To ensure that all the children and young people in our care have the opportunity to fulfil their potential through achieving highly, regardless ...

Page created by Marc Vasquez
To ensure that all the children and young people in our care have the opportunity to fulfil their potential through achieving highly, regardless ...
To ensure that all the children
young people in our care have
the opportunity to fulfil their
potential through achieving
highly, regardless of
their ability or
To ensure that all the children and young people in our care have the opportunity to fulfil their potential through achieving highly, regardless ...
Post 16 Transition
To ensure that all the children and young people in our care have the opportunity to fulfil their potential through achieving highly, regardless ...
The de Ferrers Academy
Transition Support – Post 16
                                           Post 16 Transition Support                                                                           Date

                                                         Virtual sixth form induction week                               w/c 28th June

                                                         Offer holder campus tours                                       28th/29th June

                                                         Summer tasks                                                    July/August

                                                         Internal student interviews                                     Friday 13th August
The de Ferrers Academy Sixth Form                        (for students won wish to discuss their offer)

                                                         Welcome and orientation day                                     Friday 3rd September

                                                         Extended induction                                              w/c 6th September

                                                         Extended induction                                              w/c 13th September

                                                         Initial assessment week                                         w/c 20th September

                                                         Burton Albion Community Trust - Employability skills / making   17th June
Apprenticeship / College pathway support                 positive decisions workshop
                                                                                                                         9:3am – 11:30am

                                                         Apprenticeship Workshop – Ask Apprenticeship Team               18th June

                                                                                                                         10:30am – 11:30am

                                                         Burton and South Derbyshire College – Connect 2                 23rd June
                                                         Apprenticeships workshop
                                                                                                                         10am – 1pm

                                                         Burton and South Derbyshire College Transition Workshop         22th June 2021

                                                                                                                         9:30am – 11:30am
Use your UNIFROG Account                      Listen to this podcast which                   Complete the ‘Bare Face                      Studying Beauty Therapy                       Have a go at completing
             to log on from your                           provides a fascinating                         Challenge’ and take a                        can be the first step to a                    these ONLINE COURSES and
             introductory email from your                  exploration of topical beauty                  picture of yourself with and                 career in this progressive                    getting some prior knowledge
             school email address.                         news, trends, product                          without make-up on !                         and ever developing                           before going to college!
                                                           recommendations, industry                      #Beproudofwhoyouare!                         industry. Whether you want
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look        gossip and more. Previous guests on the                                                                 to work for a salon or run        Click the links below:
at:                                            show were Bobbi Brown, Charlotte Tilbury     Click the link below:                          your own business. Do some research                     Beauty Therapy Level 1
                                               and Jo Malone.                                        The Bare Face Challenge               around what the differences are in working
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give                                                                                               for someone or running your own                          Manicure & Pedicure
you a quick insight on things you need to      Fat Mascara                                                                                 business.
prepare for and what you should be doing
                                               Expect tips and anecdotes from world class                 Read this free e-book which                                                      Anatomy & Physiology Beauty Therapy
now and in your Summer holidays to get                                                                                                     Look on your UNIFROG Account. Go onto
                                               make-up artists, hair stylists and beauty                  provides top tips on how to
ahead of other students also going in                                                                                                      the ‘Know How Library’. Scroll down and
                                               brand founders to fuel your obsessions!                    become a successful Make-
September!                                                                                                                                 go to ‘Browse everything here’. Then scroll
                                                                                                          up Artist, Nathan Johnson                                                                    Read this article on how to
                                                                                                                                           down to ‘World of work’ and click on ‘How
                                                                                                                                                                                                       start up your own beauty
                                                                                            Click the link below:                          to become self-employed’
             Use your UNIFROG Account                      Use the Personality Quiz tool                                                                                                               company and the different
             to learn about the different                  on UNIFROG to find out what        How to become a successful make-up                                                                       types of things you need to
             college qualifications and the                other people who are similar                     artist                                       Read this article on Women                    think about:
             different levels there are.                   to you are doing for their                                                                    Entrepreneurs in Beauty.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Click the link below:
                                                           careers.                                                                                      Could you be the next multi-
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                   Watch the Learn Lounge by                      million pound owner of a          How to start up your own beauty salon
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                    Springpod –Inspirational Talks                 successful company?
                                                                                                          given by inspirational people.
‘College Qualifications and Levels                                                                                                         Click the link below:                                     Some of the examples of
                                                           Watch these TED Talks in new     Pure Grit: Achieve whatever you set your
explained -England’                                                                                                                             Women Entrepreneurs in Beauty                        different career paths you
                                                           ways to think about beauty –     mind on
                                                                                                                                                                                                     could follow are:
                                                           these thoughtful talks explore   Pure Grit: Achieve whatever you set your
Follow this up with continuing to read in                                                   Click the link below:
                                                           the timeless concept of          mind on                                                                                      Aromatherapist, Bridal Make-Up Artist,
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                                  A talk by Ann Daniels                            Take a look at The
                                                           beauty.                                                                                                                       Customer Service, Manicurist, Massage
                                                                                            Click the link below:
                                                                                                             Polar Explorer                               Careerometer Widget
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’        How do we decide what and who is                                                                                                          Therapist, Nail Technician, Product Adviser,
                                                                                                         A talk by Ann Daniels                                                           Reflexologist, Theatrical Make-Up Artist
Consider your future education path after      beautiful? What role does this play in our                    Polar Explorer                                                              and Salon Manager.
finishing your course at College.              live?                                                                                          Click the links below to
                                                                                                                                              allow you to compare the different         Search these different types of jobs using
                                               Click the link below:
                                                                                                                                              career choices in the UK.                  your UNIFROG account.
             What’s your skin tone?                 New ways to think about beauty
                                                                                                                                                                                         Go to the Careers Library and search for
             Unsure of your skin tone? Let                                                                                                         The Careerometer Widget               Alternative Therapies or Performing Arts,
             us solve the puzzle for you –                                                                                                                                               Broadcast & Media
             once and for all!

Click this link to take the quiz:                               Year
                                                                Year 11
                                                                     11 Transition
                                                                        Transition Activities
                                                                                   Activities for
                                                                                              for students
                                                                                                  going to
                Skin tone quiz
Once you know what your undertones are,                                    Westgoing
                                                                                 Kent College
it becomes a lot easier to spot what
makeup, clothes or even hair colours best
complement your skin.
                                                                        Beauty Therapy Courses
Use your UNIFROG Account                                                                                                                                                                   Have a go at completing this
                                                            Listen to the best                            What about doing an                             Studying a Motor Vehicle
            to log on from your                                                                                                                                                                        ONLINE COURSE and get
                                                            Automotive podcasts                           Apprenticeship? Earn and                        course can be the first step
            introductory email from your                                                                                                                                                               some prior knowledge before
                                                                                                          Learn at the same time!                         to a career in this
            school email address.                                                                                                                                                                      going to college!
                                                                                                                                                          progressive and ever
                                                                                            There are lots of local opportunities Click                   developing industry.            This free online Auto Service Technician
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look        Automotive shows that cover everything       on the links below:                                           to work for
                                                                                                                                                          Whether     a salon
                                                                                                                                                                    you  want or
                                                                                                                                                                              to run      course will introduce you to the
at:                                            you need to know as a petrol head!                                                           your own business or work for a company.      automobile industry and the workshop
                                                                                                  Nissan Light Vehicle Technician           Do some research around what the              environment, teaching you about the roles
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give   Click on the link below to check them out:            Volvo Service Technician               differences are in working for someone or     and responsibilities of an auto service
you a quick insight on things you need to                                                                                                   running your own business.                    technician. It will also teach you about the
prepare for and what you should be doing             The Best Automotive Podcasts                                                                                                         workshop environment, the anatomy of
                                                                                                          Read this free e-book on all
now and in your Summer holidays to get                                                                                                      Look on your UNIFROG Account. Go onto         automobiles, and the basics of electrics.
                                                                                                          the new trends in the
ahead of other students also going in                                                                                                       the ‘Know How Library’. Scroll down and       Click the link below:
                                                                                                          Automotive Industry in one
September!                                                                                                                                  go to ‘Browse everything here’. Then scroll     Auto Service Technicians online Course
                                                                                                                                            down to ‘World of work’ and click on ‘How
                                                                                            Click the link below:                           to become self-employed’                                     Read this online careers
            Use your UNIFROG Account                       Use the Personality Quiz tool
            to learn about the different                   on UNIFROG to find out what         All the new trends in the Automotive                                                                      booklet on industry
                                                                                                                                                         Read this interesting article                   knowledge and the different
            college qualifications and the                 other people who are similar                       Industry
                                                                                                                                                         on the future of technology                     types of routes you can take
            different levels there are.                    to you are doing for their
                                                                                                                                                         in the automotive industry.                     within the Motor Industry.
                                                           careers.                                                                                                                       Click the link below:
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                 Watch the Learn Lounge by           Much like mobile phones are now capable
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                  Springpod –Inspirational Talks                                                              Online Careers Booklet
                                                                                                                                            of doing more than making calls, cars can
                                                                                                        given by inspirational people.      do much more than drive and park.
‘College Qualifications and Levels                                                                                                          Click the link below to find out the                      Some of the examples of
                                                           Watch these TED Talks to         F1 Engineer, Joe Sturdy, takes us through
explained -England’                                                                                                                         innovations of the future:                                different career paths you
                                                           inspire you about the future     the fast and adrenaline-packed world of
                                                                                                                                                                                                      could follow are:
                                                           of the Car Industry.             Formula 1, and sheds an insider’s light on           The Future of Technology in the
Follow this up with continuing to read in                                                   the variety of career paths available in this             Automotive Industry                 You may want to be a Motorsport
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                     field - from working in a pit-lane to chef to                                                 engineer, working for a race team; or a
                                                          Click the link below:             engineer.                                                     Take a look at The
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’                                                                                                                                                   motor mechanic involved in diagnostics,
                                                     The Future of the Car Industry                                                                       Careerometer Widget             or electronics. You could be a Light Service
Consider your future education path after                                                   Formula One: An insiders view on the
finishing your course at College.                                                                                                                                                         Technician, a Fitter or a Breakdown
                                                                                            world of F1 racing                                                                            Engineer. You may work in sales or in
                                                                                                                                               Click the links below to
                                                                                            Click the link below:                              allow you to compare the different         design, testing, production or restoration.
            The Automotive Career Quiz                                                                   A talk by Joe Sturdy                  career choices in the UK.                  Search these different types of jobs using
                                                                                                         Formula 1 Engineer                                                               your UNIFROG account.
            What automotive career is
            right for me? The Motor                                                                                                                 The Careerometer Widget
                                                                                                                                                                                          Go to the Careers Library and scroll down
            Industry, whether cars or                                                                                                                                                     to the section ‘By Career Area’ and take a
            bikes is an ever developing
            industry.                                          Year 11 Transition Activities for students                                                                                 look at the following sections that are
                                                                                                                                                                                          applicable to you:
                                                                                                                                                                                          Maintenance, Service and Repair

       Click this link to take the quiz:
                                                                                going to                                                                                                  Manufacturing and Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                          Retail Sales and Customer Service
       The Automotive Career Quiz
                                                                        Motor Vehicle Courses                                                                                             Transport
Use your UNIFROG Account                        Listen to the podcasts by the                 Sport Trivia                                 Studying a Public Services                   Have a go at completing this
            to log on from your                             BBC on any area of Sport you                  The Top ten Sporting Facts                   course will enable you to                    Free Online Course and get
            introductory email from your                    are interested in!                            to satisfy your Sports Trivia                follow a career path that will               some knowledge of working
            school email address.                                                                         appetite!                                    make a difference to your                    in the Voluntary Sector.
                                                     Listen to Peter Crouch’s Podcast                                                     Community and help others, whilst having
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look        about how to become a Professional                                                         varied and challenging work days that are
at:                                            Footballer or Listen to 5Live where they     Click the link below:                         never the same!                               Working in the voluntary sector, will
                                               discuss Table Tennis on the frontline and                                                  Working in the Public Services Sector can     introduce you to some of the main
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give                                                     The Top Ten Sporting Trivia Facts
                                               the missing London Marathon.                                                               offer you exciting and worthwhile career      activities carried out by volunteers and
you a quick insight on things you need to                                                                                                 opportunities.                                staff.
prepare for and what you should be doing
                                                                                                          Read these Sports Themed
now and in your Summer holidays to get                  The BBC Sport Podcasts                                                            Look on your UNIFROG Account. Go onto         It will also give you some background on
                                                                                                          Books for Young Adults.
ahead of other students also going in                                                                                                     the ‘Subjects Library’. Scroll down and to    how different organisations work and will
                                                                                                          Some Fiction, some based
September!                                                                                                                                ‘By area’. Then click onto ‘Humanities and    provide you with the knowledge and skills
                                                                                                          on real life events.
                                                                                                                                          Social Sciences’ and take a look at any of    you can apply to your own work or
                                                                                                                                          the jobs that interest you!                   volunteering, as well as to your everyday
            Use your UNIFROG Account                       Use the Personality Quiz tool    Click the link below:
            to learn about the different                   on UNIFROG to find out what       Top Ten Sports Themed Books for Young
            college qualifications and the                 other people who are similar                      Adults                                     Read this article on            Click the link below:
            different levels there are.                    to you are doing for their                                                                   Inspirational People in Sport
                                                           careers.                                                                                     and how Sport has changed             Working in the Voluntary Sector
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                 Watch the Learn Lounge by                       their lives.
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                  Springpod –Inspirational Talks
                                                                                                        given by inspirational people.
‘College Qualifications and Levels                                                                                                        Click the link below:                                     Some of the examples of
                                                           Watch these TED Talks to                                                                                                                 different career paths you
explained -England’                                                                                                                       12 Amazing recent Sports Stories that you
                                                           inspire you about                                                                                                                        could follow are:
                                                                                            Football Fantasy: How I went from School                should know about
Follow this up with continuing to read in                  Government Innovation and
                                                           Technology                       straight into Professional Football                                                         Outdoor Activities Instructor, or work in a
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                                                                                  Take a look at The
                                                                                            Click the link below:                                                                       Children’s Activity Centre. You could train
                                               Take a scroll through these 5 Ted speakers                                                                Careerometer Widget            to be a Lifeguard or a Gym Instructor, a
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’
                                               and see how they are changing                         A talk by Paul Robinson                                                            Coach, Commentator, Development
Consider your future education path after
                                               Government Innovation –and the world-              Former professional footballer                                                        Officer, Nutritionist, Physiotherapist,
finishing your course at College.                                                                                                           Click the links below to
                                               through Technology.                                                                          allow you to compare the different          Referee, Sports Scientist, Sports
                                                                                                                                            career choices in the UK.                   Psychologist, or an Umpire.
                                               Click the link below:
            Government and Public                                                                                                                                                       By following the Public Services pathway
            Services Quiz                          5 TED Talks to Inspire Government                                                               The Careerometer Widget              you will gain many of the necessary skills to
            How many things do you                     Innovation & Technology                                                                                                          apply to the Armed and Uniformed
            know? Put yourself to the                                                                                                                                                   Services.
            test with this quiz!
                                                               Year 11 Transition Activities for students                                                                               Search these different types of jobs using
                                                                                                                                                                                        your UNIFROG account.

                                                                                going to
     Click on the link to take the quiz:
   Government and Public Services Quiz                                                                                                                                                  Go to the Careers Library and scroll down
                                                                                                                                                                                        to the section ‘By Career Area’ and take a

                                                                  Sport and Public Service Courses                                                                                      look at the following sections that are
                                                                                                                                                                                        applicable to you:
                                                                                                                                                                                        Social Services
                                                                                                                                                                                        Security and Uniformed Services
                                                                                                                                                                                        Sport, Leisure and Tourism
Use your UNIFROG Account                        10 Hospitality Podcasts to                      BBC Bitesize                                  Studying a Catering and                     Have a go at completing
            to log on from your                             Listen to in 2020!                              Hospitality is a worldwide                    Hospitality course will                     these Free Online Courses
            introductory email from your                                                                    industry which has become                     enable you to follow a                      and get some prior
            school email address.                                                                           one of the biggest                            career path that is one of                  knowledge of working in the
                                                                                                            employers in the world,          the largest employment sectors in Kent                   Catering and Hospitality
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look        We’ve put together a list of hospitality       Requiring a range of skills. Click the link    and beyond.                                              Industry sectors.
at:                                            podcasts to help you become a master at        below to see if you stand up to the test of    There is a huge demand for well-trained
                                                                                                                                                                                           Hospitality and Tourism Training, will
                                               understanding the industry in more detail      being in the Industry.                         chefs and Hospitality staff in this fast
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give                                                                                                                                               introduce you to some of the main
                                               and to have a good laugh too!                              What is Hospitality?               growing and dynamic industry which
you a quick insight on things you need to                                                                                                                                                  activities carried out in these roles.
                                                                                                                                             partners with the hospitality industry.
prepare for and what you should be doing
                                                                                                             Read these books to give                                                      Start or advance your hospitality career by
now and in your Summer holidays to get         10 Hospitality Podcasts to listen to in 2020                                                  Look on your UNIFROG Account. Go onto
                                                                                                             you an insight into the                                                       understanding essential hospitality and
ahead of other students also going in                                                                                                        the ‘Careers Library’. Scroll down and to
                                                                                                             industry. Ranging from a                                                      tourism management concepts. This
September!                                                                                                                                   ‘Search by Keyword’. Then write
                                                                                                             front desk clerk to a                                                         course uses fun and engaging lessons that
                                                                                                             seasoned hotelier.              ‘Hospitality’ and take a look at any of the
                                                                                                                                                                                           educate you on operations and
                                                                                              Click the link below:                          jobs that interest you!
            Use your UNIFROG Account                       Use the Personality Quiz tool                                                                                                   management topics in the hospitality and
            to learn about the different                   on UNIFROG to find out what         10 Books in the Hospitality Industry that                                                   tourism industry.
            college qualifications and the                 other people who are similar                everyone should read                                Read the BLOG on 10 ways
            different levels there are.                    to you are doing for their                                                                      to improve your prospects in    Click the link below:
                                                           careers.                                                                                        30 days!
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                   Watch the Learn Lounge by                                                            Free Online Hospitality and Tourism
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                    Springpod –Inspirational Talks                                                                    Training
                                                                                                          given by inspirational people.
‘College Qualifications and Levels                                                                                                           Click the link below:                                     Some of the examples of
                                                           Watch these TED Talks to           ‘How to Build a Billion Pound Business’                                                                  different career paths you
explained -England’
                                                           inspire you about the              Entering the hospitality industry at the                   Hospitality Careers                           could follow are:
Follow this up with continuing to read in                  Hospitality Industry.              tender age of 14, Simon Esner quickly
                                                                                              worked his way up from a kitchen porter to                                                   Baker, Butcher, Cake Decorator, Food
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                                                                                     Take a look at The
                                                                                              a trained chef.                                                                              Scientist, Head Chef, Hotel Management,
                                               Take a scroll through these 8 Ted speakers                                                                   Careerometer Widget            Kitchen Porter, Patisserie Chef, Restaurant
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’                                                       As part of his careers talk on Learn Lounge,
Consider your future education path after      and listen to their experiences and            Simon talks about his inspiring                                                              Owner, and Wedding Supplier are just a
finishing your course at College.              entrepreneurial journeys.                      entrepreneurial journey and reveals what         Click the links below to                    few of the progression routes in this
                                                                                              it takes to build a billion-pound business.      allow you to compare the different          industry.
                                               Click the link below:                                                                           career choices in the UK.
                                                                                              Click the link below:                                                                        Search these different types of jobs using
            Food Hygiene Quiz                   8 TED Talks from Inspirational Hospitality                                                                                                 your UNIFROG account.
            How many things do you                            Professionals                              A talk by Simon Esner                        The Careerometer Widget
            know about food hygiene in                                                                Founder, Uncommon Sense
            the kitchen? Put yourself to                                                                                                                                                   Go to the Careers Library and scroll down
            the test with this quiz!                                                                                                                                                       to the section ‘By Career Area’ and take a

                                                               Year 11 Transition Activities for students                                                                                  look at the following sections that are
                                                                                                                                                                                           applicable to you:
                                                                                                                                                                                           Catering services
                                                                                going to
      Click on the link to take the quiz:
             Food Hygiene Quiz                                                                                                                                                             Retail Sales and Customer Service
                                                                                                                                                                                           Sport, Leisure and Tourism

                                                                  Catering and Hospitality Courses
Use your UNIFROG Account                        30 of the Best Business                         BBC Bitesize                                                                              Have a go at completing
            to log on from your                                                                             Jobs that use Business -A                   Studying a Business and
                                                            Podcasts to Listen to in                                                                                                                  these Free Online Courses
            introductory email from your                                                                    Vlogger, A business owner, A                Administration course will
                                                            2020!                                                                                                                                     and get a head start for your
            school email address.                                                                           Business Developer…there                    give you much of the                          September start!
                                                                                                            are many roles to consider.                 underpinning knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                         Explore the basics of business
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look        We’ve put together a list of Business                        Business Jobs                   you need in the modern business world.
                                                                                                                                                                                         management and discover what it means
at:                                            podcasts to help you become a master at        Jobs in Finance –Financial Adviser,
                                                                                                                                                                                         to be an effective leader with these free
                                               understanding the industry in more detail      Compliance, Accountancy…..
                                                                                                                                                                                         high- quality courses.
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give   and to have a good laugh too!                                  Finance Jobs                  Look on your UNIFROG Account. Go onto
                                                                                                                                            the ‘Careers Library’. Scroll down and to    Click the link below:
you a quick insight on things you need to
prepare for and what you should be doing                                                                                                    ‘Search by Keyword’. Then write ‘Business,    Free online Business Management Course
                                                                                                            Read about the differences
now and in your Summer holidays to get         30 of the Best Podcasts to listen to in 2020                                                 Administration or Finance’ and take a look
                                                                                                            between Finance and             at any of the jobs that interest you!
ahead of other students also going in                                                                                                                                                    This free online course will teach students
September!                                                                                                                                                                               about administrative support, including
                                                                                                                                                                                         how to get organized, manage time, how
                                                                                                                                                                                         to handle special tasks, verbal and
            Use your UNIFROG Account                       Use the Personality Quiz tool      Click the link below:
                                                                                                                                                                                         nonverbal communication skills,
            to learn about the different                   on UNIFROG to find out what           The difference between Finance and                                                      empowering yourself, working as part of a
            college qualifications and the                 other people who are similar                  Accounting explained                            Read the best Business          team of two and taking care of yourself.
            different levels there are.                    to you are doing for their                                                                    Entrepreneur BLOGs you          Click the link below:
                                                           careers.                                                                                      should be reading!
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                   Watch the Learn Lounge by
                                                                                                                                                                                               Administrative Assistant Course
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                    Springpod –Inspirational Talks
                                                                                                          given by inspirational people.     Click the link below:
‘College Qualifications and Levels                                                                                                                                                                   Some of the examples of
                                                           Watch these TED Talks to           ‘Money Talks: How to save to spend on                                                                  different career paths you
explained -England’                                                                                                                          Best Blogs for Business Entrepreneurs
                                                           inspire you about the              what you want’                                                                                         could follow are:
Follow this up with continuing to read in                  Business Industry and stir         A Financial Advisor with over 15 years of
                                                           your curiosity!                                                                                                               Students studying Administration have
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                       industry experience, Emmanuel Asuquo
                                                                                                                                                         Take a look at The              progressed to becoming Event Planners,
                                                                                              knows all about the importance of
                                               Take a scroll through these Ted speakers                                                                  Careerometer Widget             Human Resource Advisers, Legal
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’                                                       managing money. He covers crucial
                                               and listen to their experiences and                                                                                                       Secretaries, Personal Assistants, Office
Consider your future education path after                                                     financial concepts for young people to
                                               entrepreneurial journeys.                                                                                                                 Managers and Wedding Planners to name
finishing your course at College.                                                             understand if they want to live a debt-free     Click the links below to
                                                                                              life and also shares his tips on how to                                                    a few.
                                                                                                                                              allow you to compare the different         Students studying Business and AAT have
                                               Click the link below:                          manage your finances better as a student.       career choices in the UK.                  progressed to careers as Accountants,
            The Business Administration           TED Talks from Inspirational Business                  Click the link below:                                                           Business Analysts, Finance Planners,
            Quiz                                              Professionals                                                                         The Careerometer Widget
                                                                                                     A talk by Emmanuel Asuquo                                                           Franchise Managers, and Marketing
            How many things do you                                                              TV Host & Financial Adviser, Channel 4                                                   Officers among others.
            know about Business
            Administration? Put yourself                                                                                                                                                 Search these different types of jobs using
            to the test with this quiz!
                                                               Year 11 Transition Activities for students                                                                                your UNIFROG account.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Go to the Careers Library and scroll down
                                                                 going to Business & Administration
      Click on the link to take the quiz:
                                                                                                                                                                                         to the section ‘By Career Area’ and take a
     The Business Administration Quiz
                                                                                                                                                                                         look at the following sections that are

                                                                                Courses                                                                                                  applicable to you:
                                                                                                                                                                                         Administrative and Clerical
                                                                                                                                                                                         Financial Services
                                                                                                                                                                                         General and Personal
                                                                                                                                                                                         Legal Services
                                                                                                                                                                                         Management and Planning
Use your UNIFROG Account                                                                                                                                                             Have a go at completing
                                                            25 of the Best Animal                          BBC Bitesize
            to log on from your                                                                                                                      Studying an Animal                          these Online Animal Care
                                                            Podcasts to Listen to in                       Jobs working with Animals
            introductory email from your                                                                                                             Management Course you                       Courses and get a head start
            school email address.                                                                                                                    will be part of an industry                 for your September start!
                                                                                                                                                     that contributes £1 Billion to   These Animal Care online courses will give
                                                                                                           Click the link below:                     the British economy.
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look         We’ve put together a list of Animal                                                                                                   you a broad overview of animal health and
                                                                                                           Jobs working with Animals
at:                                            podcasts to help you become more aware                                                                                                 care fundamentals. Perfect for individuals
                                               at of the industries concerns and success                                                                                              who are interested in veterinary nursing,
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give   stories.                                                                                                                               shelter work, or starting their own animal
you a quick insight on things you need to                                                                                                Look on your UNIFROG Account. Go onto        care business, such as dog grooming, we’ll
prepare for and what you should be doing                                                                                                 the ‘Careers Library’. Scroll down and to    help you to better understand and work
                                                                                                           Read the FREE E-Books on
now and in your Summer holidays to get         25 of the Best Animal Podcasts to listen to                                               ‘Search by Keyword’. Then write ‘Animals’    with various species and breeds.
                                                                                                           animal behavior’s and         and take a look at any of the jobs that
ahead of other students also going in                            in 2020                                   management from the link      interest you!
September!                                                                                                                                                                            By the end of these courses, you’ll be able
                                                                                                                                                                                      to interpret animal psychology and
                                                                                             Click the link below:                                                                    behaviours, communicate using animal
            Use your UNIFROG Account                       Use the Personality Quiz tool                                                                                              body language, recognize health problems,
            to learn about the different                   on UNIFROG to find out what           FREE E-Books on Animals and Pets                                                     create feeding schedules and diets, and
            college qualifications and the                 other people who are similar                                                               Read the 100 Top Animal         safely handle dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea
            different levels there are.                    to you are doing for their                                                                 websites and Blogs for          pigs, rodents, reptiles, birds and fish.
                                                           careers.                                                                                   Animal Lovers in 2020!          Click the link below:
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                  Watch the Learn Live show on
                                                                                                                                                                                              Online Animal Care Courses
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                   Apprenticeships in the Animal
                                                                                                         and Plant Agency.                Click the link below:
‘College Qualifications and Levels                                                                                                                                                                Some of the examples of
                                                           Watch these TED Talks to          This live event focused on the                                                                       different career paths you
explained -England’                                                                                                                      The Top 100 Websites & Blogs for Animal
                                                           inspire you about the Animal      apprenticeship programme at Animal &                       Lovers                                    could follow are:
Follow this up with continuing to read in                  Industry and stir your            Plant Health Agency. The live broadcast
                                                           curiosity!                        featured some apprentices and a recruiter                                                • Animal Boarding Assistant
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                                                                                Take a look at The             • Pet Shop Assistant
                                                                                             who shared their stories and provided
                                               Take a scroll through these Ted speakers                                                                Careerometer Widget            • Animal Trainer
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’                                                      advice on the application process.                                                       • Animal Behaviourist
                                               and listen to their experiences and                                                        Click the links below to
Consider your future education path after                                                                                                                                             • Animal Management Instructor
                                               entrepreneurial journeys.                                                                  allow you to compare the different
finishing your course at College.                                                                      Click the link below:                                                          • Animal Welfare Inspector
                                                                                                                                          career choices in the UK.
                                               Click the link below:                               Animal and Plant Management                                                        • RSPCA Inspector
                                                                                                       Apprenticeships Live                      The Careerometer Widget              • Veterinary Nurse
            The Astounding Animal Quiz            TED Talks about Animal Management                                                                                                   • Animal Conservationist
            from National Geographic.                                                                                                                                                 • Animal Keeper
            The animal kingdom is full of
            oddities and even the most
            ‘normal’ of animals can have                                                                                                                                              Search these different types of jobs using
            offbeat characteristics! Take
            this quiz and jump into the
                                                               Year 11 Transition Activities for students                                                                             your UNIFROG account.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Go to the Careers Library and scroll down
            world of animal weirdness!
                                                                                going to                                                                                              to the section ‘By Career Area’ and take a
                                                                                                                                                                                      look at the following sections that are
      Click on the link to take the quiz:
        The Astounding Animal Quiz                                  Animal Management Courses                                                                                         applicable to you:
                                                                                                                                                                                      Animals, Plants and Land
Use your UNIFROG Account                                                                                                                       Studying a Horticultural                    Have a go at completing
                                                            The Best Horticulture                              BBC Bitesize
            to log on from your                                                                                                                            Course. Do you enjoy the                    these Online Horticultural
                                                            Podcasts to Listen to in                           Apprentices working in
            introductory email from your                                                                                                                   outdoors or growing your                    Courses and get a head start
                                                            2020!                                              Horticulture
            school email address.                                                                                                             Own food? Then Studying Horticulture                     for your September start!
                                                                                                  Click the link below:                       maybe for you!                                This Land-based Sector Vocational
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look         We’ve put together a list of Horticultural        How to become an Apprentice                  You could pursue a careers in Production     Taster contains modules in: agriculture;
at:                                            podcasts to help you become more aware             Countryside Officer.                        Horticulture, Garden Design, Hard and Soft    animal care; horticulture; environment and
                                                                                                  Click the link below:                       Landscaping and Amenity Horticulture –        land management; health and safety in the
                                               of how Horticulturists use their skills and
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give   knowledge to grow plants for human                 How to become a Landscape Assistant         Look at Hadlow College’s website for more     land-based sector; careers in the land-
you a quick insight on things you need to      consumption and beautification projects.                                                       details:                                      based sector.
prepare for and what you should be doing                                                                                                      Hadlow College Horticultural Courses                 Land-based Vocational Taster
                                                                                                              Read the interesting
now and in your Summer holidays to get         The Best Horticulture Podcasts to listen to                    information about the
ahead of other students also going in                           in 2020                                                                        Also take a look on your UNIFROG             This RHS Introduction to Practical
                                                                                                              different types of
September!                                                                                                                                    Account. Go onto the ‘Careers Library’.       Horticulture is assessed by a range of
                                                                                                              Horticultural careers in the
                                                                                                                                              Scroll down and to ‘Search by subject         practical activities timetabled and
                                                                                                              many different industry
                                                                                                              sectors                         area’. Then click ‘Geography’ and take a      conducted at an RHS approved centre
            Use your UNIFROG Account                       Use the Personality Quiz tool                                                      look at any of the jobs that interest you!    throughout the qualification. Perhaps you
            to learn about the different                   on UNIFROG to find out what          Click the link below:                                                                       can have a go at these activities in your
            college qualifications and the                 other people who are similar                                                                      Great Websites for             own garden?
                                                                                                  Grow your own Career in Horticulture
            different levels there are.                    to you are doing for their                                                                        Horticultural Students             RHS Level 1 Introductory Award in
                                                           careers.                                                                                          This is a compiled list of                 Practical Horticulture
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                     Watch the YouTube Video                          sites that should aid you in
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                      from the Royal Horticultural                     your studies.
                                                                                                            Society (RHS) on how to get         Click the link below:
‘College Qualifications and Levels                           Watch this TED Talk to inspire                 into a Horticulture Career.                                                                 Some of the examples of
explained -England’                                                                                                                                                                                     different career paths you
                                                             you. Gardening is good for all                                                   Great Websites for Horticultural Students
                                                                                                This short video explains how to get into a                                                             could follow are:
                                                             of us; as individuals, families,
Follow this up with continuing to read in                                                       career that constitutes one of the UK’s
                                                             communities and global                                                                                                         •   Nursery Assistant
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                         largest industries and one that offers
                                               citizens. Sophie contends that so many of        opportunities to everyone.                                  Take a look at The              •   Garden Centre Sales Assistant
                                               our problems can be eased or even solved                                                                     Careerometer Widget             •   Assistant Gardener
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’                                                                                                                                                     •   Estate Gardener
                                               with what plants, soil, wildlife, beauty and
Consider your future education path after                                                                 Click the link below:                                                             •   Landscaper
                                               the state of nature connection can bring to
finishing your course at College.                                                                How to get into Horticulture as a Career       Click the links below to
                                               our lives. From inner peace to world peace,                                                                                                  •   Grounds Person
                                                                                                                                                allow you to compare the different          •   Landscape Contractor
                                               this is a talk that will inspire you to get
                                                                                                                                                career choices in the UK.
                                               outside, get dirty and get ready to change
            The Horticultural Trivia Quiz
                                               the world!                                                                                                                                   Search these different types of jobs using
            Did you know that several                                                                                                                  The Careerometer Widget
                                               Click the link below:                                                                                                                        your UNIFROG account.
            different areas encompass                Saving the World with Gardening!
            Horticulture including                                                                                                                                                          Go to the Careers Library and scroll down
            Oenology (Wine Making) and
            Olericulture( Vegetable
            growing) Can you guess what
                                                                Year 11 Transition activities for students                                                                                  to the section ‘By Career Area’ and take a
                                                                                                                                                                                            look at the following sections that are
                                                                                                                                                                                            applicable to you:
            the science of flower growing
            is?                                                                 going to                                                                                                    Animals, Plants and Land
                                                                                                                                                                                            Environmental Sciences
      Click on the link to find out:
        The Horticulture Trivia Quiz                                      Horticulture Courses
Use your UNIFROG Account                        The Top 15 Construction                        BBC Bitesize                               Studying a Construction                       Have a go at completing this
            to log on from your                             Industry Podcasts to Listen                    Construction is a worldwide                course will enable you to                     Free Online Course and get
            introductory email from your                    to in 2020!                                    industry. Within Kent over                 follow a career path that is                  some prior knowledge of
            school email address.                                                                          48,000 are employed in this                one of the largest                            working in the Construction
                                                                                             Area and as a priority industry for the     employment sectors in Kent and beyond.                     Industry.
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look         We’ve put together a list of the best                                                    There is a huge demand for a variety of
                                                                                             entire South East, it is expected to grow
at:                                            Construction Industry Podcasts for you to                                                 occupations, from Surveyors and Engineers
                                                                                             significantly over the next few years.                                                     Construction Management is a short
                                               follow and keep up to date with what is                    Jobs in Construction           through to the skilled construction trades
‘How to Prepare for College’. This will give                                                                                                                                            course that introduces four key topics,
                                               going on in the industry.                                                                 such as Bricklayers and Plumbing.
you a quick insight on things you need to                                                                                                                                               which gradually guide candidates though
prepare for and what you should be doing                                                                                                                                                the basics of the Construction Industry, the
                                                                                                           Take the Go Construct         Look on your UNIFROG Account. Go onto
now and in your Summer holidays to get                                                                                                                                                  responsibilities of a Construction Manager,
                                               The Top 15 Construction Podcasts to listen                  Ultimate Quiz and find out    the ‘Careers Library’. Scroll down and to
ahead of other students also going in                                                                                                                                                   how to plan for construction projects and
                                                              to in 2020                                   which construction            ‘Search by Keyword’. Then write
September!                                                                                                                                                                              so much more.
                                                                                                           personality type you are!     ‘Construction’ and take a look at any of the
                                                                                                                                         jobs that interest you!                        As one of the strongest and most
                                                                                                                                                                                        important global industries, careers in
            Use your UNIFROG Account                       Use the Personality Quiz tool     Click the link below:                                                                      construction are limitless in terms of both
            to learn about the different                   on UNIFROG to find out what             The Go Construct Ultimate Quiz                                                       scope and advancement opportunities
            college qualifications and the                 other people who are similar                                                                Read the top 10                  Click the link below:
            different levels there are.                    to you are doing for their                                                                  Construction BLOGs,                    Free Online Construction Course
                                                           careers.                                                                                    websites and influencers in
Go into the ‘Know How Library’ and look                                                                    Watch Learn Live –                          2020!
at:                                            'The Personality Quiz’ on the main page                     Construction Live 5.

‘College Qualifications and Levels                                                                                                       Click the link below:                                      Some of the examples of
                                                           Watch these TED Talks to          Think you know about construction?                                                                     different career paths you
explained -England’
                                                           inspire you about the             Watch the biggest construction broadcast          The Top 10 Construction BLOGS                        could follow are:
Follow this up with continuing to read in                  Construction Industry.            of 2020 recorded live from Emmbrook
                                                                                             School in Wokingham!                                                                       Architect, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Electrician,
the ‘Know How Library’:                                                                                                                                 Take a look at The              Labourer, Planner, Plumber and Quantity
                                               Take a scroll through 5 of the best Ted       Click the link below:                                      Careerometer Widget             Surveyor are just a few of the progression
‘College, Apprenticeship or University’
Consider your future education path after      speakers and listen to their experiences                  Construction Live 5                                                            routes in this industry.
finishing your course at College.              and entrepreneurial journeys.                                                               Click the links below to                     Search these different types of jobs using
                                                                                                                                           allow you to compare the different           your UNIFROG account.
                                               Click the link below:                                                                       career choices in the UK.
             Construction Industry Quiz         5 of the Best TED Talks from Inspirational
             Test your construction                                                                                                               The Careerometer Widget               Go to the Careers Library and scroll down
                                                        Construction Professionals
             industry knowledge! Ever                                                                                                                                                   to the section ‘By Career Area’ and take a
             wondered what the largest                                                                                                                                                  look at the following sections that are
             Construction project was?                                                                                                                                                  applicable to you:
             How long it took? Or what it
             cost? Then take the quiz
                                                               Year 11 Transition Activities for students                                                                               Construction
                                                                                                                                                                                        Manufacturing and Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                        Storage, Dispatching and Delivery
                                                                                going to
                                                                         Construction Courses
      The Construction Industry Quiz
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