Thinking. Density done well. Haylea Muir.

Page created by Dennis Christensen
Thinking. Density done well. Haylea Muir.
Density done well.
Haylea Muir.
11 June

More homes are needed
in all corners of Aotearoa.
Isthmus Principal Haylea Muir
argues that housing density
is something that we need to
embrace even in our smaller
towns and cities and offers
10 tips on how to embrace
this change.
Thinking. Density done well. Haylea Muir.
Density done well.                                                                                                                           Hobsonville Point
                                                                                                                                             A medium-density suburb designed
                                                                                                                                             with the infrastructure necessary

10 tips for Aotearoa.
                                                                                                                                             to generate socially successful and
                                                                                                                                             sustainable communities.

These days ‘embracing density’ is a       It’s only scary because it’s new.          It’s not so expensive when you look         It doesn’t have to involve really tall            The trick to all this of course is         All going well, the RMA reform should
relatively easy thing to say up here in   Even though research says it’s good        at the whole picture.                       buildings and lots of hard surfaces.              those three words: when done well.         help encourage density rather than
Auckland; at the top of the NPS-UD        for us, we’re just not used to living so   And money isn’t the only thing              Density and overcrowding are not                  In many of our smaller centres, the        sprawl. Shifting the planning focus
2020’s Tier 1 table, increased housing    close to our neighbours in Aotearoa.       we need to worry about depleting            the same thing. Increased density                 district plan isn’t geared to hold a       toward positive outcomes is surely
density is slowly but surely becoming     Our parents might have lived the           through our patterns of development.        can be green! It can be low rise, and             high enough bar for this type of           an improvement on mitigating and
a way of life in Tāmaki Makaurau.         quarter acre dream, but we are             Our pricing models let us down              it can be friendly. It can be safe, it can        development. Council officers don’t        avoiding bad ones. Statutory spatial
But Auckland is not the only city         facing entirely different personal and     because they don’t measure or               feel familiar, and you can still have             have the experience, resource,             plans—which district plans will have
facing large population increases;        collective challenges. Our lifestyles      account for future value. Acting now        privacy.                                          or mechanisms through which to             to then comply with—have the
densification is not something our        and household make ups are vastly          avoids costs later.                             I’m not suggesting there should               educate their local designers and          potential to lock in smart land use
smaller cities and regional centres       different to the generations before us,       In more compact communities              only be medium or high-density                    developers (if it’s even their job to)     decisions for the foreseeable future.
have much experience in yet. Density      so why would the majority of us living     residents can save money through            development. Low density living suits             or push back against applicants               The recent Infrastructure Funding
can be scary, seems expensive and is      in that type of environment still work?    reduced house prices, cheaper               a lot of people and isn’t necessarily             proposing development that would           and Financing (IFF) Act sets up a
often misunderstood.                      The health and wellbeing stats alone       transport costs, lower energy bills         bad! It just gets bad when that’s all             most certainly lead to poor outcomes       new model which can help skirt,
                                          will tell you it doesn’t.                  and more. While there’s a significant       there is, and all there continues to be.          for the future residents.                  for otherwise viable projects, the
                                                                                     cost outlay for infrastructure up               When done well, higher densities                 In some places there’s easy, open       potential roadblock created by the
                                                                                     front, the city could ultimately make       can unlock improved health and                    land out on the edge that’s likely to      lack of debt capacity a local authority
                                                                                     money through more ratepayers in a          wellbeing (yes, even in a pandemic),              see diggers before the city centre         has. These are frameworks and
                                                                                     consolidated area. Plus, there can be       improved wealth (for both                         gets the attention it needs, and many      mechanisms that set the stage for
                                                                                     prosperous business supported by            households and the city itself) and               don’t have the funds to pay for the        success. So what can our smaller
                                                                                     critical mass of population.                improved environmental outcomes.                  high-quality public amenity that           towns and cities do to make sure the
                                                                                        Density, especially in a mixed-use                                                         higher density living needs for it to be   right things walk out on that stage?
                                                                                     context can be more socially                                                                  successful.
                                                                                     equitable. Stranding low-income
                                                                                     families in sprawling suburbia can so
                                                                                     easily result in a variety of poor social
                                                                                     outcomes with expensive knock-on
                                                                                     effects to society.
                                                                                        Compact development means
                                                                                     that land can be retained for food
                                                                                     production thus lowering the cost
                                                                                     of what ends up on our plates. The
                                                                                     Climate Change Commission’s Draft
                                                                                     Advice to Government even cites
                                                                                     compact urban form as an important
                                                                                     component of our overall efforts.
                                                                                     Failing to slow global warming will be
                                                                                     a lot more expensive than compact
                                                                                     urban development.

2.        Density done well.                                                                                                     Density done well.                                                                                                                3.
          Haylea Muir.                                                                                                           Haylea Muir.
          11 June 2021.                                                                                                          11 June 2021.
Thinking. Density done well. Haylea Muir.
Density done well.
10 tips for Aotearoa.

1.                                        2.                                         3.                                         4.                                         5.                                       6.
Have, and hold onto, a vision.            Make sure people get it.                   Be place-based about it.                   Take a multi-pronged approach.             Get creative with house typologies.      Double down: active modes and
It’s a tough road into what will likely   Density cannot remain                      Everything must be in context. What        Do some (strategic and efficient)          It doesn’t have to be apartments!        mixed use.
feel like unchartered territory; know     misunderstood and too scary to try         is right and where it is right will vary   greenfield development in parallel         Maybe work-live units, a small home      Making sure everything a person
where you’re going and why, and           or support. Help people view it with       throughout our motu, just as our           with regeneration and intensification      village, courtyard terraces or urban     needs to live well is close to their
constantly remind yourself.               curiosity and openness rather than         lifestyles and landscapes do. An           of existing neighbourhoods. Put more       papakainga are more appropriate. We      home and associating density with
    The vision needs to have people       suspicion. High quality, highly liveable   urban design textbook approach is          thought and momentum into town             can still minimise our urban footprint   irresistibly safe and enjoyable ped
and planet at its core, out live          compact urban living should be a           not going to nail it.                      and suburban centres (a residential        and achieve good outcomes for            and cycle networks will serve you well
political cycles, stand strong against    common goal, it’s for a common good.                                                  population will be critical to their       people and planet without relying        in the environmental, liveability and
economic pressures, and allow             This can be achieved in a couple of                                                   vitality and viability going forward. In   entirely on a vertical build.            popularity stakes.
innovation and adaptation in the          ways:                                                                                 a post-COVID, carbon-reducing world
delivery of its intent and principles.    — Active education                                                                    this cannot be ignored).
                                              Important for the team involved
                                              with facilitation, design and
                                              delivery. There are Councils,
                                              consultants and communities
                                              in NZ that have been on this
                                              journey already. Drain them of                                                                                                                                        Roskill South
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Using the land more efficiently.
                                              their knowledge. Visit their sites                                                                                                                                    Kāinga Ora’s regeneration of Roskill
                                              and understand their wins and                                                                                                                                         South is replacing approximately
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    260 old state with up to 920 new,
                                              losses.                                                                                                                                                               warm, dry, healthy homes.
                                          — Buy in over time
                                              Important for the community.
                                              Positive messaging alongside
                                              meaningful community
                                              engagement and collaboration
                                              in the design and development
                                              process. “Nudging” toward higher
                                              densities: start with small sites,
                                              stage development to build
                                              up to the big stuff. Unrelenting
                                              vigilance against bad versions
                                              which will set bad precedents.

4.        Density done well.                                                                                                    Density done well.                                                                                                         5.
          Haylea Muir.                                                                                                          Haylea Muir.
          11 June 2021.                                                                                                         11 June 2021.
Density done well.
10 tips for Aotearoa.

7.                                            8.                                        9.                                          10.
Develop for diversity.                        Be future focused and lay the             Shop local.                                 Good design.                              Other things that help:
The best, most resilient                      groundwork early.                         Our team of 5 million includes smart,       We could do 1–9 and still mess it up if   — Policies and rules that help fix the
neighbourhoods include homes                  Build for increase now. Invest with       experienced people working in this          we don’t design things well. Insist on       crucial frames but allow flex for
for everyone from babies to the               intent. It may not quite be time to add   space. Don’t be too proud about             good design at all scales.                   the market.
elderly. The days of homogenous               the number of homes predicted to          staying too tightly local, but also don’t                                             — Design Guidelines that show the
subdivisions are over.                        be needed but any infrastructure or       feel like you need overseas experts to                                                   standard you expect and create
                                              planning decisions being made in the      solve problems.                                                                          comfort around investment by
                                              meantime should facilitate them.                                                                                                   holding everyone to the same bar.
                                                                                                                                                                              — Treating amenity as base
                                                                                                                                                                              — Thinking of the streetscape as
                                                                                                                                                                                 more than the road reserve.
                                                                                                                                                                              — Building the right team, extracting
                                                                                                                                                                                 value from designers experienced
                                                                                                                                                                                 in kiwi urbanism.
                                                                                                                                                                              — Involving the people that use it
                                                                                                                                                                                 and live there, they will tell you if
                                                                                                                                                                                 they need it to be better.

                     Hobsonville Point pioneered a new
                     wave of medium density housing
                     in Auckland with a set of design
                     controls that balance density
                     with liveability. Streets and green
                     spaces are designed to support the

6.       Density done well.                                                                                                         Density done well.                                                                   7.
         Haylea Muir.                                                                                                               Haylea Muir.
         11 June 2021.                                                                                                              11 June 2021.
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