Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition using sign notation systems Towards handshape identification for automatic ...

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Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition using sign notation systems Towards handshape identification for automatic ...
Philipp Achenbach, Yasmin Göksu, Timo Kullmann, Thomas Tregel, Stefan Göbel. Towards handshape identification for
                       automatic gesture recognition using sign notation systems. In Proceedings of the
                    8th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM ’21), July 2021, ISSN: 2055-7213

     Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition
                       using sign notation systems

  Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition
  using sign notation systems
  Philipp Achenbach, Yasmin Göksu, Timo Kullmann, Thomas Tregel, Stefan Göbel
  Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

  Abstract: Today, about 72 million people worldwide are speaking sign language. Since many deaf people are
  also dumb, they cannot communicate with hearing people through spoken language, even if they can lip-read.
  But sign language is difficult to learn, and more than 300 different sign languages in the world make things even
  more challenging. Therefore, to support the learning of sign language, we want to develop a gamified learning
  app for sign language that includes automatic sign recognition. The application should provide constructive
  feedback to the user about the quality of the executed sign. Each sign could be parameterised in terms of its
  characteristic handshape and its orientation and position: the more parameters are available, the more accurate
  and detailed feedback can be provided for the user. However, the parameters must also be distinguishable from
  a technical point of view.
  In linguistics, different notation systems exist to translate signs into written form. For this, the systems
  decompose signs into their characteristic properties. We want to utilise these notation systems to reduce signs
  to parameters that are easy to measure, e.g., the hand's shape, orientation, or position. Since the sign notation
  systems originate from different fields and have different backgrounds, they also differ in their objectives and
  thus in numbers and extents of parameters and respective features, further called symbols. Therefore, there are
  systems whose notations have just enough detail to identify the meant sign and those with so much detail that
  the reader can reproduce the sign. This higher number of details is reflected in a higher number of parameters
  and symbols.
  Hence, we present eleven sign notation systems, starting by examining the handshape as the most concise
  parameter of sign language. We compare it in the context of notation systems for its suitability for our gamified
  learning app for sign language. A clear differentiation of the handshapes needed for American Sign Language is
  essential for qualitative feedback for the user. At the same time, a small number of handshapes should reduce
  the technical effort required for reliable recognition.

  Keywords: handshape identification, gesture recognition, sign language, sign notation systems, sign learning app

  1. Introduction

  1.1 Motivation
  According to the World Health Organization (2021), by 2050, more than 700 million people will have disabling
  hearing loss. Even today, more than 5% of the world's population (430 million people) need rehabilitation
  services for their hearing loss (World Health Organization, 2021). 72 million of them are deaf and use sign
  language to communicate. Some of them are able to lip-read, but they can only communicate if their
  communication partner knows sign language. The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are
  about 300 different sign languages worldwide (United Nations News, 2019). In this context, it should be
  mentioned that only 2% of deaf people receive training in sign language. This deficit already starts in childhood,
  as 72% of families with deaf children do not communicate with them in sign language (Waterfield, 2019). Hence,
  because of this difficult communication, children with hearing loss or deafness often do not receive lessons in
  developing countries, as the World Health Organization (2021) reported recently. Affected adults are often
  unemployed or working at lower levels. This is harmful to those affected and results in an annual cost of $980

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Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition using sign notation systems Towards handshape identification for automatic ...
billion worldwide, which are 57% attributed to low- and middle-income countries. This amount includes costs in
the areas of health (excluding hearing aids), education, society, and productivity losses (World Health
Organization, 2021).
Thus, it is evident that deaf people have difficulties communicating with their environment and that there is a
need to find more effective solutions for learning sign language. For this, it is necessary to track and recognise
signs. These could be recognised as a whole, which would certainly work well for a feasibility study. However, to
be used meaningfully in the context of a learning app, the vocabulary should be similar to a dictionary, so about
5,000 different signs would have to be trained. Because of this large number, it is necessary to break down the
signs into their characteristic components. This is already done by notation systems for sign language, which
transfer the signs into a written form. An analysis of these notational systems could therefore help examine the
structure of signs.

1.2 Goal
To provide better communication between the deaf and the hearing, we aim to develop a gamified learning app
for sign language that includes automatic sign recognition. The learning app provides qualitative feedback about
the executed sign: The user should perform a gesture that is recognised by the application. The application then
reports whether the gesture task was performed correctly, further considering and differentiating aspects such
as handshape or movement. This way, the user learns which elements of the sign were executed correctly or
require improvement. This qualitative feedback is intended to facilitate the learning of sign language.
For this, we investigate the parameters into which a gesture can be divided and the parameters' possible values
(from now on called symbols) to identify gestures of American Sign Language (ASL). They should be chosen to
be able to recognise all (one-handed) signs of ASL. We assume that recognising two-handed signs is feasible by
combining the sign recognition procedure for each hand separately. For this parameterisation, we utilise sign
notation systems as they use parameterisation to convert signs into a written form. The readability of a sign
notation system increases when it uses more parameters. This results since many parameters indicate that we
obtain many details of a sign from a written word in the notation system. On the other hand, many symbols also
indicate that the notation system gives good feedback from a written sign to its corresponding sign. On the
technical side, we want our recognition system to have a high precision by using a notation system using fewer
symbols since classifying accuracy increases with fewer symbols. The challenge here is to find a notation system
with enough parameters and symbols to accurately identify signs through the unique combination of
parameters/symbols. At the same time, it should give qualitative feedback to the user but does not provide
unnecessary detail that could make technical recognition and differentiation difficult.
Therefore, in this paper, we want to introduce different sign notation systems and start by examining the
handshape as the most concise parameter of sign language.

2. Background
American Sign Language (ASL) and other sign languages play a huge role in the life of the deaf. According to SIL
International (2021), there are about 459,850 native speakers of ASL, which according to various dictionaries,
consists of up to 5,000 signs (Stokoe, Casterline and Croneberg, 1976; Sternberg and Sternberg, 1998; Tennant,
Gluszak and Brown, 1998; Costello, 1999; Valli, 2006). So it can take multiple years to become a fluent speaker
of sign language. To increase inclusion, we need to find a way to make sign language as accessible as possible.
Hence, research of sign languages and their structures is needed. Until 1960 sign language was not recognised
as a complete language because of missing linguistic research. Sign language was said to be less precise, flexible
and subtle than spoken language. William C. Stokoe was then the first linguist who was able to prove that ASL
uses a so-called phonological or sublexical structure. This means that signs in ASL get different meanings due to
differentiable structural elements, as can be seen in Figure 1 (David F. Armstrong, Michael A. Karchmer and John
Vickrey Van Cleve, 2002).
Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition using sign notation systems Towards handshape identification for automatic ...
Figure 1: Meaning and effect of parameter changes using simple hand gestures as examples: (1) Victory
gesture, (2) insult gesture (change of palm orientation), (3) swear gesture (change of handshape). (4) fingers as
an embodiment of rabbit ears (change of position in gesture space) (Fricke and Bressem, 2020).

For a better understanding, we define a parameter of a sign notation system to be a meaning altering
characteristic of a sign, e.g. the handshape. A parameter has configurations (called symbols) that describe the
state of the parameter. Every sign can be characterised by a combination of these symbols. Since every change
in a symbol of a parameter alters the meaning of a sign, one state of a parameter describes a phoneme. A
phoneme is "one of the smallest units of speech that make one word different from another word" (Cambridge
University Press, no date). Examples for different phonemes are the vowels i in pin and a in pan. On the opposite,
we define a symbol in a sign notation system to be a grapheme of the sign notation system. A grapheme is "the
smallest unit in a system of writing a language that can express a difference in sound or meaning" (Cambridge
University Press, no date). A phoneme can correspond to multiple graphemes. Examples of this are the sounds
of ee in see and ey in key, which correspond to the same phoneme, but different graphemes (Adam
Szczegielniak, 2013).

3. Notation Systems
A sign notation system is a writeable set of characters that provides a readable presentation of signs. Sign
notation systems use parameters as a way to categorise elements of a sign and make them differentiable. An
example of a parameter in sign language is the sign's handshape. Symbols in a sign notation system represent a
configuration of a parameter or a subset. In Figure 2, you can see several examples of different parameters and
symbols of various sign notation systems.

Figure 2: Example words with their respective representatives for the sign notation systems examined in this
paper (ASL Font, 2013; 'Brief Comparison of ASL Writing Systems', 2021; Sample Words - ASLSJ, 2021; Sign
Language IPA, 2021; Grushkin, 2017).

Notation systems differ in which parameters are considered based on priorities, goals of the system and the
current state of the science. Also, different symbol sets may be used by different notation systems. Different
notation systems use different names for parameters and symbols, like aspects (Stokoe, Casterline and
Croneberg, 1976) and graphemes (Supalla, McKee and Cripps, 2014). Table 1 gives an overview of the notation
systems for ASL examined in this paper, starting with Stokoe 1960. There are several more sign notation systems
like Sign Language Phonetic Annotation (1989) and Prosodic Model Handshape Coding (2008) that have not been
further examined here (Hochgesang, 2014).
Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition using sign notation systems Towards handshape identification for automatic ...
Table 1: Overview of sign notation systems examined in this paper. 1 actual number of handshapes may be
increased by combinations with other parameters or features, 2 second number corresponds to the number of
handshapes for ASL (for international notation systems).

      System           Stokoe Notation      SignWriting     HamNoSys       SignFont     ASL-phabet    ASLO
      Year                1960/1965            1974            1985          1987        The 1990s    1997
      Parameters             3/4                 5               5             5             3          6
      Symbols               55/64               672             210           272           32         n.a.
      Handshapes1            39               255/832        200+/n.a.2      125+           22         46+
      Language               ASL           International   International      ASL           ASL        ASL
      Pictorial              No                 Yes             Yes           Yes           Yes        No

                 System          Si5s/ASLwrite         SLIPA       ASLSJ   SignScript    ASLFont
                 Year              2003/2011           2005        2009       2010        2013
                 Parameters            5                 5           9           5          7
                 Symbols              105               n.a.        n.a.       131         n.a.
                 Handshapes1          65+            54+/n.a.2      59+         46         51
                 Language             ASL          International    ASL        ASL         ASL
                 Pictorial            Yes               No          No         Yes         Yes

3.1 Stokoe (1960 / 1965)
William C. Stokoe designed the Stokoe Notation System in its first iteration in 1960. The goal was to enable
linguistic research of ASL. The first iteration began with 55 Symbols grouped into three parameters first
mentioned in the book "A dictionary of American Sign Language on linguistic principles" by Stokoe et al. (Stokoe,
1960; Stokoe, Casterline and Croneberg, 1976). Stokoe created the system with three parameters and 55
symbols (Martin, 2000).
Tab (Tabula) is the first parameter and describes the location of where the sign is performed. There are 12
symbols for Tab. Dez (Designator) is the second parameter, describing the handshape at the beginning of
performing the sign. There are 19 symbols for Dez. Sig (Signation) is the third parameter and is used to describe
the movement of the hand during the sign. There are 24 symbols for Sig.
In 1965 Stokoe extended his notation system by introducing a fourth parameter describing the hand's
orientation with nine additional symbols. Multiple symbols in the order mentioned above can be used to
describe a single sign. Non-manual features of a sign, which are parts of the body language like mouth or
eyebrow position or direction of view, are not represented.

3.2 SignWriting (1974)
SignWriting is a notation system with its origin in DanceWriting developed by Valerie Sutton. The University of
Copenhagen used DanceWriting, a notation system of pictorial symbols to document dance moves, as a base to
create a notation system for research on human movements. After further development by Sutton in 1974,
SignWriting was created with its specialisation in representing sign language (Sutton and Frost, 2008). The
system can be used for writing down signs from an expressive or receptive viewpoint, where the expressive
viewpoint is standard (Sutton, 2014). Focus is on an easy to read and very pictorial way of transcribing signs.
SignWriting consists of five parameters with 672 symbols: movements, handshapes, locations, orientations, and
non-manual properties (Martin, 2000). Movements can be divided into starting locations, movement actions
and end locations. Symbols can be combined very freely to allow for all possible signs in all known sign languages.
Also unique in SignWriting is a parallel representation, while in other notation systems, symbols are written
down in a sequence, signs in SignWriting are written as a literal representation of a performed sign with symbols
representing the real relative locations in space. Overall, SignWriting allows for near unlimited possible
combinations and introduces huge complexity and ensures an easy-to-read notation system for human readers.
Towards handshape identification for automatic gesture recognition using sign notation systems Towards handshape identification for automatic ...
3.3 HamNoSys (1984)
The Hamburg Sign Language Notation System (HamNoSys) was developed at the University of Hamburg in 1984.
HamNoSys has its roots in the Stokoe Notation but is applicable for all known sign languages and not only ASL,
therefore being an international system. In addition, HamNoSys aims to provide a compromise between
complexity and ease of use. Complexity is increased using a formal syntax but also kept down by providing
options to reduce notation length. On the other hand, a formal syntax, combined with iconicity, also improves
ease of use and readability. This system also has great integration into computer systems and allows for
adaption, extension, and further development for specific needs. HamNoSys consists of three parts to describe
signs, which are five parameters and about 210 symbols.
The starting location is the first part, including four of the five parameters. Those are the location, shape and
orientation of the hand performing the sign. Additionally, non-manual features are described. The second part
is performed actions. These are the fifth parameter, describing how the starting location is being changed.
Actions can include internal movements of the hand or path movements. Multiple actions can be performed in
sequence or parallel. Repetitions can be defined as well. The third part is symmetry which includes a description
of how the second hand copies the actions of the dominant hand. Otherwise, actions can be defined for both
hands separately.
HamNoSys restricts the description of non-manual features of a sign to a limited number of symbols to keep
complexity down, but each body part can be assigned with actions just like the hand to describe their movements
if more details are needed. HamNoSys is available in Unicode (Hanke, 2004).

3.4 SignFont (1987)
SignFont is a notation system for ASL created in 1987 by Don Newkirk. It has 272 symbols with five parameters.
Those include handshape, contact region and location, definable for both hands, and movements. In addition,
there is a parameter for non-manual movements. SignFont was used as a basis for developing the ASL-phabet.
The SignFont homepage has unfortunately been offline since 2002 and is only accessible via the web archive
(ASL Font, 2013; ScriptSource - SignFont Notation, 2021).

3.5 ASL-phabet (the 1990s)
Samuel Supalla created ASL-phabet in the 1990s as a language for teaching Deaf children the principles of using
an alphabet. The aim is to improve understanding of spoken languages and their alphabets (Supalla, McKee and
Cripps, 2014). The most significant difference of ASL-phabet in comparison to other notation systems is the
associative approach. Symbols do not have a pictorial meaning but are associated with specific meaning, which
needs the context of other symbols around it in a sign. Therefore, it works like alphabets of spoken languages,
as it does not provide explanations on how to perform a sign but rather create an association to the correct
performance in the context of a group of symbols representing a sign. ASL-phabet consists of three parameters
with 32 symbols. The symbols represent graphemes.
The handshape is the first parameter with 22 symbols. Secondly, there is the location with five symbols: the
forehead, mouth/chin, upper chest, stationary arm, and area in front of the body. The last parameter is
movements with five symbols, three of those for the three axes in space, one for circular and one for internal
Signs can be represented with up to six symbols, but each parameter must be included with at least one symbol.
Parameters appear in the order as listed above. There can be up to two handshapes, one location and up to
three movement symbols (Supalla, McKee and Cripps, 2014). Because of the small number of symbols and the
associative approach, there is a lot of ambiguity in ASL-phabet (Eiffert, 2012). Unfortunately, the homepage of
ASL-phabet is offline, and the domain is for sale ( is for sale, 2021).

3.6 ASL Orthography (1997)
ASL Orthography (ASLO) is an unfinished idea for a notation system created by ASL student and computer-
programmer Travis Low in 1997. The system was supposed to use ASCII characters and have six parameters.
Those are location type, orientation, handshape, quality, location, and motion. The parameters are used in this
order for both the dominant and the non-dominant hand (ASL Font, 2013). Unfortunately, the homepage of ASL
Orthography is now an empty WordPress blog ('Dawnstar Blog – Just another WordPress site', 2018).
3.7 si5s (2003) / ASLwrite (2011)
Si5s was developed in 2003 by Robert Arnold and presented to the public first in 2010 at the Deaf Nation World
Expo in Las Vegas. The system aims to provide a way of having written representations of ASL. A year later, in
2011, because of differences in the opinion about how to continue the project, ASLwrite split off as the Open-
Source alternative. Because of their origin, both notation systems have the same structure. They consist of five
parameters and 105 symbols. Unfortunately, si5s is no longer available and also ASLWrite homepage is currently
in maintenance mode (, 2021;, no date).
There are 67 symbols for handshapes, called digibet. The second parameter, diacritics, describes internal
movements of the hand. External movements are summarised in the third parameter. The fourth parameter is
the location where the sign is performed. The last parameter is used to describe non-manual features of a sign
with 16 different symbols.
The order of the parameters is not strictly defined, and not every parameter is needed in each representation
of a sign (Clark, 2012). Since ASLwrite is an Open-Source project, it has the potential for modifications for
different needs.

3.8 Sign Language IPA (2005)
Sign Language IPA (SLIPA) was developed in 2005 by linguist David J. Peterson. SLIPA has five parameters:
handshape, location, movements, non-manual features, and symbols for representing two-handed signs. A
special feature of SLIPA is the possibility to create indices for easy referencing of previously written signs. Also,
SLIPA uses ASCII and Unicode and is therefore well integrated into computer systems (ASL Font, 2013; Peterson,
no date).

3.9 ASL Sign Jotting (2009)
Thomas Stone developed ASL Sign Jotting (ASLSJ) in 2009. This notation system focuses on making it possible to
quickly writing down signs. The consequence of this is that the accuracy of representations has lower priority
(Hutchinson, 2012). ASLSJ uses ASCII symbols like SLIPA with the same benefit. There are nine parameters:
handshape, handshape of the non-dominant hand, location, palm orientation, distance or contact, movements,
ending handshape, non-manual features, and a parameter to show repetition. ASLSJ also allows for simple
spelling of words by using the manual alphabet for ASL (Stone, no date).

3.10 SignScript (2010)
SignScript was developed in 2010 by Donald Grushkin and is a notation system for ASL for public use. It consists
of five parameters with 131 symbols. The parameters are handshape (46), palm orientation (5), location (12),
movements (39) of the hand and non-manual features (29) (ASL Font, 2013). They appear in the representation
of a sign in the order as listed before (Goyal, 2015).

3.11 Symbol Font for ASL (2013)
Symbol Font for ASL (ASLFont) is a notation system for writing ASL online. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use
system with great integration into computer systems. There are seven parameters. Those are handshapes (51),
orientation (24), location, relative location, contact, movement, and non-manual features. Handshapes are
mapped to keys on the keyboard, with numbers being numbers and lowercase letters being the equivalent in
the finger alphabet. Capital letters are mapped with additional handshapes. Directions, orientation, and some
other symbols, which create new meanings for other symbols if put in context, are mapped to special characters
on the keyboard (ASL Font, 2013).

4. Comparison & Discussion
Our goal is to recognise ASL signs on a technical basis. For this purpose, we want to decompose the signs into
their characteristic features (parameters). To further specify, we first precisely define the selected vocabulary.
Therefore, we consider two sources: First, we investigate the book Concise American Sign Language Dictionary
(Costello, 1999), describing 4,500 different ASL signs. Second, we examine the American Manual Alphabet,
shown in Figure 3 on the left side, which is one-handed in ASL. It is necessary to represent words that are not
available as signs, e.g., names or places (Costello, 1999). Therefore, it is indispensable for everyday
Figure 3: American Manual Alphabet, also known as finger alphabet, used for fingerspelling (left) and
additional used handshapes in Concise American Sign Language Dictionary (Costello, 1999).

The handshape is certainly a sign's most characteristic parameter. Looking at the finger alphabet, for example,
we see that most of the 26 signs differ only in the shape of the hand. Few signs vary by orientation (h and u, k
and p, g and q), and only two signs are moved and thus differentiate from their equivalent handshapes (j to i
and z to d). The dictionary we studied uses nine additionally handshapes (Figure 3, right side). These, plus the
remaining 21 handshapes from the finger alphabet, lead to 30 different handshapes that need to be recognised
and differentiated.
Table 2 shows these handshapes for all the notation systems we have presented. We have outlined all symbols
that are used more than once by a notation system. This implies that our approach would not be able to
distinguish between these handshapes, and thus, the learning app would not be able to give qualitative feedback
here. As demonstrated, there are duplications of the symbols in Stokoe, ASL-phabet, ASLSJ and SignScript, which
is why they are not recommended for our approach. In comparison, the other notation systems show sufficient
details to differentiate between the required handshapes. As shown in Table 1, SignWriting, HamNoSys and
SignFont have a high number of different handshapes, leading to a higher technical effort in the later data
acquisition and classification. The remaining ASL Orthography, si5s/ASLwrite, SLIPA and ASLFont have enough
different handshapes (46 to 65) to recognise all 30 handshapes we require. It should be emphasised that SLIPA
is the only notation system that can be used internationally. Furthermore, it is (currently) exceptionally
challenging to obtain further information regarding si5s/ASLWrite and ASL Orthography.
As a result, we deem SLIPA and ASLFont are particularly well-suited for our approach. In future work, however,
we would like to investigate further parameters such as location, orientation and movement and also consider
these in our evaluation.

5. Conclusion
In this paper, we have presented and compared in detail eleven sign notation systems. Each of these systems
is able to parameterise ASL signs but uses a different number of parameters and parameter values (symbols).
We examined the handshape as probably the most specific parameter of sign language and compared the
handshape symbols of the notation systems. With these, we wanted to clearly distinguish a given set of 30
handshapes used in ASL. Four of the notation systems could not clearly distinguish the handshapes because
they used the same symbol for several handshapes. Three other notation systems could clearly distinguish the
handshapes but had a very high number of symbols, which we wanted to prevent for technical reasons. Of the
remaining four notation systems, two were unfortunately no longer available. The two notation systems Sign
Language IPA (SLIPA) and Symbol Font for ASL (ASLFont), were the most suitable for our project. In the future,
we want to investigate more parameters to find out which sign notation system is best suited to parameterise
ASL signs and serve as the basis for an ASL Learning App.

Table 2: Comparison of symbols of different notation systems for all handshapes we require for our approach.
Bordered fields indicate multiple uses of the same symbol (Stokoe, Casterline and Croneberg, 1976; ASL Font,
¹: Stokoe special feature for extended thumb (or another non-prominent finger)
²: Stokoe special feature for bent fingers
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