s off to Vietnam for FOOD&HOTEL
                          Coffee training and analysis in seattle

                     32   PERFORMING ESPRESSO
                          Innovative synergies between Microsoft and Rancilio Group
                          Inside coffee: the chemistry of the bean

                     38   THINK SOCIAL
                          Buffalo and Fairleigh Dickinson University in-house
                          8 March celebrating international Women’s Day
                          Rancilio Group and Treedom reforest three areas in Africa

“In the morning, black coffee smells
like the sky of the late-night.”
Fabrizio Caramagna

From left to right: Andrea Mascetti (Commercial Director at Rancilio Group), Christoph Ratajczak (Key Account Manager
at Rancilio Group Deutschland), Simona Sordelli (Head of Marketing & Communication at Rancilio Group), Noemy Tolar
(Head of Backoffice at Rancilio Group Deutschland), Roberta Papini (Consultant at Rancilio Group Deutschland), Alisa
Lang (Leiterin Innendienst / Marketing at Rancilio Group Deutschland), Patrice Wiedemann (General Director at Rancilio
Group Deutschland) and Giorgio Rancilio (President & CEO at Rancilio Group).

Founded in 2002 in Weikersheim as the Germany-based                      plans covering different business scenarios, this can only     their specialist skills and know-how to bear to maximise   years of experience in the coffee industry behind him,
subsidiary of the Swiss brand Egro, Rancilio Group                       mean that the full range of products will be marketed          the performance of the whole team. For Rancilio Group,     the last four years as National Key Account Manager
Deutschland has also been handling sales of the Rancilio                 with a top-quality service and in total safety. This will in   being close to customers and understanding their           at the German subsidiary of Lavazza and before that at
range in both Germany and Austria ever since 2008.                       turn ensure that the Rancilio and Egro brands continue         problems, a complete product range of unquestioned         Tchibo Coffee Service.
The main goal of the subsidiary is to make the approach                  to expand and maintain their hallmarks of efficiency,          excellence, a first rate professional service and proven
to our equipment simple and effective. The new offices                   quality and professional standards. In order to keep           reliability are the keynotes for long-lasting success in   How did you feel about taking on the
in Neu-Isenburg located close to the international                       riding the wave of innovation, anticipate the needs of         both the present and future.                               management of the German subsidiary?
airport of Frankfurt am Main, one of the world’s busiest                 users and spread the culture of coffee ever wider, what        We are delighted to present Patrice Wiedemann,
hubs, opened in February. Home to a team of technical                    is needed is the ongoing commitment of those people            appointed a few months ago as the new General              PW: A new business challenge with great opportunities
experts and professionals with precisely targeted action                 who can make the difference, individuals who can bring         Manager of Rancilio Group Deutschland, with nearly ten     to growth and make known what Rancilio and Egro are

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                                                                                                                                              On the top: great enthusiasm from our partners during the opening of the new office in Frankfurt.
                                                                                                                                              On the bottom: a picture of the showroom of Rancilio Group Deutschland bron with the aim to welcome Rancilio and Egro product ranges.

In the middle Giorgio Rancilio (President & CEO at Rancilio Group) and on the right Andrea Mascetti (Commercial Director at Rancilio Group)
during the opening in Frankfurt.

able to offer. A change that stimulates the mind and                   of its functioning. The experience of the working space
helps to explore new environments. For sure it will lead               has become extremely functional to give a new shape
to several benefits not only to specific attitudes but to              to project work. A challenging and welcoming place
the entire cultural baggage of each one. As result, the                where skills and relationships are intertwined. A choice
working atmosphere will necessary take advantages.                     of renovation that fits in an important route signed by
                                                                       Rancilio Group for a more pronounced presence into a
What projects will you be working on in the                            market with an extremely strategical role as the German
coming months?                                                         one.

PW: The aim is to increase the brand awareness of                      What will change or has already changed with
Rancilio and Egro inside the German market thanks                      your arrival?
to a concrete and tangible approach with our clients
always focused on customer satisfaction and experience                 PW: The real cornerstone of uniqueness and
optimization. The opening of the new office in Frankfurt               competitive advantage will be our people and their
has been the key goal of a growth path since the first day             personal skills. A new team that comes from different

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7

but complementary experiences and backgrounds.                          most of their life and deploy their best energies. It is the
Satisfied employees, active and involved, in a perfect                  place where everyone finds expression, learns to work
sync with the company’s strategies, who bring value                     together and creates innovation. Work is an important
to the business. There is no doubt that with the right                  part of our life and if it is in line with our values, it adds
level of engagement, qualification and organisational                   significance and value.
analysis, the human capital will contribute in a decisive
manner to increase our competitiveness in Germany
and abroad.

Finally, would you like to add any personal

PW: Work is the place where most of people spend

On the side. From left to right: Murat Güzel and Suat Güzel of MJ Kaffeemaschinen, Andrea Mascetti (Commercial Director at Rancilio
Group), Giorgio Rancilio (President & CEO at Rancilio Group), Silvia Nebuloni (Human Resources Director at Rancilio Group) and Simona
Sordelli (Head of Marketing & Communication at Rancilio Group).

From left to right: Giorgio Rancilio (Presidente & CEO at Rancilio Group), Roberta Papini (Consultant at Rancilio Group Deutschland) and
Patrice Wiedemann (General Director at Rancilio Group Deutschland) with his wife.

8                                                                                                                                          9

From 17 to 21 March the Hamburg exhibition centre                      subsidiary Rancilio Group Deutschland. In Europe’s
hosted the INTERNORGA trade fair, Germany’s                            second most important port city, Rancilio has
leading international showcase for the food and drink                  consistently shown itself to be a stable, reliable
industry. The 2017 show was a tremendous success                       company offering a varied range of innovative
with 1,300 exhibitors and 96,000 visitors.                             products. How? By presenting our range of products
Once again this year Rancilio Group took part in                       both on our own stand and at the numerous side events
the Hamburg event represented by their German                          organised for the occasion.

                                                                                                                               From left to right: Giorgio Rancilio (President & CEO at Rancilio Group), Patrice Wiedemann (General Director at Rancilio Group
                                                                                                                               Deutschland) and Andrea Mascetti (Commercial Director at Rancilio Group).

                                                                                                                               INTERNORGA undoubtedly offers a unique                                  such high-tech products from Rancilio Group as the
                                                                                                                               opportunity to display and demonstrate, on an                           Rancilio Classe 11 and Egro BYO. The Rancilio Classe
                                                                                                                               international scale, how technical expertise and                        11 machine makes it possible to navigate the display
                                                                                                                               passion come together to produce professional coffee                    in no time at all, its intuitive menus and instantly
                                                                                                                               machines. Equipment that exudes excellence, the                         recognisable icons designed to deliver real-time
                                                                                                                               perfect marriage of that unmistakably Italian flair                     feedback on the operating status of the machine. The
                                                                                                                               with Swiss fully-automatic technology for preparing                     fully-automatic Egro BYO, on the other hand, enables
                                                                                                                               espresso coffee.                                                        users to interact remotely with the machine using their
                                                                                                                               For this edition of the show, Rancilio Group                            own device, such as a tablet or smartphone, adapting
                                                                                                                               Deutschland equipped a space specially designed to                      the screen size and mode of interaction to users’ needs.
                                                                                                                               showcase all the research and development of the
                                                                                                                               Rancilio and Egro LAB high-tech hubs to perfection.
                                                                                                                               Visitors to INTERNORGA were presented with

Classe 11 Xcelsius was one of the main protagonist at INTERNORGA thanks to high-quality espresso beverages.

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Authentic celebrations of coffee taking place in some of     London and Pontevedra have become emblematic of
the most fascinating cities on the world map of espresso.    this culture that tells the story of a drink that is now
This sums up what the Coffee Festivals have come to          also renowned for its aromas and natural beneficial
mean in recent years, carving out an ever growing space      properties.
on the international trade fair scene, and that’s not all.   Often associated with a healthy lifestyle, coffee is now
Thinking about anything to do with coffee is enough          seen in an even more glowing light. Going for a coffee
to make you happy. From tastings for all palates to          is no longer about just quenching your thirst, having a
demonstrations by the world’s most famous baristas,          coffee is now the height of cool.
from interactive workshops to live music, from               The Coffee Festivals focus on the whole culture of the
appearances by top DJs to art and design exhibitions.        product, telling its story and sharing a common passion,
In the UK and Spain, coffee is extremely popular and         getting together to celebrate and learn all about a good
now taken so much more seriously that the cities of          cup of coffee.

                                                                                                                        On the top: To prepare a perfect cappuccino, it is important to start with the right ingredients and use only professional equipment. On the left:
                                                                                                                        Nicolás Castagno 2013 World Brewers Cup Champion with Classe 11 Xcelsius for the espresso temperature profiling.

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In both London and Pontevedra we presented our new           flavours and sensory experiences while tasting the
concept stand. The experiential factor now plays a key       espresso.
role in setting up our exhibition space. We have chosen      British and Spanish consumers are increasingly aware
extraction as the leitmotif for our displays. This crucial   of the origin of the product and it could be said that
phase in the preparation of a high-quality coffee has lent   the most highly-prized botanical varieties now have
its name to The Extraction LAB, created to showcase          something approaching the concept of a terroir. As with
the potential of Xcelsius technology for espresso            the finest wines, this encapsulates the particular mix of
temperature profiling.                                       soil properties, altitude, quantity of rain and humidity,
We have been able to offer visitors the opportunity to       not to mention the influence of temperature fluctuations,
interact with roasters, both large- and small-scale, who     all of which contribute to the aroma and taste of the
demonstrated the Xcelsius system, available on our           end product. In other words, what applies to bunches of
Rancilio Classe 11 and Classe 9 coffee machines. This        grapes also applies to coffee beans.
enables the extraction temperature to be set either high     Because coffee travels so far before arriving in our cups,
or low, thus enhancing certain in-cup sensory properties     the quality of the raw material is of prime importance,
which differ from one another, delivering distinctive        but that’s not all. Making coffee requires know-how and

                                                                                                                          Axel Simón (on the left) 2017 Spanish Barista Champion with Rancilio Group team at the Spain Coffee Festival in Pontevedra.
                                                                                                                          Daniele Ricci is the winner of Trismoka Challenge 2017.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      15
major cities like Madrid or Barcelona, how likely are       For his signature drink, Axel Simón, Spanish
                                                                                                                              we to be served, in percentage terms, a professionally      Barista Champion 2017, was inspired by Tigray, the
                                                                                                                              brewed coffee?                                              northernmost region of Ethiopia. This area is famous
                                                                                                                              The percentage has definitely been rising in recent         for its delicately flavoured white honey, which is not too
                                                                                                                              years. Specialty coffee is catching on ever more in Spain   sweet and which has a persistent after-taste, and for its
                                                                                                                              too. This is a new world created by baristas and their      vast acres of strawberries. Ça c’est l’Afrique!
                                                                                                                              professional development, through major investment          Willy Gonzalez, Spanish Coffee in Good Spirits
                                                                                                                              in their training and a burning passion for coffee and      Champion 2017, showed us how creativity is one of
                                                                                                                              everything associated with that beverage. Today, just       the essential tricks of the trade in this in this field.
                                                                                                                              ordering “a coffee” makes no sense because coffee is        The winning formula is the product of a touch of
                                                                                                                              not the actual drink, rather it is the raw material, the    originality, the competitive spirit and the courage to
                                                                                                                              plant and its fruits and seeds, and because coffee is not   be bold. The ingredients must all be easily identifiable
                                                                                                                              synonymous with espresso which is just one of many          and recognisable. Customers must have their curiosity
                                                                                                                              possible methods used for brewing coffee. We would          roused without being faced with problems. Among the
                                                                                                                              like to thank Miguel for his valuable contribution and      advantages of espresso are its full body, much fuller
                                                                                                                              we will now tell you more about Pontevedra. The Spain       than filter coffee and, of course, its foam. This makes it
                                                                                                                              Coffee Festival played host to the national coffee-making   possible to play with its consistency, creating smooth,
                                                                                                                              championships for the following disciplines: Barista,       velvety drinks.
                                                                                                                              Latte Art, Coffee in Good Spirits and Cup Tasting.
                                                                                                                              Classe 11 was the official machine supporting the
                                                                                                                              contenders for the Spanish title in the Barista and Good
                                                                                                                              Spirits rounds. Determination, perseverance and the
                                                                                                                              competitive spirit are the personality traits of the two

skills. It goes without saying that an agricultural product    receiving knowledge and inspiration. You learn to work
like coffee reflects the nature of the territory on which it   methodically and with tenacity but, above all, you come
is grown, as well as its climatic and seasonal conditions.     to understand that the real victory is the experience of
We talked about this with Miguel Lamora Bárcena,               taking part. Taking part in competitions can also be a
National Coordinator of SCA España (the Spanish                life-changing opportunity for baristas, particularly if they
branch of the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe) at      become national champions or achieve top-three world
the Pontevedra Coffee Festival.                                ranking. This is a calling in which performance is based
Does the world of coffee also need a figure like the           on professional standards, study, research and training.
sommelier?                                                     The World Barista Championship is the leading contest
Yes, absolutely. We are talking of people with a profound      organised every year by World Coffee Events. The aim of
knowledge of the raw material, its processing methods          the competition is to promote excellence in the world of
and the vocabulary used to perform a sensory analysis          coffee, highlighting the professional skills of the barista.
of the product that is espresso. This new type of expert       Every year, champions from over 50 countries are
is essential for a market in constant evolution, given         given 15 minutes to prepare 4 espressos, 4 cappuccinos
the enormous effort put in by roasters into providing a        (or more precisely, according to the latest rule, drinks
consistent guarantee of quality.                               based on coffee and milk) and 4 signature personalised
How would you advise a barista wanting to take part in,        non-alcoholic drinks. An international panel of judges
for example, the SCA championship circuit?                     assesses each performance in terms of the taste of
Competing is first and foremost a thrilling experience.        the drink served up, plus cleanliness, technical skills,
It enables you to put yourself to the test, to meet and        creativity and overall presentation.
compare notes with other professionals, both giving and        In your opinion, if we visit a coffee bar in one of the

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                      On 28 February and 1 March 2017 Rancilio Group                knowledge of the ingredients and the equipment, how to
                      played host to a training course for the perfect              carry out all the right procedures and have access to the
                      cappuccino organised by the Coffee University of Trieste      secrets known only to the most expert baristas.

                      at the Italian Training Centre. The Coffee University         We had a meeting with Moreno Faina, Director of
                      associated with the Illy coffee brand is a centre of          the Coffee University of Trieste and had an enjoyable
                      excellence that began life in 1999 to promote and             conversation with him covering all the many aspects of

                      spread the culture of high quality coffee and provide         coffee.
                      a complete range of training courses in the restaurant
                      and hospitality industry. The Rancilio Group Training         When and how did the University of Coffee
                      Centre played its part in unveiling the secrets and           come into being?
                      expertise needed to transform the marriage of milk and        It was born of an idea of Ernesto Illy, the son of
                      coffee into sheer magic. All the tricks of the trade needed   Francesco, the founder of the coffee company. It started
                      to recognise and create the perfect cappuccino, from the      off in Naples in 1999 then, in 2002 we moved to Trieste,
                      choice of milk to the right techniques for obtaining a        at the Illycaffè HQ. Taking our courses here creates a
                      sublime espresso with a thick foam, all put together with     unique emotional involvement.
                      the utmost skill.
                      The learning programme started with the theory of             Is it really a proper university?
                      espresso coffee, the properties of the different types        To be precise it is a corporate university. We place all
                      of milk and the emulsion, the equipment essential for         our knowledge at the service of everyone: people who
                      preparing cappuccino, such as jugs and spouts. The            are mad about coffee, the merely curious, connoisseurs
                      practical session put learners to the test of making a        and coffee professionals. There are some sweeter
                      cappuccino that was a true pièce de résistance. Knowing       coffees, others more bitter, astringent, woody or fruity.
                      how to make a cappuccino is nothing short of an art,          In some you can taste notes of chocolate, others have
                      needing not only talent and passion, but also technical       aromas of toasted bread or cereals like barley and malt.

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Rancilio Group always tries to get involved whenever        also aim to open the way to learning about and tasting
professional standards in the coffee industry are on the    coffee in order to ensure that the drinks produced
agenda and in training courses aimed at spreading the       are always perfect thus guaranteeing customers a
culture of this black gold the world over.                  marvellous sensory experience.
This led the company, on 21 March, to support our           Stoyko Petkov, promoter of the Baristo Coffee
Bulgarian partner in opening the coffee university          University of Sofia, told us how this new building will
in Sofia, the first of its kind in the country. A project   be a state-of-the-art training centre for promoting the
born of the partnership with the Italian Barista School     culture of espresso in Bulgaria. The courses are aimed
founded by Carlo Odello, our much-valued friend and         at both professional baristas and those coffee-lovers
advisor to the International Institute of Coffee Tasters    wishing to learn the secrets of espresso, cappuccino
and director of the Tasters’ Study Centre, with the         and other coffee-based specialities, aided by the
aim of offering training courses in preparing espresso,     knowledge of experts and by classrooms equipped with
cappuccino and other coffee-based drinks. The courses       technology and equipment bearing the Rancilio brand.

20                                                                                                                    21


The Trismoka Challenge is one of the main gateways        Ho.Re.Ca industry. Once again Rancilio Group has put
to the national finals of the Campionato Italiano         our latest machines at the competition’s service. The
Baristi Caffetteria (SCA) (Italian Coffee Barista         provincial finals for the Italian provinces of Brescia
Championship) held in January during the Sigep trade      and Bergamo took place this year at the exhibition
fair in Rimini, which in turn grants direct access to     centre Centro Fiera del Garda di Montichiari during
the WBC (World Barista Championship) this year to         the Golositalia&Aliment trade fair, on a special stand
be held in Seoul in South Korea in November. For the      designed by our partner to welcome contenders for the
seventh year running Rancilio Group is the official       title from 25 to 27 February.
sponsor of the competition organised by the coffee        The event featured 12 contenders, 6 students from
roasters Trismoka, based on the banks of Lake Iseo, the   local catering schools and 6 professional baristas
firm that for over 50 years has worked with enthusiasm    selected at the beginning of the year after a preliminary
and passion to offer the very best coffee to the entire   contest testing entrants on the preparation of coffee,

                                                                                                                      Daniele Ricci is the winner of Trismoka Challenge 2017.

                                                                                                                      cappuccino and espresso-based drinks. The vital piece      covering the event, saying: “Of course it was a
                                                                                                                      of equipment needed for the competition was our            competition but in a spirit of true friendship and
                                                                                                                      professional machine.                                      mutual participation. As before, this edition of the
                                                                                                                      For the third year running Daniele Ricci was awarded       Trismoka Challenge ended with the entrants hugging
                                                                                                                      the title of Best Barista 2017 for the Italian provinces   and praising each other. An experience, first of
                                                                                                                      of Bergamo and Brescia. At the end of the contest          foremost, of learning and growth”.
                                                                                                                      the nineteen-year-old addressed the press reporters

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  23

It is consumed in big cities, as a snack on the go,      During our stay in London for the Coffee Festival, we
but also for a quick lunch or dinner. It is one of the   had the pleasure of visiting the Strand branch, in the
most popular foods in the UK. It is a cross-over         street connecting Trafalgar Square with Fleet Street,
food, bringing everyone together, loved by kids and      and the West End with the City of London.
grown-ups alike and, above all, it lends itself to       There we met Wayne Penfold, Procurement Manager
experimentation. We are of course taking about the       of Pizza Hut UK, who told us how coffee is an essential
much-loved pizza, also made popular in the UK by         item on the menu offered by the chain. Coffee
Pizza Hut, the American catering chain famous the        undoubtedly plays a huge part in a dinner or a convivial
world over with its 15,000 restaurants, the first of     get-together. This is particularly true of pizza restaurants
which opened in 1958. In the UK, Pizza Hut boasts a      where only too often a good quality meal ends with a
portfolio of over 700 restaurants shrewdly located in    coffee that is less than perfect, leaving customers with a
the main city centres.                                   rather strange bitter taste in the mouth.

The bar at Pizza Hut UK store, Strand - London.

24                                                                                                                      25

According to the Financial Times, the number of UK pubs
and fast-food outlets serving coffee is set to rise from the
current 18,000 to 21,000 by 2020. It would seem that
coffee is becoming a really serious business in the UK.
Wayne Penfold told us how, after talking to Bryan Unkles
last year, the Managing Director of Cafeology, one of the
official UK Rancilio distributors, he decided to introduce
Classe 9, Classe 7 and Classe 5 machines into UK Pizza Hut
restaurants. Rancilio equipment has proven to be reliable,
high-performance, in step with the times and, first and
foremost, capable of meeting the needs of both the staff
and customers of Pizza Hut UK.
Preparing and serving top quality coffee requires
uncommon mastery, a blend of art, science and perfect
service. Pizza Hut too wishes to present itself as a place in
which coffee is given all the respect, care and attention it
At the Strand branch, we also had the opportunity to test
in person how Pizza Hut has changed its image in recent
years, focusing on a new generation of consumers, a
younger, more dynamic target market. In order to do this,
the decision was made to add 11 new pizzas to the classic
menu, to use 10 new spices, 6 new sauces, plus a new logo
and packaging, and to pay more attention to the coffee
experience in a special new bar space made possible by the
partnership with our firm. A good variety of cocktails has
been introduced into 30 Pizza Hut restaurants too.
The new Pizza Hut brand logo also caught our attention.
Monotone red on a black background with a new graphic.
The shape recalls a steaming pizza served on a plate.
A classic flat design in line with the current trend for
digital marketing, particularly given the widespread use
                                                                From left to right: Bryan Unkles (Managing
of smartphones and tablets. However, the brand has              Director at Cafeology, partner of Rancilio
managed to stay recognisable, thanks especially to the          Group in UK), Wayne Penfold (Procurement
                                                                Manager at Pizza Hut UK) and Andrea Mascetti
name and the presence of the classic hut icon.                  (Commercial Director at Rancilio Group).
Sipping an espresso with delicate fruity notes, we drank
a toast to London and the staff of Pizza Hut who gave us
such a warm and friendly welcome and showed us the
everyday life of a restaurant chain that, while focused
on pizza, is ever more dedicated to treating coffee as a
genuine cult object. This raw material with its roots in far-
off lands and cultures is no longer subjected to a simple
mechanical process, but it is transformed into a new
experience in consumption.

26                                                                                                             27


Rancilio Classe 9 was the official machine at the 2017 Vietnam Barista Competition.

From 25 to 27 April, in partnership with Epicure Vina                    into the country by French missionaries in the 19th
Co. Ltd, the Classe 9 coffee machine supported the                       Century, developing the coffee-growing industry has
contenders for the title of Best Vietnamese Barista                      been essential for restarting the economy of a country
2017.                                                                    that in 1975 finally emerged from a war lasting 30 long
The Vietnam Barista Competition was held as usual at                     years. One of the first victories came in 1986, when
the Food&Hotel Vietnam trade fair. The participants                      the market was liberalised, making it possible to start
had the opportunity to display their artistic and                        backing this raw material. According to Vietnamese
professional talents, putting themselves to the test                     custom, coffee must be enjoyed in a comfortable
preparing espresso-based drinks using the Classe 9.                      environment, accompanied by good conversation
This machine, created by the research team at the                        and, above all, plenty of time, because that little cup is
Rancilio LAB high-tech hub, stands out for its user-                     filled drop by drop. With aromas ranging from notes
friendly ergonomics, its high performance and its                        of oriental essences to the more austere intensity of
elegant aesthetics. A challenge for true connoisseurs                    seasoned wood, we pay our respects to Vietnam and
with the aim of promoting the sensory quality of coffee                  the staff of Epicure Vina Co. Ltd.
tasting in Vietnam, the world’s second-largest coffee
exporter where this drink is much loved. Introduced

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                                                                                                                          many visitors a vast range of fresh ingredients. At the                 technology for extraction temperature profiling and
                                                                                                                          beginning of the 1970s, this amazing place played host to               stability, making it possible to highlight the special
                                                                                                                          the official debut of the American caffeine culture. This               aromatic and sensory properties of the ground coffee

                                                                                                                          is where the very first Starbucks opened up, changing                   beans. As always, and in Seattle more than ever, the idea
                                                                                                                          for ever the way coffee was drunk and understood in                     is to use Rancilio technology in the extraction phase to
                                                                                                                          the US. It is therefore no accident that this bustling                  obtain a state-of-the-art result and to create very special

                                                                                                                          hub is the venue for one of the world’s major trade                     gourmet coffees. It is precisely when water and coffee
                                                                                                                          fairs associated with coffee: the Global Specialty Coffee               come into contact that the alchemy capable of enhancing
                                                                                                                          Expo, organised by the Specialty Coffee Association of                  the coffee aromas begins. In the land where that black
                                                                                                                          America. Just as it has every year, Rancilio took part in               beverage conquered the whole of the US, in the presence
                                                                                                                          the event through our US subsidiary, Rancilio Group                     of the visitors to its stand, Rancilio has yet again, delved
                                                                                                                          North America. From 20 to 23 April, the Extraction LAB                  deeply into what happens in the cup when the espresso
                                                                                                                          concept was on display with demonstration sessions                      extraction temperature is varied. This is a new revolution
                                                                                                                          by roasters, bringing with them their own varieties of                  that would surely have pleased those first farmers of Pike
                                                                                                                          coffee designed for the speciality coffee market. They                  Place Market!
                                                                                                                          tested them out on the Xcelsius system, the Rancilio

                                                                                                                          The Extraction LAB format obtained great success during the Global Specialty Coffee Expo in Seattle.

Art, music, university, trends. Seattle has always been      completely new, a revolutionary event. At that time,
one of the liveliest and most impassioned of US cities:      fruit and vegetables could only be sold through middle-
the cradle of grunge, an international crossroads with its   men but then a band of farmers decided to change
harbour on Elliott Bay, an academic hub and home to          things. Loading up their carts with freshly harvested
world-famous museums and galleries, among its heritage       products, they gathered in Pike Place where their carts
a collection of murals that turn the urban landscape         were completely empty in just a few hours. Since then,
into a place of art in perpetual motion. Here in Seattle,    Pike Place Market, which is now home to street artists,
in Pike Place, the beginning of the 20th Century saw         restaurants offering delicious local cuisine, art shops,
the very first local farmers’ markets, now commonplace       jewellers, comic shops and fashion boutiques, has
the world over, but which, in that era, were something       been transformed into an official attraction, offering its

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         31

32                    33

INNOVATIVE SYNERGIES                                                           Mid-February, in the city of Milan among all its avant-
                                                                               garde buildings, saw the opening of Microsoft House,
                                                                               the new HQ of Microsoft Italia, inside the pyramid at

BETWEEN MICROSOFT                                                              21 Via Pasubio, designed by Herzog & De Meuron for
                                                                               the Fondazione Feltrinelli. The building, with 832 huge
                                                                               panes of glass, covers six floors, three of which are open

AND RANCILIO GROUP                                                             to the public, reflecting the value of open innovation.
                                                                               The openness and wide-reach of digital culture goes arm
                                                                               in arm with that symbol of welcome so deeply rooted
                                                                               in Italian culture: the cup of coffee. This event could
                                                                               not possibly go ahead without Rancilio Group and its
                                                                               latest machines, the fully automatic Egro ONE and the
                                                                               innovative Classe 11.
                                                                               Half of the spaces in the new Microsoft HQ have been
                                                                               designed to welcome an estimated 200,000 visitors, or
                                                                               perhaps even more, in 2017 alone. These will include
                                                                               10,000 professionals, 4,000 students and 1,000
                                                                               education managers for training and discussion of all
                                                                               things digital. The experiences encountered inside
                                                                               Microsoft House, known as a “4.0 building”, show how
                                                                               any supposedly inanimate object can become smart,
                                                                               recognising its users and their habits and meeting their
                                                                               needs. During the inauguration ceremony of this centre
                                                                               of hi-tech excellence, Microsoft presented the very first
                                                                               preview of the application of the Cortana software to the
                                                                               fully automatic Egro ONE, now positioned on the first
                                                                               floor, home to the Technology Center, the space for the
                                                                               digital transformation of businesses.
                                                                               The Microsoft virtual assistant recognises regular users’
                                                                               faces and asks them if they would like a coffee, either
                                                                               their favourite one or a different one from the menu
                                                                               of 48 that can be made with the Egro ONE. If the user
                                                                               is unknown, Cortana finds out what kind of coffee
                                                                               the user would like and then brews it. An authentic
                                                                               experience for visitors who are amazed to discover that
                                                                               here the offices are designed for the staff according to
                                                                               the principles of smart-working, with no assigned work
                                                                               desks and with a virtual reception.
                                                                               Needless to say, the showroom of this iconic head office
                                                                               would not be complete without a café area (located
                                                                               on the ground floor), for which Microsoft has chosen
                                                                               the Rancilio Classe 11, equipped with quick, intuitive
                                                                               and user-friendly technology inspired by the latest
                                                                               generation smartphones. With a relaxation area,
                                                                               Xbox stations and free Wi-Fi, the showroom has been
                                                                               designed for the general public and is open seven days a
                                                                               week, allowing visitors to try out Microsoft technology.
                                                                               A unique place in which the centuries-old tradition of
                                                                               coffee and innovation inspire unexpected new synergies.

Microsoft has chosen Rancilio Group products for its coffee breaks in Milan.

34                                                                                                                                    35


An amazing genetic mutation; a discovery shrouded in         prepare espresso in different ways according to the
myths and legends; a phenomenon that has conquered           origins of the raw material and to enhance the special
the world; a drink that no one can do without; a little      properties of the variety, whether this is washed or
pleasure that you can experience with all five senses.       natural Arabica, Robusta, single origin or a blend. All of
We are of course talking about coffee, but this time in a    this while maintaining the qualities of the beans intact
more scientific sense.                                       and the roast being perfected by the brewing process
“Espresso is not just a drink, nor is it just a fashion.     that delivers it in the cup. The Xcelsius system is able to
Espresso is one of the best ways to drink the world’s        satisfy the tastes and meet the different needs of an ever
most popular beverage because the way it is prepared         more discerning clientele.
extracts all the aromatic substances that give rise to a     A different way of grinding the beans and the various
range of different organoleptic sensations associated        temperature profiles used for the same type of roasted
with various physical and chemical properties”,              coffee enable the compounds to be extracted to a greater
according to our Spanish colleague Carles González.          or lesser degree during the brewing period, resulting in
“Espresso is a concentrated extract containing both          espressos with very distinct properties. The relationship
soluble and lipophilic substances that can dissolve in       between such physical and chemical properties as pH,
oils and fats which, owing to the particular extraction      colour, polyphenols, caffeine, lipids, chlorogenic acid,
method, are not present in other coffee-based drinks.        foam index, turbidity, total solids, filtered solids and
During the percolation phase therefore, particular care      viscosity and the organoleptic descriptors, such as
must be taken to extract the water soluble substances, in    depth of colour, texture, roast strength, body, acidity,
order to guarantee all the taste properties – acid, bitter   bitterness and astringency, contribute to the perception
and sweet –, and also to emulsify the insoluble oils that    of the quality of espresso prepared using different types
provide the aroma”, continues Carles González.               of coffee and temperature profiles. This demonstrates
On a hot and stuffy summer day in Milan, we had              how the use of different temperature profiles or curves
a pleasant conversation with our Spanish colleague           can change the physical and chemical properties
visiting us at the Villastanza di Parabiago training         of the coffee, thereby enhancing or modulating the
centre. The profiling and tasting tests we performed         organoleptic descriptors of an espresso.
enabled us to delve deeply into how installing the           If Xcelsius is a leap forward in quality in the sense that
Xcelsius system in a professional coffee machine makes       it enables the organoleptic properties of a single blend
it possible to set the water temperature dynamically,        to be exalted without altering the quality of the beans or
varying it either up or down by 5°C (9°F) during the         the roasting process, it is also an advance in optimising
25-30 second time period for each brew. If water             consumption, making it simpler and more practical for
quality is essential and high temperature guarantees         the users.
a more effective solvent action, the ability to regulate
the brewing water temperature has notable advantages
for the quality of the product in the cup. Indeed, this
makes it possible to deliver even better drinks, to

                                                                                                                           In the middle Carlés González at the Spain Coffee Festival 2017 in Pontevedra.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                          37

38             39

                      Once again this year, Rancilio Group has renewed     Beccaglia, the students were able to engage in a
                      its partnership with ISP (International Study        discussion and take a guided tour of the company.
                      Programmes), a body founded in 1999 with the aim     “Yet again we have been deeply impressed by

                      of involving foreign students in educational trips   this world producer of espresso machines for the
                      organised in over 60 cities worldwide. As in the     Ho.Re.Ca industry. Giorgio Rancilio, CEO of this
                      last two years, Rancilio Group has once again been   organisation, has an incredible strategic vision. We

                      selected as one of the companies of interest for     were all really big fans! The ALI Group has added
                      the trip to Milan by the University at Buffalo and   a marvellous brand to its family of products”,
                      Fairleigh Dickinson University, based in New York.   remarked Courtney Walsh, Assistant to the Head
                      On 20 March the students on the MBA                  of the School of Management of the University at
                      course coming to Milan to study the economic         Buffalo, on the Rancilio Group Facebook page.
                      development model were brought to the Rancilio       Rancilio Group engages in constant dialogue with
                      Group HQ, a prime example of an Italian company      outside bodies, both local and international. We
                      promoting innovation. After the presentation by      are fully aware of our social responsibilities toward
                      Giorgio Rancilio, Chairman and CEO of the Group,     the community and future generations who are
                      and the speech given by Quality Manager, Davide      undergoing training to enable them to enter the

40                                                                                                                             41

world of work. One of our missions at Rancilio         and its determination. This tour traced the 90-year
is to strengthen the ties between business and         history of our company, which is world famous for
education, giving students a close-up view of a        style, performance and for striving for perfection.
fully-functioning, practical work situation, thus
improving the practical learning process within
courses of study.
The other guided tour took place on 12 June. Mario
Burattino, CFO of Rancilio Group, and Vittorio
Bonissi, Warehouse Manager, explained to the
visitors the main dynamics of our group, its history
and future, its challenges and successes, its vision

42                                                                                                           43

               8 MARCH
               WOMEN’S DAY

               Complete and complex with emotion and action and amazingly
               diverse, women are a driving force, always in motion. Since time
               immemorial and still to the present day, they fight endless battles for
               equal rights, particularly in some parts of the world, and in the vast
               majority of nations they remain at a disadvantaged in the world of
               What is the most precious gift with which we could honour them
               for their festival? Time, naturally. We at Rancilio Group care deeply
               about the real life of our female team-members. This is why, on 8
               March 2017, to celebrate International Women’s Day, which has been
               celebrated in Italy since 1922, we decided to give all the women at our
               HQ in Villastanza di Parabiago the afternoon off, a few hours just for
               We had a meeting with Silvia Nebuloni, HR Director at Rancilio
               Group, who dreamed up and promoted this initiative. “When I
               thought about a practical gesture for our female team-members, I
               immediately thought about time, so precious and always so little of
               it... I talked to our CEO and I was delighted to hear him say to me
               ‘great idea, go ahead!’. I was even happier when my female colleagues
               said that they had made plans that afternoon just for themselves,
               whatever they fancied: a trip to the gym or to the hairdresser, or
               going shopping… It is just a little thing but so important for showing
               that the company really cares, strengthening the image of the Group
               as a great company that treasures its human capital and heritage”.

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RANCILIO GROUP AND      Treedom is the only web platform in the world that
                        allows its users to plant a tree remotely and follow
                        its growth online. Each tree is geo-located and

TREEDOM REFOREST        photographed and it can be kept and cared for or
                        presented as a gift. Since this initiative started up
                        in 2010 in Florence, over 331,000 saplings have

THREE AREAS IN AFRICA   been growing into trees in Africa, Latin America
                        and Italy.
                        Planting these trees delivers numerous
                        environmental, social and economic benefits for
                        human beings and the planet alike. These new
                        trees help the environment by increasing CO2
                        absorption, combatting climate change and the
                        excesses of the greenhouse effect, remedying
                        deforestation and environmental degradation, soil
                        erosion and desertification. The land becomes more
                        fertile and the hydrogeological profile in the zones
                        benefiting from this project is stabilised. Above all,
                        it contributes to protecting biodiversity, preserving
                        habitats and balancing eco-systems with native
                        species, fruit trees, woodland trees and those at risk
                        of extinction, meeting the specific needs of each
                        In terms of socio-economics, these projects are
                        run by local communities, either individual farmers
                        or small farming cooperatives which receive
                        funding for the planting of trees. This produces
                        extraordinary results, empowering communities
                        and triggering responsible behaviour that values and
                        respects natural resources. It also promotes micro-
                        enterprises that derive benefits from woodlands,
                        their fruits and associated crops.
                        The products harvested from the trees are made
                        available to farmers and cooperatives and Treedom
                        is supporting them all by offering training, work
                        opportunities and income. The cooperatives
                        and local organisations support the farmers free
                        of charge, providing the necessary training for
                        planting and cultivating the trees in the right way.
                        Treedom and its partner organisations provide
                        farmers with support, mainly in the early stages,
                        when the plants are in greater need of care. They
                        provide the beneficiaries of the project with
                        the necessary skills for looking after the trees
                        throughout all the growth phases, with a particular
                        focus on quality and replicable information.
                        Rancilio Group supports this ambitious and
                        highly effective project in three countries: Kenya,

46                                                                         47

Cameroon and Malawi.                                    jackfruit, neem, macadamia, tephrosia, moringa,
In Kenya, a land of great lakes and immense             umbrella tree, calliandra, leucaena, guava, mango)
savannahs, the main aim of the Treedom project,         that will never be felled, have many beneficial
which started in 2014, is to promote small-scale        properties: from some, natural repellents and
reforestation as a poverty-reduction strategy,          insecticides can be made, from others, honey,
with a participatory approach. The particular areas     jam, preserves and dried fruit, thus increasing
involved in the project, which intends to plant some    employment opportunities and the wellbeing of
135,000 trees, are the province of Busia, the Kisii     local farmers. Other trees have nitrogen-fixing
district, the Muranga and Thika district, central and   properties that improve soil quality while others can
southwestern Kenya, for the benefit of over 5,000       be used as windbreaks to mitigate soil erosion and
farmers and their families.                             desertification.
The many local NGOs, our partners in the project,       Cameroon Treedom works in partnership with
organise activities to involve the community,           IRAD (Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le
provide training and promote micro-enterprises.         Développement), a public research body which is
The farmers involved are specifically trained to        tasked with advancing food cultivation using native
develop conservation awareness and respect for          species, researching solutions for crop diseases,
nature and the environment. Their main role is          improving agricultural systems and developing
to take care of the trees, particularly during and      techniques for processing agricultural products.
after grafting, to transplant them and to produce       Here, we are planting cacao trees to improve food
organic compost to replace the expensive chemical       security for the rural population, increase local
products on sale in big cities. The different tree      agricultural resources and reduce poverty.
species planted (grevillea, markhamia, avocado,         This project, started in 2012, covers the area          around the capital of Cameroon, Yaoundé (central       fertiliser for the soil.
                                                                                                                region). The country’s impoverishment is due to        Over several years, the project aims to plant
                                                                                                                the illegal felling and extreme exploitation of the    some 10,000 trees, involving 5,000 people, to
                                                                                                                forests. During our first exploratory mission, we      combat deforestation due to population growth,
                                                                                                                asked a local farmer to describe the impact of         the expansion of agriculture, infrastructure
                                                                                                                deforestation, to which he replied: “A blind eye       development and dependence on wood burning for
                                                                                                                is turned to illegal felling in Cameroon. Every        energy. For this reason, BERL has also started up a
                                                                                                                morning I wake up to the deafening roar of power       production facility for sustainable biofuel.
                                                                                                                saws”.                                                 All the fruit from the trees is harvested by local
                                                                                                                The project plans to plant some 46,000 cacao           farmers who use it for their own needs, or sell
                                                                                                                trees over several years, and to date there are        any excess produce at local markets. These sales
                                                                                                                1,300 beneficiaries. Reforestation and, above all,     enable farmers to increase their annual income by
                                                                                                                planting trees like cacao, supports food security,     50% overall. This, in turn, allows some of them to
                                                                                                                the re-greening of the countryside and provides        access micro-finance to launch their own micro-
                                                                                                                an invaluable source of income and sustainability      enterprises or to engage in small-scale business
                                                                                                                for the local population, also thanks to the sale of   activities.
                                                                                                                cocoa.                                                 The project also benefits people not directly
                                                                                                                Moreover, planting so many of this type of tree,       involved in planting and cultivating. For example,
                                                                                                                which belongs to the brushwood group, growing in       thanks to the tree roots, the local farmers in
                                                                                                                the shadow of much larger trees, also involves the     the areas in question have greater access to
                                                                                                                planting of banana and safou trees and palms to        water sources. Moreover, the presence of new
                                                                                                                protect the cacao trees from direct sunlight.          trees provides local people with more shade,
                                                                                                                In Malawi, the Treedom project in partnership          protects their crops from the wind, and increases
                                                                                                                with BERL (Bio Energy Resources Ltd, founded           productivity due to greater pollination. In general,
                                                                                                                in Malawi in 2006), was launched in 2012. The          the effects of climate change are lessened, due to
                                                                                                                plans include the planting of Jatropha curcas in       the trees’ capacity for absorbing greenhouse gases
                                                                                                                parts of the Lilongwe district (central Malawi) and    like CO2 into their woody surfaces.
                                                                                                                also providing a training course for farmers on
                                                                                                                the techniques for producing vegetable oil from
                                                                                                                the seeds of this plant which is used to create
                                                                                                                protective hedges around maize and cassava. The
                                                                                                                seeds are harvested and processed to produce
                                                                                                                vegetable oil, while the waste is used as a natural

48                                                                                                                                                                                                                      49

     Rancilio Group S.p.A. con socio unico
     Viale della Repubblica 40
     20015 Villastanza di Parabiago - Milano Italia
     Ph. +39 0331 408200 / Fax +39 0331 551437

     Egro Suisse AG
     Bahnhofstrasse 66
     5605 Dottikon - Schweiz
     Tel. +41 (0)56 616 95 95 / Fax +41 (0)56 616 95 97


     SPAIN                                            GERMANY
     Rancilio Group España, S.A.                      Rancilio Group Deutschland GmbH
     Gran Vía de Carlos III, 84 3ª-Edificio Trade     Isenburg - Park
     08028 Barcelona - Spain                          Schleussnerstr. 90
     Ph. +34 902 884 275                              63263 Neu-Isenburg - Germany
     Ph. +34 934 923 414                              Ph. +49 (0)6102 799030
     Fax +34 934 965 701                    
     PORTUGAL                                         Egro Suisse AG
     Rancilio Group Portugal Lda                      Bahnhofstrasse 66
     Rua José Vicente Gonçalves n°14-Armaz.-2         5605 Dottikon - Switzerland
     Parque Industrial do Seixal                      Ph. +41 (0)56 616 95 95
     2840-048 Aldeia de Paio Pires-Seixal             Fax +41 (0)56 616 95 97
     Lisboa - Portugal                      
     Ph. +351 21 493 52 58
     Rancilio Group Portugal Lda                      Rancilio Group North America Inc.
     Centro de Negócios da Maia                       1340 Internationale Parkway / Suite 200
     Rua Albino José Domingues, n.º 683               Woodridge, IL 60517 - U.S.A.
     4470 – 557 Maia - Porto - Portugal               Ph. +1 630 914 7900
     Ph. + 351 22 490 39 77                           Fax +1 630 914 7901                        Toll Free: +1 877 726 2454

          Rancilio Group Channel

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