Page created by Brenda Hicks

Managed Distribution Policy Disclosure                With each distribution, the Fund will
    In May 2018, The Swiss Helvetia Fund,         issue a notice to stockholders and a press
Inc. (the “Fund”), acting pursuant to an          release which will provide detailed
SEC exemptive order and with the                  information regarding the amount and
approval of the Fund’s Board of Directors         composition of the distribution and other
(the “Board”), adopted a managed                  related information. The amounts and
distribution policy. Under that policy, as        sources of distributions reported in the
resumed by the Board and announced in             notice to stockholders are only estimates,
November 2019, the Fund will pay a                are likely to change over time, and are not
quarterly distribution stated in terms of a       being provided for tax reporting purposes.
fixed amount of $0.13755 per share of the         The actual amounts and sources of the
Fund’s common stock, which equates to             amounts for tax reporting purposes will
an annualized distribution rate of 6.00%          depend upon the Fund’s investment
based on the Fund’s net asset value of            experience during the remainder of its
$9.17 as of October 31, 2020. In                  fiscal year and may be subject to changes
accordance with the policy, the Fund              based on tax regulations. The Fund will
distributed on March 31, 2021 and                 send you a Form 1099- DIV for the
June 30, 2021, $0.13755 per share to              calendar year that will tell you how to
stockholders of record on March 22, 2021          report these distributions for federal
and June 21, 2021.                                income tax purposes. Please refer to
                                                  “Federal Income Tax and Investment
    You should not draw any conclusions           Transactions” under Note 5 of the Notes to
about the Fund’s investment performance           Financial Statements (Unaudited) for
from the amount of the Fund’s distribution        information regarding the tax character
or from the terms of the Fund’s managed           of the Fund’s distributions. A copy of the
distribution policy. The Board reviews the        Fund’s Section 19(a) notices is available on
Fund’s managed distribution policy                the Fund’s website at
periodically and may amend or terminate
the managed distribution policy at any               The Fund’s total return in relation to
time without prior notice to Fund                 changes in net asset value is presented in
stockholders, which could have an                 the Financial Highlights.
adverse effect on the market price of the
Fund’s shares.


Management Discussion and Analysis (as               Europe. We now forecast the world
of June 30, 2021)                                    economy to expand by 5.9% this year
   For the six-month period ending                   before slowing to 4.5% in 2022. To put the
June 30, 2021, the performance of The                growth outlook in context, we believe the
Swiss Helvetia Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), as           recovery will be driven by a re-opening of
measured by the change in value in the               the service sector, which should favor
Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), increased            advanced economies over emerging
8.5% in US dollars (“USD”). For the same             markets. The differential is expected to be
period, the Fund’s share price                       reinforced by a greater availability of
performance increased 12.1% in USD. This             vaccines and fiscal support in developed
compares with an increase of 9.9% in the             economies. Notably, this expected
Swiss Performance Index (the “Index” or              outcome differs significantly from the
the “SPI”) in USD.                                   recovery from the last recession, where
                                                     massive stimulus in China led emerging
Economic environment during the period               markets out of the global financial crisis.
under review
                                                         In Switzerland, as expected, the easing
Global economic review                               of coronavirus restrictions has triggered a
   The first quarter of 2021 was again               swift recovery in the domestic economy.
dominated by uncertainties due to                    The Federal Government’s Expert Group
Covid-19, with a renewed rise in the                 (SECO) has increased its GDP forecast for
number of infections in many countries               2021 to +3.6 %. The Swiss economy is also
and a combination of new and prolonged               expected to grow at a significantly above-
measures to combat the virus. Hopes for              average rate in 2022.
an improved economic outlook were
focused on mass vaccinations campaigns               Market environment during the period
that were set to take place in several               under review
countries during the second quarter.                     In the first quarter of 2021, markets
    The economic environment indeed                  shook off worries of increasing Covid-19
looked brighter in the second quarter. The           infection numbers and continued to rise on
general success of the Covid-19 vaccines’            the back of the vaccines’ rollouts and the
roll outs, official policy support of the roll       hopes for a stronger-than-anticipated
outs in a number of countries, and the               global economic recovery in the course of
adaptability of many firms that operated             the year. From mid-February, higher
with significant Covid-19 restrictions led us        inflation expectations and increased bond
to increase our forecast for global growth,          yields led to a short sell-off in equities.
with significant upgrades to the US and              However, supported by further government


stimulus and a positive economic outlook,         9.9% as measured by the SPI in USD. For
markets recovered quickly.                        the entire first six months of the year the
                                                  MSCI World, S&P 500, and MSCI Europe
    In the second quarter, global equity
                                                  returned 13.5%, 16.0%, and 11.3% in USD,
markets, including Switzerland’s, again saw
                                                  respectively. This comes after the SPI’s
strong gains. In Switzerland, large cap
                                                  increase of 13.8% in 2020. In the first half
stocks outperformed small & mid cap stocks
                                                  of 2021, small & mid caps, represented by
and defensive stocks and sectors advanced
                                                  the SPI Extra Index (the “SPIEX”),
more than cyclical stocks and sectors.
                                                  outperformed large caps, represented by
   However, overall, Swiss equities               the Swiss Market Index Total Return (the
underperformed international peers for            “SMIC”), by +3.2% in USD.
the full first half 2021. They increased by


                     Swiss Performance Index for the first half 2021
                                Sector       Weight                            Absolute sector performance

                        Basic Resources       0.03%                                                                         46.14%

        Consumer Products and Services        4.00%                                                              31.51%

             Industrial Goods & Services     10.49%                                                     19.69%

               Construction & Materials       6.00%                                                    18.55%

                                  Media       0.03%                                             12.87%

                            Technology        2.42%                                             12.79%

 Personal Care, Drug, and Grocery Stores      0.47%                                            12.67%

                   Telecommunications         0.89%                                           10.50%

                       Financial Services     7.51%                                          9.89%

                              Chemicals       2.61%                                         8.43%

                        Travel & Leisure      0.07%                                         8.21%

              Food, Beverage & Tobacco       20.94%                                         8.09%

                            Health Care      34.52%                                        7.58%

                     Automobile & Parts       0.03%                                 2.16%

                               Insurance      6.80%                                1.28%

                             Real Estate      1.36%                               0.08%

                                   Banks      1.47%                      -0.21%

                                 Utilities    0.16%                     -1.80%

                                   Retail     0.20%                   -4.47%

                                                 -35%   -25%   -15%       -5%        5%        15%        25%    35%      45%    55%

Source: Schroders, Bloomberg, as of June 30, 2021. Performance measured as total return in USD. Sectors mentioned should not
be viewed as a recommendation to buy/sell. Portfolio composition is subject to change over time. Investors cannot invest directly in
the Index.

Performance                                                             counterparts. The MSCI Switzerland
   During the period under review, the                                  Growth Index increased by 18.5% over the
Fund’s NAV return of 8.5% was behind the                                half year, while the value pendant
Index’s return by -1.4% in USD.                                         increased by only 8.7% (measured in CHF,
                                                                        as there is no USD variant available).
   In terms of style, “growth” stocks                                   Amongst small & mid cap stocks, the MSCI
significantly outperformed their “value”                                Switzerland Small & Mid Cap Growth Index


outperformed its value counterpart by              Vifor Pharma. In contrast, negative
9.8%. This better performance by growth            contributions came from overweights in
stocks as compared to value stocks was             SoftwareOne, ams, BKW, Baloise, Zurich
not beneficial to the Fund, which has              Insurance and VZ Holding, as well as
greater exposure to value stocks and               underweights in Kühne & Nagel,
sectors. The Fund’s ‘value tilt’ is partly a       Straumann, Roche and Sika. The Fund’s low
reflection of the management style of the          single digit cash position also detracted
Fund’s investment adviser, but also partly         from relative performance.
the result of industry concentration rules
                                                       Overall, the Fund underperformed the
that restrict the Fund’s exposure to the
                                                   benchmark by -1.4% in the first half of
heavyweight pharmaceutical sector at a
                                                   2021. Its private equity positions as a
level below the benchmark weight.
                                                   whole experienced only a small change in
    The Fund’s size bias towards small &           valuation. That said, in a period where
mid cap stocks was a small tailwind for            listed equities increased strongly, private
performance. During the period under               equity positions overall had a negative
review, the small & mid cap index SPIEX            impact of 0.2% on relative performance.
returned 14.7% and outperformed the
large cap index SMIC by 3.3% (in CHF).             Portfolio changes
                                                        In total, there were 10 purchases and 16
   In terms of stock picking, positive             sales of listed equities on a net basis in the
contributions came from overweights in             first half of 2021, plus a sale of the privately
Logitech, Swatch, Swissquote, Richemont,           held Ixodes. As of June 30, 2021, there are
SIG Combibloc, Sulzer, SFS, Julius Baer and        42 listed companies held by the Fund and
Sonova, as well as an underweight in               four direct private equity investments.


New Investments by the Fund                 Positions Entirely Disposed of
Aryzta                                      DKSH
OC Oerlikon                                 Sensirion
Polypeptide                                 Ixodes

Additions to Existing Investments           Reductions in Existing Investments
ams                                         ABB
Credit Suisse                               Baloise
Nestlé                                      BKW
SIG Combibloc                               Cembra
Swissquote                                  Geberit
UBS                                         Helvetia
Zurich Insurance                            Julius Baer
                                            Partners Group
                                            Swiss Life
                                            Swiss Re


   The Fund established new positions in          Solutions – and has a global footprint of
Aryzta, OC Oerlikon and Polypeptide.              more than 10,600 employees at 179
                                                  locations in 37 countries. In 2020,
    Aryzta is an international bakery
                                                  Oerlikon generated CHF 2.3 billion in sales
company with a leadership position in
                                                  and invested CHF 118 million in research
convenience bakery that offers a range of
                                                  and development Since the beginning of
products and services for in-store bakery
                                                  2018, Oerlikon has underperformed
solutions. Aryzta produces a variety of
                                                  relative to the market and relative to its
foods including, among others, artisan
                                                  industry peers. We believe that this
breads, pastries, cookies, donuts, muffins
                                                  negative performance is attributable to a
and buns. We believe that Aryzta’s sale of
                                                  cyclical decline as well as company
its North American business will allow it
                                                  specific issues, such as bad cost
to focus on and improve the quality of its
                                                  management. With the appointment of a
balance sheet. Its core business product
                                                  new CFO in January 2020, however, cost
offerings remain strong, and we believe
                                                  management has significantly improved.
that its new CEO can lead the firm back
into profitable growth.                              The Fund participated in the IPO of
                                                  the Polypeptide group. Polypeptide is the
    Oerlikon is a global technology group
                                                  second largest global developer and
that aims to become a leading provider of
                                                  manufacturer of peptides, an area of the
surface solutions, advanced materials,
                                                  pharmaceutical and biotechnology value
and materials processing. Oerlikon
                                                  chain that is showing above-average
engineers materials, equipment, and
surfaces and provides expert services
enabling customers to have high-                      Positions were increased in a number
performance products and systems with             of stocks where the Fund’s investment
extended lifespans. Drawing on its key            adviser views valuation as attractive in
technological competencies and strong             comparison to the market or sector, such
financial foundation, Oerlikon is currently       as ams, Credit Suisse, Nestlé, SIG Combibloc,
sustaining mid-term growth by executing           Swissquote, UBS and Zurich Insurance.
three strategic drivers: addressing
                                                      Positions that were reduced, mainly to
attractive growth markets, securing
                                                  trim back the exposure to their original
structural growth, and expanding
                                                  weights after strong rises, were in ABB,
through targeted mergers and
                                                  Baloise, BKW, Cembra, Geberit, Helvetia, Julius
acquisitions. Oerlikon operates its
                                                  Baer, Logitech, Novartis, Partners Group,
business in two divisions – Surface
                                                  Richemont, SFS Swiss Life, and Swiss Re.
Solutions and Polymer Processing


    Positions in DKSH and Sensirion were             with significant Covid-19 restrictions has
entirely disposed of. Sensirion was sold as          led us to increase our forecast for global
the Fund’s investment adviser believes               growth. This enhanced forecast is led by
that its fair valuation has been reached.            our expectations for the US and Europe
DKSH was sold due to concerns about the              with only a minor increase in the
potential impact of Covid-19 variants in             emerging market forecast. The differential
Asian markets, which are markets that we             is reinforced by the greater availability of
believe are core to its success.                     vaccines and fiscal support in the
                                                     developed economies. This expected
Outlook and Investment View                          outcome differs from the recovery from
    The success of the Covid-19 vaccines’            the last recession, where massive stimulus
roll outs, official policy support of the roll       in China led the emerging markets out of
outs in a number of countries, and the               the global financial crisis.
adaptability of many firms that operated

Contributions to World GDP growth (y/y)

Source: Schroders Economics Group, 26 May 2021


   We expect that inflation will increase in         prevent short-term shortages of materials,
the near term, largely as a consequence of           parts, and labour. We concur with the
the rise in commodity prices and the rapid           Federal Reserve’s (the “Fed”) view that
pace of recovery, which has created                  there will be a transitory spike in inflation.
bottlenecks in some sectors of the world             However, we are also forecasting higher
economy. We believe growth in 2021 will              inflation further out, as we anticipate that
be the fastest in the 21st century, and              the output gap may close in several
while there is significant spare capacity, it        countries and regions as capacity tightens
cannot be put in place rapidly enough to             in 2022.

Recovery paths – advanced economy output gaps closing in 2022

Source: Schroders Economics Group, 27 May 2021


    Other economies are lagging behind                 Nonetheless, a more hawkish Fed
the US, but not by much, and                       could lead to a more challenging
policymakers can expect to come under              environment for investors with higher
similar scrutiny in 2022. Growth in Europe         volatility levels. We believe this could be
is expected to receive a significant               accompanied by an end to ultra-low
upgrade as the pace of Covid-19                    interest rates and a decrease or unwinding
vaccinations has increased, thus                   of monetary stimuli. Put differently, while
improving the prospects for an earlier re-         there is likely still going to be an appetite
opening and the avoidance of further               for some supportive fiscal stimuli, we
restrictions. Inflation is also expected to        believe that the sheer amount of fiscal
rise more than originally forecast, but            spending throughout the Covid-19 crisis is
remains low in comparison to the US, and           not sustainable. In the course of Q2 2021,
therefore we do not anticipate that the            we again saw a significant outperformance
European Central Bank will change its              of quality growth companies which led to
current policy path.                               valuation multiples at record levels in this
                                                   segment. We expect style and sector
    Emerging markets (“EMs”) should
                                                   leadership to revert more towards
benefit from a stronger global economy,
                                                   “reflation”. While we do not anticipate this
but the upgrades to our forecasts are not
                                                   style rotation will happen all at once, we
large, and we believe GDP growth in EMs
                                                   are convinced that the Fund’s portfolio –
may barely exceed the pace of expansion
                                                   with its focus on quality, valuation, and
in developed markets next year. A period
                                                   sustainability – is well positioned to benefit
of above-target inflation in many EMs
                                                   from this evolution.
should subside as the impact of higher
food and energy costs fades, negating the
need for aggressive interest rate hikes by
most central banks.


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                                June 30, 2021

                                                       Percent                                                              Percent
  No. of                                                of Net          No. of                                               of Net
  Shares              Security              Value       Assets          Shares             Security              Value       Assets
Common Stock — 96.03%
Banks — 4.31%                                                         Biotechnology — (continued)
    6,469 Cembra Money Bank AG $             725,737    0.50%             3,788 PolyPeptide Group AG1       $    349,970 0.24%
          Provides financial services.                                          Operates as a biotechnology
          The company’s services                                                company. The Company
          include personal loans,                                               focuses on producing
          vehicle financing, credit                                             proprietary and generic
          cards and savings and                                                 GMP grade peptides for
          insurance services.                                                   the pharmaceutical and
          (Cost $384,501)                                                       biotechnology industry.
                                                                                (Cost $266,102)            ______________ _______
 221,000 Credit Suisse Group AG            2,317,231    1.59%                                                  2,475,919 1.70%
         A global diversified financial                               Building Materials — 2.97%
         services company with
         significant activity in                                           660 Forbo Holding AG                 1,250,955    0.86%
         private banking,                                                      Produces floor coverings,
         investment banking and                                                adhesives and belts for
         asset management.                                                     conveying and power
         (Cost $2,744,282)                                                     transmission.
                                                                               (Cost $1,054,700)
 212,000 UBS Group AG                    3,247,601 2.22%
         Provides retail banking,                                         2,100 Geberit AG                      1,576,675    1.08%
         corporate and institutional                                            Manufactures and supplies
         banking, wealth management,                                            water supply pipes and
         asset management and                                                   fittings, installation, and
         investment banking.                                                    drainage and flushing
         (Cost $2,916,983)                                                      systems such as visible
                                     ______________ _______                     cisterns other sanitary
                                         6,290,569 4.31%                        systems for the commercial
Biotechnology — 1.70%                                                           and residential
                                                                                construction markets.
   36,000 Idorsia Ltd.1                      990,794    0.68%                   (Cost $1,000,204)
          Researches, develops,
          and manufactures                                                4,600 Sika AG                           1,505,382 1.03%
          pharmaceutical, biological,                                           Manufactures construction
          and diagnostic products.                                              materials, producing
          (Cost $1,027,734)                                                     concrete and mixtures,
                                                                                mortar, sealants and
    1,600 Lonza Group AG                   1,135,155    0.78%                   adhesives, tooling resins,
          Produces organic fine                                                 anti-static industrial flooring,
          chemicals, biocides, active                                           and acoustic materials. The
          ingredients, and                                                      company serves customers
          biotechnology products.                                               worldwide.
          (Cost $1,002,069)                                                     (Cost $667,980)               ______________ _______
                                                                                                                  4,333,012 2.97%

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                                June 30, 2021

                                                       Percent                                                               Percent
  No. of                                                of Net          No. of                                                of Net
  Shares              Security              Value       Assets          Shares             Security             Value         Assets
Common Stock — (continued)
Chemicals — 1.13%                                                     Diversified Financial Services — 3.52%
 148,778 OC Oerlikon Corp. AG        $ 1,651,390 1.13%                  31,835 Julius Baer Group Ltd.      $    2,079,512     1.42%
         Manufactures industrial                                               Provides private banking
         equipment. The Company                                                services. The company
         produces protective coatings                                          advises on wealth
         for precision tools and                                               management, financial
         components, equipment                                                 planning and investments;
         for textile production, and                                           offers mortgage and other
         propulsion technology                                                 lending, foreign exchange,
         drive systems.                                                        securities trading, custody
         (Cost $1,629,805)           ______________ _______                    and execution services.
                                         1,651,390 1.13%                       (Cost $1,344,842)
Commercial Services — 0.47%
                                                                        12,700 Swissquote Group
    221 SGS SA                             682,354 0.47%                       Holding SA                        1,920,766    1.32%
        Provides industrial                                                    Through its subsidiaries,
        inspection, analysis, testing,                                         offers online financial services.
        and verification services.                                             The company operates an
        (Cost $553,249)              ______________ _______                    online trading system which
                                           682,354 0.47%                       offers customers real-time
Computers — 4.27%                                                              securities quotes on the
                                                                               Swiss Stock Exchange.
   40,000 Logitech International SA        4,850,976    3.32%                  (Cost $1,365,463)
          Engages in the development
          and marketing of hardware                                     13,408 VZ Holding AG                   1,137,218 0.78%
          and software products that                                           Provides independent
          enable or enhance digital                                            financial advice to private
          navigation, music and video                                          individuals and companies.
          entertainment, gaming,                                               The company consults on
          social networking and audio                                          investment, tax and
          and video communication.                                             inheritance planning and
          (Cost $542,328)                                                      provides advice regarding
   58,611 SoftwareONE Holding AG         1,385,461 0.95%                       insurance products
          Provides IT services. The                                            and coverage.
          Company offers cloud                                                 (Cost $438,472)             ______________ _______
          computing, portfolio                                                                                 5,137,496 3.52%
          management, procurement,
          unified communication,
          and other related solutions.
          (Cost $1,249,079)          ______________ _______
                                         6,236,437 4.27%

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                               June 30, 2021

                                                       Percent                                                             Percent
  No. of                                                of Net          No. of                                              of Net
  Shares              Security              Value       Assets          Shares             Security             Value       Assets
Common Stock — (continued)
Electric — 1.27%                                                      Food — (continued)
  17,771 BKW AG                      $ 1,851,406 1.27%                 206,000 Nestlé SA                  $ 25,677,849 17.59%
         Provides energy supply                                                One of the world’s largest
         services. The company                                                 food and beverage
         focuses on the production,                                            processing companies.
         transportation, trading and                                           (Cost $14,003,625)         ______________ _______
         sale of energy. In addition                                                                        26,456,712 18.12%
         to energy supply, the                                        Hand/Machine Tools — 0.96%
         company also develops,
         implements and operates                                         4,550 Schindler Holding AG             1,393,033 0.96%
         energy solutions                                                      Manufactures and installs
         for its clients.                                                      elevators, escalators, and
         (Cost $1,113,645)           ______________ _______                    moving walkways
                                         1,851,406 1.27%                       internationally. The
                                                                               company’s products are
Electronic Components & Equipment — 2.23%                                      used in airports, subway
  96,000 ABB Ltd.                      3,260,064 2.23%                         stations, railroad terminals,
         Provides power and                                                    shopping centers, cruise
         automation technologies.                                              ships, hotels, and office
         The company operates                                                  buildings. The company
         under segments that                                                   also offers maintenance
         include power products,                                               services.
         power systems, automation                                             (Cost $977,749)              ______________ _______
         products, process                                                                                      1,393,033 0.96%
         automation, and robotics.                                    Healthcare-Products — 4.98%
         (Cost $2,239,882)         ______________ _______               10,200 Alcon, Inc.                       714,833    0.49%
                                       3,260,064 2.23%                         Manufactures eye care
Food — 18.12%                                                                  products. The company
 570,477 Aryzta AG1                          778,863    0.53%                  produces and markets
         Produces and retails                                                  vitreoretinal and cataract
         specialty bakery products.                                            surgery, contact lenses,
         The Company produces                                                  and refractive technology
         French breads, pastries,                                              products.
         continental breads,                                                   (Cost $667,799)
         confections, artisan breads,
         homestyle lunches,
         viennoiserie, patisserie,
         cookies, pizza, appetizers,
         and sweet baked goods.
         (Cost $759,601)

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                                       June 30, 2021

                                                          Percent                                                                 Percent
  No. of                                                   of Net          No. of                                                  of Net
  Shares              Security              Value          Assets          Shares              Security                Value       Assets
Common Stock — (continued)
Healthcare-Products — (continued)                                        Healthcare-Products — (continued)
 125,416 Eyesense AG, Series     A1,2,3
                                     $           46,131    0.03%            5,295 Tecan Group AG                 $ 2,625,875       1.80%
         A spin-out from Ciba Vision                                              Manufactures and
         AG. Develops novel                                                       distributes laboratory
         ophthalmic self- diagnostic                                              automation components
         systems for glucose                                                      and systems. The
         monitoring of                                                            products are mainly
         diabetes patients.                                                       used by research and
         (Cost $3,007,048)                                                        diagnostic laboratories.
                                                                                  (Cost $486,487)                ______________ _______
    3,500 Medacta Group SA1                  459,674       0.32%                                                     7,267,164 4.98%
          Produces and distributes                                       Healthcare-Services — 0.58%
          medical devices. The
          company develops,                                                11,900 Galenica AG                      840,666 0.58%
          manufactures, and                                                        Retails pharmaceutical
          distributes orthopedic                                                   products, and services
          and neurosurgical                                                        customers in Switzerland.
          medical devices.                                                         The Company offers health,
          (Cost $341,248)                                                          beauty, and related
                                                                                   products and services.
    5,486 Sonova Holding AG             2,065,374          1.41%                   (Cost $602,995)           ______________ _______
          Designs and produces                                                                                     840,666 0.58%
          wireless analog and digital                                    Industrials — 0.91%
          in-the-ear and behind-the-ear
          hearing aids and                                                  2,900 Belimo Holdings AG                  1,327,095    0.91%
          miniaturized voice                                                      Manufactures heating,
          communications systems.                                                 ventilation and air
          (Cost $846,271)                                                         conditioning equipment.
                                                                                  (Cost $344,115)                ______________ _______
 250,550 Spineart SA1,2,3                  1,355,277       0.93%                                                     1,327,095 0.91%
         Designs and markets an                                          Insurance — 9.17%
         innovative full range of
                                                                           10,537 Baloise Holding AG                  1,644,928    1.13%
         spine products, including
                                                                                  Offers group and individual
         fusion and motion
                                                                                  life, health, accident, liability
         preservation devices,
                                                                                  property, and transportation
         focusing on easy to implant
                                                                                  insurance to customers in
         high-end products to
                                                                                  Europe. The Company also
         simplify the surgical act.
                                                                                  offers private banking and
         (Cost $1,761,659)
                                                                                  asset management services.
                                                                                  (Cost $1,626,589)

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                                June 30, 2021

                                                       Percent                                                              Percent
  No. of                                                of Net          No. of                                               of Net
  Shares              Security              Value       Assets          Shares              Security             Value       Assets
Common Stock — (continued)
Insurance — (continued)                                               Metal Fabricate/Hardware — 1.25%
   14,838 Helvetia Holding AG        $ 1,597,210        1.09%           12,700 SFS Group AG                   $ 1,828,712 1.25%
          Provides a broad range of                                             Provides automotive
          life, casualty, liability,                                            products, building and
          accident and transportation                                           electronic components,
          insurance in Switzerland and                                          flat roofing and solar
          in other European countries.                                          fastening systems. The
          The Company insures                                                   company operates
          individuals, property such                                            production facilities in Asia,
          as vehicles and buildings,                                            Europe and North America.
          and consumer goods and                                                (Cost $846,209)               ______________ _______
          personal belongings                                                                                     1,828,712 1.25%
          (Cost $1,458,102)                                           Miscellaneous Manufacturing — 1.41%
    7,339 Swiss Life Holding AG            3,569,659    2.44%           14,620 Stadler Rail AG                    643,416    0.44%
          Provides life insurance                                              Engineers and
          and institutional                                                    manufactures trains.
          investment management.                                               The company offers
          (Cost $2,387,463)                                                    suburban and regional
                                                                               transport trains, light rail
    8,359 Swiss Re AG                        754,919    0.52%                  vehicles, and trams.
          Offers reinsurance,                                                  (Cost $608,027)
          insurance, and insurance
          linked financial                                              10,200 Sulzer AG                    1,410,245 0.97%
          market products.                                                     Manufactures machinery
          (Cost $602,605)                                                      and equipment, and
                                                                               operates in a surfacing
   14,500 Zurich Insurance                                                     technology business. The
          Group AG                        5,822,903 3.99%                      Company provides
          Provides insurance-based                                             pumping and surface
          financial services. The                                              technology solution and
          company offers general                                               services, services and
          and life insurance products                                          repair of thermal turbo
          and services for individuals,                                        machinery, and service
          small businesses,                                                    for separation
          commercial enterprises,                                              and static mixing.
          mid-sized and large                                                  (Cost $964,564)          ______________ _______
          corporations, and                                                                                 2,053,661 1.41%
          multinational companies.
          (Cost $4,874,010)           ______________ _______
                                        13,389,619 9.17%

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                               June 30, 2021

                                                     Percent                                                               Percent
  No. of                                              of Net          No. of                                                of Net
  Shares              Security              Value     Assets          Shares              Security              Value       Assets
Common Stock — (continued)
Packaging & Containers — 2.27%                                      Private Equity — 1.81%
 122,000 SIG Combibloc Group AG $ 3,318,094 2.27%                      1,738 Partners Group
         The company, through                                                  Holding AG                    $ 2,635,157 1.81%
         its subsidiaries,                                                     A global private markets
         manufactures and                                                      investment management firm
         produces bottling                                                     with investment programs
         machines and systems                                                  under management in
         for the food and                                                      private equity, private real
         beverage industries.                                                  estate, private infrastructure
         The company serves                                                    and private debt. The firm
         customers worldwide.                                                  manages a broad range of
         (Cost $1,440,475)                                                     customized portfolios for an
                                ______________ _______                         international clientele of
                                    3,318,094 2.27%                            institutional investors. Partners
Pharmaceuticals — 24.26%                                                       Group is headquartered
 182,000 Novartis AG                      16,602,196 11.37%                    in Zug, Switzerland.
         One of the leading                                                    (Cost $1,150,875)             ______________ _______
         manufacturers of                                                                                        2,635,157 1.81%
         branded and generic                                        Retail — 7.00%
         pharmaceutical products.
                                                                       53,500 Cie Financiere
         (Cost $10,237,492)
                                                                              Richemont SA                     6,479,499    4.44%
                                                                              Manufactures and retails
   49,901 Roche Holding AG             18,816,459 12.89%                      luxury goods. Produces
          Develops and manufactures                                           jewelry, watches, leather
          pharmaceutical and                                                  goods, writing instruments
          diagnostic products.                                                and men’s and
          Produces prescription                                               women’s wear.
          drugs to treat                                                      (Cost $4,052,626)
          cardiovascular, infectious
          and autoimmune diseases                                      56,628 Swatch Group AG –
          and for other areas                                                 Registered Shares               3,740,076 2.56%
          including dermatology                                               Manufactures finished
          and oncology.                                                       watches, movements and
          (Cost $9,346,153)          ______________ _______                   components. Produces
                                       35,418,655 24.26%                      components necessary
                                                                              to its various watch brand
                                                                              companies. The company
                                                                              also operates retail boutiques.
                                                                              (Cost $4,903,863)           ______________ _______
                                                                                                            10,219,575 7.00%

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                              June 30, 2021

                                                    Percent                                                            Percent
  No. of                                             of Net          No. of                                             of Net
  Shares              Security              Value    Assets          Shares             Security              Value     Assets
Common Stock — (continued)                                         Limited Partnership — 0.71%
Semiconductors — 1.44%                                             Biotechnology — 0.71%
 105,000 AMS    AG1                 $ 2,108,292 1.44%              3,294,705 Aravis Biotech II,
         Designs and manufactures                                            Limited Partnership1,3,4 $ 1,034,053 0.71%
         advanced sensor solutions.                                          Makes early stage venture
         The company also delivers                                           investments in the
         a broad range of technology                                         biotechnology &
         solutions for consumer                                              pharmaceuticals industry.
         electronics and                                                     (Cost $1,810,184)         ______________ _______
         communication                                                                                     1,034,053 0.71%
         device manufactures.                                                Total Limited Partnership
         (Cost $1,780,070)         ______________ _______                    (Cost $1,810,184)             1,034,053 0.71%
                                       2,108,292 1.44%
                                                                   Short-Term Investment — 0.67%
         Total Common Stock
         (Cost $91,619,040)          140,175,082 96.03%             985,270 U.S. Bank Money Market
                                                                            Deposit Account, 0.003%5       985,270 0.67%
Preferred Stock — 0.03%                                                     (Cost $985,270)          ______________ _______
Industrial Goods & Services — 0.03%                                                                        985,270 0.67%
                                                                            Total Short-Term
 500,863 SelFrag AG Class A1,2,3           48,767 0.03%                     Investment
         Designs, manufactures and                                          (Cost $985,270)                985,270 0.67%
         sells industrial machines
         and processes using selective                                        Total Investments
         fragmentation technology.                                            (Cost $96,346,692)         142,243,172 97.44%
         (Cost $1,932,198)          ______________ _______                    Other Assets
                                           48,767 0.03%                       Less Liabilities              3,735,671 _______
                                                                                                        ______________  2.56%
         Total Preferred Stock
                                                                              Net Assets                $145,978,843
                                                                                                        ______________ 100.00%
         (Cost $1,932,198)                 48,767 0.03%                                                 ______________ _______
                                                                              Net Asset Value Per Share:
                                                                              ($145,978,843 ÷13,212,254
                                                                              shares outstanding,
                                                                              $0.001 par value: 50 million
                                                                              shares authorized)                      $11.05

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                                      June 30, 2021

1   Non-income producing security.
2   Value determined using significant unobservable inputs.
3   Illiquid. There is not a public market for these securities in the United States or in any foreign jurisdiction, including Switzerland.
    Securities are priced in accordance with the Fund’s valuation policy and procedures. At the end of the period, the aggregate Fair
    Value of these securities amounted to $2,484,228 or 1.70% of the Fund’s net assets. Additional information on these securities is
    as follows:
                   _______                                                 Acquisition Date
                                                                           _______________                                     Cost
    Aravis Biotech II, Limited Partnership                         July 31, 2007 – May 29, 2018                             $1,810,184
    Eyesense AG – Common Shares                                  July 22, 2010 – October 3, 2011                             3,007,048
    SelFrag AG – Class A – Preferred Shares                   December 15, 2011 – January 28, 2014                           1,932,198
    Spineart SA – Common Shares                              December 22, 2010 – December 20, 2020                           1,761,659

4   Affiliated Company. An affiliated company is a company in which the Fund has ownership of at least 5% of the company’s
    outstanding voting securities or an equivalent interest in the company. Details related to affiliated company holdings are as
                                   Value                                                        Change in                      Value
                                   as of          Gross          Gross           Realized       Unrealized      Interest       as of
    Name of Issuer
    ______________               12/31/20
                                 _________      Additions
                                                _________      Reductions
                                                               __________       Gain/(Loss)
                                                                                __________      Gain/(Loss)
                                                                                                __________      Income
                                                                                                                _______       6/30/21
    Aravis Biotech II,
     Limited Partnership      $1,072,405          $ —          $      —       $          —     $   (38,352)      $ —       $1,034,053
    Ixodes AG – Preferred
     Shares B                       8,172
                              ____________           —
                                                  _____         (21,882)
                                                               _________       (2,230,260)
                                                                              ____________      2,243,970
                                                                                               ____________         —
                                                                                                                 _____               —
                              ____________        $  —
                                                  _____        $(21,882)
                                                               _________      $(2,230,260)
                                                                              ____________     $2,205,618
                                                                                               ____________      $  —
                                                                                                                 _____     $1,034,053
                              ____________        _____        _________      ____________     ____________      _____     ____________

5   Rate shown is the seven day annualized yield as of June 30, 2021.

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Schedule of Investments by Industry (Unaudited)                                                         June 30, 2021

PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS                                                TOP 10 PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS
% of Net Assets as of June 30, 2021                               % of Net Assets as of June 30, 2021
Industry:                                                         Nestlé SA                                    17.59%
  Pharmaceuticals                                 24.26%          Roche Holding AG                             12.89%
  Food                                            18.12%          Novartis AG                                  11.37%
  Insurance                                         9.17%         Cie Financiere Richemont SA                   4.44%
  Retail                                            7.00%         Zurich Insurance Group AG                     3.99%
  Healthcare-Products                               4.98%         Logitech International SA                     3.32%
  Banks                                             4.31%         Swatch Group AG – Registered Shares           2.56%
  Computers                                         4.27%         Swiss Life Holding AG                         2.44%
  Diversified Financial Services                    3.52%         SIG Combibloc Group AG                        2.27%
  Building Materials                                2.97%         ABB Ltd.                                      2.23%
  Biotechnology                                     2.41%
  Packaging & Containers                            2.27%
  Electronic Components & Equipment                 2.23%
  Private Equity                                    1.81%
  Semiconductors                                    1.44%
  Miscellaneous Manufacturing                       1.41%
  Electric                                          1.27%
  Metal Fabricate/Hardware                          1.25%
  Chemicals                                         1.13%
  Hand/Machine Tools                                0.96%
  Industrials                                       0.91%
  Short-Term Investment                             0.67%
  Healthcare-Services                               0.58%
  Commercial Services                               0.47%
  Industrial Goods & Services                       0.03%
Other Assets Less Liabilities                       2.56%

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Statement of Assets and Liabilities (Unaudited)                                                                                        June 30, 2021

   Investments in unaffiliated issuers, at value (cost $94,536,508) . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                          $141,209,119
   Investments in affiliated issuers, at value (cost $1,810,184) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                         1,034,053
     Total Investments, at value (cost $96,346,692) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                 142,243,172
   Foreign currency (cost $2,297,874) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          2,241,364
   Tax reclaims receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 1,747,283
   Receivable for investment sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          144,732
   Interest receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      3
   Prepaid expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 31,335
     Total assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       146,407,889

      Investment advisory fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        88,423
      Audit fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          27,710
      Legal fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         119,707
      Custody fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              19,748
      Directors’ fees and expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          70,373
      Other expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               103,085
      Total liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          429,046
      Net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $145,978,843
Composition of Net Assets:
   Paid-in capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $101,615,444
   Total distributable earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  44,363,399
   Net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $145,978,843

Net Asset Value Per Share:
   ($145,978,843 ÷ 13,212,254 shares outstanding,
    $0.001 par value: 50 million shares authorized) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                $       11.05

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Statement of Operations (Unaudited)                                                 For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2021

Investment Income:
   Dividend (less of foreign tax withheld of $455,661) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                  $ 2,582,079
   Interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     6
      Total income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,582,085
   Investment advisory fees (Note 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                           488,636
   Directors’ fees and expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      150,628
   Officer fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         66,427
   Administration fees (Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       62,300
   Insurance fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             54,711
   Custody fees (Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  45,985
   Delaware franchise tax fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        40,000
   Audit fees (Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                27,708
   Printing and shareholder reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                           26,791
   Transfer agency fees (Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        16,798
   Miscellaneous expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       54,003
      Total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           1,033,987
      Net investment income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    1,548,098
Realized and Unrealized Gains (Loss) on Investments and Foreign Currency:
   Net realized gain (loss) from:
      Investments in unaffiliated issuers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          4,587,205
      Investments in affiliated issuers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     (2,230,260)
      Foreign currency translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         29,110
      Total net realized gain from unaffiliated and
       affiliated issuers and foreign currency translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      2,386,055
   Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) from:
      Investments in unaffiliated issuers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          5,562,672
      Investments in affiliated issuers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      2,205,618
      Foreign currency translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       (128,448)
      Total net change in unrealized appreciation from unaffiliated and
       affiliated issuers, and foreign currency translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                     7,639,842
      Net Realized and Unrealized Gain on Investments and Foreign Currency . . .                                                         10,025,897
Net Increase in Net Assets from Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                $11,573,995

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Statement of Changes in Net Assets

                                                                                                   For the
                                                                                              Six Months Ended        For the
                                                                                                June 30, 2021       Year Ended
                                                                                                 (Unaudited)     December 31, 2020
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:
    Net investment income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              $   1,548,098      $     598,464
    Total net realized gain (loss) from unaffiliated and
     affiliated issuers and foreign currency translations . . .                                    2,386,055          (2,132,389)
    Total net change in unrealized appreciation from
     unaffiliated and affiliated issuers,
     and foreign currency translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         7,639,842
                                                                                               ______________       18,557,764
    Net increase in net assets from operations . . . . . . . . . . .                             11,573,995
                                                                                               ______________       17,023,839
Distributions to Stockholders:
    From earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         (3,634,691)        (1,066,099)
    From return of capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       —
                                                                                               ______________        (6,332,807)
    Total distributions to stockholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     (3,634,691)
                                                                                               ______________        (7,398,906)
Capital Stock Transactions:
    Value of shares repurchased through
     stock repurchase program (Note 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                (125)
                                                                                               ______________          (449,102)
    Total decrease from capital share transactions . . . . . . . .                                      (125)
                                                                                               ______________          (449,102)
    Total increase in net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 7,939,179          9,175,831
Net Assets:
    Beginning of period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           138,039,664
                                                                                               ______________      128,863,833
    End of period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $145,978,843
                                                                                               ______________     $138,039,664

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Financial Highlights

                                                                                For the Six
                                                                              Months Ended
                                                                                                             For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                                              June 30, 2021 _________________________________________________________________
                                                                               (Unaudited)     2020         2019           2018        2017        2016
Per Share Operating Performance:
    Net asset value at the beginning of period . . .                           $   10.45
                                                                               __________        $    9.71
                                                                                                 __________   $__________
                                                                                                                    7.96    $ 14.10
                                                                                                                            __________    $__________
                                                                                                                                               11.66    $   12.30
Income from Investment Operations:
    Net investment income1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    0.12              0.05         0.01          0.14          0.13          0.15
    Net realized and unrealized
     gain (loss) on investments2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    0.76
                                                                               __________             1.24
                                                                                                 __________        1.88
                                                                                                              __________         (1.35)
                                                                                                                            __________         2.41
                                                                                                                                          __________         (0.45)
    Total from investment activities . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      0.88
                                                                               __________             1.29
                                                                                                 __________        1.89
                                                                                                              __________         (1.21)
                                                                                                                            __________         2.54
                                                                                                                                          __________         (0.30)
    Gain from capital shares repurchases . . . . . . . .                              —                  —            —             —            —            0.02
    Gain from tender offer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  —                  —            —           0.30         0.03             —
    Capital change resulting from the issuance
     of fund shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             —                 —             —         (0.12)           —          (0.03)
    Anti-dilutive effect of common share
     repurchase program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     —
                                                                               __________             0.01
                                                                                                 __________           —
                                                                                                              __________            —
                                                                                                                            __________           —
                                                                                                                                          __________            —
Less Distributions:
    Dividends from investment income and
     net realized gains from foreign currency
     transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        (0.28)            (0.08)        (0.12)        (0.10)      (0.13)          (0.12)
    Distributions from net realized capital gains . .                                 —                  —         (0.02)        (5.01)         —            (0.21)
    Return of Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             —
                                                                               __________            (0.48)
                                                                                                 __________            —
                                                                                                               __________           — __________
                                                                                                                            __________          —               —
    Total distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (0.28)
                                                                               __________            (0.56)
                                                                                                 __________        (0.14)
                                                                                                               __________        (5.11) __________
                                                                                                                            __________       (0.13)          (0.33)
    Net asset value at end of period . . . . . . . . . . . .                   $   11.05
                                                                               __________        $ 10.45
                                                                                                 __________   $__________
                                                                                                                    9.71    $     7.96 $__________
                                                                                                                            __________      14.10       $   11.66
    Market value per share at the end of period . . $                           9.73
                                                                           __________            $    8.94
                                                                                                 __________   $__________
                                                                                                                    8.41    $     6.90 $__________
                                                                                                                            __________      12.76       $   10.21
Total Investment Returns:3,4
    Based on market value per share . . . . . . . . . . .                      12.09%               14.18%        24.00%       -10.90%        26.26%        -0.24%
    Based on net asset value per share . . . . . . . . . .                      8.50%               14.29%        23.80%        -6.98%        22.17%        -2.19%
Ratios to Average Net Assets:5
    Net expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1.48%                 1.80%        2.13%         1.44%         1.40%         1.19%
    Gross expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        1.48%                 1.80%        2.13%         1.44%         1.40%         1.19%
    Net investment income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               2.22%                 0.48%        0.10%         1.12%         0.98%         1.26%
Supplemental Data and Ratios
    Net assets at end of period (000’s) . . . . . . . . . . . $145,979                       $138,040 $128,864 $105,577 $356,832 $327,861
    Average net assets during the period (000’s) . . $140,570                                $125,666 $118,960 $305,270 $350,487 $331,874
    Portfolio turnover rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              6%              12%      18%      21%       9%      19%
1   Calculated using the average shares method.
2   Includes net realized and unrealized currency gains and losses.
3   Total investment return based on market value differs from total investments return based on net asset value due to changes in
    the relationship between the market value of the Fund’s shares and its NAV per share.
4   Not annualized for periods less than one year.
5   Annualized for periods less than one year.

See Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited).


Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited)

Note 1—Organization and Significant Accounting Policies
A. Organization
The Swiss Helvetia Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940,
as amended (the “Act”), as a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The
Fund is organized as a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware.
The investment objective of the Fund is to seek long-term growth of capital through investment in
equity and equity-linked securities of Swiss companies. The Fund may also acquire and hold equity
and equity-linked securities of non-Swiss companies in limited instances.
B. Securities Valuation
The Fund values its investments in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States (“GAAP”).
When valuing listed equity securities, the Fund uses the last sale price on the securities exchange or
national securities market on which such securities primarily are traded (the “Primary Market”) prior
to the calculation of the Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”). When valuing equity securities that are not
listed (except privately-held companies and private equity limited partnerships) or that are listed
but have not traded on a day on which the Fund calculates its NAV, the Fund uses the mean
between the bid and asked prices for that day. If there are no asked quotations for such a security,
the value of such security will be the most recent bid quotation on the Primary Market on that day.
On any day when a security’s Primary Market is closed because of a local holiday or other
scheduled closure, but the New York Stock Exchange is open, the Fund may use the prior day’s
closing prices to value such security regardless of the length of the scheduled closing.
When valuing fixed-income securities, if any, the Fund uses the last bid price prior to the calculation
of the Fund’s NAV. If there is no current bid price for a fixed-income security, the value of such
security will be the mean between the last quoted bid and asked prices on that day. Overnight and
certain other short-term fixed-income securities with maturities of less than 60 days will be valued
by the amortized cost method, unless it is determined that the amortized cost method would not
represent the fair value of such security.
It is the responsibility of the Fund’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) to establish procedures to
provide for the fair valuation of the Fund’s portfolio holdings. When valuing securities for which
market quotations are not readily available, or for which the market quotations that are available
are considered unreliable, the Fund determines a fair value in good faith in accordance with these
procedures (a “Fair Value”). The Fund may use these procedures to establish the Fair Value of
securities when, for example, a significant event occurs between the time the market closes and the
time the Fund values its investments. After consideration of various factors, the Fund may value the
securities at their last reported price or at some other value.
Swiss exchange-listed options, if any, including Eurex-listed options, are valued at their most recent
sale price (latest bid for long options and the latest ask for short options) on the Primary Market, or
if there are no such sales, at the average of the most recent bid and asked quotations on such


Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited) (continued)

Primary Market, or if such quotations are not available, at the last bid quotation (in the case of
purchased options) or the last asked quotation (in the case of written options). If, however, there
are no such quotations, such options will be valued using the implied volatilities observed for
similar options or from aggregated data as an input to a model. Options traded in the over-the-
counter market, if any, are valued at the price communicated by the counterparty to the option,
which typically is the price at which the counterparty would close out the transaction. Option
contracts, if any, that are neither exchange-listed nor traded in the over-the-counter market, and
where no broker can provide a quote or approved pricing vendor a price, may be valued using the
implied volatilities observed for similar instruments or from aggregated market data received from
services (e.g., Bloomberg) as an input to a widely accepted model.
The Fund is permitted to invest in investments that do not have readily available market quotations.
For such investments, the Act requires the Board to determine their Fair Value. The aggregate value
of these investments amounted to $2,484,228, or 1.70% of the Fund’s net assets at June 30, 2021
and are listed in Note 3 to the Schedule of Investments.
Various inputs are used to determine the value of the Fund’s investments. These inputs are
summarized in the three broad levels listed below:
Level 1—unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities
Level 2—other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices of similar securities, interest
        rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.)
Level 3—significant unobservable inputs (including the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the
        fair value of investments)
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not an indication of the risk associated
with investing in those securities.
The following is a summary of the inputs used to value the Fund’s investments as of June 30, 2021:
                                                                Level 2               Level 3          Investments
                                            Level 1         Other Significant       Significant          Valued at
                                         Quoted Prices
                                         ____________      Observable  Inputs
                                                           ________________     Unobservable  Inputs
                                                                                __________________        NAV**
                                                                                                       ___________          Total
Investments in Securities*
  Common Stock                         $138,773,674           $       —            $1,401,408          $         —     $140,175,082
  Preferred Stock                                  —                  —                 48,767                   —            48,767
  Limited Partnership                              —                  —                      —          1,034,053          1,034,053
  Money Market Deposit Account                     —
                                       ______________          985,270
                                                              __________                     —
                                                                                   ____________                  —
                                                                                                       ____________          985,270
Total Investments in Securities        $138,773,674
                                       ______________         $985,270
                                                              __________           $1,450,175
                                                                                   ____________        $1,034,053
                                                                                                       ____________    $142,243,172
                                       ______________         __________           ____________        ____________    ______________
*   Please see the Schedule of Investments for industry classifications.
** As of June 30, 2021, certain of the Fund’s investments were valued using net asset value (“NAV”) per share (or its equivalent) as a
   practical expedient for fair value and have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy in accordance with ASU 2015-07. The fair
   value amount presented in this table is intended to permit reconciliation of the amounts presented in the fair value hierarchy to
   the amounts presented in the statement of assets and liabilities.


Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited) (continued)

The Fund values its investment in a private equity limited partnership in accordance with
Accounting Standards Codification 820-10-35, “Investments in Certain Entities that Calculate Net
Asset Value Per Share (Or its Equivalent)” (“ASC 820-10-35”). ASC 820-10-35 permits a reporting
entity to measure the fair value of an investment that does not have a readily determinable fair
value, based on the NAV of the investment as a practical expedient, without further adjustment,
unless it is probable that the investment will be sold at a value significantly different than the NAV.
If the NAV of the investment is not as of the Fund’s measurement date, then the NAV should be
adjusted to reflect any significant events that may change the valuation. Inputs and valuation
techniques for these adjustments may include fair valuations of the partnership and its portfolio
holdings provided by the partnership’s general partner or manager, other available information
about the partnership’s portfolio holdings, values obtained on redemption from other limited
partners, discussions with the partnership’s general partner or manager and/or other limited
partners and comparisons of previously-obtained estimates to the partnership’s audited financial
statements. In using the unadjusted NAV as a practical expedient, certain attributes of the
investment that may impact its fair value are not considered. Attributes of those investments
include the investment strategies of the privately held companies and may also include, but are not
limited to, restrictions on the investor’s ability to redeem its investments at the measurement date
and any unfunded commitments.
Inputs and valuation techniques used by the Fund to value its Level 3 investments in privately-held
companies may include the following: acquisition cost; fundamental analytical data; discounted
cash flow analysis; nature and duration of restrictions on disposition of the investment; public
trading of similar securities of similar issuers; economic outlook and condition of the industry in
which the issuer participates; financial condition of the issuer; and the issuer’s prospects, including
any recent or potential management or capital structure changes. Although these valuation inputs
may be observable in the marketplace as is characteristic of Level 2 investments, the privately-held
companies, categorized as Level 3 investments, generally are highly illiquid in terms of resale.
When valuing Level 3 investments, management also may consider potential events that could
have a material impact on the operations of a privately-held company. Not all of these factors may
be considered or available, and other relevant factors may be considered on an investment-by-
investment basis. The table below summarizes the techniques and unobservable inputs for the
valuation of Level 3 investments.


Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited) (continued)

                               Quantitative Information about certain Level 3 Fair Value Measurements
                                                    Fair Value at
                                                   June 30, 2021      Valuation Technique       Unobservable Inputs                  Range1
  EyeSense AG, Series A—Common Shares $                 46,131        Market approach           Latest round of financing with 70-90%
                                                                                                an additional discount as a
                                                                                                going concern using a
                                                                                                probability weighted approach
      Spineart SA—Common Shares                      1,355,277        Market approach           Secondary share purchase       15-25%
                                                                                                with an additional discount
                                                                                                for lack of marketability
Industrial Goods & Services
  SelFrag AG Class A—Preferred Shares                   48,767        Market approach           Latest round of financing          40-60%
                                                                                                with an additional discount
                                                                                                as a going concern
Total                                              $1,450,175
1     Significant changes in any of these ranges would result in a significantly higher or lower fair value measurement. A change in the
      discount rate is accompanied by a directionally opposite change in fair value.
The following is a reconciliation of Level 3 assets for which significant unobservable inputs were
used to determine fair value.
                                                                                               Common          Preferred
                                                                                             ____________        Stock
                                                                                                             _____________         Total
Balance as of December 31, 2020                                                              $1,465,458      $     59,168      $1,524,626
Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation (a)                                               (64,050)      2,241,741         2,177,691
Net Realized Gain (Loss)                                                                            3,881     (2,230,260)       (2,226,379)
Gross Purchases                                                                                        —                —                —
Gross Sales                                                                                        (3,881)        (21,882)         (25,763)
Transfer out of Level 3                                                                                —
                                                                                             ____________               —
                                                                                                             ____________                —
Balance as of June 30, 2021                                                                  $1,401,408
                                                                                             ____________    $     48,767
                                                                                                             ____________      $1,450,175
                                                                                             ____________    ____________      ____________
(a)   The noted amounts of change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation relate to the fair value of Level 3 assets held on June 30, 2021.

C. Derivative Instruments
GAAP requires enhanced disclosure that enables investors to understand how and why an entity
uses derivatives, how derivatives are accounted for, and how derivative instruments affect an
entity's results of operations and financial position.

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