The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018

Page created by Rebecca Gibson
The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
The South Perimeter
    Short-term Safety Plan

     Public Information Session
     May 28 2018

The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
Backbone of Our Economy
    •   The south Perimeter Highway (PTH 100) is one of the most
        important economic corridors in Manitoba.
         – It is a key link in the Trans Canada Highway
         – It plays a pivotal, strategic role in Manitoba’s economy by
            providing Manitoba’s industries with access to world markets
         – It is a major route that is used everyday by many people
    •   PTH 100 accommodates a broad cross section of mixed traffic
        types including:
         – Large, long haul (international, inter-provincial) trucks,
         – Regional and local commercial trucks, and
         – High volumes of local and regional commuter traffic
    •   Very high traffic volumes: over 30,000 vehicles per day and growing

The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
Long-Term Vision
                                                                                   Common Interchange Configurations
        A fully access-controlled freeway:
           similar to United States Interstate
           interchanges with overpass
           structures, ramps or loops and service
           roads provide highway access
           Safe, efficient, free-flowing traffic
    •    Characteristics of a fully access-controlled freeway:
          – Interchanges will be the only way onto (or off of) the highway
          – Service roads and other adjacent roadways will provide access from adjacent land to the interchanges
             where traffic can then access the main highway
    •    Benefits of a fully access-controlled freeway:
          – Improved safety: Fully access-controlled highways eliminate at-grade intersections where the vast
             majority of serious collisions occur
          –   Improved efficiency: Elimination of traffic lights requiring traffic to stop will reduce congestion
    •    Time frame for developing a fully access-controlled freeway
          – Planning is now underway; a 2-year functional design study has recently commenced. The study will
              determine locations for future interchanges, grade separations and access management strategies
          – Public consultations for the long-term vision will begin in summer
          – Once the study is completed funding for the construction of the long-term vision can be considered
The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
Safety on the South Perimeter Hwy
    • PTH 100 has 26 stop-sign controlled access points and
      median openings resulting in unprotected left-turn
      movements. As traffic increases, safety and operational
      concerns become more acute at these locations.
    • On average, 36 collisions/year and many more near
      misses at these locations, which are preventable.
    • 2017 Safety Review: immediate closure of all median
      openings featuring stop-sign control and inadequate
      turning lanes can prevent 3 fatal and injury
       Action is needed to improve safety on the South
                     Perimeter Highway!
The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
Short-term Safety Improvements
    • Proposed Safety Plan:
       – Close median openings and access points between
         Portage Ave. and Fermor Ave., eliminating most left
         turn movements except at signalized intersections
         and at Brady Road.
       – Close most at-grade median openings. Some
         intersections remain operating as right-in right-out
         only, and most intersections are fully closed.
    • This is a significant, and needed, interim safety measure
      that is the first phase towards changing the South
      Perimeter to a fully access-controlled freeway standard.
The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
The Benefits of Closing Median
    Openings and Accesses
    • Locations are safer by reducing uncoordinated
      intersections, where high and low speed vehicles must
      navigate merges and turns without appropriate
      dedicated lanes
    • The Perimeter Highway will increasingly offer free flow
      conditions, improving efficiency and reducing
      greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption
    • Median closures can provide a measure of traffic
      calming for local residents, enabling roads to function
      more like local streets, with less through-traffic

The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
Perimeter Highway Safety Plan

The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
Initial Engagements with Municipalities
    •   Manitoba Infrastructure has met with affected municipalities
    •   Municipalities have identified specific locations where intersection
        and median closures will likely pose a concern for some businesses
        and residents:
         – Vicinity of Caron Road
         – Vicinity of Oakland Road
         – Vicinity of Brady Road
         – Vicinity of Murdock Road
    •   The following exhibits show recommended routing options following
        implementation of the safety plan

The South Perimeter Highway - Short-term Safety Plan Public Information Session May 28 2018
Perimeter Highway Safety Plan
      Map 1            Locations outlined in
                       the following exhibits

                                                 Map 4

                            Where accesses are closed, vehicles
                            should generally proceed to the
                            nearest interchange or signalized
              Map 3         intersection to access the desired
    Map 2                   The following exhibits show
                            alternative routes at priority locations
                            where accesses will change.

         Right-in right-out removal                                       N
         Alternative route option

                                      Map 1: Perimeter Highway
                                      and Caron Road
                                      How to turn right onto Caron Road
                                      when traveling southbound on the
                                      Perimeter Highway
Phase 1 : Future roundabout
         Phase 2:                                                     Map 2: Perimeter Highway
            Median opening removal
            Full access and median removal
                                                                      at Oak Bluff
            Right-in right-out removal                                How to turn left onto the Perimeter
         Phase 3: Future intersection improvements                    Highway from Oakland Road                    N
         Alternative route option 1
         Alternative route option 2
         Alternative route option 3 (future consideration)

                                                       Oakland Road

                                                                          Changes are expected to increase truck
                                                                             volumes by 600 vehicles per day

                                                                           PTH 2

Perimeter Highway at Oak Bluff Phase 1:
     Roundabout at PTH 2 and PTH 3
     • A roundabout provides a
       safer turning option for
       vehicles previously
       turning left through the
       Oakland Road median
       opening onto the
     • Construction: summer

How to drive in a roundabout
     • Slow down as you approach
     • Yield to traffic coming
       around from your left in the
     • Drive in a counter-clockwise
     • Signal when exiting

Perimeter Highway at Oak Bluff Phase 3:
     Perimeter Highway and PTH 3
     Intersection Improvements


                    Added right-turn lane
                                            Added left-turn signal
                                            from PTH 3 onto the
                                             Perimeter Highway

                                            Added left-turn lanes
         Removed access
         to service roads

          PTH 3

     Access and left turn-out removal, left turn-in remains
     Full access and median removal
     Alternative route option
                                                                       Perimeter Highway

                                                                                  Brady Landfill

                                                          Brady Road
                      Northbound left turn-out removal
                      Left out removal
                      North-side access removal

                                                                        Map 3: Perimeter Highway
                                                                        at Brady Landfill
                                                                        How to turn left on to the Perimeter
                                                                        Highway from Brady Road


     Map 4: Perimeter Highway
     at Murdock Road
     How to access Murdock Road when traveling
     eastbound on the Perimeter Highway

                                                 Murdock Road

           Median opening removal
           Right-in right-out removal
           Alternative route option

Next Steps
     • Continue to meet with impacted stakeholders and
       municipalities as this plan is implemented, including
       another Public Meeting in Oak Bluff.
     • Manitoba Infrastructure will review feedback, refine the
       safety plan and initiate construction of the access and
       median closures outlined here
     • Manitoba Infrastructure will hold additional open houses
       to identify the long-term vision for the Perimeter
       Highway in the summer of 2018

Thank You For Attending
     •   Questionnaires are available on the tables and at the sign in desk.
         Please take some time to fill one out.
     •   Contacts:
             Brett Wareham, Director of Regional Operations
             Eastern Region, Steinbach Office
             Phone: (204) 346-6278

             Erica Vido, Director
             Transportation Systems Planning and Development
             Phone: (204) 945-2631

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