Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System

Page created by Sarah Cummings
Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System
Uniclass                             EPIC
                               L773                                  N57


                                             (66.3)       Xt6

                               Issue No: 2            Issue Date: May 2010

Uni-8® Horizontal Lifeline®
Cable Fall Protection System
Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System
Uni-8® Horizontal Lifeline®
cable fall protection system

                                  working safely at heights
                                  A workplace is considered to       circumstances, the product
                                  be at height if a person could     can span up to 12m between
                                  be injured when falling from it,   support brackets. Uni-8 offers
                                  even if it is at or below ground   excellent functionality through
                                  level. This means that work        it’s free flowing bypass capability
                                  place risks need to be carefully   and can navigate corners and
                                  assessed and appropriate and       contours in building designs.         02
                                  proportionate control measures     Minimal moving parts and high
                                  implemented in order to mitigate   grade materials ensure long
                                  such risks. The Uni-8 Horizontal   life expectancy, low cost of
                                  Lifeline System combined           ownership and add up to a
                                  with good management               sound investment. The system
                                  controls provides a simple, yet    can be fitted to many types of
                                  comprehensive solution that        structure and can also support
                                  will ensure compliance with        multiple workers for both
contents                          current regulations in many        fall arrest and work restraint
                                  circumstances.                     applications.
working safely at heights    02
                                  The Uni-8 product is well suited   Detailed information to ensure
features & benefits          03
                                  to modern building projects,       safe system design and
components                   04   refurbishments and can also        integration is provided by our
                                  be used for a wide range of        comprehensive Uniline for
for more information about        industrial safety applications.    Windows software programme
our range of equipment            The product is high quality,       and further enhanced by a
visit our website at              whilst providing excellent         comprehensive installation
www.unilinesafety.com             value for money. In typical        network.

    uniline safety systems
Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System
features & benefits
•    igh quality 316 stainless
    h                                             •    discreet and unobtrusive
    steel cable fall protection                       solution
    system offering excellent                     •   s ystem performance
    freedom of movement                                calculated using bespoke
•    avigates corners and
    n                                                  design software
    building contours                             •    onforms to EN795 Class
•   in line energy absorbers                         C, OSHA 1915.159 &
     protect buildings and                            1926.502M, ANSI Z359.1
     structures                                       2007 and AS/NZS 1891.2
•   s pans of up to 12m (39.36ft)                •   CE Marked
     between intermediate                         **some aggressive environments can
     supports                                     cause corrosion and discolouration of
                                                  stainless steel
•    lectropolished components
    provide long-term corrosion


robust, functional
cost effective
Unieye End Anchorage
Connector – 316 Stainless                                                                                        Uni-8 90 and 45 degree
Steel, electropolished,                           Uni-8 System Tensioner – 316                                   corners. 316 stainless steel,
Serial Numbered – 67kN                            stainless steel with anti-seizure                              electropolished. Other angles
(14,773lbs) min breaking                          tensioning unit and tension                                    achieved using variable
strength                                          indicator disc                                                 bracket (UI0404-VB)
                                     A. UE0100A

                                                                                          B. U8T0400/0402/0405

                                                                                                                                                 C&G. U80405/0406/0407/0411

    uniline safety systems
Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System
D. U80800

                                                                                                    E. UI0404

                                                                                                                                                             F. UG0800A
8mm (5/16”) 7x7 316 stainless                               Uni-8 intermediate bracket – 316                    Unigrab Attachment Device
steel cable – min breaking                                  stainless steel, electropolished.                   weighs only 0.29kg (0.64lbs)
strength 38kn (8,542lbf).                                   Variable positioning available                      and fits in the palm of your
                                                            to suit a range of applications.                    hand. Can be attached at any
                                                            Re-orientates load in the event                     point along the system. 316
                                                            of a fall.                                          stainless steel, electropolished
                                                                                                                and serial numbered.

                                H                           I                    A    Unieye (UE0100A)
                 G                                                               B    8mm Roll Swage 0.8kN Tensioner (U8T0400)*
                                                                                      8mm Hex Swage 0.8kN Tensioner (U8T0402)
                                                                                      8mm Swageless 0.8kN Tensioner (U8T0405)*
            F                                                                    C    8mm Tube Only 45° (U80406)
                                                                                 D	7x7 8mm Stainless Steel Cable (U80800)
             E                                                                   E    8mm Intermediate Bracket (UI0404)                                                   04
                                                                                 F    UniGrab (UG0800A)
                                                                                 G	8mm Tube Only 90° (U80405)
                                                                                 H    8mm Roll Swage Toggle (U8S0401)*
             C                                                                        8mm Hex Swage Toggle (U8S0403)
                                                                                      8mm Swageless Toggle (U8S0406)*
                                                                                 I    Inline Energy Absorber (UA0600)
                                                                                 J    Wall Plate Anchor (UP0112A)
                                                                                 *This component is different from the one illustrated.
                                                                                 Fasteners for fixing to the structure are not supplied. For more detailed
                                                                                 component information refer to the individual datasheets.

                                                            Inline Force Management                             Wall Anchor Plate – 316
Uni-8 Swage Toggles – 316                                   Energy Absorber – 316 Stainless                     Stainless Steel, electropolished.
Stainless Steel                                             Steel, electropolished                              50kN min breaking strength
                                     H. U8S0401/0403/0404

                                                                                                    I. UA0600

      uniline safety systems
Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System
Uniline Safety Systems is a leading international manufacturer of fall protection products
               and systems. Through a combination of expert knowledge and practical experience,
               we can help our customers reduce risk and increase safety when working at height.

      Uniline’s comprehensive range of products offers fully compliant, practical solutions for structures
       of all types, in all industries. Our ethos of delivering quality, service, training and support for our
             customers has earned Uniline a deserved reputation for excellence around the world.

            Operating through specialist safety companies in over 25 countries, Uniline provides local
           support and installation services to meet the specific safety objectives of all our customers.

If you need a safety solution for       MultiSafe comprises three of the best         The best vertical fall protection systems       A range of intuitive rescue and
roof access during maintenance          known brands in fall protection safety:       in the world won’t let you down.                access products to aid recovery
and inspection tasks, then look         Uni-8, Uni-16, and UniRail. The versatility   The extensive development of the                of workers after a fall or in an
no further than Uniline’s RoofSafe      of these products combined with Uniline’s     EasyClimber range of products for vertical      emergency at height. The diversity of
product range. Our products,            expertise in fall protection ensures we can   structures including masts, towers, pylons,     Uniline’s Rescue range ensures we
including roof anchors, horizontal      solve even the most complex of height         wind turbines, silos, bridges and chimney       can provide a solution for all types
lifelines & horizontal rail systems     safety problems in industry, construction,    stacks ensures customers will enjoy             of rescue situations whilst keeping
offer comprehensive protection for      façade access and for all manner of           the safest and most functional climbing         safety the top priority.
workers on all types of roofs.          building maintenance and inspection tasks.    experience possible.

                                      because lives depend on it

                        local distributor/systems integrator

                                                              Uniline Safety Systems Limited

                            UK                                                    USA                                             AUSTRALIA
                      5a Merse Road                                    17200 Chenal Parkway                                         Factory 1
                    North Moons Moat                                           Suite #352                                  4 Reichert Drive, Molendinar
                  Redditch, Worcestershire                              Little Rock, AR 72223                                   Queensland 4214
                         B98 9HL                                                  USA                                                Australia
                  t: +44 (0) 1527 548 000                              t: +01 (501) 517 6056                                   t: +61 (7) 5563 1900
                  f: +44 (0) 1527 591 000                              f: +01 (501) 325 3477                                   f: +61 (7) 5571 7093
Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System Uni-8 Horizontal Lifeline Cable Fall Protection System
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