The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill

Page created by Anne Warner
The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
the    OUTLOOK

September/October                     Published by the City of Pleasant Hill, California                                 2021

Pleasant Hill turns 60!                          Chief’s advisory panel forming
                                                 As we work to continue building a         legal issues, ongoing criminal or inter-
                                                 strong community/police partnership,      nal investigation or active critical
                                                 Chief Bryan Hill and the Pleasant
                                                                                               Comprised of a maximum of 15
                                                 Hill Police Department are pleased        people, the Chief’s Advisory Panel will
                                                 to announce the formation of the          reflect the diversity of the Pleasant
                                                 Chief’s Advisory Panel (CAP).             Hill community. Crucial to the panel’s
                                                                                           success will be the selection of a
                                                     The CAP, which formed as a            group of individuals who come from
    This year, the City of Pleasant Hill cele-   result of the police department’s         varied ethnic, socio-economic, and
brates its Diamond Anniversary! First            involvement in the Community Con-         experiential backgrounds as well as
established in 1961, the city will celebrate     versations series, will serve as a        different ages. Panel members will be
this milestone at the annual Light Up the        conduit between the police depart-        selected from Pleasant Hill residents,
Night event on November 14, 2021.                ment and the community, providing         business      owners/employees       or
    The Civic Action Commission has estab-       the Chief of Police with a robust         individuals intimately involved in an
lished a series of events leading up to the      exchange of information and insights      organization that specifically serves
anniversary night for the community’s par-       valuable in understanding community       the Pleasant Hill community.
ticipation.                                      needs and concerns. The panel will        Meetings will be hosted at the police
                                                 engage in discussion, assist with occa-
u Over the summer a photo contest was            sional research, and provide feedback
                                                                                           department every other month, but
                                                                                           may be convened at any time to
held, allowing residents to submit their best    in the development of ideas and strat-    address specific critical issues.
photos in five categories. The winning pho-      egies.                                        The application process will
tos will be framed and displayed at the              The panel will focus on contempo-     involve an online application followed
Friends of the Library bookstore in October.     rary challenges that impact the           by a formal interview panel. The
                                                 community and its police, including
u An historical scavenger hunt is running        such topics as:
                                                                                           application process is expected to
through the November anniversary, where                                                    begin in September, with informa-
                                                 n Police response to individuals suf-     tion posted to city social media
hunters can get the first location clue on the
                                                     fering mental health emergencies      platforms, as well as the city website
City’s website and
                                                 n Homelessness                  
get the next clue at each successive site.
                                                 n Use of force
u In the final month leading up to the cele-     n Transparency
bration, patrons at area bars and restau-
                                                 n Use of new technologies
rants will be able to sample drinks vying for
                                                 n Criminal Activity and Trends
the title of Pleasant Hill Signature Cocktail.
The winner of the contest will be an-            n Ordinances pertaining to public
nounced at the Anniversary/Light Up the
Night (more details on page 5).                      The CAP will act solely in an advi-
                                                 sory capacity and will not have
   We hope you will be able to join us in
                                                 decision or policy-making authority.
wishing for another great decade here in
                                                 The scope of the panel will not
the City of Pleasant Hill! s
                                                 include participation in departmental
                                                 disciplinary or personnel actions,

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from the City...
                                                Pleasant Hill CERT begins
                                                in-person training
                                                Excitement is building within the
                                                CERT ranks. We are working on an
                                                October Field Training Day for
                                                                                            to report emerging data or dangerous
                                                CERT members to practice the skills         conditions, coordinate with city police,
                                                we learned in our initial training.         and many other essential tasks. A small
It’s BACK TO SCHOOL time!                           These include Search & Rescue, tri-     team of CERT members have been
    With classes underway and children          age,      head-to-toe     assessment,       busy testing various radios to deter-
returning to school, we all need to be          bandaging and splinting, treating           mine what works best in the
aware of changing traffic conditions and        life-threatening conditions (airway,        challenging terrains of our city. It’s a
more pedestrians. Remember to obey              shock, bleeding), and communications.       complicated task, but so important!
speed limits in school zones, look out for          Communications affects all areas of     We are grateful for their hard work.
people crossing the street, and never           a CERT response, as our teams need to           Even more exciting is the training
pass a school bus with its stop sign out        stay in touch with the command post         course for the public and those inter-
and lights flashing!                                                                                  ested in joining CERT. An
    Teach children to stand away from                                                                 in-person, six-week course is
the curb while waiting for buses, to                                                                  scheduled for early 2022,
remain aware of vehicles and people                                                                   with revamped and updated
around them, and to always look both                                                                  material. This is your chance
ways before crossing the street. If your                                                              to learn how to keep your
child rides their bike to school, ensure                                                              family safe and help others.
that they wear a helmet every time,                                                                   Information will be posted
even if only riding a short distance.                                                                 on our website soon. s
    Let’s keep our streets safe for our
children and families by staying alert and
driving safely! s

           Celebrate the most inspiring sustainability leaders in our community!
    Join Sustainable Contra Costa for        Sustainability Award Winners them-           ing their Pollution Prevention Awards
the 13th annual Leadership in                selves about the great work they are         and Contra Costa Green Business Pro-
Sustainability Awards celebration on         doing. The awards program will also          gram recognizing the new and
September 22. We’re excited to be            honor local businesses with Central          re-certified green businesses.
joined by County Supervisor John Gioia       Contra Costa Sanitary District present-              As a fundraiser for Sustainable
and special guest environmen-                                                                 Contra Costa, the event will also
tal scientist Andrew Gunther in                                                               feature a fun silent auction, with a
an interactive discussion on the                                                              chance to bid on exciting items
latest progress on climate                                                                    donated by local businesses.
action. This online event sup-                                                                      The Awards Event will be pre-
ports and celebrates local                                                                    sented on Zoom and also
individuals and organizations                                                                 livestreamed on Sustainable Con-
for their outstanding contribu-                                                               tra Costa’s YouTube channel. For
tions and commitment to                                                                       more information, write to
climate change work, a healthy                                                      
environment, economy, and
society—so that Contra Costa                                                                                Register at
remains a wonderful place for                                                         
generations to come.                                                                                or or
     Supervisor Gioia and others
                                                                                                     Eventbrite (13th Annual
will recognize all the honorees,
                                                                                                Sustainability Awards Celebration)
and you will hear from the

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from the City...
Opportunities to serve on commissions
    Looking for a way to give back to your community? Consider volun-
teering to serve on a commission or advisory board for the City of
Pleasant Hill! Commitments vary in time and term length. Meetings
are open to the public, and you are welcome to sit in and observe a
meeting. To be considered for a position, submit an application by the
deadline. The Interview and Nominating Committee, comprised of
two City Councilmembers, will review applications and interview qual-
ified candidates. The committee will then forward a recommendation                      September is National
to the full City Council for final appointment. A vacancy occurs when a
term ends or an incumbent leaves the position during their term.                        Fall Prevention month!
Incumbents are eligible to apply for reappointment. As you contem-                                            —Commission on Aging
plate how you might create positive change in your community,                     Now is a great time to check in with yourself and
consider applying for one or more of these vacancies before the dead-         your surroundings to reduce the risk of a mishap. Lit-
line of Wednesday, September 22, 2021.                                        tle things can make a difference!
ä Commission on Aging                                                         Changes can be made in three ways:
    The Commission on Aging considers all matters affecting the aging         n Your environment—it’s easy to modify your sur-
in the community, provides awareness of resources, and plans, pro-                roundings. Check for:
motes, and participates in events benefiting the aging population.                o Good lighting, especially on stairs and at
Applicants must be Pleasant Hill residents. Meetings are held on the                  night (e.g., get automatic night lights).
2nd Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall.* There is one               o Open and clear pathways—avoid clutter,
vacancy to complete an unfilled term through April 2024.                              wires, scatter rugs, etc.
ä Contra Costa County Advisory Council on Aging                                   o Furniture that’s the right height (e.g., beds
   The Council advises the County Area Agency on Aging on all mat-                    can be raised or lowered).
ters related to the development and administration of senior                      o Railings or grab bars on all stairs and at the
programs throughout the County. The Council is composed of 40                         tub/shower rim.
members, appointed by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervi-               n Your activity—if your routine isn’t working well,
sors in partnership with the local cities. It is preferable that candidates       consider changes:
be a resident of the City of Pleasant Hill. The Advisory Council on Aging
                                                                                  o Prioritize what needs to be done and focus
meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to noon at
                                                                                      on doing what’s most important first.
500 Ellinwood Way, in Pleasant Hill.* There is one vacancy for a
                                                                                  o Plan your time; avoid rushing and take a rest
two-year term of October 2021 through September 2023.
                                                                                      break if you need one.
ä Planning Commission                                                             o Make sure the things you need are organized
    The Planning Commission provides recommendations to the City                      and stored in easy reach.
Council on land use, zoning, the general plan, and other policy issues.           o Ask for help if you need it.
To qualify as a candidate, you must be a citizen of the United States
                                                                              n Yourself—optimize your health:
and a resident of Pleasant Hill for at least one year prior to appoint-
ment. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at               o Get enough rest and sleep.

6:30 p.m. at City Hall.* There is one vacancy to complete an unfilled             o Practice mindful deep breathing—inhale
term through April 2024.                                                              while focusing on feelings of gratitude, ex-
    *Meetings scheduled to meet at City Hall are planned to resume in                 hale and let go of worry.
person in September, however, confirm with agenda postings on the                 o Use exercise “snacks” throughout the day.
City’s website to determine if being held via teleconference.                         Even 10 minutes of activity is beneficial. s                                                 o Focus on what you can control and give your-
                                                                                      self credit for what you accomplish!
                                                                              Reach out to local resources for support:
            For an application or more information, go to                     n Meals on Wheels Diablo Region or contact Juanita Davalos by phone                 Fall Prevention Program (925) 937-8311,
     at (925) 671-5283 or e-mail at        
                                                                              n Pleasant Hill Senior Center (925) 798-8788
                                                                              n YMCA (925) 687-8900

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from the City...

                                                                                                  Backyard composting
Contra Costa Water District drought update                                                           bins available
    California is experiencing severe drought following two critically dry years. To pro-           Composting yard and garden
tect available water supplies, Contra Costa Water District is now asking its customers          waste has never been easier, thanks
to voluntarily reduce their water use by up to 10% from 2020 water use. CCWD is able            to the help offered from the City’s
to weather this drought thanks to wise investments in local water storage at Los                home composting program.
Vaqueros Reservoir and its customers’ strong commitment to water conservation.                      The City has compost bins and
    While CCWD’s water supply remains in a relatively good position this year, there is         worm bins available for sale. The bins
no telling whether next winter will deliver much needed precipitation and snowpack.             sell for $40/ea for residents ($75 for
In addition to its call for voluntary conservation, water waste prohibitions adopted            non-residents) and can be purchased
during the previous drought remain in place.                                                    with cash or check. To purchase, or
    CCWD customers are encouraged to continue their commitment to water conser-                 if you have questions about the
vation and make the most out of every drop. Visit for drought               bins, contact Annette Kaufmann
updates as well as helpful resources and rebates.                                               with the Maintenance Division at
    Did you know that most people overwater their plants in the late summer and fall?           akaufmann@pleasanthillca.og. s
Lawns and shrubs need much less water now than they did in July. A sure way to
reduce your water use is to adjust your irrigation controller programming monthly. A
recommended lawn and landscape watering schedule for our region is available at
    Follow this easy watering schedule this fall for a beautiful landscape and a lower
water bill:
     Month            Sept.

                     3 days
                                       2 days

                                                         1 day

                                                                             0 days
     Lawn                            (per week)        (per week)          (per week)
                   (per week)
                     2 days            1 day             0 day               0 days
    Shrubs                           (per week)        (per week)          (per week)
                   (per week)

     Contra Costa County to hold redistricting workshops
     Pleasant Hill residents will have the     data is the basis for the California Redis-
  opportunity to take part in Contra           tricting data used to draw district
  Costa County’s redistricting process         boundaries. The California Redistricting
  when the county hosts a series of            data is anticipated in September.
  upcoming workshops designed to get               In addition to being substantially
  feedback from constituents.                  equal in population, any supervisorial
     Redistricting is the once-a-decade        district boundaries must comply with
  process of redrawing the boundaries          voting rights laws. The California Voting
  for Supervisorial districts after the U.S.   Rights Act requires more than 500              continue to hold the hybrid in-per-
  Census. This process is important in         jurisdictions in California to redistrict in   son/online events through the coming
  ensuring that each Supervisor repre-         2021-2022.                                     months.
  sents about the same number of                   Contra Costa County began having           Information on the restricting process
  people. The US Census 2020 Census            redistricting sessions in August and will      can be found at

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from the City...
When is the best time to
use electricity?
   Many of California’s electricity cus-
tomers have begun moving to a
Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plan, to support
the transition to cleaner energy.Con-
serve energy between 4-9pm to reduce
carbon emissions and lower your bills.
   TOU rates encourage energy use
when renewable resources are more
available—solar production peaks in the
early afternoon and wind energy in the
evenings. Energy demand spikes               Shifting to a 4-9 p.m. peak                   2. Take advantage of off-peak rates.
between 4-9 p.m., when renewable             1. Reduce your energy consumption                 Shift your energy usage to off-peak
energy resources aren’t at their highest        especially during Flex Alerts!             hours to take advantage of lower rates.
production. During this time fossil fuel                                                   Precooling your home on hot days, run-
                                                Flex Alerts are requests from Califor-
plants are more likely to be switched on.                                                  ning major appliances in the morning,
                                             nia’s grid operator for customers to
Learn more about the importance of the                                                     and charging your EV overnight can
                                             voluntarily conserve electricity. Flex
4-9 p.m. peak in MCE’s Energy Expert:                                                      lower your bill. For more information on
                                             Alerts are usually issued in the summer
Duck Curve post.                                                                           saving money and supporting a cleaner
                                             when extremely hot weather increases
   MCE’s residential customers on the                                                      power grid, visit our Smart Energy Prac-
                                             electricity demand, increasing risk of out-
E-1 (tiered) rate will be automatically                                                    tices page.
                                             ages. . Flex Alerts are different from a
transitioned in 2022 to the Time-of-Use      PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff event        3. Lower your energy usage overall.
Peak Pricing 4-9 p.m. (E-TOU-C) rate plan.   because they are not tied to potential            Implement long-term solutions to
See graphic below.                           wildfire events.                              reduce your energy consumption like
                                                                                           upgrading to LED lightbulbs and
                                                                                           energy-efficient appliances. Consider a
                                                                                           full energy efficiency audit with a quali-
                                                                                           fied professional. See if you qualify to
                                                                                           receive a free energy savings gift box
                                                                                           and virtual home energy assessment
                                                                                           through MCE’s Home Energy Savings
                                                                                           program. s

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from Rec & Park...
General Announcements                             o   Warrior Fitness (Back by popular
t  Coming Soon! Fall/Winter Spotlight             o   In-person Cooking Classes
    Watch for the return of our printed
                                                  o   Creative Spark Theater Program
recreation activity guide, The Spotlight,
coming to mailboxes in late August!
                                                  o   Driver’s Ed (virtual)
Explore all the ways to play this fall
through the end of the year. Also look for        o   Babysitting Class
special 70th anniversary features in this         o   Afterschool Sports Medley
latest edition to celebrate our anniver-              Classes
sary milestone. The Spotlight will also be        o   Afterschool Sports Fitness & En-
available online at              richment Classes
Fall/Winter registration opens Septem-            o   Tennis and Soccer classes
ber 1.                                                                                      sponsored by the National Football
                                                                                            League. Weeknight practices are not pre-
t Teen Center After School Program                                                          determined, coaches will coordinate
   (Grades 6-12). Limited spaces available!                                                 with families after registration closes.
Enroll your teen now for the 2021-2022                                                      Games are on Saturdays.
school year. Flexible schedule options
available. Transportation available from                                                    s Adult Sports Leagues
PHMS & VVMS. For more information, visit                                                       Rally your friends, family and/or                                                                    co-workers, make a team and register for
                                                                                            one of our outstanding recreational
t  Join 2021-2022 Teen Council                                                              sports leagues!
   Teen Council is a great way for teen
                                                                                               o Basketball (5 on 5) & (3 on 3)
representatives from local middle and
                                                                                               o Bocce
high schools to get involved and plan fun
recreational activities, classes, dances,                                                      o Flag Football

sports and trips for their peers in the                                                        o Soccer (5 on 5)
community, grades 6-12. Download appli-                                                        o Softball
cation at                                                             For      league     details,     visit
t After School Youth Programs now
available!                                                                                  For questions call (925) 682-0896 or
    From youth enrichment classes to                                                        email
youth sports classes, we offer a wide                                                       s Adult Water Fitness
variety of in-person activities after school   s NFL Youth Flag Football
                                                                                               Jump into low-impact water fitness
and on weekends to provide your                    Boys and Girls Leagues – Grades K-2,
                                                                                            program for high-impact results this fall!
child/tween/teen with lots of opportuni-       3-5 & 6-8
                                                                                               o Aqua Aerobics
ties to socialize with peers, learn new        Register at by
                                               9/24/21                                         o Lap Swim
skills, keep active and most importantly,
                                               Starts Play on 10/2.                            o TRIFIT Aqua Circuit
HAVE FUN! Visit to
explore the possibilities. Here are a few          Hut! Hut! Hike! Join our popular rec-       o Water Aerobics

highlights:                                    reation Youth Flag Football league              Register at

                                                   The Senior Center is open and operating!
                                     The Pleasant Hill Senior Center has re-opened their doors and is ready to welcome seniors
                                 back! Whether it is for lunch at the new Café Costa Nutrition Program, a friendly card game or to
                                 get your muscles back in shape after a year off, the Senior Center is now open for in-person activi-
                                 ties Monday through Friday.
                                     You can make lunch reservations for Café Costa Monday–Friday with lunch served at noon.
                                 Call (925) 771-7641 at least one business day prior by noon. A donation of $3 is suggested for those
                                 60 years and older or $6 for under 60.
                                     Stop by the Senior Center (233 Gregory Lane), call the office at (925) 798-8788 and/or down-
                                 load our Senior Sounds activity guide at to learn about
                                 available programs. We look forward to seeing you! s

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from Rec & Park...

Community Events
    Pleasant Hill Rec & Park District is      t  Pub In The Park                           t  Inclusive Recreation Dance
thrilled to host the following upcoming          Sunday, October 17, 12:00-4:00 p.m.           Friday, October 10, 7:00-9:00 pm
community events as public health             PH Community Center, 320 Civic Drive.        PH Senior Center, 233 Gregory Lane, PH
orders allow. Follow us on Facebook or           Spend a fun Sunday crafternoon gath-          PH Rec & Park, in partnership with
Instagram @pleasanthillrec or visit           ered outdoors with good friends to taste     City of Concord and City of Walnut Creek, for updates            the best of craft beers from local brew-     hosts recreational dances specifically
closer to the event start date.               eries, listen to great live music and nosh   designed for developmentally disabled
                                              on nibbles from local food vendors.          adults {18 years+). Masks may be
                                              Tickets: $60/person now available at         required due to health orders. Call (925)
                                     Pre-sale ticket      798-8788 before 10/29 to check on event
                                              only. No day-of tickets available. Must be   status.
                                              21+ years to participate. #PHParkPub.            Admission: $7/person (caregivers
                                                                                           t  Haunted Trail of PH ParkNEW!
                                                                                              Friday, October 29, 6:00-8:00 pm
                                                                                           Pleasant Hill Park, 147 Gregory Lane
                                                                                           Trailhead starts behind PH Teen Center.
t   Pumpkin Splash is BACK!
                                                                                              As you walk along the Haunted Trail
    Sunday, October 10, 1:00-3:00 pm
                                                                                           around Pleasant Hill Park, spine-tingling
PH Aquatic Park: 147 Gregory Lane
                                                                                           sights and sounds await you! This Hallow-
    Don’t miss this spooktacular fun for
                                                                                           een-themed stroll is a frightfully fun
all ages! Jump into PH Aquatic Park’s
                                                                                           park-in-the-dark adventure that you and
floating pumpkin patch and pick your
                                                                                           your family will not soon forget. Each
favorite pumpkin for Halloween. Once
                                                                                           participant receives a goody bag at the
you pick your pumpkin, give it a silly face
                                                                                           end of the trail. All ages welcome. No
at our pumpkin decorating station!
                                                                                           pets please. Free to the public.
$18/$15 (Dist. Res.) for pumpkin wrist-
                                                                                               Registration required for each partic-
band (spectators and parent helpers
                                                                                           ipant by 10/22 at

                   Tinkers & Thinkers Virtual Innovation Faire! FREE!
                    Saturday, September 18 | 8:00 am — Online at
         Gather with your social pod on Tinkers & Thinkers (T&T) Saturday and participate together in this wildly popular commu-
    nity-wide virtual innovation faire!
         Each participant picks up a special Tinkers & Thinkers maker box the week before the event. The maker box is filled with
    all the components and materials needed to build S.T.E.M.-tastic projects! Pssst...Don’t open box until event day! On day of
    event, go to website at to watch our
    pre-recorded instructions and more with your pod pals. Open
    your boxes (surprise!) and start building cool stuff together!
         Show off your amazing creations with the community by shar-
    ing a photo of your pod mates and all your completed projects for
    a chance to win S.T.E.M. prizes! Submit photos on event website.
    Pre-registration for all participants required by 9/3.
                        Maker Box Pick Up:
                   Monday-Friday, 9/13-9/17, 9:00-5:00 pm
                  PH Community Center, 320 Civic Drive

      Tinkers & Thinkers is brought to you by Pleasant Hill
       Library and Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from the Community...
Join Us for “Celebrate Your Community” September 23
Thanks to truly generous donations this year from                           Jim Bonato, Pres-
residents, the Pleasant Hill Community Foundation is able               ident; Ron Quinn,
                                                                        Vice President; and
to continue its grant awards to worthy Pleasant Hill
                                                                        Jackie Perkins, Sec-
organizations and to those regional organizations                       retary.
impacting life in Pleasant Hill.                                            Other Directors
    Our “Celebrate Your Community” event will be held on                are Betty Cantrell, Aloma Levine, Bob Berggren, Derek Wurst,
Thursday, September 23rd at the Community Center from 5 p.m.            Jason Olson, Katherine Bracken, and Suzanne Salter. We are
to 7 p.m. Small eats and beverages will be served. Everyone is          currently in the hunt for a volunteer Treasurer. If you have such
invited to attend, as we recognize the following grant recipients       skills, please consider contributing your time to our Foundation.
for their contributions to enhance the lives of residents:                  President Jim Bonato stated that, “Our foundation is
                                                                        extremely grateful to the many residents of Pleasant Hill for
n Cancer Center Support Community—for offering vital psy-
                                                                        their generous donations during this very challenging year.
    chological and social support to persons affected by cancer         Your help has allowed us to sustain our mission of providing
n Contra Costa Humane Society—for its increased efforts to              meaningful assistance and a helping hand to those organiza-
    place companion pets in homes during this lockdown year             tions that serve our community.”
n Pleasant Hill Fourth of July Commission—for seeking alter-                To learn more about the many projects, grants, and scholar-
    native ways to celebrate this major holiday despite Covid-19        ships the Foundation has given to improve life in Pleasant Hill,
n Meals on Wheels—for continuing to provide a warm meal                 go to PH
    and cheer to those who are homebound                                    If you have an interest in joining our all-volunteer Board
n Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano—for providing sus-
                                                                        of       Directors,      request      an      application      at
    taining food for families in need                          Or better yet, give Jim
                                                                        Bonato a call at 925 938-5433. s
n Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District’s Senior Center
    —for reaching out to homebound seniors with hearty meals
n Lindsay Wildlife Experience—for sustaining their wildlife
    mission, support, and rescue efforts
n Monument Crisis Center—for its work to provide food and
    support to Pleasant Hill and regional residents who face ur-
    gent situations
n Pleasant Hill Library Foundation—for helping equip the
    Pleasant Hill Library with books and equipment to provide a
    cross-generational source of exploring, playing, innovating,
    and connecting
n The Boys Scouts’ “At Risk” Summer Camp Scholar-
    ships—to allow boys and girls in need of a financial boost to
    attend summer camp
n Down Syndrome Connection—for its positive support for
    Down Syndrome individuals and their families
    Furthermore, one employee each from the City and the
Pleasant Hill Rec & Park District staffs will be awarded a $1.000
stipend from the Holmes Family Fund. Oliver Holmes was a
founding member of our Foundation.
    This year’s Cornerstone Award, given to a person contribut-
ing directly to the Foundation, will be presented to retiring
Foundation Treasurer Hal Jeffrey for his years of dedicated
    For more than 30 years, the Pleasant Hill Community Foun-
dation through local contributions has worked to strengthen
community organizations, build endowment funds to sustain
its giving work, and to offer flexible tax deductible options for
giving at all levels. The Foundation is pleased to announce its
new officers for FY 2021-22:

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
News from the Library...
s Virtual Book Club                                                     s The Changing Seasons—
    First Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.                               Birds of the East Bay Hills
    (Hosted via Zoom).                                                    with Bob Lewis
    Physical copies of the chosen book will                                 Tuesday, September 14,
be available for pickup at the Pleasant Hill                                at 6:00 p.m.
Temp Library, located at City Hall.                                         The Bay Area is rich in varying            Dark-eyed Junco.
If you are interested in joining the                                    habitats that are home to many                Photo by Bob Lewis.
meeting, please register at                                             bird species. As the seasons                                                   change, some birds arrive, others depart, and some just stay
    o September: The Four                                               here at home. We’ll talk about many bird species that can be
        Winds by Kristin Hannah                                         found in our gardens, with some discussion of things one can do
    o October: Veraby Carol                                             to enrich these bird habitats. The talk includes many illustrations
        Edgarian                                                        of our local birds.
                                                                            Register with your email at to attend live; the
s All that I do not yet                                                 Zoom information will be sent out prior to the event. The event
  know: Poetry                                                          will be closed captioned.
    Tuesday, September 7                                                s Read Contra Costa
    at 7:00 p.m.                                                            September 27 through August 9th
    Writing poetry helps us come to                                         The annual Read Contra Costa
know the world, both the world around                                   event     is     a  countywide     pro-
us and our shifting inner landscapes. In                                gram that encourages everyone in the
this poetry reading/workshop, poet                                      County to read and discuss the same
Krissy Kludt will read some of her work                                 book. We will be reading the award-win-
and share how poetry has been a tool                                    ning Young Adult novel, We Are Not
for processing life, particularly during                                Free by Traci Chee. The story follows
this last year. She will guide a few sim-                               a tight-knit group of young Nisei, sec-
ple, accessible writing exercises. No                                   ond-generation Japanese American
writing experience or poetic talent                                     citizens,    living  in    San    Fran-
required.                                                               cisco’s Japantown, whose lives are irrevocably changed by the
    Register with your email to attend live. The Zoom informa-          mass U.S. incarcerations during World War II. Visit for
tion will be sent to you the day before the event.                      announcements on the author presentation and book discus-                                           sion group. s

             Tinkers & Thinkers Virtual Innovation Faire—FREE! September 18
                                                    See all the details on page 7!

  Volunteer with AARP Tax-Aide
  for 2022 tax season
     Do you like working with people? Are you good with num-
     AARP Tax-Aide is looking for volunteers to become mem-
  bers of a team providing free tax preparation for individuals
  of all ages residing in Contra Costa County. Tax-Aide volun-
  teer positions include Tax Counselors who are trained by
  Tax-Aide and certified by IRS, and Client Facilitators, who
  schedule appointments and assist clients at tax sites. Orienta-
  tion is in November 2019, classes for tax counselors start in             If interested, apply online at
  January 2020. Service is from February through April 15, 2022.        or call 925-726-3199 for additional information. s

The OUTLOOK - City of Pleasant Hill
Helping our environment...

We love otters! A friendly note from the River Otter Ecology Project
    Did you know we have furry neighbors      species that have invaded our waters, like      ä Encourage children to stay quiet so
in lots of waterways, including the Contra    red swamp crayfish, which cause sub-               they can see the otters without scar-
Costa Canal? What are those long, dark        stantial destruction to our local                  ing them.
and sleek mammals we see in or by the         ecosystems by eating small fish before          ä Please don’t post the locations where
water that aren’t muskrats or beavers?        they can grow and burrowing into the                you may have seen an otter on social
They play on land and water! They might       canal sides. If you hear a river otter              media. We need to allow them to co-
be river otters…long missing from the         crunching on what sounds like a potato              exist with us and not be overwhelmed
Bay Area due to pollution and loss of         chip it is most likely dining on a crayfish!        by too many people.
good places to live. Now they are back,          We are so fortunate to have river
                                                                                                  If you see a river otter you can help by
because of the good work we have done         otters in our local waters. This is a reflec-
                                                                                              posting it on our website at
to clean the waters and restore areas         tion of the tremendous progress we
                                                                                     and check
otters thrive in.                             humans can make to protect and clean up
                                                                                              out      why       we      do     this    at
    River otters are adorable, and it’s       our environment. Please enjoy your time
important to remember that they are           watching these delightful and charis-
                                                                                                  What to do if you find an injured otter?
wild animals and our job is let them be.      matic animals.
                                                                                              Contact Contra Costa Animal Services
Right now, mother otters are emerging            Be a Friend to Otters!
                                                                                              (925) 608-8400 or for advice call the
from their dens, introducing their pups to    ä Please keep a safe distance.                  WildCare Hotline (415) 456-SAVE. Once
water and teaching them important les-
                                              ä Please do not feed them.                      you’ve done that, please report the find
sons for survival.
                                                                                              on          Otter         Spotter         at
    River otters feast on fish, crustaceans   ä Do not allow dogs to get close to the
and water insects, as well as birds,             otters.                                      ter-community-based-science/.
rodents, snakes, anything that is not veg-
etable. They also are doing an
extraordinary job eating the non-native

                      Economic Development/Business News in Pleasant Hill
Businesses now open in Pleasant Hill
   Starting a new business during these uncertain times is especially challenging, but there are a few
people forging ahead and expecting the best! Whenever you can, please shop locally and use ser-
vices provided by businesses located in Pleasant Hill. Many businesses generate sales tax revenue
that help fund important City services such as road maintenance and median landscaping, and pro-
vide much-needed jobs creating income for Pleasant Hill families and neighbors. Give these new
businesses your support!

Brianne Byrne, LMFT                           Light Touch Skin Studio                         Taqueria Pleasant Hill
Eating Disorders, Women’s Issues,             Fibroblasting Skin Tightening                   Authentic Mexican Cuisine
Life Transitions, Couples and                 101 Gregory Lane, Suite 29                      1675 Contra Costa Blvd.
Individual Therapy                            (510) 520-9063                                  (925) 349 - 9341
399 Taylor Blvd., Suite 210                 
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

City Meetings...
           Meeting schedule SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please check the
        Agenda Center on the City’s website at
                     for meeting access and agenda information.
                                                                                                                  CITY OF PLEASANT HILL
                                                                                                                       100 Gregory Lane
    September                                                                                                     Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-3323
      WHEN           WHAT                                        WHERE
Wed 1     6:30pm     Civic Action Commission                     City Hall Manager’s Conference Rm                      CITY OFFICIALS
Thu 2     5:00pm     Architectural Review Commission             Council Chambers                         Mayor                           Sue Noack
                                                                                                          Vice-Mayor                   Michael Harris
Thu 9     5:00pm     Zoning Administrator (public hearing)       Planning/Public Works                                  Councilmembers
                                                                 Conference Rm
                                                                                                                   Ken Carlson l Tim Flaherty
Thu 9     5:00pm     Commission on Aging                         City Hall Manager’s Conference Rm                        Matt Rinn
Thu 13    7:00pm     City Council*                               Council Chambers                                          City Treasurer
Tue 14    4:00pm     Traffic Safety Commission                   Location TBD. Check agenda.                                 Mark Celio

Tue 14    6:30pm     Planning Commission (public hearing)* Council Chambers
Thu 16    5:00pm     Architectural Review Commission             Council Chambers                              City Council meetings are broadcast on
                                                                                                                    Comcast channel 28, U-Verse
Mon 20 7:00pm        City Council*                               Council Chambers                           Channel 99, and Wave Broadband Channel 29
                                                                                                              on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Thu 23    5:00pm     Zoning Administrator (public hearing)       Planning/Public Works
                                                                 Conference Rm                                 Videos of meetings are also available on
                                                                                                               the City website under “Watch Meetings.”
Wed 26 7:00pm        Education Commission                        City Hall Manager’s Conference Rm
                                                                                                                         CITY HALL HOURS
Tue 28    6:30pm     Planning Commission (public hearing)* Council Chambers                            Services by appointment only due to public
                                                                                                       health restrictions. Please call for appointment.

Wed 27 7:00pm        Education Commission                        City Hall Manager’s Conference Rm
        WHEN          WHAT                                        WHERE                                              the OUTLOOK

Mon 4     7:00pm      City Council*                               Council Chambers
Wed 6     6:30pm      Civic Action Commission                     City Hall Manager’s Conference Rm
                                                                                                       The Outlook newsletter is published bimonthly
Thu 7     5:00pm      Architectural Review Commission             Council Chambers                     on recycled paper. For questions and comments,
                                                                                                       please contact the City Manager’s Office at
Tue 12    4:00pm      Traffic Safety Commission                   Location TBD. Check agenda.          925-671-5267.

Tue 12    6:30pm      Planning Commission (public hearing)*       Council Chambers
                                                                                                       Editor/Writer                        Geoff Gillette,
Thu 14    5:00pm      Zoning Administrator (public hearing)       Planning/Public Works                                  Community Relations Manager/PIO
                                                                  Conference Room                      Design/misc photos        Donaghu Graphic Designs
Thu 14    5:00pm      Commission on Aging                         City Hall Manager’s Conference Rm    Cover photo                             Allen Vinson

Mon 18 7:00pm         City Council*                               Council Chambers
                                                                                                               COVER: Pleasant Hill City Hall
Thu 21    5:00pm      Architectural Review Commission             Council Chambers
Tue 26    6:30pm      Planning Commission (public hearing)*       Council Chambers
                                                                                                                  Important Phone Numbers
Thu 28    5:00pm      Zoning Administrator (public hearing)       Planning/Public Works                Police/Fire Emergency                         911
                                                                  Conference Rm                        Police (Business)                  925-288-4600
Wed 28 7:00pm         Education Commission                        City Hall Manager’s Conference Rm    Fire (Business)                    925-941-3300
                                                                                                       Public Services Center             925-671-4646

Tue  27live6:30pm                                                                                      Chamber of Commerce                925-687-0700
  * For     streaming Planning  Commission
                      of these meetings, go to(public hearing)* and
                                       Council  Chambers
                                                                     click on “Watch Meetings” icon.
                                                                                                        Recreation & Parks                925-682-0896
                                                                                                        Trash and recycling               925-685-4711
                           Sign up for Emergency Alerts!                                                PG&E                              800-743-5000
                              Residents can sign up for Nixle alerts                                    Senior Center                     925-798-8788
                                         at                                              Senior Van Service                925-671-5272
                           Register for the Community Warning System                                    Library                           925-646-6434
                              (CWS) alerts at

the OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                           PRSRT STD
                                                                                                                                                                             U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                                                                                                             CONCORD, CA
                                                                                                                                                                             PERMIT NO. 21
                        City of Pleasant Hill
                        100 Gregory Lane                                                         ********ECRWSS********
                        Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-3323
                                                                                           POSTAL CUSTOMER

Preparing for an evacuation
    Fire weather is already here, along                                  resources, a NOAA weather radio, food                            sanitizer, a cellphone with a backup
with seasonal wildfire danger, which will                                and water, a whistle, first aid kit, impor-                      power pack and chargers, medicine and
only increase as we move into the                                        tant documents, a flashlight with extra                          medical equipment, blankets, and pet
months ahead. Over the past few years,                                   batteries, moist towelettes and hand                             supplies if necessary. Have a kit for each
California has experi-                                                                                                                                   member of your house-
enced a dramatic rise in                                                                                                                                 hold to take with them.
both the number and                                                                                                                                          Create an escape plan
severity of wildland                                                                                                                                     by making sure to have
fires.                                                                                                                                                   multiple escape routes
    To help protect your                                                                                                                                 from your home, includ-
family and neighbors, it                                                                                                                                 ing knowing how to
is important to be pre-                                                                                                                                  open your garage door
pared and know what                                                                                                                                      manually or having a
steps to take should                                                                                                                                     plan for asking for assis-
you need to evacuate.                                                                                                                                    tance. If you have
    To get alerted and                                                                                                                                   neighbors with access or
continue to receive                                                                                                                                      functional needs, i.e.
information in the                                                                                                                                       those with disabilities or
event of a wildfire,                                                                                                                                     chronic conditions, older
make sure to register                                                                                                                                    adults, children, pregnant
with the Community                                                                                                                                       women, etc., communi-
Warning System. To                                                                                                                                       cate with them and ask
receive CWS alerts, you                                                                                                                                  what assistance they
must register your cell                                                                                                                                  might require to safely
or home phone num-                                                                                                                                       evacuate.
ber, home address, and                                                                                                                                       If you are homebound,
email address, all of                                                                                                                                    make sure you identify a
which will be kept con-                                                                                                                                  family member, friend, or
fidential.                                                                                                                                               community group mem-
    Second, prepare a                                                                                                                                    ber to check on you
go-bag to bring with                                                                                                                                     during an evacuation.
you in the case of an                                                                                                                                             For more tips
evacuation. An evacua-                                                                                                                                           and info, visit
tion go-bag should
include everything you
think you’ll need during                                                                                                                                  wildfireprep, or visit our
an evacuation, includ-                                                                                                                                          Facebook and
ing a neighborhood                                                                                                                                              Twitter pages.
map        with     local

                    Pleasant Hill turns 60!            1   September is National Fall Prevention month   3   Diamond Jubilee Cocktail contest     5   News from the Library              9
Inside this issue

                    PHPD Chief’s advisory panel        1   Contra Costa Water District update            4   News from Rec & Park               6-7   Otters in our community          10
                    CERT begins in-person training     2   Backyard composting bins available            4   Tinkers & Thinkers Innovation Faire 7    Welcome new businesses           10
                    Honor our sustainability leaders   2   Contra Costa redistricting                    4   Community Foundation grants          8   City meetings                     11
                    Commission openings                3   The best time to use electricity              5   FREE rides on County Connection      8   Preparing for an evacuation      12

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